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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investiční společnost při správě fondu kvalifikovaných investorů / Investment company in managing funds of the qualified investors

Benda, Martin January 2018 (has links)
Investment company in managing funds of the qualified investors The aim of this proposed thesis is a qualitative analysis of the internal mechanisms of operations of an investment company in managing a fund of qualified investors. The stated goal is to relatively analyse the organism, which is providing the managing portfolio in the ownership of the fund by abstracting the most important processes that are taking place in such matter. The thesis is divided in a logical order from the historical genesis of collective investment through a brief analysis of the basic subjects of collective investment up to a qualitative analysis of the issues relating to the management of the assets of an externally managed fund with regard to the division of functions of individual bodies inside the investment structure. In conclusion, following the qualitative analysis of the activities of the individual bodies of the investment company - I then, on an example of the acquisition process, attempt to analyse and break down the roles of the individual bodies performing as a part of the acquisition of an asset to the portfolio of an externally managed investment fund.

Caracterização da assistência pré-natal prestada por profissionais de enfermagem na atenção qualificada ao ciclo grávido-puerperal no município de Ribeirão Preto - SP / Characterization of prenatal care by nursing personnel in the qualified attention to the pregnant-puerperal cycle in Ribeirão Preto - SP

Nogueira, Lilian Donizete Pimenta 17 September 2010 (has links)
A mortalidade materna é um indicador de disparidade e iniquidade entre homens e mulheres, sua extensão revela o lugar das mulheres na sociedade e o acesso delas aos serviços sociais, de saúde e nutrição, assim como as oportunidades econômicas. As mortes maternas continuam sendo um problema a ser combatido. A atenção qualificada ao pré-natal é uma estratégia fundamental para tornar as gestações e partos mais seguros, contribuindo significativamente na redução das mortes maternas. O pré-natal não necessita de alta tecnologia, pode ser conduzido na atenção básica em saúde e depende de condutas simples, que conseguem contornar a maior parte das necessidades das gestantes, pode ser acompanhado pelo enfermeiro, respaldado pela Lei do Exercício Profissional. Considerando que o profissional de saúde que atende à gestação deve possuir competências essenciais para o exercício da prática obstétrica com qualidade, o objeto desse estudo são as competências desenvolvidas pelo pessoal de enfermagem no atendimento à mulher durante o pré-natal. Objetivos: Conhecer o atendimento à mulher durante o pré-natal no município de Ribeirão Preto - SP por meio das ações realizadas por profissionais de enfermagem, tendo por base as competências essenciais em Obstetrícia para a atenção qualificada ao parto e a redução da mortalidade materna e neonatal. Metodologia: estudo descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa. Os dados foram colhidos nas unidades de saúde do município de Ribeirão Preto. Foram entrevistados 156 profissionais: 69 enfermeiros, 9 técnicos e 78 auxiliares de enfermagem. Para análise dos dados foi utilizada estatística descritiva. Resultados: Perfil da equipe de enfermagem: houve predominância de profissionais do sexo feminino, casadas, com média de idade de 45,1 anos, com filhos e mais de dez anos de formação. A renda dos auxiliares é de 37,9% da renda dos enfermeiros e a dos técnicos de 49,7%. A maioria dos profissionais aprendeu atuar na assistência pré-natal na rede de atenção básica à saúde e não participou de cursos de atualização ou eventos científicos na área de saúde da mulher nos últimos anos. A maior parte dos enfermeiros possui algum tipo de pós-graduação, destes seis possuem especialização em obstetrícia. Grande parte dos profissionais possui apenas um emprego, trabalha 40 horas semanais há mais de 10 anos nas instituições estudadas e há mais de cinco anos na assistência pré-natal, negaram dificuldades