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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Remote ischemic preconditioning in aortic surgery:Experimental studies with a porcine model

Herajärvi, J. (Johanna) 29 August 2017 (has links)
Abstract During cardiac and aortic surgery, disturbance of the blood supply in the central nervous system occurs when the repair of aortic pathologies is performed or a bloodless operation field is needed in complex cardiac surgery. To enable the suitable operation environment, the technique named hypothermic circulatory arrest (HCA) has been utilized via heart-lung machine. In this method, the core temperature is lowered to the target temperature, after which blood circulation is halted for a certain period of time. A challenge is that the successful usage of HCA, however still involves the risks of postoperative neurological complications and mortality. In cardiac and aortic arch surgery, the brain is at the highest risk for deficits, whereas in the repair of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms (TAAAs), spinal cord injury remains the most severe adverse outcome. Adjunctive protective strategies are required to reduce ischemic injury in these settings. In this thesis, Studies I and II focused on the spinal cord and the Study III on the brain. The studies were performed using acute (II, III) or subacute (I) experimental porcine models, primarily aiming to assess the effectiveness of remote ischemic preconditioning (RIPC) in spinal cord protection along with the aim of studying the underlying mechanisms of RIPC in neuroprotection. Studies I and II demonstrated enhanced motor evoked potential (MEP) responses in both hind limbs, indicating spinal cord protection by RIPC. The faster recovery of brain damage marker S100B along with higher cardiac index and lower systemic lactate levels confirmed the cardio- and neuroprotective properties of RIPC in Study III. The protective mechanism of RIPC was associated with increased antioxidant response (II, III). / Tiivistelmä Sydän- ja aorttakirurgiassa, keskushermoston verenkiertoa joudutaan häiritsemään toteutettaessa aortan korjausleikkauksia tai vaikeissa sydänkirurgisissa toimenpiteissä verettömän leikkausalueen saavuttamiseksi. Sydän-keuhkokoneen avulla toteutettava täydellinen verenkierron pysäytys mahdollistaa vaaditut olosuhteet. Tässä menetelmässä ydinlämpötilaa lasketaan ja verenkierron pysäytys toteutaan tavoitellussa kohdelämpötilassa tietyssä aikaikkunassa. Kyseisen menetelmän onnistunut käyttö sisältää kuitenkin riskejä operaatioiden jälkeisiin neurologisiin komplikaatioihin ja kuolleisuuteen. Sydämen ja aortankaaren kirurgiassa aivot ovat suurimmassa vaarassa vaurioille. Rinta- ja vatsa-aortan aneurysmien eli pullistumien korjausleikkauksiin liittyvä selkäydinvaurio on puolestaan yksi vakavimmista ja vaikeimmista seurauksista. Lisäsuojausmenetelmiä tarvitaan vähentämään iskeemistä vauriota näissä asetelmissa. Väitöskirjan osatyöt I ja II keskittyivät selkäytimeen. Osatyö III käsitteli puolestaan aivojen suojausta. Osatyöt toteutettiin akuutteina (II, III) ja subakuutteina (I) kokeellisina porsasmalleina. Tutkimusten tavoitteina oli arvioida esialtistavan perifeerisen raajaiskemian vaikuttavuutta selkäytimen suojauksessa sekä tutkia raajaiskemian taustalla olevia mekanismeja hermokudoksen suojauksessa. Osatöissä I, II havaittiin motoristen herätepotentiaalien parantuneita vasteita molemmissa takajaloissa osoittaen esialtistavan raajaiskemian suojaavan selkäydintä simuloidussa rinta-aortan korjaustoimenpiteessä. Osatyö III keskittyi alhaisessa lämpötilassa toteutettavaan täydelliseen verenkierron pysäytykseen. Tässä tutkimuksessa todetut aivovauriomarkkeri S100B tason nopeampi lasku, korkeampi sydänindeksi ja alhaisemmat laktaattitasot varmistivat raajaiskemian sydän- ja hermokudossuojausvaikutusta. Esialtistavan perifeerisen raajaiskemian suojaava mekanismi voidaan liittää parantuneeseen solujen antioksidanttivasteeseen (II, III).

Remote ischemic precondition before hypothermic circulatory arrest in a porcine model:a special reference to oxidative stress

