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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeito da aplica??o de res?duo de perfura??o de po?o de petr?leo no desenvolvimento de cevada (Hordeum vulgare L.) / Effect of application of drill cuttings from oil well in the development of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)

CARVALHO, Michel Miranda de 26 April 2013 (has links)
CNPq / Faced with the need to implement a sustainable development, and seeking solutions for protecting the environment, the management of residues has undergone marked changes. Companies are increasingly involved in the optimization of residues produced in their production processes. The oil industry participates in this search by funding research and development of environmentally sound technologies. This study aimed to evaluate the development of barley plants (Hordeum vulgare L.) in soils incubated with drill waste from oil well treated by washing to eliminate the influence of sodium. Two residues generated during drilling of the well 7-SMC-50D-AL were selected to be used in two assays: one in pots planted with barley, and one with leaching columns. For the pots testing the residues were washed with water, using a ratio of 1:5, aiming to reduce the effects of the sodium. Thus, the washing treatment defined two other conditions: residue washed and unwashed. The quantity of residue added to the soil was defined in order to obtain the barium concentrations of 300 mg kg-1, 600 mg kg-1 and 1200 mg kg-1. The soil moisture was maintained at 70% of field capacity. The experimental units were kept incubated for 30 days, and covered with plastic bags to prevent water loss by evaporation. The plants sowing was made using 10 seeds in each pot, and after the thinning with 30 days there was left 4 plants per pot. After the harvesting, the plants were separated into root, shoot and grain; and it was evaluated the absorption of the elements barium, iron, manganese, calcium, sodium, zinc and potassium. The results showed that the residues of the centrifugal and the dryer promoted an increased production of plant dry matter, especially in the treatment with the residue washing. For the test columns, there was no washing of the residues. The same doses were tested with two conditions of humidity (70% of field capacity and reduced condition, simulating the presence of a ground water table). During the incubation the pH and the redox potential (Eh) were monitored until, in the reduction condition, values close to ? 200 mV were obtained, and then, waiting for 30 days to ensure the occurrence of the reduction reactions. After that, the leaching test proceeded, simulating rainfall and collecting the extract leachate to evaluate the barium content. The geochemical fractionation of barium was done using a modification of the BCR method. The fractionation results showed that the reduction condition provided greater availability of barium, increasing the bioavailable fraction for both cuttings. In the leaching test, there was an increase in barium level in the reduction condition, due to the reduction of sulfate to sulfide. / Diante da necessidade de implementar o desenvolvimento sustent?vel, buscando solu??es para a prote??o do meio ambiente, a gest?o de res?duos tem passado por mudan?as marcantes. As empresas est?o cada vez mais envolvidas na otimiza??o de res?duos produzidos em seus processos produtivos. A ind?stria petrol?fera participa dessa busca por solu??es atrav?s do financiamento de pesquisas e do desenvolvimento de tecnologias ambientalmente seguras. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desenvolvimento de plantas de cevada (Hordeum vulgare L.) em solos incubados com res?duos de perfura??o de po?o de petr?leo tratados com lavagem para eliminar a influ?ncia do s?dio. Foram selecionados dois res?duos gerados durante a perfura??o do Po?o7-SMC-50D-AL para serem utilizados em dois ensaios: um com vasos cultivados com cevada e outro com colunas de lixivia??o. Para o ensaio com vasos foi feita a lavagem dos res?duos em ?gua, na propor??o 1:5, visando diminuir os efeitos do s?dio. Dessa forma, o tratamento de lavagem definiu duas condi??es: res?duo lavado e res?duo n?o lavado. A quantidade de res?duo adicionada ao solo foi definida de modo a atingir as concentra??es de b?rio de 300 mg kg-1, 600 mg kg-1 e 1200 mg kg-1. A umidade do solo foi mantida a 70% da capacidade de campo. As unidades experimentais permaneceram incubadas por 30 dias, cobertas com sacos pl?sticos para evitar a perda de ?gua por evapora??o. Em seguida foi feita a semeadura, utilizando 10 sementes em cada vaso, e com o desbaste ap?s 30 dias restaram apenas 4 plantas por vaso. Ap?s a coleta as plantas foram separadas em raiz, parte a?rea e gr?os e foi avaliada a absor??o dos elementos b?rio, ferro, mangan?s, c?lcio, s?dio, zinco e pot?ssio. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que os res?duos do secador e da centr?fuga promoveram aumento da produ??o de mat?ria seca pelas plantas, principalmente no tratamento lavado. Para o ensaio com colunas n?o houve lavagem dos res?duos. Foram testadas as mesmas doses em duas condi??es de umidade (70% da capacidade de campo e ambiente reduzido com presen?a de l?mina de ?gua). Durante a incuba??o foi feito o monitoramento de pH e potencial redox (Eh) at? que, na condi??o de redu??o, fossem atingidos valores pr?ximos de -200 mV, aguardando por 30 dias para assegurar a ocorr?ncia das rea??es de redu??o. Em seguida foi feito o ensaio de lixivia??o, simulando uma precipita??o e coletando o extrato lixiviado para avalia??o quanto ao teor de b?rio. Foi feito o fracionamento geoqu?mico do elemento b?rio utilizando-se o m?todo BCR com algumas modifica??es. Os resultados mostraram que no fracionamento as fra??es biodispon?vel para ambos os res?duos na condi??o de redu??o proporcionou uma maior disponibilidade do b?rio. Na lixivia??o houve um aumento dos teores de b?rio na condi??o de redu??o proporcionado pela redu??o de sulfato a sulfeto.

