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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude du vieillissement des assemblages membrane-électrodes pour piles à combustible basse température / Characterisation of the ageing degradation mechanisms of PEM fuel cell membrane-electrode assemblies

Durst, Julien 24 October 2012 (has links)
Nous avons étudié les mécanismes de dégradation de catalyseurs Pt3Co/C en conditions réelles (stacks 16 cellules, hydrogène/air, stationnaire et intermittent, t > 1000 heures). Des modifications de la structure atomique, de la morphologie et de la composition chimique des catalyseurs ont été mises en évidence grâce à des techniques à résolution atomique, tels que la microscopie HAADF ou encore la spectroscopie d'absorption de rayons X. En plus d'être sujets à la maturation d'Ostwald 3D, ces catalyseurs perdent continuellement et irréversiblement les atomes de cobalt contenus dans le matériau « natif », ce qui conduit à la formation de nanoparticules « creuses » de Pt. Nous avons montré l'effet d'une contamination de l'électrode par des cations métalliques (Co2+). Des hétérogénéités de vieillissement de ces électrodes, à la fois « dans le plan » et « à travers le plan », ont été mises en évidence, en utilisant des marqueurs structuraux caractéristiques des électrodes. Des différences locales des cinétiques et des mécanismes de dégradation ont été confirmées grâce à des tests en monocellule PEMFC à cathode segmentée. / The durability of Pt3Co/C PEMFC cathode catalysts is investigated under real operating conditions (16-cell short stacks, hydrogen/air, constant current or start/stop, ageing time > 1000 hours). Using atomically resolved physical techniques such as HRSTEM-HAADF, and XAS, a detailed picture of how atomic structure, chemical composition and morphology of these cathode catalysts are changing over time has been drawn. In addition to 3D Ostwald ripening, these Pt-alloy catalysts undergo irreversible decrease of their cobalt content upon aging, yielding formation of “hollow” Pt/C nanoparticles. In the meantime, a great amount of Co2+ species is released within the MEA, which influences the catalyst surface reactivity and its ORR activity. Finally, structural markers of the degradation of the cathode catalyst have been used to unveil aging heterogeneities within the MEA: “through-the-plane” heterogeneities of aging (i.e. from the PEM/cathode interface to the cathode/GDL interface), and “in-the-plane” heterogeneities of ageing (i.e. from the gas inlet to the gas outlet) have been evidenced. The latter was confirmed using a cathode catalytic layer segmented in 20 segments along the gas flow channel.

Nanostructures 2D et supports d’oxydes métalliques pour des cathodes de piles à combustible à faible teneur en platine / Thin Metal Structures and Metal Oxide Supports for Durable Ultra-Low PGM Fuel Cell Cathodes

