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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sound Extraction of Control-Flow Graphs from open Java Bytecode Systems

de Carvalho Gomes, Pedro, Picoco, Attilio January 2012 (has links)
Formal verification techniques have been widely deployed as means to ensure the quality of software products. Unfortunately, they suffer with the combinatorial explosion of the state space. That is, programs have a large number of states, sometimes infinite. A common approach to alleviate the problem is to perform the verification over abstract models from the program. Control-flow graphs (CFG) are one of the most common models, and have been widely studied in the past decades. Unfortunately, previous works over modern programming languages, such as Java, have either neglected features that influence the control-flow, or do not provide a correctness argument about the CFG construction. This is an unbearable issue for formal verification, where soundness of CFGs is a mandatory condition for the verification of safety-critical properties. Moreover, one may want to extract CFGs from the available components of an open system. I.e., a system whose at least one of the components is missing. Soundness is even harder to achieve in this scenario, because of the unknown inter-dependences between software components. In the current work we present a framework to extract control-flow graphs from open Java Bytecode systems in a modular fashion. Our strategy requires the user to provide interfaces for the missing components. First, we present a formal definition of open Java bytecode systems. Next, we generalize a previous algorithm that performs the extraction of CFGs for closed programs to a modular set-up. The algorithm uses the user-provided interfaces to resolve inter-dependences involving missing components. Eventually the missing components will arrive, and the open system will become closed, and can execute. However, the arrival of a component may affect the soundness of CFGs which have been extracted previously. Thus, we define a refinement relation, which is a set of constraints upon the arrival of components, and prove that the relation guarantees the soundness of CFGs extracted with the modular algorithm. Therefore, the control-flow safety properties verified over the original CFGs still hold in the refined model. We implemented the modular extraction framework in the ConFlEx tool. Also, we have implemented the reusage from previous extractions, to enable the incremental extraction of a newly arrived component. Our technique performs substantial over-approximations to achieve soundness. Despite this, our test cases show that ConFlEx is efficient. Also, the extraction of the CFGs gets considerable speed-up by reusing results from previous analyses. / <p>QC 20121029</p> / Verification of Control-Flow Properties of Programs with Procedures(CVPP)

Teacher Perceptions of School Breakfast Programs in Utah

Krueger, Emily Breanne 01 August 2017 (has links)
The objective of this study was to identify differences in teacher perceptions of benefits, challenges, and preferences to different School Breakfast Program (SBP) service models. A survey instrument was developed, pilot tested, and then distributed electronically to K-12 teachers throughout the state of Utah, who were part of the Utah Education Association. Demographics and factors influencing SBP models in Utah were gathered. Frequencies and ANOVA tests were performed and a significance level of <0.01 was chosen to protect for multiple comparisons. Results indicated that traditional breakfast was the most preferred model with a mean score of 2.80 and breakfast in the classroom was the least preferred model by teachers with a mean of -1.32. Children not going hungry was identified as the greatest benefit (95.4%, n=352) to SBP and food waste was identified as the greatest challenge (45.8%, n=168). This study concluded that increased awareness and education amongst teachers regarding different models of SBP service could lead to increased efficiency, increased participation in SBP, decreased costs, decreased food waste, and increased academic performance and health benefits for students.

