Spelling suggestions: "subject:"rapeseed."" "subject:"rapeseeds.""
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Perennial legume phase and annual crop rotation influences on CO2 and N2O fluxes over two years in the Red River Valley, Manitoba, CanadaStewart, Siobhan Elaine 18 January 2011 (has links)
Studies have shown that including perennial forages in cropping rotations can increase soil carbon (C) and lower nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions when compared to continuous annual cropping. Research is needed to evaluate the inclusion of a perennial forage in an annual crop rotation on net carbon dioxide (CO2) and N2O fluxes, natural and agronomic drivers of seasonal greenhouse gases (GHGs), and the possibility of using forages as a C sequestration-CO2 mitigation tool. A long-term field experiment site to determine GHG budgets for Red River Valley cropping systems in Manitoba, Canada was used. The site consisted of four plots with the same annual rotation management history. A perennial legume, alfalfa, was grown in 2008 and 2009 on two plots and spring wheat and industrial oilseed-rapeseed grown on the other two plots in 2008 and 2009, respectively. Nitrous oxide and CO2 fluxes were measured continuously using the flux gradient micrometeorological method. For the net study period, the perennial phase sequestered twice the atmospheric CO2 (2070 kg C ha-1) compared to the annual crops. The annual rotation emitted 3.5 times more N2O than the perennial legume phase. When accounting for harvest C removals and considering GHGs in CO2-equivalent (eq.), the perennial legume phase was a net sink of 5440 kg CO2-eq. ha-1 and the annual rotation was a net source of 4500 kg CO2-eq. ha-1 for the two year study period. Information gathered will help bridge missing data gaps in national emission trends and enhance development of Canadian GHG mitigation models.
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Voies de formation des crossovers méiotiques chez une espèce allopolyploïde, le colza (Brassica napus) / Crossover Pathways of Brassica napus Allopolyploid MeiosisGonzalo, Adrian 25 October 2017 (has links)
La recombinaison méiotique est au cœur de l'hérédité Mendélienne, de l'évolution et de l'amélioration des plantes, car elle assure, grâce aux crossovers, une transmission fidèle des chromosomes et le brassage de l’information génétique au fil des générations. Deux voies de formation des crossovers coexistent chez les plantes. La voie principale (voie I) dépend de la protéine MSH4 (et de quelques autres). La voie secondaire ne produit que quelques crossovers (dits de voie II) au cours de la méiose d’une plante de type sauvage ; ils sont indépendants de MSH4 et leur nombre est limité par des protéines telles que FANCM. Si ces deux voies ont été bien décrites chez des espèces diploïdes, ce n’est pas le cas chez des plantes allopolyploïdes, pourtant très fréquentes parmi les plantes cultivées. Il s'agit là d'une lacune importante, car la présence de plusieurs jeux de chromosomes apparentés conduit à augmenter le nombre de partenaires susceptibles de former des crossovers et le nombre de copies de tous les gènes méiotiques, rendant la recombinaison méiotique plus complexe. Cette thèse vise à explorer l'interaction entre les voies de formation des crossovers et la polyploïdie en utilisant des mutants de colza (Brassica napus; AACC) et d’un de ces parents diploïdes (B. rapa; AA) pour deux gènes de la recombinaison méiotique.J'ai tout d'abord testé dans quelle mesure la formation de crossovers entre chromosomes homologues et entre homéologues (chromosomes A et C) est tributaire des voies I et II en évaluant l’effet d’une diminution du nombre de copies fonctionnelles de MSH4 sur le nombre de crossovers. J'ai montré que ce dernier n'est altéré que lorsque les deux copies MSH4 sont inactivées, toute autre combinaison de mutations conduisant au même nombre de crossovers inter-homologues que chez le sauvage. J'ai également montré que la proportion de crossovers de voie II chez des mutants msh4 de colza est bien supérieure à celles observées chez d’autres plantes mutantes pour msh4. Cette observation reste vraie chez des mutants msh4 de B. rapa, suggérant que la proportion accrue de crossovers de voie II n’est pas spécifique au colza, mais probablement une caractéristique des Brassicaceae. Chez des plantes allohaploïdes (AC) de colza, chez lesquelles les crossovers ne peuvent se former qu’entre homéologues, les copies MSH4 ne se compensent plus complétement ; le nombre de crossovers de voie I fluctue au contraire proportionnellement au dosage de MSH4, devenant presque nul lorsque toutes les copies sont inactivées. Mes résultats illustrent deux nouvelles propriétés spécifiques des crossovers entre homéologues: une plus grande sensibilité vis-à-vis du dosage MSH4 pour les crossovers de voie I et une plus faible