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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vesnická malotřídka mezi obcí a farou. Škola ve Svatém Janě nad Malší mezi lety 1880-1945. / The village school between the village and parish. School in Svatý Jan nad Malší in 1880 - 1945.

LANGOVÁ, Martina January 2012 (has links)
The present work deals with the development of elementary school in Svatý Jan nad Malší in 1880 - 1945. The work is based next to the professional literature on archival sources deposited in the State District Archive in České Budějovice in the fund Archive of village Svatý Jan nad Malší (partially processed), the parish office of Svatý Jan nad Malší, Local School Board of Svatý Jan nad Malší, primary school in Svatý Jan nad Malší (unprocessed). The thesis is divided besides standard introduction and conclusion into six chapters. The first and the second one close to the village and parish of Svatý Jan nad Malší. The third chapter on the basis of literature describes the development of primary education in the Czech lands. The remaining three chapters then provide space for the school itself. The fourth chapter is devoted to the school building, the organization of the school year, celebrations, deals with the local council and school aids, the six chapter focuses on teachers and pupils. Part of the work is pictorial and text attachments.

Ochrana obyvatelstva v době mimořádné události nebo krizového stavu se zaměřením na obce v Jihočeském kraji / Protection of citizens during emergencies, natural disasters or other critical situations with concentration on South Bohemian towns.

DOBEŠOVÁ, Jana January 2007 (has links)
From the beginning of times people have encountered emergency situations which endanger their lives, health, properties and also the environment. Communities often try to prevent the impact of these situations or at the very least minimize the consequences. Depending on the particular society{\crq}s economic development, various precautionary measures have been implemented. My dissertation work addresses the current laws relating to crisis management in the Czech Republic. Fundamental principles are also explained. Main goals of my work were as following: 1. To compare South Bohemian towns and their respective legislation 2. To administer a questionnaire among a sample population 1. My selection consisted of five towns in the South Bohemian region. These were: Pisek, Jindrichuv Hradec, Sobeslav, Trebon and Cesky Krumlov. Prior to me visiting these towns, I made arrangements with its local representatives, specifically with those responsible for crisis management. I was able to inquire about their processes and conduct interviews. I have concentrated on the following areas: Process of informing population and emergency management Education of citizens, publication and distribution of educational materials School lectures/meetings Crisis management form Structure of emergency management authorities 2. My research focused on the population readiness and responsibilities during crisis and the means by which population is informed of a crisis. Questionnaire was distributed to the employees of local government offices of all five towns, and also to a random sample of citizen in two out of the five towns. I collected 132 questionnaires. My dissertation includes 8 tables and 2 graphs prepared based on the gathered data. Conclusion: Local governments and their employees dedicate significant amount of time and attention to crisis management. They follow the norms and regulations. Existing differences may be discussed and in the future it could facilitate integration of the system and improve the cooperation. Population is well informed of basic safety-principles.

Novinář a politik Hubert Ripka / Journalist and politician Hubert Ripka

Pavlát, David January 2016 (has links)
During the first republic, Hubert Ripka (1895-1958) was one of the most active democratic orientated journalists and closest colleagues of minister of foreign affairs and later president Edvard Beneš. His political and journalist beginnings are connected with national democratic group Mladá generace. What was crucial for Ripka's career was the split between left and right wings of Mladá generace in 1920, when he - after the victory of the right wing - withdrew. Antonín Pešl brought him to the Národní osvobození, which was associated with Československá obec legionářská and politics of Hrad. In the area of foreign policy he focused above all on monitoring political and cultural life in Jugoslavia, he became a secretary of Československo-jihoslovanská liga, member of Slovanský ústav, he contributed to the Jugoslavian periodicals and to the renovated Slovanský přehled. Ripka's most important lecture activity was associated with prestigious Klub Přítomnost. He worked in Lidové noviny since 1930, yet he still contributed to a lot of other periodicals. With growing threat of Pangermanism he concentrated on all kinds of support of Little Entente. He made informative foreign trips since 1932, from which he brought summary reports to E. Beneš. In 1934 he participated significantly in the programme of...

Proměna teritoriální struktury zahraničního obchodu Československa v letech 1945-1953 se zaměřením na Sovětský svaz / The transformation of the territorial structure of foreign trade of Czechoslovakia in the years 1945-1953, with a focus on the Soviet Union

Seifert, Lukáš January 2017 (has links)
The thesis maps the change in the territorial structure of Czechoslovak foreign trade in 1945-1953. The aim of the study is verification of the hypothesis that allows for direct foreign trade policy constraints on political events. In other words, as the gradual political integration of Czechoslovakia into the Soviet bloc touched territorial structure of foreign trade. The text examines the changing trend in foreign trade, which has been shown by growth of the share of the USSR at the expense of the capitalist states, and addresses the question of whether and how much the Soviet Union could replace the liberal market economy. The work contributes to the knowledge of the functioning of the post-war period with foreign exchange trading and describes the influence of foreign trade by the disproportionately greater economic and political entity.