Avaliação das condições redox das águas intermediárias do Oceano Atlântico Sudoeste nos últimos 40 mil anos / Evaluate the redox conditions of the intermediate waters of the Southwest Atlantic in the last 40 thousand years

Gilberto Pereira Dias 25 May 2018 (has links)
O conhecimento da paleoceanografia do Oceano Atlântico Sul tem aumentado nas últimas décadas, porém ainda são raros os trabalhos sobre o Atlântico Sudoeste que utilizam dados de proxies de condições redox de massas d\'água, relacionados às mudanças climáticas entre os períodos Pleistoceno superior e Holoceno. Diante disso, esta Dissertação de Mestrado avaliou as condições redox das águas intermediárias do Atlântico Sudoeste nos últimos 40 mil anos. Este trabalho fez estudos de proxies geoquímicos - de condições redox (V/Sc, V/Cr, V/Al, Mn/Al e Ni/Co), de aporte de sedimentos terTMTMrígenos (Fe/Ca e Ti/Ca), de produtividade (COT, CaCO3) e origem da matéria orgânica (δ13C e C/N) - em um registro sedimentar marinho coletado na região do talude continental da margem sudeste brasileira, e os relacionou com as mudanças da Célula de Revolvimento Meridional do Atlântico (sigla em inglês AMOC - Atlantic Medirional Overturning Circulation) e com os principais eventos climáticos em escala orbital, como o Último Máximo Glacial, e de escala milenar, como os eventos tipo Heinrich Stadials, Younger Dryas e 8.2. Os resultados demonstram que, nos últimos 40 mil anos, as águas intermediárias que banham a costa sudeste brasileira apresentam níveis óxicos, o que classifica o ambiente como oxidante, porém foi possível observar variações na quantidade de oxigênio dissolvido nessas águas durante determinados eventos climáticos, bem como variações no aporte de sedimentos terrígenos e na produtividade. Em escala orbital a insolação de verão do Hemisfério Sul e a variação do nível do mar, governadas pelo ciclo de precessão, apresentam-se como os principais mecanismos que influenciam essas variações. Em escala milenar a variabilidade da AMOC apresenta-se como o principal mecanismo responsável por essas variações. Dentre os eventos climáticos de escala milenar, o evento 8.2 demonstrou complexa variabilidade nas condições redox das águas intermediárias do Atlântico Sudoeste, uma vez que, durante sua ocorrência, observamos aumento das concentrações de oxigênio dessas águas e baixos valores de produtividade. / The interest in the paleoceanographic history of the South Atlantic Ocean has increased in the last decades, however there are still few studies regarding the redox conditions of the intermediate water masses of the Southwest Atlantic and their relationship to the climatic changes during the upper Pleistocene and Holocene. Within this context, this work aims to evaluate the redox conditions of the intermediate waters of the Southwest Atlantic in the last 40 ka. For this, geochemical proxies - of redox conditions (V/ Sc, V/ Cr, V/ Al, Mn/ Al and Ni/ Co), of terrigenous sediments supply (Fe/ Ca and Ti/ Ca), of productive (COT, CaCO3), and organic matter source (δ13C and C / N) - were applied to marine sediments from a core collected on the continental slope of the Brazilian Southeastern margin and then related it to changes in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and with the main cold climatic events of North Atlantic, such as the Last Glacial Maximum and millennial scale, such as events type the Heinrich Stadials, Younger Dryas and 8.2. Our results show that, over the last 40,000 years, the redox conditions of the intermediate waters of the Brazilian Southeast margin present oxic levels, which classifies the environment as oxidant, however, variations was noticed in the amount of oxygen dissolved in these waters influenced by certain climatic events, as well as changes in the input of terrigenous sediments and in the productivity. In orbital scale, the summer insolation of the Southern Hemisphere and the variation of sea level, leaded by the cycle of precession, are presented as the main mechanisms that influence these variations. On the other hand, at millennia scale, the AMOC variability is the main mechanism responsible of these variations. Among the climate events at millennia scale, the event 8.2 demonstrated a complex variability of the redox conditions of the intermediate waters of the Southwest Atlantic, once during its occurrence we observed increase concentrations of oxygen in these waters and a decrease of productivity.