Arvola, O. (Oiva) 31 January 2017 (has links)
Abstract In pathologies of the ascending aorta or in congenital heart defects, circulation may be temporarily halted during surgical intervention. This is achieved by operating under deep hypothermic circulatory arrest or under hypothermia combined with isolated perfusion techniques. For deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA), the patient is cooled below 18°C using an extracorporeal heart-lung machine, and circulation and breathing are stopped. The advantage of hypothermia is that it decreases oxygen and glucose consumption and provides the surgeons the time required to repair complex heart defects. However, there is still a relatively high risk of neurological complications that can affect the quality of life of patients and their families. One of the methods to mitigate ischaemia-reperfusion injury is remote ischaemic preconditioning. In this work, the neuroprotective mechanisms of remote ischaemic preconditioning (RIPC) were studied in acute and surviving chronic animal models. In study I, we used an acute model, and studied the effects of RIPC in cerebral microcirculation using an intravital microscope and samples analysed by transmission electron microscope. In study II, a chronic model was used to evaluate whether the effects of remote ischaemic preconditioning can be seen in the markers of oxidative stress or in redox-regulating enzymes. Study III was conducted to supplement the findings of study II, considering the markers of oxidative stress. Findings in all studies were consistent with one another. Study I showed the effect of remote ischaemic preconditioning on leukocyte activation and adhesion to cerebrocortical vessels in piglets after prolonged DHCA. Additionally, cellular preservation of endoplasmic reticulum was present in transmission electron microscope analysis of the central nervous system. In studies II and III, the remote ischaemic preconditioning lowered markers of ischaemia-reperfusion-related oxidative stress. In study III the remote ischemic preconditioning lowered oxidative stress already during cardiopulmonary bypass. / Tiivistelmä Hoidettaessa nousevan aortan sairauksia ja synnynnäisiä sydänvikoja verenkierto voidaan tilapäisesti pysäyttää kirurgisten toimenpiteiden ajaksi. Tämä saavutetaan jäähdyttämällä elimistö verenkierron pysäytyksen ajaksi tai jäähdytettynä isoloitujen perfuusiotekniikoiden avulla. Potilas jäähdytetään alle 18 °C lämpötilaan käyttäen kehonulkoista sydän-keuhkokonetta, minkä jälkeen verenkierto ja hengitys voidaan väliaikaisesti pysäyttää. Elimistön viilentäminen vähentää hapen ja glukoosin kulutusta ja antaa kirurgeille aikaa korjata monimutkaisia sydänsairauksia. Verenkierron pysäytyksestä ja palauttamisesta voi ilmaantua keskushermostoon iskemia-reperfuusiovaurioita, mitkä vaikuttavat potilaiden ja heidän läheistensä elämänlaatuun. Esialtistava raajaiskemia on yksi tutkituista menetelmistä lieventää iskemia-reperfuusiovauriota. Tässä työssä esialtistavan raajaiskemian hermostoa suojaavia mekanismeja tutkittiin akuutilla ja kroonisilla koe-eläinmalleilla. Tutkimuksessa I tutkimme esialtistavan raajaiskemian vaikutuksia aivojen mikroverenkiertoon kuvaamalla aivojen pintaverisuonia mikroskoopilla, ja hermosoluihin käyttäen läpäisyelektronimikroskooppia. Tutkimuksessa II kroonisella mallilla tutkittiin voiko esialtistavan raajaiskemian vaikutuksia nähdä oksidatiivisen stressin määrässä tai hapetus-pelkistys reaktioita säätelevissä entsyymeissä. Kolmas tutkimus tehtiin toisen tutkimuksen päätelmien täydentämiseksi mitaten oksidatiivista stressiä. Kaikkien osatöiden löydökset olivat keskenään johdonmukaisia. Ensimmäisessä osatyössä esialtistava raajaiskemia vaikutti leukosyyttiaktivaatioon ja leukosyyttien tarttumiseen aivojen pintaverisuoniin pidennetyn hypotermisen verenkierron seisautuksen jälkeen. Myös hermosolujen sisäisten soluelinten säilyminen näkyi läpäisyelektronimikroskoopilla raajaiskemiaryhmällä. Tutkimuksissa II ja III esialtistava raajaiskemian todettiin alentavan iskemia-reperfuusion aiheuttamaa oksidatiivista stressiä, jonka todettiin tapahtuvan/alkavan jo sydän-keuhkokoneen käytön aikana tutkimuksen III perusteella.

The Role of Candidate G-protein Coupled Receptors in Mediating Remote Myocardial Ischemic Preconditioning

Surendra, Harinee 15 February 2010 (has links)
This study investigated the role of opioid, adenosine, bradykinin, and calcitonin-gene related peptide (CGRP) receptors, and potential ‘cross-talk’ among suspected G-protein coupled receptors in a humoral model of remote ischemic preconditioning (rIPC) cardioprotection. Compared to Control dialysate (from non-preconditioned donor rabbit blood), rIPC dialysate (from remotely preconditioned blood) reduced cell death in rabbit cardiomyocytes following simulated ischemia and reperfusion. Non-selective, δ-, or κ-opioid receptor blockade and non-selective adenosine receptor blockade abolished rIPC dialysate protection; whereas, bradykinin B2 and CGRP receptor blockade had no effect. Non-selective adenosine receptor blockade fully and partially abolished protection by κ- and δ-opioid receptors, respectively. Multiple reaction monitoring mass spectrometry detected low levels of adenosine, and other preconditioning substances, in the dialysate. An increase in extracellular adenosine was not detected during opioid-induced preconditioning to explain this cross-talk. These results suggest that δ-opioid, κ-opioid, adenosine receptors, and opioid-adenosine cross-talk are involved in rIPC of freshly isolated cardiomyocytes.

