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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Qualitative model reference adaptive control

Keller, Uwe E. January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

SketchIT: A Sketch Interpretation Tool for Conceptual Mechanical Design

Stahovich, Thomas F. 13 March 1996 (has links)
We describe a program called SketchIT capable of producing multiple families of designs from a single sketch. The program is given a rough sketch (drawn using line segments for part faces and icons for springs and kinematic joints) and a description of the desired behavior. The sketch is "rough" in the sense that taken literally, it may not work. From this single, perhaps flawed sketch and the behavior description, the program produces an entire family of working designs. The program also produces design variants, each of which is itself a family of designs. SketchIT represents each family of designs with a "behavior ensuring parametric model" (BEP-Model), a parametric model augmented with a set of constraints that ensure the geometry provides the desired behavior. The construction of the BEP-Model from the sketch and behavior description is the primary task and source of difficulty in this undertaking. SketchIT begins by abstracting the sketch to produce a qualitative configuration space (qc-space) which it then uses as its primary representation of behavior. SketchIT modifies this initial qc-space until qualitative simulation verifies that it produces the desired behavior. SketchIT's task is then to find geometries that implement this qc-space. It does this using a library of qc-space fragments. Each fragment is a piece of parametric geometry with a set of constraints that ensure the geometry implements a specific kind of boundary (qcs-curve) in qc-space. SketchIT assembles the fragments to produce the BEP-Model. SketchIT produces design variants by mapping the qc-space to multiple implementations, and by transforming rotating parts to translating parts and vice versa.

Modélisation et simulation qualitative de systèmes hybrides / Modeling and qualitative simulation of hybrid systems

Zaatiti, Hadi 29 November 2018 (has links)
Les systèmes hybrides sont au cœur des systèmes cyber-physiques. De tels systèmes représentent l’interaction de processus physiques continus modélisant généralement l'environnement avec des décisions discrètes issues d'un système de contrôle commande électronique. La vérification de ces systèmes est cruciale pour assurer leur sûreté dès la phase de modélisation. Les recherches sur les systèmes hybrides ont de nombreux domaines d’application, notamment le transport, l’aéronautique et la biologie. La thèse étudie des principes du raisonnement qualitatif et les applique à la vérification des systèmes hybrides. Le travail consiste à élaborer une méthode pour abstraire le système hybride en utilisant des principes qualitatifs. On recourt à une discrétisation finie de l'espace d'état tout en conservant des caractéristiques qualitatives du système. L'abstraction calculée permet de prouver des propriétés au niveau du système hybride concret et fournit une représentation du comportement global du système. Un outil développé en C++ permet de calculer l'abstraction d'un système hybride donné. Une évaluation de ses performances est établie. On s'intéresse particulièrement à une propriété de sûreté des systèmes appelée diagnosticabilité. Un modèle de système est dit diagnosticable s'il permet d'identifier sans ambiguïté la survenue de toute faute modélisée à partir des seules observations disponibles du système jusqu’à un certain délai après l’occurrence de la faute. Une méthode qui consiste à utiliser l'abstraction établie précédemment pour vérifier la diagnosticabilité d'un système hybride est proposée. / Hybrid systems are at the core of cyber-physical systems. Such systems represent the interaction between continuous physical processes generally modelling the environment with discrete decisions from control electronic signaling. The verification of these systems is crucial to ensure safety at the modeling stage. The application of hybrid systems is present in many fields such as transportation, biology and avionics. The thesis studies principals from the qualitative reasoning domain and applies them to the verification of hybrid systems. The accomplished work elaborates methods to abstract a hybrid system using qualitative principles. These methods consist in discretizing the state space to a finite number of states while conserving qualitative characteristics. The computed abstraction allows to prove properties at the level of the concrete hybrid system and presents a representation of the global behavior of the system. A tool developed in C++ computes the abstraction of a given hybrid system. An evaluation of its performance is performed. We are also interested in a particular property called diagnosability. The system is said to be diagnosable when it is capable to identify modeled faults using limited specified observations. A method that uses the computed abstraction to verify diagnosability of a given hybrid system is proposed.

Towards an integrative approach for the modeling and formal verification of biological regulatory networks / Vers une approche intégrée pour la modélisation et la vérification formelle des réseaux de régulation biologique / Em direcção a uma abordagem integrativa para a modelação e a verificação de redes de regulação biológicas