efficacité des crossovers de voie II.Dans un second temps, j'ai caractérisé cytologiquement des mutants fancm de colza pour vérifier que l'augmentation des crossovers de voie II ne nuit pas à au bon déroulement de sa méiose. Cette question est restée en suspens, les mutants fancm de colza n’étant pas complètement nuls. Cet écueil m'a incité à développer une approche de TILLING par séquençage pour identifier de nouveaux mutants de recombinaison chez le colza. J'ai alors combiné les mutations fancm et msh4 chez B. rapa pour vérifier si les premières suffisent à corriger les défauts méiotiques induits par les secondes. J'ai montré que, conformément à ce qui avait été observé chez Arabidopsis thaliana, la mutation fancm augmente le nombre de crossovers à un point tel qu’elle restaure la formation de bivalents dans un mutant msh4. La fonction de FANCM est donc conservée chez B. rapa.Mes résultats ont fait progresser la compréhension des voies de formation des crossovers lors d’une méiose allopolyploïde. Ils indiquent que la transmission des chromosomes chez ces espèces implique principalement des crossovers de voie I, et qu’elle pourrait être assurée en limitant l’efficacité de cette voie (e.g. en diminuant le nombre de copies de gènes). / Meiotic recombination ensures, through the formation of crossovers (COs), both faithful chromosome transmission and allelic shuffling over generations; it is at the heart of Mendelian heredity, evolution and plant breeding. Two crossover pathways co-exist in plants. The main pathway (class I) is dependent on MSH4 (and additional proteins). The secondary pathway produces only a few MSH4-independent (class II) crossovers during wild-type meiosis that are limited in number by anti-crossover proteins such as FANCM. These pathways have been extensively described in diploid species, disregarding one of the most pervasive features of crop genomes: polyploidy. This is a major gap in our understanding because the presence of more than two related sets of chromosomes leads both to extra partners for crossover formation and additional copies for all meiotic genes, which make meiotic recombination more intricate. This thesis aims at exploring the interplay between meiotic recombination pathways and polyploidy using mutants for two recombination genes in allotetraploid Brassica napus (AACC; 2n=38) and its diploid progenitor, B. rapa (AA; 2n=20). I have first tested the extent to which class I and class II pathways contribute to inter-homolog and inter-homoeolog (between A and C chromosomes) crossover formation by analyzing how crossovers are affected as the number of functional MSH4 copies decreases. I showed that inter-homolog crossover formation is impaired only when the two MSH4 copies are lost, any other combination of msh4 mutations resulting in wild-type crossover numbers. I also observed that, when class I crossovers are completely abolished in B. napus, the highest frequency of class II crossover ever reported among plant msh4 mutants is observed. I reproduced this result using B. rapa msh4 mutants, thereby demonstrating that increased class II crossover frequencies is not specific to B.napus, but could instead be a general feature of the Brassicaceae. In B. napus allohaploids (AC), where crossovers are forced to occur between homeologs, MSH4 copies no longer complement each other perfectly; counter to the situation in euploids, the number of MSH4-dependent crossovers formed between homoeologs fluctuates with MSH4 dosage in these plants, and approximate zero when all MSH4 copies are depleted. Altogether, my results illustrate two novel specific properties of inter-homeolog crossovers: a greater sensitivity to MSH4 dosage for class I pathway and a lower efficiency for class II.Next, I characterized cytologically B. napus fancm mutants to confirm that boosting class II crossovers would not be detrimental to B. napus meiosis. However, a prudential interpretation of these results is demanded since the B. napus fancm alleles retained residual anti-crossover activity. This has prompted me to set up a TILLING-by-sequencing procedure in order to produce new recombination mutants in B. napus. I also combined the B. rapa fancm and msh4 mutations to test whether the former is sufficient to fix the meiotic defects resulting from the latter. I showed that, similarly to what had been observed in Arabidopsis thaliana, fancm mutation boost COs to such a point that it restores bivalent formation in B. rapa msh4 background. My results therefore confirmed that the function of FANCM is conserved in B. rapa. Overall, the findings and achievements of this thesis make a step forward dissection of CO pathways during allopolyploid meiosis. They indicate that meiotic adaptation to allopolyploidy mainly involve the class I crossover pathway and could be achieved by limiting its efficiency (e.g. by decreasing gene copy number).