The Role of Candidate G-protein Coupled Receptors in Mediating Remote Myocardial Ischemic Preconditioning

Surendra, Harinee 15 February 2010 (has links)
This study investigated the role of opioid, adenosine, bradykinin, and calcitonin-gene related peptide (CGRP) receptors, and potential ‘cross-talk’ among suspected G-protein coupled receptors in a humoral model of remote ischemic preconditioning (rIPC) cardioprotection. Compared to Control dialysate (from non-preconditioned donor rabbit blood), rIPC dialysate (from remotely preconditioned blood) reduced cell death in rabbit cardiomyocytes following simulated ischemia and reperfusion. Non-selective, δ-, or κ-opioid receptor blockade and non-selective adenosine receptor blockade abolished rIPC dialysate protection; whereas, bradykinin B2 and CGRP receptor blockade had no effect. Non-selective adenosine receptor blockade fully and partially abolished protection by κ- and δ-opioid receptors, respectively. Multiple reaction monitoring mass spectrometry detected low levels of adenosine, and other preconditioning substances, in the dialysate. An increase in extracellular adenosine was not detected during opioid-induced preconditioning to explain this cross-talk. These results suggest that δ-opioid, κ-opioid, adenosine receptors, and opioid-adenosine cross-talk are involved in rIPC of freshly isolated cardiomyocytes.

Efeito do pré-condicionamento isquêmico remoto em modelo de lesão hepática por isquemia-reperfusão em ratos / Effect of remote ischemic preconditioning in a rat model of ischemia-reperfusion liver injury

Marco Antonio Corrêa Guimarães Filho 18 November 2013 (has links)
A lesão por isquemia-reperfusão (I/R) é o mecanismo fisiopatológico central no desenvolvimento da insuficiência hepática pós-operatória. Diversas estratégias para minimizar suas consequências estão sendo desenvolvidas, mas ainda sem resultados satisfatórios. Recentemente o pré-condicionamento isquêmico remoto (PCIR), método em que ciclos breves de I/R aplicados em um órgão ou membro é capaz de atenuar os resultados da I/R em um órgão distante, vem sendo utilizado, em modelos experimentais, com resultados promissores. No entanto seu mecanismo de ação ainda não foi esclarecido. Um dos mecanismos propostos é a modulação na expressão das citocinas sintetizadas durante a resposta inflamatória que acompanha o processo de I/R. Foram utilizados 36 ratos (Rattus norvegicus), machos, com peso entre 250 e 280 g, divididos em três grupos: Grupo Sham, cirurgia simulada; Grupo IR, isquemia de 70% do fígado por 45 minutos e reperfusão; e Grupo PCIR, pré-condicionamento isquêmico remoto do fígado através de seis ciclos de isquemia-reperfusão da pata do animal, com quatro minutos de isquemia e quatro minutos de reperfusão em cada ciclo, seguido de isquemia hepática semelhante ao do Grupo IR. Terminado os procedimentos cirúrgicos, metade dos animais foi morta decorridos 60 minutos de reperfusão, e a outra metade após 180 minutos. Foi coletado tecido hepático do lobo submetido à isquemia, para estudo histopatológico, utilizando o índice de injúria hepática modificado; e sangue, para dosagem plasmática de TNF-&#945;, IL-6, IL-10 e ALT. A análise histopatológica mostrou que a necrose celular foi significativamente reduzida no Grupo PCIR quando comparado com Grupo IR (p <0,0001). As transaminases mostraram o mesmo padrão com redução significativa dos seus valores no Grupo PCIR quando comparados com o Grupo I-R (p <0,0001). A dosagem das interleucinas mostrou redução significativa na expressão da IL-6 no Grupo PCIR quando comparado com o Grupo IR (p<0,001). Houve aumento da expressão de IL-10 nos grupo PCIR, porém não atingiu significância estatística. Não foi identificada diferença na dosagem de TNF-&#945; nos grupos estudados. O PCI-R foi eficaz na redução na necrose celular resultante da lesão por I-R nos grupos estudados. A redução na síntese de IL-6 segue o padrão observado em outros estudos. / Ischemia/Reperfusion (I/R) injury is an important pathophysiological mechanism in the postoperative liver failure. Different strategies to minimize the I/R liver injury have been developed during the last decades but the results had been disappointing. Recently, the remote ischemic preconditioning (RIPC), a method that involves a brief ischemic episode on an organ or tissue that subsequently affords protection to a remote organ or tissue, have been use in various experimental models with promising results. The precise pathway activated by the RIPC isnt clear, but cytokine release modulation has been proposed as a candidate mechanism. Thirty-six male rats (Rattus norvegicus) were divided in 3 groups: Sham; I/R injury, a 45 minutes lobar (70%) liver ischemia and reperfusion; and RIPC, 6 cycles of 4 minutes of ischemia and 4 minutes of reperfusion of the right hindlimb followed by a 45 minutes lobar (70%) liver ischemia and reperfusion. Liver tissue in the affected lobe and blood samples were collected after 60 minutes and 180 minutes of reperfusion for histopathological study of liver I/R, plasma cytokines (TNF-&#945;, IL-6 and IL-10) and liver aminotransferases measurement (ALT). The histopathological study demonstrated a significant lesser degree of liver necrosis in the RIPC group (p <0,001). The aminotransferases levels followed the same pattern, with significant lower levels in the RIPC group (p <0,001). The cytokines assessment showed a reduction in the expression of IL-6 in the RIPC when compared with the I/R group (p <0,01). Interleukin-10 levels were higher in the RIPC group, but the difference wasnt significant. The TNF-&#945; measurement didnt show any difference in the groups. The RIPC model presented consistently reduced the I/R injury to the liver and the IL-6 expression was similar to the reported in other studies.

