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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Examination of a process model of adolescent smoking self-change efforts in relation to gender /

MacPherson, Laura. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of California, San Diego, and San Diego State University, 2005. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 84-99).

Late adolescent couples' rejection sensitivity and patterns of cortisol reactivity and recovery in relationship conflict.

Balaban, Susan F. 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Adolessente wat verwerping beleef / Adolescents who experience parental rejection

Rautenbach, Esther Anna 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie studie word die invloed van subtiele ouerlike verwerping op die leefwereld van die adolessent aangespreek. Subtiele ouerlike verwerping manifesteer nie net in die afwesigheid van liefde en warmte in die ouer-kind verhouding nie, maar vind ook neerslag in fisiese-, emosionele- en opvoedingsverwaarlosing. Uit die literatuurstudie blyk dit dat ouerlike houdings, wat in hul opvoedingstyl weerspieel word, bepalend is vir die adolessent se belewing van aanvaarding of verwerping. Oorsake van ouerlike verwerping setel in ouers se agtergrond, hul huidige omstandighede en die kind self. In die empiriese ondersoek is die leefwereld van die adolessent wat ouerlike verwerping beleef, verken. Volgens die resultate blyk dit dat hierdie adolessente se relasies problematies is, dat hulle 'n lae selfbeeld het en dat hulle gevoelens van angs en minderwaardigheid beleef. / This study addresses the influence of subtle parental rejection on the life world of adolescents. Subtle parental rejection manifests not only in the lack of warmth and love in the parent-child relationship but also in physical, emotional and educational neglect. From the literature study it is evident that, parental rejection which is reflected in their educational style will determine whether a child experiences rejection or acceptance. Causes of parental rejection reside in the background of parents, their existing circumstances and also in the rejected child itself. The empirical study investigates the life world of adolescents who experience subtle parental rejection. According to the results it seems that these adolescents experience problematic relationships, they have a low self-image and also experience feelings of anxiety and a sense of inferiority. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkunde)

Die persoonlikheidsamestelling van die beskeie leerling in die senior sekondêre skoolfase

Lessing, A. C. (Anna Christina), 1947- 03 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die studie handel oor die persoonlikheidsamestelling van die beskeie leerling in die senior sekondere skoolfase. Twee sienings van beskeidenheid blyk uit die literatuur, naamlik beskeidenheid as 'n deug en beskeidenheid as manifestasie van innerlike onsekerheid. Daar is in diepte gekyk na beskeidenheid as persoonlikheidseienskap en die invloed van beskeidenheid op die relasievorming en selfaktualisering van die kind. Beskeidenheid gaan gepaard met persoonlikheidseienskappe soos terughoudendheid, beskroomdheid, geinhibeerdheid, ontoereikende assertiwiteit en vry van aanmatiging en dit behels 'n onvermoe tot selfbevordering. Verder manifesteer sake soos sosiale angstigheid, openbare selfbewustheid, vrees vir sukses en swak selfevaluering ook in beskeidenheid. Die leerling se relasievorming en selfaktualisering word deur beskeidenheid gekortwiek. Die Hoerskool Persoonlikheidsvraelys is in 'n empiriese ondersoek op 'n aantal standerd 9-leerlinge afgeneem. Geen tipiese perrsoonlikheidsprofiel kon vir beskeidenheid saamgestel word nie. 'n Aantal persoonlikheidseienskappe wat met beskeidenheid verband kan hou, het egter in die ondersoek na vore gekom. / This study concerns the personality composition of the modest pupil in the senior secondary school. Two views of modesty are discussed in the literature, namely that it is a virtue and that it is a sign of inner uncertainty. An in-depth study is made of modesty as a personality characteristic and its influence on the pupil's relationship formation and self-actualisation. Modesty is associated with such personality characteristics as reserve, timidity, inhibition, unassertiveness and lack of arrogance. It implies an inability to promote oneself. Modesty is also a manifestation of social anxiety, self-conciousness, a fear of success and low self-evaluation. It handicaps the relationship formation and self-actualisation of pupils. The High School Personality Questionnaire was administered to a group of Standard 9 pupils in an empirical study. No typical personality profile could be compiled for modest pupils. Several personality 'characteristics emerged from the study which may be associated with modesty. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (met spesialisering in Voorligting)

