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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trens de articulação do território: referências, análises e ensaios para implantação de uma rede ferroviária no Estado de São Paulo / Trains of territory articulation: references, analyses and proposals for implantation of a railway network in the state of São Paulo.

Marcelo Arend Madalozzo 20 April 2018 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo o estudo das relações espaciais potencializadas por uma rede de transporte ferroviário que extrapolasse os limites da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, mostrando-se como possibilidade para a transformação qualitativa do espaço em direção à sua homogeneização. Para isso, buscou-se construir um conjunto de referências de infraestrutura e serviços ferroviários para o transporte de passageiros a partir dos sistemas europeus, sobretudo o sistema francês. Simultaneamente, foram levantadas e analisadas criticamente as políticas recentes voltadas para implementação desse tipo de infraestrutura no estado de São Paulo, visando estabelecer um panorama sobre os preceitos envolvidos na sua elaboração. Por f im, a p artir d a a valiação e i nterpretação de t odos e sses a spectos, o trabalho propõe dois ensaios: um primeiro de caráter conceitual, buscando estruturar a prática de planejamento para os novos sistemas; e um segundo de caráter propositivo, para a conformação de uma rede ferroviária integrada entre as diferentes escalas hierárquicas traçadas. / This research aims to study the spatial relations as result of a railway transportation network, which extrapolates the limits of the Metropolitan Region o f S ão P aulo, and xplores t he p ossibilities o f a qualitative transformation of the space towards its homogenization. Firstly, the work assemble references concerning infrastructure and railway services in the Western-European context, notably the French railway system. Secondly, the various recent policies of railway system\'s implementation in the state of São Paulo were gathered and analyzed, setting up an overview of their elaborations\' directives. Finally, the work proposes two essays: a) a conceptional one, which set bases for planning practices for new railway transportation systems; and b) a propositional one, which defines an integrated railway network between the different hierarchic scales.

Metodologia para escolha de modal do transporte, do ponto de vista da carga, através da aplicação do método de análise hierárquica. / Methodology for freight modal choice, from the cargo owner\'s point of view, through the application of the analytic hierarchy process.

Tiffany Ide Hashiba 04 July 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe uma metodologia para escolha de modal de transporte a partir da aplicação do método de análise hierárquica a um conjunto de critérios levando em consideração o ponto de vista dos donos da carga. Parte-se de uma pesquisa de critérios adotados na escolha de modal sob contextos que incluem variação de cargas avaliadas, de disponibilidade de infraestrutura e serviços logísticos. Avalia-se ainda o método de análise hierárquica, AHP, que permite a decisão multicriterial com fatores quantitativos e qualitativos. Propõe-se uma metodologia de escolha de modal considerando o que é importante para o embarcador baseado no método AHP. Os critérios levantados na literatura são condensados em um conjunto hierarquizado de 3 critérios (custo logístico total; atendimento a particularidades da carga; e confiabilidade) e 7 subcritérios (custo logístico total; acessibilidade, flexibilidade, e oferta de instalações logísticas; pontualidade, perdas e danos, e informações ao cliente). A metodologia resultante é genérica e pode ser aplicada a um conjunto abrangente de situações logísticas. A título de exemplo, a metodologia é aplicada a três casos de transporte, para a escolha entre a alternativa rodoviária direto ou intermodal com ferrovia, variando-se a distância (média ou longa distância) e a carga transportada (açúcar a granel ou contêiner, para exportação). Os resultados são comparados e discutidos em termos dos pesos relativos dos critérios na escolha do embarcador, e das respectivas contribuições à decisão em face dos atributos das alternativas. Conclui-se que a avaliação multicriterial, contemplando critérios quantitativos e qualitativos, proporciona uma análise abrangente da hierarquia e contribuição dos critérios e a distinção dos pontos críticos na competição entre modais. / This study proposes a method for determining modal choice in transport problems based on an analytic hierarchy technique, considering the cargo owners point of view. Initially, a research of criteria used in modal choice in several contexts is carried out: cargos evaluated, availability of infrastructure and logistic services, standpoint of the evaluator. A review of the AHP method (which allows for multicriterial decisions with qualitative and quantitative factors) ensues. The author proposes a method for assisting in the modal choice from the cargo owners standpoint, based on the AHP technique. The criteria collected from the literature review are condensed in a hierarchical set of 3 criteria (total logistic costs; compliance with specificities of the cargo; and reliability) and 7 subcriteria (total logistic costs; accessibility, flexibility, and availability of logistic facilities; timeliness, susceptibility to loss or damage; and information to customers). The resulting method is generic and can be applied to a comprehensive range of logistic situations. The proposed method is then applied, as an example, to three freight cases, to aid the modal choice between direct roadway transportation or intermodal transport based on rail freight, with varying distances (medium or long distance haul) and the cargo being transported (bulk sugar or container, both for export). The results are compared and discussed in terms of the relative weights of each of the 7 subcriteria in the cargo owners modal decision, and the respective contributions to the decision in light of the attributes of the alternatives. The study concludes that the multicriterial evaluation, contemplating quantitative and qualitative criteria, yields a more comprehensive analysis of the important criteria hierarchy and the distinction of key issues in modal competition.

