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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo exploratório da dimensão psicobiológica do método Rolfing de integração estrutural: criação, desenvolvimento e avaliação de questionários / Exploratory studies of the psychobiological dimension of the rolfing method of structural integration: creation, development and evaluation of questionnaires

Prado, Pedro Otavio Barretto 01 September 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:39:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pedro Otavio Barretto Prado.pdf: 2458555 bytes, checksum: 716a7b8919997d32dae998594e16854b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-09-01 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Empirical evidence indicates the importance of the Rolfing Method of Structural Integration for the field of Psychology. Ida P. Rolf s work is a holistic approach of organizing the human body structure in the gravitational field by rebalancing the myofascia (connective tissue) through special touch and movement education. The objective of the study described herein is to provide a systematic and consistent method for investigating the psychobiological nature of Rolfing and its intersection with the domain of psychosomatics. The author studied the power of questionnaires that had been developed for clinical research at NAPER (Brazilian Rolfing Association s Center for Clinical Practice, Research and Studies on Rolfing) and at Rolfing schools in Brazil and the United States, where the author had participated in the simultaneous elaboration, application and evaluation of the questionnaires. The questionnaires were used in connection with the Rolfing processes of 874 clients in three groups: 714 at NAPER and 160 in the Rolfing schools (55 in Brazil and 105 in the US). The questionnaire responses were evaluated both within each and among all of these three groups. The responses to closed questions were subjected to an SPSS quantitative analysis, applying statistical tests appropriate to the metrics of the questions and responses themselves. The responses to open questions were qualitatively analyzed with an SPAD.T method: for particular words, the frequencies and contexts of their uses were tabulated; then, words were grouped by conceptual affinity, and the contexts in which they appeared were analyzed. The themes that emerged from the responses, as well as their frequencies, were noted. These analyses of the data gathered in response to the questionnaires demonstrated the presence of a psychobiological dimension of Rolfing and, what s more, demonstrated to be an efficient tool for practitioners and students alike, regardless of cultural milieu. At the schools, clients perceptions concerning their quality of life before and after the Rolfing process were evaluated through the WHO-QOL questionnaire. The results were significant, and corroborated the indications of the NAPER results. The questionnaires also addressed the pre- and post-process intensity and frequency of reported pain; and indicated a significant decrease of both intensity and frequency of pain after the process. This was the case for both recent-onset and chronic pain, regardless of the location of the pain. The author posits that use of the questionnaires is, in and of itself, a mental reflexive activity an activity that makes salient the psychobiological dimension of Rolfing and it s value as a psychosomatic method. What s more, because the questionnaires further clinical, educational and research objectives simultaneously, their use highlights the relationship among those objectives. Based on his review of the evidence, the author sets forth a proposal for a revised questionnaire that comprises two levels, which could be explored independently or jointly. The first level consists of closed questions, which facilitates the collection of data for investigation. The second consists of open questions, which elicits reflection upon the psychobiological dimension of the work. Taken as a whole, this proposed questionnaire is an instrument of both research and teaching / Evidências empíricas apontam o valor do Método Rolfing de Integração Estrutural no Campo da psicologia. O trabalho de Ida P. Rolf é uma proposta holística, de organização da estrutura humana no campo gravitacional, pela reorganização do tecido miofascial, por toques especializados e educação pelo movimento. O objetivo deste trabalho é dar continuidade à investigação da natureza psicobiológica do método Rolfing e sua intersecção com o domínio da psicossomática. Estudou-se o alcance de questionários desenvolvidos em pesquisa-ação no NAPER (Núcleo de Atendimento, Pesquisa e Estudo em Rolfing, São Paulo, Brasil) e nas Escolas de Rolfing, no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos, onde o autor participou de um programa em que a elaboração, aplicação e avaliação dos questionários