Efeito do pré-condicionamento isquêmico remoto em modelo de lesão hepática por isquemia-reperfusão em ratos / Effect of remote ischemic preconditioning in a rat model of ischemia-reperfusion liver injury

Marco Antonio Corrêa Guimarães Filho 18 November 2013 (has links)
A lesão por isquemia-reperfusão (I/R) é o mecanismo fisiopatológico central no desenvolvimento da insuficiência hepática pós-operatória. Diversas estratégias para minimizar suas consequências estão sendo desenvolvidas, mas ainda sem resultados satisfatórios. Recentemente o pré-condicionamento isquêmico remoto (PCIR), método em que ciclos breves de I/R aplicados em um órgão ou membro é capaz de atenuar os resultados da I/R em um órgão distante, vem sendo utilizado, em modelos experimentais, com resultados promissores. No entanto seu mecanismo de ação ainda não foi esclarecido. Um dos mecanismos propostos é a modulação na expressão das citocinas sintetizadas durante a resposta inflamatória que acompanha o processo de I/R. Foram utilizados 36 ratos (Rattus norvegicus), machos, com peso entre 250 e 280 g, divididos em três grupos: Grupo Sham, cirurgia simulada; Grupo IR, isquemia de 70% do fígado por 45 minutos e reperfusão; e Grupo PCIR, pré-condicionamento isquêmico remoto do fígado através de seis ciclos de isquemia-reperfusão da pata do animal, com quatro minutos de isquemia e quatro minutos de reperfusão em cada ciclo, seguido de isquemia hepática semelhante ao do Grupo IR. Terminado os procedimentos cirúrgicos, metade dos animais foi morta decorridos 60 minutos de reperfusão, e a outra metade após 180 minutos. Foi coletado tecido hepático do lobo submetido à isquemia, para estudo histopatológico, utilizando o índice de injúria hepática modificado; e sangue, para dosagem plasmática de TNF-&#945;, IL-6, IL-10 e ALT. A análise histopatológica mostrou que a necrose celular foi significativamente reduzida no Grupo PCIR quando comparado com Grupo IR (p <0,0001). As transaminases mostraram o mesmo padrão com redução significativa dos seus valores no Grupo PCIR quando comparados com o Grupo I-R (p <0,0001). A dosagem das interleucinas mostrou redução significativa na expressão da IL-6 no Grupo PCIR quando comparado com o Grupo IR (p<0,001). Houve aumento da expressão de IL-10 nos grupo PCIR, porém não atingiu significância estatística. Não foi identificada diferença na dosagem de TNF-&#945; nos grupos estudados. O PCI-R foi eficaz na redução na necrose celular resultante da lesão por I-R nos grupos estudados. A redução na síntese de IL-6 segue o padrão observado em outros estudos. / Ischemia/Reperfusion (I/R) injury is an important pathophysiological mechanism in the postoperative liver failure. Different strategies to minimize the I/R liver injury have been developed during the last decades but the results had been disappointing. Recently, the remote ischemic preconditioning (RIPC), a method that involves a brief ischemic episode on an organ or tissue that subsequently affords protection to a remote organ or tissue, have been use in various experimental models with promising results. The precise pathway activated by the RIPC isnt clear, but cytokine release modulation has been proposed as a candidate mechanism. Thirty-six male rats (Rattus norvegicus) were divided in 3 groups: Sham; I/R injury, a 45 minutes lobar (70%) liver ischemia and reperfusion; and RIPC, 6 cycles of 4 minutes of ischemia and 4 minutes of reperfusion of the right hindlimb followed by a 45 minutes lobar (70%) liver ischemia and reperfusion. Liver tissue in the affected lobe and blood samples were collected after 60 minutes and 180 minutes of reperfusion for histopathological study of liver I/R, plasma cytokines (TNF-&#945;, IL-6 and IL-10) and liver aminotransferases measurement (ALT). The histopathological study demonstrated a significant lesser degree of liver necrosis in the RIPC group (p <0,001). The aminotransferases levels followed the same pattern, with significant lower levels in the RIPC group (p <0,001). The cytokines assessment showed a reduction in the expression of IL-6 in the RIPC when compared with the I/R group (p <0,01). Interleukin-10 levels were higher in the RIPC group, but the difference wasnt significant. The TNF-&#945; measurement didnt show any difference in the groups. The RIPC model presented consistently reduced the I/R injury to the liver and the IL-6 expression was similar to the reported in other studies.

