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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelling the viscoplastic properties of carbon black filled rubber : A finite strain material model suitable for Finite Element Analysis

Österlöf, Rickard January 2016 (has links)
An increased environmental awareness, legal demands and the large part of total costs attributable to fuel cost are all incentives for the automotive industry to reduce fuel consumption. The optimal driveline to enable this reduction depends on the operational conditions and the available infrastructure. Moreover, special care is needed when developing the driveline isolators, since the demands on noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) are the same regardless of driveline. To this end, computer aided calculations can be used in order to evaluate a large number of configurations. However, these calculations are only, at best, as good as the material models employed. In the foreseeable future, rubber with reinforcing fillers will be used in vibration isolators in order to obtain the desired properties of these components. However, the stiffness and damping of rubber with reinforcing fillers are highly non-linear functions, and the available material models in commercial software and in the literature are often insufficient. Therefore, a finite strain viscoplastic material model is derived in the time domain and implemented as a user defined material model in Abaqus Explicit. The model captures the strain amplitude and frequency dependency of the storage and loss modulus for a carbon black filled natural rubber. The model is accurate over a wide range of shear strain amplitudes and frequencies, 0.2-50 % and 0.5-20 Hz, respectively, using only 5 material parameters. In addition, the model correctly captures the response from bimodal excitations. The implementation in Abaqus Explicit enables component characteristics to be evaluated early in the development phase, with material parameters derived from simple test specimens. The improved accuracy of simulations of these components can aid engineers develop more optimized solutions faster than with conventional methods. / En ökad miljömedvetenhet, juridiska krav och den stora delen av de totala kostnaderna som kan hänföras till bränslekostnader är alla incitament för fordonsindustrin att minska bränsleförbrukningen. Den optimala drivlinan för att möjliggöra denna minskning beror på driftförhållanden och den tillgängliga infrastrukturen. Dessutom ställs höga krav på utvecklingen av drivlineisolatorer, eftersom kraven på buller och vibrationer (NVH) är desamma oavsett drivlina. För detta ändamål kan datorstödda beräkningar användas för att utvärdera ett stort antal konfigurationer. Dessa beräkningar är, i bästa fall, endast så bra som de använda materialmodellerna. Inom en överskådlig framtid kommer gummi med förstärkande fyllmedel användas i vibrationsisolatorer för att erhålla de önskade egenskaperna hos dessa komponenter. Men styvheten och dämpningen i gummi med förstärkande fyllmedel är kraftigt icke-linjära funktioner, och de tillgängliga materialmodellerna i kommersiella programvaror och i litteraturen är ofta otillräckliga. Därför är en viskoplastisk materialmodell för finita deformationer framtagen i tidsdomänen och implementeras som ett användardefinierat material i Abaqus Explicit. Modellen fångar töjningsamplitud- och frekvensberoendet av lagrings- och förlustmodulen för ett kimröksfyllt naturgummi. Den är korrekt över ett brett intervall av skjuvtöjningsamplituder och frekvenser, 0.2-50% respektive 0.5-20 Hz, och kräver endast 5 materialparametrar. Dessutom fångar modeller responsen från bimodala excitationer. Implementeringen i Abaqus Explicit gör att komponentegenskaper kan utvärderas tidigt i utvecklingsfasen, med materialparametrar som härrör från enkla provkroppar. Den förbättrade noggrannheten i simuleringar av dessa komponenter kan hjälpa ingenjörer att utveckla mer optimerade lösningar snabbare än med konventionella metoder. / <p>QC 20160406</p>

Élaboration d'élastomères silicones supramoléculaires auto-cicatrisants / Design of self-healing supramolecular silicone elastomers

Fauvre, Lucile 13 December 2018 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse concernent l’étude de matériaux supramoléculaires en vue de générer de nouveaux élastomères silicones auto-cicatrisants. Dans un premier temps, l’étude de la bibliographie a permis de recenser les différentes voies intégrant de la chimie supramoléculaire développées dans le domaine des silicones et basées sur les liaisons hydrogène. L’effet des groupements associatifs sur les propriétés rhéologiques et mécaniques des matériaux a été discuté, et les limitations de ces systèmes soulignées. La chimie développée par l’équipe du Dr. Leibler, adaptée par la suite aux silicones par le Pr. Zhang et son équipe, a particulièrement été analysée lors de notre étude de compréhension. Les relations structures/propriétés n’étaient pas clairement élucidées à l’issue de cette étude de la bibliographie. Des études modèles impliquant un PDMS téléchélique aminé ainsi que de l’urée ont donc été réalisées. La caractérisation précise des structures des produits de réaction a permis de mettre en exergue certaines corrélations entre structures (choix du groupement associant, masse molaire du copolymère, fonctionnalité) et propriétés (rhéologiques et mécaniques) qui n’avaient alors pas été démontrées pour ces systèmes. Il a aussi été montré que la force des groupements et les enchevêtrements jouent un rôle primordial. Une chimie différente, inspirée des travaux de Yilgör et al sur les copolymères segmentés, a par la suite été envisagée, en mettant en jeu cette fois la réaction d’aza-Michael. Cette synthèse se démarque du premier système par un meilleur contrôle de la structure macromoléculaire finale. Un silicone supramoléculaire élastomère et auto-cicatrisant a été obtenu en combinant une fonctionnalité importante et une masse molaire finale élevée. Les propriétés mécaniques de ce polymère ont été optimisées par l’ajout de charges plus ou moins renforçantes. L’impact d’un tel renfort sur les propriétés auto-cicatrisantes du système a été discuté. / This PhD thesis focused on the investigation of supramolecular materials in order to generate new self-healing supramolecular silicone elastomers. Firstly, a literature review on silicone materials was realized and we identified the different ways developed in the silicone domain that imply supramolecular chemistry and in particular hydrogen-bonds. The influence of associating groups on rheological and mechanical properties of these materials was discussed, and the restrictions of such systems were highlighted. The chemistry developed by Dr. Leibler and co-workers, later adapted to silicones by Pr Zhang and his team, was deeply investigated during our comprehension study. Relationships between structure and properties were nonetheless not fully elucidated in these studies. Model reactions involving telechelic amino-PDMS and urea were then carried out. The thorough characterization of the final structure of the reaction products highlighted few correlations between structural parameters (choice of the type of associating group, molecular weight of copolymer, functionality) and properties (rheological and mechanical) that had not been demonstrated yet for these systems. We showed that, among others, the strength of the associating groups as well as the entanglements play a fundamental role. A different chemistry, inspired by Yilgör and co-workers’ studies on segmented copolymers, was later considered by carrying out an aza-Michael reaction. This synthesis differs from the previous one by its better control of the final macromolecular structure. A supramolecular silicone elastomer with self-healing abilities was obtained by combining a large functionality together with a high final molecular weight. Mechanical properties of this material were further enhanced through the addition of more or less reinforcing fillers. The influence of such reinforcement on self-healing capacity of this system was discussed.

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