Spelling suggestions: "subject:"reionization"" "subject:"deionization""
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Etude numérique de l'époque de réionisation avec le code de simulation EMMA / Numerical study of the epoch of reionization with the numerical code EMMADeparis, Nicolas 08 December 2017 (has links)
L’époque de réionisation (EoR) est une phase de grands changements qu’a subit l’Univers dans son premier milliard d’années. Suite à l’apparition des premières étoiles et à l’émission de photons énergétique par ces dernières, l’hydrogène a été réionisé. Cette transition a eu un impact sur la formation des galaxies. J’ai activement participé au développement d’EMMA, un code de simulation numérique ayant pour objectif d’étudier les processus à l’œuvre durant l’EoR. J’ai développé et implémenté un modèle de formation et d’évolution stellaire. Ces travaux ont contribué à la réalisation d’une simulation dédiée à l’étude de l’EoR parmi les plus grosses réalisées à l’heure actuelle. J’ai contribué au développement d’outils dédiés à l’exploration de simulations de ce type. J’ai étudié la façon dont le rayonnement s’échappe des galaxies en fonction des paramètres du modèle stellaire, et montré que les supernovæ peuvent augmenter la fraction de photons libérés. J’ai également étudié la propagation des fronts d’ionisation et montré qu’il était possible de réduire la vitesse de la lumière par trois (et ainsi diminuer le temps de calcul du transfert du rayonnement par 3), tout en conservant des résultats corrects ? / The epoch of reionization (EoR) is a phase of big changes in the first billion years of the Universe history. After the apparition of the first stars and the emission of energetic radiation by thoses ones, the hydrogen was reionized. This transition has an impact on the galaxies formations. I was part of the development team of EMMA, a numerical simulation code who aimed to study the processes happening during the EoR. I developed and implement a stellar formation and evolution model. These works contributed to the realisation of one of the biggest simulation dedicated to the study of the EoR yet. I contribute to the development of a tool dedicated to the exploration of this kind of simulations. I study how the radiation escaped the galaxies as a function of the parameters of the stellar model, and showed that supernovae could increase the ratio of escaping photon. I also studied the ionization fronts propagation and showed that the speed of light could be reduced by a factor 3 (and then divide the computational cost of the radiative transfer by 3), while keeping corrects results .
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A la recherche de quasars à grand décalage spectral dans le sondage CFHQSIR / Searching for high-z quasars in the CFHQSIR surveyPipien, Sarah 30 November 2017 (has links)
J'ai consacré mon travail de thèse à la recherche de quasars à haut redshift dans le sondage Canada France High-z Quasar Survey in the Near Infrared (CFHQSIR). L'objectif principal de ce programme est de découvrir des quasars de redshift de l'ordre de z $\sim$ 7 dans les champs larges du CFHTLS (CFHTLS Wide) en utilisant des images réalisées dans le proche infrarouge avec la caméra WIRCam installée au foyer du CFHT. J'ai tout d'abord effectué la calibration photométrique de l'ensemble des données de CFHQSIR. J'ai ensuite étudié la qualité des images ainsi que leur propriété de bruit et leur profondeur. J'ai dans un deuxième temps calculé le nombre de quasars qu'il serait possible de détecter avec CFHQSIR et en ai déduit les contraintes envisageables sur la fonction de luminosité des quasars à z $\sim$ 7. J'ai ensuite procédé à l'identification de candidats quasars parmi les dizaines de milliers de sources que comptent les 130 degrés carrés couvert par CFHQSIR. Des observations de suivi photométriques des candidats ont finalement permis de révéler une cinquantaine d’objets, dont une quinzaine a été sélectionnée pour des observations spectroscopiques au Very Large Telescope (VLT). Celles-ci n’ayant, pour la plupart, pas encore été realisées, la nature exacte de ces sources ne pourra être connue que dans les prochains mois. Pour finir, la dernière partie de ma thèse s’est focalisée sur l’étude de modèles statistiques bayésiens afin de compléter ma méthode de sélection de candidats quasars. Cette étude m'a finalement permis de vérifier que la majorité des objets retenus pour des observations spectroscopiques étaient effectivement les candidats les plus probables. / My PhD work is focused on the search for high-redshift quasars in the Canada France High-z Quasar Survey in the Near Infrared (CFHQSIR). The main scientific objective of this CFHT Large Program is to search for quasars at redshift z $\sim$ 7 with near-infrared images of the CFHTLS Wide fields acquired with the CFHT WIRCam camera. Firstly, I carried out the photometric calibration of the CFHQSIR images. I performed a detailed analysis of the CFHQSIR data by studying their quality, as well as their noise properties and their depths.Secondly, I computed the number of high-redshift quasars that could be detected with CFHQSIR and the corresponding constraints which could be put on the z $\sim$ 7 quasar luminosity function. Then, I proceeded to the identification of quasar candidates among the many thousands of sources in the 130 square degrees covered by CFHQSIR. Photometric follow-up observations of the candidates revealed about fifty objects, of which fifteen were chosen to be spectroscopically observed with the Very Large Telescope (VLT). Given that this spectroscopic follow-up is not yet completed, the exact nature of these sources will only be known in the coming months. To finish, I applied Bayesian model comparison to my sample in order to complete and consolidate my selection procedure. My candidates were finally classified according to their probability to be a high-redshift quasar. I verified that the majority of the most likely candidates were selected for spectroscopic observations.
