Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1relationship management"" "subject:"2relationship management""
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Řízení vztahu se zákazníky / Customer Relationship ManagementOtčenášková, Petra January 2015 (has links)
The Master's Thesis deals with Customer Relationship Management. The aim is to describe and analyze the CRM in a particular company and make suggestions for improvement. The Master's Thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part explains the theoretical knowledge of CRM. In the practical part is described and analyzed the mode of operation of the company T-Mobile with a focus on CRM. Theoretical basis is based on the available literature and other information sources. The practical part is based on interview with the company employee, customers and internal documents of the company.
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Management změn v procesu CRM dodavatele pro leteckou dopravu / Management of change for operational processes-CRM process of aerospace supplierSpálenková, Tereza January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis disserts about Customer Relationship Management -- CRM. CRM is a modern management strategy, which targets a customer as an actual center of all company processes and decisions in all departments and by all employees. The thesis describes the evolution of the CRM strategy and CRM theoretical base. It focuses at one industry: aerospace, which is analyzed; its state, main participants and functional rules including barriers of entry. A particular company is presented: Honeywell, whose CRM is analyzed. CRM process gaps are identified, a specific gap is found as fundamental and its solution and implementation of the solution is designed. The objective is to enhance CRM process effectiveness, ensure beneficent customer relationship management, provide higher level of relationships with the targeted customers and enable sales growth.
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Implementace CRM u telekomunikačního operátora / Implementation of CRM in a telecommunications service providerŠvejdová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on implementation of a software solution for customer relationship management with respect to a telecommunications service provider. The whole analysis of a project implementation describes introduction of a segment called Sales Force Automation (SFA). The objective of the work is to describe all important steps during the execution of the SFA project implementation, to compare the steps to theoretical recommendations, to assess applicability of procedures with regard to users' experience and reactions during the execution and after the completion of the project and to subsequently determine recommendations for similar projects. The work is structured into a theoretical and practical part. The objective of the theoretical part is to explain the concept of CRM -- Customer Relationship Management, to introduce the recommended project plan of the CRM implementation and to present a selected product, which is Siebel CRM from Oracle. The practical part describes an already finished project implemented by a telecommunications service provider, compares the appropriate procedure to a theoretical recommendation and registers differences. Based on implications and user's reactions there were suitable and unsuitable steps determined and also procedures recommended for an easier transition to a new CRM system with regard to similar projects.
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CRM v leteckom priemysle (doprave) / CRM in Airlines IndustryKodrazi, Linda January 2010 (has links)
As a subject of this Masters thesis, I have chosed Customer Relationship Managemement in the aerospace industry, thus the aplication of set of tools supporting marketing, sales and customer service. The work is a gradual description of current trands and changes in the aviation industry with aim to follow moments of truth and the processes that take place at customer level Business to Cusotmer (B2C) and at industrial level Business to Business (B2B). While the B2C sector is represented by relatioship of air cariers and passengers, the B2B sector follows the relationship of air carriers and airports. The work is divided into two main parts, theoretical and practical one. The theoretical part consists of a destription of the CRM and aviation industry. It is based on the knowledge that the customer relationship strategy is a long-term and effecite partnership based on understanding of specific customer wishes and needs, which is supported by IT technologies and propper alignment of business processes. The practical part was written in order to apply CRM approaches to right customers (using an appropriate market segmentation) at right place (by creating positive moments of truth) and through right processes.
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Sociální sítě, uživatelé a marketing / Social networks, Users and MarketingKobrle, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis of internet social networks and their relationship with users. It also discusses their business model and marketing purposes. The aim is to create an overview of the process of genesis and evolution of social networks in the Czech Republic and the world, the reasons for their formation and to analyze their current business model. The aim is also to describe the opportunities of social networks in business, especially how to use them to advertising, products promotion and customer relationship management. This thesis describes the different types of ads and their properties, then analyzes the major social networks operating in the Czech environment and shows their characteristics in marketing and the opportunities they offer for companies looking for new customers or employees. There's also analyzed the relationship between social networks and users, influence of social network od thein users and their impact on consumption. Then there is described the user view, processing of personal data, risks and threats of social networks. A between users in the most significant Czech social network follows and the resulting recommendations. In this thesis, you can find advices and recommendations on how to use the opportunities of social networks in promoting products and communication of companies with customers.
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The value co-creation in automotive-3PL relationship management : A case study in SwedenLiu, Jingting, Huang, Zeying January 2020 (has links)
Background: The discussion regarding value co-creation begins within the field of service marketing, it tells that the value is mutually created in process between the firms and the customers. And that concept has been developed further in many aspects, such as B2B context in which the knowledge intensive industry is involved. Many researchers have argued the importance of value co-creation and emphasized on the need of more studies within business practices. In this study, the particular automotive-3PL relationship would be added in to explore the empirical study of value co-creation. Purpose: The main purpose of the thesis is to study how value co-creation can be managed and achieved from the perspectives of 3PL providers and the users within automotive industry. Method: Through the qualitative research approach, the comprehensive knowledge, which includes the 3PL providers and users’ insights and undertaken behaviours behind the value co-creation is obtained after conducting eight semi-structured interviews in a case study. Conclusion: The results show that the value co-creation is actualized when 3PL providers and automotive users together actively participate in a certain process, in which the offering, interaction and learning are the core activities that should be maintained circularly. Furthermore, the high level of relationship commitment and trust should be sustained between actors.