Haidar, Fatima 19 December 2018 (has links)
Les piles à combustible à membrane échangeuse de protons sont des dispositifs de conversion de l’énergie propre et efficace. Les gammes de puissance accessibles permettent leur utilisation dans le domaine de transport et des applications stationnaires. Il existe deux verrous technologiques à lever pour le déploiement de la cathode:i) Diminution de la quantité de platine dans le catalyseur.ii) l'amélioration de la stabilité du support de catalyseur à haut potentiel. Dans ce travail, nous présentons deux stratégies qui permettent de faire face à ces problématiques et améliorer les performances et la durabilité des cathodes: développer de nouveaux électrocatalyseurs à très faible quantité de platine et des supports à base de matériaux résistants à la corrosion.Afin de réduire la quantité de platine dans le catalyseur, nous avons développé des nanostructures fines de platine, qui permettent une exploitation électrocatalytique maximale et une quantité minimale de métal noble. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous avons utilisé une méthode électrochimique basée sur le dépôt sous potentiel et le déplacement galvanique. Les nanostructures fines déposées sur le substrat modèle ont été caractérisées électrochimiquement ainsi que par des techniques microscopiques et d'analyse élémentaire.Pour réaliser un support résistant à la corrosion, notre approche a consisté en le remplacement du carbone noir conventionnel par un matériau conducteur d’oxyde d'étain dopé. Les matériaux à base de SnO2 ont démontré leur efficacité comme support électrochimique stable mais également efficace pour la réaction de réduction de l'oxygène. Dans cette étude, l’oxyde d’étain dopé au tantale a été préparé par électrofilage suivi d'une étape de calcination, permettent ainsi d’obtenir des fibres de morphologie tubulaires. Ces fibres ont été utilisées comme support de nanoparticules de platine préparées par la méthode de polyol assistée par micro-ondes, puis caractérisées pour leurs propriétés physico-chimiques et électrocatalytiques. En particulier, la stabilité aux cyclage en potentiel a été évaluée par analyse électrochimique ex situ. La possibilité d’associer l'électrocatalyseur à surface étendue avec les supports résistants à la corrosion pour obtenir des cathodes actives et durables est en cours. / Proton exchange membrane fuel cells are clean and efficient energy converters. Their accessible power ranges allow their use in the field of transport or stationary applications. Two main challenges concern the cathode deployment:i) The reduction of the amount of low abundant platinum group metal in the catalyst.ii) The enhancement of stability of the catalyst support at high voltage.In this work we present two strategies to address these challenges and improve performance and durability of the cathodes: developing novel ultra-low loaded platinum electrocatalysts and corrosion resistant support materials.To reduce noble metal amount in the catalyst, we developed platinum thin films, which allow maximal electrocatalytic exploitation thus minimal loading. For that, we have used electrochemical methods based on under-potential deposition and galvanic displacement. The thin structures deposited on model substrates were characterized by electrochemical, elemental analysis and microscopy techniques.To prepare corrosion resistant supports, our strategy was the replacement of conventional carbon black with a doped conducting tin oxide. SnO2-based materials have been demonstrated as electrochemical stable supports also promoting platinum activity for the oxygen reduction reaction. In this work, tantalum-doped tin oxide was prepared by electrospinning followed by calcination, leading to a fiber-in-tube morphology. This support was catalyzed with platinum nanoparticles prepared by a microwave-assisted polyol method, and characterized for their physico-chemical and electrocatalytic properties. In particular, stability to voltage cycling was evaluated by ex situ electrochemical analysis.The possibility to associate the extended surface electrocatalyst with the corrosion resistant supports to obtain active and durable cathodes is in progress.

Preparação, caracterização e avaliação de carbono funcionalizado para aplicações em células a combustível tipo PEM / Preparation, characterization and evaluation of electrocatalysts supported on functionalized carbon black for polymer exchange membrane fuel cell applications

Carmo, Marcelo do 31 January 2008 (has links)
A tecnologia de células a combustível associada à crescente exigência de baixo impacto ambiental tornou-se bastante promissora no cenário mundial de energia. As células a combustível são, em princípio, dispositivos que convertem energia química diretamente em energia elétrica e térmica, possuindo, entretanto, uma operação contínua, graças à alimentação constante de um combustível. Particularmente, o negro de fumo Vulcan XC72 é usualmente empregado como suporte dos eletrocatalisadores, e alguns fatores como uma superfície acessível e área superficial suficientemente grande para uma máxima dispersão dos cristalitos dos eletrocatalisadores, além de tamanho dos poros, distribuição dos poros adequada e a presença de grupos funcionais na superfície do negro de fumo são considerados fundamentais para o desenvolvimento de materiais inovadores. Entretanto, o material denominado Vulcan XC72 ainda revela condições insuficientes para este fim. Este estudo consiste na preparação e caracterização físico-química de carbono funcionalizado por peróxido de hidrogênio e com cadeias poliméricas do tipo poliestireno sulfonado condutoras de prótons, visando sua posterior utilização como suporte de eletrocatalisadores para células a combustível tipo PEMFC e DMFC. Após a funcionalização do carbono, obteve-se uma melhora da dispersibilidade do negro de fumo em solução aquosa, efeito este benéfico para a preparação dos eletrocatalisadores. Observou-se também que os grupos funcionais e as cadeias poliméricas funcionaram como estabilizadores do crescimento dos cristalitos produzindo catalisadores mais homogêneos e com menor diâmetro médio dos cristalitos; e especialmente, no caso da funcionalização com cadeias poliméricas, obteve-se uma diminuição da queda ôhmica do sistema, referente à melhoria da transferência protônica. / The fuel cell technology associated with the growing exigency of low environmental impact energy became prosperous in the world energy scenery. The fuel cell is basically a device that converts directly the chemical energy of a fuel into electrical and thermal energy with a continuous operation by the constant feed of a fuel. Especially, the carbon black Vulcan XC72 is usually employed as an electrocatalyst support, and some factors as an accessible and high surface area in order to get maximum particles dispersion, pore size, adequate pore distribution and the presence of functional groups in the carbon black surface are considered fundamental characteristics for an innovative materials development. However, the Vulcan XC72 still reveals insufficient conditions for these purposes. This study consists in the preparation and in the physical chemical characterization of functionalized carbon black by hydrogen peroxide and by polymeric chains with proton conduction properties, and its posterior utilization as electrocatalyst support for PEMFC and DMFC application. After the carbon functionalization, an improvement in the carbon black dispersibility in water media was observed, a beneficial effect for electrocatalyst preparation. It was also observed, that the functional groups and the polymeric chains worked as stabilizers in the particle growing, producing much more homogeneous electrocatalysts, exhibiting smaller average particle size. Especially, in the case of polymeric chains functionalization, a decrease in the ohmic drop was observed for this system, attributed to an improvement in the proton transference.