na atenção à gestante e referiram ter curso de gestantes em sua unidade de atuação. Encontram-se mais satisfeitos com a atuação profissional que com o reconhecimento. Competências Essenciais: os enfermeiros realizam o primeiro atendimento, tem participação discreta no pré-natal, que é centrado no médico. Não realizam exame físico geral ou obstétrico. Os auxiliares e técnicos em enfermagem realizam a pré e pós-consulta. Conclusões: O acúmulo de funções do enfermeiro constitui um entrave para a plena realização do cuidado prénatal. O município de Ribeirão Preto necessita que toda a equipe de enfermagem que atua no cuidado pré-natal na atenção básica lute por maior autonomia, solidificando sua assistência, fortalecendo o vínculo com a população e oferecendo atenção qualificada e humanizada, baseada nas habilidades e competências essenciais preconizadas pela Confederação Internacional das Parteiras e pelo Ministério da Saúde. / Maternal mortality is an indicator of disparity and inequity between men and women, the extension shows the place of women in society and their access to health and nutrition social services, as well as economic opportunities. Maternal deaths are still a problem to be tackled. Qualified attention to prenatal care is a key strategy to make pregnancy and childbirth safer, contributing significantly to reducing maternal deaths. Prenatal care does not require high technology, it can be conducted in primary health care and it depends on simple behaviors that can bypass most of the needs of pregnant women, it may be accompanied by nurses, supported by the Law of Professional Practice. Considering that the health professional that cares for pregnancy must have essential skills to the pursuit of quality obstetric practice, the object of this study is the skills developed by nurses in caring for women during prenatal care. Objectives: Getting to know the care for women during prenatal care in Ribeirão Preto - SP by the actions performed by nurses, based on core competencies in Obstetrics for skilled attention at delivery and the reduction of maternal and neonatal mortality. Methodology: a descriptive study with quantitative approach. Data were collected at health units in the city of Ribeirão Preto. 156 professionals were interviewed: 69 nurses, 9 technicians and 78 nursing assistants. Descriptive statistics was used to data analysis. Results: Profile of the nursing team: a predominance of female professionals, married, with an average age of 45.1 years, with children and more than ten years of graduation. The assistants\' income is 37.9% of the nurses\' and the technicians\' income is 49.7%. Most professionals learned to act in prenatal care in the network of basic health care and did not participate in refresher courses and scientific events in the area of women\'s health in recent years. Most nurses have some sort of post-graduation, six of them have specialization in Obstetrics. Most professionals have only one job, working 40 hours a week for over 10 years in the mentioned institutions and for more than five years in prenatal care, denied difficulties in caring for pregnant women and reported there are pregnancy courses in their unities of action. They are more satisfied with the performance than with professional recognition. Essential Skills: nurses perform the first meeting, participate discretely in the prenatal care, which is centered on the doctor. They do not perform general physical exam or obstetrics. Assistants and nursing technicians perform pre and post-consultation. Conclusions: The accumulation of functions of nurses is an obstacle to the full performance of prenatal care. The city of Ribeirão Preto requires that all nursing staff that works in prenatal care fight for greater autonomy, solidifying their assistance, strengthening the bond with the population and providing qualified and humanized care, based on the skills and core competencies recommended by the International Confederation of Midwives and the Ministry of Health.
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Assistência de enfermagem à mulher no ciclo gravídico-puerperal: a realidade de Araraquara/SP / Nursery assistance to the woman in the puerperal pregnancy cycle: the reality of Araraquara/SP.

