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Estudo da estimulação crônica dos receptores β-adrenérgicos na função e morfologia renal e na ativação do sistema renina-angiotensina intrarrenal. / Study of chronic activation of β-adrenergic receptors on renal function and morphology and on activation of the intrarenal renin-angiotensin system.Ponte, Mariana Charleaux de 31 October 2016 (has links)
O aumento da atividade do Sistema Nervoso Simpático e a estimulação crônica dos receptores β-adrenérgicos (β-AR) estão associados a diversas patologias que acometem o sistema cardiovascular. Entretanto, ainda não estão evidenciados os efeitos da hiperatividade β-AR no tecido renal. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os efeitos da ativação crônica β-AR na função e morfologia renal, bem como na expressão do SRA intrarrenal. Os experimentos revelaram que o tratamento com ISO não alterou a pressão arterial, mas induziu hipertrofia cardíaca. ISO reduziu a perfusão glomerular e aumentou a FF, mas não alterou a morfologia renal. Nos estudos de qPCR, ISO aumentou a expressão de RNAm para renina, angiotensinogênio, ECA1, AT1, Nox 4, p22phox, NFB, IL-1β, TGF-β e Bax no córtex. Em conclusão, a ativação crônica β-AR alterou a hemodinâmica renal, sugeriu ativação do SRA intrarrenal e aumento na geração de espécies reativas de oxigênio, o que justifica o aumento da expressão de RNAm para moléculas pró- inflamatórias, pró-fibróticas e pró-apoptóticas. / The increased activity of the Sympathetic Nervous System and the chronic stimulation of β-adrenergic receptors (β-AR) are associated to several pathologies that affect the cardiovascular system. However, the effects of β-AR hyperactivity on renal tissue have not been evidenced yet. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of chronic β-AR activation on renal function and morphology, as well as on intrarenal RAS expression. The experiments revealed that ISO treatment did not alter blood pressure, but induced cardiac hypertrophy. ISO reduced glomerular perfusion and increased FF, but did not alter renal morphology. In the qPCR studies, ISO increased the mRNA expression for renin, angiotensinogen, ECA1, AT1, Nox4, p22phox, NFB, IL-1β, TGF-β and Bax in the cortex. In conclusion, chronic β-AR activation altered renal hemodynamics, suggested activation of intrarenal RAS and increased generation of reactive oxygen species, which justifies the increase of mRNA expression for pro-inflammatory, pro-fibrotic and pro- apoptotic molecules.
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O tratamento com leptina por 7 e 28 dias altera a função e a morfologia renal de ratos. / Leptin treatment for 7 and 28 days changes renal function and morphology in rats.Thieme, Karina 15 July 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos morfofuncionais da leptina por 7 e 28 dias sobre os rins e a participação do Sistema Renina-Angiotensina (SRA) neste processo. Os animais tratados por 7 dias apresentaram redução no ganho de peso (p<0.05), aumento da pressão arterial (PA, p<0.05), sem alterar o fluxo plasmático renal (FPR) e o ritmo de filtração glomerular (RFG). Também apresentaram aumento na fração de filtração (FF) (p<0.05), diurese e natriurese. No tratamento por 28 dias houve aumento da PA (p<0.05), queda no FPR (p<0.05), nenhuma alteração no RFG e aumento na FF (p<0.05). Ambos os grupos apresentaram hipertrofia glomerular, aumento da expressão de desmina e proteinúria. Os estudos in vitro demonstraram que a leptina (100 e 250 ng/ml, por 72 horas) induziu apoptose de células mesangiais. Em conclusão, o tratamento com leptina por 7 e 28 dias levou a alterações morfofuncionais renais e estas são, em grande parte, normalizadas com o Losartan, evidenciando uma interação entre a leptina e o SRA sistêmico, neste modelo experimental. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the morphofunctional effects of leptin treatment for 7 and 28 days on kidneys and the participation of the Renin-Angiotensin System (RAS) in this process. The animals treated for 7 days showed a reduction in weight gain (p<0.05), enhancement of blood pressure (BP; p<0.05), without changes in renal plasmatic flow (RPF) and glomerular filtrtaion rate (GFR). They also showed an increase in filtration fraction (FF) (p<0.05), diuresis and natriuresis. In the treatment for 28 days, there was an increase in BP (p<0.05), decrease in RPF (p<0.05), no changes in GFR and enhacement in FF (p<0.05). Both groups showed glomerular hypertrophy, increased desmin staining and proteinuria. The in vitro studies showed that leptin (100 and 250 ng/ml for 72 hours) induced mesangial cells apoptosis. In conclusion, the treatment with leptin for 7 and 28 days induced renal morphofunctional changes and they are mostly normalized by Losartan, demonstrating an interaction between leptin and systemic RAS, in this experimental model.