Monistická organizační struktura české akciové společnosti po rekodifikaci soukromého práva / Monistic organizational structure of a Czech joint-stock company after recodification of private law

Chlup, Marek January 2016 (has links)
Monistic organisational structure of a Czech joint-stock company after recodification of private law. This thesis deals with the monistic organisational structure in Czech legal system. The possibility of choosing the one-tier system was given to the Czech joint-stock companies thanks to recodification of private law, under which, effective as at 1. 1. 2014, was adopted The Business Corporation Act. However, implementation of this obligatory option was not without difficulties. The legislator had chosen inconvenient solution when, unlike in the foreign jurisdiction, there are obligatory constituted two organs. Such a conception, based on links on the dualistic system, creates many interpretation difficulties. In the beginning of this thesis, I introduce internal organisational structures in the view of broader framework of corporate governance. Further, I characterize various organisational structures, classify them and point out their differences. The main focus is on the third chapter. First, I describe the development of the Czech legislation until present state. Flowingly, I characterize the Czech one-tier system, and then I analyse the organs that are in monistic organisational structure constituted. Special attention was requested by the board of directors and statutory directors. The largest...

Kolektivní akce Rady bezpečnosti OSN na ochranu lidských práv / Collective Actions of the UN Security Council for Protection of Human Rights

Chrtová, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
This thesis Collective Actions of the UN Security Council for the Protection of Human Rights deals with, as the title suggests, collective actions for the protection of human rights with the mandate of the UN Security Council. The thesis is divided into an introduction, conclusion, and four chapters. In the first chapter, the system of human rights protection is described, as it was set up within the newly-formed United Nations after World War II. This chapter also deals with collective actions of the UN Security Council, with or without the use of force, on a theoretical level, e.g. their authorization and possibility of measures that can be taken within the UN system against the perpetrator. Second chapter deals with examples of collective actions of the UN Security Council during the Cold War period. In this era, collective actions of the UN Security Council were authorized only twice, in case of South Africa as a reaction to their policy of apartheid, and in case of South Rhodesia as a reaction to the unilateral declaration of independence by the white minority government. Both cases are described in the chapter. The following chapter describes the development of human rights theories after the end of Cold War. With the end of the bipolar system, there is a shift in the perception of human...

"Instrukcí neb Krátké naučení mladému hospodáři" Šimona Lomnického z Budče / "Instrukcí neb Krátké naučení mladému hospodáři" ("A Short Instruction for a Young Farmer") by Šimon Lomnický z Budče

Heřmanská, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
The abstract The main aim of the thesis is preparation of the edition of an educational text by Simon Lomnický from Budeč. My work includes the correction of grammar, syntactic and ortographic errors, some of them need special decision, which has no influence on the uniqueness of the middle czech language. I have also analysed main themes and motives, which were similar to the themes of an another same genre books. The end of the life of Simon Lomnicky wasn't very happy and there were a lot of bad legends about his political behavior and his death during 19 th century,, which was destroyed on the beggening of the 20th century. I was also trying to find the origin of these rumors and make decision of its.

Organizační struktura monisticky řízené evropské společnosti / Organization of a European Company with a Monistic Type of Management

Věžníková, Petra January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with a one-tier (monistic) board structure of a European company (Societas Europaea) which has its registered seat in the Czech Republic. The governance of a European company is largely dependent on the national legislation, which has been in the Czech Republic significantly amended by a substantial recodification of private law. The thesis focuses on some of the interpretative difficulties that the new legislation has brought to the regulation of the monistic European Company, and presents some possible solutions thereto. In addition the statistical overview over the current state of European companies within Europe is included and commented upon. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Monistická organizační struktura české akciové společnosti po rekodifikaci soukromého práva / Monistic organizational structure of a Czech joint-stock company after recodification of private law

Koprnický, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Monistic organizational structure of a Czech join-stock company after recodification of private law Traditionally, the only board structure available for national joint-stock companies under the laws of the Czech Republic was two-tier model based on strict division of corporate governance functions between two separate boards. With the effect as of January 1st 2014, new Business Corporations Act no. 90/2012 Coll. ("Act") has introduced alternative statutory framework for one-tier board structure for join-stock companies which have its seat in the Czech Republic and thus are governed by the Czech laws. The Act made it possible for shareholders to choose between both models of board structures as what they deemed would fit best the purpose of their business. In this narrow sense the addition may have been looked at as praiseworthy. However the imperfect implementation of one-tier model of corporate governance into Czech law has raised serious interpretational issues which may effectively render this model unacceptable for adoption because the division of powers between the board of directors and general manager remains unclear. The main purpose of my thesis is to address this issue by clarifying the scope of powers which are vested by the law in the board of directors and general manager of the...

Vliv účetní profese na rozvoj účetnictví v ČR / The influence of accounting profession on development of accounting in the Czech Republic

Polachová, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with accounting profession, its association in individual professional organizations and with its mutual cooperation. Mutual cooperation of professional organizations together with representative of academics environment has to resulted in independent professional organization The Czech National Accounting Board (NAB). Also thesis deals with influence of NAB´s interpretations on Czech accounting legislation. Especially its focused on interpretations which have impact on amendment of Decree for entrepreneur and on amendment of accounting act. Thesis examines interpretations which arise from accounting law amendment. At last but, not least is portion of this thesis devoted to survey which examines awareness about NAB, interpretations among main accountants and top management of accounting units and their usage in practice.

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