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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza výzkumných dat na základě fondu disertačních prací Univerzity Karlovy v Praze s ohledem na dlouhodobé uložení digitálních objektů / Research Data Analysis Based on the Collection of Dissertation Theses of Charles University in Prague with Regard to Long-term Digital Preservation

Pavlásková, Eliška January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation thesis focuses on research data and their use in academics from the point of view of long-term preservation. It maps usage of research data at Charles University in Prague, analyses them and lays the foundation for further research. The first part of the text focuses on the theory of long term preservation and describes the most relevant concepts regarding users, storage and structure of research data. The second part is devoted directly to research data. It consists of definition of research data, the short explanation of their importance and sources, and the model of their lifecycle. The pivotal part of the thesis is the description and the results of the research itself. The research was conducted during the year 2015 and was based on a sample of dissertation theses from the collections of Charles University in Prague. Collected data were analysed by the methods of content analysis and grounded theory. Results are presented in two main parts - content analysis results with regard to differences among science, social science and humanities, and qualitative analysis results. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Was sind FAIRe Daten?

Nagel, Stefanie 29 February 2024 (has links)
Die sog. FAIR-Prinzipien haben sich mittlerweile als Standard-Anforderung im Forschungsdatenmanagement etabliert. In Förderanträgen und -berichten müssen Wissenschaftler:innen darlegen, wie sie Forschungsdaten gemäß den FAIR-Prinzipien verwalten und veröffentlichen. Auch immer mehr Fachzeitschriften bzw. Verlage fordern von ihren Autor:innen, dass sie ihre Forschungsdaten gemäß den FAIR-Prinzipien teilen, um die Reproduzierbarkeit und Überprüfbarkeit ihrer Ergebnisse zu gewährleisten. Was das Akronym FAIR eigentlich bedeutet und worauf Forschende in diesem Zusammenhang achten sollten, fasst dieser Beitrag kurz zusammen.

Eine Forschungsdaten-Policy für die TUBAF

Nagel, Stefanie 11 January 2024 (has links)
Am 28. November 2023 hat der Senat der TU Bergakademie Freiberg eine institutionelle Forschungsdaten-Policy verabschiedet. Aus diesem Anlass widmen wir die erste Ausgabe des Open-Science-Snacks im neuen Jahr (2024) diesem Thema.

Byråkratisk pålaga eller användbart verktyg? En studie om forskares syn på datahanteringsplaner / Bureaucratic burden or useful tool? A study of researchers’ views on data management plans

Jonsson, Björn January 2024 (has links)
Introduction. This thesis analyzes how researchers views the data management plans, how they use them and how they interact with the data support functions at the university. Theory & Method.  The theoretical underpinnings of the study are Janken Myrdals theory of the research method as signifier of natural or humanistic research, and the research method is semi-structured interviews. The study’s empirical material consists of six interviews with researchers from four different scientific fields, which have been transcribed and processed through a qualitative thematic and comparative analysis. Results & Analysis. Five main themes have been identified: (1) bureaucratic demands, (2) a lack of support or a lack of interest?, (3) the data management plans connection to ethical review, (4) the impact of the method on the view of the data management plan, (5) time constraints and the plan as support in the research work. Conclusions. Researchers experience of working with data management plans does not give an unambiguous picture: some see it as an administrative burden or as something of a time sink. Others view it as something that benefits both their own work and when collaborating with colleagues. Moreover divided views exist regarding the support offered by the university when working with data management plans. Some respondents view it as adequate while others suggest that researchers needs to inform themselves on how to write the plan.

Algorithms and computational complexity of social influence and diffusion problems in social networks / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection

January 2015 (has links)
Since diffusion models of social network are widely used in studying epidemiology, in this thesis, we apply diffusion models to study the contact immunity generated by attenuated vaccines.Oral polio vaccine (OPV) is a typical attenuated vaccine for polio that can produce contact immunity and therefore help protect more individuals than vaccinees. / To better capture the utilization of OPV’s contact immunity, we model the community as a social network, and formulate the task of maximizing the contact immunity effect as an optimization problem on graphs, which is to find a sequence of vertices to be “vaccinated” to maximize the total number of vertices “infected” by the attenuated virus. Furthermore, as immune defiicient patients may suffer from the live attenuated virus in the vaccine, we develop models in consideration of this restriction, and study related problems. / We present polynomial-time algorithms for these problems on trees, and show the intractability of problems on general graphs. / 社交網絡的擴散模型被廣泛運用于對流行病學的研究,在本文中,我們使用擴散模型對減毒活疫苗產生的接觸性免疫進行研究。口服脊髓灰質炎疫苗(OPV)是一種典型的減毒活疫苗,它可以在人群中產生接觸性免疫,使得更多未接種疫苗的人獲得免疫力。 / 爲了更好的刻畫OPV 產生的接觸性免疫,我們將社區模型化為社交網絡,從而將接觸性免疫效應最大化的任務轉化爲圖優化問題,即通過發現頂點的一個「接種」序列來最大化被減活病毒「感染」的頂點數量。此外,因爲減毒疫苗中的活病毒會使患有免疫缺陷的病人患病,我們考慮在此因素限制下的模型,并研究相關的問題。 / 我們給出這些問題在樹上的多項式時間算法,并證明其在一般圖上的複雜性。 / Ma, Chenglong. / Thesis M.Phil. Chinese University of Hong Kong 2015. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 40-47). / Abstracts also in Chinese. / Title from PDF title page (viewed on 12, September, 2016). / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only.

Publicações ampliadas : aspectos da integração de dados de pesquisa

Santos, Daiane Barrili dos January 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo principal propor um panorama de integração entre repositórios de dados de pesquisa e publicações científicas baseado no modelo de publicações ampliadas. Do ponto de vista de sua natureza, é básica. Segundo a abordagem é considerada qualitativa, e caracteriza-se por ser uma pesquisa exploratória e bibliográfica. O modelo de análise deste estudo foi composto por três fases. Na primeira fase de análise, foram coletadas literaturas específicas da área por meio da revisão sistemática e, a partir das literaturas, foram extraídos os requisitos indicados e sugeridos para um modelo de publicação ampliada. Na segunda fase de análise, foram selecionados os repositórios de dados de pesquisa através do diretório re3data.org e averiguadas as informações disponibilizadas por meio dos filtros que demonstrassem a utilização de ligações baseadas no modelo de publicação ampliada. Na terceira fase de análise, foi realizada a inspeção das interfaces e identificados os elementos que cada repositório contempla para posteriormente iniciar as análises, observações e comparações dos elementos utilizados nos repositórios com os requisitos estabelecidos por meio da revisão sistemática. Percebeu-se na literatura que há uma tentativa de adicionar uma estrutura utilizando-se requisitos relacionados a metadados, relacionamentos semânticos, entre outros. Verificou-se que parte dessa estrutura indicada na literatura já encontra-se nas interfaces de alguns repositórios identificados no diretório re3data.org. No entanto estes repositórios que contemplam parte da estrutura indicada foram caracterizados como uma minoria. Desta forma, verificou-se uma necessidade crescente, de uma infraestrutura compatível com as publicações ampliadas, tornando-se de extrema importância a utilização de requisitos para as interfaces dos repositórios de dados de pesquisa O cruzamento de informações realizado neste estudo permitiu um maior entendimento do quanto é importante o uso de cada um dos requisitos estipulados, como também foi possível compreender as consequências caso estes requisitos não estejam contemplados nas interfaces de repositórios. Os repositórios de dados de pesquisa deveriam fornecer em suas interfaces as ligações e o acesso às respectivas publicações científicas dos dados registrados para que fosse possível compreender os estudos realizados a partir destes dados. Foi comprovado que esse processo não ocorre na grande parte dos repositórios, o que dificulta a compreensão sobre a origem e o contexto em que foram utilizados esses dados. Percebe-se que os repositórios que não estavam de acordo com os principais requisitos estabelecidos apresentavam características de publicações convencionais como, por exemplo, documentos em PDF, textos em HTML e que não estavam de acordo