Spelling suggestions: "subject:"egular tre"" "subject:"aregular tre""
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Oprava nevalidních stromů vůči regulárním stromovým gramatikám / Correction of Invalid Trees with Respect to Regular Tree GrammarsSvoboda, Martin January 2015 (has links)
XML documents and related technologies represent one of the most widespread ways how data on the Web are maintained and interchanged. Unfortunately, many of the real-world documents contain various types of consistency issues that prevent their successful automated processing. In this thesis we focus on the problem of the structural invalidity and its correction. In particular, having one potentially invalid XML document modeled as a tree, and a schema in DTD or XML Schema languages modeled as a regular tree grammar, our goal is to find all the minimal corrections of this tree. The model we proposed builds on top of the recursively nested structures of correction multigraphs, where the shortest paths are being found. For this purpose we formally introduce three correction strategies with different pruning optimizations applied. According to the experiments we performed, the refinement correction strategy not only significantly outperforms all the other existing approaches, but also guarantees important characteristics the others cannot. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Sur-approximations non régulières et terminaison pour l’analyse d’accessibilité / Non-regular over-approximations and termination for reachability analysisPelletier, Vivien 23 October 2017 (has links)
L’analyse d’accessibilité est une des composantes de l’analyse de modèles. Elle consiste à modéliser un système complexe par trois ensembles : le langage initial, le langage des configurations indésirables et un système de réécriture. Le langage initial et le langage des configurations indésirables sont des ensembles de termes. Un terme est un mot mais construit à partir de symboles d’arités supérieures à 1. Le système de réécriture représente la dynamique du système complexe. C’est un ensemble de règles qui permettent d’obtenir un nouveau terme à partir d’un terme original. Pour effectuer une analyse d’accessibilité à partir de cette modélisation, on peut calculer l’ensemble des configurations accessibles. Cet ensemble aussi appelé ensemble des descendants est obtenu en appliquant le système de réécriture sur le langage initial jusqu’à ne plus obtenir de nouveaux termes. Une fois l’ensemble des descendants calculé, il reste à faire l’intersection entre celui-ci et l’ensemble des configurations indésirables. Si cette intersection est vide, alors il n’y a pas de configuration indésirable accessible, sinon les configurations présentes dans cette intersection sont accessibles. Cependant, l’ensemble des descendants n’est pas calculable dans le cas général. Pour contourner ce problème, nous calculons une sur-approximation des descendants. Ainsi, si l’intersection est vide, cela signifie toujours qu’aucune configuration indésirable n’est accessible. A contrario, s’il existe un terme dans l’intersection, il n’est pas possible de déterminer s’il s’agit d’un faux positif ou d’une configuration indésirable accessible. La précision de la sur-approximation est alors déterminante. / Reachability analysis is part of model checking. It consists to model complex systems by three sets : initial language, unwanted configurations and rewrite system. The initial language and the unwanted configurations language are sets of terms. Terms are words which are construct with symbols that have an arity that can be greater than 1. The rewrite system represent the dynamic of the complex system. It is a set of rules that permit from a initial term to obtain a new term. One of the approaches to analyze reachability from this modelling is to compute the set of reachable configurations. This set which is called set of descendants is obtained by applying the rewrite system on the initial language until obtaining no more new terms. After the set of descendants is computed, we need to compute the intersection between this set and the unwanted configurations set. If this intersection is empty then there is no unwanted configuration reachable, else the configurations in this intersection are reachable. However, the set of descendants is not computable in the general case. To bypass this problem, we compute an over-approximation of descendants.Now, if the intersection is empty, we keep proving that no unwanted configuration is reachable. Nevertheless, if the intersection is not empty, it is not possible to know if it comes from false-positives or form unwanted reachable configurations. So, the precision of the over-approximation is decisive.
