Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cublic managemement "" "subject:"cublic managementment ""
391 |
Centralisation versus decentralisation of the organisation development function within the Western Cape Provincial AdministrationBoonzaaier, Jacob J. J. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Organisation development is one of the. most important management tools used by
organisations to assess themselves and their environment and to revitalise and to
rebuild their strategies, structures and processes to manage change. The purpose of
this study is to establish an understanding of what organisation development is and how
it works, and to identify and explain the legislative and other aspects that influence the
decision-making process with regard to organisation development interventions within
the public service. In addition to this, the author explains the development and current
reality of organisation development in the Western Cape Provincial Administration.
A current burning issue in the context of public legislation and other directives in the
public service is that managers want to be empowered to manage their own resources.
The issue of centralisation or decentralisation of the organisation development function
is a major source of dissension within the Western Cape Provincial Administration. The
main purpose of this study is to provide a body of knowledge on whether organisation
development is centralised or decentralised and what factors need to be considered
regarding this issue. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Organisasieontwikkeling is een van die belangrikste bestuursmiddele wat deur
organisasies gebruik word tydens assessering van die organisasie en van die
omgewing, en om nuwe lewe in hulle strategieë, strukture en prosesse te blaas en dit te
herbou ten einde verandering te kan bestuur. Die doel van hierdie navorsing is om 'n
begrip te verkry van wat organisasieontwikkeling is en hoe dit werk, en om wetgewing
en ander aspekte wat die besluitnemingsproses oor intervensies ten opsigte van
organisasieontwikkelings binne die staatsdiens beïnvloed, te identifiseer en te verklaar.
Voorts sit die skrywer die ontwikkeling en huidige realiteit van organisasieontwikkeling in
die Wes-Kaapse Provinsiale Administrasie uiteen.
'n Vraagstuk wat tans baie aandag geniet binne die konteks van openbare wetgewing
en ander voorskrifte in die staatsdiens, is dié van bestuurders wat bemagtig wil word om
self hulle hulpbronne te bestuur. Die vraagstuk van sentralisering of desentralisering
van die organisasieontwikkelingsfunksie is 'n belangrike bron van meningsverskil binne
die Wes-Kaapse Provinsiale Administrasie. Die hoofdoel van hierdie navorsing is om 'n
kennisgeheel te voorsien rakende die vraag of organisasieontwikkeling gesentraliseer of
gedesentraliseer is en watter faktore ten opsigte van hierdie kwessie in ag geneem moet
392 |
Die effek van personeelplasing op dienslewering in die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens : Area Oos-Metropool : KaapstadClark, Edward William 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The General Elections of 27 April 1994 lead the country to a new democracy which caused
changes in the political-, social- and constitutional domain in South Africa. This brought about
new winds of change in the Public Sector too. The South African Police Service (SAPS) is
also identified as a component of the Public Sector and this lead to an investigation of service
delivery standards which are rendered to local communities by the SAPS. The hypothesis is
that personal placement in the SAPS can have an effect on the organisation's service delivery
Various concepts were investigated and defined. Methodological considerations and research
methods were applied as guidelines to the underlying principles, for possible answers to the
research problem. A theoretical base was established as foundation of a practical
investigation. Recruitment, selection and personnel placement are discussed with various
references to current legislation includes aspects such as affirmative action and the
implications it could have on service delivery. A final practical investigation included the
distribution of questionnaires to police members and members of the public in the policing
areas under discussion. The answers were processed where upon recommendations were
made for the improvement of service delivery in the SAPS.
Research was completed in the East Metropole, Cape Town to establish what effect personal
placement could have on service delivery in the South African Police Service. The specific
policing area (referring to the Area East Metropole) is used as a practical case study as if
appears that currently personal placement within the SAPS could be implemented more
effectively in order to enhance service delivery to all communities in the East Metropole. Due
to personal shortages within the SAPS, these communities encounter problems such as
increases in crime on a daily basis. The research process was encouraged by problems
experienced by members of the SAPS and the public. Although the research outcome cannot
be ruled as a success or failure, it was an attempt to focus on the effect that crime have on
the lives of members of the SAPS and communities within the Area East Metropole. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Algemene Verkiesing op 27 April 1994 het die land gelei na 'n nuwe demokrasie wat tot
'n totale verandering op die politieke-, sosiale- en konstitusionele terrein in Suid-Afrika gevolg
het. Dit het die geleentheid geskep vir veelvuldige veranderinge in die Openbare Sektor.
Hieronder is die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD) ook geïdentifiseer en dit het gelei tot
'n ondersoek in die dienslewering standaarde wat die SAPD aan plaaslike gemeenskappe
verskaf. Die hipotese is dat personeelplasing in die SAPD 'n effek kan hê op die organisasie
se dienslewering standaard.
Verskeie konsepte is ondersoek en gedefinieer. Metodologiese oorwegings en
navorsingsmetodes is as riglyne toegepas om 'n moontlike antwoord te vind op die
navorsingsprobleem. 'n Teoretiese basis is geskep as fondasie vir 'n praktiese ondersoek.
Werwing, keuring en personeelplasing word bespreek met verskeie verwysing na huidige
wetgewing op aspekte soos regstellende aksie en die impak wat dit op dienslewering kan hê.
'n Finale praktiese ondersoek het die verspreiding van vraelyste onder polisiebeamptes en
lede van plaaslike gemeenskappe in die polisiërings area onder bespreking, ingesluit. Die
antwoorde is verwerk, waarna aanbevelings gemaak is tot die verbetering van dienslewering
in die SAPO.
Navorsing is voltooi in die Area Oos-Metropool, Kaapstad om te bepaal watter effek
personeelplasing op dienslewering in die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens kon hê. Hierdie
spesifieke polisiëringsgebied (verwysend na die Area Oos-Metropool) word as 'n praktiese
gevalle studie aangewend aangesien dit wil voorkom dat personeelplasing in die SAPD tans
meer effektief geïmplementeer kan word ten einde dienslewering te verbeter aan alle
gemeenskappe in die Oos-Metropool. As gevolg van personeel tekorte binne die SAPD
ondervind hierdie gemeenskappe 'n toename in misdaad op 'n daaglikse basis. Die
navorsingsproses is aangemoedig deur probleme wat deur lede van die SAPD en publiek
ondervind word. Alhoewel die navorsingsuitkoms nie as 'n sukses of mislukking uitgeskakel
kan word nie, was dit 'n poging om te fokus op die effek wat misdaad op die lewens van die
lede van die SAPD en gemeenskappe in die Area Oos-Metropool het.
393 |
A critical narrative analysis of the deployment of corporate arrangements in the conduct of government employee pension fundKekana, Makabelo Ephraim 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA (Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT:
The South African (SA) government is experiencing problems with regard to its service delivery
mandate in public institutions. These problems have resulted from a number of factors, such as
SA’s history of unequal distribution of resources; the introduction of remedial legislations and
programmes when the new government took office in 1994; incorrect implementation of these
legislations and programmes with the accompanying departure of skilled managers
accompanied by the influx of new and inexperienced managers. Deliberate interventions were
introduced to address this service delivery problem however, many public institutions remain
unsuccessful in fulfilling their mandate to service delivery.
In this study, the Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF) is used as a case study to
learn more about the effect of corporate governance in addressing service delivery problems in
public institutions. As a government entity, the GEPF experienced some service delivery
problems with regard to its mandate. Like any other public entity in SA, the GEPF is governed
by all legislative provisions governing public entities and is equally affected by challenges such
as scarcity of resources (financial; equipment and skills).