Estudo e desenvolvimento de conjuntos membrana-eletrodos (MEA) para célula a combustível de eletrólito polimérico condutor de prótons (PEMFC) com eletrocatalisadores à base de paládio / Study and development of membrane electrode assemblies for proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) with palladium based catalysts

Bonifacio, Rafael Nogueira 19 November 2013 (has links)
Sistemas de PEMFC são capazes de gerar energia elétrica com alta eficiência e baixa ou nenhuma emissão de poluentes, porém questões de custo e durabilidade impedem sua ampla comercialização. Nesse trabalho foi desenvolvido um MEA com eletrocatalisadores à base de paládio. Foram sintetizados e caracterizados eletrocatalisadores Pd/C, Pt/C e Ligas PdPt/C com diferentes razões entre metais e carbono. Foi realizado um estudo da razão entre ionômero de Nafion e eletrocatalisador para formação de triplas fases reacionais de máximos desempenhos, criado um modelo matemático para transpor esse ajuste para eletrocatalisadores com diferentes razões entre metal e suporte, considerando os aspectos volumétricos da camada catalisadora, e então realizado um estudo da espessura da camada catalisadora. Para as caracterizações foram utilizadas as técnicas de Difração de Raios-X, Microscopias Eletrônicas de Transmissão e de Varredura, Energia Dispersiva de Raios-X, Picnometria a Gás, Porosimetria por Intrusão de Mercúrio, Adsorção de Gás, segundo as equações de BET e BJH, Análise Termo Gravimétrica e feitas as determinações de diâmetros de partículas, de áreas de superfície específica e de parâmetros de rede. Todos os eletrocatalisadores foram usados no preparo de MEAs que foram avaliados em célula unitária de 5 cm2 entre 25 e 100 °C a 1 atm; e a melhor composição foi avaliada também a 3 atm. No estudo dos metais para as reações, visando reduzir a platina aplicada aos eletrodos, sem perdas de desempenho, foram selecionados Pd/C para ânodos e PdPt/C 1:1 para cátodos. A estrutura de MEA desenvolvida utilizou 0,25 mgPt.cm-2 e resultou em densidades de potência de até 550 mW.cm-2 e potências de até 2,2 kWe por grama de platina. A estimativa realizada mostrou que houve uma redução de até 64,5 % nos custos em relação à estrutura de MEA previamente conhecida. Em função da temperatura e pressão de operação foram obtidos valores a partir de R$ 3.540,73 para o preparo de MEAs para cada quilowatt instalado. Com base em estudos recentes, concluiu-se que o custo do MEA desenvolvido é compatível às aplicações estacionárias de PEMFC. / PEMFC systems are capable of generating electricity with high efficiency and low or no emissions, but durability and cost issues prevent its large commercialization. In this work MEA with palladium based catalysts were developed, Pd/C, Pt/C and alloys PdPt/C catalysts with different ratios between metals and carbon were synthesized and characterized. A study of the ratio between catalyst and Nafion Ionomer for formation of high performance triple-phase reaction was carried out, a mathematical model to implement this adjustment to catalysts with different relations between metal and support taking into account the volumetric aspects of the catalyst layer was developed and then a study of the catalyst layer thickness was performed. X-ray diffraction, Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy, X-ray Energy Dispersive, Gas Pycnometry, Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry, Gas adsorption according to the BET and BJH equations, and Thermo Gravimetric Analysis techniques were used for characterization and particle size, specific surface areas and lattice parameters determinations were also carried out. All catalysts were used on MEAs preparation and evaluated in 5 cm2 single cell from 25 to 100 °C at 1 atm and the best composition was also evaluated at 3 atm. In the study of metals for reactions, to reduce the platinum applied to the electrodes without performance losses, Pd/C and PdPt/C 1:1 were selected for anodes and cathodes, respectively. The developed MEA structure used 0,25 mgPt.cm-2, showing power densities up to 550 mW.cm-2 and power of 2.2 kWnet per gram of platinum. The estimated costs showed that there was a reduction of up to 64.5 %, compared to the MEA structures previously known. Depending on the temperature and operating pressure, values from US$ 1,475.30 to prepare MEAs for each installed kilowatt were obtained. Taking into account recent studies, it was concluded that the cost of the developed MEA is compatible with PEMFC stationary application.