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O tratamento com leptina por 7 e 28 dias altera a função e a morfologia renal de ratos. / Leptin treatment for 7 and 28 days changes renal function and morphology in rats.Karina Thieme 15 July 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos morfofuncionais da leptina por 7 e 28 dias sobre os rins e a participação do Sistema Renina-Angiotensina (SRA) neste processo. Os animais tratados por 7 dias apresentaram redução no ganho de peso (p<0.05), aumento da pressão arterial (PA, p<0.05), sem alterar o fluxo plasmático renal (FPR) e o ritmo de filtração glomerular (RFG). Também apresentaram aumento na fração de filtração (FF) (p<0.05), diurese e natriurese. No tratamento por 28 dias houve aumento da PA (p<0.05), queda no FPR (p<0.05), nenhuma alteração no RFG e aumento na FF (p<0.05). Ambos os grupos apresentaram hipertrofia glomerular, aumento da expressão de desmina e proteinúria. Os estudos in vitro demonstraram que a leptina (100 e 250 ng/ml, por 72 horas) induziu apoptose de células mesangiais. Em conclusão, o tratamento com leptina por 7 e 28 dias levou a alterações morfofuncionais renais e estas são, em grande parte, normalizadas com o Losartan, evidenciando uma interação entre a leptina e o SRA sistêmico, neste modelo experimental. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the morphofunctional effects of leptin treatment for 7 and 28 days on kidneys and the participation of the Renin-Angiotensin System (RAS) in this process. The animals treated for 7 days showed a reduction in weight gain (p<0.05), enhancement of blood pressure (BP; p<0.05), without changes in renal plasmatic flow (RPF) and glomerular filtrtaion rate (GFR). They also showed an increase in filtration fraction (FF) (p<0.05), diuresis and natriuresis. In the treatment for 28 days, there was an increase in BP (p<0.05), decrease in RPF (p<0.05), no changes in GFR and enhacement in FF (p<0.05). Both groups showed glomerular hypertrophy, increased desmin staining and proteinuria. The in vitro studies showed that leptin (100 and 250 ng/ml for 72 hours) induced mesangial cells apoptosis. In conclusion, the treatment with leptin for 7 and 28 days induced renal morphofunctional changes and they are mostly normalized by Losartan, demonstrating an interaction between leptin and systemic RAS, in this experimental model.
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Efeito da interação de angiotensina II e o receptor AT1 ou endotelina 3 e os receptores ETA e ETB na função e morfologia renal de ratos. / Effect of interaction of Angiotensin II and AT1 receptor, or endothelin 3 and ETA and ETB receptors on renal function and morphology in rats.Casare, Fernando Augusto Malavazzi 10 December 2015 (has links)
Para avaliar os efeitos de angiotensina II (Ang II) ou endotelina-3 (ET-3), ratos Wistar foram organizados nos grupos: controle, tratados com Ang II ou ET-3 por 42 dias, tratados com losartan, atrasentan ou BQ788 ou co-tratados com Ang II e losartan ou ET-3 e atrasentan ou BQ 788. Foram avaliados: pressão arterial, concentrações plasmáticas e intrarrenais das Angs e ETs, morfologia e função renal. A Ang II induziu hipertensão arterial, aumentou as concentrações plasmáticas das ETs e das Angs e a expressão de RNAm para renina; induziu injuria glomerular e remodelamento das arteríolas renais. O tratamento com losartan reverteu a maioria dos efeitos da Ang II. A ET-3 induziu hipertensão arterial, injúria glomerular, alteração da função renal e aumento de RNAm intrarrenal para os componentes do SRA. O bloqueio do receptor ETA atenuou os efeitos de ET-3 na hipertensão, enquanto o bloqueio de ETB foi melhor nos parâmetros renais. Nossos resultados sugerem uma interação entre os sistemas SRA e endotelinas, induzindo mudanças na estrutura e função renal. / To evaluate the chronic effects of angiotensin II (Ang II) and /or losartan or endothelin-3 (ET-3) and /or atrasentan or BQ788, Wistar rats were organized as: control, treated with Ang II, or ET-3 for 42 days, losartan-treated, co-treated with Ang II and losartan. Treated with ET-3, treated with BQ788 or atrasentan, co-treated with ET-3 and antagonists. Were evaluated: blood pressure, plasma and intrarenal concentrations of Angs and ETs, protein expression, renal morphology and function. Ang II induced hypertension, increased plasma levels of ETs and Angs; increased mRNA for renin; induced glomerular injury and renal arterioles remodeling. Treatment with losartan restored most of the changes induced by Ang II. ET-3 induced hypertension, glomerular injury, renal dysfunction and increased intrarenal mRNA for SRA components. The ETA receptor blockage reverted the ET-3 effects on hypertension, while ETB blockage reverted renal parameters. Our results suggest a crosstalk of renin-angiotensin and endothelin systems, inducing renal structural and functional changes.
