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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rekomendacinis elektroninės prekybos platformos modelis / E-Commerce Platform Reference Model

Jermakovas, Ruslanas 05 November 2013 (has links)
Šiame tyriamajame darbe suprojektuotas rekomendacinis elektroninės platformos modelis, kuris buvo dalinai realizuotas. Aprašyti svarbiausios tradicinės elektroninės parduotuvuės elementai. Išanalizuotos konkrečių elektroninių parduotuvių vartotojo sąsaja. Išskirti teigiami ir neigiami vartotojo sąsajos aspektai. Išanalizuotos atviro kodo (GPL (angl. General Public License – bendroji vieša licencija) elektroninės parduotuves. Išanalizuoti elektroninės parduotuvės veiklos sąveikos modeliai. Sukurtas el. Parduotuvės reikalavimų modelį, kuris apima geriausias nagrinėtų el. parduotuvių išskirtas sąvybes. / In this project e-eommerce elatform reference model was designed and partly implemented. Described the main elements of the traditional electronic shops. Were analyzed the user interface of the electronic stores. Distinguished positive and negative aspects of the user interface. Were analyzed the open-source e-shops. Analyzed business interaction models of electronic stores. Created e. Shop requirements model, which includes the best examined properties of e-stores.

Deriving Distributed Design Models from Global Requirements Models

Al-Hammouri, Mohammad Fawzi Ahmad 04 May 2021 (has links)
During the system and software development process for distributed systems, the development of the overall system design is critical for correctness, performance, and reliability. The objective of this thesis is the improvement of methods and tools that can be used to obtain a correct design model for distributed system components automatically by deriving the design model from the global system requirements. Mainly, we are concerned with the transformation from a global requirements model to a distributed design model. The global requirements model describes the behavior of a distributed system in an abstract manner by defining the local actions to be performed by different roles which represent actors in the different system components. The distributed design model defines the behavior of each actor separately, including its local actions plus the exchange of coordination messages, which are necessary to assure that the actions are performed in the required order. In this work, we first consider a global requirements model in the form of partially ordered actions similar to High-level Message Sequence Chart (HMSC). We study the realizability of the global requirements, which is said to be directly realizable if a design model can be constructed without any coordination messages. We study some problems which prevent direct realizability, such as strict sequence, non-local choice, non-deterministic choice, termination race, and others, and show under which conditions these problems are absent and the global model is directly realizable. For the other cases, we show how a conforming design model can be obtained by introducing a minimal number of coordination messages. In this context, we also show under which conditions sequence numbers are required in the messages of a weak while loop. Then we study the automatic derivation of a distributed design model using a tool. In order to obtain an easily readable notation for the global requirements model, we adapt the HMSC notation to the UML Hierarchical State Machine (HSM) notation and extend this notation to describe the roles that participate in the actions of each state of the global behavior. A simple state represents some local actions of a single role, while a hierarchical state usually represents a collaboration between several roles. Then we describe a derivation algorithm that can be applied to a global model written in this proposed HSM notation and generates a distributable UML HSM model, which contains a hierarchical state machine for each role of the application. We implemented this derivation algorithm as a tool in the context of the Umple UML development environment. This tool takes a global requirements model written in the extended HSM notation as input and automatically generates a UML HSM model. The distributed implementation environment described in Zakariapour’s thesis is used for generating a distributed Java implementation, where each distributed component contains one Java run-time environment and realizes the behavior of one or several of the roles of the application. A Travel Management System illustrative example has been discussed to illustrate the representation of the global model using the extended HSM notation and to demonstrate the correctness of the generated design models by the tool.


Iyer, Deepa Gopal 31 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Модел за обезбеђивање за довољења захтева корисника ускладу са ISO 9000 серијом стандарда и потребама привреде Републике Србије / Model za obezbeđivanje za dovoljenja zahteva korisnika uskladu sa ISO 9000 serijom standarda i potrebama privrede Republike Srbije / A Model for Assuring Satisfaction of Customer’s RequirementsAccording to ISO 9000 Series of Standards and the Needs ofSerbian Republic Economy

