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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Role-reference associations and the explanation of argument coding splits

Haspelmath, Martin 23 May 2024 (has links)
Argument coding splits such as differential (= split) object marking and split ergative marking have long been known to be universal tendencies, but the generalizations have not been formulated in their full generality before. In particular, ditransitive constructions have rarely been taken into account, and scenario splits have often been treated separately. Here I argue that all these patterns can be understood in terms of the usual association of role rank (highly ranked A and R, low-ranked P and T) and referential prominence (locuphoric person, animacy, definiteness, etc.). At the most general level, the role-reference association universal says that deviations from usual associations of role rank and referential prominence tend to be coded by longer grammatical forms. In other words, A and R tend to be referentially prominent in language use,while P and T are less prominent, and when less usual associations need to be expressed, languages often require special coding by means of additional flags (casemarkers and adpositions) or additional verbal voice coding (e.g., inverse or passive markers). I argue that role-reference associations are an instance of the even more general pattern of form-frequency correspondences, and that the resulting coding asymmetries can all be explained by frequency-based predictability and coding efficiency.

Gramatikalizační potenciál anaforické funkce lexému ten v mluvených narativech / Grammaticalization potentiel of the anaphoric ten in spoken narative discourse

Zíková, Magdalena January 2017 (has links)
In my Ph.D. thesis, I examine the use of referential devices in spoken narrative discourse with predominant anaphoric reference. Special attention is paid to the relationship between two competing forms: lexical phrases containing the lexeme ten (ten-MARKED NPs) and lexical phrases not containing it (UNMARKED NPs) in repeated mentions. A primary aim of the work is (i) to identify factors favouring the use of ten-marked NPs at the expense of unmarked NPs and (ii) to explore the possibility of the lexeme ten grammaticalizing from its anaphoric use. Theoretically and methodologically I benefit mostly from the conception of discourse anaphora and the theory of grammaticalization. The referential devices are systematically explored in terms of their distribution into different classes according to a set of parameters and their values. These parameters reflect the conceptual (animacy), grammatical (syntactic function, type of clause etc.) as well as discourse characteristics of the forms and their referents (informational status of the NP in the clause, activation and persistence of the referent, etc.). The data consist of 45 short narratives produced by 15 speakers. The speakers' task was to retell three short silent-movie sketches which they had seen immediately before the recording. The design of the...

Educação infantil e teatro: um estudo sobre as linguagens cênicas em propostas formativas, educativas e infantis da Rede Municipal de São Paulo/SP / Child education and theater: a study on the scenic languages in formative, educative and infantile proposals in the education system of the city of São Paulo/SP