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A Faber-Krahn-type Inequality for Regular TreesLeydold, Josef January 1996 (has links) (PDF)
In the last years some results for the Laplacian on manifolds have been shown to hold also for the graph Laplacian, e.g. Courant's nodal domain theorem or Cheeger's inequality. Friedman (Some geometric aspects of graphs and their eigenfunctions, Duke Math. J. 69 (3), pp. 487-525, 1993) described the idea of a ``graph with boundary". With this concept it is possible to formulate Dirichlet and Neumann eigenvalue problems. Friedman also conjectured another ``classical" result for manifolds, the Faber-Krahn theorem, for regular bounded trees with boundary. The Faber-Krahn theorem states that among all bounded domains $D \subset R^n$ with fixed volume, a ball has lowest first Dirichlet eigenvalue. In this paper we show such a result for regular trees by using a rearrangement technique. We give restrictive conditions for trees with boundary where the first Dirichlet eigenvalue is minimized for a given "volume". Amazingly Friedman's conjecture is false, i.e. in general these trees are not ``balls". But we will show that these are similar to ``balls". (author's abstract) / Series: Preprint Series / Department of Applied Statistics and Data Processing
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The Geometry of Regular Trees with the Faber-Krahn PropertyLeydold, Josef January 1998 (has links) (PDF)
In this paper we prove a Faber-Krahn-type inequality for regular trees and give a complete characterization of extremal trees. It extends a former result of the author. The main tools are rearrangements and perturbation of regular trees. (author's abstract) / Series: Preprint Series / Department of Applied Statistics and Data Processing
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Une théorie mécanisée des arbres réguliers en théorie des types dépendants / A mechanized theory of regular trees in dependent type theorySpadotti, Régis 19 May 2016 (has links)
Nous proposons deux caractérisations des arbres réguliers. La première est sémantique et s'appuie sur les types co-inductifs. La seconde est syntaxique et repose sur une représentation des arbres réguliers par des termes cycliques. Nous prouvons que ces deux caractérisations sont isomorphes.Ensuite, nous étudions le problème de la définition de morphisme d'arbres préservant la propriété de régularité. Nous montrons en utilisant le formalisme des transducteurs d'arbres, l'existence d'un critère syntaxique garantissant la préservation de cette propriété. Enfin, nous considérons des applications de la théorie des arbres réguliers comme la définition de l'opérateur de composition parallèle d'une algèbre de processus ou encore, les problèmes de décidabilité sur les arbres réguliers via une mécanisation d'un vérificateur de modèles pour un mu-calcul coalgébrique. Tous les résultats ont été mécanisés et prouvés corrects dans l'assistant de preuve Coq. / We propose two characterizations of regular trees. The first one is semantic and is based on coinductive types. The second one is syntactic and represents regular trees by means of cyclic terms. We prove that both of these characterizations are isomorphic. Then, we study the problem of defining tree morphisms preserving the regularity property. We show, by using the formalism of tree transducers, the existence of syntactic criterion ensuring that this property is preserved. Finally, we consider applications of the theory of regular trees such as the definition of the parallel composition operator of a process algebra or, the decidability problems on regular trees through a mechanization of a model-checker for a coalgebraic mu-calculus. All the results were mechanized and proved correct in the Coq proof assistant.
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Contributions to the theory and applications of tree languagesHögberg, Johanna January 2007 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with theoretical as well as practical aspects of tree languages. It consists of an introduction and eight papers, organised into three parts. The first part is devoted to algorithmic learning of regular tree languages, the second part to bisimulation minimisation of tree automata, and the third part to tree-based generation of music. We now summarise the contributions made in each part. In Part I, an inference algorithm for regular tree languages is presented. The algorithm is a generalisation of a previous algorithm by Angluin, and the learning task is to derive, with the aid of a so-called MAT-oracle, the minimal (partial and deterministic) finite tree automaton M that recognises the target language U over some ranked alphabet Σ. The algorithm executes in time O(|Q| |δ| (m + |Q|)), where Q and δ are the set of states and the transition table of M , respectively, r is the maximal rank of any symbol in Σ, and m is the maximum size of any answer given by the oracle. This improves on a similar algorithm by Sakakibara as dead states are avoided both in the learning phase and in the resulting automaton. Part I also describes a concrete implementation which includes two extensions of the basic algorithm. In Part II, bisimulation minimisation of nondeterministic weighted tree automata (henceforth, wta) is introduced in general, and for finite tree automata (which can be seen as wta over the Boolean semiring) in particular. The concepts of backward and forward bisimulation are extended to wta, and efficient minimisation algorithms are developed for both types of bisimulation. In the special case where the underlying semiring of the input automaton is either cancellative or Boolean, these minimisation algorithms can be further optimised by adapting existing partition refinement algorithms by Hopcroft, Paige, and Tarjan. The implemented minimisation algorithms are demonstrated on a typical task in natural language processing. In Part III, we consider how tree-based generation can be applied to algorithmic composition. An algebra is presented whose operations act on musical pieces, and a system capable of generating simple musical pieces is implemented in the software Treebag: starting from input which is either generated by a regular tree grammar or provided by the user via a digital keyboard, a number of top-down tree transducers are applied to generate a tree over the operations provided by the music algebra. The evaluation of this tree yields the musical piece generated.
