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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Quantum networking with atomic ensembles

Matsukevich, Dzmitry 10 July 2006 (has links)
Quantum communication networks enable secure transmission of information between remote sites. However, at present, photon losses in the optical fiber limit communication distances to less than 150 kilometers. The quantum repeater idea allows extension of these distances. In practice, it involves the ability to store quantum information for a long time in atomic systems and coherently transfer quantum states between matter and light. Previously known schemes involved atomic Raman transitions in the UV or near-infrared and suffered from severe loss in optical fiber that precluded long-distance quantum communication.

The experimental realization of long-lived quantum memory

Zhao, Ran 03 August 2010 (has links)
Quantum communication between two remote locations often involves remote parties sharing an entangled quantum state. At present, entanglement distribution is usually performed using photons transmitted through optical fibers. However, the absorption of light in the fiber limits the communication distances to less than 200 km, even for optimal photon telecom wavelengths. To increase this distance, the quantum repeater idea was proposed. In the quantum repeater architecture, one divides communication distance into segments of the order of the attenuation length of the photons and places quantum memory nodes at the intermediate locations. Since the photon loss between intermediate locations is low, it is possible then to establish entanglement between intermediate quantum memory nodes. Once entanglement between adjacent nodes is established, one can extend it over larger distances using entanglement swapping. The long coherence time of a quantum memory is a crucial requirement for the quantum repeater protocol. It is obvious that the coherence time of a quantum memory should be much longer that the time it takes for light to travel between remote locations. For a communication distance l = 1000 km, the corresponding time is t = l/c = 3.3 ms. One can show that for a simple repeater protocol and realistic success probabilities of entanglement generation, the required coherence time should be on the order of many seconds, while for the more complicated protocols that involve multiplexing and several quantum memory cells per intermediate node, the required coherence time is on the order of milliseconds. In this thesis, I describe a quantum memory based on an ensemble of rubidium atoms confined in a one-dimensional optical lattice. The use of the magnetically- insensitive clock transition and suppression of atomic motion allows us to increase coherence time of the quantum memory by two-orders of magnitude compared to previous work. I also propose a method for determining the Zeeman content of atomic samples. In addition, I demonstrate the observation of quantum evolution under continuous measurement. The long quantum memory lifetime demonstrated in this work opens the way for scalable processing of quantum information and long distance quantum communication.

Investigations of memory, entanglement, and long-range interactions using ultra-cold atoms

Dudin, Yaroslav 20 June 2012 (has links)
Long-term storage of quantum information has diverse applications in quantum information science. This work presents an experimental realization of quantum memories with lifetimes greater then 0.1 s. The memories are based on cold rubidium atoms confined in one-dimensional optical lattices. First realization of lattice-based quantum memory and entanglement between a light field and a spin wave is presented in Chapter II. Chapter III describes two different methods (two-photon and magnetic) of compensation for inhomogeneous differential light shifts between the memory levels due to optical trapping potentials, and demonstration of entanglement between a telecom-band light field and a light-shift compensated memory qubit. Highly excited Rydberg atoms present a unique platform for study of strongly correlated systems and quantum information, because of their enormous dipole moments and consequent strong, long-range interactions. In the experiment described in Chapter IV single collective Rydberg excitations are created in a cold atomic gas. After a variable storage period the excitations are converted into light. As the principal quantum number n of the Rydberg level is increased beyond ~ 70, no more than a single excitation is retrieved from the entire mesoscopic ensemble of atoms. In Chapter V, by spatially selective conversion of the spin wave into a light field, we demonstrate that Rydberg-level interactions create long-range correlations of collective atomic excitations. These results hold promise for studies of dynamics and disorder in many-body systems with tunable interactions and for scalable quantum information networks. Chapter VI presents initial observations of coherent many-body Rabi oscillations between the ground level and a Rydberg level using several hundred cold rubidium atoms. The strongly pronounced oscillations indicate a nearly complete excitation blockade of the entire mesoscopic ensemble by a single excited atom.