Conception de capsules organiques par auto-organisation d’hétérocycles fonctionnalisés / Conception of organic capsules by self-organization of functionalized heterocycles

Krykun, Serhii 15 May 2019 (has links)
Ce travail traite de la synthèse et de la caractérisation de nouvelles cages moléculaires discrètes riches en électrons préparées via la méthodologie d'auto-assemblage dirigée par les métaux, ainsi que de leurs propriétés redox et d’encapsulation. Les concepts généraux guidant la méthodologie d’auto-assemblage pilotée par les métaux sont présentés. Trois types de ligands tétratopiques rédox-actifs (L) constitués de tétrathiafulvalène (TTF), de dithiol-fluorène (DTF) ou de tétrathiafulvalène π étendu (exTTF) ont été conçus. Leur capacité à générer des cages auto-assemblées avec divers complexes (M) a été étudiée. Dans le premier cas, des métallacages M8L2 dont la géométrie offre une opportunité unique de favoriser des interactions inter-TTF étroites au cours du processus d’oxydation ont été décrites. Ces interactions ont été confirmées par des études électrochimiques ainsi que par DRX à partir d’un sel oxydé électrocristallisé. Dans le second cas, plusieurs auto-assemblages discrets MxLy (cages, clips) ont été obtenus à partir de nouveaux ligands électroactifs basés sur l'unité 9- (1,3-dithiol-2-ylidène) fluorène (DTF). Leurs propriétés rédox ainsi que leur capacité à complexer des unités électro-déficientes sont fortement dépendantes de la géométrie de l’auto-assemblage. Concernant le ligand exTTF, de grandes métallacages électroactives M12L6 (environ 4 000 Å3) ont été obtenus par combinaison avec des complexes trans de palladium ou d'argent. Ces dernières se désassemblent lors de l'oxydation, donnant lieu à une transformation sans précédent d'une cage métallique discrète en un polymère de coordination. Enfin, un nouveau squelette aromatique benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b'] dithiophène est décrit en tant qu’alternative aux dérivés riches en électrons π étendus. Le rôle critique des interactions non-covalentes 1,5 S ···S est démontré par une approche combinée expérimentale et théorique. / This work deals with the synthesis and characterization of new electron-rich discrete molecular cages, prepared via the coordination-driven self-assembly methodology, as well as on evaluating their redox and host-guest properties. The general concepts guiding the metal-driven self-assembly methodology are presented. Three types of redox-active tetratopic ligands (L) featuring either a tetrathiafulvalene (TTF), a dithiol-fluorene (DTF) or a π-extended tetrathiafulvalene (exTTF) have been designed. Their ability to generate self-assembled cages upon combination with various metal complexes (M) has been studied. In the first case, M8L2 metallacages were obtained, whose geometry offers a unique opportunity to promote close inter-TTF interactions upon oxidation, as confirmed through electrochemical studies as well as from single-crystal DRX from an electrocrystallized oxidized salt. In the second case, several discrete self-assemblies MxLy (cages, clips) were obtained and characterized from new electro-active ligands based on the 9-(1,3-dithiol-2-ylidene)fluorene (DTF) unit. Their redox properties as well as their binding ability towards electro-deficient planar species show a strong dependence to the self-assembly geometry. Considering the exTTF ligand, large (ca. 4000 Å3) electroactive M12L6 metallacages were obtained from combining with trans palladium or silver complexes. Le latter exhibits a disassembling process upon oxidation, giving rise to an unprecedented redox-triggered transformation of discrete metalla-cage into a coordination polymer. Finally, a new benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b'] dithiophene aromatic scaffold is investigated as an alternative π-extended electron-rich derivative. The critical role of non-covalent 1,5 S···S interactions is demonstrated by a combined experimental and theoretical approach.

Dégradation enzymatique de micropolluants récalcitrants d'origine pharmaceutique / Enzymatic degradation of recalcitrant pharmaceutical micropollutants

Parra Guardado, Ana Luisa 10 May 2019 (has links)
Ce travail concerne l'étude de la dégradation enzymatique de micropolluants pharmaceutiques récalcitrants présents dans l'eau. Tout d’abord, les efficacités de trois laccases différentes issues respectivement de : Pycnoporus sanguineus CS43, Trametes versicolor (Tv) et Myceliophtora thermophila ont été comparés lors d’essais de dépollution de solutions modèles renfermant trois antibiotiques (amoxicilline, ciprofloxacine et sulfaméthoxazole) et un antiépileptique (carbamazépine). Les essais ont été réalisés avec les laccases libres en présence ou non de médiateurs redox. L'impact de plusieurs paramètres opératoires sur les performances des enzymes a également été étudié. Puis, une nouvelle méthode d’immobilisation des laccases impliquant l’activation du support (microparticules à base de silice commerciales) par du glutaraldéhyde en phase vapeur a été mise au point et optimisée en utilisant la méthodologie de plans d’expériences. Après immobilisation, la laccase Tv s’est avérée être la plus active. Des essais de dégradation en présence de médiateurs redox ont confirmé l’efficacité de l’enzyme immobilisée et sa possible réutilisation lors de cycles successifs. La toxicité des solutions après traitement a été évaluée par des tests Microtox®. La laccase Tv a également été immobilisée sur des nanoparticules non commerciales à base de silice ou d’argile ainsi que sur des composites à base de silice et d’argile. La laccase Tv immobilisée sur les supports composites riches en silice a montré une plus grande réactivité et de meilleures performances pour l'élimination des composés cibles. / This work is focused on the study of the enzymatic depletion of recalcitrant pharmaceutical micropollutants in water. The potential degradation of three antibiotics (amoxicillin, ciprofloxacin and sulfamethoxazole) and one anti-epileptic (carbamazepine) was studied with three laccases: Pycnoporus sanguineus CS43, Trametes versicolor (Tv) and Myceliophtora thermophila. Free laccase systems were evaluated for pharmaceuticals depletion on model solutions in the presence or absence of redox mediators and the impact of several parameters on the performance of laccases for degradation were studied. The enzymes were then immobilized on different solid supports: commercial silica, laboratory synthetized nano-silica and clay based composite nanomaterials and used for degradation tests. A novel methodology for the covalent binding of laccases onto carriers was developed by using glutaraldehyde in vapour phase and the best immobilization conditions were determined through a 23 full factorial design. The immobilized Tv shown the highest activity and was tested in presence of redox mediators. Moreover, the reusability was evaluated in several degradation cycles and the toxicity of the solutions after treatment was assessed with the Microtox® test. In comparison to laccase immobilized on commercial silica, the Tv supported on laboratory synthetized materials showed higher activity and a better performance for the removal of target compounds.