Cagnin, Elaise Regina Gonçalves 07 October 2008 (has links)
A atenção ao pré-natal e ao parto por pessoal qualificado é fundamental para a redução da mortalidade materna e neonatal. A Confederação Internacional de Parteiras (ICM) preconiza quais os conhecimentos e as habilidades que o profissional qualificado deve possuir para proporcionar à mulher uma atenção de qualidade, em todas as fases do ciclo reprodutivo. Este estudo buscou conhecer a realidade do atendimento realizado pelo profissional de enfermagem na atenção ao pré-natal e ao parto, no município de Araraquara/SP. Objetivos: Caracterizar os profissionais de enfermagem que atuam na atenção ao pré-natal e ao parto e analisar as competências essenciais desenvolvidas por eles nesta prática. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa cujos dados foram coletados através da entrevista estruturada com os profissionais de enfermagem e da observação sistemática não participativa das competências essenciais em obstetrícia. A população estudada foi composta por 42 profissionais de enfermagem, sendo 32 atuantes na atenção ao pré-natal e 10 na atenção ao parto. Foram observadas na atenção ao pré-natal 44 recepções na unidade, 28 pré-consultas e 44 pós-consultas, além de 44 gestantes em sala de espera e 44 gestantes em sala de consulta médica. Na atenção ao parto foram observados 15 avaliações obstétricas admissionais, 18 trabalhos de parto, 11 partos vaginais, 9 pós-partos imediatos e 11 recepções neonatais. Resultados: Na atenção ao prénatal, o perfil dos profissionais revela uma equipe feminina (96,9%), maior que 41 anos (65,6%), convivendo em relação conjugal estável (50%), tendo experiência de ter tido filhos (68,7%), com cor da pele declarada branca (71,9%) e tempo de atuação na área de saúde maior de 10 anos (59,4%) e menos de 10 anos de formação profissional no maior nível de qualificação (62,5%). A carga horária média de trabalho foi de 39,4 horas semanais, 85% atuam em apenas um emprego, a média de salários dos profissionais de nível médio da Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS) corresponde a 43,9% da remuneração média das enfermeiras, enquanto o Programa de Saúde da Família (PSF) corresponde a 58,5%; 66,7% das enfermeiras possuem pós-graduação lato sensu na área de saúde pública; não encontramos enfermeira especialista em obstetrícia. Quanto às competências essenciais, as enfermeiras não realizam o acompanhamento de pré-natal na UBS e no PSF tal prática ocorre eventualmente. O atendimento é centrado na figura do médico, há discreta participação das enfermeiras e as habilidades essenciais em obstetrícia, preconizadas pela ICM, deixaram de ser desenvolvidas. Na atenção ao parto, o perfil dos profissionais revela uma equipe feminina (100%), com idade média de 36,6 anos, convivendo com relação conjugal estável (60%), tendo experiência de ter tido filhos (70%) e com cor da pele declarada branca (70%). A carga horária média de trabalho foi de 46,8 semanal, 80% das enfermeiras trabalham em dois empregos e a média de salários dos profissionais de nível médio corresponde a 39,3% da remuneração média das enfermeiras. Todas as enfermeiras são especialistas em obstetrícia e 80% têm de 1 a 4 anos de formação após a especialização. O tempo médio de experiência na atenção ao parto das enfermeiras foi de 14 anos e 6 meses e dos profissionais de nível médio de 3 anos e 1 mês. Quanto às competências essenciais, compete à enfermeira obstetra a avaliação obstétrica admissional, o acompanhamento ao trabalho de parto e a realização do parto. Muitas das habilidades essenciais em obstetrícia, preconizadas pela ICM, deixaram de ser desenvolvidas ou o foram de maneira incompleta. Conclusões: Na atenção ao pré-natal há carência de pessoal qualificado, enquanto o modelo de atenção ao parto prioriza a qualificação profissional. Muitas das competências essenciais na atenção ao pré-natal e ao parto, preconizadas pela ICM, não estão sendo desempenhadas ou quando realizadas, ocorrem de maneira incompleta. O estudo revela a necessidade de reorganização da assistência ao pré-natal e ao parto para a redução da mortalidade materna e neonatal e da incidência de parto cesárea desnecessário no município. / The attention to prenatal and childbirth by qualified staff is fundamental to achieve a reduction