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Effet d'un rapport de Sillicium sur la senescence foliaire et les performances agronomiques du colza / Effect of silicon supply on foliar senescence and agronomic performances of rapeseedHaddad, Cylia 17 December 2018 (has links)
Le colza (Brassica napus L.) est une plante de grande culture nécessitant de forts intrants azotés et présentant une faible Efficience d’Utilisation de l’Azote (EUA) principalement due à une faible efficience de remobilisation cet élément durant la sénescence foliaire. Actuellement, une amélioration du bilan agroenvironnemental de la culture du colza, nécessite la mise au point de nouvelles pratiques culturales permettant de maintenir (voire d’améliorer) son rendement tout en limitant les doses d’intrants azotés. Dans ce contexte, l’utilisation d’éléments bénéfiques tels que le silicium (Si) dont les effets ont déjà été démontrés dans la tolérance à certains stress nutritionnels (phosphore et potassium) constitue une alternative intéressante. Les objectifs de cette étude visent à étudier l’effet du Si (i) sur la progression de la sénescence foliaire, l’absorption et la remobilisation de l’azote et les performances agronomiques du colza cultivé en hydroponie ou en conditions de plein champ et soumis ou non à une limitation ou une privation en azote. Nos travaux montrent, qu’en dépit de son caractère faiblement accumulateur en Si, le colza absorbe le Si puis le stocke essentiellement au niveau racinaire. Par ailleurs, un apport de Si de courte durée (7 jours ; 1,7 mM) à des jeunes plantes privées en azote provoque un retard de sénescence des feuilles matures associé un maintien de leur teneur en chlorophylles et de leur activité photosynthétique. De plus, au champ, un apport de Si (12 kg ha-1) à des plantes cultivées avec 160 kg N ha-1 s’accompagne d’une augmentation du rendement grainier (+4,2 quintaux ha-1). L'utilisation de l’indice agronomique «Agronomic Nitrogen Recovery (ANR)» combinée à l’étude de l’expression de gènes codant des transporteurs d’azote (BnaNRT1.1, BnaNRT2.1, BnaAMT1.1) montrent que le Si agit notamment en stimulant l’absorption de l’azote chez le colza. Enfin, une analyse différentielle par RNAseq des transcriptomes racinaires de jeunes plantes traitées ou non avec du Si pendant une courte durée (7 jours ; 1,7 mM), montre que le Si module l’expression de 1079 gènes, 334 étant induits et 745 réprimés. Ce résultat indique qu’en plus de son rôle mécanique, le Si exerce également un rôle signalétique. / Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) is a crop that requires high nitrogen inputs and has a low Nitrogen Utilization Efficiency (NUE) mainly due to a low remobilization efficiency during leaf senescence. Currently, an improvement of the agro-environmental balance of rapeseed, requires the development of new cultural practices to maintain (or even improve) its yield in response to low nitrogen inputs. In this context, the use of beneficial element such as silicon (Si) with previously demonstrated effects on tolerance to some nutritional stress (phosphorus and potassium), constitutes an interesting alternative. The objectives of this study are to investigate the effect of Si on the progression of leaf senescence, nitrogen uptake and remobilization but also on agronomic performances of rapeseed grown in hydroponics or in field conditions and submitted or not to a limitation or deprivation of nitrogen inputs. Our work shows that despite being considered as a low Si accumulator, rapeseed takes up and stores Si mainly in its roots. In addition, a Si supply for a short time (7 days; 1.7 mM) to young plants deprived of nitrogen leads to a delay of senescence of mature leaves associated with a maintenance of their chlorophyll content and their photosynthetic activity. In addition, in field conditions, a supply of Si (12 kg ha-1) to plants grown with 160 kg N ha-1 leads to an increase of yield (+4.2 quintals ha-1). Furthermore, calculation of the "Agronomic Nitrogen Recovery (ANR)" combined with the expression of genes encoding nitrogen transporters (BnaNRT1.1, BnaNRT2.1, and BnaAMT1.1) shows that Si increases the nitrogen uptake. Finally, a differential analysis by RNAseq of roots transcriptomes from young plants treated or not with Si for a short time (7 days; 1.7 mM), shows that Si modulates the expression of 1079 genes, 334 being induced and 745 repressed. This result indicates that in addition to its mechanical role, Si acts also a signal, a role very poorly demonstrated in the literature.