Bromine complexing agents for use in vanadium bromide (V/Br) redox flow cell

Poon, Grace, Chemical Sciences & Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
The Vanadium bromide (V/Br) flow cell employs the Br3-/Br- couple in the positive and the V(II)/V(III) couple in the negative half cell. One major issue of this flow cell is bromine gas formation in the positive half cell during charging which results from the low solubility of bromine in aqueous solutions. Bromine complexing agents previously used in the zinc-bromine fuel cell were evaluated for their applicability in V/Br flow cell electrolytes. Three quaternary ammonium bromides: N-ethyl-N-methyl-morpholinium bromide (MEM), N-ethyl-N-methyl-pyrrolidinium bromide (MEP) and Tetra-butyl ammonium bromide (TBA) were studied. It is known that aqueous bromine reacts with quaternary ammonium bromides to form an immiscible organic phase. Depending on the number of quaternary ammonium bromides used and the environmental temperature, the second phase formed will either be solid or liquid. As any solid formation would interrupt the flow cell operation, potential formation of such kind has to be eliminated. Stability tests of simulated V/Br electrolyte with added quaternary ammonium bromides were carried out at 11, 25 and 40 oC. In the absence of bromine, the addition of MEM, MEP and TBA were found to be stable in V/Br electrolytes. However, in the presence of bromine, solid formation was observed in the bromine rich organic phase when the V/Br electrolyte contained a single quaternary ammonium bromide (QBr) compound. For V/Br electrolytes with binary or ternary QBr mixtures containing TBA, the presence of bromine caused a viscous polybromide phase to form at room temperature and the release of bromine gas at higher temperature. Only a binary mixture of MEM and MEP formed a stable liquid organic phase between 11 ?? 40 oC. In this study it was found that V/Br electrolytes containing a binary QBr mixture (0.75M) of MEM and MEP gave the best combination that formed an orange oily layer in the presence of bromine without solidification between 11 ?? 40oC. Furthermore, it was found that samples of V/Br electrolytes containing a ternary QBr mixture, are less effective in bromine capturing if the total QBr concentration was less than 1 M at 40oC, where bromine gas evolution was observed. From electrochemical studies of V3+/V2+, it was found that the addition of MEM and MEP had a minimal effect on the formal potential of the V3+/V2+ couple, the V2+/V3+ transfer coefficient and the diffusion coefficient of V3+. Therefore, MEM and MEP can be added to the negative half-cell of a V/Br flow cell without major interference From linear sweep voltammetry, the kinetics of the Br-/Br3- redox couple was found to be mass transfer controlled. After the addition of MEM and MEP mixture, the exchange current density was found to decrease from 0.013 Acm-2 to 0.01 Acm-2. On the other hand the transfer coefficient before and after MEM and MEP addition was found to be 0.5 and 0.44 respectively. Since the kinetic parameters were not significantly affected by the addition of MEM and MEP mixture, they can be added to the positive half-cell of the V/Br flow cell as bromine complexing agents. The electrochemical studies of both V3+/V2+ and Br-/Br3- showed the addition of MEM and MEP has minimal interference with the redox reactions of the vanadium bromide flow cell. This thesis also investigated the effect of MEM and MEP addition on the cell performance of a lab scale V/Br flow cell using two different membranes (ChiNaf and VF11). Flow cell performance for 2 M V3.7+ + 0.19 M MEM + 0.56 M MEP electrolytes utilising ChiNaf membrane at 10 mAcm-2 produced an energy efficiency of 59%, and this decreased to 43% after 15 cycles. For the static cell utilising VF11 membrane, the addition of MEM and MEP reduced the energy efficiency from 59.7% to 43.4%. It is believed that this is caused by the mass transfer controlled Br-/Br3- couple in the complexed positive half-cell solution. Therefore, uniformity between the organic and aqueous phase is important for flow cells utilising electrolytes with MEM and MEP. Finally, the polarization resistance of a lab scale V/Br flow cell utilising ChiNaf membrane and 2 M V3.7+ electrolytes was found to be slightly higher during cell charging (3.9 cm2) than during the discharge process (3.6 cm2), which is opposed to that in the all-vanadium redox cell.