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Supply Chain Relationship Management for Textile-to-Textile Recycling : a qualitative investigation from an European perspectiveBjerstaf, Charlotte, Pehrsson, Anna January 2021 (has links)
Supply chain management is found to be highly related to collaborations among stakeholders to create successful strategies for the supply chain. To leverage circularity in the textile and clothing industry, successful circular strategies that support the businesses in an economic and environmental manner are key. Through this research, the interconnection and communication between the relationships within the supply chain are found to be the most significant factor. In this qualitative study, the purpose of the research was to investigate how relationships and partnerships in the textile supply chain can affect and enable commercial scale for recycling of textiles-to-textiles. In-depth semi-structured interviews with six key stakeholders in the European textile industry. This study found that relationship characteristics such as trust, communication and strategic values through long-term relationships and key suppliers play an important role in realizing textile-to-textile recycling. Furthermore, findings confirm that the financial aspects are the most prominent condition for textile recycling to improve win-win partnership models to promote key operational conditions. With Europe having a leading position in the textile industry, the research study has geographically limited the empirical scope to solid focus on textile supply chain and business relationships in Italy to provide the study with accurate cluster accusation.
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Konsumenters upplevelse av företags användning av social media som en kanal för marknadsföringsaktiviteter : En kvalitativ intervjustudie på konsumenters upplevelse av social media, kundengagemang och personaliserad marknadsföringGeorgeson, Sofia, Holmes, Nicole January 2021 (has links)
Som ett resultat av att fler konsumenter idag befinner sig på social media samtidigt som fler företag strävar efter förbättrade kundrelationer har Socialt CRM (Customer Relationship Management) blivit en vital strategi för kundrelationer för företag. Socialt CRM är ännu ett relativt outforskat område som vid felaktig användning och implementering kan resultera i finansiella misslyckanden. Det är därför viktigt att genomföra forskning inom området så att företag ska veta om och hur de ska formulera sina strategier så att deras investeringar lönar sig. Denna studie syftar därför att öka förståelsen för vad konsumenter tycker om att företagen använder social media som en kanal för kundengagemang och personaliserad marknadsföring. Detta genomfördes genom att tillämpa en kvalitativ intervjustudie där nio konsumenter med aktiva profiler på social media intervjuades i syfte att öka förståelsen för konsumenternas uppfattningar avseende kundengagemang och personaliserad marknadsföring. Resultatet från studien uppvisade ett antal olika forskningsansatser som företag kan ta tillvara på, bland annat identifierades det att konsumenter upplever att emotionellt och rationellt innehåll på social media bör anpassas baserat på beroende vilken produkt eller tjänst som informationen avser. Resultatet visade även att konsumenter generellt uppskattar när företag är aktiva på social media och engagerar sig med kunder. Denna aktivitet gör konsumenter mer lojala och benägna till att köpa av företag med aktiva profiler. Avslutningsvis visade även resultatet att konsumenter överlag upplever personaliserad marknadsföring som något positivt och att personaliseringen har hög träffsäkerhet på social media. Samtidigt visade resultatet däremot att det finns ett antal aspekter inom personaliserad marknadsföring som kan effektiviseras samt att det krävs en balans för att marknadsföringen inte ska bli kränkande mot konsumentens integritet. Resultaten från denna studie ger upphov till vidare forskning inom området, förslagsvis kan balansen mellan personaliserad marknadsföring och användning av kunddata kvalitativt studeras genom intervjuer med företag.
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Návrh opatření vedoucí ke zlepšení konkurenceschopnosti podniku / Proposal od Activities Improving Competitiveness of CompanyUhlířová, Jana January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the creation of measures which lead to the competitiveness increase. It clarifies the terms in the competitiveness and competitive advantage field. It observes the Mironet.cz company, which is specialized in the sale of information technology devices, and it analyzes the company environment. On the basis of analyses, measures leading to competitiveness increase of the company observed are suggested.
