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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Application du codage réseau aux plate-formes des jeux en ligne / Network coding application for online games platformes

Dammak, Marwa 20 November 2018 (has links)
L’application de jeu en ligne massivement multijoueurs fournit une grandepartie du trafic Internet global. Le trafic est généralement composé d’unepetite partie de données utiles encapsulé dans des segments TCP, entrainantun volume élevé d’entêtes transmis via le réseau. Cela implique: 1) la tailledes paquets est trop petite pour un routage efficace et; 2) la bande passanterequise par le serveur augmente. Par conséquent, il est nécessaire de trouverdes techniques de transmission et de routage plus efficaces afin de réduire levolume de trafic et augmenter l’efficacité du réseau permettant de prendre encharge le nombre croissant des joueurs. D’autre part, la qualité d’expérience(QoE) dans le contexte des jeux en ligne est fortement liée à la consistance.Cette consistance est influencée par la qualité de service (QoS) offerte parle réseau, principalement en termes de délai, de gigue et d’ordre de paquets.Par conséquent, une solution qui améliore ces paramètres aidera à satisfairedavantage de joueurs et à améliorer la qualité de service.L’objectif de cette thèse est de proposer des solutions pour améliorerla qualité d’expérience des jeux en ligne en augmentant la consistance devue, en réduisant les délais et en augmentant l’efficacité du réseau. Pour leproblème de consistance, nous proposons une topologie de réseau cyclique.Cette topologie ordonnée facilite la mise en place des procédures de gestionet de contrôle de la transmission pour imposer un ordre causal entre tousles joueurs. Concernant le délai et l’efficacité du réseau, certains ont proposé l’application de la technique du tunnel, compression et multiplexage(TCM). Cependant, les paquets transmis avec TCM sont plus grands queceux d’origine, ce qui nécessite plus de temps pour les transmettre et augmente le risque de saturation au niveau des fils d’attente. Nous proposonsl’utilisation de la technique de codage réseau (NC) qui permet d’augmenterle débit dans certaines conditions de topologies et de routage. Cette technique permet aux nœuds intermédiaires d’encoder les paquets qu’ils reçoivent plutôt que d’effectuer une simple fonction de stockage et de transfert. Celapeut réduire la charge de trafic, réduire les délais et augmenter l’efficacité duréseau.Dans cette thèse, nous proposons des modifications pour améliorer latechnique TCM et nous évaluons ses performances. De plus, nous proposonsd’ajouter le concept de partition des joueurs et de changer la topologie d’unarbre à une forêt. Nous étudions ensuite la topologie cyclique. Nous concevons un protocole de routage optimisé sur une topologie en cycle baséesur la technique de codage réseau. Puis, nous évaluons ses performances entermes de délai, de charge et d’ordre. Les résultats montrent que l’utilisationdu codage NC permet de réduire la charge et le nombre de paquets transmis, garantir un ordre de paquet par période et de réduire le délai. Eneffet, on peut gagner jusqu’à 14% de latence avec notre protocole par rapport à un protocole de routage optimisé sans codage réseau. Par la suite,nous proposons un scénario de mise en pratique de cette solution sur une infrastructure Device-to-Device. Nous validons les limites théoriques du délaien utilisant des simulations réseau et nous discutons ensuite des contraintespratiques qui s’imposent lors de l’implémentation dans un réseau réel. Finalement, nous proposons des solutions pour ces contraintes. / The application of massively multiplayer online games provides a large partof the global internet traffic. The traffic is typically encapsulated in TCPsegments of small size information (the so called payload) resulting in a highvolume of headers transmitted through the network. This implies the following: 1) the packets’ size is too small for efficient routing and; 2) thebandwidth required by the server seems to be increasing. Therefore, it isnecessary to find more efficient transmission and routing techniques to reduce the traffic’s volume and to increase the network’s efficiency in orderto support the growing number of players. On the other hand, Quality ofExperience (QoE) in the context of online games is strongly influenced byconsistency. This consistency is influenced by the quality of service (QoS) offered by the network, mainly in terms of delay, jitter and order of the packets.As a result, a solution that enhances these parameters will help in satisfyingmore players and subsequently improving QoE.The goal of this thesis is to propose solutions to enhance the QoE of onlinegames by increasing the consistency of view, reducing the delay and increasing the efficiency of the network. For consistency, we propose a cyclic networktopology. This ordered topology facilitates the implementation of transmission management and control procedures to impose a causal order betweenall players. As for the delay and the efficiency problem, some have proposed the application of Tunneling, Compression and Multiplexing (TCM)technique. However, the transmitted packets with TCM are larger than theoriginal ones, which requires more delay to transmit them and increases therisk of congestion. We propose the use of the Network Coding technique(NC) which makes it possible to increase the bit rate of the network undercertain topological and routing conditions. This technique allows intermediate nodes to encode the data they receive rather than perform a simple”store and forward” function. It can reduce the traffic load, reduce the delay and increase the network’s efficiency.In this thesis, we propose some modifications to enhance the TCM technique and evaluate its performance. Besides, we propose to add the playerspartition approach and change the topology from a tree to a forest. Afterwards, we investigate the cyclic topology. We design an optimized routingprotocol over a cycle topology based on the network coding technique andevaluate its performance in terms of delay and order. The results show thatby using NC coding, one can gain up to 14% of latency over an optimizedrouting protocol for the cycle topology without the use of network coding.Afterwards, we propose a practical implementation scenario of this solutionover a device-to-device (D2D) infrastructure. We finally validate the theoretical limits of delay using network simulations and discuss a number ofpractical constraints.