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Recherche de galaxies avec un grand décalage spectral vers le rouge (z=7.7) par imagerie en bande étroiteClement, Benjamin 21 December 2011 (has links)
Briser la frontière observationnelle de l’Univers lointain suscite de nombreux axes de recherches dans la cosmologie moderne. Exigeantes par la sensibilité demandée, ces observations constituent aussi bien un défi technologique pour les prochaines générations d’instruments qu’une étape nécessaire à la compréhension des différentes étapes d’évolution de l’Univers. Une des étapes importantes est la réionisation du milieu intergalactique, époque charnière marquant la fin des “Âges Sombres”. Déterminer quand et comment ce processus s’est déroulé et quelles ont été les sources l’ayant déclenché et entretenu sont les principales questions motivant ces recherches. Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse participent à l’effort de la communauté scientifique internationale dans la caractérisation de l’histoire de l’époque de la réionisation en recherchant des galaxies à grand décalage spectral vers le rouge (redshift). Après un panorama complet des contraintes observationnelles actuelles sur l’époque de la réionisation, sont ensuite présentés les deux projets ayant fournis les données constituant la matière première de cette analyse. En utilisant une même technique d’imagerie en bande étroite dans le domaine de longueurs d’onde proche-infrarouge, des observations avec l’instrument WIRCAM (CFHT) et d’autres avec l’instrument HAWK-I (VLT) ont permis d’établir des contraintes robustes sur la fonction deluminosité des Emetteurs Lyman-α au redshift z = 7.7. A l’occasion de la présentation du second projet, la problématique de la stratégie observationnelle est abordée, notamment via l’utilisation des amas de galaxies comme lentilles gravitationnelles amplifiant le flux des sources d’arrière-plan. L’absence de confirmation spectroscopique des Emetteurs Lyman-– sélectionnés durant l’analyse des données WIRCAM et l’absence de candidats dans le sondage HAWK-I suggèrent une évolution de la fonction de luminosité des Emetteurs Lyman-– entre les redshifts z = 6.5, telle quedéterminée dans d’autres études, et z = 7.7. La tendance de cette évolution, en luminosité ou en densité de galaxies, ne peut pas encore être déterminée compte tenu de la variabilité des résultats obtenus à plus bas redshift. Si cette évolutions’effectuait en luminosité, ce pourrait être le signe d’une augmentation de l’opacité du milieu intergalactique au rayonnement Lyman-α causée par une plus importante fraction d’hydrogène neutre, ce qui est une signature attendue de la réionisation. / Breaking through the observational frontier of the distant universe motivates numerous scientific cases in modern cosmology. Demanding by the required sensitivity, high-redshift observations provide both a technological challenge for next generation instruments and a necessary step toward the understanding of cosmic evolution. One critical epoch is the reionization of the intergalactic medium bringing to light the end of the so-called “Dark Ages”. Determine when and how this process took place and what were the sources that started and maintained the reionization are the mainquestions motivating this research. The work presented in this thesis contributes to the effort of the internationalscientific community in characterizing the reionization epoch history by searching for galaxies at high redshift. First, I describe the current observational constraints in a comprehensive chapter. Then the two datasets used in that work are presented. From narrow-band observations in the near-infrared with WIRCAM at the CFHT and HAWK-I at the VLT, I put strong constraints on the luminosity function of Lyman-α Emitters at z = 7.7. The best strategy for this type of survey is discussed, in particular with the use of massive galaxy clusters acting as gravitational lenses that amplify the flux from background sources. The lack of spectroscopic confirmation of candidates found with WIRCAM and the lack of candidates found with HAWK-I suggest an evolution of the luminosity function from z = 6.5. This evolution could be either in luminosity or in number density but somewhat discrepant results at lower redshift prevent any definitive answer to this question. If the evolution was mostly in luminosity, it could be interpreted as an increase in the opacity of the intergalactic medium caused by an increased fraction of neutral hydrogen, which is an expected signature of reionization.