The objectives of the study is to identify major principles and techniques related to
corporatisation as an approach to management practice; to identify major challenges
encountered by GEPF prior to corporatisation; and to analyse the deployment of corporate
arrangements in the conduct of the GEPF in relation to these techniques and principles. The
basis of this research is a thorough literature study and interviews with managers of the GEPF.
The major finding of this study is that the GEPF has entrusted basic duties and responsibilities
affecting its mandate to employer institutions (EIs). These basic yet sensitive functions have
been left arbitrarily to EIs, hence the GEPF is unable to execute its duties in its benefits
administration in line with its vision. Other findings include internal processes are incorrectly
applied, thus hampering effective and efficient benefits administration; there is lack of, or limited
use of a performance management system; there is an inability to deal with predictable
problems; and the organisation of resources does not support the vision of the GEPF.
Achievements in terms of the corporatisation process to improve performance were noted. The
enrolment of the services of consultants to assist the GEPF to improve its performance led to
the following: approval of the organisational structure that supports the GEPF’s vision; empowerment of managers in terms of skills capacity; conversion of contract workers to
permanent; and taking an aggressive approach to performance and risk management. It is
therefore concluded that although challenges still exist, the GEPF has embarked on a
systematic process to rid itself of the challenges it faces. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:
Die Suid-Afrikaanse Owerheidsektor ervaar tans probleme ten opsigte van sy
diensleweringsmandaat. Die probleme met swak dienslewering kan toegeskryf word aan faktore
soos Suid-Afrika se geskiedenis van wat betref die onbillike verdeling van hulpbronne, die
daarstel van ʼn nuwe regering in 1994 wat gelei het tot regstellende wetgewing en programme,
die onoordeelkundige implementering van hierdie nuwe wetgewing en programme, en die
gepaardgaande verlies van bekwame bestuurders en die aanstelling van nuwe en onervare
bestuurders. Ten spyte van doelbewuste ingrypings om die diensleweringprobleem aan te
spreek, bly owerheidsinstellings steeds in gebreke om aan hul diensleweringsmandaat te
Die Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF) is as ʼn gevallestudie gebruik om die effek
van korporatiewe bestuur op die hantering van diensleweringsprobleme in owerheidsinstellings
te bepaal. Die GEPF as ʼn owerheidsinstelling ervaar ook probleme wat sy mandaat van
dienslewering betref. In vergelyking met ander owerheidsinstellings ervaar die GEPF
soortgelyke uitdagings ten opsigte van hulpbronverdeling (op finansiële vlak, en wat toerusting
en vaardighede betref).
Die doelwit van die studie is om die hoofbeginsels en -tegnieke verbonde aan korporatisering as
ʼn bestuursbeleid te identifiseer, om die hoofuitdagings vir die GEPF voor intervensie op ʼn
objektiewe en onbetrokke wyse te identifiseer, en om die tegnieke en beginsels aangewend
sedert die implementering van die intervensie te analiseer. Hierdie studie is op ʼn deeglike
literatuurstudie en die voer van onderhoude met bestuurslede van die GEPF geskoei.
Die vernaamste bevinding van die studie is dat die GEPF sy basiese verpligtinge en
verantwoordelikhede rakende sy mandaat aan die werkgewersinstellings toevertrou. Die
basiese, dog sensitiewe funksies wat arbitrêr aan die werkgewer oorgelaat word, kniehalter die
GEPF om sy administratiewe pligte volgens sy visie uit te voer. Ander bevindings sluit in dat
interne prosesse op ʼn ondoeltreffende manier toegepas word, wat dan doeltreffende
administrasie kortwiek. Dit sluit in die gebrek of beperkte gebruik van ʼn prestasiebestuurstelsel,
die onbevoegdheid om ooglopende probleme te identifiseer en beperkte hulpbronne, wat nie die
visie ondersteun nie. Die aanwending van korporatiewe prosesse om dienslewering te verbeter blyk suksesvol te
wees. Die aanstelling van konsultante om behulpsaam te wees met dienslewering het gelei tot
die goedkeuring van ʼn organisatoriese struktuur wat die visie van die GEPF ondersteun, die
bemagtiging van bestuurders omdat hul vaardigheid verbeter is, die aanstelling van
kontrakwerkers in permanente poste en ʼn aggressiewe benadering tot prestasie- en
Die gevolgtrekking is dat alhoewel daar nog uitdagings bestaan, die GEPF ʼn sistematiese
proses onderneem het om die uitdagings te oorkom.
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Evaluation of gender equity programme implementation in Limpopo Provincial Department of Sport, Arts and CultureNkoana, Nthabiseng Martha 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA (Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since the democratic dispensation in South Africa, attempts were made in earlier studies to
make recommendations for the implementation of gender equity in the labour markets. Until
now companies and public service departments have done little to ensure gender equity. Most
efforts made were merely window-dressing given that previous studies provide evidence of
fewer female employments in Senior Management Service (SMS) positions across the public
service. South Africa has introduced a legal framework to support the Employment Equity Act,
1998 (RSA, Act 55 of 1998). The study sets out to evaluate the extent of gender equity
implementation in Limpopo Provincial Department of Sport, Arts and Culture. The EEA, 1998
(RSA, Act 55 of 1998) aims to redress employment inequalities previously experienced by
racially, culturally and sexually marginalized South Africans. Departmental human resource
processes are evaluated to establish equity measures necessary to achieve the purpose of the
EEA, 1998 (RSA, Act 55 of 1998).
This study reviews employment equity practices from various countries to establish best
practice. Issues and proposed strategies for improvements surrounding employment equity
legislation in South Africa are also highlighted. The study is extended to other departments to
establish accountability standards as well as actions and penalties available for noncompliance.
The findings from the study indicate that women are mostly employed in middle
management while male employees continue to dominate the top management in spite of the
Department of Public Service and Administration’s (DPSA) strategic goal to reach a 50%
equal employment at SMS by 31 March 2009. Suggestions are provided to accelerate
implementation of gender equity in Limpopo Provincial Department of Sport, Arts and
Culture. Given that the study was based on a representative sample of a single public service
department, the findings may as a result not be generalized to the entire South African public
service. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sedert die demokratiese bedeling in Suid-Afrika was pogings in vroeë studies aangewend om
aanbevelings te maak vir die implementering van geslagsgelykheid in die arbeidsmark. Tot
dus- ver het maatskappye en staatsdiens departemente min gedoen om geslagsgelykheid te
bevorder. Talle pogings wat aangewend was, is niks meer nie as uiterlike vertoon, gegee die
feit dat vorige studies bewysstukke lewer van minder vroulike indiensneming in Senior
Bestuursdiens (SBD) posisies deur die staatsdiens. Suid -Afrika het `n wetgewende raamwerk
ingestel om die Gelyke Indiensnemingswet, 1998 (RSA, Wet 55 van1998) te ondersteun.
Die studie het ten doel om die implementering van geslagsgelykheid in die Limpopo
Provinsiale Departement van Sport, Kuns en Kultuur te evalueer. Die GIW, 1998 (RSA, Wet
55 van 1998) beoog om die indiensnemings ongelykhede te herstel, wat voorheen ondervind
was deur rasse, kulturele en geslagtelik gemarginaliseerde Suid-Afrikaners. Departementele
menslike hulpbron prosesse word beoordeel ten einde die billikheidsmaatreëls te bepaal wat
nodig is om die doelwitte van die GIW, 1998 (RSA, Wet 55 van 1998) te bereik.