Die verband tussen stadium van morele ontwikkeling en lokus van kontrole by 'n groep Afrikaanssprekende adolessente

Swart, Bert 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: According to Hurlock ( in Louw, Gerdes & Meyer, 1985), traditional society has a larger number of prescribed values and rules of behaviour than is the case in modern society. In modern society the onus rests on the individual who is expected to direct his behaviour in accordance with the values of his choice. The individual has to accept responsibility for determining his own values. This may create problems for the adolescent because he will be confronted by a wide range of diverse values without the benefit of guidelines or rules to tell him which of those values should be accepted and which should rather be avoided. Against this background it becomes clear why the internalization of moral values, as they develop, is of utmost importance to the adolescent. In this study an attempt has been made to investigate the relationship between stage of moral development and locus of control within a group of Afrikaans-speaking adolescents. The study has further attempted to determine the influence of intellectual ability on the relationship between stage of moral development and locus of control. Males and females were also compared with respect to moral development and locus of control. The sample comprised 193 white, Afrikaans-speaking grade eleven pupils. Seventy-six were boys and 117 girls. The subjects were selected from three high schools situated in three different towns and/or cities. All the subjects came from complete families in which both biological parents were present. Taylor's Reasons for Action Questionnaire (1978) was used to determine the stage of moral development. This questionnaire is based on Lawrence Kohlberg's six stages of moral development which in itself developed from the cognitive-developmental structural approach to moral development. The Rotter Internal-External Locus of Control Questionnaire was used to measure the level of locus of control. Intelligence test scores, as measured by the New South African Group Test, were obtained from the E119 records at the various schools. The responses to a biographical questionnaire were used to facilitate the demarcation of the sample. The results of the study indicated that on average the sample as a whole, functions on a conventional moral level. A significantly negative correlation (r(193) = -,28; P < ,001) was found between locus of control and level of moral developement. This indicates that within this group of Afrikaans-speaking adolescents an internal locus of control is associated with a higher level of moral development whilst and external locus of control is associated with a lower level of moral development. In this study intelligence had little or no influence on the relationship between level of moral development and locus of control. This supports the view of Kohlberg (1969) that there is a curved line relationship between the level of moral judgement and intellectual ability. Finally it may be said with a 95% degree of certainty, that there is a significant gender difference in respect of the construct of moral development. The girls used in this sample displayed a more developed level of moral development than the boys. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In tradisionele samelewings is daar, volgens Hurlock (aangehaal in Louw, Gerdes & Meyer, 1985), meer waardes en reëls vir gedrag voorgeskryf as in die moderne samelewing. In die moderne samelewing rus die onus op die individu om sy gedrag volgens die waardes van sy keuse in te rig. Hierdie verantwoordelikheid wat op die individu rus om self sy waardes te bepaal, kan vir die adolessent probleme skep aangesien hy deur 'n groot verskeidenheid waardes konfronteer word sonder riglyne of reëls oor watter waardes aanvaar en watter liefs vermy moet word. Teen hierdie agtergrond is dit duidelik waarom die internalisering van morele waardes, soos dit ontwikkel, van uiterste belang is vir die adolessent. Die onderhawige studie poog om die verband tussen die stadium van morele ontwikkeling en lokus van kontrole by 'n groep Afrikaanssprekende adolessente te ondersoek. Verder is probeer om die invloed van intellektuele vermoë op die verband tussen die stadium van morele ontwikkeling en lokus van kontrole te ondersoek. Laastens is die geslagte met mekaar vergelyk ten opsigte van die twee konstrukte, naamlik stadium van morele ontwikkeling en lokus van kontrole. Die ondersoekgroep het bestaan uit 193 blanke Afrikaanssprekende graad 11 leerlinge. Hiervan was 76 seuns en 117 meisies. Die toetslinge was afkomstig uit drie hoërskole wat in drie verskillende dorpe en/of stede geleë is. Die toetslinge het uit volledige gesinne gekom, dit wil sê, gesinne waar beide die biologiese ouers nog teenwoordig was in die huishouding. Die Redes vir Optrede Vraelys van Taylor (1978) is gebruik om die stadium van morele ontwikkeling vas te stel. Hierdie vraelys is gebaseer op Lawrence Kohlberg se ses stadia van morele ontwikkeling wat ontstaan het vanuit die kognitief-ontwikkelende strukturele benadering van morele ontwikkeling. Die Rotter Interne-Eksterne Lokus van Kontrole Vraelys is gebruik om die vlak van lokus van kontrole te bepaal. Verstandtoetstellings, soos gemeet deur die Nuwe Suid- Afrikaanse Groeptoets, is vanaf die E119-vorms by die onderskeie skole verkry. Die response op "n biografiese vraelys is benut ten einde die steekproef effektief at te baken. Die resultate van die ondersoek toon dat die totale steekproef wat gemiddeldes betref, op 'n konvensionele morele vlak redeneer. Daar is "n beduidende negatiewe verband r(193) = -,28; p< ,001) tussen lokus van kontrole en vlak van morele ontwikkeling gevind. Dit dui daarop dat, by hierdie groep Afrikaanssprekende adolessente, "n interne lokus van kontrole saamgaan met "n hoër vlak van morele ontwikkeling en "n eksterne lokus van kontrole met "n laer vlak van morele ontwikkeling saamgaan. In hierdie studie het intellektuele vermoë ook weinig tot geen invloed op die verband tussen vlak van morele ontwikkeling en lokus van kontrole gehad nie. Die bevinding ondersteun Kohlberg (1969) se siening dat die verband tussen vlak van morele oordeel en intellektuele vermoë kromlynig is. Laastens kan daar met 95% sekerheid gesê word dat die geslagte beduidend van mekaar verskil ten opsigte van die konstruk morele ontwikkeling. Dit blyk dat die meisies in hierdie steekproef moreel verder ontwikkel het as die seuns.