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The kinetic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect as a probe of the physics of cosmic reionization : the effect of self-regulated reionizationPark, Hyunbae 16 January 2015 (has links)
We calculate the angular power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background temperature fluctuations induced by the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (kSZ) effect from the epoch of reionization (EOR). We use detailed N-body+radiative-transfer simulations to follow inhomogeneous reionization of the intergalactic medium. For the first time, we take into account the "self-regulation" of reionization: star formation in low-mass dwarf galaxies or minihalos is suppressed if these halos form in the regions that were already ionized or Lyman-Werner dissociated. Some previous work suggested that the amplitude of the kSZ power spectrum from the EOR can be described by a two-parameter family: the epoch of half-ionization and the duration of reionization. However, we argue that this picture applies only to simple forms of the reionization history which are roughly symmetric about the half-ionization epoch. In self-regulated reionization, the universe begins to be ionized early, maintains a low level of ionization for an extended period, and then finishes reionization as soon as high-mass atomically cooling halos dominate. While inclusion of self-regulation affects the amplitude of the kSZ power spectrum only modestly (~10%), it can change the duration of reionization by a factor of more than two. We conclude that the simple two-parameter family does not capture the effect of a physical, yet complex, reionization history caused by self-regulation. When added to the post-reionization kSZ contribution, our prediction for the total kSZ power spectrum is below the current upper bound from the South Pole Telescope. Therefore, the current upper bound on the kSZ effect from the EOR is consistent with our understanding of the physics of reionization. / text
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Cosmologie observationnelle avec le satellite Planck : étude d'effets systématiques de l'instrument HFI et de l'ionisation de l'univers / Observational cosmology with the Planck satellite : study of some systematic effects of the HFI instrument and of the ionisation of the Universe.Sanselme, Lilian 20 September 2013 (has links)
Le satellite Planck a été conçu pour mesurer de manière ultime les anisotropies primairesen température du fond diffus cosmologique (CMB), et améliorer les contraintes existantes sursa polarisation. La première partie de cette thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre du traitement des donnéesde l’instrument à haute fréquence de ce satellite. Les propriété statistiques du bruit sonttestée. Des effets systématiques dans l’estimateur du bruit sont ainsi détectés, et certains ontpu être corrigés. La sélection des données à projeter sur les cartes est ensuite présentée, ainsique la validation de la qualité de ces données. Cette sélection est finalement comparée à unesélection pour laquelle les critères sont beaucoup plus sévères, afin de vérifier que l’impactdes données imparfaites résiduelles est négligeable. Nous montrons que les données validéespour une utilisation scientifique répondent bien aux exigences de gaussianité et de stationnarité: des effets instrumentaux ne devraient pas induire de fausses conclusions cosmologiques.La seconde partie porte sur l’interprétation des données ainsi obtenues. Le modèle de concordanceest présenté, ainsi que les résultats rendus publiques par la collaboration Planck en 2013.La troisième partie est dédiée à deux études phénoménologiques concernant l’ionisation del’Univers. Premièrement, l’influence de l’annihilation de matière noire sur le spectre du CMBest étudiée : une méthode pour estimer l’impact de l’incertitude des canaux par lesquels sefont ces dépôts d’énergie est développée. Il ressort que les hypothèses sur la façon exacte dontl’énergie s’injecte dans le plasma ne sont pas cruciales pour retrouver les paramètres associée àl’annihilation. Deuxièmement, l’époque de la Réionisation et son rôle dans le spectre du CMBest présentée, avec l’analyse d’une paramétrisation de la fraction d’ionisation. Nous montronsla fiabilité des différents algorithmes dans le cas où la fraction d’ionisation est constante parmorceaux, c’est-à-dire même en présence de fortes discontinuités. / The Planck satellite was designed to perform the ultimate measurement of the primary fluctuationsof the cosmic microwave background (CMB), and to improve on