Souza, Cibele Witcel de 12 September 2016 (has links)
A presente pesquisa buscou investigar as relações entre Educação Infantil e Teatro a partir das Linguagens Cênicas que vêm sendo concebidas e construídas em propostas formativas, educativas e infantis da Rede Municipal de São Paulo/SP. Partindo da análise do Curso Percursos de aprendizagens na Educação Infantil: práticas teatrais, junto ao Programa de Formação Continuada da Educação Infantil promovido pela Secretaria Municipal de Educação de São Paulo/SP (SME/SP), denominado A Rede em rede: formação continuada na Educação Infantil, e de alguns de seus desdobramentos, como o Caderno Percursos de aprendizagens na Educação Infantil: práticas teatrais, foi possível se aproximar de propostas educativas de professoras envolvidas e de propostas infantis de meninas e meninos pequenos. Para tal, foram realizados os seguintes procedimentos: pesquisa de campo em um Centro de Educação Infantil (CEI) da cidade de São Paulo, com observação da jornada educativa; oito entrevistas semiestruturadas com professoras, coordenadora e supervisora da SME/SP, e com formadoras do referido Curso; além da coleta e análise de documentos e de outros materiais produzidos. As análises dos dados coletados foram realizadas de forma articulada, à luz da produção recente tanto brasileira quanto estrangeira no campo das pesquisas em Educação Infantil, na interface com as Ciências Sociais e com as Artes na primeira infância, e com a produção teórica sobre o Teatro propriamente dito especialmente da Performance e do Teatro pós-dramático , concebendo as crianças como plenas, inteiras, completas e as Linguagens Cênicas como formas delas conhecerem, criarem, inventarem, sentirem, viverem e compartilharem conhecimentos, saberes e culturas, assim como, também das profissionais da Educação Infantil. O Curso investigado e seus desdobramentos, apesar de não romperem com propostas formativas que ainda desconsideram o protagonismo e as criações de crianças, professoras, gestoras e formadoras, trouxeram alguns avanços e contribuições que se revelaram emergentes para a construção de uma Pedagogia da Educação Infantil fundamentada nas Artes, mas que só poderá ser construída quando forem consideradas as propostas educativas e infantis que estão sendo inventadas pelas professoras e, especialmente, pelas meninas e meninos pequenos, a partir das Linguagens Cênicas. / This research sought to investigate the relationship between Child Education and Theater in the perspective of the Scenic Languages that have been conceived and constructed in formative, educative and infantile proposals in the education system of the city of São Paulo/SP. Starting with the analysis of the Course on Itineraries of learning in Child Education: theatrical practices, by Continued Training Program on Child Education conducted by the Education Department of the City of São Paulo/SP (SME/SP), called The networking in education system: continued training on Child Education, and some of its outcomes, as the Booklet Itineraries of learning in Child Education: theatrical practices, it was possible to take a close look at educative proposals of female teachers involved and at infantile proposals for young girls and boys. For such, the following procedures were carried out: field research in a Child Education Center (CEI) in the city of São Paulo, with observation of the educative working hours; eight semi-structures interviews of female teachers, educational coordinator and the supervisor from SME/SP, and with lecturers in the training course mentioned above; in addition to the collection and analysis of documents and other materials produced. The analysis of the data collected was conducted in an articulated fashion, in the light of the recent literature both in Brazil and abroad in the field of studies on Child Education, in interface with Social Science and Art in early childhood, and with theoretical production about Theater specially Performance and post-dramatic Theater , conceiving children as full, integral, complete subjects and the Scenic Languages as ways of knowing, creating, inventing, feeling, living and sharing different types of knowledge and cultures, as well as the professionals working in Child Education. The Training Course being investigated and its deployments, although they do not break away with the formative proposals that still disregard the prominence and the creativity of children, teachers, managers and trainers, brought forth some improvements and contributions that turned out to be emergent in the construction of a Pedagogy for Child Education based on Art, but it will only be able to be devised when and educative and infantile proposals are taken into consideration as they have been invented by teachers and, especially, by the young girls and boys, aided by the Scenic Languages.

Um estudo de caso sobre percepção de junturas e proeminências em inglês como LE

Souza, Andrezza Simonini 21 May 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:24:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Andrezza Simonini Souza.pdf: 3736152 bytes, checksum: fa7a886f171486bd85dbee64393aaa27 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-05-21 / This dissertation aims at investigating and comparing the perception of junctures among words and words in focus position in English sentences for students with several years of English studies outside regular education and students with little or no English studies outside regular school. It was questioned to what degree the number of years of English studies outside the regular school could be a contributing factor to greater ease in inferring the constituents of a sequence characterized as phonological processes of junctures among words and in perceiving words in focus position in oral English language as FL. The analyzed data came from two activities prepared based on two scenes of the show Smallville: one, with sentences to fill in gaps, and the other with phrases for marking words in focus position. The analysis was based on theories of oral comprehension and the acoustic-phonetic basis for the analysis of junctures and prominence. The results showed that there are different processes involved in perception of junctures. Students with more time of English study relied on semantic and synthetic knowledge, and phonetic as well. Top-down strategies of were used by these students in attempting to attribute meaning to what had been heard. Students with little or no English study relied exclusively on what was perceived. Bottom-up strategies and the interference of mother tongue were found in the responses of these students. There had been no difference in the perception of junctures in relation to levels of difficulty. There was link between production and perception of prominent words in English statements. It was concluded that the number of years of English was not a determinant for the perception of prominence / Esta dissertação tem como objetivo investigar e comparar a percepção de junturas entre palavras e palavras em posição de foco em sentenças em inglês por alunos com vários anos de estudo de língua inglesa fora do contexto regular de ensino e alunos com pouco ou nenhum estudo de inglês fora da escola regular. Perguntou-se em que grau o número de anos de estudo de inglês fora da escola regular poderia ser um fator de contribuição para uma maior facilidade em depreender os constituintes de uma seqüência fonológica caracterizada por processos de junturas entre as palavras e em perceber palavras em posição de foco em textos orais de língua inglesa como LE. Os dados analisados partiram de duas atividades elaboradas de duas cenas do seriado Smallville: uma, com frases para o preenchimento de lacunas com junturas de palavras; e a outra, com frases para a marcação de palavras em posição de foco. A análise fundamentou-se em teorias sobre a compreensão oral e nas bases fonético-acústicas para a análise de junturas e proeminências. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que há diferentes processamentos envolvidos na percepção de junturas. Os alunos com mais tempo de estudo de inglês apoiaram-se em conhecimentos semânticos e sintáticos, além de fonéticos. Estratégias de top-down foram utilizadas por esses alunos na tentativa de atribuição de sentido ao que fora ouvido. Os alunos com pouco ou nenhum estudo de inglês apoiaram-se, exclusivamente, no que fora percebido. Estratégias de bottom-up e interferências da língua materna foram evidenciadas nas respostas desses alunos. Não houve diferença na percepção de junturas em relação aos níveis de estudo de inglês. Concluiu-se que o número de anos de inglês não foi fator determinante para a percepção de proeminências