Ensemble based quantum memory and adiabatic phase gates in electron spins

Wu, Hua January 2011 (has links)
Quantum computing has been a new and challenging area of research since the concept was put forward in 1980s. A quantum computer is a computer that processes information encoded in systems that exhibit quantum properties and is proved in theory to be more powerful than classical computers. Various approaches to the implementation of the quantum computers have been studied over the decades, each of them having their own advantages and disadvantages in terms of the lifetime of the quantum information, processing time, and scalability of the implementation. Proposals for hybrid quantum processors are interesting because they benefit from the advantages of each comprising system, and thus providing a promising approach to a practical quantum computer. In this thesis, I demonstrate experimentally the principle of utilizing electron spin ensembles as a quantum memory for hybrid quantum processors. I demonstrate the storage and on-demand retrieval of multiple bits of quantum information into and from a single electron spin ensemble by applying magnetic field gradient pulses. I then study the coupling between an electron spin ensemble and a three-dimensional microwave cavity, in the aim of discussing the condition for the coherent information transfer between the excitations in solid-state matter and photons. As an alternative to the high power pulses in electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), I study the possibility of controlling the electron spin states via adiabatic processes. I demonstrate the implementation of adiabatic geometric phase gates in electron spins and compare their performances to other phase gates achieved with microwave pulses in both simulation and experiment, verifying the robustness of the adiabatic gates against certain type of noises. Finally I present the simulation method developed for simulating the pulsed EPR experiments in this thesis, using a model more general than some currently-existing simulation packages.

Quantum information processing using the power-of-SWAP

Guha Majumdar, Mrittunjoy January 2019 (has links)
This project is a comprehensive investigation into the application of the exchange interaction, particularly with the realization of the SWAP^1/n quantum operator, in quantum information processing. We study the generation, characterization and application of entanglement in such systems. Given the non-commutativity of neighbouring SWAP^1/n gates, the mathematical study of combinations of these gates is an interesting avenue of research that we have explored, though due to the exponential scaling of the complexity of the problem with the number of qubits in the system, numerical techniques, though good for few-qubit systems, are found to be inefficient for this research problem when we look at systems with higher number of qubits. Since the group of SWAP^1/n operators is found to be isomorphic to the symmetric group Sn, we employ group-theoretic methods to find the relevant invariant subspaces and associated vector-states. Some interesting patterns of states are found including onedimensional invariant subspaces spanned by W-states and the Hamming-weight preserving symmetry of the vectors spanning the various invariant subspaces. We also devise new ways of characterizing entanglement and approach the separability problem by looking at permutation symmetries of subsystems of quantum states. This idea is found to form a bridge with the entanglement characterization tool of Peres-Horodecki's Partial Positive Transpose (PPT), for mixed quantum states. We also look at quantum information taskoriented 'distance' measures of entanglement, besides devising a new entanglement witness in the 'engle'. In terms of applications, we define five different formalisms for quantum computing: the circuit-based model, the encoded qubit model, the cluster-state model, functional quantum computation and the qudit-based model. Later in the thesis, we explore the idea of quantum computing based on decoherence-free subspaces. We also investigate ways of applying the SWAP^1/n in entanglement swapping for quantum repeaters, quantum communication protocols and quantum memory.

Towards storage and retrieval of non-classical light in a broadband quantum memory : an investigation of free-space and cavity Raman memories

Champion, Theresa Fiona Maya January 2015 (has links)
Photonic quantum information processing has emerged as a powerful platform for realising quantum-enhanced technologies. In order to be scalable, many of these technologies depend on the availability of a suitable quantum memory for the coherent storage and on-demand retrieval of photonic quantum states. In this thesis, I investigate broadband light storage in a room-temperature Raman memory, implemented both in free space and, for the first time, inside a low-finesse optical cavity designed for low-noise operation. The ability of the Raman memory to preserve phase coherence was tested by storing coherent polarisation states in two spatially separate atomic ensembles. Polarisation storage with a fidelity of up to 97 ± 1% was demonstrated by performing full process tomography on the system. The Raman memory was then interfaced for the first time with a spontaneous parametric downconversion (SPDC) source of heralded, GHz-bandwidth single photons. The memory performance was characterised by measuring the second-order autocorrelation of the retrieved fields. While the SPDC input photon statistics showed a clear influence on the statistics of the retrieved field, four-wave mixing (FWM) noise, stimulated by spontaneous Raman scattering, prevented the preservation of non-classical photon statistics during read-out. Suppressing this source of noise represents the last remaining challenge for realising a broadband single-photon Raman memory suitable for quantum information applications. To this end, I demonstrate a novel cavity implementation of the Raman memory which reduces the FWM contribution relative to the signal field by re-distributing the density of states into which the noise photons can be scattered. Cavity-enhanced memory operation was investigated using weak coherent input states, showing a significant improvement of the signal-to-noise ratio compared to the free-space memory implementation. This proof-of-principle demonstration suggests that cavity Raman memories may offer a practical route towards low-noise, high-bandwidth quantum storage at room temperature.

