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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analyse biologique, génétique et moléculaire de la résistance partielle du riz à Magnaporthe oryzae / Biological, genetic and molecular analysis of partial resistance of rice to Magnaporthe oryzae

Grand, Xavier 15 December 2011 (has links)
La résistance partielle aux agents pathogènes représente une source importante pour l'amélioration des plantes. Cependant les mécanismes moléculaires sous-jacents à ce type de résistance sont encore mal connus. L'interaction entre le riz et le champignon Magnaporthe oryzae est un modèle de choix pour ce type d'analyse, de nombreuses ressources génétiques et outils d'analyse fonctionnelle étant disponibles. Chez le riz, hormis le gène Pi21 qui contrôle la résistance partielle, aucune information biologique et fonctionnelle ne permet d'expliquer cette forme de résistance. En amont de ce travail de thèse, le phénomène de défense préformée a récemment été identifié ; il est défini par la corrélation entre l'expression des gènes liés à la défense avant infection et la résistance partielle à M. oryzae. L'identification de régulateurs de la résistance partielle et des défenses préformées a été l'objectif de cette thèse. Deux stratégies ont été adoptées. Une étude du transcriptome visant à sélectionner et caractériser des gènes candidats sur la base de leur profil d'expression constitutive a été réalisée. Une méthode de sélection par « guilt-by-association » s'est avérée efficace pour identifier des gènes impliqués dans la résistance de la plante. Les gènes AGO18, Z-BED, HSF23 et CaMBP ont été identifiés comme des régulateurs positifs des défenses de la plante. Les gènes HSF23 et CaMBP contrôlent l'expression constitutive des gènes liés à la défense mais leur sur-expression modifie la croissance des plantes. La sur-expression des gènes Z-BED et AGO18 n'a entraîné aucune modification de la croissance de la plante mais une augmentation de la résistance à M. oryzae, sans modification apparente de l'expression des gènes de défense testés. Le gène Z-BED code pour un facteur de transcription putatif dont on peut faire l'hypothèse qu'il contrôle un ensemble encore inconnu de l'arsenal de défense. Le gène AGO18 code pour une protéine argonaute potentiellement impliquée dans l'extinction de gène via la méthylation de la chromatine. Enfin le gène OB-fold est un régulateur négatif des défenses de la plante dont les cibles, potentiellement des ARN, restent à identifier.La deuxième approche a consisté en une détection de loci contrôlant la densité de lésions causées par M. oryzae. Une zone du génome, PRM1, contrôle ce phénotype, confère une résistance à un spectre de souches relativement large, semble contrôler l'expression de gènes de défense avant et au cours de l'infection, et enfin semble ralentir la croissance du champignon avant pénétration. Cette approche sans a priori renforce l'hypothèse que l'expression des gènes de défense avant infection est associée à la résistance partielle du riz à M. oryzae.De plus amples investigations seront nécessaires pour relier les phénotypes de résistance partielle tels que l'inhibition de la croissance pré-pénétration et la densité de lésions entre eux d'une part et d'autre part à l'expression des gènes de défenses avant infection / Partial resistance to pathogens is a major source for plant breeding. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying this type of resistance are still poorly understood. The interaction between rice and the fungus Magnaporthe oryzae is a model of choice for this type of analysis, many genetic and functional analysis tools being available. In rice, except for the Pi21 gene that controls partial resistance, no biological and functional information can explain this form of resistance. Prior to this thesis, the phenomenon of preformed defense has recently been identified; it is defined by the correlation between the expression of genes related to defense before infection and partial resistance to M. oryzae. Identification of partial resistance and preformed defense regulators has been the objective of this thesis. Two strategies were adopted.A transcriptome analysis to select and characterize candidate genes based on their constitutive expression pattern was performed. A method of selection by "guilt-by-association" has been effective in identifying genes involved in plant resistance. The genes AGO18, Z-BED, HSF23 and CaMBP were identified as positive regulators of plant defenses. The genes HSF23 and CaMBP control the constitutive expression of defense related genes, but their over-expression modifies plant growth. Over-expression of Z-BED and AGO18 genes does not affect plant growth but increases the resistance to M. oryzae, without apparent change in the expression of the defense genes tested. The Z-BED gene encodes for a putative transcription factor that likely controls an unknown set of the defense arsenal. The AGO18 gene encodes an Argonaute protein potentially involved in gene silencing via chromatin methylation. Finally the OB-fold gene is a negative plant defense regulator, and its hypothetical RNA targets remain to be identified.The second approach consisted of detection of loci controlling the lesions density caused by M. oryzae. A region of the genome, PRM1, controls this phenotype, confers resistance to a relatively wide range of isolates, appears to control the expression of defense genes before and during the infection, and finally seems to inhibit the growth of the fungus before penetration. This approach without a priori supports the hypothesis that the expression of defense genes before infection is associated with partial resistance of rice to M. oryzae.Further investigations are needed to link the resistance phenotypes such as partial inhibition of fungal growth pre-penetration and density of these lesions on the one hand, and the defense gene expression before infection on the other hand.

