Spelling suggestions: "subject:"radioactivity"" "subject:"cardioactivity""
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Sorpce radionuklidu85Sr na zeminy z areálu jaderné elektrárny Temelín / Sorption of radionuclid 85Sr to soils from area nuclear power plant TemelínReidingerová, Markéta January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the study of sorption of radionuclide 85 Sr in soil collected in the area of a nuclear power plant Temelín. A single-batch method experiment was used when a solution of radionuclide 85 Sr of known activity was added to the soil. The experiments focussed on the influence of pH with the size of the sorption and the influence of the time of the contact of the solution with the sorption. During the experiment with the value of pH closest to the pH of underground water from the nuclear power plant Temelín, the sorption of soil was somewhere between 31 to 44 %. When the time influence on the sorption was examined, radionuclide 85 Sr was sorbed very quickly. For the comparison of the sorption size in connection with the time, for which it was chosen 120 minutes, the sorption was almost constant, reaching 40 to 48 %. Key words Radioactivity, radionuclide 85 Sr, sorption, nuclear power plant Temelín
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Development and study of luminescent bolometers for neutrino physicsGimbal-Zofka, Yann January 2017 (has links)
This Master thesis aims at designing, assembling and operating a prototypal luminescentbolometer containing a candidate with high Q-value (116Cd and 100Mo)for the study of the neutrinoless double- decay. The crystal is scintillating (with 116CdWO4 and Li2MoO4 compounds). The prototype is designed according to a simple thermal model and cooled down to 18 mK. Data analysis of the 116CdWO4 crystal determines the energy resolution (intrinsicand in the ROI) and the alpha/beta discrimination power. It includes a full interpretation of the background energy spectrum in terms of environmental radioactivity and an evaluation of the crystal radiopurity by the detection of internal contamination of the detector. An evaluation of the potential of a future experiment based on the 116CdWO4developed prototype is performed, ascertaining the feasibility of large scale experiments to search for neutrinoless double beta decay. The use of the thermal model of the detector response to interpret its bolometric behaviour and the study of future optimizations of the detector performance concludes this project.
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Dekontaminace prováděna AČR v zóně havarijního plánování jaderné elektrárny Temelín. / Decontamination carried ACR emergency planning zones in the nuclear power plant Temelin.JEDLIČKA, Raimund January 2019 (has links)
This graduation theses bring some drafts of methodical papers in the connection with the evacuation of the people, decontamination station and activities when decontamination of people and equipment. To further Explore the places which are intended for decontamination in the emergency planning zones from the point of view of the ACR in locations for the nuclear power plant Temelín.
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Traçage de la dispersion des sédiments contaminés dans les bassins versants côtiers de Fukushima / Tracking the dispersion of contaminated sediments in Fukushima coastal catchmentsLepage, Hugo 24 September 2015 (has links)
Suite aux séismes et au tsunami qui ont frappé les côtes japonaises le 11 mars 2011, d’importantes quantités de radionucléides ont été émises par la centrale de Fukushima Dai-Ichi. Une part non négligeable (20%) du radiocésium rejeté s’est ensuite déposée sur les sols de la Préfecture de Fukushima. Cette étude vise à développer des méthodes de traçage sédimentaire originales afin de comprendre la dispersion des particules contaminées. L’étude se concentre sur 3 bassins versants côtiers situés au nord de la centrale (bassins de la Mano – 175 km², Niida – 270 km² et Ota – 75 km²) et drainant la partie la plus contaminée du panache de pollution radioactive. Cette région connaît un climat particulièrement érosif, avec des crues printanières et le passage de typhons entre juin et octobre. Pour étudier la dispersion de la contamination radioactive initiale, des sols et des laisses de crues ont été collectés au cours de 6 campagnes de terrain (organisées tous les 6 mois entre novembre 2011 et mai 2014 après les crues printanières et les typhons estivaux). L’activité des principaux radionucléides a été mesurée par spectrométrie gamma et une sélection d’échantillons a également été analysée par activation neutronique afin de déterminer leur teneur en une vingtaine d’éléments. L’analyse de l’activité en 137Cs dans 10 carottes de sols collectées dans des rizières a confirmé la faible migration du césium en profondeur dans les sols de la région. Plus de 90 % de la contamination étaient concentrés dans les 2 cm superficiels des sols en novembre 2013. Cette contamination située à la surface du sol reste donc potentiellement mobilisable par l’érosion. Par ailleurs, la détection d’argent-110 métastable (110mAg) et le fait que ce radioisotope ait un comportement similaire à celui du césium, ont permis de l’utiliser pour tracer la dispersion de la contamination dans le bassin versant de la Niida. En effet, le rapport d’activités 110mAg/137Cs dans les sols de ce bassin est significativement différent à l’amont et à l’aval de celui-ci. L’utilisation de ce rapport et d’un modèle de mélange binaire a permis d’identifier l’occurrence de cycles