Efeito do pré-condicionamento isquêmico remoto no transplante ortotópico de fígado de doadores em parada cardíaca. Estudo experimental em suínos / Effect of remote ischemic preconditioning on liver orthotopic transplantation of non-heart-beating donors. Experimental study in pigs

Morais, Lúcio Kenny 27 April 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Marlene Santos (marlene.bc.ufg@gmail.com) on 2017-12-18T19:17:24Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Lúcio Kenny Morais - 2012.pdf: 9402569 bytes, checksum: 89e112868051e02f9a662b75b5fff235 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-12-19T12:09:12Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Lúcio Kenny Morais - 2012.pdf: 9402569 bytes, checksum: 89e112868051e02f9a662b75b5fff235 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-19T12:09:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Lúcio Kenny Morais - 2012.pdf: 9402569 bytes, checksum: 89e112868051e02f9a662b75b5fff235 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-04-27 / Introduction: Improved liver function from non-heart-beating donors seems to be related to short periods of warm ischemia; hence ischemia-reperfusion injury is a critical unsolved issue. Remote Ischemic preconditioning (PC) has been shown to protect the liver from ischemia-reperfusion injury. However little is known about the usefulness of ischemic precondition as a strategy to improve tolerance of non-heart-beating liver grafts to warm ischemia. Therefore we designed an experimental study aiming the effects of ischemic preconditioning on liver transplantation from non-heart-beating donors. Methods: Protocol was approved by Federal University of Goias Ethics Committee. Twentyfour Landrace pigs were assigned into 4 groups: I: after cardiac arrest livers were procured and transplanted; II: after PC and cardiac arrest livers were procured and transplanted; III: after PC and cardiac arrest, a 15 minutes period of warm ischemia was observed before livers were procured and transplanted; IV: after PC and cardiac arrest, a 30 minutes period of warm ischemia was observed before livers were procured and transplanted. Donors: cardiac arrest was obtained by ligation of coronary arteries and interruption of ventilation. PC (10` x 10`) and warm ischemia waiting time were observed accordingly. Livers were flushed with 4°C HTK solution cooled and procured. Recipients: standard technique was used. After one hour of reperfusion, blood and liver samples were collected and euthanasia was carried out. Non-parametrical statistical tests were applied. Results were expressed as medians. A value of p<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: AST, ALT, lactic acid and factor V levels were similar for the different studied groups by the end of one hour of reperfusion. A trend towards a deteriorated liver function was observed in group IV. When histological variables were addressed, vacuolization of hepatocytes and cell dropout scores were similar in all groups. Congestion score, vacuolization of hepatocytes and cell dropout scores tended to be higher in animals from group IV, but with no statistical significance. Conclusions: Remote ischemic preconditioning showed no benefits to liver grafts from nonheart- beating donors. Even though it did not result in benefits, no prejudice could be noticed in this research, as well. / Introdução: A melhora na função hepática em doadores de coração parado parece estar relacionada a curtos períodos de isquemia normotérmica, logo a lesão de isquemia e reperfusão é uma questão crucial não resolvida. O pré-condicionamento isquémico remoto (PC), promove proteção ao fígado da lesão de isquemia e reperfusão. No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre a utilidade do PC como uma estratégia para melhorar a tolerância de enxertos de doadores em parada cardíaca frente à isquemia normotérmica. Portanto, foi desenvolvido um estudo experimental visando os efeitos do pré-condicionamento isquêmico no transplante de fígado de doadores em parada cardíaca.Métodos: O protocolo do estudo foi aprovado na Universidade Federal de Goiás pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. Vinte e quatro suínos da raça Landrace foram divididos em 4 grupos: I: após parada cardíaca, o fígado foi captado e transplantado; II: após o PC, promoveu-se a parada cardíaca, seguida de captação e transplante hepático; III: após o PC, promoveu-se a parada cardíaca, seguida de um período de 15 minutos de isquemia normotérmica, com captação e transplante hepático em seguida; IV: após o PC, promoveu-se a parada cardíaca, seguida de um período de 30 minutos de isquemia normotérmica, com captação e transplante hepático em seguida. Nos doadores, a parada cardíaca foi obtida pela ligadura das artérias coronárias e interrupção do suporte ventilatório. O PC (10 'x 10') e o tempo de isquemia normotérmica foram observados em conformidade com a padronização. O fígado foi perfundido com solução HTK resfriada a 4 ° C e posteriormente captado. Para o receptor foi utilizada a técnica padrão. Após uma hora de reperfusão, amostras de sangue e de tecido hepático foram coletadas, seguida da realização da eutanásia. Foram aplicados testes estatísticos não-paramétricos. Os resultados foram expressos em medianas. O valor de p <0,05 foi considerado estatisticamente significativo. Resultados: Os valores encontrados de AST, ALT, lactato e fator V foram semelhantes para os diferentes grupos estudados até o fim do experimento. No entanto, foi observado uma tendência para piora da função hepática no grupo IV. Em relação às variáveis histológicas, a vacuolização dos hepatócitos e a desestruturação celular foram semelhantes em todos os grupos; houve uma tendência de aumento da congestão no grupo IV, sem significância estatística. Conclusões: O pré-condicionamento isquêmico remoto não mostrou benefício para enxertos de fígado de parada cardíaca. Mesmo que o PC não tenha promovido benefícios nesta pesquisa, também não foram observados danos.