Estudo e desenvolvimento de conjuntos membrana-eletrodos (MEA) para célula a combustível de eletrólito polimérico condutor de prótons (PEMFC) com eletrocatalisadores à base de paládio / Study and development of membrane electrode assemblies for proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) with palladium based catalysts

Rafael Nogueira Bonifacio 19 November 2013 (has links)
Sistemas de PEMFC são capazes de gerar energia elétrica com alta eficiência e baixa ou nenhuma emissão de poluentes, porém questões de custo e durabilidade impedem sua ampla comercialização. Nesse trabalho foi desenvolvido um MEA com eletrocatalisadores à base de paládio. Foram sintetizados e caracterizados eletrocatalisadores Pd/C, Pt/C e Ligas PdPt/C com diferentes razões entre metais e carbono. Foi realizado um estudo da razão entre ionômero de Nafion e eletrocatalisador para formação de triplas fases reacionais de máximos desempenhos, criado um modelo matemático para transpor esse ajuste para eletrocatalisadores com diferentes razões entre metal e suporte, considerando os aspectos volumétricos da camada catalisadora, e então realizado um estudo da espessura da camada catalisadora. Para as caracterizações foram utilizadas as técnicas de Difração de Raios-X, Microscopias Eletrônicas de Transmissão e de Varredura, Energia Dispersiva de Raios-X, Picnometria a Gás, Porosimetria por Intrusão de Mercúrio, Adsorção de Gás, segundo as equações de BET e BJH, Análise Termo Gravimétrica e feitas as determinações de diâmetros de partículas, de áreas de superfície específica e de parâmetros de rede. Todos os eletrocatalisadores foram usados no preparo de MEAs que foram avaliados em célula unitária de 5 cm2 entre 25 e 100 °C a 1 atm; e a melhor composição foi avaliada também a 3 atm. No estudo dos metais para as reações, visando reduzir a platina aplicada aos eletrodos, sem perdas de desempenho, foram selecionados Pd/C para ânodos e PdPt/C 1:1 para cátodos. A estrutura de MEA desenvolvida utilizou 0,25 mgPt.cm-2 e resultou em densidades de potência de até 550 mW.cm-2 e potências de até 2,2 kWe por grama de platina. A estimativa realizada mostrou que houve uma redução de até 64,5 % nos custos em relação à estrutura de MEA previamente conhecida. Em função da temperatura e pressão de operação foram obtidos valores a partir de R$ 3.540,73 para o preparo de MEAs para cada quilowatt instalado. Com base em estudos recentes, concluiu-se que o custo do MEA desenvolvido é compatível às aplicações estacionárias de PEMFC. / PEMFC systems are capable of generating electricity with high efficiency and low or no emissions, but durability and cost issues prevent its large commercialization. In this work MEA with palladium based catalysts were developed, Pd/C, Pt/C and alloys PdPt/C catalysts with different ratios between metals and carbon were synthesized and characterized. A study of the ratio between catalyst and Nafion Ionomer for formation of high performance triple-phase reaction was carried out, a mathematical model to implement this adjustment to catalysts with different relations between metal and support taking into account the volumetric aspects of the catalyst layer was developed and then a study of the catalyst layer thickness was performed. X-ray diffraction, Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy, X-ray Energy Dispersive, Gas Pycnometry, Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry, Gas adsorption according to the BET and BJH equations, and Thermo Gravimetric Analysis techniques were used for characterization and particle size, specific surface areas and lattice parameters determinations were also carried out. All catalysts were used on MEAs preparation and evaluated in 5 cm2 single cell from 25 to 100 °C at 1 atm and the best composition was also evaluated at 3 atm. In the study of metals for reactions, to reduce the platinum applied to the electrodes without performance losses, Pd/C and PdPt/C 1:1 were selected for anodes and cathodes, respectively. The developed MEA structure used 0,25 mgPt.cm-2, showing power densities up to 550 mW.cm-2 and power of 2.2 kWnet per gram of platinum. The estimated costs showed that there was a reduction of up to 64.5 %, compared to the MEA structures previously known. Depending on the temperature and operating pressure, values from US$ 1,475.30 to prepare MEAs for each installed kilowatt were obtained. Taking into account recent studies, it was concluded that the cost of the developed MEA is compatible with PEMFC stationary application.