d’érosion et de dispersion saisonniers de la contamination. Cependant, 110mAg ayant une demi-vie de 250 jours, il a rapidement décru et l’activité est devenue inférieure aux limites de détection à compter de mai 2013. Pour pallier sa disparition, la contribution des sols des plateaux montagneux aux sédiments transitant dans la plaine côtière a été quantifiée à partir de leur signature en 137Cs. En utilisant un modèle de mélange binaire basé sur les distributions du 137Cs à l’amont (> 20 kBq/m²) et à l’aval (< 20 kBq/m²) des bassins versants, les résultats montrent que la contribution de la zone amont diffère en fonction du bassin versant. Elle fournit une part non négligeable (≈46%) des sédiments à la rivière Niida, qui est dépourvue de barrage, à la différence de la rivière Mano (≈20 %) qui en est équipée. Ces résultats montrent donc l’impact de ce type d’ouvrage qui génère une dysconnectivité sédimentaire. Afin de préciser l’origine spatiale des sédiments contaminés transportés par ces rivières, la carte des sols des bassins versants a été utilisée. Les principaux types de sols (Andosols, Cambisols et Fluvisols) ont été caractérisés par leurs teneurs en éléments chimiques, et Sc et Yb se sont révélés être le couple d’éléments le plus discriminant. Les distributions de ces deux éléments dans les trois sources ont ensuite été utilisées dans un modèle de mélange. Les résultats montrent une contribution majoritaire (> 70 %) des Fluvisols dans les sédiments. La forte contribution de ce type de sol, que l’on trouve principalement dans les rizières, confirme donc l’érodabilité accrue de ces zones agricoles. Pour poursuivre ces travaux, l’ensemble des données acquises pourrait être utilisé pour améliorer les modèles d’érosion des sols opérant à l’échelle des bassins versants. / Large quantities of radionuclides were released into the atmosphere by the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) after the earthquake-triggered tsunami devastated the eastern coast of Japan on March 11, 2011. Many of these radionuclides (20%) were deposited on soils of the Fukushima Prefecture. This PhD thesis develops original fingerprinting methods to track the dispersion of contaminated particles following this accident. The study focuses on 3 coastal catchments north of the FDNPP (Mano — 175km², Niida — 270km² and Ota — 75km²) draining heavily contaminated areas of the radioactive plume. The Fukushima Prefecture is characterized by an erosive climate, with the occurrence of spring floods and summer typhoons. To study the dispersion of the radioactive contamination, soil samples and sediment drape deposits were collected during 6 sampling campaigns (every six months between November 2011 and May 2014; i.e., after the major flood events). Each sample was analyzed by gamma spectrometry to determine radionuclide activities, and several soil and sediment samples were also analyzed by neutron activation analysis to determine their geochemistry. First, the analysis of 137Cs activity in 10 soil cores collected in paddy fields confirmed the limited migration of radiocesium with depth in the soils of the coastal catchments. More than 90% of the contamination was still concentrated in the uppermost 2cm of the soils by November 2013. Particles contaminated were therefore available for mobilization and transport downstream by processes that govern soil erosion. Second, metastable silver-110 (110mAg) was detected in most of the samples collected between November 2011 and November 2012, and our investigation showed that this radionuclide has a similar behavior as 137Cs in soil and sediment. Consequently, we used 110mAg to track the dispersion of the contamination as the 110mAg/137Cs activity ratio in soils of the Niida catchment showed significant differences between upstream and downstream locations. The use of a binary mixing model allowed the identification of a seasonal cycle of erosion and dispersion of particles. However, as 110mAg has a short half-life (250 days), it rapidly decayed and could not be detected anymore by May 2013. To overcome its disappearance, the contribution of soils located on the mountainous plateaus to the sediment transiting the river in the coastal plains was quantified based on their 137Cs signature. Binary mixing models were used, based on the distributions of 137Cs in mountainous areas (> 20 kBq/m²) and in coastal plains (< 20 kBq/m²). The results demonstrated that the contribution of the mountainous area varied in the different catchments. In the Niida catchment where no dam has been built, the mountainous area supplies more sediment to the river (≈46%) than in the Mano catchment that has a dam (≈20%). These results show the impact of dams generating a sediment disconnectivity. Finally, the soil map of the region was used in order to identify the soil types that may supply sediment to the rivers. The main soil types (Andosols, Cambisols and Fluvisols) were characterized by their geochemical composition, and Sc and Yb were identified as the most discriminant elements. The distributions of these elements in the three sources were used in a mixing model. Results show that Fluvisols are the main source supplying >70% of sediment to the rivers in both catchments. This soil type is mainly found in paddy fields, which confirms the enhanced erodibility of these cultivated areas. In the future, the dataset compiled could be used to improve soil erosion model operating at the catchment scale. Moreover, the impact of the ongoing decontamination works on the dispersion of contaminated sediments should be investigated.