Conditionnement ischémique à distance : Rôles du facteur de transcription induit par l’hypoxie-1α et de l’apolipoprotéine A1 / Remote ischemic conditioning : roles of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α and apolipoprotein A1

Kalakech, Hussein 26 November 2014 (has links)
La restauration rapide du flux sanguin est essentielle pour limiter l’étendue de l’infarctus myocardique mais elle est à l’origine de lésions irréversibles. Le préconditionnement ischémique à distance (RIPC) qui désigne l’application non invasive de brèves séquences d’ischémie/reperfusion au niveau d’un organe à distance du cœur peut prévenir la survenue de ces lésions de reperfusion. De nombreuses études suggèrent une implication de facteurs de transcription et de facteurs humoraux dans la cardioprotection induite par le RIPC, mais leurs identités restent inconnues. Dans la première partie du travail, nous avons donc étudié le rôle potentiel du facteur de transcription induit par l’hypoxie (HIF-1α) dans la phase précoce du RIPC. Nous avons ainsi démontré, en utilisant deux modèles expérimentaux : les souris transgéniques déficientes en HIF-1α et les rats traités par un inhibiteur pharmacologique de HIF-1α, que HIF-1α n’est pas indispensable pour cette phase du RIPC. Dans la deuxième partie de ce travail, nous avons essayé d’identifier, de façon directe cette fois, le ou les facteurs humoraux responsables de l’effet protecteur du RIPC. En se basant sur les résultats des études protéomiques démontrant une augmentation des concentrations plasmatiques d’apolipoprotéine A1 (Apo A1) suite au RIPC, nous avons alors cherché à mettre en évidence si cette protéine pourrait être un facteur circulant du RIPC. L’Apo A1, injectée directement avant la réalisation de l’infarctus chez le rat, était capable de reproduire l’effet cardioprotecteur et d’activer les mêmes voies de signalisation du RIPC. L’Apo A1 pourrait donc être un facteur humoral du RIPC. / Although early restoration of blood flow to the ischemic heart is essential to reduce the extent of myocardial infarction, reperfusion per se may cause irreversible tissue injury. Remote ischemic preconditioning (RIPC), the phenomenon whereby brief episodes of I/R are applied in distant tissues or organs, can protect the myocardium against reperfusion injuries. Several studies suggest that transcription factors and humoral mediators may be involved in RIPC mechanisms ; however the actual identity of these factors remains unknown. Therefore, in the first part of the study, we aimed to identify the role of hypoxia inducible factor (HIF-1α) in the acute phase of RIPC. We have thus demonstrated, using two animal models: partially HIF-1α-deficient mice and rats pretreated with a pharmacological inhibitor of HIF-1α, that HIF-1α is not crucial for this phase of RIPC. In the second part of the study, we have used a more direct approach and attempted to identify one or more humoral mediators of RIPC. Based on the results of proteomic studies showing an increase in plasmatic apolipoprotein A1 (Apo A1) levels following RIPC, we thus sought to determine if Apo A1 may constitute a blood-borne factor involved in RIPC’s protective effects. Our findings indicated that Apo A1 injected before myocardial infarction in rats acutely protected the heart, recapitulating RIPC-induced cardioprotection and that Apo A1 share some common signaling pathways with RIPC. Apo A1 may then be a humoral mediator of RIPC.

Evaluation of systemic inflammation in response to remote ischemic preconditioning in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR)

Zhang, Kun, Troeger, Willi, Kuhn, Matthias, Wiedemann, Stephan, Ibrahim, Karim, Pfluecke, Christian, Sveric, Krunoslav M., Winzer, Robert, Fedders, Dieter, Ruf, Tobias F., Strasser, Ruth H., Linke, Axel, Quick, Silvio, Heidrich, Felix M. 19 January 2024 (has links)
Background: Systemic inflammation can occur after transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) and correlates with adverse outcome. The impact of remote ischemic preconditioning (RIPC) on TAVR associated systemic inflammation is unknown and was focus of this study. Methods: We performed a prospective controlled trial at a single center and included 66 patients treated with remote ischemic preconditioning (RIPC) prior to TAVR, who were matched to a control group by propensity score. RIPC was applied to the upper extremity using a conventional tourniquet. Definition of systemic inflammation was based on leucocyte count, C-reactive protein (CRP), procalcitonin (PCT) and interleukin-6 (IL-6), assessed in the first 5 days following the TAVR procedure. Mortality was determined within 6 months after TAVR. RIPC group and matched control group showed comparable baseline characteristics. Results: Systemic inflammation occurred in 66% of all patients after TAVR. Overall, survival after 6 months was significantly reduced in patients with systemic inflammation. RIPC, in comparison to control, did not significantly alter the plasma levels of leucocyte count, CRP, PCT or IL-6 within the first 5 days after TAVR. Furthermore, inflammation associated survival after 6 months was not improved by RIPC. Of all peri-interventional variables assessed, only the amount of the applied contrast agent was connected to the occurrence of systemic inflammation. Conclusions: Systemic inflammation frequently occurs after TAVR and leads to increased mortality after 6 months. RIPC neither reduces the incidence of systemic inflammation nor improves inflammation associated patient survival within 6 months.