Bases génétiques de la résistance vis-à-vis des nématodes du genre Meloidogyne chez le piment / Genetic bases of resistance to root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne spp., in pepper

Barbary, Arnaud 10 December 2014 (has links)
Les nématodes à galles (Meloidogyne spp.) sont des pathogènes cosmopolites extrêmement polyphages. L’emploi de la majorité des nématicides chimiques étant désormais interdit, la meilleure alternative repose sur l’utilisation de gènes majeurs de résistance (gènes R). Cependant, il existe un risque de contournement de ceux-ci et les ressources génétiques en termes de gènes R sont limitées. Une gestion qui permette de pérenniser l’utilisation de ces ressources d’intérêt agronomique est donc primordiale. Me1 et Me3 sont deux gènes R à large spectre du piment actuellement utilisés dans les programmes de sélection. La confrontation vis-à-vis de M. incognita de différents génotypes possédant l’un de ces deux gènes a montré que (1) le fond génétique de la plante joue un rôle clé sur l’efficacité de ces gènes R, (2) il n’existe pas d’effet du dosage d’allèles pour ces gènes R. Suite à ces résultats, une recherche de loci à caractère quantitatif (QTLs) a été réalisée afin d’identifier et de localiser des facteurs de résistance partielle susceptibles d’expliquer les différences observées entre les différents fonds génétiques. L’étude de tels facteurs vis-à-vis de M. incognita, M. arenaria et M. javanica, les trois principales espèces de nématodes à galles, a mis en évidence quatre nouveaux QTLs. Tous sont regroupés sur le chromosome P1 du piment, sauf un efficace vis-à-vis de M. javanica situé sur le chromosome P9. C’est la première fois que des facteurs de résistance aux nématodes à galles sont localisés sur le chromosome P1. Ce travail ouvre de nouvelles perspectives quant à la création de nouvelles variétés avec un potentiel accru en termes de résistance aux Meloidogyne. / Root-knot nematodes (RKNs), Meloidogyne spp., are extremely polyphagous plant parasites worldwide. Since the use of most chemical nematicides is being prohibited, genetic resistance is an efficient alternative way to protect crops against these pests. However, nematode populations proved able to breakdown plant resistance, and genetic resources in terms of resistance genes (R-genes) are limited. Sustainable management of these valuable resources is thus a key point of R-gene durability. In pepper, Me1 and Me3 are two dominant major R-genes, currently used in breeding programs to control M. arenaria, M. incognita and M. javanica, the three main RKN species. Challenging these two genes in different genetic backgrounds against M. incognita demonstrated that (1) the efficiency of the R-genes in reducing the reproductive potential of RKNs is strongly affected by the plant genetic background, (2) the allelic status of the R-genes has no effect on nematode reproduction. According to these first results, a QTL analysis was performed to identify and to localize partial resistance factors against RKNs which could explain the differences observed between the genetic backgrounds. Focusing on M. incognita, M. arenaria and M. javanica, four new major QTLs were localized. They are all regrouped on pepper chromosome P1 except one QTL efficient against M. javanica, which was located on pepper chromosome P9. The cluster on chromosome P1, regrouping most of the newly discovered resistance factors, is described for the first time with respect to RKN resistance. As a conclusion, this work should contribute to the breeding of new pepper varieties with a high level of resistance against RKNs.