Direct measurement of vanadium cross-over in an operating redox flow battery

Sing, David Charles 15 November 2013 (has links)
A redox flow battery (RFB) is an electrochemical energy storage device in which the storage medium is in the form of liquid electrolyte, which is stored in external reservoirs separate from the cell stack. The storage capacity of such systems is limited by the size of the external tanks, making the RFB an ideal technology for grid level energy storage. The vanadium redox flow battery (VRB) is a particularly attractive variant of the RFB, due to its use of a single transition-metal element in both the positive and negative electrolytes. However, the performance of the VRB is affected by the cross-over of electrolytes through the ion-exchange membrane which separates the positive and negative electrolytes. Cross-over causes degradation of energy storage efficiency and long term capacity loss. Previous studies of ion cross-over have focused primarily on the measurement of ion diffusion across ion exchange membranes in the absence of electrical current. In this work a novel VRB cell is described in which ion cross-over can be measured directly in the presence and absence of electrical current. Measurements are made of cross-over using this cell with three different types of ion exchange membrane in both charge and discharge modes. The results reported in this work show that the rate of ion cross-over can be greatly enhanced or suppressed depending upon the magnitude of the current flow and its direction relative to the ion concentration gradient. / text

Late First-Row Transition Metals in Weak Ligand Fields - Correlating High-Spin Electronic Structure and Reactivity

Sazama, Graham Thomas 16 September 2013 (has links)
High spin has been shown to be necessary for optimal reactivity of transition metal complexes toward the activation and functionalization of C-H bonds. This thesis presents our examination of the weak-field, tripodal, trianionic tris(pyrrolyl)ethane (tpe) ligand and its complexes. Outer-sphere oxidation of the manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel and zinc complexes of tpe were performed by electrochemical and chemical methods. Electrochemical oxidation occurred at the same potential for each species, suggesting a ligand-based oxidation. The reaction product of chemical oxidation of iron showed oxidation of a pyrrole unit followed by H-atom abstraction to form a dichelated species. Density functional theory calculations confirm these results, and in silico oxidation of the complexes is entirely ligand-based. These results establish that tpe complexes are oxidized at the pyrrolide subunits in outersphere electron transfers, and elucidate minimal metal-ligand electronic communication. The more reactive \([(tpe)Fe(THF)]^−\) anion exhibits rapid binding of three equivalents of tert-butyl isonitrile, while reaction with excess carbon monoxide induces ligand fragmentation to form a species wherein two molecules of carbon monoxide have been reductively coupled. A mechanism based on the observed isonitrile species is proposed. The use of inner-sphere oxidant reagents allows for several stable iron (III) complexes of tpe to be isolated and characterized. Alkyl peroxides and alkyl disulfides, organic azides, and diphenyldiazomethane are all shown to oxidize iron by a single electron. Reaction with organic azides results in the formation of iron (III) amide species, likely as a result of Hatom abstraction. The weak-field of tpe creates a high propensity for forming high-spin iron (III) complexes, to the extent that diphenyldiazoalkane acts as a redox-active ligand and provides a one-electron reservoir to reveal a high-spin \(Fe^{3+}\). Spectroscopic and computational studies were undertaken to rigorously assign the physical oxidation state of iron in all cases. Given the outer-sphere redox liability of the tpe ligand, and the capability for inner-sphere oxidation local to iron, tpe complexes of iron represent a new class of metal-ligand redox activity, wherein the metal and ligand form two separate redox reservoirs, accessible via different mechanisms. / Chemistry and Chemical Biology

Potential Role Of Endoplasmic Reticulum Redox Changes In Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress And Impaired Protein Folding In Obesity-Associated Insulin Resistance