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Vliv moření semen řepky olejné oomycetou Pythium oligandrum na metabolismus rostliny / The effect of rape seed treatment with oomycete Pythium oligandrum on plant metabolismVaverová, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
Lot of attention is paid to biological control agents of plant pathogens as it will reduce the amount of pesticides used in agriculture. Pythium oligandrum oomycete is already used commercially in the form of watering and spraying. In this work the properties of other isolates were characterized, and the metabolic changes were studied in plants of oilseed rape (Brassica napus subsp. Oleifera), whose seeds were treated with preparates based on Pythium oligandrum. In the first part of the thesis the properties of compounds secreted by isolates of Pythium oligandrum were tested. The amount of phenolic substances and the activity of endoglycosidase endo-β-1,3-glucanase, cellulase, chitinase as well as proteases were measured to assess the ability of oomycete Pythium oligandrum mycoparasitically protect the plant. Substances, especially oligandrin, which during interaction with the plant are responsible for "priming", have been observed, enabling the plant to respond rapidly to pathogen infection through systemic plant resistance. Differences between individual isolates also manifested themselves in electrophoretic separation in the protein representation. In the second part of the work, the effect of rapeseed seed treatment with isolates of Pythium oligandrum on plant metabolism was monitored. While...
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The use of nitrogen solubility in assessing the value of treatment (formaldehyde and heat) of rapeseed and soybean meals for ruminants.Phillip, LeRoy E. January 1976 (has links)
No description available.
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Diversity and Management of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in Brassica spp. in Bangladeshislam, Md. Mynul 11 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Life cycle assessments of arable land use options and protein feeds : A comparative study investigating the climate impact from different scenarios in the agricultural sectorKarlsson, Malin, Sund, Linnea January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate and compare the climate impact from different arable land use options and protein feeds aimed for cattle. This has been made by executing two life cycle assessments (LCAs). The first LCA aimed to compare the following three arable land use options: Cultivation of wheat used for production of bioethanol, carbon dioxide and DDGS Cultivation of rapeseed used for production of RME, rapeseed meal and glycerine Fallow in the form of long-term grassland The second LCA aimed to compare the three protein feeds DDGS, rapeseed meal and soybean meal. In the LCA of arable land, the functional unit 1 ha arable land during one year was used and the LCA had a cradle-to-grave perspective. The LCA of protein feeds had the functional unit 100 kg digestible crude protein and had a cradle-to-gate perspective, hence the use and disposal phases of the feeds were excluded. Bioethanol, DDGS and carbon dioxide produced at Lantmännen Agroetanol, Norrköping, were investigated in this study. The production of RME, rapeseed meal and glycerine were considered to occur at a large-scale plant in Östergötland, but no site-specific data was used. Instead, general data of Swedish production was used in the assessment. The wheat and rapeseed cultivations were considered to take place at the same Swedish field as the fallow takes place. The protein feed DDGS was produced at Lantmännen Agroetanol and the rapeseed meal was assumed to be produced at a general large-scale plant in Sweden. In the soybean meal scenario, a general case for the Brazilian state Mato Grosso was assumed and no specific production site was investigated. Data required for the LCAs was retrieved from literature, the LCI database Ecoinvent and from Lantmännen Agroetanol. In the LCA of arable land use options, system expansion was used on all products produced to be able to compare the wheat and rapeseed scenarios with the fallow scenario. In the LCA of protein feeds, system expansion was used on co-products. The products in the arable land use options and the co-products