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Radioaktivita hornin a ovzduší ve vybraných podzemních prostorách a jejich zdravotní dopady / Radioactivity of the rock and the environment in selected underground areas and its impact on human healthThinová, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
The thesis is focused on measurement and assessment of absorbed doses of radiation in caves of the Czech Republic, out of which some exhibit high activity concentration of radon in air. This thesis presents an analysis and recommendations based on measurement results obtained in the underground caves over the past 10 years. The focus is on defining the sources of irradiation within the cave environment (and in areas used for speleotherapy), considering their potential health effect, including the variable dependence of external and internal irradiation influences. All of the measurements had as an objective to verify, and where possible improve, the existing methodology for assessing and calculating the dose from radon in underground spaces. The main issue that had to be resolved was whether a numerically specified cave factor value is applicable to all underground areas. The research measurements were carried out in all available show caves and in several underground areas, and were based on the initial results from an aerosol measurement campaign. Two caves (the Bozkov Dolomite Caves and the Zbrašov Aragonite Caves) were selected for advanced long-term measurements. A large number of long-term and short-term studies were carried out. The most important results for cave environments were: the...
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Avaliação da radioatividade natural em mármores e granitos comerciais do estado do Espírito Santo / Assessment of natural radioactivity in commercial marble and granite of Espírito Santo stateAquino, Reginaldo Ribeiro de 19 November 2015 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram determinadas as concentrações dos radionuclídeos naturais 226Ra, 232Th e 40K em amostras de granitos e mármores, abrangendo as principais lavras de extração do estado do Espírito Santo, sudeste do Brasil. Para cada sítio de estudo, três amostras foram seladas em frascos de 100 ml de polietileno de alta densidade. Após espera de aproximadamente 4 semanas para atingir o equilíbrio secular das séries do 238U e 232Th, as amostras foram medidas por espectrometria gama de alta resolução e o espectro analisado com o software WinnerGamma. A correção da auto-absorção foi realizada para todas as amostras utilizando expressão e método desenvolvidos para este fim. A concentração do 226Ra foi determinada pela média ponderada das concentrações do 214Pb e 214Bi, a concentração de 232Th pela média ponderada das concentrações dos 228Ac, 212Pb e 212Bi e a concentração de 40K pela sua transição única de 1460 keV. O equivalente em rádio e o índice gama foram obtidos a partir das concentrações de 226Ra, 232Th e 40K. O radônio emanado foi medido em câmera de exalação usando a técnica de detectores passivos de estado sólido (SSNTD) sendo estes expostos em monitor NRPB/SSI-H. Na exposição foi utilizado um detector comercial CR-39® e um plástico de fabricação nacional denominado Durolon® sendo caracterizado para este fim pela técnica desenvolvida denominada dupla exposição e fator de sensibilidade intrínseca. O plástico caracterizado mostrou-se eficiente para a aplicação e o fator de calibração correspondendo a 1,6±0,1 traços cm²(kBq m³dia)¹ em relação ao fator para o CR-39 que equivale a 2,8±0,2 traços cm²(kBq m³dia)¹. O detector mostrou maior eficiência para doses mais elevadas. A atividade determinada por detecção passiva mostrou atividades variando de 100±10 Bq·m³ até 2400±300 Bq·m³, destacando-se a maior taxa de exalação para o granito Iberê Mombasa. Para os mármores foram determinados valores variando entre 80±10 Bq·m³ até 200±25 Bq·m³ destacando os mármores Cintilante e Branco com maiores valores determinados. Os valores determinados para a taxa de exalação superficial apresentam-se aproximadamente iguais com exceção dos granitos Iberê Mombasa e Iberê Prado que apresentaram valores acima de 1 Bqm-2h-1. As medidas por espectrometria gama mostraram que as concentrações de 226Ra variaram de 1,9 0,2 Bq.kg-1 a 483 55 Bq.kg-1, com o maior valor para o granito Iberê Mombasa. As concentrações de 232Th variaram de 3,2 0,4 Bq.kg-1 a 224 6 Bq.kg-1, com o maior valor determinado para o granito Cinza Corumbá. As concentrações de 40K variaram de 8,8 1,8 Bq.kg-1 a 1642 167 Bq.kg-1, com o maior valor determinado para o granito Iberê Vitara. O cálculo do equivalente em rádio mostrou que a maioria das amostras podem ser definidas como categoria-I (aplicação civil) abaixo de 370 Bq.kg-1, exceto para os granitos Cinza Corumbá, Iberê Crema Bordeaux e Iberê Mombasa que podem ser classificados como categoria II (até 740 Bq.kg-1). A maioria dos granitos avaliados mostraram índices de exposição interno e externos abaixo de 1,0 mSv·ano¹, exceto os granitos Cinza Corumbá, Iberê Crema Bordeaux e Iberê Mombasa que superaram este valor entre 1,0 a 3,2 mSv·ano¹ deste índice. Para a exposição anual, apenas os granitos Cinza Corumbá, Iberê Crema Bordeaux e Iberê Mombasa superaram o limite de 1,5 mSv·ano¹. Para os índices de exposição