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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En ekofeministik analys av Ett biskopsbrev om klimatet

Hartell, Hannah January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

The Centurion’s Faith in Pauline perspective : Using Gal 3:21–26 and Rom 3:21–24 to understand Matt 8:5–13

Johansson, Elsa January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to investigate how two Pauline pericopes (Gal 3:21–26 and Rom3:21–24) can help us to understand Matt 8:5–13. The paper has four research questions: Whatdid the role of πίστις (“faith” or “trust”) played in Roman culture in general? What role did itplay in the centurions’ relationship to both superiors and subordinates in the Roman’s army?Which principle of faith does Paul establish in Gal 3:21–26 and Rom 3:21–24? How canPaul’s principle be used as a key to understand the faith of the centurion in Matt 5:8–13? Tofind the results of the four research questions, the paper used qualitative method throughsocial-rhetorical Criticism and narrative method. The results of this paper show that theGreco-Roman society was immersed in the ideology of patronage where there was always abeneficiary and a client. Πίστις means two sorts of relationship, one that was vertical and theother that was horizontal. Paul presents πίστις as the one who has divided the time in twoperiods. the old period that was under the power of sin and the new period that is under thepower of faith. The purpose of God was to save the whole creation through πίστις Χριστοῦ.Believers in πίστις Χριστοῦ are the coheirs of Abraham as “spiritual” descendants. Finally,Πίστις Χριστοῦ unites people of different social and ethnical status as one family. Thus,according to the Matthean point of view, the people who do not believe in πίστις Χριστοῦwill be judged by God.

Islamic Background as an Integration Factor of Muslim Refugees in Sweden : Life, beliefs, and practices of Mosque visitors in Hässleholm, Skåne County

Nagy, Anna Maria January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Floating mosque

Mufti, Shimaa Talal 27 July 2023 (has links)
This thesis aims to apply an abstract method of design concerned with the integration of Islamic texts and building. This method was applied to a mosque floating on the water in the city of Jeddah, where the spaces were formed in a manner that was inspired by Islamic religious texts. The result is a sacred experience that can be felt through the evocation of texts within the architectural space. / Master of Architecture / The profound significance of geometric patterns in our universe and their presence in various aspects of human culture cannot be overlooked. From Kepler's exploration of planetary distances to the religious symbolism found in squares, circles, and triangles, geometry speaks a universal language that resonates across time and civilizations. The Islamic faith exemplifies this connection through the veneration of the Kaaba, a sacred structure embodying a perfect cubic shape. The circular motion of Muslims around the Kaaba unifies them in their devotion and harmonizes with the natural order. The mosque, designed with meticulous attention to detail, amplifies the spiritual experience of worshippers. The sound of hurried footsteps on the wooden path signifies Their enthusiasm to meet God, , while the carefully positioned skylight symbolizes the pursuit of righteousness. Additionally, the thoughtful arrangement of the entryway from darkness to light and the strategic placement of the chair to stimulate the right side of the brain contribute to an environment that nurtures creativity and emotional connection. Ultimately, the interplay between geometric patterns, spirituality, and architecture showcases the deep-rooted human yearning for unity, transcendence, and the divine.

Undervisning av religionskunskap i multikulturella klassrum : - utmaningar och förtjänster / Teaching religion in a multicultural classroom : - challenges and profits

Agsjö, Ester, Collin, Ebba January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

I LÄNGTAN EFTER UPPRÄTTELSE : Syndabekännelse och bön om förlåtelse i Svenska kyrkans handböcker 1986 och 2017.

Forslund, Maria January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

"Omgiven av fiender" : -en kvalitativ studie av synen på islam och judendom i dokumentären Omgiven av fiender från ett andrafieringsperspektiv.

Meyer Cordova, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this study is to understand and analyze othering against two religions, Judaism, and Islam. The focus of the study is to see how the two groups Nordiska Motståndsrörelsen (NMR) and Stoppa Islamiseringen av Norge (SIAN) are creating an enemy against two religious groups and how it can result in othering. The focus of the first research question is finding the references to Judaism and Islam while the other is more focused on othering. A documentary called “surrounded by enemies” is the main material for this study. The material includes interviews and manifests from NMR and SIAN and it was published 2021 on the website Viaplay. For this study a qualitative content research method was used for the results and analysis. The theory that was used for this study is in the postcolonial theory and the chosen concept was othering. The concept othering was mostly from Saids (2016) and his book Orientalism. The results from this study are that NMR and SIAN are talking about Judaism and Islam in the documentary. NMR and SIAN are also creating an enemy picture using different abilities that they apply to the two religions. Those abilities are creating othering against the religions and is compatible with Saids visions and his book Orientalism.   Keywords: othering, enemy, Jews, Muslims.

