Spelling suggestions: "subject:"recyclables"" "subject:"recyclable""
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Viabilidade técnica e econômica da madeira plástica (wood plastic) produzida com plástico reciclável e endocarpo de tucumã (Astrocaryum sp.) / Technical and economical feasibility of plastic wood produced with recyclable plastic and tucuman endocarbus (Astrocaryum sp.)Kieling, Antônio Cláudio, 92981522113, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0552-954X 07 December 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Antonio Claudio Kieling (antonio.kieling@yahoo.com) on 2018-12-10T16:36:18Z
No. of bitstreams: 4
Carta Encaminhamento TEDE Antonio Claudio Kieling.pdf: 293601 bytes, checksum: 49bcc6062df5e68e019c992795dfac84 (MD5)
Ata Defesa de Tese Antonio Claudio Kieling.pdf: 343649 bytes, checksum: 4b65954556cff3a00ebe481e428b8d1d (MD5)
TESE 239 PPGBIOTEC Antonio Claudio Kieling.pdf: 5588169 bytes, checksum: a23c4be3fca2759e91b790a747306384 (MD5)
license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by PPGBIOTEC Biotecnologia (ppg_biotec.ufam@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-12-11T15:05:26Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 4
Carta Encaminhamento TEDE Antonio Claudio Kieling.pdf: 293601 bytes, checksum: 49bcc6062df5e68e019c992795dfac84 (MD5)
Ata Defesa de Tese Antonio Claudio Kieling.pdf: 343649 bytes, checksum: 4b65954556cff3a00ebe481e428b8d1d (MD5)
TESE 239 PPGBIOTEC Antonio Claudio Kieling.pdf: 5588169 bytes, checksum: a23c4be3fca2759e91b790a747306384 (MD5)
license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2018-12-11T15:18:55Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 4
Carta Encaminhamento TEDE Antonio Claudio Kieling.pdf: 293601 bytes, checksum: 49bcc6062df5e68e019c992795dfac84 (MD5)
Ata Defesa de Tese Antonio Claudio Kieling.pdf: 343649 bytes, checksum: 4b65954556cff3a00ebe481e428b8d1d (MD5)
TESE 239 PPGBIOTEC Antonio Claudio Kieling.pdf: 5588169 bytes, checksum: a23c4be3fca2759e91b790a747306384 (MD5)
license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-12-11T15:18:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 4
Carta Encaminhamento TEDE Antonio Claudio Kieling.pdf: 293601 bytes, checksum: 49bcc6062df5e68e019c992795dfac84 (MD5)
Ata Defesa de Tese Antonio Claudio Kieling.pdf: 343649 bytes, checksum: 4b65954556cff3a00ebe481e428b8d1d (MD5)
TESE 239 PPGBIOTEC Antonio Claudio Kieling.pdf: 5588169 bytes, checksum: a23c4be3fca2759e91b790a747306384 (MD5)
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Previous issue date: 2018-12-07 / The economical and productive viability of wood plastic in Manaus was developed in this work. Initially, the marketing chain of the tucumã was characterized in order to establish the distribution of the vendors and points of supply of the fruit in the zones of the city. In a second stage, an investigation was carried out into the production of recyclable plastic waste, according to the city zones, aiming to increase the amount of information. In addition, strategies were proposed based on the economic viability study for the implementation of recycling programs according to the best regions of the city. In the third step, a review covering several aspects of the production chain, such as historical evolution, composition, production and application of wood plastic in world terms was presented. In a fourth step, the possibility of producing wood plastic from the mixture of low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and the endocarp of tucumã is reported. Due to the success of the production of wood plastic with LDPE, a composite of wood plastic obtained from polypropylene (PP) and the endocarp of tucumã was obtained. In this work it is possible to observe that with the quantities of woody endocarp and PP discarded in the environment, it would be possible to inject in the local economy around R$ 3.58 million per year to be applied in a range of product possibilities, such as floor plaques and coatings, support of cell phones, picture frames, clipboards, etc. In contrast, R$ 46 million in recyclable plastics are disposed annually in the sanitary landfill of the AM-10 that could be reused commercially. / A viabilidade econômica e produtiva de madeira plástica (wood plastic) em Manaus foi desenvolvida neste trabalho. Inicialmente, a cadeia de comercialização do tucumã foi caracterizada, a fim de estabelecer a distribuição dos vendedores e pontos de fornecimento do fruto nas zonas da cidade. Numa segunda etapa, realizou-se uma investigação da produção de resíduos plásticos recicláveis, de acordo com as zonas da cidade, visando aumentar a quantidade de informações. Além disso, foram propostas estratégias baseadas no estudo de viabilidade econômica para a implantação de programas