Geografické informační systémy v dopravě / Geographics Information Systems in Transportation

Souček, Václav Unknown Date (has links)
The work is focused on the issues associated with the use of geographical information systems in transport. Of the various types of transport was chosen railway transport for its great potential particularly in the field of freight transport, but also because it is a relatively environmentally friendly. This fact is also well known to the leaders of the European Union, who are engaged in the field of transportation. The European Commission in its documents (green and white papers) gives accent on the development of railway transportation and combined transportation, because this is the path to secure the sustainable development of transport. In the course of this study the current state of information systems several problems were discovered. One problem is the fragmentation of the partial information systems and the associated strong administrative burden. This situation stems both from the incomplete legislative framework, but also from the lack of the concept and awareness of the managerial positions. This work deals with other selected issues. The first is the area of designing the data model topology track that satisfies the requirements set out in legislation, both European and national level. The data model was designed with regard to a sufficient degree of variability. The work contains a section dedicated to the implementation of the data model and solution design of problems associated with visualization arcs. Another area is the collection of geographic data. Data collection is one of the key tasks in the implementation and maintenance of the information system. The acquisition of the geographical data can be lengthy and costly. We therefore suggest how to use inertial measurement in acquisition of topological data. This method could speed up the entire process of data capturing with sufficient precision and reduce the costs to the acceptable range.


Benhizia, Faten 25 October 2012 (has links)
La production des circulations ferroviaires a la sncf repose actuellement sur un processus essentiellement sequentiel dans lequel la conception des grilles horaires de circulation (reservation de l'infrastructure pour la circulation des trains de l'offre de transport de la sncf) conditionne largement la conception des planifications des engins ferroviaires (les roulements engins), puis celle des agents de conduite (adc) (les grilles de service des adc). cette strategie de planification sequentielle des ressources ferroviaires a ete massivement adoptee pour des raisons pratiques et scientifiques (historique, savoir-faire, complexite du systeme ferroviaire, etc.). toutefois, cette strategie de planification sequentielle genere des solutions qui peuvent etre de cout eleve et moins robustes aux aleas, car les decisions prises a une etape donnee peuvent reduire considerablement l'ensemble des solutions realisables aux etapes suivantes. face a ce constat et a la forte interaction entre ces trois ressources heterogenes et tres couteuses, la sncf a souhaite investiguer la praticabilite et les apports d'une demarche d'optimisation du plan de transport par planification integree de ces ressources critiques. dans cette optique, les travaux de these ont porte sur l'etude de faisabilite, le prototypage et la validation d'une demarche de planification integree des ressources permettant d'ameliorer l'efficacite globale du plan de transport, d'accroitre la competitivite de la sncf et d'ameliorer la qualite de ses services. nous avons propose une formalisation du probleme de planification integree engins/adc et des algorithmes performants qui s'appuient sur une approche par relaxation lagrangienne pour resoudre de maniere efficace la problematique etudiee. cette approche repose sur l'exploitation de deux briques logicielles developpees a la sncf pour resoudre chacun des sous-problemes de planification des engins et des adc. les algorithmes ont ete testes experimentalement avec des donnees reelles de la region ter bretagne. differentes evolutions des modeles et des algorithmes ont ete etudiees pour rendre ces derniers plus efficaces. les tests de validation sur des jeux de donnees reelles a une echelle industrielle sont encourageants et montrent des gains potentiels allant jusqu'a 4% des adc exploites par rapport a une approche traditionnelle (sequentielle). / The planning of railway production at the french national railways (sncf) is currently based on a mainly sequential process in which the design of railway timetabling widely conditioning design planning of railway equipment (rolling stock), then one of the train drivers (driver rosters). this strategy of sequential planning of railway resources massively adopted for practical and scientific reasons (expertise, complexity of the railway system, etc.). however, this strategy generates solutions which can be more expensive and less robust to uncertainties, because decisions taken at any given stage can significantly reduce the overall feasible solutions of the following steps.given this situation and the strong interaction between these heterogeneous and very expensive resources, the thesis deals with the feasibility and inputs of a process where these critical resources could be planned and optimized in an integrated way. the thesis focuses on the feasibility study, prototyping and validation of an integrated approach for planning rolling stocks and drivers, so as to improve the efficiency of the overall transportation plan, increase sncf competitiveness and enhance the quality of its services. we propose a mixed integer linear programming formulation of the rolling stock/ train drivers integrated planning problem. in this mathematical model, each planning sub-problem is formalized and coupling constraints are further introduced to model the interdependencies of these two resources when they are simultaneously used for train production. in this heuristic, the solution of the lagrangian dual and the calculation of feasible solutions are performed by calling two proprietary software modules available at sncf for planning rolling stocks and train drivers. the heuristic is tested experimentally with real data from the ter bretagne region, and several evolutions are introduced in the models and algorithms so as to improve their performances.validation tests on of real data sets at an industrial scale are encouraging and, when compared to a traditional (sequential) approach, show gain of up to 4% for train drivers used.