Préconditionnement ischémique et exercice : de la réadaptation à la performance

Lalonde, François 05 1900 (has links)
La pratique d’activité physique fait partie intégrante des recommandations médicales pour prévenir et traiter les maladies coronariennes. Suivant un programme d’entraînement structuré, serait-il possible d’améliorer la réponse à l’exercice tout en offrant une protection cardiaque au patient? C’est ce que semblent démontrer certaines études sur le préconditionnement ischémique (PCI) induit par un test d’effort maximal. Les mêmes mécanismes physiologiques induits par le PCI sont également observés lorsqu’un brassard est utilisé pour créer des cycles d’ischémie/reperfusion sur un muscle squelettique. Cette méthode est connue sous l’appellation : préconditionnement ischémique à distance (PCID). À l’autre extrémité du spectre de l’activité physique, des sportifs ont utilisé le PCDI durant leur échauffement afin d’améliorer leurs performances. C’est dans l’objectif d’étudier ces prémisses que se sont construits les projets de recherches suivants. La première étude porte sur les effets du PCID sur des efforts supra maximaux de courte durée. Les sujets (N=16) ont exécuté un test alactique (6 * 6 sec. supra maximales) suivi d’un test lactique (30 secondes supra maximales) sur ergocycle. Les sujets avaient été aléatoirement assignés à une intervention PCID ou à une intervention contrôle (CON) avant d’entreprendre les efforts. La procédure PCID consiste à effectuer quatre cycles d’ischémie de cinq minutes à l’aide d’un brassard insufflé à 50 mm Hg de plus que la pression artérielle systolique sur le bras. Les résultats de ce projet démontrent que l’intervention PCID n’a pas d’effets significatifs sur l’amélioration de performance provenant classiquement du « système anaérobie », malgré une légère hausse de la puissance maximal en faveur du PCID sur le test de Wingate de trente secondes (795 W vs 777 W) et sur le test de force-vitesse de six secondes (856 W vs 847 W). Le deuxième essai clinique avait pour objectif d’étudier les effets du PCID, selon la méthode élaborée dans le premier projet, lors d’un effort modéré de huit minutes (75 % du seuil ventilatoire) et un effort intense de huit minutes (115 % du seuil ventilatoire) sur les cinétiques de consommation d’oxygène. Nos résultats démontrent une accélération significative des cinétiques de consommation d’oxygène lors de l’intervention PCID par rapport au CON aux deux intensités d’effort (valeur de τ1 à effort modéré : 27,2 ± 4,6 secondes par rapport à 33,7 ± 6,2, p < 0,01 et intense : 29,9 ± 4,9 secondes par rapport à 33,5 ± 4,1, p < 0,001) chez les sportifs amateurs (N=15). Cela se traduit par une réduction du déficit d’oxygène en début d’effort et une atteinte plus rapide de l’état stable. Le troisième projet consistait à effectuer une revue systématique et une méta-analyse sur la thématique du préconditionnement ischémique (PCI) induit par un test d’effort chez les patients coronariens utilisant les variables provenant de l’électrocardiogramme et des paramètres d’un test d’effort. Notre recherche bibliographique a identifié 309 articles, dont 34 qui ont été inclus dans la méta-analyse, qui représente un lot de 1 053 patients. Nos analyses statistiques démontrent que dans un effort subséquent, les patients augmentent leur temps avant d’atteindre 1 mm de sous-décalage du segment ST de 91 secondes (p < 0,001); le sous-décalage maximal diminue de 0,38 mm (p < 0,01); le double produit à 1 mm de sous-décalage du segment ST augmente de 1,80 x 103 mm Hg (p < 0,001) et le temps total d’effort augmente de 50 secondes (p < 0,001). Nos projets de recherches ont favorisé l’avancement des connaissances en sciences de l’activité physique quant à l’utilisation d’un brassard comme stimulus au PCID avant un effort physique. Nous avons évalué l’effet du PCID sur différentes voies métaboliques à l’effort pour conclure que la méthode pourrait accélérer les cinétiques de consommation d’oxygène et ainsi réduire la plage du déficit d’oxygène. Nos découvertes apportent donc un éclaircissement quant à l’amélioration des performances de type contre-la-montre étudié par d’autres auteurs. De plus, nous avons établi des paramètres cliniques permettant d’évaluer le PCI induit par un test d’effort chez les patients coronariens. / Physical activity is an integral part of medical recommendations for preventing and treating coronary heart disease. By following a structured training program, is it possible to improve response to exercise and provide heart protection at the same time? This is suggested by certain studies on ischemic preconditioning (IPC) induced by a maximal exercise test. The same physiological mechanisms induced by IPC are also observed when a pressure cuff is used to create cycles of ischemia/reperfusion on skeletal muscle. This is known as remote ischemic preconditioning (RIPC). At the other end of the physical activity spectrum, athletes have used RIPC during warm-ups to improve performance. The following research projects were developed to study these premises. The first trial addressed the effects of RIPC on short supra-maximal exercise. The subjects (N = 16) performed an alactic test (six seconds of supra-maximal exercise) followed by a lactic test (30 seconds of supra-maximal exercise) on a cycle ergometer. The subjects were randomly assigned to an RIPC or CON intervention before the exercise. The RIPC procedure involved four cycles of ischemia using a pressure cuff inflated to 50 mmHg above systolic blood pressure