Properties and use of SO2 for the hybrid sulfur process / Krüger A.J.

Krüger, Andries Johannes. January 2011 (has links)
Thematic interrelation is an underdeveloped field of inquiry in Lukan studies. The design and elegance of Lukan theology begs for guided investigation into a possible system of organisation that governs history and theology, that is, narrative and theme. Based on the Greimasian Actantial Model, morpho–syntactical structural–critical analysis of Luke and Acts reveals that the covenant concept in its operative aspect of service functions as an organising principle, structuring the narratives and facilitating thematic interrelation. A survey of representative Lukan research consisting of five methodologically determined approaches shows a commonality regarding Lukan purpose. These all share the “plan of God” as a fundamental concept, thus intimating its plausibility as a common organisational principle in the text. This observation encourages further analysis of Lukan narrative and meta–narrative as relevant subject matter. Investigation into the purpose and goals of Ancient Jewish and Ancient Greek literature suggests that the concepts of piety/holiness and justness combined with a notion of divine order and expectation demonstrates organisational capacity. Under the terms and conditions of the Old Covenant three non–exclusive themes/concepts hold organisational functionality and ability to facilitate thematic interrelation: Exodus typology, the covenant concept and the eschaton idea. Exodus typology connects narrative with theme, developing Israel’s story. The covenant idea frames stories using parallelism and gives the meta–story progression. The eschaton idea presents the Day of YHWH as an organisational principle guiding the story of judgment to restoration. It is observed that the covenant concept is the most prevalent of these themes/ideas. Assuming the conceptual unity of Luke and Acts and adopting a morpho–syntactical structuralist approach, it was observed that the covenant concept in its operative aspect of service occurred as Helper at ten places, determining the development and structure of the meta–narrative. According to the Greimasian Actantial Model, Israel failed to fulfil its covenant–based mandate to serve God and shine God’s light of mercy to the nations. Jesus, Israel’s new Helper, becomes the Subject and by his covenant–based ministry, characterised as the greatest service, resolves the problem that prevents Israel from carrying out its divine mandate and sets the stage for its fulfilment. In Jesus Israel is given new leaders, an ethical platform of discipleship and the Holy Spirit. The apostle Paul as the epitomised and exemplary witness and servant of Jesus fulfils what Israel could not. He is vindicated in righteousness and shares in the Isaianic ministry of Jesus, to bear witness to leaders and to shine God’s light to the nations. Paul is unhindered in this ministry. Additionally, in thematic–critical terms, the key placement of the covenant concept in its operative aspect of service at plot–defining junctures features its catalytic dynamic as a “template” concept advancing the re–conceptualising of themes and providing a platform for meaningful relation. The evidence thus suggests that the covenant concept in its operative aspect structures the conjoined narratives of Luke and Acts. It also provides a basis for relation between the divine and humans in the context of the history of God’s salvation, linking history and theology, and makes possible a discernible means to thematic interrelation. The SO2 electrolysis was performed by supplying the anode of the cell with SO2 gas, while the water was fed to the cathode using graphite plates as flow fields. Initial experimental work was done at ambient pressures on the anode (SO2 gas–fed) and cathode (water–fed) after which the water pressure was increased from ambient to 1 bar. Various parameters were evaluated for SO2 electrolysis at ambient conditions, including operating temperature, membrane thickness and catalyst loading. The operating temperature was increased from 50oC to 80oC which resulted in a significant voltage improvement from 0.78V to 0.64V at 300mA/cm2. Operating the cell with thinner membranes (86 vs 170um) also resulted in an improved overall cell performance, while the catalyst loading (1 vs 0.5mgPt/cm2) had a negligible effect on the operating voltage. SEM images and EDX analysis were performed on the best performing MEA (N1135) which showed that no degradation of the MEA had occurred. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Chemistry))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Properties and use of SO2 for the hybrid sulfur process / Krüger A.J.