in rates of maternal and neonatal mortality. The International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) determines the knowledge and the abilities which a qualified professional must have in order to provide women with healthy care, during all phases of the Reproductive cycle. This study aimed to recognize the reality of the attendance offered by the professional of nursery in attention to prenatal and childbirth, in the city of Araraquara (SP).Objectives: Characterize the professionals of nursery who act in attention to prenatal and childbirth, as well as analyse the essential competences developed by them concerning this practice. Methodology: A descriptive study, with qualitative approach, whose data were collected through structured interviews with professionals of nursery and non-participative systematic observation of essential competences in Obstetrics. The studied population was composed by 42 Nursery professionals: 32 acting in attention to prenatal and 10 in attention to childbirth. Concerning attention to prenatal, 44 receptions at the unit, 28 pre consults and 44 post consults, besides 44 gestants in waiting room and 44 gestants in medical consult room were observed. Regarding attention to childbirth, 15 admissional obstetric evaluations, 18 in labours, 11 vaginal deliveries, 9 immediate post deliveries and 11 neonatal receptions were observed. Results: Concerning attention to prenatal, the profile of the professionals reveals a female staff (96, 9%), over 41 years old (65, 6%), living a stable marriage (50%), having had the experience of having children (68, 7%), with colour of skin declared as being white (71, 9%), having worked with Health for more than 10 years (59, 4%) and having had less than 10 years of professional graduation at the highest level of qualification (62, 5%). The average of working hours was 39, 4 hours per week, 85% have just one job, the average of the salary for the professionals of a middle level from Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS) corresponds to 43, 9% of the average of nurses payment, whereas from Programa de Saúde da Famíla (PSF) it corresponds to 58, 5%; 66, 7% of the nurses have post graduation latu sensu in Public Health; we havent found nurses who specialized in Obstetrics. Regarding essential competences, nurses do not accompany prenatal at USB and at PSF such practice occurs eventually. The attendance is focused on the doctors leading role, there is discreet nurse participation and the essential abilities determined by ICM have stopped to be developed. Concerning attention to childbirth, the profile of the professionals reveals a female staff (100%), with 36, 6 years old on average, living a stable marriage (60%), having had the experience of having children (70%) and with colour of skin declared as being white (70%). The average of working hours was 46, 8 hours per week, 80% of the nurses have two jobs and the average of the salary for the professionals of a middle level corresponds to 39, 3% of the average of nurses payment. All the nurses have specialized in Obstetrics and 80% have between 1 to 4 years of graduation after that. Their experience in attention to childbirth, on average, is comprised of 14 years and six months and, for the professionals of a middle level, it consists of three years and a month. Regarding essential competences, the obstetric nurse is in charge of the admissional obstetric evaluation, the accompaniment to in labour and realization of the childbirth. Many of the essential abilities in Obstetrics, determined by ICM, have stopped to be developed or have been underdeveloped. Conclusion: During attention to prenatal, there is a lack of qualified staff, whereas the model of attention to childbirth prioritises professional qualification. Many of the essential competences in attention to prenatal and childbirth determined by ICM are no longer being carried out or are incomplete. The study reveals the necessity of reorganization of the assistance to prenatal and childbirth, in order to achieve a reduction of maternal and neonatal mortality as well as the incidence of unnecessary cesarean birth in the city.
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Příprava jednání v civilním procesu / Preparation of a hearing in the civil procedure