ocorriam simultaneamente. Os questionários foram usados nos processos de Rolfing de 874 clientes, sendo 714 do serviço de atendimento do NAPER e 160 clientes de classe das Escolas de Rolfing e, destes, 55, no Brasil e, 105, nos Estados Unidos. Foram avaliadas as respostas aos questionários das três amostras, isolada e comparativamente, tendo sido feita uma análise quantitativa das perguntas fechadas, utilizando-se o SPSS, e tendo aplicados testes estatísticos de acordo com o nível de mensuração das amostras. Realizou-se uma análise qualitativa das respostas às perguntas abertas em que se utilizou o SPAD.T, fazendo-se um levantamento das freqüências das palavras utilizadas nas respostas, agrupamentos das palavras por afinidade conceitual, além da busca e da análise do contexto em que foram utilizadas. Também foi feito o levantamento dos temas emergentes nas respostas e suas freqüências. Verificou-se que os questionários trouxeram dados que apresentam a dimensão psicobiológica do método Rolfing em todas as amostras, revelando-se eficientes no uso com profissionais formados, com alunos nas escolas e em diferentes culturas. Foram comparadas a localização, a intensidade e a periodicidade de dores relatadas, e notou-se tendência significativa para a diminuição da intensidade das dores antes e depois do processo, e diminuição na periodicidade tanto de dores recentes como crônicas em todas as localizações descritas. Nas Escolas, foi avaliada a percepção dos clientes quanto à sua Qualidade de Vida pelo WHOQOL-BREF, antes e depois do processo de Rolfing, com resultados significativos, corroborando os resultados apontados pelos questionários. O autor considera que o utilizar questionários representa atividade mental reflexiva, e que o emprego deles serve simultaneamente a propósitos de atendimento, de pesquisa e de educação, sendo o elo metodológico entre estas dimensões do trabalho, permitindo-se, assim, alavancar a percepção da dimensão psicobiológica do Rolfing e seu valor como metodologia em psicossomática. Foi feita uma revisão e uma proposta de uma bateria de questionários que possuem dois níveis: um, de perguntas fechadas e, outro, de perguntas abertas, que podem ser usados independentemente ou acoplados, e que atuam concomitantemente na investigação dos dados e eliciam a reflexão sobre a dimensão psicobiológica: um instrumento ao mesmo tempo de pesquisa e pedagógicos

Análisis de los períodos de regresión y transición en el primer año de vida

Rostán Sánchez, Carles 21 December 1998 (has links)
Aquesta tesi està centrada en l'estudi dels períodes de regressió i transició. A partir dels treballs de van de Rijt-Plooij & Plooij (1992) sobre els períodes de regressió, l'autor analitza les característiques comportamentals d'aquests períodes i la relació que tenen amb els períodes de transició. Els períodes de regressió s'entenen com uns moments del desenvolupament durant els quals els nens perden la homeostasi del seu organisme i manifesten una sèrie de conductes pertorbadores per a la mare. El matrimoni Plooij manté que els períodes de regressió són la manifestació de les reorganitzacions cerebrals que tenen lloc durant el període postnatal, i constitueixen la base de les noves habilitats que el nen va adquirint. Així, doncs, l'augment de l'atenció que la mare dispensa al nen durant els períodes de regressió esdevé una font estimular imprescindible en els processos d'educació i culturalització de l'infant. Per tant, els períodes de regressió estan íntimament relacionats amb els períodes durant els quals apareixen nous comportaments qualitativament diferents dels anteriors, que es manifesten de forma ràpida i sobtada, permetent una certa sistematització del procés evolutiu, per la qual cosa s'han denominat transicions. Van de Rijt-Plooij & Plooij, i també nosaltres, considerem que els períodes de regressió són índexs dels períodes de transició. Per aquesta raó també s'han denominar reprogressions.Tanmateix, els períodes de regressió es poden convertir en una font de conflictes que, en situació de risc, poden degenerar en maltractament infantil i, fins i tot, esdevenir el germen de possibles patogènies. Com veiem, els conceptes de període de regressió i transició es troben a l'encreuament entre la fisiologia, la psicologia i la psicopatologia del desenvolupament i, el seu estudi establiria un pont interdisciplinar que contribuiria a la construcció d'un model biopsicosocial del desenvolupament.Els objectius del nostre estudi varen ser comprovar si els períodes descrits per van de Rijt-Plooij i Plooij (1992) també els podem observar en un grup de nens de la població catalana sense problemes socio-econòmics o sanitaris aparents. Per altra banda, vàrem voler comprovar si els períodes de regressió tenen relació amb els períodes de transició. El disseny d'investigació correspon a un model longitudinal i transversal. Es varen seguir -mitjançant entrevistes, qüestionaris