Krüger, Andries Johannes. January 2011 (has links)
Thematic interrelation is an underdeveloped field of inquiry in Lukan studies. The design and elegance of Lukan theology begs for guided investigation into a possible system of organisation that governs history and theology, that is, narrative and theme. Based on the Greimasian Actantial Model, morpho–syntactical structural–critical analysis of Luke and Acts reveals that the covenant concept in its operative aspect of service functions as an organising principle, structuring the narratives and facilitating thematic interrelation. A survey of representative Lukan research consisting of five methodologically determined approaches shows a commonality regarding Lukan purpose. These all share the “plan of God” as a fundamental concept, thus intimating its plausibility as a common organisational principle in the text. This observation encourages further analysis of Lukan narrative and meta–narrative as relevant subject matter. Investigation into the purpose and goals of Ancient Jewish and Ancient Greek literature suggests that the concepts of piety/holiness and justness combined with a notion of divine order and expectation demonstrates organisational capacity. Under the terms and conditions of the Old Covenant three non–exclusive themes/concepts hold organisational functionality and ability to facilitate thematic interrelation: Exodus typology, the covenant concept and the eschaton idea. Exodus typology connects narrative with theme, developing Israel’s story. The covenant idea frames stories using parallelism and gives the meta–story progression. The eschaton idea presents the Day of YHWH as an organisational principle guiding the story of judgment to restoration. It is observed that the covenant concept is the most prevalent of these themes/ideas. Assuming the conceptual unity of Luke and Acts and adopting a morpho–syntactical structuralist approach, it was observed that the covenant concept in its operative aspect of service occurred as Helper at ten places, determining the development and structure of the meta–narrative. According to the Greimasian Actantial Model, Israel failed to fulfil its covenant–based mandate to serve God and shine God’s light of mercy to the nations. Jesus, Israel’s new Helper, becomes the Subject and by his covenant–based ministry, characterised as the greatest service, resolves the problem that prevents Israel from carrying out its divine mandate and sets the stage for its fulfilment. In Jesus Israel is given new leaders, an ethical platform of discipleship and the Holy Spirit. The apostle Paul as the epitomised and exemplary witness and servant of Jesus fulfils what Israel could not. He is vindicated in righteousness and shares in the Isaianic ministry of Jesus, to bear witness to leaders and to shine God’s light to the nations. Paul is unhindered in this ministry. Additionally, in thematic–critical terms, the key placement of the covenant concept in its operative aspect of service at plot–defining junctures features its catalytic dynamic as a “template” concept advancing the re–conceptualising of themes and providing a platform for meaningful relation. The evidence thus suggests that the covenant concept in its operative aspect structures the conjoined narratives of Luke and Acts. It also provides a basis for relation between the divine and humans in the context of the history of God’s salvation, linking history and theology, and makes possible a discernible means to thematic interrelation. The SO2 electrolysis was performed by supplying the anode of the cell with SO2 gas, while the water was fed to the cathode using graphite plates as flow fields. Initial experimental work was done at ambient pressures on the anode (SO2 gas–fed) and cathode (water–fed) after which the water pressure was increased from ambient to 1 bar. Various parameters were evaluated for SO2 electrolysis at ambient conditions, including operating temperature, membrane thickness and catalyst loading. The operating temperature was increased from 50oC to 80oC which resulted in a significant voltage improvement from 0.78V to 0.64V at 300mA/cm2. Operating the cell with thinner membranes (86 vs 170um) also resulted in an improved overall cell performance, while the catalyst loading (1 vs 0.5mgPt/cm2) had a negligible effect on the operating voltage. SEM images and EDX analysis were performed on the best performing MEA (N1135) which showed that no degradation of the MEA had occurred. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Chemistry))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Détermination des mécanismes de dégradation d'électrodes modèles de pile à combustible à membrane échangeuse de protons / Structure effect of carbon-supported Pt nanoparticles on PEMFC reaction kinetics