de reciclagem, segundo as melhores regiões da cidade. Na terceira etapa, uma revisão abordando vários aspectos da cadeia produtiva, como evolução histórica, composição, produção e aplicação da wood plastic em termos mundiais foi apresentada. Numa quarta etapa, a possibilidade de produzir wood plastic a partir da mistura de polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD) e do endocarpo do tucumã é reportada. Diante do sucesso da produção de wood plastic com PEBD foi obtido e caracterizado compósito de wood plastic obtido a partir da mistura de polipropileno (PP) e do endocarpo do tucumã. Neste trabalho é possível observar que com as quantidades de endocarpo lenhoso e de PP descartados no ambiente, seria possível injetar na economia local cerca de R$ 3,58 milhões anuais para serem aplicados em uma gama de possibilidades de produtos, tais como placas de pisos e revestimentos, suporte de telefones celulares, porta-retratos, pranchetas, etc. Em contrapartida atualmente são descartados anualmente R$ 46 milhões em plásticos recicláveis no aterro sanitário da AM-10 que poderiam ser reaproveitados comercialmente.
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Gestion des déchets solides ménagers dans la ville d'Abomey-Calavi (Bénin) : Caractérisation et essais de valorisation par compostageTopanou, Attindekoun 19 December 2012 (has links)
Face à la forte croissance démographique et spatiale de la ville d'Abomey-Calavi, l'augmentation qualitative et quantitative des déchets solides ménagers, la pratique de plus en plus généralisée du remblai des bas fonds par les déchets solides ménagers, l'inexistence des décharges intermédiaires et finales autorisées et, la fragilité de la nappe phréatique de par sa faible profondeur, il est impérieux que les actions idoines soient entreprises en vue d'une gestion efficace et pérenne des DSM de cette ville. L'objectif de cette étude a été, donc, de proposer une filière efficace et pérenne de gestion des déchets solides ménagers de la ville d'Abomey-Calavi afin de contribuer à la réduction des flux de ses déchets.La connaissance du gisement des déchets solides ménagers, dans son approche sociologique et qualitative en termes de composition étant la première étape dans la mise en oeuvre efficace d'une filière de gestion des déchets. Une enquête sociologique a été faite auprès de 200 personnes, actrices à différents niveaux de la gestion des DSM de la ville d'Abomey-Calavi. De même, le présent travail a, d'une part procédé à une caractérisation des déchets solides ménagers en fonction du standing et de la saison, d'autre part étudié l'impact des déchets solides ménagers sur les eaux des puits situés sur les bas fonds et, enfin s'en est suivi des essais de fabrication de compost en fonction des différents constituants. Nos résultats ont révélé qu'indépendamment du standing de vie, les quantités de déchets solides ménagers produits sont plus élevées les week-ends et particulièrement, le dimanche où elles sont le double des quantités produites les autres jours de la semaine. / Considering the, (i) high population and spatial growth of the Abomey-Calavi city (Benin), (ii) qualitative and quantitative increase of the household solid waste in the town of Abomey - Calavi, (iii) a more and more generalized practice of embankment of wet zones by household solid waste (HSW), (iv) non-existence of municipal landfills and, (v) fragility of the groundwater due to its weak depth, it's necessary that appropriate actions are achieved with the aim of an effective and long-term management of the household solid waste. The aim of this study was to propose an effective and long-term plan of management of Abomey-Calavi HSW. Knowledge of household-solid-waste quality and sociological point of view are the first step in an effective implementation of waste management spinneret. A sociological investigation was made with 200 persons, dealing on various levels with solid wastes in the Abomey-Calavi city. Also, the present study has, on one hand, characterized HSW according to standing of life and season, on the other hand, has investigated the impact of the HSW on waters of wells located in waste-impacted zones and, finally carried out tests of composting taking in account various compositions. Our results revealed that whatever the standing of life, the production of household solid wastes is more important during weekends and specially, on Sundays: twice more larger than those produced the other days of the week. About 0.89 kg of HSW per capita is produced on average every day. The management of HSW in Abomey - Calavi city, which can be termed pre-collection-based, is felt as bad by 80 % of HSW-careers and 50 % of the town council investigated employees.
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