in the protein feed scenarios are considered to replace the production and use of products on the market with the same function. The result shows that the best arable land use option from a climate change perspective is to cultivate wheat and produce bioethanol, carbon dioxide and DDGS. This is since wheat cultivation has a higher yield per hectare compared to rapeseed and therefore a bigger amount of fossil products and feed ingredients can be substituted. To have the arable land in fallow is the worst option from a climate change perspective, since no products are produced that can substitute alternative products. Furthermore, the result shows that DDGS and rapeseed meal are to prefer before soybean meal from a climate change perspective, since soybean meal has a higher climate impact than DDGS and rapeseed meal. This can be explained by the smaller share of co-products produced in the soybean meal scenario compared to the DDGS and rapeseed meal scenarios. Since the production and use of co-products leads to avoided greenhouse gas emissions (since they substitute alternatives), the amount of co-products being produced is an important factor. A sensitivity analysis was also executed testing different system boundaries and variables critical for the result in both LCAs. The conclusion of this study is that arable land should be used to cultivate wheat in order to reduce the total climate impact from arable land. Furthermore, it is favorable for the climate if DDGS or rapeseed meal are used as protein feeds instead of imported soybean meal.
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Žieminių rapsų atsparumą šalčiui lemiančių veiksnių tyrimas in vitro / The reasearch of factors determining winter rapeseed resistance to freezing in vitroŠalugienė, Aura 09 June 2010 (has links)
Žieminiai rapsai (Brassica napus L.) – vienas plačiausiai Lietuvoje auginamų augalų. Atsparumas šalčiui – vienas pagrindinių veiksnių, ribojančių žieminių rapsų auginimą vidutinio klimato regionuose. Žieminių rapsų atsparumo šalčiui tyrimai atlikti Lietuvos žemės ūkio universiteto Agrobiotechnologijos laboratorijoje. Tirtas žieminių rapsų veislių ‘Banjo’, ‘Elvis’, ‘Silvia’, ‘Valesca’ atsparumas šalčiui šaldant in vitro po atlydžio pakartotinai grūdintus ir negrūdintus ūglius. Visų tyrimo variantų ūgliai grūdinti 14 dienų 4 °C temperatūroje. Modeliuojant atlydžio sąlygas, grūdinti ūgliai auginti 18 °C temperatūroje 14 ir 21 dieną. Atsparumas šalčiui vertintas šaldant ūglius po 14 atlydžio dienų be pakartotinio grūdinimo ir pakartotinai grūdinant. Laboratoriniais tyrimais nustatyta, kad šaldant ūglius po 14 atlydžio dienų be pakartotinio grūdinimo žieminių rapsų atsparumas šalčiui ženkliai mažėjo. Pakartotinai grūdinant po atlydžio, šalčio nepažeistų ūglių kiekis iš esmės didėjo. Iš tirtų žieminių rapsų genotipų didžiausias nepažeistų ūglių procentas gautas šaldant veislių ‘Banjo’ ir ‘Valesca’ ūglius. Nustatytas teigiamas sacharozės poveikis šalčio nepažeistų ūglių kiekiui, tačiau tirtų žieminių rapsų atsparumą šalčiui labiau lėmė pakartotinis grūdinimas. / Winter rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) is one of the most important crops in Lithuania. Winter hardiness is a complex trait limiting cultivation of winter rapeseed to the regions of temperate climate. Cold resistance of four winter rapeseed cultivars in vitro and their ability to recover after de-acclimation and re-acclimation periods were investigated at the Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology of Lithuanian University of Agriculture. Shoots were acclimated at 4 °C for 14 days and transferred to freezing temperatures. For study influence of de-acclimation period on rapeseed cold resistance acclimated shoots were de-acclimated and subjected to freezing temperature with and without repeated acclimation. A significant decrease in frost resistance of shoots after 14 days de-acclimation period for all tested cultivars has been obtained. Repeated acclimation followed after de-acclimation period resulted increasing the shoot ability to cold re-acclimation. Cultivars ‘Banjo’ and ‘Valesca’ showed highest value of un-injured shoots under freezing treatment among tested winter rapeseed genotypes. Exogenous sucrose has positive effect on winter rapeseed cold resistance, but repeated acclimation is more important for shoot recovery after de-acclimation.