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Efeito da interação de angiotensina II e o receptor AT1 ou endotelina 3 e os receptores ETA e ETB na função e morfologia renal de ratos. / Effect of interaction of Angiotensin II and AT1 receptor, or endothelin 3 and ETA and ETB receptors on renal function and morphology in rats.Fernando Augusto Malavazzi Casare 10 December 2015 (has links)
Para avaliar os efeitos de angiotensina II (Ang II) ou endotelina-3 (ET-3), ratos Wistar foram organizados nos grupos: controle, tratados com Ang II ou ET-3 por 42 dias, tratados com losartan, atrasentan ou BQ788 ou co-tratados com Ang II e losartan ou ET-3 e atrasentan ou BQ 788. Foram avaliados: pressão arterial, concentrações plasmáticas e intrarrenais das Angs e ETs, morfologia e função renal. A Ang II induziu hipertensão arterial, aumentou as concentrações plasmáticas das ETs e das Angs e a expressão de RNAm para renina; induziu injuria glomerular e remodelamento das arteríolas renais. O tratamento com losartan reverteu a maioria dos efeitos da Ang II. A ET-3 induziu hipertensão arterial, injúria glomerular, alteração da função renal e aumento de RNAm intrarrenal para os componentes do SRA. O bloqueio do receptor ETA atenuou os efeitos de ET-3 na hipertensão, enquanto o bloqueio de ETB foi melhor nos parâmetros renais. Nossos resultados sugerem uma interação entre os sistemas SRA e endotelinas, induzindo mudanças na estrutura e função renal. / To evaluate the chronic effects of angiotensin II (Ang II) and /or losartan or endothelin-3 (ET-3) and /or atrasentan or BQ788, Wistar rats were organized as: control, treated with Ang II, or ET-3 for 42 days, losartan-treated, co-treated with Ang II and losartan. Treated with ET-3, treated with BQ788 or atrasentan, co-treated with ET-3 and antagonists. Were evaluated: blood pressure, plasma and intrarenal concentrations of Angs and ETs, protein expression, renal morphology and function. Ang II induced hypertension, increased plasma levels of ETs and Angs; increased mRNA for renin; induced glomerular injury and renal arterioles remodeling. Treatment with losartan restored most of the changes induced by Ang II. ET-3 induced hypertension, glomerular injury, renal dysfunction and increased intrarenal mRNA for SRA components. The ETA receptor blockage reverted the ET-3 effects on hypertension, while ETB blockage reverted renal parameters. Our results suggest a crosstalk of renin-angiotensin and endothelin systems, inducing renal structural and functional changes.
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Kidney form and function and the role of agrinine vasotocin (AVT) in three agamid lizards from different habitats in Western AustraliaFord, Stewart S. January 2005 (has links)
Reptiles are polyphyletic, and previous studies of renal anatomy and physiology in reptiles have covered a wide diversity of species of different phylogeny and habitat. To date, no study has examined the renal morphology and function of a group of closely related reptiles from different environments, yet this design has a number of advantages. Firstly, phylogenetic effects are reduced while adaptive specialisations in renal function or structure can be elucidated, and secondly, the variation in renal form and function between closely related species may be quantified in an effort to appreciate better the variation between more distantly related species. In this thesis, kidney morphology and renal function were studied in three Western Australian agamid lizards inhabiting environments differing in the availability of water. These key species were Pogona minor, Ctenophorus nuchalis and Ctenophorus salinarum. The renal anatomy of the three key lizards was characterised by determining glomerular diameter, volume density, surface area and number in each. Allometric relationships between kidney, colon and body mass were investigated in these and an additional 11 species of agamid lizard. Patterns of response to osmotic challenge were recorded by measuring renal variables such as urine flow rate, glomerular filtration rate and fractional reabsorption of filtrate among the three key species, and concurrent measurements of circulating arginine vasotocin in P. minor and C. nuchalis allowed the response of this hormone to homeostatic imbalance in these species to be gauged. The gross morphology and the glomerular characteristics of the kidneys was remarkably similar between species. Glomerular number and other characters varied as a function of body size rather than species, contrasting with reports in the literature suggesting that a given species has a particular number of glomeruli. ... Thus, kidney morphology is constrained among species and the response of each species to osmotic perturbation is similar. However, the mechanisms underlying antidiuresis and the hormonal control of this process differ subtly between species, and there is some evidence to suggest that P. minor is more adapted to a mesic environment than the other two lizards examined in this study. The hypothesis that renal form and function reflect the environment in which a lizard lives therefore receives partial support, although the reptilian bauplan is able to mitigate many of the forces that could potentially lead to renal specialisation.
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