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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Situace v politickém okrese Strakonice od května 1946 do února 1948 / Situation in the Political District of Strakonice in the Period between May 1946 and February 1948

Dunovský, Marek January 2013 (has links)
Dunovský M. The Situation in the Political District of Strakonice in the Period between May 1946 and February 1948. Key Words: Strakonice, parliamentary elections in May 1946, renewed ONV Strakonice, renewed MNV Strakonice, the council of ONV Strakonice, the council of MNV Strakonice, plenum of MNV Strakonice, confiscations of private possessions, February 1948, people's militia, OAV-NF Strakonice, public purification. This thesis focuses primarily on the description of the political conditions in the area of the former political district of Strakonice between May 1946 and February 1948. Hence, the main focus lies on the topics such as the activity and agenda of ONV Strakonice and MNV Strakonice with regard to the personal and political structure of these authorities following the parliamentary elections in the spring of 1946 and the radical changes after the political coup on February 25th 1948. In this respect the thesis tracks the alterations in the distribution of political power in the region and offers a clear view of the transition from the unstable post- war democracy to the communistic dictatorship. Confiscations of private possessions based on the decisions of the responsible authorities are among other issues addressed in the thesis. In this respect the thesis covers the entire area of...

Priority sportovní politiky EU a financování sportu / Priorities of EU sport policy and funding for sports

Lukavský, Martin January 2014 (has links)
Title: Priorities of EU sport policy and funding for sports Objectives: The main objective is to describe the existing methods and the resulting possibilities for the sport funding EU-level scheme. This will result in presenting a comprehensive and clear picture of all EU funding mechanisms that could be beneficial for sports. The thesis also aims to describe the issue in the context of the EU sport policy priorities development and give an overview of the Council and Commission sport-related policy activities. Methods: In this thesis, a method of analysis of legislative and non- legislative texts was used. Other documents examined were further relevant studies, publications and strategic texts. A method of synthesis was also used when the partial information gathered during the relevant meetings of Council formations, conferences and seminars was formed into a comprehensive text. Results: The result is a text that captures the development of EU sport policy priorities and offers specific recommendations for area of sports that derive from the acquired information and from analysis of EU funding schemes. Keywords: sports, funding, EU, Preparatory actions in the field of sport, sport policy, Lisbon Treaty, Erasmus+, Council, European Union, European Parliament

Jindřich Šolc a jeho činnost v čele pražské obecní samosprávy / Jindřich Šolc and his activity at the head of the Prague municipal government

Bendlová, Markéta January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to map the situation at the Prague City Hall between 1887 and 1893 during the governance of mayor Jindřich Šolc. The introduction deals with the development of the capital city of the Kingdom of Bohemia in the second half of the nineteenth century, and personal and public life of Jindřich Šolc. The thesis is based on materials of Prague City Archives and contemporary press reflecting actual events. It analysis the events of public interest and tries to describe the crucial problems and the greatest achievements of the local government of that time. It depicts the mayor's unusual start of his office, and on the example of two scandals it tries to show his complicated position. It monitors the implementation of particular municipal projects, shows the difficulties associated with the language issues and focuses on the relations between the Old Czechs' majority and the Young Czechs' opposition. It describes in detail the process of election battles that resulted into Jindřich Šolc leaving the local politics, followed by concluding of the town hall compromising agreement, ensuring the National Liberal Party (Young Czechs) stronger representation in the city council. Key words: Jindřich Šolc, Prague, local municipality, mayor, board of aldermen, city council, Prague City Hall,...

"Instrukcí neb Krátké naučení mladému hospodáři" Šimona Lomnického z Budče / "Instrukcí neb Krátké naučení mladému hospodáři" ("A Short Instruction for a Young Farmer") by Šimon Lomnický z Budče

Heřmanská, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
The abstract The main aim of the thesis is preparation of the edition of an educational text by Simon Lomnicky from Budeč. My work is aimed on the adaptation and analyse of a moralizing text by Lomnicky. I have analysed his book, Instruction or The short eduction for young hundsman, her evolution during three centuries, differences among editions from 16th, 18th and 19th century and her dependence on source book, The sentences and educations of the great philosophes. The reflection of Lomnicky's life has been changing very fast and dramatically, I have tried to find out reasons of peremptory changes.

Profil synodů CČE po r. 1990 / Profile of Synods of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren after the year 1990

Opočenský, Matěj January 2012 (has links)
This thesis looks at the general character of the synod of the Evangelical church of Czech Brethern (ČCE), based on archival documents since 1990. (The) first chapter describes how the Synod functions within the church and briefly mentions the issue of coping with communism, especially how some pastors got involved politically. I also touch on the events of the Velvet Revolution. The next chapter focuses on an analysis of the Synod's work based on classifying the synod's resolutions into different catogories. The results are given in three diagrams. The goal of this analysis is to show which types of resolutions dominate and which types are more unusual. The third more extensive chapter deals with the most important topics being resolved in the synod. It describes the origin of …, its progress and consequences for the church. To show the character of the ČCE Synod, I highlight its internal discussions regarding church law, the practical and theological discussions on …(church education, ordination and baptism…). Then I discuss the ČCE Social Welfare organisation, a free standing topic, as well as subjects that have revealed the Synod's views. This third group address the church's outside concerns. The synod talked about these topic both inside and outside the church as well as with the ecumenical...

