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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

No cora??o da escola m?dica : um estudo preliminar da empatia na forma??o m?dica

Silva, Andre Luiz da 04 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2015-05-28T11:22:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 469523 - Texto Completo.pdf: 2017969 bytes, checksum: 65a18438020d006a68eb9d88965fefd4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-28T11:22:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 469523 - Texto Completo.pdf: 2017969 bytes, checksum: 65a18438020d006a68eb9d88965fefd4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-04 / The general objective of this very present dissertation is to assess the agreeableness of medical students through validation of the Big Five Inventory - 10 (IBGFP-5) in Brazil. The IBGFP-5 is a brief self-report inventory, composed by 11 items and designed to assess dimensions of personality based upon Big Five Personality Factor model, which are: Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness (in this study, as a synonym of empathy) and Neuroticism. Such model has been replicated in several countries in the world, including Brazil. The specific objectives of this study are: (1) validating IBGFP-5 through test and retest analysis (time reliability); (2) to do crossed correlation of the IBGFP-5 as a shorter version of the IGFP-5; (3) to do convergent validaty with the Interpersonal Reactivity Index of Davis (EMRI), which assess only empathy; (4) to assess the internal consistence of the five dimensions of the IBGPF-5 in the total sample of respondents and subsets represented by the five cohorts of students, from the first to the sixth year; (5) evaluate evidences of agreeableness based upon differences of IBGFP-5 factors scores, in social and demographic variables and concerning another personality traits; and (6) discuss possible factors that may influence the development of empathy along medical school at FAMED/PUCRS. The total sample, after eliminating missing data, was composed by 200 respondents, medical students at PUCRS, most of them are female (60,5%), with mean age of 22 years old. Using confirmatory factor analysis, the IBGFP-5 comes down to a 0,256 Cronbach?s alpha. According to time reliability, convergent validity and concurrent validity, data averaged in a general fashion low reliable psychological parameters. Concerning empathy features, in post hoc tests it were noticed differences between gender and spirituality level and empathy scores (p<0,05). Results in this study tend to construct validity of the Portuguese version of the IBGFP-5, even though it has restrictions and adjustment needs. Thus, results suggest the need of further investigation of empathy among students, since empathy is a multifactorial trait, and also communication skill training in medical school. Considering the fact that the IBGFP-5 is a brief inventory with a short application time it can easily be used in transcultural studies. The limitations of this study are featured, as well as a future research calendar. / A presente disserta??o tem como objetivo geral avaliar a empatia de alunos de gradua??o de Medicina atrav?s da valida??o do Big Five Inventory - 10 (Invent?rio Breve dos Cinco Grandes Fatores de Personalidade ? IBGFP-5) para o Brasil. O IBGFP-5 ? uma medida de auto relato breve, composta por 11 itens e designada a avaliar dimens?es da personalidade baseada no modelo dos Cinco Grandes Fatores da Personalidade, que s?o: ?Abertura?, ?Conscienciosidade?, ?Extrovers?o?, ?Amabilidade? (no estudo, tida como sin?nimo de empatia) e ?Neuroticismo?. Tal modelo tem apresentado replicabilidade em v?rios pa?ses do mundo, inclusive no Brasil. Os objetivos espec?ficos do estudo foram: (1) fazer a valida??o de teste e re-teste (consist?ncia temporal) do IBGFP-5; (2) fazer correla??o cruzada do IBGFP-5 enquanto fra??o do IGFP-5; (3) Fazer valida??o convergente com a Escala Multidimensional de Reatividade Interpessoal de Davis (EMRI); (4) avaliar a fidedignidade dos cinco fatores do IBGFP-5 a partir da amostra total de respondentes e de subamostras representadas pelas coortes de alunos do primeiro ao sexto ano; (5) verificar evid?ncias de amabilidade baseadas na diferencia??o de escores dos fatores do IBGFP-5 em vari?veis sociodemogr?ficas e em rela??o a outras caracter?sticas da personalidade; e (6) Discutir poss?veis fatores que influenciem no desenvolvimento de empatia na forma??o m?dica na FAMED/PUCRS. A amostra, ap?s a elimina??o dos dados ausentes, foi composta por 200 respondentes, alunos da Gradua??o em Medicina da PUCRS, a maioria do sexo feminino (60,5%), com idade m?dia de 22 anos. A partir da an?lise fatorial confirmat?ria, verificou-se que o IBGFP-5 mostrou um alfa de Cronbach de 0,256. Com base na valida??o de consist?ncia temporal, valida??o convergente e concorrente verificou-se, de forma geral, que os itens do IBGFP-5 apresentaram par?metros psicom?tricos pouco consistentes. Com rela??o ?s caracter?sticas e escores de empatia foram observadas em testes post hoc varia??es em rela??o ao g?nero e ao grau de espiritualidade em rela??o aos tra?os de empatia (p<0,05). Resultados obtidos neste estudo indicam a validade de construto da vers?o em L?ngua Portuguesa do Big Five Inventory para o Brasil ainda que com restri??es e necessidade de ajustes. Os resultados indicam ainda a necessidade de investiga??o adicional da empatia, dado que ? um atributo multifatorial. Por se tratar de uma medida reduzida e de r?pida aplica??o, ela pode ser facilmente utilizada em estudos transculturais. S?o explicitadas as limita??es do estudo, bem como uma agenda futura de pesquisa.