alfa apenas os granito Iberê Crema Bordeaux e Iberê Mombasa são limitados a confecção de material de construção para aplicações superficiais. Entretanto, se considerando o índice de exposição gama, os granitos Cinza Corumbá, Cinza Andorinha, Amarelo Icarai, Cinza Ocre, Iberê Crema Bordeaux e Iberê Mombasa terão aplicação controlada. Conclui-se que os granitos em sua maioria e todos os mármores avaliados apresentam aplicações possíveis em diferentes setores de atividade e para diferentes finalidades e que os granitos que excedem os índices não devam ser aplicados em interiores de residências. / In this work, the concentrations of natural radionuclides 226Ra, 232Th and 40K in granite and marble samples were determined, considering the main extraction mining of Espirito Santo state, southeastern Brazil. For all study sites, three samples were sealed in 100 ml high density polyethylene bottles. Each sample rested for 4 weeks to reach the secular equilibrium of 238U and 232Th series before measured by high resolution gamma spectrometry, and the acquired spectra were analyzed with the software WinnerGamma. The self-absorption correction was considered for all samples, using an expression and method specially developed for this purpose. The concentration of 226Ra was determined by the weighted arithmetic mean of the concentrations of 214Pb and 214Bi, the concentration of 232Th by the weighted arithmetic mean of the concentrations of 228Ac, 212Pb and 212Bi and the concentration of 40K by its single 1460 keV transition. The radium equivalent and gamma index were calculated from the activity concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K. The emanated radon was measured using an exhalation chamber and the passive detector technique, with a solid state nuclear tracks detectors (SSNTD) being exposed in NRPB/SSI-H dosimeters. During exposure, a commercial detector CR-39® and a national plastic called Durolon® were used, the last was characterized for this purpose using a technique called double exposure and sensitivity intrinsic factor. The characterized plastic was efficient for the application and the calibration factor corresponded to 1.60 ± 0.10 trackscm²(kBqm³day)¹ in relation to the CR-39 factor, equivalent to 2.8 ± 0.2 trackscm²(kBqm³day)¹. The detector showed a higher efficiency at a higher dose. The activities determined by passive detection varyed from 100 ± 10 Bqm-³ up to 2400 ± 300 Bqm-³, highlighting the biggest exhalation rates for granite Iberê Mombasa. Considering the marbles, activity values varyed from 80 ± 10 Bqm-³ up to 200 ± 25 Bqm-³ highlighting only the Cintilante and Branco Extra with higher values. The values obtained for surface exhalation rate were approximately equal, except for granites Iberê Mombasa and Iberê Prado with values above 1 Bqm-2h-1. The measures by gamma spectrometry showed that the 226Ra concentrations varyed from 1.9±0.2 Bq.kg-1 up to 483±55 Bq.kg-1, with the highest value for granite Iberê Mombasa. The 232Th concentrations ranged from 3.2±0.4 Bq.kg-1 to 224±6 Bq.kg-1, whose largest value was observed for the gray granite Corumbá. The 40K concentrations ranged from 8.8±1.8Bq.kg-1 up to 1642±67 Bq.kg-1, with the largest value observed for granite Iberê Vitara. The radio equivalent value showed that most samples can be defined as category I, below 370 Bq.kg-1, except for the granites Cinza Corumbá, Iberê Crema Bordeaux and Iberê Mombasa that can be classified as class II (up to 740 Bq.kg-1). The evaluated granites show internal and external exposure rates below 1.0 mSv·y¹ except the granites Cinza Corumbá, Iberê Crema Bordeaux and Iberê Mombasa that exceed the value range of 1.0 to 3.2 mSv·y¹ for this index. For the annual exposure dose, only the granites Gray Corumbá, Iberê Crema Bordeaux and Iberê Mombasa exceeded the 1.5 mSv·y¹. For the alpha exposure index only the Iberê Crema Bordeaux and Iberê Mombasa granites indicate limitations when applying as surface material. However, considering the gamma exposure index, the granites Cinza Corumbá, Cinza Andorinha, Amarelo Icarai, Cinza Ocre, Iberê Crema Bordeaux and Iberê Mombasa have controlled application. In conclusion, the evaluated granites and all marbles evaluated have viable applications in different activity sectors and for different purposes and the granites that exceeded the proposed limits should not be applied in the interior of residences
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\" Atividades do 226 Ra águas subterrâneas extraídas de dois poços localizados no plúton meridional, granitóides de Morungaba, SP\" / Radium content in ground waters from two wells drilled in the Morungaba Batholith, Saõ Paulo, Brazil.Lucas, Fabio de Oliveira 18 May 2004 (has links)
Atividades específicas do 226Ra dissolvido foram medidas e atividades de 226Ra associado ao material em suspensão foram estimadas em águas subterrâneas extraídas de dois poços perfurados em granitos do Plúton Meridional, Granitóides de Morungaba, no leste do Estado de São Paulo. / Specifc activities of dissolved 226Ra isotope were measured and 226Ra isotope activities associated to suspended solids were estimated in ground waters drawn from two wells drilled in a fracturated granitic aquifer of the Meridional Pluton, Morungaba Granitoids, eastern São Paulo State.
