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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

User perspectives on document management efficiency at Eskom

Mabitsela, Mamatshetshe 05 May 2014 (has links)
M.Phil. (Information Management) / An efficient document management system is one that considers the user’s needs for information and the ability of the system to provide valuable information that matches certain characteristics. When users utilise a document management system (DMS) they require a system that they perceive will make their work easier. The efficient and effective use of a DMS depends on how receptive the users are to technology and their intention in using the system. The documents in the document management system are corporate knowledge and should therefore be stored in a central repository such as the DMS, where the company’s corporate memory cannot be lost. The DMS has all the capabilities to keep documents safe where the documents can be accessed again. To measure the technology acceptance of end users, research has identified the technology acceptance model (TAM) as the ideal method. TAM is tailored to elaborate on computer usage, perceived ease of use, attitudes toward using and usage behaviour. The research stream on technology acceptance and use has become one of the most prolific and is claimed to be the most mature research in the modern information system field. The problem identified was to analyse the user’s behavioural intent towards effectively utilising the Eskom in-house document management system. The purpose was to investigate the use of the document system that is currently in place at Eskom and determine user perspectives. Employees working in Eskom cannot afford to neglect using the document management system on a regular basis. Important documents relevant for everyday work are stored in the system, and all employees are granted access to these documents. Given these considerations, users’ perceptions of the in-house document system cannot be taken for granted, and these issues were researched. The findings from the TAM variables showed that perceptions of users towards the DMS were divided, while half of the users were satisfied with the information, system, usefulness and ease of using the system the other half was not satisfied. A division in opinion emerged whether the system should be replaced or rather improved. Benefits of both options were weighed and the study suggested that the system be replaced.

Die bestuur van die geintegreerde gehaltebestuurstelsel

James, Raymond Oscar January 2007 (has links)
Die doel van hierdie studie was om te kyk hoe effektief die Geïntegreerde Gehaltebestuurstelsel (GGBS), en wel die taksering van opvoeders, bestuur kan word om positiewe resultate by skole te bereik. Die studie is gedoen binne die Interpretivistiese benadering. Data-invordering is gedoen deur middel van vraelyste, observasie en onderhoude. Die studie het getoon dat opvoeders onseker was, juis omdat die Onderwysdepartement nie die nodige leiding gegee en die nodige hulpbronne gehad het nie. Die afgelope twee jaar ( 2006 en 2007 ) egter het die Departement skouer aan die wiel gesit en hulp aan skole verleen, hetsy deur die beskikbaarstelling van die nodige vorms, of die aanstel van ‘n koördineerder om hulp aan skole te verskaf. Die belangrikste uitkomste van die studie was die besef dat opvoeders se vrese en aannames aangespreek moet word om ‘n gehaltebestuurstelsel effektief te maak. Slypskole moet gehou word om hulp en bystand aan die getakseerdes te verleen. Die bestuurspan van die skool moet ook indiensopleiding ondergaan, sodat hulle presies kan weet wat van hulle verwag word. Op hierdie manier word onsekerhede uit die weg geruim, want onsekerheid was die grootste probleem waarmee opvoeders te kampe gehad het in die implimentering van die GGBS.

An investigation of indoor air quality assessment in office buildings

Janse van Rensburg, Francois January 2007 (has links)
Over the last several years studies have shown that the quality of indoor air may be worse than outdoor air. People spend as much as 90% of their time indoors, therefor, the associated health risk due to indoor air pollution may be greater than the risk due to outdoor air pollution. Building designs have altered dramatically over the last two decades resulted in "tighter" buildings that rely on sophisticated mechanical systems to provide for the quantity of air required throughout the building. These changes over the years could result in an increased number of complaints received regarding Sick Building Syndrome symptoms. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that up to 30% of office buildings world-wide may have significant problems regarding poor indoor air quality (IAQ). This study involves a literature study of the major indoor air pollutants regarding the source of the pollutant, the associated health effects, the measuring techniques available and the results of previous studies conducted on the specific pollutant. Measurements will be taken in two sealed buildings, one an old and the other a new building to identify the major pollutants. A questionnaire was compiled specifically for building occupants and completed by the occupants of both buildings. From the results obtained a step-by-step method for solving indoor air quality (IAQ) problems was proposed. The method was applied and evaluated in a case study of a problem building where indoor air quality related problems were experienced. The results of the study revealed that the major indoor air pollutants are present in old as well as new buildings. The study also revealed that some office workers might be more susceptible than others to the medical reactions cause to human beings by these pollutants. Some concentrations are higher in new buildings than in old buildings. The responses from the questionnaire was evaluated against the results obtained from the measurement study. The step-by-step method in the case study provided a more systematic approach at solving IAQ problems at buildings. Solving indoor air quality problems is a very practical issue and does not necessarily require an investment of expensive high technology equipment, but might merely require a practical approach. Environmental Health Officers can play a major role in providing expert advice when scrutinizing building plans. Environmental Health Officers should empower themselves with the knowledge to do inspections or investigations in office buildings by using the step-by-step method for investigating indoor air quality problems. By addressing indoor air quality problems in buildings, the workers in healthy buildings can increase their productivity with lasting effects on a company’s bottom line.