Sarkar, Deboleena Dipak January 2013 (has links)
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress plays an important role in the pathogenesis of obesity-related inflammation and insulin resistance in adipose tissue. However, the mechanisms responsible for induction of ER stress are presently unclear. Proper ER redox state is crucial for oxidative protein folding and secretion and impaired protein folding in ER leads to induction of unfolded protein response and ER stress. However, while ER redox state is more oxidizing compared to the rest of the cell, its regulation is poorly understood. In order to determine the effects of ER redox state on development of ER stress and insulin resistance, several fluorescence-based sensors have been developed. However, these sensors have yielded results that are inconsistent with each other and with earlier non-fluorescence-based studies. In this study we attempted to develop and characterize a sensitive tool to study the ER redox state in adipocytes in real-time by targeting a new generation of redox-sensitive green fluorescent protein (roGFP) to ER. The roGFP1-iL sensor targeted to the ER is termed ‘eroGFP1-iL’ by convention. The ER-targeting eroGFP1-iL construct contains the signal peptide from adiponectin and the ER retention motif KDEL and has a midpoint reduction potential of -229 mV in vitro in oxidized and reduced lipoic acid. Despite having a midpoint reduction potential that is 50 mV higher than the previously determined midpoint reduction potential of the ER, eroGFP1-iL was found capable of detecting both oxidizing and reducing changes in the ER. In an attempt to determine the mechanisms by which roGFP1-iL detects oxidizing changes, we found that, first, glutathione mediated the formation of disulfide-bonded roGFP1-iL dimers with an intermediate excitation fluorescence spectrum resembling a mixture of oxidized and reduced monomers. Second, glutathione facilitated dimerization of roGFP1-iL, which in effect shifted the equilibrium from oxidized monomers to dimers, thereby increasing the molecule’s reduction potential compared with a dithiol redox buffer like lipoic acid. From this study, we concluded that the glutathione redox couple in ER significantly raised the reduction potential of roGFP1-iL in vivo by facilitating its dimerization while preserving its ratiometric nature, which makes it suitable for monitoring oxidizing and reducing changes in ER with high reliability in real-time. The ability of roGFP1-iL to detect both oxidizing and reducing changes in ER and its dynamic response in glutathione redox buffer between approximately -190 and -130 mV in vitro suggest a range of ER redox potential consistent with those determined by earlier approaches that did not involve fluorescent sensors. Our primary aim in developing eroGFP1-iL as a redox-sensing tool was to be able to assess whether redox changes represent an early initiator of ER stress in obesity-induced reduction in high molecular weight (HMW) adiponectin in circulation. Hypoxia is a known mediator of redox changes. We found that oligomerization of HMW adiponectin was impaired in the hypoxic conditions observed in differentiated fat cells. The redox-active antioxidant ascorbate was found capable of reversing hypoxia-induced ER stress. Lastly, we demonstrated that changes in ER redox condition is associated with ER stress response and is implicated in the mechanism of action of the insulin-sensitizing agent troglitazone and desensitizing agent palmitate. Using the redox sensing property of eroGFP1-iL, palmitate was found to be an effective modulator of redox changes in the ER and troglitazone was found to cause oxidizing changes in the ER. The action of palmitate in causing aberrant ER redox conditions was associated with aberrant HMW adiponectin multimerization. Palmitate-induced ER stress was ameliorated by troglitazone. Taken together, the data suggest a potential role of ER redox changes in ER stress and impaired protein folding in adipocytes.

Die Glutathionperoxidase 2 : physiologische Funktion und Rolle in der Azoxymethan-induzierten Colonkanzerogenese / The glutathione peroxidase 2 : physiological function and role in azoxymethane-induced colon carcinogenesis