Zhao, Zuzhen 07 December 2012 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse s’est intéressé aux mécanismes de dégradation de nanoparticules de Pt supportées sur carbone utilisées pour catalyser les réactions électrochimiques dans une pile à combustible à membrane échangeuse de protons (PEMFC) et à leur conséquences d’un point de vue cinétique. Nous avons mis en évidence les différents mécanismes (maturation d’Ostwald 3D, corrosion du support carboné, migration/agrégation des cristallites métalliques) conduisant à une perte de surface active électrochimiquement et avons trouvé des conditions permettent d’isoler chacun de ces mécanismes. En premier lieu, nous avons montré que les nanoparticules de Pt supportées sur carbone ne sont pas immobiles mais agrègent en conditions réactionnelles notamment en présence de molécules réductrices. La vitesse de ce processus varie dans l'ordre CO > CH3OH > H2 et a été reliée à (i) la baisse du travail d’adhésion engendrée par la chimisorption de ces molécules et (ii) la réduction des groupements oxygénés présents sur le support carboné natif.Nous nous sommes également intéressés au mécanisme d’électrooxydation électrochimique du Vulcan XC72, un noir de carbone classiquement utilisé dans les couches catalytiques de PEMFC. Des mesures par spectroscopie Raman ont montré que les domaines désordonnés du Vulcan XC72 (non-graphitiques, hybridation sp3) sont corrodés de façon préférentielle dans des conditions expérimentales proches de celles d’une cathode de PEMFC. Les domaines ordonnés du support carboné (carbone graphitique, hybridation sp2) sont également corrodés, la vitesse de ce processus étant largement inférieure à ce qui est observé sur les domaines désordonnés. En conséquence, les nanoparticules de Pt se détachent ou agglomèrent comme le révèlent des expériences de microscopie électronique en transmission couplées à l’électrochimie. L’ensemble de ces mécanismes de dégradation conduit à un abaissement de la densité du nombre de particules métalliques et augmente la distance entre ces dernières. Dans le chapitre IV, nous montrons que des électrocatalyseurs Pt/Sibunit electrocatalysts possédant (i) un faible chargement massique en Pt, et (ii) de grandes distances inter-particules présentant une faible activité pour la réduction du dioxygène de l’air. Le nombre moyen d’électrons transférés par molécule de dioxygène décroît bien sous la valeur théorique de 4 lorsque l’épaisseur de la couche catalytique ou le chargement massique diminue. Nous avons relié cela à un transport et à une ré-adsorption plus difficiles des intermédiaires réactionnels notamment le péroxyde d’hydrogène. Une diminution du nombre de sites catalytiques peut également engendrer une limitation des cinétiques réactionnelles par l’adsorption de l’oxygène. Au vu de l’ensemble des résultats précédents, nous avons conclu que des cristallites de plus grande taille permettraient d’améliorer la durabilité des matériaux contenus dans les couches catalytiques de PEMFC. Des nano-fils de Pt (NWs) avec une taille moyenne de cristallite de 2,1 ± 0,2 nm ont été synthétisés. Nous avons montré que la morphologie du matériau joue un rôle conséquent à la fois en termes d’activité électrocatalytique et de durabilité : les matériaux Pt NWs/C permettent une réduction de prêt de 170 mV de la surtension d’oxydation d’une monocouche de monoxyde de carbone et possèdent une activité catalytique élevée et stable pour l’électrooxydation du méthanol. Cette dernière a été attribuée à (i) l’augmentation de la masse des cristallites de Pt résultant de l’augmentation en taille (nanoparticules à nano-fils) et (ii) une surface de contact élevée avec le support carboné. Ces matériaux possèdent un potentiel intéressant pour résoudre les problèmes de durabilité rencontrés avec les matériaux 0D utilisés de façon conventionnelle. / State-of-the-art catalytic layers of proton-exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) utilize ionomer-bonded Pt-based nanocrystallites supported on a high surface area carbon support to accelerate the rate of the hydrogen oxidation reaction at the anode, and of the oxygen reduction reaction at the cathode. Post-mortem analysis of PEMFC catalytic layers reveal that four degradation mechanisms yield Pt surface area losses (and hence decreased PEMFC performance): (i) aggregation and/or detachment of the metal nanoparticles, (ii) corrosion of the carbon support, (iii) Ostwald ripening (dissolution/redeposition of the Pt-based crystallites) yielding the formation of ionic species and (iv) chemical reduction of the Ptz+ species in ion conductors, yielding the formation of electrically disconnected Pt crystallites. A major concern of the Ph.D. was to be able to isolate the migration of the Pt nanocrystallites. For that purpose, commercial Pt/Vulcan XC 72 electrocatalysts were aged in “mild” conditions, for which the corrosion of both the Pt nanoparticles and the carbon support could not be considered dominant. Evidences were provided that the Pt/C nanoparticles are not immobile but prone to agglomerate in the presence of H2, CH3OH, and CO, three molecules of interest for PEMFCs. The migration rate of the Pt crystallites was the largest in CO-containing solution and decreased in the order CO > CH3OH > H2. We postulate that the morphological changes of the Pt/C nanoparticles may be caused by (i) a change of the work of adhesion between the metal phase and the carbon support or (ii) the reduction of the oxygen-bearing surface groups strongly interacting with the Pt nanocrystallites. We also investigated the mechanism of the electrochemical oxidation of Vulcan XC72, a carbon black conventionally used in PEMFCs. Raman spectroscopy measurements evidenced that the disordered domains of the Vulcan XC72 support (non-graphitic, sp3-hybridized) are preferentially oxidized. The ordered domains (graphitic carbon, sp2-hybridized) of the Vulcan XC72 support are also oxidized but at a much smaller rate than that observed on the non-graphitic domains. A major consequence of the oxidation of the high-surface area carbon support is the aggregation and the detachment of the supported Pt nanoparticles. In Chapter V, we used model Pt/Sibunit electrocatalysts to show that aged catalytic layers with (i) low Pt to C weight fraction, (ii) large inter-particle distance, feature bad performance for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). The average number of transferred electrons produced during the ORR decreases below 4 with the decrease of the catalyst layer thickness or the Pt loading. This was rationalized by considering the lower probability for H2O2 molecules (the major reaction intermediate) to be re-adsorbed and further reduced into water in the catalytic layer when the inter-particle distance decreases. Finally, Pt nanowires (NWs) with 2.1 ± 0.2 nm crystallite size were synthesized by a soft template method. Evidences were provided that the morphology of the Pt material plays a pivotal role both in terms of electrocatalytic activity/stability: the 1D Pt NWs/C demonstrate a reduction by ca. 170 mV of the CO oxidation overpotential and feature high and stable MOR activity with respect to a conventional Pt/C 20 wt. % catalyst. The enhanced durability of Pt NWs/C was rationalized by considering (i) the increase in weight of the Pt nanomaterials resulting from the increase in size (from nanoparticles to nanowires) and (ii) the enhanced contact surface area between the Pt NWs and the carbon support. The development of 1D Pt nanostructures, such as Pt NWs, hold promises to solve the durability issues faced with the 0D materials currently used in PEMFCs.Keywords: proton exchange membrane fuel cell, durability of PEMFC materials, electrochemical carbon oxidation, crystallite migration, Pt nanowires.