Exploring Trends, Patterns and Characteristics of Quality Management Through Text Mining

Carnerud, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
At frequent intervals, new reports and papers are published stressing the importance of high quality and quality improvement measures in the public and private sector if Sweden is to survive as a welfare state and industrial nation. The situation seems not to be unique for Sweden: similar opinions can be heard in other parts of the world as well. In the 21st century, consumers and citizens should be provided with continuously improved quality at a lower cost, otherwise businesses are likely to go bankrupt and politicians may lose the trust of the people. Quality is, thus, a word that is used persistently by people in power and the social commentators of today. From this perspective, it might seem fitting that quality, quality management (QM), total quality management (TQM) and other closely related terminologies are well defined, to make possible constructive dialogue that will culminate in effective action. This is often not the case, which is why vision statements, campaigns and other quality improvement measures risk falling short before they are even launched. With this background, the purpose of this thesis is to facilitate fruitful dialogue by examining QM-research and how trends, terminologies and research focus have shifted over time. By increasing the understanding of how QM-research has evolved it is also possible to create a coherent overview which hopefully can help to reduce confusion and polarisation amongst scholars and practitioners. In this way, it might be possible to increase the number of successful quality improvement measures as well as to lay the foundations for sustainable and system-wide quality improvement actions in society at large. The thesis is based on three studies, of which the first is looking into conference proceedings from one of the globally most prominent scientific conferences on quality – the QMOD-ICQSS conference. The two subsequent studies use abstracts from three of the top ranked scientific journals dealing with quality - International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, Total Quality Management Journal and Total Quality Management &amp; Business Excellence. All studies have been conducted according to text mining methodology, which entails usage of statistical tools in the form of hard- and software for data collection, modelling and analysis. The approach is exploratory and previously not verified with this purpose, which is why the three studies offer unique perspectives on the research field, at the same time as new methodological tools and approaches are investigated and tested. Through the studies it is possible to show occurrence of trends in research alignment as well as in publication design and popularity. The studies also identify central, perpetual, topics around which the research has been concentrated. These topics indicate that the research field, in spite of momentary trends and fashions, rests on a firm foundation regarding problem definition and approaches to solve them. Finally, a model is presented which summarizes the perspectives and outsets which distinguish QM and make it a research field in its own right. / Regelbundet publiceras det nya rapporter och artiklar där vikten av hög kvalitet liksom kvalitetsförbättrande åtgärder inom offentlig och privat sektor lyfts fram som oumbärliga för att Sverige ska överleva som välfärds- och näringslivsnation. Situationen tycks inte vara unik för Sverige, likande tongångar hörs även i andra delar av världen. På 2000-talet ska konsumenter och medborgare tillhandahållas ständigt förbättrad kvalitet till lägre kostnad, annars går företag i konkurs och politiska företrädare förlorar folkets förtroende. Kvalitet är alltså ett ord som används flitigt av dagens makthavare och samhällsdebattörer. Utifrån detta perspektiv kan det anses angeläget att kvalitet, kvalitetsutveckling, kvalitetsarbete och andra närbesläktade ord är väl definierade för att möjliggöra konstruktiv dialog som mynnar ut i verkningsfulla insatser. Så är dock ofta inte fallet - varför visioner, kampanjer och andra kvalitetsförbättrande initiativ riskerar att faller till korta innan de ens hunnit lanseras. Med denna bakgrund, är syftet med avhandlingen att underlätta givande diskussioner genom att närmare belysa forskningsfältet kvalitetsteknik, eller Quality Management (QM), och hur trender, termer och forskningsfokus har växlat över tid. Genom att öka förståelsen för forskningens utveckling över tid kan även en sammanhängande översikt skapas, vilka tillsammans förhoppningsvis kan bidra till att minska den förvirring och polarisering som råder både inom akademi liksom praktik. Därigenom kanske det är möjligt att öka mängden lyckade kvalitetssatsningar liksom att lägga grunden för ett långsiktigt hållbart och systemövergripande kvalitetsarbete i samhället i överlag. Avhandlingen baseras på tre studier, varav den första har tittat närmare på konferensbidrag från en av världens idag ledande forskningskonferenser om kvalitet – QMOD-ICQSS konferensen. De två senare studierna behandlar sammanfattningar från tre av de högst rankade forskningstidskrifterna med fokus på kvalitet – International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, Total Quality Management Journal och Total Quality Management &amp; Business Excellence. Samtliga studier har utformats enligt text-mining metodik, vilket medför att statistiska hjälpmedel i form av hård och mjukvara har använts för datainsamling, modellering och analys. Angreppssättet är explorativt och tidigare ej beprövat i ovanstående syfte varför de tre studierna erbjuder unika perspektiv på forskningsområdet samtidigt som nya metodologiska verktyg och arbetssätt utforskats och utvärderats. Genom studierna går det att påvisa förekomsten av trender i forskningsinriktningar liksom i publikationernas utformning och popularitet. Studierna identifierar även centrala, återkommande teman kring vilka forskningen koncentrerats. Dessa teman indikerar att forskningsområdet, trots tillfälliga trender och moden, vilar på en stadigvarande grund gällande problemformuleringar och ansatser att lösa dessa. Slutligen presenteras en modell som sammanfattar de perspektiv och utgångspunkter som utmärker kvalitetstekniken (QM) och som gör det till ett forskningsområde i sin egen rätt. / <p>Vid tidpunkten för framläggandet av avhandlingen var följande delarbeten opublicerade: delarbete B accepterat för publicering och delarbete C inskickat.</p><p>At the time of the licentiate defence the following papers were unpublished: paper B accepted for publication and paper C submitted.</p>