Hierdie studie raadpleeg gelyke indiensnemings praktyke van verskillende lande ten einde die
beste praktyk te stig. Aangeleenthede en voorgestelde strategieë vir die bevordering van
wetgewing oor gelyke indiensneming in Suid-Afrika word ook beklemtoon. Die studie word
uitgebrei na ander departemente om standaarde oor aanspreeklikheid te bepaal, asook optrede
en strafmaatreëls vir nie-voldoening daaraan. Die bevinding van die studie dui daarop dat
vrouens meestal op middel bestuursvlak in diens geneem word, terwyl manlike werknemers
aanhou om die top bestuursvlak te domineer, ten spyte van die Departement van Staatsdiens en
Administrasie (DSDA) se strategiese doelwit om 50% gelyke indiensneming op SBD- vlak
teen 31 Maart 2009 te bereik. Aanbevelings word gemaak om die implementering van
geslagsgelykheid te versnel in die Limpopo Provinsiale Departement van Sport, Kuns en
Kultuur. Gegee die feit dat die studie gebaseer was op `n verteenwoordigende monster van `n
enkele staatsdiens departement, mag die bevindinge gevolglik nie veralgemeen word met die
totale Suid-Afrikaanse staatsdiens nie.
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An assessment of South African housing co-operatives : the case of Ilinge Labahlali housing co-operative, Nyanga, Cape TownHerbst, Adriana 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA (Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Co-operatives as a form of business have a long history in South Africa. The successes of
agricultural co-operatives are well known. Housing co-operatives, however, are a
relatively unfamiliar concept as a form of business to provide tenure, and for those who are
involved in it, a frustrating and long process to obtain housing.
This study examined the issue of housing co-operatives as part of addressing the housing
crisis in South Africa taking into consideration that this specific model (housing
development co-operatives) does not fall under the Social Housing sector anymore. It
involves a comprehensive literature study of the history of co-operatives internationally and
in South Africa as well as analysing different models implemented internationally and in
South Africa; a review of legislation; policies affecting housing co-operatives; analysis of
data and information and surveys of housing co-operatives.
The specific aims of the research were:
• To determine the different models of successful housing development cooperatives
• To determine the viability and sustainability of housing development co-operatives
in Third World Countries;
• To determine the current status of the registered housing co-operatives in South
• To determine the different models implemented in South Africa;
• To evaluate the housing development co-operative sector in South Africa;
• To determine the viability and sustainability of a registered housing development
co-operative in Cape Town, (Ilinge Labahlali Housing Co-operative, Nyanga, Cape
Town, South Africa); and
• To determine the challenges faced by the co-operative and how they foresee these
challenges being overcome. The study followed a survey design, including both qualitative and quantitative aspects.
The qualitative approach related to the views and opinions of co-operative members with
regards to the socio-economic impact that the co-operative have had and the quantitative
approach relates to statistical and measurable data obtained from the Department of
Trade and Industry in terms of a number of variables such as: type of co-operatives,
categories indicated and Province representation.
For the purpose of this study, only housing co-operatives were contacted and research
was conducted on the state of housing co-operatives and if each housing co-operative
meet the selection criteria of the Housing Development Co-operative Model.
In critically assessing housing co-operatives in South Africa, it was determined that the
unacceptable level of support from all three tiers of Government, was the prime problem
experienced by housing co-operatives. Several reasons can explain this, the most
prominent as follow:
1. The Department of Trade and Industry’s lack of proper record keeping and
2. Housing development co-operatives do not benefit from the Social Housing sector
in South Africa;
3. Department of Housing’s lack of knowledge with regards to the housing cooperative
4. No synergy between different Government departments with regards to housing cooperatives;
5. Municipalities do not have the know-how regarding co-operatives and/or display an
unwillingness to assist housing co-operatives;
6. Housing co-operatives established by outside agencies/Government departments
receive no follow-up and support;
7. No proper Government housing co-operative department focusing on housing
delivery with the necessary knowledge and support mechanisms in place.
It is clear that in the late nineties, the co-operative principle was promoted by the
Department of Housing, Social Housing Foundation and community workers alike as the
new brain child of international agencies (Rooftops Canada, Norwegian Government, Swedish Government) to secure housing for communities building on the concept of
“ubuntu”. Afterwards the emphasis were shifted to Social Housing Institutions and rental
tenure and the few housing co-operatives registered, were left in the cold with no support
structures available to them.
With no support from international agencies, national-, provincial- and local Government
the future of these housing co-operatives are bleak. Co-operative members are
community driven, but without the necessary capacity-building and institutional support,
community members become despondent and the co-operative principles of “working
together to achieve more” are seen as just another scheme which failed in the delivery of
This study found that the grass root housing co-operative with the support of all levels of
Government can be successful providing that community structures such as saving groups
and hostel committees are in place. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Koöperasies as bedryfsvorm het ’n lang geskiedenis in Suid-Afrika. Die welslae van
landboukoöperasies is wel bekend. Behuisingskoöperasies is egter ’n relatief onbekende
konsep as bedryfsvorm om eiendomsreg te verskaf en vir diegene wat daarby betrokke is,
is dit ’n frustrerende en uitgerekte proses waarvolgens behuising bekom kan word.
Dié studie het die behuisingskoöperasie-aangeleentheid as deel van die aanspreek van
die behuisingskrisis in Suid-Afrika onder die loep geplaas met inagneming daarvan dat
hierdie spesifieke model (ontwikkelingsbehuising-koöperasies) nie meer onder die
Maatskaplike Behuisingsektor ressorteer nie. Dit het ’n omvattende literatuurstudie van
die geskiedenis van koöperasies internasionaal en in Suid-Afrika behels, asook ’n analise
van verskillende modelle wat internasionaal en in Suid-Afrika toegepas word; ’n oorsig van
relevante wetgewing; beleidsrigtings wat behuisingskoöperasies raak; analise van data en
inligting, en opnames van behuisingskoöperasies.
Die spesifieke doelwitte van die navorsing was:
• Om die verskillende modelle van geslaagde ontwikkelingsbehuising-koöperasies
internasionaal te bepaal;
• Om die lewensvatbaarheid en volhoubaarheid van ontwikkelingsbehuisingkoöperasies
in lande van die Derde Wêreld te bepaal;
• Om die huidige status van die geregistreerde behuisingskoöperasies in Suid-Afrika
te bepaal;
• Om die verskillende modelle wat in Suid-Afrika toegepas word, te bepaal;
• Om die behuisingsontwikkeling-koöperasiesektor in Suid-Afrika te evalueer;
• Om die lewensvatbaarheid en volhoubaarheid van ’n geregistreerde
behuisingsontwikkeling-koöperasie in Kaapstad (llinge Labahlali
Behuisingskoöperasie, Nyanga, Kaapstad, Suid-Afrika) te bepaal, en
• Om die uitdaging wat deur die koöperasies in die gesig gestaar word, te bepaal en
hoe daar gemeen word dié uitdaging te bowe gekom gaan word. Dié studie is aan die hand van ’n vooropgestelde opnamepatroon uitgevoer wat
kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe aspekte ingesluit het. Die kwalitatiewe benadering was
gerig op die sieninge en menings van koöperasielede met betrekking tot die sosioekonomiese
impak van die koöperasie, en die kwantitatiewe benadering het te make
gehad met die statistiese en meetbare data rakende ’n aantal veranderlikes, soos soorte
koöperasies, aangeduide kategorieë en provinsiale verteenwoordiging, wat van die
Departement van Handel en Nywerheid bekom is.
Vir die doel van hierdie studie is daar net met behuisingskoöperasies geskakel en
navorsing is gedoen op die stand van behuisingskoöperasies en of iedere so ’n koöperasie
aan die keuringskriteria van die model van die ontwikkelingsbehuising-koöperasie voldoen.
