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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ingenjörsgeologisk analys av projektering för bergskärningar / Geological Engineering analysis of slope design

Ekman, Jakob, Evegård, Victor January 2021 (has links)
Genom samarbete med konsultföretaget Tyréns har detta examensarbetet undersökt hur en säkrare prognos kan erhållas för bergprojektering. Till underlag undersöktes ett aktuellt projekt i Jakobshyttan, med fokus på släntstabilisering. Med avseende att identifiera de osäkerheter sompåverkar bestämmandet av bergets parametrar har parametrarnas inverkan på stabiliteten och dess kostnadseffekt på stabilisering studerats. Framtagandet av de relevanta parametrarna identifierades genom litteraturstudie, Tyréns bergtekniska prognos, relevanta handlingar för området och studiebesök på arbetsplats. Vidare utfördes en känslighetsanalys på de parametrar som var relevanta för stabilitets problematiken, för att utvärdera de kritiska gränserna för respektive parameter. För arbetet användes Barton och Bandis brottvillkor baserat på den bergtekniska informationen som fanns tillgänglig. Slutligen utfördes en kostnadsberäkning för deparametrar som identifierats med eventuella osäkerheter, för att ge perspektiv på effekten av osäkerhet. Resultatet visade att parametrarna JRC och residualfriktionsvinkel hade kraftig inverkan på stabiliteten. Parametrarnas värde bestämdes enligt föreslagen metodik från Trafikverkets handbok för bergprojektering och uppskattats genom tabeller baserade på empiriska fall. Sammanfattningsvis har den rekommenderade metodiken från Trafikverket ansetts som bristfällig och ger utrymme för felbedömningar i projekteringsskedet. / Through collaboration with the consulting company Tyréns, this thesis has investigated how a more reliable forecast can be obtained for rock design. As a basis, a current project in Jakobshyttan was investigated, focusing on slope stabilization. With regard to identifying the uncertainties that affect the determination of the rock parameters, the parameters impact on thestability and its cost effect on stabilization have been studied. The relevant parameters were identified through literature study, Tyréns forecast of rock technology, relevant documents for thearea and study visits to the workplace. Furthermore, a sensitivity analysis was performed on the parameters that were relevant to the stability problem, in order to evaluate the critical limits foreach parameter. The thesis used Barton and Bandis failure criteria based on the rock technical information that was available in the project. At last a cost calculation was performed to provide perspective on the effects of each of the parameters identified as being uncertain. The results showed that the parameters JRC and residual friction angle had a big impact on the stability. The value of the parameters was determined according to the proposed methodology from the customer, the Swedish Transport Administration, and was estimated through tables based on empirical cases. In summary, the recommended methodology from the Swedish Transport Administration has been considered deficient and leaves room for incorrect assessments in the design phase.

Utvärdering av skillnader vid karaktärisering och klassificering av bergkvalitet : En jämförelse mellan förundersökning, prognos och byggskede i projket Citybanan / Evaluation of differences between characterization and classification of rock mass quality : A comparison betweeen pre-investigation, prognosis and construction stage in the City-line project