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Avaliação da radioatividade natural em mármores e granitos comerciais do estado do Espírito Santo / Assessment of natural radioactivity in commercial marble and granite of Espírito Santo stateReginaldo Ribeiro de Aquino 19 November 2015 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram determinadas as concentrações dos radionuclídeos naturais 226Ra, 232Th e 40K em amostras de granitos e mármores, abrangendo as principais lavras de extração do estado do Espírito Santo, sudeste do Brasil. Para cada sítio de estudo, três amostras foram seladas em frascos de 100 ml de polietileno de alta densidade. Após espera de aproximadamente 4 semanas para atingir o equilíbrio secular das séries do 238U e 232Th, as amostras foram medidas por espectrometria gama de alta resolução e o espectro analisado com o software WinnerGamma. A correção da auto-absorção foi realizada para todas as amostras utilizando expressão e método desenvolvidos para este fim. A concentração do 226Ra foi determinada pela média ponderada das concentrações do 214Pb e 214Bi, a concentração de 232Th pela média ponderada das concentrações dos 228Ac, 212Pb e 212Bi e a concentração de 40K pela sua transição única de 1460 keV. O equivalente em rádio e o índice gama foram obtidos a partir das concentrações de 226Ra, 232Th e 40K. O radônio emanado foi medido em câmera de exalação usando a técnica de detectores passivos de estado sólido (SSNTD) sendo estes expostos em monitor NRPB/SSI-H. Na exposição foi utilizado um detector comercial CR-39® e um plástico de fabricação nacional denominado Durolon® sendo caracterizado para este fim pela técnica desenvolvida denominada dupla exposição e fator de sensibilidade intrínseca. O plástico caracterizado mostrou-se eficiente para a aplicação e o fator de calibração correspondendo a 1,6±0,1 traços cm²(kBq m³dia)¹ em relação ao fator para o CR-39 que equivale a 2,8±0,2 traços cm²(kBq m³dia)¹. O detector mostrou maior eficiência para doses mais elevadas. A atividade determinada por detecção passiva mostrou atividades variando de 100±10 Bq·m³ até 2400±300 Bq·m³, destacando-se a maior taxa de exalação para o granito Iberê Mombasa. Para os mármores foram determinados valores variando entre 80±10 Bq·m³ até 200±25 Bq·m³ destacando os mármores Cintilante e Branco com maiores valores determinados. Os valores determinados para a taxa de exalação superficial apresentam-se aproximadamente iguais com exceção dos granitos Iberê Mombasa e Iberê Prado que apresentaram valores acima de 1 Bqm-2h-1. As medidas por espectrometria gama mostraram que as concentrações de 226Ra variaram de 1,9 0,2 Bq.kg-1 a 483 55 Bq.kg-1, com o maior valor para o granito Iberê Mombasa. As concentrações de 232Th variaram de 3,2 0,4 Bq.kg-1 a 224 6 Bq.kg-1, com o maior valor determinado para o granito Cinza Corumbá. As concentrações de 40K variaram de 8,8 1,8 Bq.kg-1 a 1642 167 Bq.kg-1, com o maior valor determinado para o granito Iberê Vitara. O cálculo do equivalente em rádio mostrou que a maioria das amostras podem ser definidas como categoria-I (aplicação civil) abaixo de 370 Bq.kg-1, exceto para os granitos Cinza Corumbá, Iberê Crema Bordeaux e Iberê Mombasa que podem ser classificados como categoria II (até 740 Bq.kg-1). A maioria dos granitos avaliados mostraram índices de exposição interno e externos abaixo de 1,0 mSv·ano¹, exceto os granitos Cinza Corumbá, Iberê Crema Bordeaux e Iberê Mombasa que superaram este valor entre 1,0 a 3,2 mSv·ano¹ deste índice. Para a exposição anual, apenas os granitos Cinza Corumbá, Iberê Crema Bordeaux e Iberê Mombasa superaram o limite de 1,5 mSv·ano¹. Para os índices de exposição alfa apenas os granito Iberê Crema Bordeaux e Iberê Mombasa são limitados a confecção de material de construção para aplicações superficiais. Entretanto, se considerando o índice de exposição gama, os granitos Cinza Corumbá, Cinza Andorinha, Amarelo Icarai, Cinza Ocre, Iberê Crema Bordeaux e Iberê Mombasa terão aplicação controlada. Conclui-se que os granitos em sua maioria e todos os mármores avaliados apresentam aplicações possíveis em diferentes setores de atividade e para diferentes finalidades e que os granitos que excedem os índices não devam ser aplicados em interiores de residências. / In this work, the concentrations of natural radionuclides 226Ra, 232Th and 40K in granite and marble samples were determined, considering the main extraction mining of Espirito Santo state, southeastern Brazil. For all study sites, three samples were sealed in 100 ml high density polyethylene bottles. Each sample rested for 4 weeks to reach the secular equilibrium of 238U and 232Th series before measured by high resolution gamma spectrometry, and the acquired spectra were analyzed with the software WinnerGamma. The self-absorption correction was considered for all samples, using an expression and method specially developed for this purpose. The concentration of 226Ra was determined by the weighted arithmetic mean of the concentrations of 214Pb