Improvements of quality and performance management in the South African Postal Services : challenges and prospects

Mokoena, Thabiso John 28 May 2013 (has links)
M.Tech. (Operations Management) / This study entails and discusses the concepts of quality and performance management in the postal and related services. Quality and Performance Management fundamentally form part of critical strategic objectives and goals every organization set itself to successfully achieve; the practice of quality has been around for a very long time and has become a widespread phenomenon interpreted and implemented differently in the industry while performance management emerged in the 1970’s and grew to be appreciated with time bringing measures to quantify individual and organizational results. This study was aimed at determining the current and past scenarios in the South African Post Office (SAPO) with regards to the organization’s Quality and Performance Management efforts with the view of recommending improvements to be adapted and implemented for strategic business growth. The study was conducted at Capemail and Securemail which are two of other SAPO’s operational divisions that processes and conveys large volumes in clients’ mail and parcels. SAPO is in the process of organizational transformation where a number of projects are being implemented including Change Management, ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, Total Operations Management Solutions, Productivity Engineering and others where most of these projects failed to yield the intended value. The techniques deployed for the study involved conducting observations in both Mail Centres, conducting informal interviews and distributing questionnaires for data collection; data was further scrutinized and analyzed with Statkon’s consultancy and statistical techniques were exploited to analyze it into meaningful information. The actual statistical tools used for analysis involved descriptives, factor analysis, normalities, comparisons and correlations; these were suffice to produce reliable and accurate data for the results of the study. The objectives of the study was achieved in that management need to seriously pay attention on factors such as empowering employees, enforcing and emphasizing the culture of good quality practice, adapting advanced project implementation frameworks benchmarking with industry competitors, standardizing processes and activities, encouraging the culture of continuous improvement, provision of support to operational requirements financially and otherwise, upgrading technology, viewing performance management from a holistic perspective and linking it directly with day to day activities of the organization and objectives.