Stanovení výkonnostních norem pro testování na překážkové dráze CISM / Determination of efficiency standards of testing on the CISM obstacle course

Škobrtal, Michal January 2012 (has links)
Author's first name and surname: Michal Škobrtal Title of master gen thesis: Determination of efficiency standards of testing on the CISM obstacle course. Supervizor: PaedDr. Lubomír PŘÍVĚTIVÝ, CSc. Presentation year: 2012 Abstract Objective: To determine efficiency standards of physical performance testing of career soldiers of Armed Forces of the Czech Republic performed on the CISM obstacle course. Methods: Standardized testing and succesive determinantion of standards were used. Equivalent-interval scale which is characterized by constant measuring unit was also used. Due to this scale parametric methods were used to determination of standards: arithmetic average, determinative deviation and median. Results: The result of this thesis is a determination of performance standards of career soldiers of Czech Armed Forces for testing purposes while using CISM obstacle course. Standards are set for both men and women categories and for purpose of professional physical performance testing. These standards are provided in two variants. The first variant is specified for type A and B units and the second variant is specified for type C units. Standards for given category and variant are additionally divided according to dress and gear which is used during testing as follows:  BDU (battle dress uniform);  BDU,...

Františka Zeminová / Františka Zeminová

Borská, Eva January 2013 (has links)
1. ABSTRAKT Tato práce pojednává o životě Františky Zeminové (1882 - 1962), která působila jako redaktorka, národně-socialistická politička a aktivní členka ženského hnutí. Významná část práce mapuje její činnost v ženském hnutí a v různých ženských organizacích, zejména pak její činnost ve Výboru pro volební právo žen, který roku 1905 spoluzakládala. Byla velkou obdivovatelkou Masaryka a Beneše a byla to právě ona, kdo již při prvomájových slavnostech roku 1918 provolával slávu T. G. Masarykovi, za což byla na čas vypovězena z Prahy. Již od 14. listopadu 1918 se stala členkou Národního shromáždění, kde setrvala s výjimkou válečných let až do roku 1948. V průběhu své politické kariéry bojovala za plné zrovnoprávnění žen, za lepší pracovní podmínky, za zlepšení sociální situace vdov a sirotků a rázně zápolila s korupcí, prostitucí a alkoholismem. Věnovala se také hospodářským otázkám. Roku 1938 byla nucena stáhnout se z politického života a po celé trvání války působila v odboji. Ke konci války spoluzaložila Revoluční výkonný výbor národně-socialistické strany, který pomohl s obnovou strany v osvobozeném Československu. Po celý život a zejména pak v letech 1945-1948 se vyhrazovala proti politice Komunistické strany a po únoru 1948 odešla z politického a veřejného života. Roku 1949 byla zatčena a souzena v...

Veřejná služba v ČR: naplňování úkolu veřejné služby na příkladu České televize / Public Service Broadcasting in the Czech Republic: compliance with PSB criteria in the case of the Czech Television

Douděrová, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
The thesis Public Service Broadcasting in the Czech Republic: compliance with PSB criteria in the case of the Czech Television is covering the topic of public service media and their system of public service evaluation. In its theoretical part this thesis is describing several approaches to a definition of public service media themselves. It is also mentioning history of the concept itself and its development not only in the Czech Republic but in Great Britain as well as other European countries. The practical functioning of the public service evaluation system is also covered on an example of the BBC and the Czech Television. In the analytical part the author is trying to describe and sum up the evaluation system as it is used by the Council of Czech Television. Detailed analysis of the data and its sources is provided as well as identification of elements that are taken into the consideration when evaluating. The analysis then leads to a discovery of certain discrepancies in the evaluation process and its outcomes. The author is trying to identify the most problematic points of the system.

Mezinárodní auditorské standardy / International Standards on Auditing

Konětopský, Filip January 2009 (has links)
The International Standards on Auditing are created and published by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board. These standards are high quality, modern and approved by regulators throughout the world. Most of the developed countries addopted the ISAs in some way. The International Standards on Auditing have been effective for all audits in the Czech Republic since 2005. Their implementation in the European Union is expected shortly. Standards contribute to better international comparability and enhance the credibility and quality of the audit, including auditor's report. The Clarity project was in progress between 2003 and 2009. It was aimed at clearing standards, increasing clarity and facilitating their interpretation.

Právní aspekty financování regionů soudržnosti / Legal aspects of financing of Cohesion Regions

Cvik, Eva Daniela January 2016 (has links)
Regional policy is one of the most important activities of the European Union. The fundaments of the regional policy can be found already in the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community from 1957, in whose preamble states commit themselves to reinforce the unity of their national economies and to ensure their harmonious development by reducing differences between individual regions. Above all, the regional policy attempts to equate differences among different developed regions through financial assistance, which they obtain both from national funds as well as supra-national funds. To key goals of the Regional policy belongs the reduction of differences in average incomes, unemployment, regional development and related satisfaction of public needs. On 1st February 1995, the Agreement on the accession of the Czech Republic to the European Union became valid, and this was a fundamental impulse for the development of regional policy in relation with the possible drawing of financial means from supra-national sources. For this purpose, there was established the Ministry of Regional Development, which became the central coordinator for the use of means from the European Union. In the framework of the new program period, its position was reinforced. Thus, since 2004, the Czech Republic began...

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