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Induction, Training, and Parsing Strategies beyond Context-free GrammarsGebhardt, Kilian 03 July 2020 (has links)
This thesis considers the problem of assigning a sentence its syntactic structure, which may be discontinuous. It proposes a class of models based on probabilistic grammars that are obtained by the automatic refinement of a given grammar. Different strategies for parsing with a refined grammar are developed. The induction, refinement, and application of two types of grammars (linear context-free rewriting systems and hybrid grammars) are evaluated empirically on two German and one Dutch corpus.
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Efektivní knihovna pro práci s konečnými stromovými automaty / An Efficient Finite Tree Automata LibraryLengál, Ondřej January 2010 (has links)
Numerous computer systems use dynamic control and data structures of unbounded size. These data structures have often the character of trees or they can be encoded as trees with some additional pointers. This is exploited by some currently intensively studied techniques of formal verification that represent an infinite number of states using a finite tree automaton. However, currently there is no tree automata library implementation that would provide an efficient and flexible support for such methods. Thus the aim of this Mas- ter's Thesis is to provide such a library. The present paper first describes the theoretical background of finite tree automata and regular tree languages. Then it surveys the cur- rent implementations of tree automata libraries and studies various verification techniques, outlining requirements for the library. Representation of a finite tree automaton and algo- rithms that perform standard language operations on this representation are proposed in the next part, which is followed by description of library implementation. Through a series of experiments it is shown that the library can compete with other available tree automata libraries, in certain areas being even significantly superior to them.
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Simulations and Antichains for Efficient Handling of Finite Automata / Simulace a protiřetězce pro efektivní práci s konečnými automatyHolík, Lukáš January 2011 (has links)
Cílem této práce je vývoj technik umožňujících praktické využití nedeterministických konečných automatů, zejména nedeterministických stromových automatů. Jde zvláště o techniky pro redukci velikosti a testování jazykové inkluze, jež hrají zásadní roli v mnoha oblastech aplikace konečných automatů. V oblasti redukce velikosti vycházíme z dobře známých metod pro slovní automaty které jsou založeny na relacích simulace. Navrhli jsme efektivní algoritmy pro výpočet stromových variant simulačních relací a identifikovali jsme nový typ relace založený na kombinaci takzvaných horních a dolních simulací nad stromovými automaty. Tyto kombinované relace jsou zvláště vhodné pro redukci velikosti automatů slučováním stavů. Navržený princip kombinace relací simulace je relevantní i pro slovní automaty. Náš přínos v oblasti testování jazykové inkluze je dvojí. Nejprve jsme zobecnili na stromové automaty takzvané protiřetězcové algoritmy, které byly původně navrženy pro slovními automaty. Dále se nám podařilo použitím simulačních relací výrazně zefektivnit protiřetězcové algoritmy pro testování jazykové inkluze jak pro slovní, tak pro stromové automaty. Relevanci našich technik pro praxi jsme demonstrovali jejich nasazením v rámci regulárního stromového model checkingu, což je verifikační metoda založená na stromových automatech. Použití našich algoritmů zde vedlo k výraznému zrychlení a zvětšení škálovatelnosti celé metody. Základní myšlenky našich algoritmů pro redukci velikosti automatů a testování jazykové inkluze jsou aplikovatelné i na jiné typy automatů. Příkladem jsou naše redukční techniky pro alternující Büchiho automaty prezentované v poslední části práce.
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Automaty v nekonečně stavové formální verifikaci / Automata in Infinite-state Formal VerificationLengál, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
Tato práce se zaměřuje na konečné automaty nad konečnými slovy a konečnými stromy, a použití těchto automatů při formální verifikaci nekonečně stavových systémů. Práce se nejdříve věnuje rozšíření existujícího přístupu pro verifikaci programů které manipulují s haldou (konkrétně programů s dynamickými datovými strukturami), jenž je založen na stromových automatech. V práci je navrženo několik rozšíření tohoto přístupu, jako například jeho plná automatizace či jeho rozšíření o podporu uspořádaných dat. V práci jsou popsány nové rozhodovací procedury pro dvě logiky, které jsou často používány ve formální verifikaci: pro separační logiku a pro slabou monadickou druhořádovou logiku s následníkem. Obě tyto rozhodovací procedury jsou založeny na převodu jejich problému do automatové domény a následné manipulaci v této cílové doméně. Posledním přínosem této práce je vývoj nových algoritmů k efektivní manipulaci se stromovými automaty, s důrazem na testování inkluze jazyků těchto automatů a manipulaci s automaty s velkými abecedami, a implementace těchto algoritmů v knihovně pro obecné použití. Tyto vyvinuté algoritmy jsou použity jako klíčová technologie, která umožňuje použití výše uvedených technik v praxi.
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