Pelcová, Zuzana January 2019 (has links)
Preparation of a hearing in the civil procedure Abstract This thesis deals with the preparation of a hearing in the civil procedure defined by its objective - to hear a case in the fastest possible manner hand in hand with provision of a brief and fair decision, in principle, in one hearing. The first chapter of this thesis is dedicated to defining the purpose of the preparation of a hearing in the civil procedure and outlines the possible differences in contentious and non- contentious proceedings. The second chapter summarizes the historical development within our territory from its very beginnings in the Middle Ages to the current legislation. Subsequently, the third chapter delves into the fundamental principles on which the civil procedure is built upon, as well as the preparation of the hearing. The foundation of this thesis is the fourth chapter, which analyses the various process and instruments of the preparation of the hearing in detail. Firstly, attention is focused on examining the proposal for proceedings' initiation, the fulfilment of the proceedings' conditions and the fee obligation. Afterwards, individual instruments are analysed in depth, for instance the call to correct a submission, the simple call for a response, the qualified call for a response, the preliminary hearing in contentious...

Perceptions of culturally competent practice behaviour by newly qualified nurses

Wray, Jane January 2017 (has links)
Background: The nursing workforce needs to be adequately prepared to deliver care to an increasingly diverse patient population in the United Kingdom (UK). The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) expects newly qualified nurses (NQNs) to deliver culturally sensitive and respectful care. Aim: The study aimed to explore NQNs’ perceptions of culturally competent practice during the first 9 months post qualification. Methods: A qualitative longitudinal study was conducted with a volunteer sample of 14 NQNs recruited from 3 Higher Education Institutions in the north of England. Data was collected using directed reflections (at 2-3 and 5-6 months) and semi-structured interviews (at 8-9 months) and analysed using a phenomenological approach informed by symbolic interactionism. Results: Perceptions of culturally competent nursing practice were associated with core concepts such as individualised patient care, compassionate and respectful care, respecting individual differences, professionalism and patient trust. Specific behaviours were associated with verbal and non-verbal communication, care planning and diversity-specific adjustments. Discussion: Self-perceived competence and confidence in caring for, and interacting with, patients from diverse backgrounds developed and changed throughout the transition period with experience and interaction opportunities. An ability to reflect upon and learn from novel experiences, plus an enabling ward culture and environment which responded positively to nurses seeking advice and support was important. Conclusion: Educational preparation may have enabled NQNs’ opportunities to develop some but not necessarily all of the skills and behaviours required to demonstrate culturally competent practice. During transition, supported development and professional socialisation can assist in enhancing competence and confidence.

Treinamento a distância para mão-de-obra na construção civil. / Long-distance training for civil construction human resources.

Campos Filho, Amadeu Sá de 23 November 2004 (has links)
A construção de habitações populares exige processos construtivos de baixo custo, tanto em relação aos materiais quanto à mão-de-obra. Por essa razão, muitas vezes são adotados os sistemas de mutirão ou de autoconstrução onde o futuro morador, normalmente inexperiente, é treinado em alguns serviços necessários ao processo construtivo. A necessidade de rápida qualificação de mão-de-obra, e em grande quantidade, é uma das dificuldades enfrentadas neste processo. O ensino a distância tem características que permitem instruir grande número de pessoas a baixo custo, além de permitir atingir populações distantes dos grandes centros. Este trabalho investigou a efetividade de tal metodologia para este fim, propondo um sistema de treinamento a distância voltado à mão-de-obra para construção civil. Em particular, foi abordada a etapa de montagem do kit hidráulico usado em alguns processos construtivos de moradias de interesse social. Três grandes desafios foram enfrentados neste trabalho: i. o público alvo, normalmente de baixa instrução, freqüentemente analfabeto; ii. o tipo de conteúdo a ser ministrado, de caráter cognitivo, porém ligado às atividades psicomotoras de montagem, isto é, refere-se à compreensão do trabalhador sobre os conteúdos e também sua execução física, área tradicionalmente difícil de ser ministrada a distância e iii. a necessidade de obter-se baixo custo no oferecimento do treinamento, o que tem um impacto muito forte no tipo de recursos que poderão ser utilizados junto aos aprendizes. A solução proposta envolveu o desenvolvimento de uma moderna ferramenta didática, baseada em um ambiente virtual interativo e que contém recursos multimídia. Para isto foram abordadas todas as fases do planejamento instrucional para a preparação e execução do treinamento a distância. Depois foi escolhido onde e como realizar um estudo de caso e qual a metodologia de avaliação adotada para comparar a eficiência do treinamento a distância em relação a um treinamento presencial. Por último foi detalhado de forma estatística o resultado desta avaliação. / Low-income housing construction demands low cost construction processes, regarding both material and labor. Therefore, very often, methods such as "community cooperative work" or "do it yourself", have been adopted. Participants in these construction methods are usually inexperienced and must be trained in order to acquire the basic skills necessary to perform construction activities. Training a large work force in a short period of time is one of the most fundamental difficulties faced in this process. The adoption of distance learning allows instructing a large number of people at low cost. Furthermore, it is possible to reach people living in the countryside or in small cities. This work investigates the effectiveness of such approach considering the adoption of a distance learning system for training the work force of civil construction. The chosen training domain is the assembly of the hydraulic installation used in some building systems. There are three great challenges facing this work: i. the target users, mostly with a low instruction level, frequently illiterate; ii. the type of content that is taught, of cognitive nature although connected to psicomotor activities such as pipe assembly, i.e., comprises both the content understanding and the execution (activities involved), traditionally a very difficult task for the distance learning approach and iii. the need for achieving low cost on employee training that has a very strong impact in the type of resources that could be used. The proposed solution comprised the development of a modern learning tool, based on a virtual interactive environment enhanced with multimedia features. Instructional planning was necessary to complete all phases of the distance learning activities. After the instructional design task, we decided where the training was to be performed as well as the methodology that was applied to evaluate results against a traditional presential training with the same contents. Finally we detail these resultsand present conclusions.
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A formação do profissional além dos muros da escola / Professional education beyond school walls