Proposition d’une architecture de surveillance holonique pour l’aide à la maintenance proactive d’une flotte de systèmes mobiles : application au domaine ferroviaire / An intelligent agent-based monitoring architecture to help the proactive maintenance of a fleet of mobile systems : application to the railway field

Adoum, Ahmat Fadil 14 January 2019 (has links)
La maintenance de flottes de systèmes mobiles dans le monde du transport et de la logistique revêt de nos jours une importance croissante de par l’augmentation des attentes des exploitants et opérateurs en termes de sécurité, de fiabilité, de suivi, de diagnostic et de maintenance de ces systèmes. Dans ce contexte, Les mainteneurs des flottes doivent souvent faire face à d'énormes quantités de données brutes, informations et événements de surveillance liés aux contexte de leurs systèmes. De plus, ces événements, données et informations manquent souvent de précision et sont souvent contradictoires ou obsolètes. Enfin, le degré d'urgence des décisions de maintenance est rarement pris en compte. Ce travail est consacré à la proposition et à la mise au point d’une architecture de surveillance pour l’aide à la maintenance d’une flotte de systèmes mobiles. Cette architecture, appelée EMH², est destinée à faciliter le diagnostic et le suivi de ce type de flotte. Elle est construite sur les principes holoniques, des plus bas (capteurs) aux plus hauts niveaux (ensemble d’une flotte de systèmes mobiles). Elle se base également sur une standardisation des événements traités afin de traiter les données de manière générique. Cette architecture, indépendante des types de systèmes surveillés et de leur niveau hiérarchique, peut devenir l'épine dorsale d’une stratégie efficace de maintenance proactive d’une flotte. Une méthodologie de déploiement est ainsi proposée. Une étude en simulation et une application sur une flotte de 10 trains actuellement en service est présentée. / The maintenance of mobile systems fleets in the world of transport and logistics is of increasing importance today due to the increasing expectations of operators in terms of safety, reliability, monitoring, diagnosis and maintenance of these systems. In this context, fleet maintainers often have to deal with huge amounts of raw data, information and monitoring events related to the context of their systems. Moreover, these events, data and information are often lack precision and often contradictory or obsolete. Finally, the urgency of maintenance decisions is rarely taken into account. This work is devoted to the proposal and the development of a monitoring architecture to help maintain a fleet of mobile systems. This architecture, called EMH², is intended to facilitate the diagnosis and monitoring of this type of fleet. It is built on holonic principles, from the lowest (sensors) to the highest levels (a whole fleet of mobile systems). It is also based on a standardization of processed events in order to process the data generically. This architecture, independent of the types of systems monitored and their hierarchical level, can become the backbone of an effective strategy for proactive fleet maintenance. A deployment methodology is thus proposed. A simulation study and an application on a fleet of 10 trains currently in service is presented.

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