Automatic Extraction of Program Models for Formal Software Verification

de Carvalho Gomes, Pedro January 2015 (has links)
In this thesis we present a study of the generation of abstract program models from programs in real-world programming languages that are employed in the formal verification of software. The thesis is divided into three parts, which cover distinct types of software systems, programming languages, verification scenarios, program models and properties.The first part presents an algorithm for the extraction of control flow graphs from sequential Java bytecode programs. The graphs are tailored for a compositional technique for the verification of temporal control flow safety properties. We prove that the extracted models soundly over-approximate the program behaviour w.r.t. sequences of method invocations and exceptions. Therefore, the properties that are established with the compositional technique over the control flow graphs also hold for the programs. We implement the algorithm as ConFlEx, and evaluate the tool on a number of test cases.The second part presents a technique to generate program models from incomplete software systems, i.e., programs where the implementation of at least one of the components is not available. We first define a framework to represent incomplete Java bytecode programs, and extend the algorithm presented in the first part to handle missing code. Then, we introduce refinement rules, i.e., conditions for instantiating the missing code, and prove that the rules preserve properties established over control flow graphs extracted from incomplete programs. We have extended ConFlEx to support the new definitions, and re-evaluate the tool, now over test cases of incomplete programs.The third part addresses the verification of multithreaded programs. We present a technique to prove the following property of synchronization with condition variables: "If every thread synchronizing under the same condition variables eventually enters its synchronization block, then every thread will eventually exit the synchronization". To support the verification, we first propose SyncTask, a simple intermediate language for specifying synchronized parallel computations. Then, we propose an annotation language for Java programs to assist the automatic extraction of SyncTask programs, and show that, for correctly annotated programs, the above-mentioned property holds if and only if the corresponding SyncTask program terminates. We reduce the termination problem into a reachability problem on Coloured Petri Nets. We define an algorithm to extract nets from SyncTask programs, and show that a program terminates if and only if its corresponding net always reaches a particular set of dead configurations. The extraction of SyncTask programs and their translation into Petri nets is implemented as the STaVe tool. We evaluate the technique by feeding annotated Java programs to STaVe, then verifying the extracted nets with a standard Coloured Petri Net analysis tool / Den här avhandlingen studerar automatisk konstruktion av abstrakta modeller för formell verifikation av program skrivna i verkliga programmeringsspråk. Avhandlingen består av tre delar som involverar olika typer av program, programmeringsspråk, verifikationsscenarier, programmodeller och egenskaper.Del ett presenterar en algoritm för generation av flödesgrafer från sekventiella program i Java bytekod. Graferna är skräddarsydda för en kompositionell teknik för verifikationen av temporala kontrollflödens säkerhetsegenskaper. Vi visar att de extraherade modellerna sunt överapproximerar programbeteenden med avseende på sekvenser av metodanrop och -undantag. Således gäller egenskaperna som kan fastställas genom kompositionstekniken över kontrollflöden även för programmen. Vi implementerar dessutom algoritmen i form av verktyget ConFlEx och utvärderar verktyget på ett antal testfall.Del två presenterar en teknik för att generera modeller av ofullständiga program. Det vill säga, program där implementationen av åtminstone en komponent inte är tillgänglig. Vi definierar ett ramverk för att representera ofullständiga Java bytekodsprogram och utökar algoritmen från del ett till att hantera ofullständig kod.  Därefter presenterar vi raffineringsregler - villkor för att instansiera den saknade koden - och bevisar att reglerna bevarar relevanta egenskaper av kontrollflödesgrafer. Vi har dessutom utökat ConFlEx till att stödja de nya definitionerna och har omvärderat verktyget på testfall av ofullständiga program.Del tre angriper verifikation av multitrådade program. Vi presenterar en teknik för att bevisa följande egenskap för synkronisering med vilkorsvariabler: "Om varje trådsynkronisering under samma villkor så småningom stiger in i sitt synkroniseringsblock så kommer varje tråd också till slut lämna synkroniseringen". För att stödja verifikationen så introducerar vi först SyncTask - ett enkelt mellanliggande språk för att specificera synkronisering av parallella beräkningar. Därefter presenterar vi ett annoteringsspråk för Java som tillåter automatisk extrahering av SyncTask-program och visar att egenskapen gäller om och endast om motsvarande SyncTask-program terminerar. Vi reducerar termineringsproblemet till ett nåbarhetsproblem på färgade Petrinät samt definierar en algoritm som skapar Petrinät från SyncTask-program där programmet terminerar om och endast om nätet alltid når en särskild mängd av döda konfigurationer. Extraktionen av SyncTask-program och deras motsvarande Petrinät är implementerade i form av verktyget STaVe.  Slutligen utvärderar vi verktyget genom att mata annoterade. / <p>QC 20151101</p>

