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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Psychosocial Contributors to Transition Readiness: Applying the Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills Model

Strong, Heather 18 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Prévenir les risques psychosociaux permet-il de préserver la santé au travail ? : une analyse par les théories de l’auto-détermination et du sensemaking / Preventing psychosocial risks helps to preserve health at work ? : an analysis by the theories of self-determination and sensemaking

Nestea, Paula 21 September 2017 (has links)
Dans cette thèse de doctorat, le sujet de la transformation de démarches de prévention des risques psychosociaux en outils de la préservation de la santé au travail est abordé sous le prisme des théories de l’auto-détermination et du sensemaking. Cette recherche consiste en une étude qualitative de différentes organisations publiques dans lesquelles des démarches de prévention des risques psychosociaux ont été mises en place et à la collecte et à l’analyse quantitative de 1373 questionnaires administrés aux employés d’une organisation publique. Les résultats obtenus soulignent le rôle de l’action créatrice de sens, de la motivation autonome et de la satisfaction des besoins d’autonomie, d’affiliation et de compétence comme des variables cruciales de la réussite de démarches de prévention de risques psychosociaux et de la mise en place de mécanismes de prévention primaire. La satisfaction des besoins d’autonomie, d’affiliation et de compétence joue aussi un grand rôle dans la réalisation du bien-être au travail. Cette recherche présente donc des apports théoriques nouveaux en gestion des ressources humaines qui peuvent aussi inspirer de meilleures pratiques organisationnelles. / This PhD thesis addresses the issue of the transformation of interventions destined to prevent psychosocial risks into more durable organisational changes that would increase the health and well-being of employees, analysed through the lens of the theories of self-determination and of sensemaking. This research consists in a qualitative case study of different public organisations in which such interventions have been conducted, and in the quantitative analysis of 1373 surveys collected in one public organisation. The results of this research highlight the importance of sensemaking, of autonomous motivation and satisfaction of the three fundamental needs for autonomy, relatedness and competence as major variables for the success of interventions for the prevention of psychosocial risks. Furthermore, helping their employees to fulfil their needs for autonomy, relatedness and competence is also linked to an increase in their well-being. This research introduces a new theoretical frame that can both benefit the academic field of human resources management and organisational practices.

Analyse pluridisciplinaire des situations de travail : le cas du service des urgences médico-chirurgicales du CHU de Tlemcen / Multidisciplinary analysis of work situations : the case of medical and surgical emergencies at University Hospital of Tlemcen

Taleb, Abdesselam 14 October 2015 (has links)
Dans un premier temps, nous avons conduit une étude épidémiologique transversale et descriptive dont les objectifs sont de décrire les caractéristiques sociales et professionnelles du personnel du service des urgences et les contraintes psychosociales et organisationnelles du travail. Les résultats de cette enquête, une fois analysés, sont resitués d’une part dans leur environnement politico-institutionnel en décrivant les caractéristiques du système de santé algérien et son évolution et quelques indicateurs reflétant les réponses du système aux défis représentés par la prise en charge de la santé de la population et d’autre part, dans leur environnement théorique et méthodologique, par l’élaboration d’une revue de littérature sur les risques psychosociaux encourus en milieu de soins. Dans un second temps, il nous a semblé propice d’approfondir les résultats de ces investigations épidémiologiques par une étude plus fine des situations de travail. Ceci nous a conduits à observer de près les situations de travail aux urgences moyennant la concrétisation, dans une première phase, d’une intervention ergonomique puis, dans une deuxième phase, l’organisation de Groupes de rencontres du travail (GRT). La démarche ergologique a permis de mieux expliquer les facteurs susceptibles de donner lieu aux conflits de valeurs, aux difficultés de coopérations, aux attitudes hostiles et aux dénis de reconnaissance. Les conséquences majeures de ces risques psychosociaux en sont la démotivation, l’épuisement et le déploiement de stratégies défensives individuelles et collectives. / Initial results have encouraged us to closely observe the work of the emergency situations through the realization of an ergonomic intervention at first and then ergologia (GRT) in a second time. To bring out the elements that may lead to the identification of difficult work situations, we conducted comprehensive and systematic observations leading to the formulation of a local and general diagnosis. We have proposed operational action tracks, one of which is the organization of a meeting of the Working Group (GRT). Writing and putting into words the activity of nurses, caregivers and physicians was difficult. The general tone of the speeches has reported difficulties, collective discomfort or pain at work. The protagonists of work relate currently functions lips and near absence of management. As to the issue of psychosocial risks, the epidemiological study has highlighted the strong professional constraints and the lack of recognition of novice general practitioners and young orderlies.The major consequences are the demotivation and the deployment of defensive strategies as the medicalization of their health seeking an exemption from custody or a transfer to another service.Keywords :Medical and surgical emergencies; Psychosocial risks; Ergonomic; Activity; Psychosocial risks; ergologia; Meeting of the Working Group.

