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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Um modelo para o planejamento agregado da produção e distribuição, com múltiplas localidades e produção em dois estágios. / A two-stage multi-site aggreagate production and distribution planning model for a continuous cement manufacturing process.

Proto, Luiz Otavio Zavalloni 04 September 2006 (has links)
As atividades de planejamento de médio prazo (nível tático) são especialmente importantes em empresas de manufatura, visto que tratam do dimensionamento dos recursos produtivos (recursos humanos, materiais, equipamentos, instalações, etc) , que terá impacto na capacidade de atendimento da demanda e nos resultados operacionais da empresa. Este trabalho apresenta um modelo de Planejamento Agregado da Produção e Distribuição para aplicação em empresas do setor cimenteiro, com múltiplas famílias de produtos, múltiplas localidades (de produção e de demanda) e produção em dois estágios, tendo por objetivo a maximização do resultado operacional. O modelo desenvolvido é baseado em Programação Linear Inteira Mista e considera, além dos custos das operações de produção e de transporte, os gastos com impostos, que variam de acordo com a estratégia de abastecimento dos pontos de demanda, dada a existência de diferenças nas alíquotas do Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadorias e Serviços entre operações inter e intra-estaduais. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram a importância da abordagem conjunta dos processos de produção e de distribuição, tornando clara a necessidade de integração dos mesmos no planejamento agregado num ambiente produtivo de múltiplas localidades e com mais de um processo de produção. / Middle-term production planning (tactical level) is an important activity in manufacturing companies, once it deals with production resources (work-force and production capacity) and stocks dimensioning, impacting on the company supply capacity and on its operating results. This dissertation presents an Aggregate Production and Distribution Planning model to be applied in multi-site, multi-product cement companies with the purpose of maximize operational results. The developed model is based upon Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP), and it considers, besides production and transportation operational costs, taxes expenses, which in the Brazilian context can change considerably depending on the supply strategy adopted, due to taxation differences between inter and intra-state sales operations. The results confirmed the importance of the combined approach of the production and distribution, demonstrating the relevance of integrating these two planning processes in a multi-site two-stage production environment.

Packet Aggregation in Linux

Brolin, Jonas, Hedegren, Mikael January 2008 (has links)
<p>Voice over IP (VoIP) traffic in a multi-hop wireless mesh network (WMN) suffers from a large overhead due to mac/IP/UDP/RTP headers and time collisions. A consequence of the large overhead is that only a small number of concurrent VoIP calls can be supported in a WMN[17]. Hop-to-hop packet aggregation can reduce network overhead and increase the capacity. Packet aggregation is a concept which combines several small packets, destined to a common next-hop destination, to one large packet. The goal of this thesis was to implement packet aggregation on a Linux distribution and to increase the number of concurrent VoIP calls. We use as testbed a two-hop WMN with a fixed data rate of 2Mbit/s. Traffic was generated between nodes using MGEN[20] to simulate VoIP behavior. The results from the tests show that the number of supported concurrent flows in the testbed is increased by 135% compared to unaggregated traffic.</p>

Chinese input method based on reduced phonetic transcription

Hsu, Feng-Ho 22 May 2012 (has links)
In this paper, we investigate a highly efficient input method in Chinese. In the traditional Mandarin phonetic input method, users have to input the complete Mandarin phonetic symbol. The proposed new Chinese input method is which transforms the first Mandarin phonetic symbol sequence to character sequence. Users only have to input the first Mandarin phonetic symbol. Users input first Mandarin phonetic symbol and follow the input rule that spaces are inserted between the words. The system outputs the candidate character sequence hypotheses. Bigram model is used to describe the relation between words. We use the dynamic programing for decoding. We estimate the feasibility for our new Chinese input method and estimate the Stanford segmenter. In the experiment, we estimate the Standford Segmenter works on the simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese firstly. We observe that the precision and recall on the simplified Chinese are 84.52% and 85.20% which is better than works on the Traditional Chinese 68.43% and 63.43%. And we estimate system efficiency based on language model that trained by WIKI corpus and ASBC corpus separately. The sentence and word accuracy for the ASBC corpus are 39.8% and 70.3%. And the word and character accuracy for WIKI corpus are 20.3% and 53.3%. Finally we estimate the number of candidate hypotheses. The research shows the 10 hypotheses and 20 hypotheses the sentence accuracy are closed.