Aborsie en adolessensie : die besluitnemingsproses

Theron, C. G. 03 1900 (has links)
On t.p.: Werkstuk vir die graad van Magister in Lettere en Wysbegeerte (Voorligtingsielkunde) / Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Adolescence is viewed as the transitional stage between childhood and adulthood. Development during this stage centres on identity, sexuality, cognition and morality. Abortion during adolescence demands a careful decision-making process. Research has shown that the adolescent's reaction to abortion is determined by the decision-making process that was adopted. This paper provides a literature review of developmental issues and the capacity of adolescents to make decisions about reproduction and motherhood. The conclusion is reached that age is not the determinant of the emotional state following abortion, but rather the nature of the decision-making process that was followed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Adolessensie word beskou as die oorgangsfase tussen die kinderjare en volwassenheid. Ontwikkeling tydens hierdie fase sentreer rondom identiteit, seksualiteit, kognisie en moraliteit. Aborsie tydens adolessensie vereis 'n indringende besluitnemingsproses. Navorsing het bewys dat die adolessent se reaksie op aborsie deur die besluitnemingsproses bëinvloed word. Hierdie werkstuk verskaf 'n literatuuroorsig van ontwikkelingsaspekte en die kapasiteit van adolessente om besluite oor voortplanting en moederskap te neem. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat die emosionele toestand na 'n aborsie nie bepaal word deur ouderdom nie, maar wel deur die aard van die besluitnemingsproses wat gevolg is

An analysis of schema theory and learning theory as explanations for variance in adolescent adjustment to divorce