El acoso psicológico en el trabajo (mobbing) y su relación con los factores de riesgo psicosocial en una empresa hortofrutícola

Meseguer de Pedro, Mariano 27 July 2005 (has links)
El trabajo se divide en dos grandes apartados. En el primero, realiza una descripción del sector en el que se ha realizado el estudio (hortofrutícola): a continuación revisa algunos de los factores contextuales y organizativos en el marco de lo que se denomina factores de riesgo psicosocial, su clasificación y su situación en España: y finalmente una descripción del mobbing y sus características más relevantes. En el segundo, se presentan los objetivos, metodología, resultados y discusión y conclusiones. La muestra esta compuesta por 396 trabajadores pertenecientes a una empresa del sector hortofruticola, Las principales conclusiones son: Una alta tasa de incidencia (28%) del mobbing, y se señalan como predictores de este fenómeno, en concreto con tres de sus formas de expresión (acoso personal, acoso al rendimiento en el trabajo y otras formas de acoso), cuatro predictores (carga mental, definición de rol, interés por el trabajo y supervisión/participación). / The work is divided into two sections. In the first, gave a description of the sector where the study was conducted (agro fruit): then reviewed some of the organisational factors issues in the context of what is called psycho-social risk factors, classification and their status in Spain: and finally a description of mobbing and their characteristics. In the second, we presented the objectives, the methodology, the results and the discussion. The sample of 396 workers belonging to a company in the agro fruit sector, The main results are: a high incidence rate (28%) of mobbing, and identifies as predictors of this phenomenon, especially with three of his forms of expression (personal harassment, harassment to job performance and other forms of harassment), four predictors (mental load, conflict and ambiguity of roles, interest in the work and supervision and participation).

Organisation du travail et souffrance psychique dans les activités de service : le cas des centres d'appel en Argentine / Work organization and psychic suffering in service activities : The case of Argentine call centres

Nusshold, Patricio 10 December 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche est le résultat de deux travaux d’analyse de l’activité dans deux centres d’appels téléphoniques en Argentine. Un travail de terrain, ainsi qu'une appréciation de plusieurs autres centres d’appels téléphoniques dans différents pays, auront servi de point de départ pour étudier deux grands axes: d’une part, l’étude des conséquences du travail dans les call centers sur la santé mentale et d’autre part, l'analyse des différentes approches de cette problématique en vue de sa transformation. La psychodynamique du travail et l’ergonomie de l’activité proposent différents regards, aujourd’hui confrontés aux questionnaires d’évaluation des risques psychosociaux. Cette thèse vise à mieux appréhender le lien entre l’organisation du travail, le contenu des tâches et les conséquences pour les travailleurs argentins, et compare ces résultats avec ceux d' autres pays où des investigations similaires ont été menées. / This research is the result of a thorough analysis of the work of two call centers in Argentina. This fieldwork, building on call center visits undertaken in other countries, is the starting point for the study of two main issues. Firstly, the study of the consequences of call center work for mental health. Secondly, the study of different approaches that support the development of ways to improve it such work. Work psychodynamics and activity ergonomics are two disciplines that propose different points of view on these issues. Nowadays, they both find themselves confronted by quantitative scales that seek to measure psychosocial risks. The aim of this thesis is to increase knowledge on the relationship between work organization and tasks content and highlight the consequences for workers in Argentina. The thesis shall also compare results of the study with those found in other countries.

Les risques psychosociaux au regard des relations individuelles et collectives du travail / PSYCHOSOCIAL RISKS IN RESPECT OF INDIVIDUAL AND COLLECTIVE RELATIONS

Moyal, Noémie 19 April 2016 (has links)
Aujourd’hui, parler de « risques psychosociaux » est devenu monnaie courante. Grâce à la médiatisation fulgurante des suicides au travail, un tabou est enfin levé : le lieu de travail est un terrain hostile !Si le Code du travail n’en fait nullement référence, ces risques psychosociaux sont, semble-t-il, « des risques pour la santé crées par le travail à travers des mécanismes sociaux et psychiques », d’après la Circulaire ministérielle du 18 Avril 2002. Face à un tel vide juridique et parce que ces risques traduisent un malaise social tant sur le plan des relations individuelles que collectives de travail, est venu le temps de l’articulation de l’individuel et du collectif. C’est l’heure pour le législateur d’entrer en scène … / Today, talk about " psychosocial risks " has become commonplace. With the dramatic media coverage of suicides at work, a taboo is lifted: the workplace is an hostile place!If the Labour Code makes no reference about this phenomenon, these psychosocial risks are, as it appears, « the health risks created by working through social and psychological mechanisms », according to the Ministerial Circular of 18 April 2002. Faced with such a legal vacuum and because these risks reflect a social unrest both in individual and collective relationships of labor, it came time for the articulation of the individual and the collective. It's time for the legislature to step in …