the existing polarizationconstraints. In this framework, the first part of this thesis focusses on the data processingof Planck’s high frequency instrument. In particular, the statistical properties of the noise havebeen tested. This has allowed us to identify systematic effects in the noise estimator, amongwhich some have been corrected. The selection of the data to be projected on the maps, alongwith its quality validation, are then presented. Comparing this selection to a case where the criteriaare much more severe, we conclude that any residual imperfections in the selected dataare negligible.We also show that the data validated for scientific use meet the requirements ofgaussianity and stationarity : instrumental effects will not influence cosmological conclusions.The second part of this document deals with the scientific interpretation of these data. Theconcordance model is presented along with the main 2013 results released by the Planck collaboration.Finally, the third part is dedicated to two phenomenological studies of the ionizationof the Universe. First, the influence of dark matter annihilation on the CMB spectrum is investigated: we develop a method to measure the impact of uncertainties in the thermodynamicalprocesses at play and conclude that the parameters associated to dark matter annihilation arenot strongly dependent on the underlying hypotheses used to model the energy deposition inthe plasma. Second, the epoch of reionization and its role on the CMB spectrum is presented,along with an analysis of the parametrization of the ionization fraction.We show the reliabilityof different algorithms in the case where the ionization fraction is piecewise-constant, i.e. evenin the presence of strong discontinuities.
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Formation de galaxies pendant et après la réionisation / Galaxies formation during and after the reionizationGillet, Nicolas 16 September 2016 (has links)
L'époque de la Réionisation est la transition d'un Univers rempli d'hydrogène neutre et relativement froid à un Univers rempli de gaz chaud et ionisé. Cette transition intervient à peine un milliard d'années après le Big Bang. Le processus de réionisation est dû à l'émission de photons ionisants par les premières étoiles et premières galaxies à se former. Le travail de cette thèse consiste en l'étude de la formation des galaxies pendant et après la Réionisation, et en particulier de l'impact de cette dernière sur la formation stellaire. En utilisant des modèles et des simulations numériques, il est possible d'étudier le processus de Réionisation de l'Univers en détail, avec comme contraintes les observations du milieu inter-galactique et des galaxies à haut redshift. Dans cette thèse, je me suis concentré dans un premier temps sur les effets de coupure de la formation stellaire pendant et après la Réionisation de manière globale. J'ai eu accès à des simulations d'un nouveau type, qui modélisent la propagation du rayonnement ionisant couplé avec la dynamique et avec l'évolution des propriétés de la matière dans un volume cosmologique. J’ai aussi étudié en détail l'impact de la Réionisation sur les plus petites galaxies, en particulier, le cas de leur distribution spatiale dans l'Univers local, dans le but de reproduire et comprendre certaines observations. / The Epoch of Reionization is the transition from a Universe full of cold and neutral hydrogen to a hot and ionized Universe: it occurs one billion years after the Big Bang. The Reionization is driven by the ionizing photons emitted by the first stars and galaxies. This thesis analyses the galaxy formation during and after the Reionization. Focusing on the feedback of the Reionization on the stellar formation. Using models and numerical simulations, we can study in details the Reionization process. Observations of galaxies and intergalactic medium at high redshift constrain those models, as well as observations of the local Universe, which is the only place where low luminosity galaxies can be observed. In this thesis, I focus on the radiative suppression of stellar formation caused by the Reionization. For this purpose, I used a new generation of simulations, able to take into account the radiative transfer as well as the hydrodynamics in a cosmological volume. I also studied in details the Reionization of the smallest galaxies, focusing on their spatial distribution in the local Universe to understand and reproduce the observations. I looked in particular at the distribution of satellites around M31-like galaxies and find that the observed vast plane of satellites can be reproduced in our models.