Mechanisms of Resistance and Candidate Gene Analysis towards <i> Fusarium graminearum </i> and <i> Phytophthora sojae </i> in Soybean

Gedling, Cassidy Renee 02 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.

The molecular basis of the plant-pathogen interaction of potato and Rhizoctonia solani

Genzel, Franziska 10 September 2018 (has links)
Die Kartoffel, eines der wichtigsten Nahrungsmittel weltweit, wird unter anderem von dem Erreger Rhizoctonia solani Kühn befallen. Durch dieses Pathogen hervorgerufene Qualitäts- und Ertragsverminderungen können zu erheblichen ökonomischen Verlusten führen. Da derzeitig verfügbare Bekämpfungsmaßnahmen nur eine eingeschränkte Effektivität aufzeigen, sind alternative Bekämpfungsstrategien dringend notwendig. Der Einsatz resistenter Sorten stellt eine effektive, umweltfreundliche Alternative dar, jedoch ist derzeit nur wenig über die der Resistenz der Kartoffel gegenüber R. solani zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen bekannt. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, Merkmale aufzufinden, die mit einer erhöhten Feldresistenz der Kartoffel gegenüber R. solani korrelieren und zukünftig als Marker in der Züchtung zur Einschätzung des Resistenzgrads von Sorten genutzt werden können. Auf der Grundlage von Feldversuchen wurden zwei Kartoffelgenotypen mit einem unterschiedlichen Grad der Feldresistenz gegenüber R. solani für vergleichende molekularbiologische und biochemische Analysen ausgewählt. Die Analyse des Expressionsniveaus ausgewählter Abwehrgene zeigte, dass die Kartoffelsorte mit geringerer Anfälligkeit ein konstitutiv höheres Expressionsniveau aufweist als die Sorte mit einer höheren Anfälligkeit. Im Gegensatz zur stärker anfälligen Sorte wurde in Wurzeln und Stängeln der weniger anfälligen Sorte kein erhöhtes Expressionsniveau der Abwehrgene infolge der Infektion mit R. solani festgestellt. Zudem wies die weniger anfällige Sorte höhere Gehalte an α-Chaconin and α-Solanin sowie Nicotiflorin auf. Anhand von in vitro Untersuchungen wurde ein wachstumshemmender Effekt dieser Komponenten auf R. solani festgestellt. Weiterhin wurde ein geringerer Gehalt an R. solani-DNA in den Wurzeln der weniger anfälligen Sorte determiniert. Demnach scheint eine geringere Anfälligkeit der Kartoffel gegenüber diesem Erreger mit einer höheren, präformierten pflanzlichen Immunabwehr korreliert zu sein. / Potato, the fourth most important food crop worldwide, is also target of many pests and microbial pathogens including the fungus Rhizoctonia solani Kühn. The infection of potato with this pathogen leads to considerable economic losses. The soil-borne nature, the formation of melanised sclerotia, and the limited efficacy of fungicides impair the control of this pathogen and strengthen the necessity for alternative control measures. A very effective alternative is the use of resistant cultivars. Quantitative differences in the degree of resistance of potato to R. solani have been repeatedly observed in the field. However, until now there is no information available regarding the underlying mechanisms contributing to the resistance level. This thesis aimed at revealing mechanisms in potato which contribute to the manifestation of a certain degree of field resistance to R. solani. Based on the screening of various potato genotypes in field trials, two potato cultivars distinctly differing in the level of resistance to R. solani were selected for further molecular and biochemical analyses. The cultivar with a higher degree of resistance showed higher constitutive expression of defence-related genes. In contrast to the less resistant cultivar, no distinct increase of the defence-gene expression level was detectable upon pathogen infection in this cultivar. Moreover, contents of the glycoalkaloids α-chaconine and α-solanine and of the flavonol nicotiflorin were higher compared to the less resistant cultivar. Using in vitro culture tests, a growth-reducing effect of these compounds on R. solani was confirmed. Concluding, a higher resistance of potato cultivars to R. solani seems to be related to a higher expression level of defence-related genes and to a higher content of plant secondary metabolites. This enhanced constitutive defence level resulted in a lower pathogen colonisation of the plant, thus contributing to a reduced disease severity in the field.