Improvement of network-based QoE estimation for TCP based streaming services

Knoll, Thomas Martin, Eckert, Marcus 12 November 2015 (has links)
Progressive download video services, such as YouTube and podcasts, are responsible for a major part of the transmitted data volume in the Internet and it is expected, that they will also strongly affect mobile networks. Streaming video quality mainly depends on the sustainable throughput achieved during transmission. To ensure acceptable video quality in mobile networks (with limited capacity resources) the perceived quality by the customer (QoE) needs to be monitored by estimation. For that, the streaming video quality needs to be measured and monitored permanently. For TCP based progressive download we propose to extract the the video timestamps which are encoded within the payload of the TCP segments by decoding the video within the payload. The actual estimation is then done by play out buffer fill level calculations based on the TCP segment timestamp and their internal play out timestamp. The perceived quality for the user is derived from the number and duration of video stalls. Algorithms for decoding Flash Video, MP4 and WebM Video have already been implemented. After deriving the play out time it is compared to the timestamp of the respective TCP segment. The result of this comparison is an estimate of the fill level of the play out buffer in terms of play out time within the client. This estimation is done without access to the end device. The same measurement procedure can be applied for any TCP based progressive download Internet service. Video was simply taken as an example because of its current large share in traffic volume in operator networks.

Demo on Network-based QoE measurement for Video streaming services

Knoll, Thomas Martin, Eckert, Marcus 12 November 2015 (has links)
Progressive download video services, such as YouTube, are responsible for a major part of the transmitted data volume in the Internet and it is expected, that they also will strongly affect mobile networks. Streaming video quality mainly depends on the sustainable throughput achieved during transmission. In order to achieve an acceptable video quality in mobile networks (with limited capacity resources), traffic engineering mechanisms have to be applied. For that, the streaming video quality needs to be measured and monitored permanently. Therefore, the video timestamps which are encoded within the payload of the TCP segments have to be extracted. For that it is necessary to decode the video within the transported payload. Algorithms for decoding Flash Video, MP4 and WebM Video have already been implemented as a demonstration implementation in support of the network based measurement contribution to SG12 by Chemnitz University for TCP encoded progressive download Internet services. In the demonstration, the derived play out buffering from the monitored traffic is being output internally. A second application is then used to graphically display the estimation result. The measurement and estimation is solely done within a measurement point of an operator network without access to the client’s end device.

Metody měření výkonnostních a kvalitativních parametrů datových sítí / Methods for measurement of data network performance and quality parameters

Sukup, Luboš January 2012 (has links)
Master thesis involves the development of quality measurement issues and performance parameters in data networks. It describes the main technologies as they affect the quality and performance parameters and the effect of these parameters for voice, video and data services. Next are listed some methods for measuring parameters of the data network.In the practical part is selected one method of measuring network parameters and properties of this method are demonstrated by illustrative examples.

Metody měření výkonnostních a kvalitativních parametrů datových sítí / Methods for measurement of data network performance and quality parameters

Sukup, Luboš January 2013 (has links)
Master thesis involves the development of quality measurement issues and performance parameters in data networks. It describes the main technologies as they affect the quality and performance parameters and the effect of these parameters for voice, video and data services. Next are listed some methods for measuring parameters of the data network.In the practical part is selected one method of measuring network parameters and properties of this method are demonstrated by illustrative examples.

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