A Dynamic Programming Based Automatic Nodule Image Segmentation Method

Yeh, Chinson 27 July 2001 (has links)

A Compiler and Symbolic Debugger for Occam

Chelliah, M 08 1900 (has links)
We have implemented Occam, a parallel programming language, on a uniprocessor machine (MC-68020 based HORIZON I11 running on UNIX system V.2) with simulated concurrency. Occam is a descendant of CSP with a few convenient modifications like channels used for communication and procedures. Two additions to the original language, i.e., output guards and recursion have been proposed. Front end of the compiler was developed using LEX and YACC. An innovative code generator, generator based on tree pattern matching has been used to generate the back end of the compiler, which generates efficient MC-68020 assembly code. A kernel for process administration is the runtime support provided. It has been developed entirely in ' C ' and made available as a library. This is linked with the assembly module to generate the executable version of the input Occam program. We have also interfaced our Occam compiler with Unix system V.2 source level debugger 'Sdb' so as to provide debugging support for Occam programmers. Issues involved in parallel debugging have been investigated and those demanding minimum effort have been incorporated in Occam debugger by modifying the runtime support of the uniprocessor implementation. Modifications to the uniprocessor implementation so as to make it run on a shared memory multiprocessor machine(HCL MAGNUM-P with four MC-68030 processors) are also discussed. The support provided by MAGNUM-P at the architecture and operating system levels is explained in detail. Our Occam compiler for the multiprocessor generates code, but the generated code has not been tested since the machine is not yet ready.

Programavimo Pascal kalba mokomosios aplinkos sudarymas ir tyrimas / Research and construction of computer-aided educational environment for programming in Pascal

Čeplikienė, Rima 10 July 2008 (has links)
Besikuriančioje informacinėje visuomenėje vis svarbiau tampa bendrieji mokinių gebėjimai naudotis informacinėmis technologijomis, o ne konkrečios žinios ar kompiuterinių programų įvaldymas. Vis daugiau moksleivių domisi programavimu ir programavimo kalbomis. Mokyklose programavimas dėstomas tik 11-12 klasėse ir tik išplėstiniu kursu. Šiame darbe buvo analizuojamos kompiuterinės priemonės programavimui mokyti. Atlikta kompiuterinių priemonių analizė, ištirta mokytojų ir moksleivių nuomonė. Sukurta mokomoji priemonė „Pascal programavimo kalba“ – puiki alternatyva pasirenkamam moduliui programavimui dėstyti, tai pat jaunesnių klasių moksleiviams besidomintiems programavimu. Darbe supažindama su sukurtos mokymo priemonės paskirtimi ir turiniu. Priemonėje supažindinama su programavimo kalbos Pascal valdymo konstrukcijomis: priskyrimo sakiniu, sąlygos sakiniu ir ciklais. Mokymo priemonę sudaro teoriją, užduotys ir 2 tipų testai: savikontrolės ir kontroliniai. Testų kūrimui panaudota interaktyvių užduočių kūrimo programa HOT POTATOES, HTML kalba bei nuotolinio testavimo sistema TESTTOOL. Mokymo medžiaga pateikta HTML formate, animuoti pavyzdžiai sukurti naudojant Wink2000 programą. Ši mokymo priemonė gali būti naudojama: • Aiškinant naują temą, kartojant, ar atsiskaitant • Moksleivių individualiam, savarankiškam mokymuisi gilinant programavimo žinias Darbe pateikta programos naudojimo analizė mokymo procese bei pedagoginio eksperimento rezultatai. / Living in a fast moving world skills of using informative technologies are of great importance. Students' general skills to use informative technologies are more important than specific knowledge or being able to use computer programs. Educational aid „Pascal programming language'“ is a wonderful alternative not only for students choosing a programming module but for junior pupils who are interested in programming as well. The aim and content of created educational aid are introduced in this paper. Programming language Pascal governing constructions: attribution to sentence, conditional sentence and cycles are presented too. An educational aid consists of theory, tasks and tests of 2 types: self control tests and tests. Hot Potatoes programme of creating interactive tasks, HTML language and distance testing system TesTTool are used for making tests. Teaching material is presented in HTML formate, animated examples are made using Wink 2000 programme. This teaching aid can be used: 1. Introducing a new topic, revising or answering a lesson 2. For students' individual, independent learning while extending programming knowledge. Analyses of the use of programme in training process and results of experiment are presented in this paper.