and 214Bi, the concentration of 232Th by the weighted arithmetic mean of the concentrations of 228Ac, 212Pb and 212Bi and the concentration of 40K by its single 1460 keV transition. The radium equivalent and gamma index were calculated from the activity concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K. The emanated radon was measured using an exhalation chamber and the passive detector technique, with a solid state nuclear tracks detectors (SSNTD) being exposed in NRPB/SSI-H dosimeters. During exposure, a commercial detector CR-39® and a national plastic called Durolon® were used, the last was characterized for this purpose using a technique called double exposure and sensitivity intrinsic factor. The characterized plastic was efficient for the application and the calibration factor corresponded to 1.60 ± 0.10 trackscm²(kBqm³day)¹ in relation to the CR-39 factor, equivalent to 2.8 ± 0.2 trackscm²(kBqm³day)¹. The detector showed a higher efficiency at a higher dose. The activities determined by passive detection varyed from 100 ± 10 Bqm-³ up to 2400 ± 300 Bqm-³, highlighting the biggest exhalation rates for granite Iberê Mombasa. Considering the marbles, activity values varyed from 80 ± 10 Bqm-³ up to 200 ± 25 Bqm-³ highlighting only the Cintilante and Branco Extra with higher values. The values obtained for surface exhalation rate were approximately equal, except for granites Iberê Mombasa and Iberê Prado with values above 1 Bqm-2h-1. The measures by gamma spectrometry showed that the 226Ra concentrations varyed from 1.9±0.2 Bq.kg-1 up to 483±55 Bq.kg-1, with the highest value for granite Iberê Mombasa. The 232Th concentrations ranged from 3.2±0.4 Bq.kg-1 to 224±6 Bq.kg-1, whose largest value was observed for the gray granite Corumbá. The 40K concentrations ranged from 8.8±1.8Bq.kg-1 up to 1642±67 Bq.kg-1, with the largest value observed for granite Iberê Vitara. The radio equivalent value showed that most samples can be defined as category I, below 370 Bq.kg-1, except for the granites Cinza Corumbá, Iberê Crema Bordeaux and Iberê Mombasa that can be classified as class II (up to 740 Bq.kg-1). The evaluated granites show internal and external exposure rates below 1.0 mSv·y¹ except the granites Cinza Corumbá, Iberê Crema Bordeaux and Iberê Mombasa that exceed the value range of 1.0 to 3.2 mSv·y¹ for this index. For the annual exposure dose, only the granites Gray Corumbá, Iberê Crema Bordeaux and Iberê Mombasa exceeded the 1.5 mSv·y¹. For the alpha exposure index only the Iberê Crema Bordeaux and Iberê Mombasa granites indicate limitations when applying as surface material. However, considering the gamma exposure index, the granites Cinza Corumbá, Cinza Andorinha, Amarelo Icarai, Cinza Ocre, Iberê Crema Bordeaux and Iberê Mombasa have controlled application. In conclusion, the evaluated granites and all marbles evaluated have viable applications in different activity sectors and for different purposes and the granites that exceeded the proposed limits should not be applied in the interior of residences
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Avaliação da radioatividade natural em algumas rochas graníticas do Estado do Paraná e sua utilização na construção civil / Evaluation of natural radioactivity in some granitic rocks in the state of Paraná and its use in civil constructionAdemar de Oliveira Ferreira 25 March 2013 (has links)
Os radionuclídeos naturais de origem primordial, ou terrestres, são encontrados em quantidades variadas em todo meio ambiente. Nas residências, um importante incremento de dose (INDOOR), é devido aos materiais de construção, que contribuem tanto com a dose externa gama, proveniente das séries do 238U, 235U e 232Th e do radionuclídeo isolado 40K, quanto com a dose interna que é devida principalmente à inalação do 222Rn. Uma vez que rochas graníticas são amplamente utilizadas como materiais de construção, tanto estruturais como de revestimento, estas podem tornar-se uma importante fonte de dose, dependendo das concentrações de radioatividade que apresentem, e da forma e quantidade que são aplicadas nas construções. Neste trabalho foi gerado um banco de dados para rochas graníticas do escudo cristalino paranaense (principalmente da Região Metropolitana de Curitiba, RMC), que são utilizadas na construção civil avaliando em termos de proteção radiológica o incremento da dose, externa e interna, causada pela utilização destes materiais. Também foram estudadas as possíveis correlações entre a concentração de atividade de 226Ra, taxa de exalação de 222Rn, densidade, porosidade e composição química (teor de óxidos constituintes) nestas amostras. A dose externa foi avaliada por meio da técnica de espectrometria gama com detector de germânio hiperpuro, onde as concentrações de atividade dos radionuclídeos 226Ra, 232Th e 40K são os parâmetros utilizados em modelos dosimétricos (Índices Dosimétricos), os quais estabelecem limites máximos permitidos de acordo com forma, quantidade e aplicação do material de construção. Para