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Investigating the link between genetic distance and seed yield in hybrid Brassica napus L. using phenotypic and genotypic methodsCattini, Alexander Peter 13 January 2017 (has links)
Brassica napus L. is an economically important oilseed species cultivated across Western Canada. Hybrid B. napus cultivars compose the majority of the market due to their seed yield and agronomic quality. It is important to attempt to predict high-yielding parental combinations in order to conserve resources during experimental hybrid evaluation. Genetic distance between parents has been implicated in producing high-yielding hybrids and is used as one criteria for determining parental combinations.In the current study, the genetic distance between high erucic acid rapeseed (HEAR) genotypes of B. napus was established using both phenotypic and genotypic criteria. Phenotypic criteria took the form of nine agronomic and seed quality traits gathered from 318 distinct B. napus genotypes over the 2013 and 2014 field seasons in Southern Manitoba. Genotypic criteria took the form of either 291,782 SNP markers identified in 231 distinct B. napus genotypes using genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) or 230 polymorphic sequence-related amplified polymoprhism (SRAP) markers identified in 160 B. napus genotypes. The genetic distance between available pollinators and a single male-sterile female was established using each set of criteria in an attempt to correlate genetic distance with hybrid yield. Regression analysis was conducted with yield data from hybrid genotypes gathered from 37 field sites from 2011-2014. Using the phenotypic-derived genetic distance, a significant correlation between genetic distance and hybrid yield was uncovered explaining either 22 % or 42 % of the variation in hybrid yield depending upon whether hybrids were grown at three or more, or five or more sites in the analysis, respectively. No significant link was found between GBS or SRAP-derived genetic distance and hybrid yield. These results provide evidence that that phenotypic criteria can be used to establish genetic distance with utility in the selection of high-yielding hybrid genotypes. / February 2017
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Influence de la structuration de l'interface colloïdale sur la formulation et la biodisponibilité d'acides gras d'intérêt nutritionnel / Influence of colloidal interfacial structuration on the formulation and nutritional fatty acid bioavailabilityBourgeois, Christine 10 December 2018 (has links)
Les études épidémiologiques récentes montrent une consommation insuffisante d’acides gras polyinsaturés (AGPI) dans les pays occidentaux. Cependant, la sensibilité des AGPI à l’oxydation est l’une des premières causes de détérioration des qualités organoleptique et nutritionnelle dans les produits alimentaires. Parallèlement, les lipides présents dans les produits alimentaires se trouvent le plus souvent sous forme émulsionnée. Ainsi, les entreprises désirant formuler des produits alimentaires enrichis en AGPI adoptent des stratégies technologiques pour les stabiliser chimiquement et physiquement, tout en assurant leur biodisponibilité. Une de ces stratégie consiste à rechercher, dans la nature, des systèmes émulsifiés stables afin d’en extraire des molécules tensioactives d’intérêt et de mimer l’organisation des lipides. C’est dans ce contexte que des études portent, depuis quelques années, sur les corps lipidiques (Oil Bodies, OB), structures végétales naturelles de stockage des lipides des plantes oléagineuses, composées de phospholipides (PL) et de protéines (OBP).L’objectif général de ce projet de thèse vise à maitriser la formulation d’émulsions préparées uniquement à base de colza (huile, PL et OBP) par une meilleure connaissance des interactions PL : OBP, d’étudier la stabilité des émulsions d’un point de vue physicochimique en conditions de stockage et dans des conditions mimant les conditions gastro-intestinales et, enfin, d’évaluer l’influence de la composition de l’interface des émulsions sur la bioaccessibilité des acides gras insaturés in vivo chez le