Corrosion of high surface area carbon supports used in proton-exchange membrane fuel cell electrodes / Corrosion des supports carbonés des électrocatalyseurs de pile à combustible basse température

Castanheira, Luis Filipe Rodrigues 14 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l’étude des mécanismes de dégradation de noirs de carbone de forte surface spécifique (HSAC) utilisés comme supports d’électrocatalyseurs dans une pile à combustible à membrane échangeuse de protons (PEMFC). Nous avons montré que le mécanisme et les cinétiques de la corrosion électrochimique du carbone (COR) sont influencés par la présence d’ionomère Nafion®, la limite supérieure de potentiel électrochimique, la nature et le nombre de caractérisations intermédiaires présentes dans des tests de dégradation accélérés. En utilisant la spectroscopie Raman,il apparaît que la COR est sensible à la structure cristallographique des HSAC et procède plus rapidement sur les domaines désordonnés (carbone amorphe, cristallites de graphite présentant des défauts). Le taux de recouvrement en espèces oxygénées évalué par spectroscopie de photoélectrons X a été comparé à celui trouvé en intégrant l’intensité du pic quinone/hydroquinone (Q/HQ) envol tampérométrie cyclique. Finalement, une comparaison avec des matériaux carbonés ayant fonctionné pendant 12860 heures en PEMFC confirme nos principaux résultats et permet d’élaborer des stratégies pour atténuer les conséquences de la COR. / This thesis investigates the degradation mechanism of high surfacearea carbon (HSAC) supports used in proton-exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) electrodes. The structural and the chemical properties of different HSAC supports were established. The effectof the Nafion® ionomer used as a proton conductor, the gas atmosphere, the upper potential limit and the intermediate electrochemical characterizations used to monitor the changes ofthe electrochemical surface area during accelerated stress tests(ASTs) were investigated. The long-term physical and chemical changes of Pt/HSAC electrocatalysts were investigated insimulated PEMFC operating conditions. Using Raman spectroscopy, we showed that the COR is strongly structure sensitive and proceeds more rapidly on disordered domains of the HSAC (amorphous carbon and defective graphite crystallites) thanon graphitic domains. The coverage with carbon surface oxides was investigated with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and bridged tothe intensity of the quinone/hydroquinone (Q/HQ) peak monitored by cyclic voltammetry. Finally, the analyses realized on membrane electrode assemblies operated for 12,860h disclosed a perfect agreement between model and real PEMFC operating conditions, and confirmed the structural dependency of the COR kinetics.

Desenvolvimento de sistemas catalíticos não suportados para células a combustível de membrana polimérica de temperatura elevada de operação / Development of unsupported catalytic systems for high temperature polymeric fuel cell applications

DOUBEK, GUSTAVO 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:42:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:05:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

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