o cálculo da dose efetiva anual externa foi adotado o modelo de sala com dimensões 4 m x 5 m x 2,8 m e todas as paredes são revestidas internamente com granitos de espessura de 2 cm e considerando o tempo de exposição anual de 7000 h, conforme sugerido pela Comissão Européia de Proteção Radiológica para materiais de revestimento interno supercial. A exposição interna foi avaliada a partir da concentração de radônio no ar da sala modelo, simulada a partir do valor da taxa de exalação supercial de 222Rn. A taxa de exalação foi determinada pela técnica de detecção passiva utilizando detectores sólidos de traços nucleares (CR-39) por meio da técnica do recipiente selado, considerando taxa de ventilação de 0,5 h-1 e tempo de exposição anual de 7000 h . Os resultados destes estudos mostram que o incremento da dose efetiva anual externa variou de (62 ± 3) μSv.a-1 a (138 ± 1) μSv.a-1 e o incremento da dose efetiva anual interna variou de (0,39 ± 0,04) μSv.a-1 a (70 ± 4) μSv.a-1. Estes valores estão abaixo do limite máximo de 1 mSv.a-1 sugerido pela Comissão Européia de Proteção Radiológica, portanto os granitos avaliados neste trabalho podem ser utilizados sem implicações radiológicas desde que obedecido o cenário descrito. Os valores obtidos para a contribuição devida à dose interna variaram de 1 % a 78 % dos valores obtidos para a respectiva dose externa, mostrando que a contribuição do radônio varia fortemente com o tipo da rocha. Os resultados das correlações entre taxa de exalação supercial de 222Rn, concentração de atividade de 226Ra, densidade, porosidade e principais óxidos componentes das amostras, mostraram que, em termos de inuência na fração de emanação do radônio, o parâmetro mais importante é a densidade, devido a baixa porosidade e a semelhança em termos de composição química entre as amostras. / Primordial, or terrestrial natural radionuclides, are found in dierent amounts in the environment. In dwellings, an important dose increment is due to building materials, which contribute for both the external gamma dose from the radionuclides of the 238U, 235U and 232Th series and the natural 40K and the internal dose, due mainly to 222Rn inhalation. Once granitic rocks are widely used both as construction materials or structural flooring, those rocks can become an important dose source, depending on the content of concentrations of radioactivity, and the construction application. In this work, a database for granitic rocks of the crystalline shield of Paraná (mainly in the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba, RMC), used in civil construction, was generated, evaluating in terms of radiological protection the external and internal dose increments, caused by the use of these materials. Also, possible correlations between the 226Ra activity concentration, the 222Rn exhalation rate, density, porosity and chemical composition (oxide content) in these samples had been studied. The external dose was assessed by gamma-ray spectrometry with High-Purity Germanium detectors, where the activity concentration of the radionuclides 232Th, 226Ra and 40K are the parameters used in dosimetric models (Dosimetric Indexes), which established limits in accordance with the form, amount and application of material of construction. For the calculation of the annual eective external dose it was assumed a room model with dimensions of 4 m x 5 m x 2.8 m and all walls internally covered with 2 cm thickness of granite and an annual exposure time of 7000 h as suggested by the European Commission of Radiological Protection for internal supercial coating materials. The internal exposure was assessed from the radon concentration in the air of the room model, simulated from the supercial exhalation rate of 222Rn. The exhalation rate was determined by the passive detection technique with the Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors (CR-39) and the sealed can technique, assuming a ventilation rate of 0.5 h-1 and an annual exposure time of 7000 h. The results for this studies show that the annual eective dose ranged from (62 ± 3) μSv.y1 to (138 ± 1) μSv.y-1 and the internal annual eective dose ranged from (0,39 ± 0,04) μSv.y-1 to (70 ± 4) μSv.y-1. These values are below the maximum limit of 1 mSv.y-1 suggested by the European Commission of Radiological Protection, meaning that the granitic rocks evaluated can be used without radiological implications since the considered scenario is obeyed. The values obtained for the contribution due to the internal dose ranged from 1 % to 78 % of the values obtained for the respective external dose showing the radon contribution varies strongly with the rock type. The results of the correlations between 222Rn supercial exhalation rate, 226Ra activity concentration, density, porosity and major oxides of the samples, showed that, in terms of inuence in the emanation fraction of radon, the most important parameter is the density, due to low porosity and similarity in terms of chemical composition amid the studied samples.