Müller, Mike-Freya January 2013 (has links)
Das Selenoprotein Glutathionperoxidase 2 (GPx2) ist ein epithelzellspezifisches, Hydroperoxide-reduzierendes Enzym, welches im Darmepithel, vor allem in den proliferierenden Zellen des Kryptengrundes, exprimiert wird. Die Aufrechterhaltung der GPx2-Expression im Kryptengrund auch bei subadäquatem Selenstatus könnte darauf hinweisen, dass sie hier besonders wichtige Funktionen wahrnimmt. Tatsächlich weisen GPx2 knockout (KO)-Mäuse eine erhöhte Apoptoserate im Kryptengrund auf. Ein Ziel dieser Arbeit war es deshalb, die physiologische Funktion der GPx2 näher zu untersuchen. In Kryptengrundepithelzellen aus dem Colon selenarmer GPx2 KO-Mäuse wurde eine erhöhte Caspase 3/7-Aktivität im Vergleich zum Wildtyp (WT) festgestellt. Zudem wiesen diese Zellen eine erhöhte Suszeptibilität für oxidativen Stress auf. Die GPx2 gewährleistet also den Schutz der proliferierenden Zellen des Kryptengrundes auch bei subadäquater Selenversorgung. Des Weiteren wurde im Colon selenarmer (-Se) und -adäquater (+Se) GPx2 KO-Mäuse im Vergleich zum WT eine erhöhte Tumornekrosefaktor α-Expression und eine erhöhte Infiltration von Makrophagen festgestellt. Durch Fütterung einer selensupplementierten Diät (++Se) konnte dies verhindert werden. In GPx2 KO-Mäusen liegt demnach bereits basal eine niedriggradige Entzündung vor. Dies unterstreicht, dass GPx2 vor allem eine wichtige antiinflammatorische Funktion im Darmepithel besitzt. Dem Mikronährstoff Selen werden protektive Funktionen in der Colonkanzerogenese zugeschrieben. In einem Mausmodell der Colitis-assoziierten Colonkanzerogenese wirkte GPx2 antiinflammatorisch und hemmte so die Tumorentstehung. Auf der anderen Seite wurden jedoch auch prokanzerogene Eigenschaften der GPx2 aufgedeckt. Deshalb sollte in dieser Arbeit untersucht werden, welchen Effekt ein GPx2 knockout in einem Modell der sporadischen, durch Azoxymethan (AOM) induzierten, Colonkanzerogenese hat. Im WT kam es in präneoplastischen Läsionen häufig zu einer erhöhten GPx2-Expression im Vergleich zur normalen Darmmucosa. Eine derartige Steigerung der GPx2-Expression wurde auch in der humanen Colonkanzerogenese beschrieben. Das Fehlen der GPx2 resultierte in einer verminderten Entstehung von Tumoren (-Se und ++Se) und präneoplastischen Läsionen (-Se und +Se). Somit förderte GPx2 die Tumorentstehung im AOM-Modell. Acht Stunden nach AOM-Gabe war im GPx2 KO-Colon im Vergleich zum WT eine erhöhte Apoptoserate in der Kryptenmitte (-Se, +Se), nicht jedoch im Kryptengrund oder in der ++Se-Gruppe zu beobachten. Möglicherweise wirkte GPx2 prokanzerogen, indem sie die effiziente Elimination geschädigter Zellen in der Tumorinitiationsphase verhinderte. Eine ähnliche Wirkung wäre auch durch die erhöhte GPx2-Expression in der Promotionsphase denkbar. So könnte GPx2 proliferierende präneoplastische Zellen vor oxidativem Stress, Apoptosen, oder auch der Antitumorimmunität schützen. Dies könnte durch ein Zusammenwirken mit anderen Selenoproteinen wie GPx1 und Thioredoxinreduktasen, für die ebenfalls auch prokanzerogene Funktionen beschrieben wurden, verstärkt werden. Eine wichtige Rolle könnte hier die Modulation des Redoxstatus in Tumorzellen spielen. Die Variation des Selengehalts der Diät hatte im WT einen eher U-förmigen Effekt. So traten in der –Se und ++Se-Gruppe tendenziell mehr und größere Tumore auf, als in der +Se Gruppe. Zusammenfassend schützt GPx2 also die proliferierenden Zellen des Kryptengrundes. Sie könnte jedoch auch proliferierende transformierte Zellen schützen und so die sporadische, AOM-induzierte Colonkanzerogenese fördern. In einem Modell der Colitis-assoziierten Colonkanzerogenese hatte GPx2 auf Grund ihrer antiinflammatorischen Wirkung einen gegenteiligen Effekt und hemmte die Tumorentstehung. Die Rolle der GPx2 in der Colonkanzerogenese ist also abhängig vom zugrunde liegenden Mechanismus und wird maßgeblich von der Beteiligung einer Entzündung bestimmt. / The selenoprotein glutathione peroxidase 2 (GPx2) is a hydroperoxide-reducing enzyme that is mainly expressed in the gastrointestinal epithelium, especially in the crypt base were the proliferating cells reside. GPx2 expression is maintained even when the selenium supply is limited, which indicates that GPx2 might have an important function in these cells. Indeed, GPx2 knockout (KO)-mice have an enhanced rate of apoptosis in the crypt base. Therefore one aim of this study was to further elucidate the physiological function of the GPx2. Isolated colonic crypt base epithelial cells of selenium deficient GPx2 KO-mice were found to have a higher caspase 3/7 activity than wild type (wt) cells. Moreover they exhibited an enhanced susceptibility for oxidative stress. Thus GPx2 protects the proliferative crypt base cells of the intestine, especially when the selenium supply is limited. Additionally an enhanced expression of tumor necrosis factor α and an enhanced infiltration of macrophages were detected in the colon of GPx2 KO-mice in comparison to the wt. These effects were observed on a selenium deficient (-Se) and -adequate (+Se) diet, but could be prevented by feeding a selenium supplemented (++Se) diet. Accordingly, GPx2 KO-mice have a basal low grade inflammation. This underlines, that GPx2 has an important anti-inflammatory function in the intestinal epithelium. Selenium deficiency is linked to an increased risk of developing colorectal cancer. In a mouse model of colitis-associated colon carcinogenesis, GPx2 had anti-inflammatory and thus anticarcinogenic effects. However, also procarcinogenic functions of the GPx2 have been observed. Therefore, this study aimed to analyse the role of GPx2 in a model of non-inflammation triggered, sporadic colon carcinogenesis induced by azoxymethane (AOM). In preneoplastic lesions of wt mice, an enhanced expression of GPx2 in comparison to the normal mucosa was frequently observed. An upregulation of GPx2 expression has also been described in human colon carcinogenesis. GPx2 KO mice had less tumors (-Se and ++Se) and less preneoplastic lesions (-Se, +Se) than wt mice. Accordingly GPx2 promotes colon carcinogenesis in the AOM-model. Eight hours after AOM-application, a higher rate of apoptosis was observed in the mid-crypt region of the colon of GPx2 ko mice in comparison to wt mice in the –Se and +Se groups, but not in the ++Se group or in the crypt base. Thus GPx2 might act procarcinogenic by preventing the elimination of cells with DNA-damage in the tumor initiation stage. Similarly, the enhanced GPx2-expression in preneoplastic cells could promote tumorigenesis by protecting these cells from oxidative stress, apoptosis or antitumor immunity. This effect might be enhanced by other selenoproteins like GPx1 or thioredoxin reductases that have also been reported to possess procarcinogenic properties and it might be closely related to the regulation of the redox state of tumor cells. In wt mice, the selenium content of the diet turned out to have a rather U-shaped effect on colon carcinogenesis. In the –Se and ++Se groups, wt mice tended to have more and larger tumors than in the ++Se group. In conclusion, GPx2 protects the proliferating cells of the intestinal crypt base, but it could also protect proliferating transformed cells and thus promote sporadic, AOM-induced colon carcinogenesis. In contrast, GPx2 acted anticarcinogenic in a model of colitis-associated colon carcinogenesis due to its antiinflammatory properties. Thus, the role of GPx2 in colon carcinogenesis depends on the underlying mechanisms, especially on the involvement of an inflammation.