Um modelo para o planejamento agregado da produção e distribuição, com múltiplas localidades e produção em dois estágios. / A two-stage multi-site aggreagate production and distribution planning model for a continuous cement manufacturing process.

Luiz Otavio Zavalloni Proto 04 September 2006 (has links)
As atividades de planejamento de médio prazo (nível tático) são especialmente importantes em empresas de manufatura, visto que tratam do dimensionamento dos recursos produtivos (recursos humanos, materiais, equipamentos, instalações, etc) , que terá impacto na capacidade de atendimento da demanda e nos resultados operacionais da empresa. Este trabalho apresenta um modelo de Planejamento Agregado da Produção e Distribuição para aplicação em empresas do setor cimenteiro, com múltiplas famílias de produtos, múltiplas localidades (de produção e de demanda) e produção em dois estágios, tendo por objetivo a maximização do resultado operacional. O modelo desenvolvido é baseado em Programação Linear Inteira Mista e considera, além dos custos das operações de produção e de transporte, os gastos com impostos, que variam de acordo com a estratégia de abastecimento dos pontos de demanda, dada a existência de diferenças nas alíquotas do Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadorias e Serviços entre operações inter e intra-estaduais. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram a importância da abordagem conjunta dos processos de produção e de distribuição, tornando clara a necessidade de integração dos mesmos no planejamento agregado num ambiente produtivo de múltiplas localidades e com mais de um processo de produção. / Middle-term production planning (tactical level) is an important activity in manufacturing companies, once it deals with production resources (work-force and production capacity) and stocks dimensioning, impacting on the company supply capacity and on its operating results. This dissertation presents an Aggregate Production and Distribution Planning model to be applied in multi-site, multi-product cement companies with the purpose of maximize operational results. The developed model is based upon Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP), and it considers, besides production and transportation operational costs, taxes expenses, which in the Brazilian context can change considerably depending on the supply strategy adopted, due to taxation differences between inter and intra-state sales operations. The results confirmed the importance of the combined approach of the production and distribution, demonstrating the relevance of integrating these two planning processes in a multi-site two-stage production environment.

Otimização da programação de operações dutoviárias: formulações eficientes e considerações hidraúlicas. / Optimization of pipeline scheduling operations: efficient formulations and hydraulic considerations.