Stockage d'impulsions lumineuses dans l'hélium métastable à température ambiante / Light storage in metastable helium at room temperature

Maynard, Marie-Aude 30 November 2016 (has links)
La nécessité de synchroniser les différentes étapes des protocoles d’information et de communication quantiques implique l’utilisation de mémoires quantiques. Différents systèmes physiques sont aujourd’hui explorés, parmi lesquels les ions en matrice cristalline, les atomes froids et les vapeurs atomiques. Le protocole de stockage le plus couramment utilisé se fonde sur le phénomène de Transparence Electromagnétiquement Induite (EIT) : une impulsion lumineuse est gravée dans la cohérence Raman entre les deux états fondamentaux d’un système atomique à trois niveaux en Lambda. Bien qu’elle ouvre des perspectives prometteuses, en termes d’efficacité, de fidélité et de temps de stockage, cette technique est néanmoins sensible aux effets déphasants, tels que des gradients de champs magnétiques.Dans ce mémoire, j’étudie tout d’abord le stockage d’impulsions lumineuses classiques par EIT dans une vapeur d’hélium métastable à température ambiante. Les résultats expérimentaux obtenus sont en accord avec les simulations numériques des équations de Maxwell-Bloch complètes du système et montrent notamment l’existence d’une phase supplémentaire acquise par l’impulsion restituée en configuration désaccordée. Cette phase s’explique par la propagation du faisceau sonde dans un milieu dispersif. Dans une deuxième partie, je mets expérimentalement en évidence, dans le même système, une nouvelle forme de stockage basée sur le phénomène d’Oscillations Cohérentes de Population (CPO), par nature plus robuste aux effets déphasants que l’EIT. Les simulations numériques permettent d’analyser plus précisément les mécanismes à l’œuvre dans une mémoire CPO et, notamment, l’influence de la phase relative entre les faisceaux signal et de couplage sur les efficacités de stockage. / The need to synchronise quantum information and communication protocols implies the use of quantum memories. Different physical systems are investigated nowadays, among which ions in crystals, cold atoms and atomic vapours. The most common protocol is based on the Electromagnetically Induced Transparency (EIT) phenomenon: a light pulse is engraved in the Raman coherence of both ground states of an atomic Lambda–type three-level system. Though it opens promising perspectives, with respect to efficiency, fidelity and storage time, this technique is, however, sensitive to dephasing effects such as magnetic field gradients.In this thesis, I first study the storage of classical light pulses via EIT in a room- temperature metastable helium vapor. The obtained experimental results agree with the numerical simulation of the complete Maxwell-Bloch equations of the system. In particular, the existence of an extra phase acquired by the retrieved pulse is demonstrated in the detuned configuration, which can be explained by the propagation of the signal beam in the medium. In the second part, I experimentally isolate, in the same system, a new storage protocol based on the Coherent Population Oscillation (CPO) phenomenon, which is by nature more robust than EIT to dephasing effects. The numerical simulations allow us to precisely analyse the mechanisms involved in a CPO memory and, in particular, the influence of the relative phase between the signal and coupling beams on the storage efficiencies.

Collective dynamics of solid-state spin chains and ensembles in quantum information processing

Ping, Yuting January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the collective dynamics in different spin chains and spin ensembles in solid-state materials. The focus is on the manipulation of electron spins, through spin-spin and spin-photon couplings controlled by voltage potentials or electromagnetic fields. A brief review of various systems is provided to describe the possible physical implementation of the ideas, and also outlines the basis of the adopted effective interaction models. The first two ideas presented explore the collective behaviour of non-interacting spin chains with external couplings. One focuses on mapping the identical state of spin-singlet pairs in two currents onto two distant, static spins downstream, creating distributed entanglement that may be accessed. The other studies a quantum memory consisting of an array of non-interacting, static spins, which may encode and decode multiple flying spins. Both chains could effectively `enhance' weak couplings in a cumulative fashion, and neither scheme requires active quantum control. Moreover, the distributed entanglement generated can offer larger separation between the qubits than more conventional protocols that only exploit the tunnelling effects between quantum dots. The quantum memory can also `smooth' the statistical fluctuations in the effects of local errors when the stored information is spread. Next, an interacting chain of static spins with nearest-neighbour interactions is introduced to connect distant end spins. Previously, it has been shown that this approach provides a cubic speed-up when compared with the direct coupling between the target spins. The practicality of this scheme is investigated by analysing realistic error effects via numerical simulations, and from that perspective relaxation of the nearest-neighbour assumption is proposed. Finally, a non-interacting electron spin ensemble is reviewed as a quantum memory to store single photons from an on-chip stripline cavity. It is then promoted to a full quantum processor, with major error effects analysed.