Gonçalves Monteiro, Pedro Tiago 17 May 2010 (has links)
L'étude des grands modèles de réseaux biologiques par l'utilisation d'outils d'analyse et de simulation conduit à un grand nombre de prédictions. Cela soulève la question de savoir comment identifier les prédictions intéressantes de nouveaux phénomènes, qui peuvent être confrontés à des données expérimentales. Les techniques de vérification formelle basées sur le model checking constituent une technologie puissante pour faire face à cette augmentation d'échelle et de complexité pour l'analyse de ces réseaux. L'application de ces techniques est par contre difficile, pour plusieurs raisons. Premièrement, le domaine de la biologie des systèmes a mis en évidence quelques propriétés dynamiques du réseau, comme la multi-stabilité et les oscillations, qui ne sont pas facilement exprimables avec les logiques temporelles classiques. Deuxièmement, la difficulté de poser des questions pertinentes et intéressantes en logique temporelle est difficile pour les utilisateurs non-experts. Enfin, la plupart des modèles existants et des outils de simulation ne sont pas capables d'appliquer des techniques de model checking d'une manière transparente. La mise en œuvre des approches développées dans ce travail contribue à enlever des obstacles pour l'utilisation de la technologie de vérification formelle en biologie. Leur application a été validée sur l'analyse et la simulation de deux modèles biologiques complexes. / The study of large models of biological networks by means of analysis and simulation tools leads to large amounts of predictions. This raises the question of how to identify interesting predictions of novel phenomena that can be confronted with experimental data. Formal verification techniques based on model-checking have recently been used to the analysis of these networks, providing a powerful technology to keep up with this increase in scale and complexity. The application of these techniques is hampered, however, by several key issues. First, the systems biology domain brought to the fore a few properties of the network dynamics like multistability and oscillations, that are not easily expressed using classical temporal logics. Second, the problem of posing relevant and interesting questions in temporal logic, is difficult for non-expert users. Finally, most of the existing modeling and simulation tools are not capable of applying model-checking techniques in a transparent way. The approaches developed in this work lower the obstacles to the use of formal verification in systems biology. They have been validated on the analysis and simulation of two real and complex biological models. / O estudo de redes biológicas tem originado o desenvolvimento de modelos cada vez mais complexos e detalhados. O estudo de redes biológicas complexas utilizando ferramentas de análise e simulação origina grandes quantidades de previsões. Isto levanta a questão de como identificar previsões interessantes de novos fenómenos que possam ser comparados com dados experimentais. As técnicas de verificação formal baseadas em model-checking têm sido usadas na análise destas redes, fornecendo uma tecnologia poderosa para acompanhar o aumento de escala e complexidade do problema. A aplicação destas técnicas tem sido dificultada por um conjunto importante de factores. Em primeiro lugar, em biologia de sistemas têm sido tratadas diversas questões acerca da dinâmica da rede, como a multi-estabilidade e oscilações, que não são facilmente expressas usando lógicas temporais clássicas. Em segundo lugar, o problema de como elaborar perguntas relevantes em lógica temporal, é difícil para o utilizador comum. Por último, a maioria das ferramentas de modelação e simulação não estão preparadas para a aplicação de técnicas de model-checking de forma transparente. Os métodos desenvolvidos nesta tese aliviam os obstáculos no uso da verificação formal em biologia de sistemas. Estes métodos foram validados através da análise e simulação de dois modelos biológicos complexos.

Analyse formelle de spécifications hybrides à partir de modèles SysML pour la validation fonctionnelle des systèmes embarqués / Formal analysis of hybrid specifications from SysML models for functional validation of embedded systems specifications

Medimegh, Slim 20 December 2018 (has links)
Le logiciel embarqué est devenuaujourd’hui incontournable dans la plupart dessecteurs industriels. Ce dernier fait appel engénéral à des connaissances métier différentes.L’ensemble du système (le logiciel et sonenvironnement) est ainsi spécifié d’une manièrehétérogène, avec des parties discrètes et d’autrescontinues. La simulation de ces systèmeshybrides nécessite des données précises et unesynchronisation des changements continus avecles transitions discrètes. Mais, dans les premièresphases de conception, l’absence des informationsempêche de simuler le système numériquement.Dans notre thèse, nous présentons un nouveaulangage qualitatif dédié à la simulationqualitative des systèmes hybrides. Ce nouveaulangage consiste à modéliser les relations entreles variables du système. Il est implémenté dansDiversity, un moteur d’exécution symbolique,pour construire les traces du système. Nousavons appliqué cette approche à l’analyse desmodèles SysML, en utilisant une transformationM2M à partir de SysML vers un langage pivot,une transformation M2T à partir de ce langagevers Diversity. Nous avons aussi analysé lestraces brutes de l’exécution symbolique deDiversity pour construire les comportementsqualitatifs du système. / Embedded software has becomeessential in most industrial sectors. The latterusually involves various business knowledge.The whole system (the software and itsenvironment) is specified in a heterogeneousform, with discrete and continuous parts.Simulating these hybrid systems requiresprecise data and synchronization of continuouschanges and discrete transitions. However, inthe first design steps, missing informationforbids numerical simulation. We present in ourthesis a new qualitative language for qualitativesimulation of hybrid systems, which consists incomputing the relationships between the systemvariables. This language is implemented in theDiversity symbolic execution engine to build thetraces of the system. We apply this approach tothe analysis of SysML models, using an M2Mtransformation from SysML to a pivot language,an M2T transformation from this language toDiversity. We also analyze the brutal symbolictraces obtained by Diversity to build the realqualitative behaviors of the system.

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