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Konzeptioneller Bezugsrahmen zur Unsicherheitsproblematik im kundenzentrierten Revenue ManagementMohaupt, Michael January 2014 (has links)
Das kundenzentrierte Revenue Management als Verbindung der beiden Forschungsdomänen der Kapazitätssteuerung und des Kundenbeziehungsmanagements kann dazu beitragen, wertvolle Kunden auch vor dem Hintergrund begrenzter Kapazitätsressourcen an den Anbieter (wie Airlines, Hotels oder Fertigungsunternehmen) zu binden. Da hierbei gewisse Unsicherheiten auftreten, die in der Folge die Güte der Steuerungsentscheidungen beeinflussen und damit auch Erlösrelevanz besitzen, und diese bisher nur unzureichend beleuchtet wurden, ist eine umfassende Unsicherheitsanalyse vorangetrieben worden. Nach Darlegung des aufgrund der Heterogenität nötigen Begriffsverständnisses zur Unsicherheit sind die unsicheren Situationen im Anwendungskontext mit Hilfe eines konzeptionellen Bezugsrahmens einer detaillierten Charakterisierung und Bewertung unterzogen worden. Unterstützt durch die Erkenntnisse einer systematischen Literaturanalyse wurden dafür elf Problemfelder (mit insgesamt 36 Teilaspekten) herausgearbeitet. Die vorliegende Systematisierung kann Revenue Manager dabei unterstützen, das eigene Unternehmen in das Spannungsgefüge einzuordnen, anhand der anbieterspezifischen Merkmalsausprägungen der Dimensionen und Umfeldfaktoren einen Überblick über die vorherrschende Unsicherheitsproblematik zu gewinnen und zudem Rückschlüsse über den vorliegenden Grad des Unsicherheitsausmaßes vornehmen zu können.:1 Einführung
1.1 Motivation und Problemstellung
1.2 Forschungsdesign
2 Grundlagen kundenzentrierten Revenue Managements
3 Grundlagen der Unsicherheitsproblematik
3.1 Erste Annäherung zur Unsicherheitsproblematik
3.2 Beweggründe zur Unsicherheitsauseinandersetzung
3.3 Abgrenzung des Unsicherheitsbegriffs
3.4 Typologie der Unsicherheit
3.5 Arbeitsdefinition der Unsicherheit
3.6 Generelle Positionierungen
4 Konzeptioneller Bezugsrahmen zur Systematisierung
4.1 Forschungsinstrument
4.2 Literaturanalyse
4.2.1 Planung
4.2.2 Literatursuche
4.2.3 Beitragsanalyse
4.2.4 Synthese und Präsentation
4.3 Dimensionen
4.3.1 Aufgabenbezug
4.3.2 Problemart
4.3.3 Informationsbedarf
4.3.4 Informationsoperation
4.3.5 Unsicherheitsursachen
4.4 Detaillierung des Bezugsrahmens
5 Erfolgsgrößenbezogene Unsicherheiten
5.1 Zielgrößen zur Kundenbewertung
5.1.1 Sachdimension
5.1.2 Zeitdimension
5.1.3 Objektdimension
5.1.4 Kundensegmentbildung
5.2 Präferenzrelationen
5.2.1 Höhenpräferenz
5.2.2 Risikopräferenz
6 Revenue-Management-systembezogene Unsicherheiten
6.1 Kapazitätscharakteristik
6.1.1 Umfang der Kapazität
6.1.2 Flexibilität der Kapazitätsnutzung
6.2 Leistungscharakteristik
6.2.1 Reservierbarkeit des Angebots
6.2.2 Repetivität des Angebotszyklus
6.2.3 Erlöse der Angebote
6.2.4 Angebotsbeschreibung
6.3 Datenbasis
6.3.1 Selektion der Informationen
6.3.2 Anreicherung / Data-Matching
6.3.3 Umgang mit falschen und fehlenden Informationen
6.3.4 Diskretisierung
6.3.5 Aktualisierung der Informationen
6.4 Optimierung
6.4.1 Komplexität der Optimierung
6.4.2 Entwicklungsprozess von Optimierungsmodellen
6.5 Kundenklassifikation
7 Revenue-Management-umfeldbezogene Unsicherheiten
7.1 Modellierung des Kundenverhaltens
7.1.1 Ankunft der Anfragen
7.1.2 Abhängigkeit der Nachfrage
7.1.3 Gruppenbuchungen
7.1.4 Strategisches Kundenverhalten
7.2 Interaktionsprozess und Informationszugang
7.2.1 Entscheidungszeitpunkt
7.2.2 Verbindlichkeit
7.2.3 Kundenidentifikation und Kundenhistorie
7.3 Nachfrageprognose
7.3.1 Prognosegrundlage
7.3.2 Nachfrageschwankungen
7.3.3 Art der Prognosedurchführung
7.3.4 Prognosehorizont
7.4 Wirkung der Kapazitätssteuerungsmaßnahmen des Anbieters
7.4.1 Loyalitätswirkung der Steuerungsentscheidung
7.4.2 Reaktivität des Wettbewerbs
7.4.3 Nichtinanspruchnahme der Leistung durch Kunden
7.4.4 Folgen der Leistungsverwehrung (insbesondere im Rahmen der Überbuchung)
7.4.5 Katalysatorwirkung von Umfeldfaktoren
8 Aktualisierung Bezugsrahmen
9 Zusammenfassung, Diskussion und Ausblick
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