Preparation of large cold atomic ensembles and applications in efficient light-matter interfacing / Préparation de grands ensembles atomiques et applications en interface lumière-matière efficace

Vernaz-Gris, Pierre 12 January 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat en co-tutelle a été centrée sur des expériences d’optique quantique faisant intervenir de grands ensembles atomiques. L’étude de l’interaction entre la lumière et la matière et l’augmentation de leur couplage dans ces systèmes sont des étapes fondamentales pour le développement et l’amélioration de protocoles de génération, de stockage et de manipulation d’information quantique. Le travail de thèse exposé ici traite en particulier de l’évolution des techniques de préparation d’ensembles atomiques denses, des protocoles de lumière arrêtée et de lumière stationnaire développés et étudiés expérimentalement. Les ensembles d’atomes froids préparés par refroidissement laser dans les deux réalisations expérimentales ont été portés jusqu’à des épaisseurs optiques de plusieurs centaines, à des températures d’une dizaine de microkelvin. De plus, l’adressage de ces ensembles dans des configurations symétriques ont permis l’étude de protocoles basés sur le renversement temporel de la conversion de lumière en excitations atomiques collectives. Ces améliorations ont mené au stockage de bits quantiques par transparence induite électromagnétiquement, et de lumière cohérente par symétrie temporelle dans une mémoire Raman, tous deux à des record d’efficacité, à de plus de 50%. Ce travail a également conduit à l’étude expérimentale de la lumière stationnaire et de nouveaux protocoles en découlant. / This cotutelle PhD thesis revolves around quantum optics experiments which involve large atomic ensembles. The study of light-matter interaction and its enhancement are crucial steps in the development and progress of quantum information generation, storage and processing protocols. The work presented here focuses on the evolution of large atomic ensemble preparation techniques, on the development and experimental investigation of stopped and stationary light protocols. Laser-cooled atomic ensembles in both experimental realisations have been brought to optical depths of a few hundreds, at temperatures of tens of microkelvin. Moreover, addressing these ensembles in symmetric configurations has enabled the study of protocols based on the temporal reversal of the mapping of light to collective atomic excitations. These enhancements have led to the storage of qubits based on electromagnetically-induced transparency, and the optical storage in a backward-retrieval Raman scheme, both demonstrating efficiency records, above 50%. This work has also led to the experimental investigation of stationary light and new protocols based on it.

Threshold theorem for a quantum memory in a correlated environment : Teorema do limiar para uma memória quântica em um ambiente correlacionado / Teorema do limiar para uma memória quântica em um ambiente correlacionado

López Delgado, Daniel Antonio, 1987- 15 December 2016 (has links)
Orientadores: Amir Ordacgi Caldeira, Eduardo Peres Novais de Sá / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-01T01:58:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LopezDelgado_DanielAntonio_D.pdf: 831710 bytes, checksum: 17fbe60b2052b9d8534b963d0e85fe0e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016 / Resumo: A criação de um computador quântico é um projeto que guia, ao mesmo tempo, avanços tecnológicos e um melhor entendimento das propriedades de sistemas quânticos e da Mecânica Quântica em geral. O teorema do limiar é derivado da teoria quântica de correção de erros e garante que, se o ruido estocástico que afeta os componentes de um computador quântico encontra-se abaixo de um valor limite, podemos operar esse computador quântico confiavelmente. Investigamos como esse teorema é modificado quando consideramos uma memória quântica (a qual usa o código de superfície para corrigir erros) acoplada a um ambiente correlacionado. O limiar de erros nesse caso é relacionado à transição de fase ordem-desordem de um sistema de spin equivalente / Abstract: The design of a quantum computer is a project which drives, at the same time, technological advancement and a better understanding of the properties of quantum systems and of Quantum Mechanics in general. The threshold theorem comes from quantum error correction theory and it guarantees that, if stochastic noise affecting the components of a quantum computer is below some threshold value, we can operate this quantum computer reliably. We investigate how this theorem is modified when we consider a quantum memory (which uses the surface code to correct errors) coupled to a correlated environment. The error threshold in this case is related the order-disorder phase transition of an equivalent spin system / Doutorado / Física / Doutor em Ciências

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