com padrões da web semântica. Esta proposta de um panorama de integração de dados de pesquisa baseado em publicações ampliadas visa sugerir uma interface que contemple todos os requisitos especificados nesta pesquisa para que se tenha uma infraestrutura compatível com as publicações ampliadas. A partir da investigação e do aprofundamento sobre o tema, foi possível ampliar o conhecimento e detectar os elementos apropriados para propor um panorama de integração entre um repositório de dados de pesquisas e publicações científicas baseando-se em um modelo de publicação ampliada, como também destacar as vantagens da utilização deste modelo. Considera-se que um conjunto de dados disponíveis em um repositório digital, que contemple os requisitos, melhora a recuperação da informação e, consequentemente, aumenta a visibilidade da publicação e de autores. / This research had the main objective to propose an integration landscape between research data repositories and scientific publications based on the model for enhanced publications. From its nature`s point of view, it is basic. According to the approach it is considered a qualitative, is characterized as an exploratory, bibliographic research and a case study as well. The analysis model of this study was constituted of three phases. In first phase of the analyses, specific literatures were colected through the systematic review and from literatures, in addition the suggested requirements and indicated for a model for enhanced publications were extracted, in addition the suggested requirements and indicated for an enhanced publication model were extract. In second phase of the analyses, research data repositories were select through the re3data.org directory and were verified the information provided through the filters which demonstrated the application of links based on the model for enhanced publications. In the third and last phase of the analyses, an inspection of interfaces were realized, and also elements that each repository comprehend were identified to subsequently initiate the analyses, observations and comparisions of the elements used on repositories with the estabilished requirements through systematic review. It was perceived in the literature, that there are an attempt to add a structure by using related requirements to metadata, semantic relationship, among others. Also verified that part of this estructure indicated on literature is available on interfaces of some identified repositories on re3data.org. Although these repositories which comprehend part of the indicated structure were characterized as a minority.( Continue) Therefore, there has been a growing need for an infrastructure compatible with the enhanced publications, aware of the importance for the application of requirements to the interfaces of research data repositories. The crossover of informations realized in this study allowed a greater understanding about the importance to use each one of the stipulated requirements, as well as was possible to understand the consequences in case of these requirements are not be included in the repositories interfaces. Research data repositories should provide on their interfaces the links and access to their respective scientific publications of the recorded data in order to be able to understand the studies carried out from this data. It has been proven that this process does not occur in most repositories, which difficults to understand the origin and context in which these data were used. It was noticed that repositories not in agreement with the main presented established requirements characteristics of conventional publications, as for example PDF documents, HTML texts and which was not in accordance to patterns for semantic web. This proposal for a research data integration model based on enhanced publications aims to suggest an interface that that fulfills all the specified requirements in this research to obtain an infrastructure compatible to enhanced publications. From the investigation and deepening the theme, it was possible to increase the knowledge and to detect the appropriate elements to propose an integration model between a researches data repository and scientific publications based on a model for enhanced publication as well as highlighting the advantages of applying this model. Thus, it is concluded that a set of available data into a digital repository that comprehend the requirements improves the information recovery and, therefore, increases the visibility of publication and authors.