Time and Spatial Damping of Magnetohydrodynamic Waves in Partially Ionised Prominence Plasmas

Forteza Ferrer, Pep 11 February 2013 (has links)
Inici de l’estudi de l’efecte de les col•lisions entre ions i neutres en l’esmorteïment d’ones magnetohidrodinàmiques. Es considera un plasma parcialment ionitzat, infinit i homogeni, i s’analitza l’esmorteïment temporal i espacial de les ones magnetoacústiques i les ones d’Alfvén tan en el cas de plasmes adiabàtics com en el de no adiabàtics. Mentre l’esmorteïment temporal de les ones MHD en plasmes adiabàtics parcialment ionitzats és degut a les col•lisions entre ions i neutres, en el cas no adiabàtic és possible estudiar la importància de cada mecanisme d’esmorteïment involucrat. Per altre banda, en el cas de l’esmorteïment espacial s‘han estudiat també ones MHD adiabàtiques i no adiabàtiques en plasmes resistius totalment ionitzats així com en plasmes parcialment ionitzats, i hem inclòs la presència de fluxes. S’inicia l’estudi amb el desenvolupament de les equacions magnetohidrodinàmiques per un fluid considerant ionització parcial i s’aplica aquest conjunt d’equacions a diferents configuracions de plasmes. / The study of the effect of ion-neutral collisions on the damping of magnetohydrodynamic waves is started. We develop a set of one-fluid equations for a partially ionised plasma and use it in different plasma configurations. As a first step, the simplest plasma configuration is considered, an unbounded homogeneous partially ionised plasma. We study the temporal and spatial damping of magnetoacoustic and Alfvén waves in the case of adiabatic and non-adiabatic plasmas. While the time damping of MHD waves in adiabatic partially ionized plasmas is due to ion-neutral collisions, in the non-adiabatic case it is possible to study the importance of each of the different damping mechanisms involved. In the case of spatial damping we have considered adiabatic and non-adiabatic MHD waves in fully ionized resistive and partially ionised plasmas, and we have also included flows.

Civil Society, Good Governance and the News Media: A case study of civil society inclusion in Winnipeg Free Press coverage of Lake Winnipeg nutrient loading

Zubrycki, Karla Marie January 2010 (has links)
Governance and participatory democracy theory suggest that strong policy can stem from the inclusion of all societal voices in discussion of options, and that the public must have a strong base of information in order to participate fully in democracy. The news media can be an important vehicle for these voices and a central source of information. However, academic literature has recorded that “elite” sources, such as government, dominate news coverage to the disadvantage of “non-elite” sources, such as civil society groups and citizens, a situation that results in imbalanced information in the news. This thesis examines patterns of civil society inclusion in Winnipeg Free Press coverage of Lake Winnipeg water quality, and discusses the implications of findings for good governance. Three methods of inquiry are used: 1) a literature review, 2) a quantitative content analysis of newspaper articles published in the Winnipeg Free Press from August 1991 through December 2008, and 3) interviews with civil society members with an interest in Lake Winnipeg water quality. Content analysis findings indicate that civil society sources generally received less coverage than “elite” sources, were used less frequently, were given lower prominence within articles, had fewer chances to “define” coverage and were less often used in “hard” news compared to opinion sections. Interview findings challenge the dominant view within media literature that journalists are fully responsible for “elite” source dominance due to journalist bias in source selection, the “beat system” of journalism that focuses on governmental institutions, decisions made by editors and corporate or political preferences of news entities. While journalism practices are undoubtedly a factor, this study finds that there are also shortcomings within civil society organizations and the framework within which they operate that limit their engagement with the media. Four key factors are identified. Registered charities are often hesitant to speak with the media due to real and perceived legal restraints on their communications activities under Canada’s Income Tax Act. Many organizations are apprehensive about voicing concerns in the media for fear of losing funding. Few organizations have communications staff, or even staff members trained in media outreach, resulting in a passive approach to communications. And few organizations have the capacity to deal with media requests for information within journalism deadlines. In addition, the interview data indicate that those organizations actively pursuing media coverage are focusing attention on smaller newspapers, alternative media and self-published pieces, which suggests that the mainstream news media are perhaps of less importance to such organizations than in the past. Alternatively, it is possible that organizations are finding access to the mainstream media effectively cut off. Finally, recommendations are made to civil society organizations on how they can increase their prominence in the news and conquer their reluctance to deal with the media, and to the media on how to improve attention to civil society voices. For the latter, ideas are drawn from public journalism, a journalism movement which emphasizes citizens as sources.