i observacions- vint diades mare-nen durant catorze mesos, repartides en quatre cohorts de cinc diades cada una d'elles.Partint d'uns criteris establerts a priori per a la categorització dels períodes de regressió i transició, vàrem estudiar la temporalitat d'ambdós tipus de períodes. També s'ha aprofundit sobre les característiques comportamentals i dinàmiques dels períodes de regressió.Respecte les dades, els percentatges màxims dels períodes de regressió del nostre grup d'estudi han aparegut a les setmanes: 5, 8, 12-13, 18, 26-27, 35, 43 i 52. La mitjana setmanal de cada període ha sigut de dues setmanes. Les nostres dades confirmen les obtingudes en la investigació de van de Rijt-Plooij & Plooij. Tanmateix, també hem trobat diferències (els períodes de regressió de l'estudi holandès són més llargs i coincideixen més) que ens suggereixen que la cultura podrien estar actuant en la forma de presentació del períodes de regressió.Pel que fa a la relació entre els períodes de regressió i l'emergència de nous comportaments (períodes de transició), els resultats mostren que les freqüències màximes dels períodes de regressió sempre es troben poques setmanes abans de les freqüències màximes dels períodes de transició. Per tant, és possible que els períodes de regressió siguin indicadors dels períodes de transició. / This thesis focuses on the study of the transitions and regression periods in the infancy. Starting from van de Rijt-Plooij & Plooij's research works about emergence of regression periods in the first years of life, the authors analyse the presence of such periods and your relation with the transition periods.The regression periods can be understood as behavioural signs of brain reorganisations, which the infant experiences in his process of development. This maturing experience would cause a loss of control and of homeostatic regulation in the infants that guarantee the necessary attention and care to the infant's organism during a phase of instability and change. As the author quoted above admits, during regression periods the infant's mind is very sensitive and open to external stimuli, mainly to the socioaffective stimuli proceeding from their mother. But the mother and adults who interact with the infant are not only an important source of affective stimuli. At the same time, they make up the dialogical matrix through which children acquire and share the individual's internal structure to be modified and the psyche development to be oriented towards superior ways of functioning (transitional periods).The basic purpose of our study has been to check whether the regression periods described by van de Rijt-Plooij & Plooij (1992, 1993) appeared in a sample of babies in our country. In addition, whether the ages at which they emerged and their characteristics were likewise comparable to the one found by the author quoted. On the other hand, our intention is to analyse the qualitative changes, which supposedly precede regression periods.The research design corresponds to a transversal and longitudinal model. For this reason, twenty pairs mother-infant were divided into cohorts of five months each in the follow way: 1 cohort (3-20 weeks), 2 cohort (12-33 weeks), 3 cohort (24-44 weeks) and 4 cohort (36-56 weeks).The instruments used to collect information have been the following: a questionnaire completed by the very own mothers and which we weekly collected. A semi-structured weekly tape-record interview. Finally, we carried out a three-hour observation every fortnight during the firs months and once a month from that age.The criterion we have followed to rate a period as a regression period has been the coexistence of three of the behavioural categories which typify the episodes according to the previously quoted work: a) an increase of the bodily contact between mother and child, b) an increase in crying and irritability behaviours, c) the presence of a third disruptive element like alteration in the sleep-wakefulness rhythm, decrease of ingestion, very altered activity, drowsiness, etc...In relation to data, the maximum percentages of the regression periods found in our research appear distributed along the following weeks: 5, 8, 12-13, 18, 26-27, 35, 43 and 52. The mean of lasting of a regression period was of 2 weeks in a range of 1-4 weeks.Our data confirm the ones obtained in van de Rijt-Plooij & Plooij's research. Still we can appreciate some differences what suggested that the culture could be also operating in the presentation shape of regression periods.About relationship between regression periods and new behaviours emergence (transition periods), the results prove that the maxim peaks of regression appear placed some week before the peak of transition periods. The hypotheses that assist that the regression periods are index of transition periods is confirmed by the results.

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