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Next Generation Wideband Antenna Arrays for Communications and Radio AstrophysicsKolitsidas, Christos January 2017 (has links)
Wideband, wide-scan antenna arrays are a promising candidate for the future wireless networks and as well as an essential part of experimental radio astrophysics. Understanding the underline physics of the element performance in the array environment is paramount to develop and improve the performance of array systems. The focus of this thesis is to develop novel wideband antenna array technologies and develop new theoretical insights of the fundamental limits of antenna arrays. The developed methodologies have also been extended to include a radio astrophysics application for the global 21cm experiment. Investigating the fundamental antenna array limits and extracting general performance measures can provide a priori estimates for any application of arrays. In this thesis, a general measure for antenna arrays, the array figure of merit is proposed. This measure couples bandwidth, height from the ground plane and reflection coefficient in a bounded quantity. An extension of the array figure of merit that is able to provide matching, bandwidth and directivity/gain limits is also introduced. The soft Vivaldi array is introduced as a novel wideband, wide-scan angle array technology. Periodic structure loading has been utilized to improve the array's performance and mold the electromagnetic wave behavior to our benefit. The soft condition has been utilized in the same manner as the conventional soft-horn antenna at the Vivaldi element. An integrated matching layer in the form of periodic strip loading is introduced. A single polarized soft Vivaldi array prototype has been developed fabricated and measured. The developed finite array has been loaded with a soft condition in the periphery to mitigate edge effects. The results indicated improved cross-polarization and side-lobe levels. A new class of wideband antenna arrays, the Strongly Coupled Asymmetric Dipole Array (SCADA) was also proposed in this thesis. Exploiting asymmetry in the array element introduces an additional degree of freedom that improves bandwidth and scanning performance. A novel methodology for terminating finite arrays is also proposed. The theory and an experimental antenna array is presented with good agreement between measured and simulated results. An effort to integrate a vertical wide angle matching layer was also addressed and a prototype array with this concept is presented. In the last part of this thesis, a methodology for the detection of the global cosmological 21cm signal from the Epoch of Reionization (EoR) is developed. The main sources of errors in this experiment, the foregrounds and the antenna chromaticity are evaluated. A new algorithmic methodology for extracting the global EoR signal is proposed. The method is based on piecewise polynomial fitting and has successfully been applied and evaluated. An antenna array that is based on the methodologies described in this thesis has been developed and evaluated with the proposed algorithm. / Bredbandiga gruppantenner med stor utstyrningsvinkel är en av de lovande kandidaterna för nästa generations trådlösa kommunikationsnätverk samt en väsentlig del av experimentell radioastrofysik. Att förstå de bakomliggande fysikaliska principerna hos gruppantennens element är avgörande för att kunna utveckla och förbättra prestandan hos ett gruppantennsystem. Denna avhandling är fokuserad på att utveckla nya bredbandstekniker samt nya teoretiska insikter om de grundläggande gränserna för gruppantenner. De här utvecklade metoderna har förutom kommunikationstillämpningar också tillämpats på en radioastrofysik tillämpning i det globala 21cm experimentet. Att undersöka de fundamentala gränserna för gruppantenner och att utröna allmängiltiga mått på deras prestandaegenskaper kan möjliggöra a priori uppskattningar om gruppantenns tillämpbarhet för dess planerade användning. I den här avhandlingen föreslås ett allmänt kvalitetsmått på gruppantenner: gruppantennkvaliten. Detta mått kopplar samman främst bandbredd, reflektionskoefficienten med antennens tjocklek över ett jordplanet. En utvidgning av begreppet gruppantennkvaliten, presenters också i avhandlingen det kopplar samman bandbredd, matchning med antennens direktivitet/förstärkningsfaktor. En Vivaldi-gruppantenn med mjuka ytor introduceras här som en ny sorts bredbandig gruppantenn med stor utstyrningsvinkel. I antennen har en periodisk belastning inkluderats för att förbättra dess egenskaper, och för att forma antennens elektromagnetiska utstrålning till vår fördel. Den mjuka ytan på elementet har används på