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Determinação da taxa de desintegração dos emissores beta puros P-32 e Sr-90/Y-90 em sistema de cintilação líquida / Determination of desintegration rate of the beta pure emitters 32P and 90Sr 90Y in liquid scintillation systemMarques, Caio Pinheiros 09 August 2017 (has links)
No presente trabalho, foram padronizados os radionuclídeos emissores beta puros 32P e 90Sr 90Y. O primeiro foi medido nos sistemas comerciais de cintilação líquida TRICARB 2100 e HIDEX 300SL, que utilizam, respectivamente, dois e três tubos fotomultiplicadores. A análise dos dados adquiridos pelo primeiro e segundo sistemas foi realizada pela aplicação dos métodos CIEMAT/NIST e TDCR, respectivamente. Para padronização da solução de 32P, foi também utilizado o sistema 4πβ empregando-se a técnica de autoabsorção. A solução de 90Sr 90Y foi padronizada no sistema de cintilação líquida, HIDEX 300SL, pelo método TDCR, e pela técnica do traçador, no sistema de coincidência 4πβ-γ o qual é composto por um contador proporcional à gás fluente, acoplado a dois cristais cintiladores de NaI(Tl). A taxa de desintegração foi determinada pela técnica de extrapolação, por meio de absorvedores externos. Para aplicação da técnica do traçador, foi utilizada uma solução de 60Co, emissor beta-gama previamente padronizado no sistema de coincidências. Foi realizada, também, uma simulação dos processos de detecção neste sistema por meio do programa ESQUEMA, que, pela simulação de Monte Carlo, prediz a curva de extrapolação da eficiência. Os resultados obtidos para o 32P nos sistemas utilizados apresentaram um bom acordo, dentro das incertezas experimentais, bem como os obtidos para o 90Sr 90Y, em sistema de cintilação e sistema de coincidência, apresentando bom acordo, dentro das incertezas experimentais. O resultado obtido pela técnica de Monte Carlo apresentou boa concordância com o valor obtido com o sistema de coincidência. Os resultados indicam a qualidade e boa precisão dos sistemas de detecção utilizados neste trabalho, quando empregados para fins metrológicos. / In the present work, pure beta emitters radionuclides 32P and 90Sr - 90Y were standardized. The first one was measured in commercial liquid scintillation systems TRICARB 2100 and HIDEX 300SL, which use, respectively, two and three photomultiplier tubes. The analysis of the data acquired by the first and second systems was performed using the CIEMAT / NIST and TDCR methods, respectively. For standardization of the 32P solution, the 4πβ system was also used, using the self-absorption technique. The 90Sr - 90Y solution was standardized in the liquid scintillation system, HIDEX 300SL, by the TDCR method, and by the tracer technique, in the coincidence system 4πβ-γ which is composed by a proportional counter to the flowing gas, coupled to two NaI(Tl) scintillation crystals. The rate of disintegration was determined by the extrapolation technique, by means of external absorbers. For the application of the tracer technique, a 60Co solution, a beta-gamma emitter previously standardized in the coincidence system, was used. It was also performed a simulation of the detection processes in this system through the program ESQUEMA, which, by Monte Carlo simulation, predicts the efficiency extrapolation curve. The results obtained for the 32P in the systems used presented a good agreement, within the experimental uncertainties, as well as those obtained for the 90Sr - 90Y, in scintillation system and coincidence system, showing good agreement, within the experimental uncertainties. The result obtained by the Monte Carlo technique showed good agreement with the value obtained with the coincidence system. The results indicate the quality and good accuracy of the detection systems used in this work, when used for metrological purposes.
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