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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Šunų šlapimo takų akmenligė / Canine urolithiasis

Šaumanaitė, Kristina 05 March 2014 (has links)
Santrauka Tyrimas atliktas Lietuvos Sveikatos Mokslų Universitete, šio tyrimo duomenys surinkti iš veterinarijos klinikos „Veterinarinės Medicinos Centras“, 2011 – 2013 metų laikotarpiu. Darbo apimtis 30 puslapių, kuriuose yra 1 lentelė ir 10 diagramų. Darbo tikslas buvo išnagrinėti šunų susirgimo šlapimo takų akmenlige 2011 – 2013 metais sergamumą. Tiriamojo darbo uždaviniai buvo suformuluoti norint nustatyti šlapimo takų akmenligės pasireiškimo dažnumą, priklausomai nuo kitų urogenitalinės sistemos sutrikimo atvejų; kokių tipų akmenys ir/ar kristalai buvo nustatyti tyrimo eigoje, bei susidariusių susirgimų priklausomybę nuo amžiaus, lyties bei veislės. Išanalizavus 138 ligos istorijas susijusias su urogenitalinės sistemos problemomis, buvo nustatyti 47 (34,058%) šlapimo takų akmenligės atvejai. Visi sergantieji buvo išskirstyti į keletą skirtingų grupių, remiantis trimis pagrindiniais skirtumais: lytis, amžius ir veislė. Grupės skirstomos: I) pagal lytį, patelės (n=21) ir patinėliai (n=26); II) pagal amžių, buvo sudarytos keturios grupės: nuo 0 iki 3 metų (n=12), nuo 4 iki 6 metų (n=17), nuo 7 iki 10 metų (n=17) ir virš 11 metų (n=1); III) pagal veislę, buvo išskirstyta į dvi pagrindines grupes 1) grynakraujai (n=38), 22 skirtingos veislės ir 2) mišrūnai šunys (n=9). Apibendrinus tyrimo metu gautus rezultatus buvo padaryta išvada, kad šlapimo takų akmenligė pasireiškė 34,058% pacientams, iš visų susirgimų šlapimo sistemos ligomis. Iš visų tiriamųjų gausiausiai sirgo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Summury The study was fufilled at Lithuanian University of Health Sciences , the study material collected from the veterinary clinic „Veterinarės Medicinos Centras“, time period of 2011 – 2013 years. Thesis volume of 30 pages, containing 1 table and 10 figure. The aim was to examine the canine urolithiasis morbidity in 2011 - 2013 years . Research work tasks have been formulated to identify urinary tract stones , depending on the frequency of occurrence of other urogenital system disruptions , what types of stones and/or crystals have been identified during the course of the study , and the resulting onset of age, sex and breed. An analysis of 138 case histories associated with urogenital problems were identified 47 ( 34,058%) of urolithiasis cases . All the patients were broken down into several different groups based on the three main differences: gender , age and breed . Sets are : I) according to gender, females ( n = 21 ) and males ( n = 26 ), II ) according to age, was formed four groups : 0 to 3 years ( n = 12) from 4 to 6 years of age ( n = 17 ) , from 7 to 10 years ( n = 17 ) and over 11 years ( n = 1 ) and III) according to the breed was split into two main groups 1 ) pure breed ( n = 38 ) , 22 different varieties and 2 ) mixed breed dogs ( n = 9). Summarizing the research results , it was concluded that urolithiasis patients experienced 34,058 % of all patients with urinary system diseases. Among the most heavily suffered from 80.851 % pure breed dogs ( p < 0.001 )... [to full text]

Effects of breed and PRKAG3 and CAST genetic polymorphisms on the quality of serrano dry-cured ham

Zhen, Zongyuan 30 July 2012 (has links)
Two pieces of complementary research dealing with the study of the importance of genetic factors on the quality of the Spanish dry-cured ham Jamón Serrano were carried out for this thesis. The first one compared Serrano dry-cured hams made from typical commercial lines of four representative breeds (Duroc, Landrace, Large White and Piétrain) subjected to the current standard industrial process. Most of the differences in raw material, final composition and rheology were between Piétrain and the other three breeds. Duroc breed showed the most important differences in instrumental colour and appearance, probably caused by its higher intramuscular fat content. The differences between the four breeds in dry-cured ham sensory quality were too small to discriminate them on single traits. However, according to multivariate analyses (PCA), the Large White showed the most appropriate sensory characteristics for dry-cured ham production of the four pure breeds under the processing conditions used, while the Piétrain showed the least appropriate ones. The second piece of research studied the effect of the previously identified PRKAG3 and CAST genetic polymorphisms (PRKAG3 Ile199Val, CAST Arg249Lys and CAST Ser638Arg) on the quality traits of the Spanish dry-cured ham Jamón Serrano. Associations between the polymorphisms and traits of flavour and texture were found. The PRKAG3 Ile/Ile genotype, the CAST249 Arg/Arg genotype, the CAST638 Arg/Arg genotype and the haplotype CAST 249Arg-638Arg are the most favourable for the production of the Spanish dry-cured ham Jamón Serrano. It can be concluded that the effect of different pure breeds was not strong enough to produce significant perceivable differences between dry-cured hams. In contrast, differences between genotypes of PRKAG3 and CAST polymorphisms on proteolysis and sensory traits indicated that polymorphisms could induce perceivable differences in the sensory quality of dry-cured hams. Accordingly, genetic polymorphisms could be better indicators of material screening in the dry-cured ham industry than breeds. / En aquesta tesi s’han realitzat dos estudis complementaris sobre la importància dels factors genètics sobre la qualitat del pernil curat Jamón Serrano. El primer compara pernils curats elaborats a partir de línies genètiques comerciales de quatre races representatives (Duroc, Landrace, Large White y Piétrain) i sotmesos a un procés industrial estàndard i actual Les majors diferències en els pernils frescos i en la composició i reologia final es van observar entre Piétrain i les altres tres races. La raça Duroc va presentar les principals diferències en color instrumental i aparença sensorial, probablement degut al seu alt contingut de greix intramuscular. Les diferències en característiques sensorials entre les quatre races van ser massa petites per a poder discriminar entre elles en base a característiques individuals. No obstant, considerant les anàlisis multivariades (PCA), la raça Large White va mostrar les característiques sensorials més apropiades per al pernil curat en les condicions de elaboració aquí utilitzades, mentres que la raça Piétrain va mostrar les menys apropiades. El segon estudi analitza l’efecte dels polimorfismes genètics PRKAG3 i CAST, prèviament identificats (PRKAG3 Ile199Val, CAST Arg249Lys i CAST Ser638Arg), sobre les característiques de qualitat del pernil curat espanyol Jamón Serrano. Hi va haver associacions significatives dels genotips PRKAG3, CAST249 i CAST638 i del haplotip CAST amb varis caràcters relacionats amb flavor i textura. Els genotips PRKAG3 Ile/Ile, CAST249 Arg/Arg, CAST638 Arg/Arg i l’haplotip CAST 249Arg-638Arg són els més favorables per a l’elaboració del pernil curat Jamón Serrano. Es pot concloure que l’efecte de la raça no va ser prou fort per a provocar diferències perceptibles entre els pernils curats. Per contra, les diferències entre genotips dels polimorfismes PRKAG3 i CAST poden induir diferències perceptibles en la qualitat sensorial dels pernils curats. En conseqüència, els polimorfismes genètics podrien ser millors indicadors per a la selecció de la matèria prima a les indústries elaboradores de pernil curat que les races.

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