Sound Modular Extraction of Control Flow Graphs from Java Bytecode

de Carvalho Gomes, Pedro January 2012 (has links)
Control flow graphs (CFGs) are abstract program models that preserve the control flow information. They have been widely utilized for many static analyses in the past decades. Unfortunately, previous studies about the CFG construction from modern languages, such as Java, have either neglected advanced features that influence the control flow, or do not provide a correctness argument. This is a bearable issue for some program analyses, but not for formal methods, where the soundness of CFGs is a mandatory condition for the verification of safety-critical properties. Moreover, when developing open systems, i.e., systems in which at least one component is missing, one may want to extract CFGs to verify the available components. Soundness is even harder to achieve in this scenario, because of the unknown inter-dependencies involving missing components. In this work we present two variants of a CFG extraction algorithm from Java bytecode considering precise exceptional flow, which are sound w.r.t to the JVM behavior. The first algorithm extracts CFGs from fully-provided (closed) programs only. It proceeds in two phases. Initially the Java bytecode is translated into a stack-less intermediate representation named BIR, which provides explicit representation of exceptions, and is more compact than the original bytecode. Next, we define the transformation from BIR to CFGs, which, among other features, considers the propagation of uncaught exceptions within method calls. We then establish its correctness: the behavior of the extracted CFGs is shown to be a sound over-approximation of the behavior of the original programs. Thus, temporal safety properties that hold for the CFGs also hold for the program. We prove this by suitably combining the properties of the two transformations with those of a previous idealized CFG extraction algorithm, whose correctness has been proven directly. The second variant of the algorithm is defined for open systems. We generalize the extraction algorithm for closed systems for a modular set-up, and resolve inter-dependencies involving missing components by using user-provided interfaces. We establish its correctness by defining a refinement relation between open systems, which constrains the instantiation of missing components. We prove that if the relation holds, then the CFGs extracted from the components of the original open system are sound over-approximations of the CFGs for the same components in the refined system. Thus, temporal safety properties that hold for an open system also hold for closed systems that refine it. We have implemented both algorithms as the ConFlEx tool. It uses Sawja, an external library for the static analysis of Java bytecode, to transform bytecode into BIR, and to resolve virtual method calls. We have extended Sawja to support open systems, and improved its exception type analysis. Experimental results have shown that the algorithm for closed systems generates more precise CFGs than the modular algorithm. This was expected, due to the heavy over-approximations the latter has to perform to be sound. Also, both algorithms are linear in the number of bytecode instructions. Therefore, ConFlEx is efficient for the extraction of CFGs from either open, or closed Java bytecode programs. / <p>QC 20121122</p>

Synthesizing Software from a ForSyDe Model Targeting GPGPUs

Hjort Blindell, Gabriel January 2012 (has links)
Today, a plethora of parallel execution platforms are available. One platform in particular is the GPGPU – a massively parallel architecture designed for exploiting data parallelism. However, GPGPUS are notoriously difficult to program due to the way data is accessed and processed, and many interconnected factors affect the performance. This makes it an exceptionally challengingtask to write correct and high-performing applications for GPGPUS. This thesis project aims to address this problem by investigating how ForSyDe models – a software engineering methodology where applications are modeled at a very high level of abstraction – can be synthesized into CUDA C code for execution on NVIDIA CUDA-enabled graphics cards. The report proposes a software synthesis process which discovers one type of potential data parallelism in a model and generates either pure C or CUDA C code. A prototype of the software synthesis component has also been implemented and tested on models derived from two applications – a Mandelbrot generator and an industrial-scale image processor. The synthesized CUDA code produced in the tests was shown to be both correct and efficient, provided there was enough computation complexity in the processes to amortize the overhead cost of using the GPGPU.

Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts: An Exploration of Family Home Visiting Programs Involving both Volunteer and Paid Visitors

Donovan, Maura Katherine 25 November 2011 (has links)
The goal of this international study was to gain insight into a little-known approach to family home visiting: programs that make use of both volunteer and paid visitors. Using a qualitative embedded multiple case study design, I interviewed volunteers and staff at three such programs regarding the development of the service, and the strengths and challenges of this approach. Key findings suggest that this approach allows programs to provide preventative, universally available services; and to serve a greater number and broader range of families. These were important features given the local targeted, reactive service delivery systems. Common challenges included funding difficulties and some limited communication and workload issues. This approach shows promise as a way to increase program accessibility and impact. Considerations for program planners include the costs of qualified staff to coordinate volunteers and do home visiting, and organizational readiness to deploy volunteers effectively in home visiting roles. / A preliminary exploratory study of three family home visiting programs involving volunteer and paid home visitors.

From reactionary to responsive: Applying the internal environmental scan protocol to lifelong learning strategic planning and operational model selection.

Downing, David, L. 05 1900 (has links)
This study describes and implements a necessary preliminary strategic planning procedure, the Internal Environmental Scanning (IES), and discusses its relevance to strategic planning and university-sponsored lifelong learning program model selection. Employing a qualitative research methodology, a proposed lifelong learning-centric IES process based on Bryson's (2004) strategic planning model was tested at a large public university in the American Southwest with the intention of both refining the IES process for general use in the field as well as providing a set of useable reference documents for strategic planners at that university. The prototype lifelong learning IES process as tested proved to be highly effective in identifying and categorizing previously unrecognized lifelong learning programming and organizational structures and, was reasonably efficient in process execution. Lessons learned from the application of the prototype lifelong learning IES procedure led to the development of a revised scanning procedure. This revised procedure is considered more reliable and can be accomplished by a single investigator in as little as 35 production hours, providing a detailed snapshot of the total university lifelong learning system and a point of departure for the larger strategic planning effort.

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