Ćoćkalo Dragan 11 July 2008 (has links)
<p><span style="font-family: arial">Предмет истраживања и рада на овој докторској дисертацији обухвата<br />досада доступна реализова а истра ж ива ња и поста вке у обла сти<br />ма р ке тин гистр а ж ива ња , одн оса са кор исн ицима и ства р а ња лоја лн ости<br />кор исн ика , моде лир а ња кон це пта за довољ е ња за хте ва кор исн ика , ка о и<br />а н а лизу кљ учн их е ле ме н а та за кр е ир а ње систе мског моде ла<br />за довољ е ња за хте ва кор исн ика ускла ђе н ог са са вр е ме н ом кон це пцијом<br />ква лите та , одн осн о за хте вима ста н да р да ISO 9000:2000. Ра д обухва та и<br />за хте ве , поте бе , ста вове и мишљ е ња пр е дузе ћа ка о кр а јње гкор исн ика ,<br />са је дн е стр а н е , ка о и гр упе е кспе р а та , са др уге , што би тр е ба ло да<br />употпун и кон це пцијски де фин иса н а плика тивн и моде л.<br />Ц иљ је да се кр е ир а и пр ика ж е а де ква та н и свр сисхода н моде л систе ма<br />за обе збе ђива ње за довољ е ња потр е ба кор исн ика пр е дузе ћа . О ва ј<br />моде л подр а зуме ва пр оце сн и пр иступ, пр ихва тљ иво ма р ке тин г<br />истр а ж ива ње н а поче тку, ка о и одгова р а јућу е ва луа цију н а кр а ју. М оде л<br />је пр ила гође н условима у којима дома ћа пр е дузе ћа (пр оизводн а и<br />услуж н а ) фун кцион ишу, одн осн о омогућује ла кш е сн а ла ж е ње и<br />упр а вљ а ње овим пр оце сима у циљ у постиза ња пословн е извр сн ости и<br />оства р ива ња кон це пта ма р ке тин га одн оса .</span><br />&nbsp;</p> / <p><span style="font-family: arial">Predmet istraživanja i rada na ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji obuhvata<br />dosada dostupna realizova a istra ž iva nja i posta vke u obla sti<br />ma r ke tin gistr a ž iva nja , odn osa sa kor isn icima i stva r a nja loja ln osti<br />kor isn ika , mode lir a nja kon ce pta za dovolj e nja za hte va kor isn ika , ka o i<br />a n a lizu klj učn ih e le me n a ta za kr e ir a nje siste mskog mode la<br />za dovolj e nja za hte va kor isn ika uskla đe n og sa sa vr e me n om kon ce pcijom<br />kva lite ta , odn osn o za hte vima sta n da r da ISO 9000:2000. Ra d obuhva ta i<br />za hte ve , pote be , sta vove i mišlj e nja pr e duze ća ka o kr a jnje gkor isn ika ,<br />sa je dn e str a n e , ka o i gr upe e kspe r a ta , sa dr uge , što bi tr e ba lo da<br />upotpun i kon ce pcijski de fin isa n a plika tivn i mode l.<br />C ilj je da se kr e ir a i pr ika ž e a de kva ta n i svr sishoda n mode l siste ma<br />za obe zbe điva nje za dovolj e nja potr e ba kor isn ika pr e duze ća . O va j<br />mode l podr a zume va pr oce sn i pr istup, pr ihva tlj ivo ma r ke tin g<br />istr a ž iva nje n a poče tku, ka o i odgova r a juću e va lua ciju n a kr a ju. M ode l<br />je pr ila gođe n uslovima u kojima doma ća pr e duze ća (pr oizvodn a i<br />usluž n a ) fun kcion išu, odn osn o omogućuje la kš e sn a la ž e nje i<br />upr a vlj a nje ovim pr oce sima u cilj u postiza nja poslovn e izvr sn osti i<br />ostva r iva nja kon ce pta ma r ke tin ga odn osa .</span><br />&nbsp;</p> / <p>The subjesct of research and work in this dissertacion includes available<br />researtch and assumptions, realized so far, in the field of: marketing<br />research, customers relations and building customers&rsquo; loyalty, as well as<br />modeling the concept of satisfying customers&rsquo;requirements; the analyses of<br />key elements for creating a systemic model for satisfying customers&rsquo;<br />requirements harmonized with modern quality concept and requirements of<br />ISO 900:2000 series of standards; requirements, needs, attitudes and ideas<br />of companies as final customers, at one side and a group of experts, at the<br />other side, that should fulfill conceptually defined applicative model.<br />The aim is to create and present the adequate and appropriate model of a<br />system for satisfying requirements, of companies customers. This model<br />implies a process approach, acceptable marketing research in the begining,<br />as well as the appropriate evaluation in the end. The model is harmonized<br />with conditions in which domestic companies (manufacturing and services)<br />work, i.e. it enables easier conduct and management of these processes in<br />order to achieve business excellence and realize the concept of marketing<br />relations.</p>

Conceptual schemas generation from organizacional model in an automatic software production process

Martínez Rebollar, Alicia 30 September 2008 (has links)
Actualmente, la ingeniería de software ha propuesto múltiples técnicas para mejorar el desarrollo de software, sin embargo, la meta final no ha sido satisfecha. En muchos casos, el producto software no satisface las necesidades reales de los clientes finales del negocio donde el sistema operará. Uno de los problemas principales de los trabajos actuales es la carencia de un enfoque sistemático para mapear cada concepto de modelado del dominio del problema (modelos organizacionales), en sus correspondientes elementos conceptuales en el espacio de la solución (modelos conceptuales orientados a objetos). El principal objetivo de esta tesis es proveer un enfoque metodológico que permita generar modelos conceptuales y modelos de requisitos a partir de descripciones organizacionales. Se propone el uso de tres disciplinas, distintas pero complementarias (modelado organizacional, requisitos de software y modelado conceptual) para lograr este objetivo. La tesis describe un proceso de elicitación de requisitos que permite al usuario crear un modelo de negocios que representa la situación actual del negocio (requisitos tempranos). Nosotros consideramos que este modelo, el cual refleja la forma en la que se implementan actualmente los procesos de negocio, es la fuente correcta para determinar la funcionalidad esperada del sistema a desarrollar. Se propone también un proceso para identificar los elementos que son relevantes para ser automatizados a partir del modelo de negocio. Como resultado de este proceso se genera un modelo intermedio que representa los requisitos del sistema de software. Finalmente, presentamos un conjunto de guías sistemáticas para generar un esquema conceptual orientado a objetos a partir del modelo intermedio. Nosotros también exploramos, como solución alternativa, la generación de una especificación de requisitos tardíos a partir del modelo intermedio. / Martínez Rebollar, A. (2008). Conceptual schemas generation from organizacional model in an automatic software production process [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/3304

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