Dignidade da pessoa humana e autonomia da vontade : um estudo interdisciplinar sobre os limites ?ticos e jur?dicos nos casos de eutan?sia

Lima, Andrei Ferreira de Ara?jo 27 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Direito (ppgdir@pucrs.br) on 2018-06-04T13:38:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Andrei_Ferreira_de_Arau?jo_Lima_DIS.pdf: 2336908 bytes, checksum: 566fe92260d6a118f2a36da3cfd3cc73 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sheila Dias (sheila.dias@pucrs.br) on 2018-06-11T13:15:40Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Andrei_Ferreira_de_Arau?jo_Lima_DIS.pdf: 2336908 bytes, checksum: 566fe92260d6a118f2a36da3cfd3cc73 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-11T13:29:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Andrei_Ferreira_de_Arau?jo_Lima_DIS.pdf: 2336908 bytes, checksum: 566fe92260d6a118f2a36da3cfd3cc73 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-27 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This work is the result of an interdisciplinary study between the Science of Law and Bioethics. It aims to understand the ethical and legal limits of the possible right to die, specifically euthanasia. In order to achieve that goal, we will investigate the conflict and the conformation between the fundamental right to life, to human dignity and the autonomy of the will, taking into account both doctrine and national and international jurisprudence. The main reason for the reincorporation of the subject of euthanasia into the medical and legal debate (both academic and jurisprudential) refers to the fast-moving and efficient evolution of medical science, developing treatments that can prolong the patient?s life, possibly, depending on the sickness, forever. In face of this reality, one can perceive the alteration of certain paradigms of Bioethics, such as the breaking of the paternalistic relationship between doctor and patient, the principle of beneficence according to what would be best for the patient, and the removal of unreasonable obstinacy, based on the autonomy of the will and in human dignity. In this scenario, the patients? rights are increasingly debated and new contour to the state?s duty to protect life are being given, especially when in conflict with the dignity and autonomy of the patient. In this scenario, it?s debated a possible right to die with dignity. This right promotes numerous questions, especially concerning the ethical and legal limits in cases of euthanasia, requiring the establishment of clear criteria, having as a basic principle the maximum protection of the patient?s dignity. It is emphasized that, in spite of the varied forms of assisted death, as well as the recent incorporation of ortotan?sia (term in Portuguese used for terminal patients who decline useless treatments and have their right to die granted) as legal conduct in medical ethics in Brazil, the work seeks to solve questions related to euthanasia. First classifying it, in order to avoid any form of semantic confusion. In the following points it will be discussed as a possible establishment of legal criteria as well as the practical developments, taking into account both the medical deontology and the patient?s fundamental rights. / O presente trabalho de disserta??o ? fruto de um estudo interdisciplinar entre a Ci?ncia do Direito e a Bio?tica, buscando compreender quais s?o os limites ?ticos e jur?dicos relativos a um poss?vel direito ? morte, especificamente ? eutan?sia. Para tanto, se investigar? o conflito e a conforma??o entre os direitos fundamentais ? vida, ? dignidade e ? autonomia, levando em considera??o tanto a doutrina quanto a jurisprud?ncia nacional e internacional. Elucida-se que o principal motivo para a reincopora??o da tem?tica da eutan?sia no debate m?dico e jur?dico (tanto em n?vel acad?mico quanto jurisprudencial), se refere ? r?pida e eficaz evolu??o da ci?ncia m?dica, desenvolvendo tratamentos que possam prolongar a vida de um paciente, por vezes, de modo ad eternum. Frente a essa realidade, se percebe a gradativa altera??o de determinados conceitos da Bio?tica, como a quebra da rela??o paternalista entre m?dico e paciente, o princ?pio da benefic?ncia de acordo com o que seria melhor para o paciente, e o afastamento da obstina??o irrazo?vel, todos calcados na autonomia da vontade e na dignidade da pessoa humana. Nesse cen?rio, os direitos dos pacientes s?o cada vez mais debatidos e o dever de prote??o da vida por parte do Estado passa a receber novos contornos, impondo-se limites ? dimens?o objetiva do direito fundamental ? vida, podendo prevalecer, em casos espec?ficos, a dimens?o subjetiva desse mesmo direito. Dessa rela??o entre vida, dignidade e autonomia, fala-se em um poss?vel direito ? morte digna. Contudo, restam in?meras quest?es quanto aos limites desse direito, tanto em um sentido ?tico quanto jur?dico, pois por mais que se conclua pela exist?ncia de um direito ? morte, necess?rio ser? o estabelecimento de crit?rios, limitando a autonomia dos pacientes, tendo como norte a prote??o m?xima de sua dignidade. Frisa-se que, em que pesem as mais variadas formas de morte assistida, bem como a recente incorpora??o da ortotan?sia como conduta legal na ?tica m?dica brasileira, o trabalho buscar? resolver quest?es relacionadas ? eutan?sia. Primeiro classificando-a, de modo a evitar qualquer forma de confus?o sem?ntica, para nos pontos seguintes estabelecer os crit?rios jur?dicos, bem como os desdobramentos pr?ticos calcados na deontologia m?dica.

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