Rubens Rejowski Junior 02 April 2007 (has links)
Sistemas de dutos correspondem atualmente ao modo mais eficaz para o transporte de grandes quantidades de fluidos líquidos e gasosos por longas distâncias. Dutos são utilizados pela Indústria Petrolífera para o transporte de petróleo e de seus produtos derivados. O presente trabalho aborda o scheduling de distribuição dutoviária de um sistema que opera com um duto que transporta produtos de uma refinaria para depósitos com localizações geográficas distintas através de modelos de programação matemática. O sistema é composto pela Refinaria do Planalto (REPLAN) da Petrobras localizada em Paulínia (SP). A ela é conectado um duto (OSBRA) que se estende por cerca de 1000 quilômetros. O maior detalhamento do modelo matemático para operações dutoviárias desenvolvido por Rejowski Jr. (Dissertação de Mestrado, EPUSP, São Paulo, 2001) se torna primordial nessa complexa operação logística. Um fator de extrema importância é a contaminação dos produtos dentro da linha dutoviária. Desta forma, são desenvolvidas restrições especiais que impõem paradas aos segmentos do duto somente quando os mesmos não possuem interfaces. Estas restrições fazem com que a formulação proposta encontre a solução ótima do problema proposto. O aprimoramento destas formulações se torna fundamental, pois os modelos gerados possuem um número elevado de decisões a serem otimizadas. Relações lógicas envolvendo o estoque inicial nos depósitos e na linha dutoviária e a demanda de cada um dos produtos são propostas. Estas relações melhoram o desempenho computacional para os modelos propostos em cenários de demandas altas. Posteriormente, as restrições especiais de contaminação dos produtos e as relativas ao atendimento das demandas nas bases de distribuição são relaxadas e transformadas em penalidades na função objetivo. Estas penalidades aumentam o esforço de resolução dos modelos e ao mesmo tempo possuem grande influência nos resultados operacionais do sistema. Outro fator de extrema importância para o scheduling de operações dutoviárias é a sua representação em tempo contínuo. Adicionalmente, esta representação faz com que a incorporação de restrições hidráulicas de maneira simplificada seja possibilitada. Desta forma, uma estratégia simplificada e eficaz para se determinar a vazão do duto, envolve incluir a curva de rendimento das estações de bombeamento. Esta formulação, que é modelada como um MINLP (Mixed Integer Non Linear Programming), é comparada com uma formulação MILP (Mixed Integer Linear Programming) em tempo discreto com vazões e rendimentos fixos proposta por Rejowski Jr. e Pinto (Computers and Chemical Engineering, 2004, v.28/8 p.1511-1528). Foi mostrado que a presente formulação forneceu soluções de melhor qualidade. A formulação MILP em tempo discreto é caracterizada como um caso particular da presente formulação proposta. A formulação MINLP sofre forte influência do número de intervalos de tempo que a compõem e este fator deve sempre ser considerado para que a melhor solução possa ser encontrada em tempo computacional factível. Esta formulação ainda é aplicada com sucesso a um caso sob diversas configurações de bombeamento com diferentes custos unitários e curvas de rendimento. Duas formulações que consideram a programação de operações de dutos com a incorporação dos aspectos hidráulicos calculados de maneira rigorosa são apresentadas. A primeira delas resulta em um modelo MINLP e considera variações na duração dos intervalos de tempo e na vazão operacional do sistema. Uma segunda formulação apresentada como um modelo MILP é desenvolvida. Resultados computacionais para ambos os modelos são apresentados, assim como as suas soluções geradas são discutidas. O impacto de variações no relevo do sistema dutoviário é analisado. Foram detectadas alterações na vazão de operação do sistema dutoviário, na escolha dos intervalos de tempo em que o sistema é ativado, no rendimento das estações de bombeamento e no tempo total de operação do sistema. Posteriormente, em um outro exemplo, é mostrado que variações no relevo também podem alterar a seqüência dos produtos alimentados pela refinaria ao duto. Finalmente, as formulações têm os seus resultados comparados aos de modelos com considerações hidráulicas simplificadas, cujos resultados podem levar a soluções subótimas e até mesmo inviáveis. / Pipeline systems correspond nowadays to the most efficient mode for the transportation of large amounts of liquid and vapor products for long distances. Pipelines are utilized by the Petroleum Industry to transport petroleum and its product derivatives. The present work addresses the scheduling of pipeline distribution of a system that operates with a pipeline that transports products from a refinery to depots at different geographical locations by mathematical programming models. The system is composed by the Planalto Refinery (REPLAN) from Petrobras. A pipeline (OSBRA) is connected to the refinery that extends for approximately 1000 kilometers. A higher level of detail in the mathematical model for pipeline operations developed by Rejowski Jr. (MS Dissertation, EPUSP São Paulo, 2001) becomes essential in this complex logistic operation. A factor of extreme importance is product contamination inside the pipeline. Therefore, special constraints are developed that impose the segments of the pipeline to operate continuously when they do not contain interfaces. These constraints help the proposed formulation to find the optimal solution of the problem. The improvement of logical formulations becomes paramount because the generated models encompass a large number of decisions to be optimized. Logical relations involving the initial inventory at the depots and at the pipeline, as well as the demands for each product are proposed. These relations improve the computational performance of the proposed models in scenarios of high-demand. Then, the special constraints and the demand satisfaction at the depots at the end of the operational horizon are relaxed and added as penalties in the objective function. These penalties increase the solution effort of the proposed models and at the same time have great influence on the operational results of the system. Another factor of extreme importance for the pipeline operation scheduling is its continuous time representation. Additionally, this representation enables the models to incorporate simplified hydraulic constraints. Therefore, a simplified and efficient strategy to determine the pipeline flow rate is to include the yield curves of the pumping stations. This formulation, that is modeled as an MINLP (Mixed Integer Non Linear Programming), is compared to an MILP (Mixed Integer Linear Programming) with discrete time and fixed flow and yield rates proposed by Rejowski Jr. and Pinto (Computers and Chemical Engineering, 2004, v.28/8 p.1511-1528). It is shown that the present formulation provides better quality results. The MILP formulation with discrete time is characterized as a particular case of the proposed formulation. The MINLP is greatly influenced by the number of time intervals that compose it and this factor has always to be considered so that the best solution can be found with feasible computational effort. This formulation is also applied to a case with several pumping station configurations with different unit costs and yield curves. Two formulations that consider the scheduling of pipeline operations with the incorporation of the hydraulic aspects calculated rigorously are presented. The first one results in an MINLP model and considers variations on the time interval durations and in the pipeline flow rate. A second MILP formulation is developed. Computational results for both models are shown as well as the generated solutions discussed. The impact of variations on the topographical profile of the pipeline system is analyzed in the obtained results by the models. Changes in the flow rate of the pipeline, in the decision of the time intervals that the system is activated, in the pumping station yields and in the time interval durations were detected. Then, in another example it is shown that the changes in the topographical profile can alter the sequence of products sent by the refinery to the pipeline. Finally, both formulations have their results compared to models with simplified hydraulic considerations, whose results can lead to suboptimal and even to infeasible solutions.