Civil Society, Good Governance and the News Media: A case study of civil society inclusion in Winnipeg Free Press coverage of Lake Winnipeg nutrient loading

Zubrycki, Karla Marie January 2010 (has links)
Governance and participatory democracy theory suggest that strong policy can stem from the inclusion of all societal voices in discussion of options, and that the public must have a strong base of information in order to participate fully in democracy. The news media can be an important vehicle for these voices and a central source of information. However, academic literature has recorded that “elite” sources, such as government, dominate news coverage to the disadvantage of “non-elite” sources, such as civil society groups and citizens, a situation that results in imbalanced information in the news. This thesis examines patterns of civil society inclusion in Winnipeg Free Press coverage of Lake Winnipeg water quality, and discusses the implications of findings for good governance. Three methods of inquiry are used: 1) a literature review, 2) a quantitative content analysis of newspaper articles published in the Winnipeg Free Press from August 1991 through December 2008, and 3) interviews with civil society members with an interest in Lake Winnipeg water quality. Content analysis findings indicate that civil society sources generally received less coverage than “elite” sources, were used less frequently, were given lower prominence within articles, had fewer chances to “define” coverage and were less often used in “hard” news compared to opinion sections. Interview findings challenge the dominant view within media literature that journalists are fully responsible for “elite” source dominance due to journalist bias in source selection, the “beat system” of journalism that focuses on governmental institutions, decisions made by editors and corporate or political preferences of news entities. While journalism practices are undoubtedly a factor, this study finds that there are also shortcomings within civil society organizations and the framework within which they operate that limit their engagement with the media. Four key factors are identified. Registered charities are often hesitant to speak with the media due to real and perceived legal restraints on their communications activities under Canada’s Income Tax Act. Many organizations are apprehensive about voicing concerns in the media for fear of losing funding. Few organizations have communications staff, or even staff members trained in media outreach, resulting in a passive approach to communications. And few organizations have the capacity to deal with media requests for information within journalism deadlines. In addition, the interview data indicate that those organizations actively pursuing media coverage are focusing attention on smaller newspapers, alternative media and self-published pieces, which suggests that the mainstream news media are perhaps of less importance to such organizations than in the past. Alternatively, it is possible that organizations are finding access to the mainstream media effectively cut off. Finally, recommendations are made to civil society organizations on how they can increase their prominence in the news and conquer their reluctance to deal with the media, and to the media on how to improve attention to civil society voices. For the latter, ideas are drawn from public journalism, a journalism movement which emphasizes citizens as sources.

Educação infantil e teatro: um estudo sobre as linguagens cênicas em propostas formativas, educativas e infantis da Rede Municipal de São Paulo/SP / Child education and theater: a study on the scenic languages in formative, educative and infantile proposals in the education system of the city of São Paulo/SP