Na kritiese beskouing van behuisingskoöperasies in Suid-Afrika, is daar vasgestel dat die
onaanvaarbare mate van ondersteuning wat van die drie vlakke van regering ontvang
word, die vernaamste probleem is waarmee behuisingskoöperasies te kampe het. Onder
die talle redes wat as verduideliking kan dien, is die volgende die mees prominente:
1. Die Departement van Handel en Nywerheid se gebrek aan deeglike rekordhouding
en administrasie;
2. Ontwikkelingsbehuising-koöperasies vind nie baat by die Maatskaplike
Behuisingsektor in Suid-Afrika nie;
3. Die Departement van Behuising se gebrek aan kennis met betrekking tot die
4. Gebrek aan sinergie tussen verskillende regeringsdepartemente met betrekking tot
5. Munisipaliteite beskik nie oor die kundigheid ten opsigte van koöperasies nie en/of
toon onwilligheid om behuisingskoöperasies by te staan;
6. Behuisingskoöperasies, wat deur buite-ondernemings/regeringsdepartemente
gestig word, ontvang geen onderskraging nie en daar is ook ’n gebrek aan enige
voortgesette belangstelling in hulle doen en late.
7. Daar is geen geskikte behuisingskoöperasie aan regeringskant wat fokus op die
voorsiening van behuising en wat oor die nodige kennis en
ondersteuningsmeganismes beskik nie. Dit is duidelik dat die beginsel van koöperasies in die laat jare negentig deur die
Departement van Behuising, die Maatskaplike Behuisingstigting, gemeenskapswerkers, en
dies meer, as die nuwe breinkind van internasionale agentskappe soos Rooftops Canada,
die Noorweegse regering, die Sweedse regering bevorder is om behuising vir
gemeenskappe te verseker wat op die konsep “ubuntu” gebou het. Daarna is die klem na
Maatskaplikebehuisingsondernemings en huurbesit verskuif en die enkele geregistreerde
behuisingskoöperasies is sonder enige ondersteuningstruktuur aan hulle eie lot oorgelaat.
Met geen ondersteuning van die kant van internasionale organisasies, nasionale,
provinsiale of plaaslike regering nie, is die toekoms van dié behuisingskoöperasies maar
bra droewig. Koöperasielede is gemeenskapsgedrewe, maar sonder die nodige
kapasiteitsbou en institusionele onderskraging, het lede van die gemeenskap wanhopig
geraak en word die beginsel van “saamwerk om meer te bereik” bloot beskou as net nog
’n plan wat ten opsigte van behuisingvoorsiening gefaal het.
Dié studie het bevind dat die voetsoolvlak-behuisingskoöperasie – met die onderskraging
van alle vlakke van regering – wel geslaagd kan wees, mits gemeenskapstrukture soos
spaargroepe en hostelkomitees in plek is.
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Evaluation of the Western Cape Provincial Government’s land provision programme for new state health facilitiesConradie, Hendrik Francois 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The research was undertaken during 2009/2010 and focused on the Western Cape Department of Transport & Public Works (DPW) programme for the provision of land for the construction of new state health facilities (hospitals, community health centres, clinics) in the province. The purpose of the study was to determine whether the Department has instituted proper policy to deliver the required land, and whether this policy is implemented successfully. The study was thus, in essence, an evaluation of a government policy programme.
The following are the overall findings and conclusions, per chapter:
•Chapter 1 provides an introduction, with reference to the main research question and related questions.
•In Chapter 2 important theory on policy evaluation is presented, and a Policy Documentation Template (PDT) developed, capturing the essential principles and elements for effective public policy documents.
•In Chapter 3 important selected sections of the existing conceptual/theoretical body of knowledge on policy implementation are explored and analysed by the researcher, leading to identification of critical implementation principles/lessons as well as the Policy Implementation Monitor (PIM).
•In Chapter 4 the DPW‟s set of policy documentation related to land provision for new state health facilities is studied, described, analysed, and compared with the PDT. It is found that an effective and enforceable annual operational plan does not exist, rendering successful policy implementation and monitoring impossible.
•In Chapter 5 the implementation of the policy documents is described, and critically analysed. The PIM and lessons learnt from policy implementation theory are applied to DPW‟s implementation practice. Serious shortcomings are found in the implementation of the land provision programme – especially regarding ineffective cooperation between the Provincial Departments of Public Works and Health – resulting in delayed delivery of land for new state health facilities.
•Chapter 6 contains the researcher‟s conclusions and policy recommendations.
The researcher produces the following recommendations for consideration by the Minister, to address the problems in the DPW land provision policy programme:
A. Appointment of a policy think tank (group of independent expert professional individuals with high-order management skills) with the following tasks:
•Facilitate the establishment of a Health Facilities Partnership Contract (HFPC) between DPW and the Provincial Department of Health by 31 March 2011.
•Ensure that the HFPC contains the essential elements on functioning of the partnership, and includes the mutually agreed new state health facility projects, of which construction must start over the next three financial years (2011/12 – 2013/14); also initiate an electronic management cockpit to be used by the Minister for real-time (24 hr) monitoring of progress with the priority land/facility projects.
•Document a broad policy and strategic framework for innovative asset management approaches and models that will maximise revenue streams for DPW, and increase the value of the asset base of the Western Cape Provincial Government; this policy framework should include reference to inner city renewal in Cape Town, as well as asset-based urban regeneration and economic development in other larger towns of the Western Cape (e.g. George, Mossel Bay, Oudtshoorn, Hermanus, Paarl/Wellington, etc.).
•Make recommendations regarding updating of the asset register of DPW, including reference to effecting and conclusion of the transfer of various real estate properties that have not been transferred to DPW yet, and regarding sophisticated information/communication technology (ICT) solutions that will modernise DPW‟s asset management to international best practice standards.
B. The „policy think tank‟ (Ministerial advisory group) should have experts from outside DPW as members, but will have to engage with the DPW top management (Head of Department; Chief Director of Property Management; Director of Property Development) in a partnership context in order to have the HFPC established. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorsing is onderneem gedurende 2009/2010 en fokus op die Wes-Kaap Departement van Vervoer & Openbare Werke program vir die voorsiening van grond vir die konstruksie van nuwe staatsgesondheidsfasiliteite (hospitale, gemeenskap gesondheidsentrums, klinieke) in die provinsie. Die doel van die studie was om vas te stel of die Department behoorlike beleid ingestel het om die vereiste grond te lewer, en of hierdie beleid suksesvol geimplementeer word. Die studie was dus, in wese, 'n evaluering van 'n regeringsbeleidsprogram.
Die volgende oorhoofse bevindinge en gevolgtrekkings word gemaak, per hoofstuk:
•Hoofstuk 1 beslaan die inleiding, met verwysing na die hoof navorsingsvraag en verwante vrae.
•In Hoofstuk 2 word belangrike teorie oor beleidsevaluering voorgehou, en 'n Beleid Dokumentasie Patroonplaat (BDP) word ontwikkel, wat die wesenlike beginsels en elemente vir effektiewe openbare beleidsdokumente bevat.
•In Hoofstuk 3 word belangrike geselekteerde dele van die bestaande konseptuele/teoretiese kennispoel oor beleidsimplementering ondersoek en ontleed deur die navorser, wat lei na die identifikasie van kritiese implementering beginsels/lesse, asook die Beleid Implementering Monitor (BIM).
•In Hoofstuk 4 word die Departement se stel beleidsdokumente rakende grondvoorsiening vir nuwe staatsgesondheidsfasiliteite bestudeer, beskryf, ontleed en vergelyk met die BDP. Dit word bevind dat geen effektiewe en afdwingbare jaarlikse operasionele plan bestaan nie, wat suksesvolle beleidsimplementering en monitering onmoontlik maak.