Psychosociální rizika a stres při práci / Psychosocial Risks and Stress at Work

Čotek, Ondřej January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with psychosocial risks and stress in work. The theoretical part of the work is devoted to the definition and characteristics of psychosocial risks and stress. Furthermore, the legislative entrenchment of psychosocial risks in the Czech Republic and the European Union is described. The theoretical assumptions are concluded by the definition of psychosocial risk management. The methodological part is devoted to the quantitative survey, which is focused on the psychosocial risks of bank advisers of the company. Based on the results of the questionnaire survey, appropriate recommendations are made to reduce psychosocial risks in the company.

Implementación de un procedimiento tutelar en contra del acoso laboral o mobbing en el sector pesquero aplicado a la empresa Ocean Pacific S.A.C. / Implementation of a tutelar procedure against labor harassment or mobbing in the fishing sector applied to the ocean pacific fishing company

Carrasco Lozano, Paola Karina, Panduro Tanchiva, Sheyla Roxana, Revilla Menéndez , Elena Mercedes 26 November 2019 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como finalidad identificar si existe o no Acoso laboral o Mobbing en contra de los trabajadores de la empresa Ocean Pacific S.A.C. Para tal efecto, se presentará un completo sondeo de todos los trabajadores de dicha empresa, para cuya realización se acogió en estricto el cuestionario denominado LIPT-60 (Leymann Inventory of Psychological Terrorization), creado por el más importante estudioso y destacado psicólogo que ha dedicado buena parte de su vida a investigar el Mobbing, su afectación en contra del colaborador y el entorno en el que se puede manifestar, el Dr. Heinz Leymann. Con ello no solo se pretende determinar o no la existencia del Mobbing o Acoso laboral en los trabajadores de Ocean Pacific S.A.C., sino también en qué medida dicho fenómeno afecta su desempeño laboral, si están o no sujetos a continuos actos de discriminación y las consecuencias psicosociales a los que se encuentran expuestos; actos que en buena cuenta los obliga a ausentarse del lugar de trabajo. Todo ello con el único propósito de demostrar que, subsiste la necesidad de crear un procedimiento tutelar de protección al trabajador sujeto a dicha afectación, teniendo en consideración que el Mobbing o acoso laboral a la fecha no se encuentra regulado en la legislación vigente, siendo el Perú uno de los Países de la Región que no toma conciencia de la urgencia de dicha regulación. / The purpose of this research work is to identify whether or not there is Labor Harassment or Mobbing against the workers of the company Ocean Pacific S.A.C. For this purpose, a complete survey of all the workers of said company will be presented, whose realization strictly incorporated the questionnaire called LIPT-60 (Leymann Inventory of Psychological Terrorization), created by the most important scholar and outstanding psychologist who has dedicated a good part of his life to investigate the Mobbing, its affectation against the collaborator and the space or ambient in which it can manifest itself, Dr. Heinz Leymann. This is not only intended to determine or not the existence of Mobbing or Workplace Harassment in the workers of Ocean Pacific SAC, but also to what extent this phenomenon affects their work performance, whether or not they are subject to continuous acts of discrimination and psychosocial consequences to those who are exposed; acts that in good account force them to leave the workplace. All this with the sole purpose of demonstrating that, there remains a need to create a protective procedure for protection of the worker subject to such affectation, taking into account that the Mobbing or labor harassment to date is not regulated in current legislation, being the Peru one of the Countries of the Region that is not aware of the urgency of said regulation. / Trabajo de Investigación

Santé mentale au travail dans un contexte d'hypermodernité : quels enjeux pour le management public ? / Mental health at work in a context of hypermodernity : What issues for public management ?