The prediction of chlorine decay from potable water in pipeline systems

Viljoen, Ockert Jacobus 22 August 2012 (has links)
M.Ing. / The modelling of water quality in distribution systems is a relatively new field. It has become necessary to attend to the problem of water quality at the consumer's tap because water quality after treatment is not a guarantee for the water that reaches the consumer. It is increasingly important to design and manage distribution systems carefully to ensure safe drinking water up to the consumer's tap. This report gives the results and a discussion thereof on the chlorine decay in laboratory batch tests as well as on pipeline systems. Significant contributions were made to the different objectives of the study. Standardised test procedures for both free chlorine and monochloramine were developed. It was found that the n th-order, 1 parameter model described the decay of chlorine significantly better than did the generally assumed first order mathematical model. It was also found that the reaction orders are different for different water sources, and even different for the same water source at different times. It was also clear that the rate constants are dependent on temperature - the higher the temperature, the higher the decay rate constants. The reaction order for free chlorine varied from 0.36 to 1.22 with no apparent underlying pattern. For monochloramine, the reaction order fell into two distinctively different categories. For monochloramine decay up to 24 hours, the reaction order varied from 0.02 to 0.05. For monochloramine decay from 24 hours onwards, the reaction order varied from 0.92 to 0.95. As was expected, the free chlorine decay rates obtained in pipelines were higher than in parallel bulk decay rate tests. On the assumption that the bulk decay reaction order is equal to one, the mass transfer coefficient between the bulk flow and the pipe wall varied between 0.0065 m/h and 0.0457 m/h. Further research is highly recommended on the effect of secondary and tertiary chlorination as well as on more direct methods of estimating pipe wall-related chlorine reaction constants.

The perceptions of school-based educators on the advocacy of Integrated Quality Management System (IQMS) in selected public secondary schools in Giyani

Mathye, Annah Khetani 09 June 2008 (has links)
Prof. T.C. Bisschoff

The implementation of business process management in the retail banking sector.

Sarang, Sharifa 24 April 2008 (has links)
The principle aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between business process management and business performance, and the effectiveness of business process management in South African banking industry. This study has been undertaken with the specific objectives of understanding the difference between business process reengineering and business process management, whether business process management can be successfully implemented in a retail banking environment and, if so, how to implement and apply business process management in a banking industry in order to achieve business success. Banks are seeking to improve operational efficiencies, meet customer demands more quickly, and leverage existing technology investments. Business process management has the potential to deliver the benefits of process efficiency throughout all stages of a business process and to all areas of the organisation. Business process management focuses on business practices and management disciplines as the underlying enablers of a process-centric organisation The exploratory study was conducted to identify the process performance and readiness of a bank to implement business process management. / Prof. S. Kruger

An assessment of quality management practices in high performance sport at two selected South African universities

Groenewald, Ilhaam January 2015 (has links)
Magister Artium (Sport, Recreation and Exercise Science) - MA(SRES) / This study is motivated by the growing need for South African sport competitions (such as the Olympic Games and various other sport-specific world championships) to be transformed into quality and profitable events, noting that they need to be managed professionally, with well organised and sophisticated athlete preparation with excellent management systems. New pressures have emerged from within South Africa from key stakeholders that require sport organisations to become more performance orientated, and to build their capacity in order to improve or better manage their organisational performance. The primary focus of the research, therefore, is on quality management practices in high performance sport at a programme management level while the research also reviews substantial literature concerning the study in order to explain the dynamics surrounding the high performance management practices of Swimming Centres of Excellence at the two selected universities in South Africa. The study is qualitative and unpacks two theoretical frameworks namely, Total Quality Management practices and a conceptual framework of high performance management structures and processes. The overarching findings and recommendations are that the implementation of the Quality Management Practices (QMPs) require that the principles and philosophy of excellence are shared and understood by all stakeholders. To implement QMPs successfully, there is a need to radically transform conventional practices to achieve radical and pervasive change. The research shows evidence that QMPs involve the redesign of organisational structures, the re-design of work and the re-definition of management style. The swimming high performance environment must be willing to take this into consideration for successful implementation of QMPs at the Centres of Excellence to ensure its future performance

Educator experiences and perceptions of the Integrated Quality Management System and its effect on educator professional development in schools

Mahlaela, Mphuphuthane Abram 28 May 2012 (has links)
The implementation of the Integrated Quality Management System (IQMS) is analysed with interest in its effect on professional development of the teaching staff. This analysis is done through the experiences and perceptions of educators who are involved in this process. IQMS is a national policy of appraising and developing the teaching staff and was formed after an agreement was reached between the South African Department of Education and the teacher organizations in 2003. It was scheduled to be implemented in 2004. This article determines teacher appraisal processes on an international level and how similar appraisal processes are applied in South African context and then determines how educators in the South African context experience and perceive the effects of their appraisal process (IQMS) on their professional development. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted

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