•In Hoofstuk 5 word die implementering van die beleidsdokumente beskryf en krities ontleed. Die BIM en lesse uit die beleidsimplementering teorie word toegepas op die Departement se implementeringspraktyk. Ernstige tekortkominge word gevind in die implementering van die grondvoorsiening program – veral rakende die oneffektiewe samewerking tussen die Departemente van Openbare Werke en Gesondheid – met vertraagde lewering van grond vir nuwe staatsgesondheidfasiliteite die gevolg.
•Hoofstuk 6 bevat die navorser se gevolgtrekkings en beleidsaanbevelings.
Die navorser produseer die volgende aanbevelings vir oorweging deur die Minister, om die probleme in die Departement se grondvoorsiening beleidsprogram aan te spreek:
A. Aanwysing van 'n beleid denkgroep ('n groep onafhanklike deskundige individue met hoë orde bestuursvaardighede) met die volgende take:
•Fasiliteer die vestiging van 'n Gesondheidsfasiliteite Vennootskap Kontrak (GFVK) tussen die provinsiale Departemente van Openbare Werke en Gesondheid, teen 31 Maart 2011.
•Verseker dat die GFVK die wesenlike elemente bevat betreffende funksionering van die vennootskap, asook die wedersyds ooreengekome projekte vir nuwe staatsgesondheidfasiliteite waarvan konstruksie 'n aanvang moet neem oor die volgende drie finansiële jare (2011/12 – 2013/14); inisieer ook 'n elektroniese bestuurskajuit vir gebruik van die Minister in die konstante (24 uur) monitering van vordering met die prioriteit grond/fasiliteite projekte.
•Dokumenteer die breë beleid en strategiese raamwerk vir innoverende batebestuur benaderings en modelle, wat die inkomste strome vir die Departemente sal optimaliseer, en die waarde van die bate basis van die Wes-Kaap Provinsiale Regering sal vergroot; hierdie beleidsraamwerk moet verwysing na middestad-vernuwing in Kaapstad insluit, asook bate-gefundeerde stedelike en ekonomiese ontwikkeling in ander groter dorpe in die Wes-Kaap (soos George, Mosselbaai, Oudtshoorn, Hermanus, Paarl/Wellington, ens.).
•Doen aanbevelings rakende die opdatering van die bate register van die Departement, insluitende verwysing na die uitvoer en afhandeling van die oordragte van verskeie vaste eiendomme wat nog nie oorgedra is na die Departement nie, asook rakende gesofistikeerde informasie/kommunikasie tegnologie (IKT) oplossings wat die Departement se batebestuur sal moderniseer tot internasionale beste-praktyk standaard.
B. Die „beleid denkgroep‟ (Ministeriele adviesgroep) moet deskundiges van buite die Departement as lede hê, maar sal in gesprek moet tree met die Departement se topbestuur (Hoof van Departement; Hoof Direkteur van Eiendomsbestuur; Direkteur van Eiendomsontwikkeling) in 'n vennootskapskonteks, sodat die GFVK tot stand kan kom.
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Economic development, decoupling and urban infrastructure : the role of innovation for an urban transition in Cape TownHyman, Katherine 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis investigates the case of the Cape Town Central City Provincial Government
Revitalisation Initiative (CCPGRI) as a means to further understanding of socio-technical
transitions. The departure point for this research is the recognition that the current economic
growth and development trajectory is unsustainable. Despite this, deeply institutionalised frames of
reference for decision-making reinforce and perpetuate the utilisation of (incumbent) sociotechnical systems which diminish finite resources and deteriorate eco-system services.
The theoretical notion of decoupling, however, offers an alternative economic development
paradigm. Decoupling has been identified, within this thesis, as the guiding framework through
which adaption strategies should be carried out. This was indentified through a comprehensive
literature review and an assessment of Cape Town's critical networked infrastructure. Networked
infrastructure conveys flows of resources across vast urban spaces, in a linear configuration, thus
conditioning resource flows and consumption. The case of Cape Town, however, illustrates that a
linear configuration of infrastructure is both financially and environmentally unsustainable.
Moreover, the case provides the empirical evidence for decoupling, reinforcing the argument for
the adoption of the notion as an alternative development paradigm.
Networked infrastructure has furthermore been identified as a socio-technical system, and
therefore is considered as the component requiring a system transition and the subsequent
intervention point for decoupling economic growth from resource consumption. From an
implementation perspective, socio-technical system transitions, achieved through innovation, are
the necessary component for realising sustainable urban development.
It is argued that innovation, necessary for socio-technical system transitions, should be the product
of sustainability-orientated innovation systems (SOIS's). SOIS's are implicitly linked to decoupling
through the shared goal of enabling greater sustainability. The Cape Town CCPGRI has been
extrapolated onto the multi-levelled perspective (MLP) model and is used to further understanding
about how socio-technical system transitions are achieved. Findings indicate that socio-technical
systems transitions are possible in urban areas that have multiple niche innovations developing
simultaneously. Of significance is the presence of an intermediary, who is able to facilitate and
manage the development of niche innovations emerging from SOIS's. It is therefore argued that
high quality networking is critical for achieving socio-technical transitions which emerge from
SOIS's. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek die geval van die "Cape Town Central City Provincial Government
Revitalisation Initiative" (CCPGRI) as 'n manier om die begrip van sosio-tegniese oorgange te
bevorder. Die vertrek punt vir hierdie navorsing is die insig dat die huidige verloop van ekonomiese
groei en ontwikkeling onvolhoubaar is. Ten spyte hiervan versterk en verleng
geïnstitusionaliseerde verwysingsraamwerke vir besluitneming die gebruik van (opgelegde) sosiotegniese sisteme wat uitputbare bronne verminder en ekosisteem dienste laat agteruitgaan.
Die teoretiese idee van ontkoppeling bied nogtans 'n alternatiewe paradigma vir ekonomiese
ontwikkeling. Hierdie tesis identifiseer ontkoppeling as die rigtinggewende raamwerk waardeur
aanpassing strategië uitgevoer behoort te word. Dit is geïdentifiseer deur 'n omvattende
literatuurstudie en 'n beoordeling van Kaapstad se kritiese infrastruktuur netwerk. Netwerke van
infrastuktuur vervoer die vloei van bronne in 'n liniêre konfigurasie oor wye stedelike ruimtes en
kondisioneer daardeur die vloei en verbruik van bronne. Die geval van Kaapstad illustreer egter dat
'n liniêre konfigurasie van infrastruktuur beide finansieel en omgewingsverwant onvolhoubaar is.
Verder voorsien hierdie geval die empiriese bewyse vir ontkoppeling en versterk daardeur die
argument vir die aanvaarding van die idee as „n alternatiewe paradigma vir ontwikkeling.
Infrastruktuur netwerke is verder geïdentifiseer as 'n sosio-teniese sisteem en word daarom geag
as die komponent wat 'n sisteem oorgang vereis en die gevolglike punt van ingryping om
ekonomiese groei van bron verbruik te ontkoppel. Uit „n implemetering oogpunt is die oorgang van
sosio-tegniese sisteme, voltrek deur innovering, die noodsaaklike komponent om volhoubare
stedelike ontwikkeling te realiseer.