Att översätta σάρξ i Romarbrevet

Hamdahl, Erik January 2023 (has links)
I Romarbrevet skriver Paulus bland annat om förhållandet mellan ande och kropp, Gud och människa. Centralt för flera av resonemangen är det grekiska ordet σάρξ (sarx) som kan betyda kött, kropp, människa eller mänskligt släktskap, men har översatts lite olika i populära bibelöversättningar. I den här studien analyseras och jämförs hur begreppet σάρξ (sarx) har tolkats i sex olika översättningar av Romarbrevet på svenska, norska, danska och engelska. Studien undersöker vilka översättningsteoretiska principer som ligger till grund för de olika översättningarna samt vilka teologiska konsekvenser de olika tolkningarna av σάρξ (sarx) får. Studien kommer bland annat fram till att en högre frekvens av omskrivningar och sammanhangsstyrda översättningsmotsvarigheter ger en fördjupad förståelse för med vilka betydelser Paulus använder sarx, samt specificerar begreppets teologiska innebörder. Likväl kan en konsekvent användning av till exempel översättningsalternativet kött i stället förmå läsaren att förstå σάρξ (sarx) olika betydelser genom att låta samma ord framträda i ljuset av flera olika sammanhang, men då lämnas ett större tolkningsansvar åt läsaren.

Lärarens betydelse för elevers attityd. : En undersökning om gymnasieelevers attityd till religionsundervisning.

Bradley, Anna-Karin January 2022 (has links)
Gymnasieskolans uppgift är att ge eleverna kunskap och att skapa de förutsättningar som behövs för att eleverna på bästa sätt ska kunna tillägna sig och utveckla kunskaper. För att kunna göra detta måste vi försöka förstå elevers upplevelse av, och inställning till det vi faktiskt försöker lära ut. Den attityd eleverna har är det som avgör om en kurs startar i uppförsbacke eller i nedförsbacke. En negativ attityd kan vara det som står mellan eleven och de kunskaper som ska utvecklas. Att skapa förutsättningar för lärande innebär att ta reda på vilket utgångsläge vi har när vi startar, bland annat genom att titta mer på elevers attityd till ämnet och undervisningen. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka elevers attityd till religionsundervisningen och söka svar på följande tre frågeställningar:  1.      Vilken attityd/inställning till religionsundervisningen har gymnasieelever i årskurs 1, som ännu inte läst kursen Religionskunskap 1?   2.      Vilken roll spelar respondenternas kön, religiositet och programtillhörighet i deras attityd/inställning? 3.      Vad tror respondenterna själva är anledningen till den attityd de har till religionsundervisningen? Detta gjordes med hjälp av två olika undersökningsmetoder. En enkätundersökning med 172 respondenter från en gymnasieskola i sydöstra Sverige och två fokusgruppsintervjuer med sammanlagt 10 elever, från samma gymnasieskola. Undersökningen visade att respondenterna hade en positiv attityd till religionsämnet men att vid jämförelser med övrig undervisning så ansågs religionsundervisningen vara sämre än övriga. Resultatet visade att respondenternas kön, om de gick på högskoleförberedande eller yrkesprogram samt om de var religiösa eller inte påverkade attityden till religionsämnet. Dessa resultat bekräftar de resultat som tidigare studier och undersökningar visat. Undersökningens resultat visade även att eleverna själva ansåg att den undervisande läraren var den faktor som hade störst inverkan på den attityd som de kom att utveckla till religionsundervisningen. / The task of upper secondary education is to provide students with knowledge and to create the right conditions for students to be able to aquire knowledge in the best possible way. In order to do this, we must try and understand students’ experience of, and attitude towards what we are trying to teach. The attitudes students have towards a subject determine whether a course starts off as an uphill struggle or the complete opposite. A negative attitude can prove to be an obstacle that stands in the way of the knowledge and understanding we aim for the students to develop. Creating the right conditions for learning means determining our starting point, among other things, by looking closely at students’ attitudes towards the subject and education. The purpose of this study is to explore students’ attitudes towards religious education and to seek answers to the following three questions: 1.      What outlook and attitude do upper secondary schools students have in year one, before they have taken the first religious studies course? 2.      What role do the respondents’ gender, religion and their chosen program/course play in their attitude towards the subject? 3.      What do the respondents themselves think is the reason for the attitude they have towards religious education?  This was done using two different survey methods. A survey with 172 respondents from an upper secondary school in the south east of Sweden and two focus group interviews with a total of 10 students, all from the same upper secondary school.  The survey showed that the respondents had a positive attitude towards religious studies, but when compared to other subjects, attitudes towards religious education proved to be more negative than towards other subjects. The result showed that the gender of the respondents, whether they attended college preparatory or vocational programs, and whether they were religious or not affected their attitude towards the subject.  These results confirm results shown by previous studies and surveys. The survey also showed that the students themselves considered the teacher to be the factor that had the greatest impact on the attitude they developed towards religious education.

Islamundervisning i ett mångkulturellt klassrum / Teaching Islam in a multicultural classroom

Cheikh Moussa, Leila, Alsanji, Suzan January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

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