Packet Aggregation in Linux

Brolin, Jonas, Hedegren, Mikael January 2008 (has links)
Voice over IP (VoIP) traffic in a multi-hop wireless mesh network (WMN) suffers from a large overhead due to mac/IP/UDP/RTP headers and time collisions. A consequence of the large overhead is that only a small number of concurrent VoIP calls can be supported in a WMN[17]. Hop-to-hop packet aggregation can reduce network overhead and increase the capacity. Packet aggregation is a concept which combines several small packets, destined to a common next-hop destination, to one large packet. The goal of this thesis was to implement packet aggregation on a Linux distribution and to increase the number of concurrent VoIP calls. We use as testbed a two-hop WMN with a fixed data rate of 2Mbit/s. Traffic was generated between nodes using MGEN[20] to simulate VoIP behavior. The results from the tests show that the number of supported concurrent flows in the testbed is increased by 135% compared to unaggregated traffic.

Rozvrhování posádek v ČSA / Optimalization of flights and revisions on ČSA airplanes

Pourová, Alžběta January 2008 (has links)
Flights and revisions planning is the problem of assigning flights and revisions to aircrafts in such a way that constraints are satisfied, and some objective function is optimized. Objective function can be to minimalize the number of aircrafts. The intention of my thesis is to find the optimum solution in the problem of flights and revisions planning to aircrafts. In this work, I am using linear programming, which is important and irreplaceable in everyday practical use.

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