Cibele Witcel de Souza 12 September 2016 (has links)
A presente pesquisa buscou investigar as relações entre Educação Infantil e Teatro a partir das Linguagens Cênicas que vêm sendo concebidas e construídas em propostas formativas, educativas e infantis da Rede Municipal de São Paulo/SP. Partindo da análise do Curso Percursos de aprendizagens na Educação Infantil: práticas teatrais, junto ao Programa de Formação Continuada da Educação Infantil promovido pela Secretaria Municipal de Educação de São Paulo/SP (SME/SP), denominado A Rede em rede: formação continuada na Educação Infantil, e de alguns de seus desdobramentos, como o Caderno Percursos de aprendizagens na Educação Infantil: práticas teatrais, foi possível se aproximar de propostas educativas de professoras envolvidas e de propostas infantis de meninas e meninos pequenos. Para tal, foram realizados os seguintes procedimentos: pesquisa de campo em um Centro de Educação Infantil (CEI) da cidade de São Paulo, com observação da jornada educativa; oito entrevistas semiestruturadas com professoras, coordenadora e supervisora da SME/SP, e com formadoras do referido Curso; além da coleta e análise de documentos e de outros materiais produzidos. As análises dos dados coletados foram realizadas de forma articulada, à luz da produção recente tanto brasileira quanto estrangeira no campo das pesquisas em Educação Infantil, na interface com as Ciências Sociais e com as Artes na primeira infância, e com a produção teórica sobre o Teatro propriamente dito especialmente da Performance e do Teatro pós-dramático , concebendo as crianças como plenas, inteiras, completas e as Linguagens Cênicas como formas delas conhecerem, criarem, inventarem, sentirem, viverem e compartilharem conhecimentos, saberes e culturas, assim como, também das profissionais da Educação Infantil. O Curso investigado e seus desdobramentos, apesar de não romperem com propostas formativas que ainda desconsideram o protagonismo e as criações de crianças, professoras, gestoras e formadoras, trouxeram alguns avanços e contribuições que se revelaram emergentes para a construção de uma Pedagogia da Educação Infantil fundamentada nas Artes, mas que só poderá ser construída quando forem consideradas as propostas educativas e infantis que estão sendo inventadas pelas professoras e, especialmente, pelas meninas e meninos pequenos, a partir das Linguagens Cênicas. / This research sought to investigate the relationship between Child Education and Theater in the perspective of the Scenic Languages that have been conceived and constructed in formative, educative and infantile proposals in the education system of the city of São Paulo/SP. Starting with the analysis of the Course on Itineraries of learning in Child Education: theatrical practices, by Continued Training Program on Child Education conducted by the Education Department of the City of São Paulo/SP (SME/SP), called The networking in education system: continued training on Child Education, and some of its outcomes, as the Booklet Itineraries of learning in Child Education: theatrical practices, it was possible to take a close look at educative proposals of female teachers involved and at infantile proposals for young girls and boys. For such, the following procedures were carried out: field research in a Child Education Center (CEI) in the city of São Paulo, with observation of the educative working hours; eight semi-structures interviews of female teachers, educational coordinator and the supervisor from SME/SP, and with lecturers in the training course mentioned above; in addition to the collection and analysis of documents and other materials produced. The analysis of the data collected was conducted in an articulated fashion, in the light of the recent literature both in Brazil and abroad in the field of studies on Child Education, in interface with Social Science and Art in early childhood, and with theoretical production about Theater specially Performance and post-dramatic Theater , conceiving children as full, integral, complete subjects and the Scenic Languages as ways of knowing, creating, inventing, feeling, living and sharing different types of knowledge and cultures, as well as the professionals working in Child Education. The Training Course being investigated and its deployments, although they do not break away with the formative proposals that still disregard the prominence and the creativity of children, teachers, managers and trainers, brought forth some improvements and contributions that turned out to be emergent in the construction of a Pedagogy for Child Education based on Art, but it will only be able to be devised when and educative and infantile proposals are taken into consideration as they have been invented by teachers and, especially, by the young girls and boys, aided by the Scenic Languages.