Moraes, Margarete de 11 April 2014 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, as universidades corporativas têm emergido no complexo sistema de ensino do nosso país, como uma alternativa à falta de mão de obra qualificada no mercado de trabalho. Algumas iniciativas não utilizam a denominação \"universidade corporativa\", uma vez que não existe nenhuma forma de reconhecimento oficial. O uso do termo \"universidade\" é, além de uma metáfora dos objetivos que se pretende alcançar, uma estratégia de marketing que, por vezes, pode causar certa polêmica nos meios acadêmicos. Mas, na prática, o que se vê nas universidades corporativas é uma aproximação entre empresa e academia, uma vez que as parcerias com universidades e instituições de ensino de renome acrescentam qualidade e credibilidade ao trabalho proposto. O que parece ser mais importante neste cenário é a procura por alternativas que revertam um quadro de profissionais mal qualificados, o que diminui a produtividade e inibe a inovação, fatores que afetam diretamente o desenvolvimento de todo o país. Este trabalho traz um levantamento do cenário da educação brasileira e a emergência das universidades corporativas. Propõe-se, portanto, essa aproximação entre escola, empresa e academia para um único objetivo: cidadãos formados e informados, com capacidade crítica e criativa. / In recent years, corporate universities have emerged in the complex Brazilian educational system as an alternative to the lack of qualified manpower in the labor market. Some initiatives do not make use of the \"corporate university\" title, as there is no officially recognized nomenclature. The use of the term \"university\" is, besides a metaphor for the goals to be reached, a marketing strategy which, at times, may bring about some sort of debate in academic environments. But, in practice, what is seen in corporate universities is convergence between company and academy, as partnerships with universities and well-known educational institutions add quality and credibility to the proposed work. What seems most important in this scenario is the search for alternatives to reverse the current state of underqualified professionals, which decreases productivity and inhibits innovation, factors that directly impact the development of the whole country. This work raises data on the educational scenario in Brazil and the emergence of corporate universities. It is proposed, therefore, the intersection of schools, companies, and academy towards a single goal: educated and informed citizens who are critically and creatively skilled.
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The Transition Phase Influence on Nursing Career Satisfaction and Retention