Modeliranje i implementacija sistema za pretragu naučno-istraživačkih podataka / Modeling and implementation of search system for scientific research data

Penca Valentin 26 December 2014 (has links)
<p>Cilj je specifikacija, modeliranje i implementacija sistema pretrage naučno-istraživačkih podataka. Sistem pretrage treba da omogući bogatu i efikasnu pretragu naučno-istraživačkih podataka. Osnovna ideja je da se pretraga zasniva na bibliotečkim standardima SRU/W i CQL kako bi se mogli prihvatati zahtevi za pretragu sa udaljenih računara, a da korisnici sistema mogu da pretraţuju putem veb forme implementirane upotrebom Web 2.0 tehnologije pri čemu se od korisnika ne očekuje poznavanje pomenutih standarda</p><p>Metodologija &ndash; Na osnovu pregledane literature do&scaron;lo se do smernica za analizu sistema koji sadrţe naučno-istraţivače podatke. Na osnovu izvr&scaron;ene analize predloţene su neophodne funkcionalnosti i relevantni set indeksa koji pretraga CRIS sistema treba da podrţi. Predloţen je novi profil za pretragu podataka naučno-istraţivačke delatnosti. Implementiran je standardizovani sistem pretrage za CRIS sisteme baziran na Web 2.0 tehnologijama, SRU/W profilu pretrage i CQL upitnom jeziku. Sistem omogućava i udaljeno pretraţivanje eksternim entitetima zadavanjem adekvatnih zahteva u skladu sa SRU/W standardom. Kori&scaron;ćeni su CASE alati bazirani na objektno-orijentisanoj metodologiji za modeliranje sistema (UML 2.0). Softverska arhitektura je zasnovana na Internet tehnologijama. Za implementaciju je kori&scaron;ćena Java platforma. Dok je za izradu naprednih elemenata interfejsa kori&scaron;ćena se JSF biblioteka i AJAX tehnologije.</p><p>Rezultati &ndash; Razvijen je unifikovani profil pretrage za CRIS sisteme i implementiran je standardizovani sistem pretrage naučno-istraživačkih podataka koji se koristi na Univerzitetu u Novom Sadu. Specificiran i implementiran je sistem za pretragu naučno-istraţivačkih rezultata baziran na Web 2.0 tehnologijama i upotrebi CQL upitnog jezika. Korisnički sistem je dovoljno intuitivan da ga mogu koristiti i korisnici koji i ne poznaju standarde na kojima se zasniva sam pretraga. Specificiran i implementiran je servis koji omogućuje pretragu sa udaljenih računara upotrebom SRU/W protokola.</p><p>Praktična primena &ndash; Sistem za pretragu naučno-istraživačkih rezultata je implementiran kao deo CRIS UNS sistema koji se koristi na Univerzitetu u Novom Sadu. Čime je obezbeđen javni uvid i jednostavna pretraga podataka o institucijama/organizacijama, istraţivačima i publikovanim naučnim rezultatima unutar novosadskog univerziteta. Podrţani SRU/W standard ga čini potencijalno dostupnim i za eksterne sisteme.</p><p>Vrednost &ndash; Dat je profil pretrage koji predstavlja predlog kako da se izvr&scaron;i standardizacija pretrage podataka iz naučno-istraţivačke oblasti. Posebna prednost pomenutog CRIS profila je nezavisnost istog od implementacije samog sistema pretrage. Sama primena predloţenog profila je vrlo jednostavna jer se njegovi elementi trebaju samo asocirati sa podacima u postojećim sistemima. Jednostavnost primene profila praktično je pokazana u CRIS sistemu Univerziteta u Novom Sadu. Sama aplikacija pretrage implementira SRU/W profil i pruţa potencijalnu inteoperabilnost sa sistemima koji podrţavaju SRU/W standard. Tako su nakon implementacije sistema, podaci iz CRIS UNS postali dostupniji i trasparentniji.</p> / <p>Aim &ndash; The aim is specification, modeling and implementation of search of scientific research data. Search system should provide a rich and effective search of scientific research data. The basic idea is to enable search based on bibliographic standards SRU/W and CQL, because system need to be able to process search requests from remote computer, and also to provide searching through the web form implemented using Web 2.0 technology where users do not need to know these standards.</p><p>Methodology - From the related literature are came the guidelines for the analysis of systems that include scientific researchers data. Based on the analysis necessary functionality and relevant set of indexes that searches CRIS system should support are proposed. A new profile for the search data for scientific research was implemented. It was implemented a standardized system search for CRIS systems based on Web 2.0 technologies, SRU/W profile search and CQL Query Language. The system allows a remote search by entering appropriate requests in accordance with SRU/W standard. UML 2.0 CASE tools based on object-oriented methodology were used for modeling the system. The software architecture is relied on a set of Internet technologies. Implementation technologies are based on Java platform. For the development of advanced interface elements JSF library and AJAX technologies were used.<br />Results - A unified search profile for CRIS systems and a standardized system of search of scientific research data were developed, which are booth used at the University of Novi Sad. It was specified and implemented a system for search of scientific research data based on Web 2.0 technologies and the CQL query language. GUI is intuitive enough that it can be used by people who do not know the standards on which the search operation is based. Also it was specified and implemented a service that allows remote computer to search by using the<br />SRU/W protocol.</p><p>Practical application - Search system of scientific research data is implemented as part of CRIS UNS system which used at the University of Novi Sad for a long time. CRIS UNS is now able to provide public access and easy search for data of institutions/ organizations, researchers and published scientific results within the University of Novi Sad. Supported SRU/W standard makes the CRIS UNS potentially interoperable with external systems.</p><p>Value &ndash; Proposed search profile is some kind of a suggestion how to standardize the search and retrieval of scientific research data. A major advantage of the CRIS profile is that he has no any affect on the implementation of the search system. The application of the proposed profile is very simple because its elements should only be associated (mapped) with the data in existing systems. Ease of application for the profile is practically demonstrated in the CRIS system of the University of Novi Sad (CRIS UNS). Search application implements SRU/W profile and offers potential interoperability with the systems that support the SRU/W standard. After the implementation of the search system, it is obviously that data from CRIS UNS become more accessible and transparent.</p> / null