Daar word geredeneer dat innovering – noodsaaklik vir sosio-tegniese sisteem oorgang – die
produk behoort te wees van volhoubaar georiënteerde innovering sisteme. Hierdie sisteme is
implisiet verbind aan ontkoppeling deur die gedeelde doel om groter volhoubaarheid moontlik te
maak. Die Kaapstadse CCPGRI is op die meervlakkige perspektief model ge-ekstrapoleer en is
aangewend om begrip te bevorder van hoe sosio-tegniese sisteem oorgang bereik word.
Bevindings dui daarop dat sosio-tegniese sisteem oorgang moontlik is in stedelike gebiede waar
meervoudige niche innoverings gelyktydig ontwikkel. Die teenwoordigheid van 'n tussenganger,
wat die ontwikkeling van niche innoverings wat voortspruit uit die volhoubaar georiënteerde
innovering sisteme kan fasiliteer en bestuur, is belangrik. Daar word dus geredeneer dat hoë
kwaliteit netwerk daarstelling krities is vir die uitvoer van sosio-tegniese oorgange wat uit
volhoubaar georiënteerde innovering sisteme voortspruit.
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Enhancing resilience between people and nature in urban landscapesSchaffler, Alexis 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The particular global context that is fundamentally altering the world is one in which the combined resource requirements of cities are unprecedented. This thesis communicates the thoughts, ideas and research observations on contemporary urbanisation dynamics through a synthesis of various perspectives. This conceptual fusion, as an attempt to provide a holistic overview of contemporary urban dynamics, forms the basis for developing a framework from which the multiple dimensions of cities can be addressed. This theoretical framework, which includes empirical analyses on the state of cities, is then applied to Johannesburg as a case study for deepening the understanding of urban dynamics and to assess implementation of the theoretical framework in reality.
Despite being guided by the general aims of investigating current urban growth trends and the conceptual frameworks with which urban systems could be better understood, the complexity of the task at hand defied a static and linear research process. The ideas that emerged through the research journey, as opposed to a process, were synthesised using a literature review from which the framework of managing complex social-ecological systems was developed. Central to this framework is the metaphor of resilience, which through the idea of systemic adaptability, prioritises the need for both social and ecological opportunity to be enhanced. This is critical in the face of cross-cutting global challenges and in terms of cities as archetypical complex social-ecological systems.
In reviewing literature on contemporary urbanisation dynamics, it was found that the socio-economic, spatial and ecological tensions characterising developing country cities, require strategies to enhance urban resilience rooted in local social and ecological capabilities that differ from developed nations’ contexts. These practical concerns were the catalyst for suggesting green infrastructure as a framework in which the joint social and ecological values of green assets are valued equally. This in line with the logic of enhancing a system’s overall systemic adaptability. The theoretical frameworks included in the literature review, therefore, emerged through the weaving back and forth of thoughts, debates and practical concerns about creating resilience between people and nature in the urban landscapes of developing countries
The methodological implications of a green infrastructure framework resulted in the need to determine the total economic value of ecosystem services, as the benefits that society accrues through ecosystem functioning. Valuing both the social and ecological benefits of such ecosystem derivatives, not only relates to the concept of mutual resilience building, but makes the economic case for investment in natural assets. Through experience with this methodology, it emerged that
valuation exercises of ecosystem services require primary research that connects physical data on ecosystem functioning to tangible economic values. In the chosen case study, however, this original research is yet to take place and methodologies for valuing Johannesburg’s green assets had to unfold based on data availability. The development of a methodology within a methodology is a major feature of this paper, which is guided by the logic that for overall systemic resilience to be sustained, investment in natural assets needs to explicitly account for the total economic values of ecosystem services.
The conclusions suggest that Johannesburg is nevertheless in a unique position to capitalise on the concept of green infrastructure, from which social and ecological opportunity can be mutually enhanced. In a paradoxical way, the city’s tree-planting boom that resulted in the construction of the world’s largest urban forest in natural savannah grassland, has created inventories of ecological and social resilience that represent the multifunctional value of green assets, if valued explicitly. Recognition of these values shows that ecological assets extend beyond publicly delineated open space and that Johannesburg’s culture of greening is potentially playing a significant role in sustaining the resilience between its people and nature.
However, until the detailed base research is conducted on the connections between Johannesburg’s green assets and their associated social and ecological dividends, these assets remain potential inventories of resilience whose values are yet to be fully determined. The recommendations of this thesis are therefore largely to strengthen the research and data bases on Johannesburg’s green assets. Original research is needed so that precise valuation exercises of Johannesburg’s ecosystem services can take place. This research is also the foundation from which a more robust and empirically sound case can be made for motivating investment in Johannesburg’s strategically unique green infrastructure, in the context of social-ecological challenges and the global movement towards green economies, jobs and cities. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die spesifieke globale konteks wat die wêreld ten diepste verander, is ’n konteks waarin die gekombineerde behoeftes van stede ongekend is. Deur ’n samevatting van verskeie perspektiewe bied hierdie tesis gedagtes, idees en navorsingswaarnemings oor die hedendaagse stadsdinamika. Hierdie samevoeging van konsepte, as ’n poging om ’n holistiese oorsig van hedendaagse stadsdinamika te bied, vorm die grondslag vir die ontwikkeling van ’n raamwerk van waaruit die veelvuldige dimensies van stede benader kan word. Hierdie teoretiese raamwerk, wat empiriese analises van die stand van stede insluit, word dan toegepas op Johannesburg as ’n gevallestudie om die stadsdinamika beter te verstaan en die gebruik van die teoretiese raamwerk in die praktyk te evalueer.
Die gedagtes wat uit die navorsing voortgespruit het, word saamgevat deur ’n oorsig te gee van literatuur waaruit die raamwerk vir die bestuur van komplekse sosio-ekologiese sisteme ontwikkel is. Die kern van hierdie raamwerk is die metafoor van weerstandsvermoë (“resilience”) wat, deur die gebruik van die konsep sistemiese aanpasbaarheid, die behoefte aan sowel meer sosiale as ekologiese geleenthede as die belangrikste prioriteite identifiseer. Dit is deurslaggewend in die lig van deursnee- globale uitdagings en in terme van stede as argetipiese komplekse sosio-ekologiese sisteme.
In die oorsig van literatuur oor die hedendaagse stadsdinamika is daar gevind dat die sosio-ekonomiese, ruimtelike en ekologiese spanning wat stede in ontwikkelende lande kenmerk, strategieë vereis wat stadsweerstand, wat uit plaaslike sosiale en ekologiese vermoëns spruit, sal verhoog. Hierdie praktiese kwessies was die katalisator om ’n groen infrastruktuur voor te stel as die raamwerk waarbinne die gesamentlike sosiale en ekologiese waardes van groen bates ewe veel waarde dra, wat in pas is met die logiese gedagte om ’n sisteem se algehele sistemiese aanpasbaarheid te verhoog. Die teoretiese raamwerk wat ingesluit is in die literatuur wat bestudeer is, het dus na vore gekom deur die uitruil van gedagtes, debatte en praktiese benaderings tot hoe weerstandigheid geskep kan word tussen mens en natuur in die stedelike landskappe van ontwikkelende lande.
Die metodologiese implikasies van ’n groen infrastruktuur-raamwerk het dit noodsaaklik gemaak om die totale ekonomiese waarde van ekosisteemdienste, as die voordele wat die samelewing deur ekosisteme ontvang, te bepaal. Die belangrikste navorsing om letterlike inligting oor Johannesburg se ekosisteemdienste aan tasbare ekonomiese waardes te verbind, moet egter nog gedoen word, en metodologieë om die stad se groen bates te evalueer moet ontwikkel word afhangende van die beskikbaarheid van inligting. Die ontwikkeling van ’n metodologie binne ’n metodologie is ’n belangrike kenmerk van hierdie tesis, wat gelei word deur die logiese gedagte dat belegging in natuurlike bates baie duidelik die totale ekonomiese waarde van ekosisteemdienste moet bepaal as algehele sistemiese weerstandsvermoë gehandhaaf wil word.