Kjellström, Ingrid January 2015 (has links)
Detta examensarbete genomfördes i samarbete med Trafikverket och analyserar möjliga orsaker till avvikelser mellan karaktärisering utförd på kärnborrhål vid förundersökningar, uppförande av ingenjörsgeologisk prognos och karaktärisering och klassificering utförd i tunnel vid byggnadsskedet för Citybanan. Två av projektets delentreprenader utvärderades – Norrströms- och Norrmalmtunneln. Totalt analyserades 4596 löpmeter tunnel (Norrströmstunneln) och 2557 meter (Norrmalmstunneln) i syfte att identifiera varför och vart i processen som avvikelser uppstod. Den utförda studien tyder på att inom de två undersökta delentreprenaderna uppstod en skillnad i resultat mellan karaktärisering utförd i kärnborrhål och karaktärisering och klassificering utförd i tunnel. Övergripande visar resultat från karaktäriseringen i samband med tunnelkartering generellt sämre bergförhållanden jämfört med det som prognostiserats. Skillnaderna  otsvarade sämre förhållande uttryckt i 5 (för Norrströmstunneln) respektive 7,5 enheter (Norrmalm) i RMR-systemet från borrhål till tunnelkaraktärisering. Analysen av det utvärderade resultatet indikerar att avvikelserna mellan karaktärisering på borrkärnor jämfört med karaktärisering och klassificering utförd i tunnel antagligen till viss del beror på den använda metodiken vid karaktärisering och klassificering av bergkvaliten med RMR- och Q-systemet. Detta på grund av att parametrarna i systemen inte bestäms på exakt samma sätt vid karaktärisering i förundersökningsskede och karaktärisering och klassificering i byggnadsskede. Dessutom indikeras att anvisningarna för karteringsrutiner vid karaktärisering och klassificering hanteras olika av karterande geologer vid tunneldrivning. Baserat på resultaten från den utförda analysen diskuteras även om det för vissa parametrar för karaktärisering och klassificering finns ett behov av uppdatering i den använda metodiken. Detta för att få förundersökningsprocessen att samspela med det arbete som sker i en tunnel. Resultaten tyder också på att geologerna vid tunnelkartering har en tendens till att kartera sämre bergförhållanden jämfört med det som är prognostiserat samt att vissa egenskaper hos berget kan vara lättare att beskriva på plats i tunneln än vid karaktärisering av berget från en borrkärna. Genom att harmonisera processen för beskrivning av ingående parametrar i de system som används vid karaktärisering mellan förundersökning och karaktärisering och klassificering i byggskede kan skillnader mellan stegen reduceras och risken för prognosavvikelser kan minska för tunnelprojekt i framtiden. / This thesis was carried out in cooperation with the Swedish Transport Administration and analyzes the possible causes of differing rock mass quality assessed in boreholes, engineering geological forecast and tunnel mapping. Two contracts from the City Line project where investigated - in total has 4596 meters (the Norrström tunnel) and 2557 meters (the Norrmalm tunnel) of tunnel mapped during construction been analyzed. The purpose was to identify the reason and where differences in the process of rock evaluation arose. The performed study indicates that in the two investigated tunnels it arose a difference in the results between the characterization performed in boreholes and the subsequent geological forecast compared with the characterization in the tunnel. The assessed rock mass quality became generally successively poorer as the process progresses. This was particulary the case when comparing the geological forecast with tunnel mapping during construction The differences corresponded to a difference of a downgrade of 5 (for the Norrström tunnel) and 7,5 units (the Norrmalm tunnel) in the RMR-system from bore holes to tunnel mapping. The analysis of the evaluated results indicates that the differences between the characterization of boreholes and geological forecasts compared to the characterization and classification performed in the tunnel is probably due to the methodology in the characterization and classification of rock quality with the RMR- and Q system. This is because the parameters of the  ystems is not determined exactly in the characterization of the preliminary investigation stage and the characterization and classification in the construction stage. Also the instructions for mapping routines for the characterization and classification are handled differently by the mapping made by geologists during tunneling. Based on the results of the analysis it is recommended that the way in which some parameters in the systems of characterization and classification of rock are determined should be updated. This is in order to standardize the process for characterizing the rock mass when mapping boreholes, creating geological forecast and conducting tunnel mapping. It is also indicated  that geologists tend to conservatively scale down the rock quality in the tunnel and that certain features of the rock is easier to determine in the tunnel than during characterization of bore holes. By harmonizing the description of parameters of the systems used in the characterization of bore holes and characterization and classification in the construction stage, differences between the steps can be reduced for projects in the future.

Evaluation of the differences in characterization and classification of the rock mass quality : A comparison between pre-investigation, engineering geological forecast and tunnel mapping in the Northern Link project and the Cityline project

Benhalima, Mehdi January 2016 (has links)
In the construction of a tunnel, the characterization of the rock mass is performed in three different steps, in the pre-investigations, in the engineering geological forecast and in the tunnel mapping during construction. There has in previous work been observed that discrepancies exist between the results from these different steps, with a tendency to assign poorer rock mass quality in the tunnel mapping than in the pre-investigations and in the engineering geological forecast. One example is the work done by Kjellström [1] on the Cityline where the divergence in rock mass quality was analyzed between the different steps. If a divergence exists between the engineering geological forecast and the actual conditions observed in the tunnel mapping, it will influence both planning and budget. It is therefore important that the engineering geological forecast is as close as possible to the actual rock mass conditions in the field. The aim of this thesis was, using the case study of the Northern Link, to analyze those discrepancies in the rock mass quality estimated in the characterization and in the classification between the mapping of drill cores, the engineering geological forecast and the tunnel mapping thus complementing the work by Kjellström [1]. The aim was also identifying which parameters included in the Q-system that causes these discrepancies The analysis of the results showed that it is difficult to make the engineering geological forecast and the actual mapping match for every single meter, but that the overall correlation between them was good. The methodology used in the characterization and classification in the different phases (drill-core mapping, engineering geological forecast, tunnel mapping) may to some extent explain this divergence. The parameters Jr, Jn and Ja, included in the Q-system were the ones identified as having the largest influence on the discrepancies. In future work, it is recommended that focus is given on these parameters. A way to improve future engineering geological forecast for tunnel contracts would be to have a better follow up of the engineering geological forecast and to have standardized guidelines on how to assess clearly the value of the Q parameters in each phase (for the drill cores as well as for the actual mapping). The reduction of those differences would then lead to a better planning and budget management in future tunnel projects in Sweden.

Řešení speciálních modelů zásob firmy Dencop Lighting / Special warehouse models of company Dencop Lighting

Gregůrek, Jakub January 2008 (has links)
The thesis is focused on finding optimal solution of stock company Dencop Lighting spol. s.r.o. At the very beginning of the thesis there is a brief characteristic of Dencop Lighting, their market aims and goals. After this view we are going to introduce you warehouse systems. There are analysis of products, their selection, flows and potentials for company. After completing product analysis we are going to focus on key factors of optimalization. There are mentioned many ways of optimalization with their advantages and disadvantages. Deterministic and stochastic methods are included as well. For better illusion in real live you can find added CD at the bottom of the thesis. Using guide of this software with detailed information about functions is in last pages of the thesis.

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