Clerc, Stephanie 25 June 2018 (has links)
Résumé :Dans un contexte de modernisation de l'Etat, les structures publiques doivent faire face à de nombreuses mutations organisationnelles autant qu'à une montée des risques psychosociaux. A partir des travaux conduits sur l'hypermodernité que nous complétons par la théorie de la préservation des ressources, nous cherchons à identifier certains enjeux en matière de management public.Cette recherche, réalisée à partir d'une étude qualitative menée auprès de trois administrations déconcentrées de l'Etat, examine la dynamique entre trois variables : les facteurs de risques psychosociaux, les ressources disponibles ainsi que les valeurs professionnelles.L'analyse révèle, d'une part, l'existence de risques conformes à ceux dentifiés dans les entreprises privées, d'autre part, la présence de ressources régulatrices liées à la qualité des relations avec les pairs et à la nature des missions autant qu'aux possibilités de développement et, enfin, des valeurs relatives à la motivation à l'égard du service public.D'une manière générale, l'interprétation des données indique que les valeurs professionnelles se heurtent fréquemment à la logique du new management public qui sous-tend les nouveaux modes de production publique. Cependant, loin de rester passifs, les agents se tournent vers d'autres valeurs "refuges", telles l'utilité de leur travail ou la satisfaction des usagers, qui agissent comme de nouvelles ressources dans un contexte à l'avenir incertain. / Abstract :In a context of modernization of the state, public structures have to face many organizational changes as well as a rise in psychosocial risks. From the works conducted on hypermodernity that we supplement with the theory of the preservation of resources, we seek to identify some issues in public management. This research, based on a qualitative study conducted among three decentralized state administrations, examines the dynamics between three variables: psychosocial risk factors, available resources and professional values. The analysis reveals, on the one hand, the existence of risksconsistent with those identified in private companies, on the other hand, the presence of regulatory resources related to the quality of relations with peers and the nature of missions as much as development opportunities; and, finally, values relating to motivation for public service. In general terms, the interpretation of the data indicates that professional values frequently come up against the logic of the new public management that underpins the new modes of public production. However, far from being passive, agents are turning to other "safe haven" values, such as the usefulness of their work or the satisfaction of users, who act as new resources in a context of uncertain future.

Occupational stress in a South African workforce: instrument testing, prevalence measurement and risk factor analysis

Volmink, Heinrich Cyril 27 March 2015 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of the Witwatersrand in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Medicine in the branch of Community Health (Public Health Medicine). May 2014 / Background Occupational stress represents a substantial public health challenge. Although there has been an extensive focus on this form of stress within the international setting, there appears to be a paucity of relevant evidence within South Africa. Specifically, within the local context, there are relatively few: (1) reliability testing studies of screening and assessment instruments, (2) prevalence analyses of occupational stress and (3) work-related stress management intervention designs. Methods A cross-sectional descriptive and analytical study was undertaken in a large tertiary hospital in Johannesburg. Primary data were collected between February 2013 and September 2013 using the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ). A sample (n=166) of administrative staff was selected, stratified into front line staff (n=54), back office staff (n=90) and managers (n=22). Data analysis included reliability testing of the COPSOQ using the Cronbach‘s alpha statistic. Prevalence measurement was also undertaken to describe the distribution of stress and other variables across the study sample. Finally, logistic regression was used to estimate associations between the exposure variables and the stress outcome (at the p < 0.05 level of significance). Results The Cronbach‘s alpha range for the COPSOQ was 0.31 to 0.85. Two out of 24 scales of the instrument fell below the unacceptability threshold of 0.5. In terms of prevalence, the stress mean for the study sample (on a scale from 0 to 100) was 38.8 (SD 19.8). Furthermore, 68.1% (n=113) of the study sample had a stress value above the reference mean. There were also significant differences in the stress values by job category, with managers having the highest mean at 51.2 (SD 24.2). Adjusting for job category, risk factors significantly associated with occupational stress in the main logistic model were offensive behaviour (OR 3.38, 95% CI: 1.54 – 7.43), quantitative demands (OR 2.83, 95% CI: 1.35 – 5.92) and emotional demands (OR 2.32, 95% CI: 1.08 – 4.96), while quality of leadership (OR 0.32, 95% CI: 0.15 – 0.67) was a protective factor. Further analysis showed that the most harmful risk factor for females was work-family conflict (OR 4.03; 95% CI: 1.45 - 11.21), and for males was exposure to offensive behaviour (OR 4.63; 95% CI: 1.15 - 18.63). Finally, ordinal regression found offensive behaviour (OR 3.60; 95% CI: 1.92 - 6.75) and quantitative demands (OR: 2.38; 95% CI: 1.27 - 4.46) to be significant risks for moving from low stress to high stress, while a commitment to workplace (OR 0.46; 95% CI: 0.24 - 0.86) could help to prevent this. Conclusions The level of occupational stress in the study sample was high relative to reference values. An occupational stress intervention is recommended, which should include primary, secondary and tertiary prevention strategies (according to identified risks). Further development of the instrument is also recommended, so as to improve its reliability in the local context. Finally, future research into occupational stress should explore the impact of factors such as resource constraints and HIV/AIDS, and should include an expansion into other settings and occupational categories. Key words Occupational stress, questionnaire reliability, psychosocial risks, intervention design.

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