ett liknande sätt som det välkända korrigerade Vivaldihornets design, och har integrerats direkt i elementets design. Den här utvecklade ändliga gruppantennen har också en mjuk yta på dess yttre delar för att minska kanteffekternas påverkan av antennprestandan. Resultaten indikerade både förbättrad korspolarisations och lägre sidlobsnivåer hos antennen. En ny klass av bredbandiga gruppantenner har utvecklas i denna avhandling, den kallas en Starkt Kopplad Asymmetrisk Dipol-gruppAntennen - SCADA. Genom att utnyttja geometrisk asymmetri i antennelementet introduceras ytterligare en frihetsgrad som möjliggör förbättrad bandbredd och utstyrning. Vidare presenteras här en ny metod för impedansterminering av ändliga gruppantenner. Både SCADA-teorin samt dess verifiering i forma av en experimentell gruppantenn presenteras här. Teori, simulering och experiment visar god överenskommelse, vilket validerar idéerna. En prototyp av ett matchande skikt som stöder stor utstyrbarhet har integrerats med gruppantennprototypen och presenteras i avhandlingen. I den sista delen av avhandling utvecklas också en metod för detektering av den globala kosmologiska 21 cm-signalen från universums rejoniseringsepok - EoR. Huvudkällorna för mätfel i detta experiment utvärderas, de är antennens kromaticiteten och förgrundsstrålningen. En ny algoritmbaserad metod för att extrahera den globala EoR-signalen föreslås. Metoden är baserad på anpassning med multipla polynom och har med framgång tillämpats och utvärderats. En gruppantenn som baseras på de metoder som beskrivs i avhandling har också föreslagits och dess prestanda har utvärderats med den föreslagna metoden. / <p>QC 20171121</p>
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Starbursts at Cosmic Dawn : Formation of Globular Clusters, Ultra-Faint Dwarfs, and Population III star clusters at z > 6Nebrin, Olof January 2022 (has links)
In the standard model of cosmology (ΛCDM) the first stars, star clusters, and galaxies are expected to have formed in short bursts of star formation in low-mass dark matter halos at high redshifts (<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?z%5C,%20%5Csim%20%5C,6-10" data-classname="equation_inline" />). Up to this point, attempts to predict the properties and abundances of these luminous objects have made use of numerically expensive cosmological simulations. On top of being numerically expensive, these simulations often lack the required sub-parsec resolution needed to resolve the formation of compact star clusters and/or neglect possibly dominant stellar feedback processes. Motivated by this, I introduce Anaxagoras, as far as I know the most detailed analytical ab initio model of starbursts in low-mass halos to date. The model incorporates sub-models for gas cooling (including a new determination of the H2-cooling threshold in minihalos), central gas accretion and disk formation (using a new selfsimilarsolution), stellar feedback from radiation pressure (direct stellar radiation, Lyman-<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Calpha" data-classname="equation_inline" data-title="" /> scattering in H I, and multiple scattering of IR photons by dust), stellar winds, expanding HII regions, and (crudely) supernovae. The resulting star formation efficiency is used to predict the fraction of stars that remain gravitationally bound in a cluster following gas expulsion, andwhat fraction escape the central region of the halo, yet remain bound by the dark matter halo. I apply Anaxagoras to study star formation at <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?z%5C,%20%3E%20%5C,6" data-classname="equation_inline" /> in satellite halos of the Milky Way using a halo merger tree code, as well as Population III (Pop III) star formation in minihalos. For the Milky Way setup, hundreds of galaxies are predicted to form with luminosities (<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?L_%7B%5Crm%20V%7D%20%5C,%3C%5C,%20%5Crm%7Bfew%7D%5C,%20%5Ctimes%20%5C,%2010%5E4%20%5C:%20%5Crm%7BL%7D_%7B%5Codot%7D" data-classname="equation_inline" />), half-mass radii (<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Csim%2010-200%5C:%5Crm%20pc" data-classname="equation_inline" />), mass-to-light ratios (<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?M/L_%7B%5Crm%20V%7D%20%5Csim%20100%20-%20%5Crm%7Bfew%7D%20%5C,%5Ctimes%5C,%2010%5E3%20%5C:%5Crm%7BM%7D_%7B%5Codot%7D/%5Crm%7BL%7D_%7B%5Codot%7D" data-classname="equation" />), and ages (<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?13.18%5E%7B+0.29%7D_%7B-0.31%7D%5C:%5Crm%20Gyrs" data-classname="equation_inline" data-title="" />) in good agreement with the observed local population of Ultra-Faint Dwarfs. This shows that