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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Paper del receptor H3 d’histamina en la neurotransmissió dopaminèrgica i el desig d’autoadministració de cocaïna.

Rosell Vilar, Santi 30 October 2012 (has links)
El nostre grup ha desenvolupat una tècnica directa per a la determinació radioisotòpica de la síntesi i l’alliberament de DA en cervell de rata. Les mostres s’incuben amb 3H-Tirosina i la 3H-Dopamina que es forma en el teixit és purificada posteriorment per HPLC. La determinació simultània amb la nostra tècnica de la síntesi i l’alliberament de dopamina fa que sigui una solució versàtil i permeti un processament de gran quantitat de mostres de manera automatitzada utilitzant el HPLC. Actualment la dependència a la cocaïna no té tractament farmacològic. S’utilitzen com a model animals de recaiguda per a la cerca de nous medicaments. El receptor H3 de histamina és relativament abundant en el cervell respecte altres teixits i en particular el nucli accumbens i l’estriat. Estudis previs suggereixen que l’antagonista/agonista invers del receptor H3 facilita l’alliberament de dopamina reforçant els efectes subjectius dels psicoestimulants. El nostre grup ha demostrat que l’agonista del receptor H3 d’ histamina disminueix la cerca de cocaïna en un test d’extinció i recaiguda en un model animal d’autoadministració. El pretractament del agonista H3 d’histamina disminueix la resposta en una prova d’extinció i recaiguda. / We have developed a straightforward radioisotopic determination of dopamine synthesis in brain striatal tissue preparations. Brain miniprisms are incubated with 3H-tyrosine, and 3H-dopamine formed is purified by HPLC. We tested our method with prototypical stimulators (dbcAMP, okadaic acid) and inhibitors (3-I-tyrosine, GABA) of tyrosine hydroxylase activity as well as with dopamine D2 autoreceptor agonists. Dopamine release to the incubation buffer was simultaneously determined in some experiments in order to better characterize dopaminergic neuronal mechanisms. We tested our method on determinations of 3H-dopamine release after K+ depolarization, inhibition of dopamine uptake or metabolism. Effects of psychotropic drugs nicotine and cocaine are also described. Cocaine dependence has no pharmacological treatment. Relapse models in animals are used as a screen for new medications. Histamine H3 receptors are relatively abundant in brain respect to other tissues, and particularly in the nucleus accumbens and striatum. Previous studies suggest that H3 antagonists/inverse agonists could facilitate dopamine release, reinforcement and/or the subjective effects of psychostimulants. Here we show that histamine H3 receptor agonists decrease cocaine seeking in tests of extinction and reinstatement of cocaine self-administration. Rats were subjected to cocaine self-administration under a FR5 schedule, followed by a reinforcement dose-response, progressive ratio, extinction and reinstatement tests elicited by two doses of cocaine priming.

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