Bromine complexing agents for use in vanadium bromide (V/Br) redox flow cell

Poon, Grace, Chemical Sciences & Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
The Vanadium bromide (V/Br) flow cell employs the Br3-/Br- couple in the positive and the V(II)/V(III) couple in the negative half cell. One major issue of this flow cell is bromine gas formation in the positive half cell during charging which results from the low solubility of bromine in aqueous solutions. Bromine complexing agents previously used in the zinc-bromine fuel cell were evaluated for their applicability in V/Br flow cell electrolytes. Three quaternary ammonium bromides: N-ethyl-N-methyl-morpholinium bromide (MEM), N-ethyl-N-methyl-pyrrolidinium bromide (MEP) and Tetra-butyl ammonium bromide (TBA) were studied. It is known that aqueous bromine reacts with quaternary ammonium bromides to form an immiscible organic phase. Depending on the number of quaternary ammonium bromides used and the environmental temperature, the second phase formed will either be solid or liquid. As any solid formation would interrupt the flow cell operation, potential formation of such kind has to be eliminated. Stability tests of simulated V/Br electrolyte with added quaternary ammonium bromides were carried out at 11, 25 and 40 oC. In the absence of bromine, the addition of MEM, MEP and TBA were found to be stable in V/Br electrolytes. However, in the presence of bromine, solid formation was observed in the bromine rich organic phase when the V/Br electrolyte contained a single quaternary ammonium bromide (QBr) compound. For V/Br electrolytes with binary or ternary QBr mixtures containing TBA, the presence of bromine caused a viscous polybromide phase to form at room temperature and the release of bromine gas at higher temperature. Only a binary mixture of MEM and MEP formed a stable liquid organic phase between 11 ?? 40 oC. In this study it was found that V/Br electrolytes containing a binary QBr mixture (0.75M) of MEM and MEP gave the best combination that formed an orange oily layer in the presence of bromine without solidification between 11 ?? 40oC. Furthermore, it was found that samples of V/Br electrolytes containing a ternary QBr mixture, are less effective in bromine capturing if the total QBr concentration was less than 1 M at 40oC, where bromine gas evolution was observed. From electrochemical studies of V3+/V2+, it was found that the addition of MEM and MEP had a minimal effect on the formal potential of the V3+/V2+ couple, the V2+/V3+ transfer coefficient and the diffusion coefficient of V3+. Therefore, MEM and MEP can be added to the negative half-cell of a V/Br flow cell without major interference From linear sweep voltammetry, the kinetics of the Br-/Br3- redox couple was found to be mass transfer controlled. After the addition of MEM and MEP mixture, the exchange current density was found to decrease from 0.013 Acm-2 to 0.01 Acm-2. On the other hand the transfer coefficient before and after MEM and MEP addition was found to be 0.5 and 0.44 respectively. Since the kinetic parameters were not significantly affected by the addition of MEM and MEP mixture, they can be added to the positive half-cell of the V/Br flow cell as bromine complexing agents. The electrochemical studies of both V3+/V2+ and Br-/Br3- showed the addition of MEM and MEP has minimal interference with the redox reactions of the vanadium bromide flow cell. This thesis also investigated the effect of MEM and MEP addition on the cell performance of a lab scale V/Br flow cell using two different membranes (ChiNaf and VF11). Flow cell performance for 2 M V3.7+ + 0.19 M MEM + 0.56 M MEP electrolytes utilising ChiNaf membrane at 10 mAcm-2 produced an energy efficiency of 59%, and this decreased to 43% after 15 cycles. For the static cell utilising VF11 membrane, the addition of MEM and MEP reduced the energy efficiency from 59.7% to 43.4%. It is believed that this is caused by the mass transfer controlled Br-/Br3- couple in the complexed positive half-cell solution. Therefore, uniformity between the organic and aqueous phase is important for flow cells utilising electrolytes with MEM and MEP. Finally, the polarization resistance of a lab scale V/Br flow cell utilising ChiNaf membrane and 2 M V3.7+ electrolytes was found to be slightly higher during cell charging (3.9 cm2) than during the discharge process (3.6 cm2), which is opposed to that in the all-vanadium redox cell.

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