The Realisation of Prominence in Three Varieties of Standard Spoken Finnish

Ylitalo, R. (Riikka) 26 May 2009 (has links)
Abstract The central goal of this study was to study how contrastive accent is realised phonetically in three regional varieties of Standard Spoken Finnish. Speakers from the Oulu, Turku and Tampere regions produced unaccented and contrastively accented versions of the target words. Fundamental frequencies and segment durations were measured in all the target words, and in the contrastively accented versions also the temporal distance of the F0 peak from word onset. In the unaccented words, F0 fluctuations were very small, indicating once more that in Finnish, too, mere word stress is not realised tonally. In the words with CV.CV(X) structure, the lengthening of segment durations due to stress was restricted to the initial syllable in Tampere, whereas in Oulu and Turku the lengthening extended to the second syllable. The width of the fall-rise F0 pattern realising contrastive accent was in all word structures widest in the Oulu variety, and the narrowest in the Tampere variety. In the Turku variety CV.CV(X) words, the F0 peak occurred further away from word onset than in any other words investigated. The differences in segment durations among the varieties were similar in the unaccented words and in the contrastively accented ones, with one exception: the duration of V1 in the unaccented CV.CV(X) words was the same across the varieties, but in the contrastively accented CV.CV(X) words the duration of V1 was shorter in the Turku variety than in the other varieties. The durational ratio of V1 and V2 in the Turku variety – as in the Oulu variety – was different from the durational ratio in the Tampere variety: in Turku and Oulu V2 had a longer duration than V1, whereas in Tampere V1 had a longer duration than V2. This confirms earlier observations that Turku and Oulu belong to regions in which the V2 of CV.CV(X) words is half-long (longer than V1), but Tampere does not. However, the present study shows that the relative half-long duration of the V2 of CV.CV(X) words is achieved differently in Turku and Oulu: in Turku through the short duration of V1, but in Oulu through the long duration of V2. / Tiivistelmä Tämän tutkimuksen keskeisin tavoite oli selvittää, miten kontrastiivinen aksentti toteutuu foneettisesti kolmelta eri suomen murrealueelta kotoisin olevien yleiskielisessä puheessa. Oulun, Turun ja Tampereen seuduilta kotoisin olevat koehenkilöt tuottivat tutkimuksen jokaisesta kohdesanasta sekä aksentoimattoman että kontrastiivisesti aksentoidun esiintymän. Tuotetuista kohdesanoista mitattiin perustaajuuksia, äännesegmenttien kestot sekä kontrastiivisesti aksentoituiduista sanoista F0:n huipun etäisyys sanan alusta. Aksentoimattomissa sanoissa F0:n muutokset olivat kaikissa tutkituissa suomen varieteeteissa erittäin vähäisiä, mikä taas kerran todisti, ettei suomessakaan pelkkä sanapaino toteudu tonaalisesti. Sanapainon toteutumisessa kestojen avulla oli varieteettien välisiä eroja CV.CV(X)-rakenteisissa sanoissa: Tampereen varieteetissa sanapainon toteutumisala rajoittui ensimmäiseen tavuun, mutta Turun ja Oulun varieteeteissa se ulottui myös toiseen tavuun. Kontrastiivista aksenttia toteuttavan F0:n nousu–lasku-kuvion laajuus oli kaiken rakenteisissa kohdesanoissa suurin Oulun varieteetissa, pienempi Turun varieteetissa ja kaikkein pienin Tampereen varieteetissa. Muutoin kontrastiivisen aksentin toteutumisessa F0:n avulla oli huomattavia varieteettien välisiä eroja vain CV.CV(X)-rakenteisissa sanoissa: Turun varieteetin CV.CV(X)-sanoissa F0:n huippukohta sijaitsi kauempana sanan alusta kuin kaikissa muissa tutkituissa sanoissa, eli kauempana kuin muun rakenteisissa Turun varieteetin sanoissa ja kaiken rakenteisissa Oulun ja Tampereen varieteettien sanoissa. Varieteettien väliset segmenttien kestoerot olivat samat aksentoimattomissa ja kontrastiivisesti aksentoiduissa sanoissa, lukuun ottamatta sitä, että CV.CV(X)-rakenteisten sanojen V1:n kestossa ei aksentoimattomissa sanoissa ollut varieteettien välisiä eroja, mutta kontrastiivisesti aksentoiduissa sanoissa kyseisen segmentin kesto oli lyhempi Turun varieteetissa kuin muissa varieteeteissa. Tällä tavoin Turun varieteetin kontrastiivisesti aksentoiduissa CV.CV(X)-sanoissa toteutui V1:n ja V2:n kestosuhde, joka – samoin kuin Oulun varieteetin vastaava kestosuhde – poikkeaa Tampereen varieteetin vastaavasta kestosuhteesta: Turussa ja Oulussa V2 on V1:tä pitempikestoinen, Tampereella päinvastoin V1:n kesto on V2:n kestoa suurempi. Tämä vahvistaa ne aiempien tutkimusten tulokset, että Turku ja Oulu ovat ns. puolipidennysmurteiden aluetta, mutta Tampere ei. Kuitenkin tämä tutkimus osoitti, että kontrastiivisesti aksentoitujen sanojen puolipidennys saadaan Turun varieteetissa aikaan pikemminkin lyhytkestoisen V1:n kuin pitkäkestoisen V2:n avulla, kun taas Oulun varieteetissa puolipidennys syntyy nimenomaan pitkäkestoisen V2:n avulla. Kaiken kaikkiaan suurin osa tutkimuksessa todetuista varieteettien välisistä selvistä perustaajuus- ja kestoeroista koski CV.CV(X)-rakenteisia sanoja, jotka ovatkin erikoinen suomen sanatyyppi yksimoraisen ensi tavunsa vuoksi.

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