ΛCDM is able to explain the properties ofthe faintest dwarf galaxies without fine-tuning. Furthermore, at least ~ 40 compact (initial half-mass radii <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Csim%200.1-5%5C;%5Crm%7Bpc%7D" data-classname="equation_inline" />), old (<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?13.27%5E%7B+0.21%7D_%7B-0.39%7D%5C:%5Crm%20Gyrs" data-classname="equation_inline" />) globular cluster (GC) candidates with initial stellar masses <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?10%5E5%20-%2010%5E6%20%5C:%20%5Crm%7BM%7D_%7B%5Codot%7D" data-classname="equation_inline" /> are predicted to form at the center of low-mass halos, and could survive to the present-day and explain at least a fraction of the observed metal-poor GCs. Their properties are consistent with recent candidates for GCs residing in dark matter halos. Thus, Anaxagoras lends support to the viability of the scenario of GC formation in minihalos. Finally, the formation of Population III (Pop III) stars in minihalos is studied, with the conclusion that if Pop III stars are not overly massive (<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?25%5C:%5Crm%7BM%7D_%7B%5Codot%7D" data-classname="equation_inline" />) between ~ 1 − 30 stars could form per minihalo at <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?z%5C,%20%3E%20%5C,20" data-classname="equation_inline" />, with the number increasing to ~ 10 − 500 stars per minihalo at <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?z%5C,%3C%5C,15" data-classname="equation_inline" /> as Lyman-Werner feedback delay star formation until halos reach larger masses. In the case where Pop III stars are more massive (<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?140%5C:%5Crm%7BM%7D_%7B%5Codot%7D" data-classname="equation_inline" data-title="" />) most minihalos form just a single star. Due to self-shielding of H2 in minihalos, I find that the cosmological Lyman-Werner background is insufficient to produce Pop III galaxies in atomic-cooling halos, with the implication that the number of massive Pop III galaxies/star clusters in the early Universe has been greatly overestimated in the literature that ignores self-shielding.
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How ISM properties drive Lyman Continuum EscapePuschnig, Johannes January 2016 (has links)
The thesis introduces physical processes that are at work in astrophysical plasmas and reviews the current state of research related to the emission of ionizing photons, i.e. Lyman continuum (LyC). Star forming galaxies and active galactic nuclei are discussed as sources of LyC. Observations of LyC leakage at all redshifts are summarized and escape fractions are brought into a cosmological context, i.e. its implications for the reionization of the Universe, one of the major gas phase changes that was completed already after ∼1Gyr after the Big Bang at redshift z∼6.The main work focuses on observations of the local LyC leaking galaxy Tololo 1247-232. Physical properties of the interstellar medium, its porosity and neutral medium column density, could be derived using newly obtained Hubble Space Telescope (HST) data. The work is based on spectroscopy obtained with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS), as well as optical and ultraviolet multi-band imaging with the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3). An improved COS data reduction procedure was adopted. The recent detection of ionizing radiation emerging from Tololo 1247-232 could be confirmed. A LyC escape fraction of 6.6% was derived, in agreement with previous results. We used FUV absorption lines of Si II and Si IV as a probe of the neutral and ionized interstellar medium and find that most of the ISM gas is ionized, likely facilitating LyC escape from density bounded regions. Neutral gas covering as a function of line-of-sight velocity is derived using the apparent optical depth method. The ISM is found to be sufficiently clumpy, supporting the direct escape of LyC photons. We further report on broadband UV and optical continuum imaging as well as narrowband imaging of Lyα, Hα and Hβ. We also performed VLA 21cm imaging. The hydrogen hyperfine transition was not detected, but a deep upper limit atomic gas mass of 10^9 Mo could be derived. The upper limit gas fraction is only 20 percent. Evidence is found that the H I gas halo is relatively small compared to other Lyman Alpha emitters.
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Sources, sinks and scatterers of the ultra-violet backgroundSchirber, Michael Robert 23 January 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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