Watson, Nichola Marianne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The primary aim of this study was to identify factors contributing to the adjustment of adolescents whose parents are divorced. Learning theory and schema theory were evaluated as possible explanations for the variance found in the adjustment of these adolescents. The secondary aim of the study was to research the possibility of attitude to divorce acting as a mediator between the parent-adolescent relationship and adolescent adjustment (a possibility suggested by schema theory). Self-report questionnaires were completed by first year Psychology and Economics students at Stellenbosch University. 293 students completed the questionnaires, but as only 39 of these students came from divorced families, 38 of the data sets from students with married parents were randomly selected for use in the study. Respondents completed Antonovsky's Life Orientation Questionnaire (measuring adjustment); Hudson's CAM and CAF questionnaires (measuring relationships with mother and father, respectively); and a set of questions measuring attitude to divorce; as well as a biographical questionnaire. The results showed only limited evidence for attitude to divorce acting as a mediator between the parent-adolescent relationship and adolescent adjustment. Schema theory is therefore not supported conclusively, although further research is recommended. Results did, however, support learning theory as an adequate explanation for the positive correlations found between parent-adolescent relationships and adolescent adjustment. Knowledge of the importance of learning theory in explaining adolescent adjustment can increase parents' awareness of their influence on their children's adjustment. This knowledge can also be used in the design of therapeutic programmes for families going through divorce. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hoofdoelstelling van hierdie ondersoek was om faktore te indentifiseer wat bydra tot die aanpassing van adolessente wie se ouers geskei is. Leerteorie en skemateorie is geevalueer as moontlike verkJarings vir die variansie in die aanpassing van die adolessente. 'n Sekondere doel was om die moontlikheid te ondersoek dat die adolessent se houding teenoor egskeiding 'n rol kan speeI in die ouer-adolessent verhouding en die aanpassmg van die adolessent (die moontlikheid voIg uit skemateorie). Selfrapporteringsvraelyste is deur onderskeidelik eerstejaar studente in Sielkunde en Ekonomie aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch voltooi. 293 studente het die vraelyste voltooi, maar omdat net 39 van hierdie studente uit geskeide gesinne gekom het, is 38 studente met getroude ouers in die ondersoek ingesluit. Studente het Antonovsky se Lewensorientasievraelys (wat aanpassing meet); Hudson se CAM en CAF-vraelyste (wat verhoudings met die rna en pa meet); en 'n stel vrae wat houding teenoor egskeiding meet; sowel as 'n biografiese vraelys voltooi. Beperkte bewys is gevind vir die moontlikheid dat houding teenoor egskeiding bemiddelend optree tussen die oueradolessent verhouding en die aanpassing van die adolessent. Skemateorie kon gevolglik nie bewys word nie, alhoewel verdere ondersoeke aanbeveel word. Die resultate ondersteun leerteorie as 'n goeie verduideliking vir die positiewe korrelasie wat bestaan tussen ouer-adolessent verhouding en die adolessent se aanpassing. Kennis van die belangrikheid van leerteorie as verduideliking vir die aanpassing van adolessente beklemtoon die beJangrike invloed wat die ouers se aanpassing op hul k.inders se aanpassing het. Die kennis kan ook gebruik word in die ontwerp van terapeutiese programme vir gesinne wat egskeiding beleef.

The Relationships Between Personality Adjustments and Perceived Behavior of Teenage Boys at Boys Ranch, Texas

Pippin, Louis Danny 06 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was an investigation into the relationships between personality adjustment and perceived behavior in school and dormitory life of the residents of Boys Ranch, Texas.

How resilient adolescent learners in a township school cope with school violence: a case study.