Machesky, Amanda Lee 01 January 2017 (has links)
Qualified registered nurses are needed to provide bedside care to patients, yet there is a known registered nurse shortage in the United States, which has a global impact on the healthcare industry. Contributing to the nursing shortage is turnover, which is partly due to the inadequacies of preparation for role transition of newly qualified registered nurses. The purpose of this quantitative descriptive study was to determine if there was a relationship between retention and nursing career satisfaction of registered nurses who experience a transition to practice program and those who did not. Duchscher's transition shock theory served as the theoretical basis of this study. The Mariani Nursing Career Satisfaction Scale and the Turnover Intention Scale were completed by 271 registered nurses with 24 months or less of bedside clinical practice. Data collected were analyzed by performing a one-way multivariate analysis of variance. Results revealed there was no statistically significant difference between those who did and those who did not have a transition to practice program on the combined dependent variables of nursing career satisfaction and retention. A positive linear relationship was found between nursing career satisfaction and retention. Retaining satisfied nurses and easing the burden associated with transitioning into practice can impact positive social change. The positive social change can also impact other healthcare professionals, businesses, and consumers who are associated with the newly qualified registered nurse who is transitioning into practice. Results from this study can inspire future researchers to continue to focus on seeking effective methods that will increase nursing career satisfaction and retention of newly qualified registered nurses transitioning into practice.

Efficient purchasing in an organization : The importance of qualified purchasing personnel

Peters, Sylvia Chigozirim, Olsson, Oskar January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Title:</strong> Efficient purchasing in an organization: the importance of qualified purchasing personnel (A case study of ABB, Västerås)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p><strong>Purpose:</strong> The purpose of this research is to learn and present how ABB (Västerås) perceives the role of the purchasing function, and the importance of involving qualified purchasing personnel in the purchasing process. By evaluating their:</p><p>·           Level of participation in the overall corporate planning process,</p><p>·           Relationship to suppliers and other internal units,</p><p>·           Responsibilities toward the organization, for determining how they contribute to its efficiency</p><p> </p><p><strong>Method:</strong>  This thesis is a case study on ABB (Västerås). We have used a qualitative method to conduct the research. We have also obtained primary data through face-to-face interviews and secondary data by an extensive literature search using peer-reviewed articles, textbooks, search engines, and the MDH database.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Subsequent to our findings, we are of the opinion that there is a positive perception concerning the role of purchasing function and purchasing personnel in ABB. We assert this is due to the recognition that purchasing, contributes significantly to the organization’s profit, helps in making savings and reducing costs compared to what was obtainable a few decades ago. We have also found that there is also a realization on the part of management that the skills and knowledge of the purchasing personnel in devising strategies, coordinating with other internal functions, and dealing with suppliers etc. are major factors responsible for the benefits that purchasing provides to ABB (Västerås).</p><p> </p><p>We have observed through our findings that the efficiency of the purchasing function in ABB is rooted in its purchasing personnel. In our opinion purchasing personnel high involvement in the corporate planning process in ABB, cooperation with top management, and liaison with other functional units are what makes purchasing efficient in the organization.</p>

The Human Resources Managerial Problems of Medium and Small Private Companies in China : Case study on Unique Clothing Company

Wei, Bo, Huang, Huakuai January 2010 (has links)
Aim: The purpose of this study is to find out the human resource managerial problems in medium and small companies. Finally, some suggestions will be given. Method: The case of Unique Clothing Company will be studied to analyse what are the problems in the medium and small companies. The information of Unique Clothing was collected by telephone interview. Results &amp; Conclusion: Lacking of vocational training, low qualified employees and discretional decision making are considered as the three main human resource managerial problems in medium and small companies. Only efforts made by both companies and employees can solve the problems. Suggestions for future research: In this paper, we mainly discuss the human resource managerial problems in medium and small companies. So the specific reasons for the problems in the medium and small companies can be studied by future researchers. Contribution of the thesis: The paper states what are the problems exist in the medium and small companies via the case study of Unique, and some creative suggestions have been delivered. Key words: medium and small companies, vocational training, low qualified employees, decision making, Guanxi

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