at the arm. The results of the project show that RIPC intervention does not significantly improve performance typical of the anaerobic system, despite a slight increase in maximal power output in favour of RIPC in the 30 second Wingate test (795 W vs. 777 W) and in the 6 seconds test (856 W vs. 847 W). The aim of the second clinical trial was to study the effects of RIPC during eight minutes of moderate exercise (75% of ventilatory threshold) and intense exercise (115% of ventilatory threshold) on the kinetics of O2 uptake. Our results showed a significant acceleration in the kinetics of O2 uptake during the RIPC intervention compared to the CON intervention for the two exercise intensities (value of 1 during moderate exercise: 27.2 ± 4.6 seconds compared with 33.7 ± 6.2, p < .01 and intense exercise: 299 ± 4.9 seconds compared with 33.5 ± 4.1, p < .001) in amateur athletes (N= 15). This means a reduction in the oxygen deficit at the onset of exercise and more rapid achievement of the steady state. The third project involved performing a systematic review and meta-analysis on ischemic preconditioning (IPC) induced by an exercise test in coronary patients. Our literature search identified 309 articles, 34 of which were included in the meta-analysis, which represents a batch of 1,053 patients. Our statistical analyses show that in subsequent exercise, patients' time to 1 mm ST segment depression is augmented by 91 seconds (p < .001); the maximum depression decreases by 0.38 mm (p < .01); the double product at 1 mm ST segment depression increases by 1.80 x 103 mmHg (p < .001) and the total time of exercise increases by 50 seconds (p < .001). Our research projects have promoted the advancement of knowledge in exercise science by the use of a cuff as a stimulus to the RIPC before sports performance. We evaluated the effect of the RIPC on different metabolic pathways and we concluded that the method could accelerate the kinetics of oxygen consumption and reduce the range of oxygen deficit. In addition, we have established clinical parameters for assessing the IPC induced by a stress test for coronary patients. / Il praticare attività fisica è parte integrante delle raccomandazioni mediche atte a prevenire e trattare le coronopatie. Seguendo un programma di allenamento strutturato, sarebbe possibile migliorare la risposta all’esercizio, pur offrendo una protezione cardiaca al paziente: è ciò che sembrano dimostrare alcuni studi sul precondizionamento ischemico (PCI) indotto mediante test da sforzo massimale. Gli stessi meccanismi fisiologici indotti dal PCI vengono inoltre osservanti utilizzando una fascia da braccio per creare dei cicli d’ischemia/riperfusione su un muscolo scheletrico. Tale metodo è conosciuto con il nome di “precondizionamento ischemico a distanza” (PCID). All’estremità opposta dello spettro dell’attività fisica, alcuni sportivi hanno impiegato il PCID durante il riscaldamento, al fine di migliorare le proprie prestazioni. I seguenti progetti di ricerca sono stati elaborati con l’obiettivo di studiare queste premesse. Il primo studio riguarda gli effetti del PCID sugli sforzi sovramassimali di breve durata. I soggetti (N = 16) hanno effettuato un test anaerobico alattacido (6 x 6 sec. sovramassimali), seguito da un test anaerobico lattacido (30 secondi sovramassimali) su ergociclo. I soggetti sono stati aleatoriamente assegnati a un intervento di PCID o a un intervento di controllo (CON) prima di effettuare gli sforzi. La procedura di PCID consiste nell’effettuare quattro cicli d’ischemie con l’ausilio di una fascia da braccio a 50 mm Hg in più rispetto alla pressione arteriosa sistolica. I risultati del progetto dimostrano che l’intervento di PCID non ha effetti significativi sul miglioramento della prestazione proveniente classicamente dal “sistema anaerobico”, nonostante un leggero aumento di potenza a favore del PCID sul test di Wingate (795 W vs 777 W) di sei secondi (856 W vs 847 W). La seconda sperimentazione clinica aveva come obiettivo lo studio degli effetti del PCID durante uno sforzo moderato di otto minuti (75% della soglia ventilatoria) e intenso (115% della soglia ventilatoria) sulle cinetiche di consumo d’ossigeno. I nostri risultati dimostrano un’accelerazione significativa delle cinetiche di consumo d’ossigeno durante l’intervento di PCID rispetto al CON alle due intensità di sforzo (valore da 1 a sforzo moderato: 27,2 ± 4,6 secondi rispetto a 33,7 ± 6,2, p < 0,01 e intenso: 29,9 ± 4,9 secondi rispetto a 33,5 ± 4,1, p < 0,001) negli sportivi dilettanti (N= 15). Ciò si traduce con una riduzione del deficit di ossigeno all’inizio dello sforzo e un raggiungimento più rapido dello stato stazionario. Il terzo progetto consisteva nell’effettuazione di una revisione sistematica e una meta-analisi sulla tematica del precondizionamento ischemico (PCI) indotto mediante test da sforzo nei pazienti coronopatici. La nostra ricerca bibliografica ha individuato 309 articoli, 34 dei quali sono stati inclusi nella meta-analisi, che rappresentano un gruppo di 1.053 pazienti. Le analisi statistiche da noi effettuate dimostrano che in uno sforzo susseguente, i pazienti aumenti i loro tempi prima di raggiungere 1 mm di sottoslivellamento del segmento ST di 91 secondi (p < 0,001); il sottoslivellamento massimo diminuisce di 0,38 mm (p < 0,01); il doppio prodotto a 1 mm di sottoslivellamento del segmento ST aumenta di 1,80 x 103 mm Hg (p < 0,001) e il tempo totale di sforzo aumenta di 50 secondi (p < 0,001).

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