Identification of resistance sources and characterization of resistance factors in Brassica species to Verticillium longisporum / Identifizierung von Resistenzquellen und Charakterisierung von Resistenzfaktoren in Brassica-Arten gegenüber Verticillium longisporum

Eynck, Christina 31 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Expression and detection of quantitative resistance to Erysiphe pisi DC. in pea (Pisum sativum L.)

Viljanen-Rollinson, S. L. H. January 1996 (has links)
Characteristics of quantitative resistance in pea (Pisum sativum L.) to Erysiphe pisi DC, the pathogen causing powdery mildew, were investigated. Cultivars and seedlines of pea expressing quantitative resistance to E. pisi were identified and evaluated, by measuring the amounts of pathogen present on plant surfaces in field and glasshouse experiments. Disease severity on cv. Quantum was intermediate when compared with that on cv. Bolero (susceptible) and cv. Resal (resistant) in a field experiment. In glasshouse experiments, two groups of cultivars, one with a high degree of resistance and the other with nil to low degrees of resistance to E. pisi, were identified. This indicated either that a different mechanism of resistance applied in the two groups, or that there has been no previous selection for intermediate resistance. Several other cultivars expressing quantitative resistance were identified in a field experiment. Quantitative resistance in Quantum did not affect germination of E. pisi conidia, but reduced infection efficiency of conidia on this cultivar compared with cv. Pania (susceptible). Other epidemiological characteristics of quantitative resistance expression in Quantum relative to Pania were a 33% reduction in total conidium production and a 16% increase in time to maximum daily conidium production, both expressed on a colony area basis. In Bolero, the total conidium production was reduced relative to Pania, but the time to maximum spore production on a colony area basis was shorter. There were no differences between the cultivars in pathogen colony size or numbers of haustoria produced by the pathogen. Electron microscope studies suggested that haustoria in Quantum plants were smaller and less lobed than those in Pania plants and the surface area to volume ratios of the lobes and haustorial bodies were larger in Pania than in Quantum. The progress in time and spread in space of E. pisi was measured in field plots of cultivars Quantum, Pania and Bolero as disease severity (proportion of leaf area infected). Division of leaves (nodes) into three different age groups (young, medium, old) was necessary because of large variability in disease severity within plants. Disease severity on leaves at young nodes was less than 4% until the final assessment at 35 days after inoculation (dai). Exponential disease progress curves were fitted for leaves at medium nodes. Mean disease severity on medium nodes 12 dai was greatest (P<0.001) on Bolero and Pania (9.3 and 6.8% of leaf area infected respectively), and least on Quantum (1.6%). The mean disease relative growth rate was greatest (P<0.001) for Quantum, but was delayed compared to Pania and Bolero. Gompertz growth curves were fitted to disease progress data for leaves at old nodes. The asymptote was 78.2% of leaf area infected on Quantum, significantly lower (P<0.001) than on Bolero or Pania, which reached 100%. The point of inflection on Quantum occurred 22.8 dai, later (P<0.001) than on Pania (18.8 dai) and Bolero (18.3 dai), and the mean disease severity at the point of inflection was 28.8% for Quantum, less (P<0.00l) than on Pania (38.9%) or Bolero (38.5%). The average daily rates of increase in disease severity did not differ between the cultivars. Disease progress on Quantum was delayed compared with Pania and Bolero. Disease gradients from inoculum foci to 12 m were detected at early stages of the epidemic but the effects of background inoculum and the rate of disease progress were greater than the focus effect. Gradients flattened with time as the disease epidemic intensified, which was evident from the large isopathic rates (between 2.2 and 4.0 m d⁻¹) Some epidemiological variables expressed in controlled environments (low infection efficiency, low maximum daily spore production and long time to maximum spore production) that characterised quantitative resistance in Quantum were correlated with disease progress and spread in the field. These findings could be utilised in pea breeding programmes to identify parent lines from which quantitatively resistant progeny could be selected.

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