Die gevolgtrekkings dui daarop dat Johannesburg nietemin in ’n unieke posisie is om finansiële voordeel uit die konsep van ’n groen infrastruktuur te trek. Op ’n teenstrydige manier het die stad se grootskaalse poging om bome aan te plant, wat gelei het tot die wêreld se grootste stedelike woud in ’n natuurlike grasvlakte, inligting gebied oor ekologiese en sosiale weerstandigheid, en dit verteenwoordig die multifunksionele waarde van groen bates as daar uitdruklik waarde daaraan geheg word. ’n Erkenning van hierdie waarde wys dat ekologiese bates verder strek as ’n openbare afgebakende oop ruimte en dat Johannesburg se groen kultuur moontlik ’n deurslaggewende rol speel om die weerstandsvermoë tussen sy mense en die natuur volhoubaar te maak.
Voordat noukeurige grondnavorsing oor die verband tussen Johannesburg se groen bates en hulle gepaardgaande sosiale en ekologiese voordele egter nie uitgevoer is nie, bly hierdie bates potensiële beskrywings van weerstandsvermoë waarvan die waarde nog nie ten volle bepaal is nie. Die aanbevelings van hierdie tesis is daarom hoofsaaklik dat navorsing voortgesit word, en dat die kennisgrondslag van Johannesburg se groen bates verbreed word sodat ’n presiese evaluering van ekosisteemdienste gedoen kan word as die grondslag van sterker en empiries gestaafde redes om in die stad se groen infrastruktuur te belê.
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Growing sustainable food systems : a study of local food distribution initiatives in StellenboschLandman, Annie Petronella 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis investigates practical approaches to growing sustainable food systems. It first
establishes the condition of the global environment within which food systems function
and critically assesses previous efforts to grow sustainable food systems. After applying
these findings to a set of case studies on local-food distribution in Stellenbosch, I
recommend ways for the local-food distribution network to encourage the growth of a
sustainable Stellenbosch food system.
The literature review provides an overview of the global environment in relation to food
systems and lists certain contextual challenges that food systems must address to become
sustainable. These challenges are social inequality, an urban future, degraded ecosystems,
climate change, energy constraints, a growing global population and food insecurity. The
literature review also describes how commercialisation has disembedded food systems
from their contexts. This disembeddedness loosens the feedback loops food systems
require to effectively respond to contextual challenges and consequently hinders their
The critical overview of previous attempts to re-embed food systems provides insight into
practical ways of growing sustainable food systems. The overview demonstrates that while
localisation and the building of social capital should not be seen as the ultimate goals of
sustainable food systems, they can be useful mechanisms for nurturing sustainability if
applied carefully.
The case studies describe ten local-food distribution initiatives in Stellenbosch, and are
informed by numerous in-depth semi-structured interviews. My conceptual framework
contrasts each initiative’s self-reported vision, perceived reality, and realised actions; this
highlights the conceptual and physical network connections between various local-food
distribution initiatives, as well as the factors preventing and promoting their sustainability.
The case studies show that although a local-food distribution network exists in
Stellenbosch, it is fragile and lacks defined conceptual connections. This in turn constrains
the formation of physical connections and thus the food system’s progress toward
The local-food distribution network in Stellenbosch can catalyse the growth of a
sustainable food system because its initiatives focus on localisation but do not see it as a
final objective. This shared focus indicates that localisation already constitutes a practical
tool in the growth of a sustainable food system; however, the network’s lack of social
capital still needs to be addressed.
Inclusive projects designed to create and protect intellectual, political and economic spaces
for reflection within the food system can generate the social capital necessary to grow a
sustainable food system. The realisation of a sustainable Stellenbosch food system
therefore depends on those with the capacity and resources to initiate the necessary
changes. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek praktiese benaderings waarmee volhoubare kossisteme bevorder
kan word. Dit stel eerstens die toestand van die globale omgewing waarin kossisteme
funksioneer vas en oorweeg krities vorige pogings wat volhoubare kossisteme probeer
bevorder het. Na ek hierdie bevindings toepas op ’n stel gevallestudies van inisiatiewe wat
plaaslik-geproduseerde kos in Stellenbosch versprei, kom ek met voorstelle vorendag vir
dié verspreidingsnetwerk om die groei van ’n volhoubare Stellenbosch-kossisteem aan te
Die literatuurstudie omskryf ’n oorsig van die globale omgewing met betrekking tot
kossisteme en lys sekere kontekstuele uitdagings wat kossisteme moet aanspreek om
volhoubaar te wees. Die uitdagings is maatskaplike ongelykheid, ’n verstedelikte toekoms,
verswakte ekosisteme, klimaatsverandering, energiebeperkings, ’n groeiende globale
bevolking en voedselonsekerheid. Die literatuurstudie bepaal ook dat kommersialisering
kossisteme uit hulle omgewings ontwortel. Hierdie ontwortelling verswak die
terugvoerbane wat kossisteme benodig om effektief op kontekstuele uitdagings te reageer
en verhoed hulle volhoubaarheid.
Die kritiese oorsig van vorige pogings om kossisteme nuwe wortels te laat skiet gee insig
tot praktiese maniere om volhoubare kossisteme te bevorder. Die oorsig wys daarop dat
terwyl lokalisering en die bou van maatskaplike kapitaal nie as die slotsom van volhoubare
kossisteme beskou moet word nie, albei nuttige tegnieke kan wees vir die aankweek van
volhoubaarheid indien hulle met sorg aangewend word.
Die gevallestudies beskryf tien verspreidings-inisiatiewe van plaaslik-geproduseerde kos in
Stellenbosch en is ingelig deur verskeie in-diepte, semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude. My
konsepsuele raamwerk kontrasteer elke gevallestudie se self-verklaarde visie,
veronderstelde realiteit en gerealiseerde aksies. Dit lig die begrips- en fisiesenetwerkkonneksies
tussen die inisiatiewe uit en stel ’n aantal faktore bloot wat die netwerk
se volhoubare groei positief en negatief beïnvloed. Die gevallestudies wys daarop dat
alhoewel ’n verspreingsnetwerk van plaaslik-geproduseerde kos in Stellenbosch bestaan,
dié netwerk swak is en omskrewe begripskonneksies kort. Om die beurt verhinder dit die
formasie van fisiese konneksies en weerhou die kossisteem se vordering na
Die verspreidingsnetwerk van plaaslik-geproduseerde kos in Stellenbosch kan die groei
van ‘n volhoubare kossisteem kataliseer omdat die inisiatiewe waaruit dit bestaan deur ’n
gemeenskaplike fokus op lokalisering verbind word, maar dit nie as hulle einddoel beskou
nie. Hierdie gedeelde fokus wys daarop dat lokalisering reeds ’n bruikbare tegniek vir die
groei van ‘n volhoubare kossisteem is, maar die tekort aan maatskaplike kapitaal binne die
netwerk moet steeds aangespreek word.
Inklusiewe projekte wat saamgestel word om intellektuele, politiese en ekonomiese
ruimtes vir besinning binne die kossisteem te bevorder en te bewaar, kan die nodige
maatskaplike kapitaal kweek om ’n volhoubare kossisteem te vestig. Die verwesenliking
van ’n volhoubare Stellenbosch-kossisteem hang dus van diegene af wat die kapasiteit en
hulpbronne het om die nodige veranderings in te lei.