rat.Les études spectroscopiques des interactions PL modèles : OBP ont mis en évidence des interactions favorables à la stabilisation des émulsions entre les PL anioniques, les PL insaturés et les OBP. Ces résultats ont orienté le choix vers une lécithine de colza spécifique. Les interactions PL : OBP, modulées par le pH et le rapport PL : OBP, influencent la réalisation des émulsions, la quantité d’OBP adsorbées à l’interface et la stabilité physique des émulsions, avec un crémage prononcé pour les émulsions riches en protéines. La synergie PL : OBP à l’interface semble être un facteur décisif pour ralentir l’oxydation de l’huile de colza émulsifiée. Le comportement des émulsions, dans des conditions mimant celles du milieu gastro-intestinal, montre que la présence d’OBP à l’interface favorise la floculation des émulsions à pH acide (mimant celui de l’estomac), mais que cette floculation est réversible lorsque le pH est ramené à des valeurs proches de celle de l’intestin. La présence des OBP favorise l’activité de la lipase pancréatique in vitro. Finalement, l’interface composée de PL et d’OBP améliore la bioaccessibilité lymphatique des AGPI in vivo chez le rat.En conclusion, nous avons montré qu’il est possible de formuler des émulsions uniquement à base de colza. Elles pourraient présenter une alternative intéressante aux émulsions stabilisées par des émulsifiants d’origine synthétique (politique clean label) ou d’origine animale (alimentation végane). / Recent epidemiologic studies show an insufficient intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in occidental countries. Besides, the sensibility of PUFA to oxidation is one of the major causes of organoleptic and nutritional quality deterioration in food products. Moreover, lipids in food products are often in an emulsified stage. Therefore, industrials that care to formulate PUFA enriched food products adopt technological strategies to protect and stabilize the lipids while improving their bioavailability. One of those strategies consists in looking for stable emulsified systems that already exist in nature, extract tensioactive molecules of interest and mimic the lipid state. In this context, several studies deal with oil bodies (OB), that are natural occurring structures for lipid storage in oleaginous plants, composed of proteins (OBP) and phospholipids (PL).Therefore, the main objective of this PhD work is to manage emulsion formulation only based on canola (oil, PL and OBP). This goes through: 1) an understanding of the interactions between PL and OBP; 2) a study of the stability of the emulsions under storage and gastrointestinal conditions, and finally, 3) an investigation of the influence of the emulsion interfacial composition on the bioavailability of PUFA in rats.The spectroscopic studies of the model PL:OBP interactions showed favorable interactions for stabilizing the emulsions based on anionic PL, unsaturated PL and OBP. These results allowed choosing an adequate canola lecithin. The PL:OBP interactions, modulated by the pH and the PL:OB ratio, influences the formation of the emulsions, the quantity of OBP adsorbed at the interface and the physical stability of emulsions with a pronounced creaming in emulsions rich in proteins. The PL:OBP synergy at the interface seems to be a decisive factor to slow down the oxidation of the emulsified canola oil. The emulsion behavior in conditions that mimic that of the gastrointestinal track, shows that the presence of OBP at the interface favored the emulsion flocculation at acid pH (mimicking that of the stomach). However, the flocculation was reversible when the pH was adjusted to a value close to that of the intestine. OBP also increased the activity of the pancreatic lipase in vitro. Finally, the presence of PL and OBP at the interface increased the lymphatic bioaccessibility of the PUFA in rats.On the whole, we showed that it is possible to manage emulsion formulation only based on canola products. This could be of peculiar interest for clean labeling or vegan nutrition by subtracting synthetic emulsifiers or emulsifiers from animal origin, respectively.
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