15 August 2008 (has links)
The aim of this study is to analyse and describe how resilient adolescent learners in a township school cope with school violence in order to develop and recommend a model to promote resilience in coping with school violence. As basis for this study violence is described and explained in the theoretical framework of the ecosystemic theory, as well as the social learning and cognitive behavioural theories. Based on these theories violence is discussed as a reaction and as an action that occurs through reciprocal interaction between the systems and the social environment. Through this interaction adolescent learners could be exposed to individual, family, community and school related risk factors and external barriers, which could have psychological impact, and could lead to a path of violence and self-destruction. Thus, the view of the study is that some learners have the ability and skills to cope with school violence, whilst others are not capable of coping with school violence. However, both groups could learn coping skills. This study wishes to further show that in order for adolescent learners in a township school to cope with school violence certain intrapersonal characteristics and social interpersonal skills of resilience, as well as external protective factors should be present. Therefore, background to research into the theories of resilience and coping based on Salutogenesis is provided. Salutogenesis stresses the importance of how well-being (resilience and coping) is created and maintained. The specific research design selected for this study is a case study and is qualitative, explorative and descriptive in nature. This research design is also emergent and is logically constructed according to qualitative research methods to ensure credibility and validity if the study. The research design further provides clear direction for the way in which the fieldwork is undertaken. A two-pronged approach was followed with the data collection. First, a pilot study was done for refinement of questions and data collection formats as well as for understanding the realities of the fieldwork and research process. Secondly, the data were collected from participants in three different phases, including gathering of background information of the school; obtaining views about school violence, resilience and coping; as well as collecting data from resilient adolescent learners about their violent experiences and how they coped with school violence. The process of analysis that was followed was to describe the protocol for all phases; to identify and describe the themes that emerged from the data of all phases; and to present a clear profile of each resilient adolescent learner. The results were presented within a narrative that should provide the reader with enough information to determine whether the findings of the study could possibly apply to other people or settings. The findings of the study revealed that many adolescent learners in the township school experienced direct incidences of violence either at school or in the community. The most common types of violence reported by the participants, are bullying, fighting, swearing, gangsterism, carrying of weapons, stabbing and gambling. Other contributory factors are racism and substance abuse. Reportedly, the nature of violence changed over the years because of efforts, mainly from the educators, to develop a workable discipline system. It was also found that there were learners at this school who coped with school violence because of intrapersonal characteristics of resilience, social interpersonal skills, and external factors. The intrapersonal characteristics of resilience are an appealing temperament; sense of coherence; internal locus of control; positive self-concept; being future directed, and belief in a Higher Being. The social interpersonal skills are communication skills, cognitive skills, and conflict resolution skills. The external factors are family support and social support. Based on these findings this thesis develops and recommends a systemic-based model to promote resilience in adolescent learners in coping with school violence in a township school. / Prof. R.E Swart

An examination of the relationship among TARGET structures, team motivational climate, and achievement goal orientation

Becker, Susan L. 29 November 1994 (has links)
Current research on sport motivation has focused primarily on goal perspective approaches in an attempt to understand behavior in achievement situations (Ames, 1984; Nicholls, 1984). According to Nicholls' (1984) theory, the achievement goal orientation an individual develops may be influenced by both individual differences and situational factors. Relative to situational factors, the team motivational climate may promote either a task-involved or an ego-involved orientation dependent upon which goal orientation is emphasized by the coach. In addition, Ames (1992a) argued that environmental structures influence the motivational climate which ultimately impact the athlete's achievement orientation. Educational research (Epstein, 1988) has identified specific environmental structures (TARGET structures) as being salient to the development of a mastery climate. Little research has been conducted on athletes' perceptions of their coaches' behavior, in regard to specific environmental structures, and how this may ultimately influence athletes' achievement goal orientation. Thus, the purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among TARGET structures, team motivational climate, and achievement goal orientation. The subjects consisted of 186 high school softball players and 171 high school baseball players, ranging in age from 14 to 18 years. The TEOSQ, PMCSQ, and TARGET questionnaires were administered to subjects at the beginning of a sport practice. LISREL8, a structural equation modeling program, was the statistical analysis employed. Results indicated that a positive linear relationship existed, linking task and reward/evaluation components of the TARGET structures to mastery climate to task orientation. These two structures may be the most salient structures within a sport setting. This finding suggests there is a positive association between coaches' promotion and employment of task-involved goals in their practices and athletes' perception of a mastery-oriented team motivational climate. Direct relationships linking three TARGET structures to performance climate to ego orientation were also reported. Grouping and authority components of the TARGET structures were found to have a significant inverse relationship with performance climate, while task structure and performance climate were positively related. Additionally, the results confirmed that there was a significant positive relationship between mastery climate and task orientation and between performance climate and ego orientation. / Graduation date: 1995

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