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The impact of urban renewal on the health status of the community of EvatonTlhabanelo, Malebo Philemon 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Urban renewal is fairly new in South Arica compared to North America where the concept was
introduced around 1949. Some urban areas in South Africa lacked basic subsistence needs while
others had deteriorated into slums. That prompted the present government to act against such
living conditions and make environments conducive to its motto of “better life for all”.
One such area was Evaton within Emfuleni Local Municipality in Gauteng. The semi-rural
centennial settlement is one of the few that enjoys freehold land tenure in South Africa.
Unfortunately, that contributed to its underdevelopment as the politics of land release before
1996 prevented any development by the regime. The situation led Evaton developing into a slum
without basic needs such as proper infrastructure, proper sanitation, refuse removal system,
adequate water supply and social amenities. The situation manifested itself in poor community
health status.
The health status of the community was also influenced by the prevailing socio-economic
conditions such as unemployment and poverty. Communities depended on home farming and
animal husbandry to support their households.
Unemployment and poverty resulted in crimes of stock-theft, house robberies and muggings.
Gangsterism became the lifestyle of hooligans which made life difficult for vulnerable
community members.
Moreover, environmental health conditions were appalling. Water was drawn from improperly
covered wells. Pit latrines and ash dumps were used for sanitation thus causing fly-breeding and
rodent habourage. Animals roamed about while backyards were overpopulated with shacks
instead of decent housing. Fossil fuel fires used inside mud houses with poor ventilation caused
carbon monoxide poisoning. Particulate matter from dusty streets polluted the air. Diseases
spread easily due to dust, overcrowding, and poor ventilation and sanitation. Families could
hardly afford proper medical care which was scarce, remote and expensive. The intended urban renewal project aimed to improve the living conditions in Evaton. Improved
housing was provided where possible, sewerage reticulation system was widened, electricity was
installed and some service roads were tarred.
More clinics were built to provide better and free health services to the community. Modern
shopping malls were built. Municipal health and other essential services were partly delivered.
The prospects of improved health status were beaming.
Unfortunately, the project was hampered by obstacles such as politics of resistance to land
release by landlords, which retarded housing progress. Funding was problematic and allegedly
misused. Housing, roads and sanitation remained poor. Air quality remained poor as fossil fuel
continued to be used due to high electricity costs. Animals were still kept and unemployment rate
remained high.
Research findings revealed that suspicions regarding clandestine land release deals were abound.
Residents blamed leaders for offering jobs to friends and associates. Provision of affordable
housing was rather too slow and made tedious by squabbles over management issues. Local
economic development crucial to job creation and poverty alleviation needed strengthening to
encourage self-reliance.
It would be recommended that the situation in Evaton be afforded urgent intervention by
government, with the support of strong community participation, which is crucial for smooth
implementation of processes meant to improve living conditions in Evaton. Regeneration, with
its envisaged prospects, needed the co-operation of all stakeholders. All suspicions regarding
projects and processes had to be overcome. It would be important to employ persons with
appropriate expertise, preferably from the local community; to strengthen project management
for positive outcomes that would impact on the health status of the community was important. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Stedelike hernuwing in Suid-Afrika is ‘n redelike nuwe konsep in vergelyking met Noord-
Amerika waar stedelike hernuwing reeds vanaf 1949 plaasgevind het Sommige stedelike areas
in Suid-Afrika het agteruitgegaan as agtergebuurtes met ‘n tekort aan basiese lewensbehoeftes.
Hierdie situasie het die huidige regering aangemoedig om aksie te neem teen hierdie
lewenskondisies en ook beheer oor hierdie agtergebuurtes te neem ter ondersteuning van die
regering se slagspreuk: “Beter lewe vir almal”.
Een so ‘n area in Gauteng is Evaton, wat onder beheer van Emfuleni Plaaslike Munisipaliteit is.
‘n Honderd jare oue semi-plaaslike plek het vrye besitreg van eiendom in Suid-Afrika bepaal.
Ongelukkig het hierdie bygedra tot onderontwikkeling aangesien politiese besluite rakende
grond ontplooiing en ontwikkeling in Evaton negatief beïnvloed was deur die beherende bewind
van daardie tyd. Hierdie situasie het ook bygedra dat Evaton in ‘n agtergebuurte verval het
sonder voldoening aan basiese behoeftes soos aanvaarbare infrastruktuur, sanitasie,
vullisverwydering, genoegsame water voorsiening en sosiale geriewe. Hierdie omstandighede
het gevolglik aanleiding gegee dat Evaton gemeenskap onder andere lae gesondheidstatus
Die gesondheidstatus van Evaton gemeenskap is verder ook beïnvloed deur heersende sosioekonomiese
kondisies soos werkloosheid en armoede. Die gemeenskap was dus afhanklik van
selfonderhoudende landbou- en veeboerdery ter wille van oorlewing.
Werkloosheid en armoede het gevolglik ook aanleiding gegee tot misdade soos veediefstal,
huisinbrake en rooftogte. Bendewese het ‘n leefstyl geword van straatboewe wat die lewe
verder bemoeilik het vir kwetsbare gemeenskapslede.
Walglike omgewingsgesondheid kondisies het gevolglik ook verder die oorhand gekry. Water is
uit onbeskermde putte getap en buite toilette en ashope is vir sanitasie geriewe gebruik. Vlieë
het uitgebroei en knaagdiere het daar begin aanteel. Vee het vry gewei en agtererwe was vol
oorbevolkte krotte instede van aanvaarbare wonings Vure van fossielbrandstof is binne-in
modderhuise met swak ventilasie gebrand en dit het tot koolstofmonoksied vergiftiging by
inwoners gelei. Stofdeeltjies van stofstrate het lugbesoedeling veroorsaak. Siektes het vinnig versprei as gevolg van stof, oorbevolking, swak ventilasie en onhigiëniese sanitasie. Gesinne
kon skaars geskikte mediese behandeling bekostig wat ver, skaars en duur was.
Die stedelike hernuwingsprogram beoog om lewenskondisies in Evaton te verbeter. Beter
behuising is verskaf waar moontlik, ‘n wyer rioolnetwerk is voorsien, elektrisiteit is voorsien en
sekere dienspaaie is geteer. Meer klinieke is gebou om sodoende beter asook gratis
gesondheidsdienste aan Evaton gemeenskap te voorsien.
Ongelukkig was daar struikelblokke wat die stedelike hernuwingsprogram vertraag het. Die
behuising projek kon nie volgens beplanning verloop nie aangesien grondeienaars onwillig was
om hul grond af te staan. Fondse was nie genoeg nie en volgens aantuigings misbruik.
Behuising, paaie en sanitasie bly nog swaak. Lugbesoedeling is steeds hoog aangesien
fossielbrandstof steeds gebruik word as gevolg van hoë elektrisiteitskostes. Vee word steeds
vrylik aangehou en die werkloosheid syfer is steeds baie hoog.
Hierdie situasie in Evaton eis onmiddellik intervensie. Suspisies rakende grondhervorming moet
oorkom word. Voorsiening van bekostigbare behuising moet verskerp word. Plaaslike
ekonomiese ontwikkeling wat noodsaaklik is vir werk skepping en armoede verligting moet
aangespreek word om sodoende self-versorging aan te moedig.
Intervensie van die Regering, met goeie gemeenkap deelname, is noodsaaklik vir gesonde
lewenstandaarde in Evaton. Hervorming met beplande vooruitsigte sal dringend verskerp moet
word sodat die impak van gesondheid standaarde op Evaton gemeenskap positief beïnvloed
kan word.
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