The applications of image processing in biology and relevant data analysis.

January 2007 (has links)
Wang, Zexi. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2007. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 63-64). / Abstract --- p.i / Acknowledgement --- p.iii / Chapter 0 --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 1 --- The Design of the Experiments --- p.4 / Chapter 1.1 --- Flies and the Devices --- p.5 / Chapter 1.2 --- Parameter Settings and Interested Information --- p.8 / Chapter 2 --- Video Processing --- p.11 / Chapter 2.1 --- "Videos, Computer Vision and Image Processing" --- p.11 / Chapter 2.2 --- Details in Video Processing --- p.14 / Chapter 3 --- Data Analysis --- p.20 / Chapter 3.1 --- Background --- p.20 / Chapter 3.2 --- Outline of Data Analysis in Our Project --- p.22 / Chapter 4 --- Effect of the Medicine --- p.25 / Chapter 4.1 --- Hypothesis Testing --- p.26 / Chapter 4.2 --- Two-sample t Test --- p.28 / Chapter 5 --- Significance of the Two Factors --- p.32 / Chapter 5.1 --- Background of ANOVA --- p.33 / Chapter 5.2 --- The Model of ANOVA --- p.35 / Chapter 5.3 --- Two-way ANOVA in Our Data Analysis --- p.42 / Chapter 6 --- Regression Model --- p.45 / Chapter 6.1 --- Background of Regression Analysis --- p.47 / Chapter 6.2 --- Polynomial Regression Models --- p.52 / Chapter 6.2.1 --- Background --- p.52 / Chapter 6.2.2 --- R2 and adjusted R2 --- p.53 / Chapter 6.3 --- Model Verification --- p.58 / Chapter 6.4 --- A Simpler Model As the Other Choice --- p.59 / Chapter 6.5 --- Conclusions --- p.60 / Chapter 7 --- Further Studies --- p.61 / Bibliography --- p.62

Öffentliche Unternehmen in Deutschland : eine Analyse von Mikrodaten der amtlichen Statistik / State-owned companies in Germany : an analysis of microdata from official statistics

Dietrich, Irina January 2012 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit enthält eine statistische Analyse der Gesamtheit öffentlicher Unternehmen in Deutschland und ihrer wirtschaftlichen Lage. Für diese Untersuchung stand eine Datenbank für etwa 9000 öffentliche Unternehmen mit knapp 500 Merkmalen zur Verfügung, die im Wesentlichen den Posten der Jahresabschlüsse und verschiedenen Identifikationsmerkmalen (wie u. a. Unternehmenssitz, Wirtschaftszweig und Rechtsform) entsprechen. Die Analyse umfasst den Zeitraum von 1998 bis 2006. Die extrem umfangreiche Datengrundlage – Jahresabschlussstatistiken öffentlicher Unternehmen – ist für einen Statistiker eine große Versuchung. In der Arbeit wurden Methoden der beschreibenden Statistik und der Jahresabschlussanalyse mit Bilanzkennzahlen angewandt. Vor allem in den letzten zwanzig Jahren wurde die Entwicklung der Gesamtheit öffentlicher Unternehmen durch Wandelprozesse geprägt und von Diskussionen über ihre Leistungsfähigkeit begleitet. Die Dynamik der Gesamtheit öffentlicher Unternehmen zeigt sich v. a. an der Vielfalt ihrer Aufgabenbereiche und Organisationsformen. Daher wurde in dieser Arbeit versucht, zunächst eine Bestandsaufnahme des öffentlichen Unternehmensbereichs durchzuführen. Ein weiteres Ziel war die Beschreibung der Wirtschaftslage öffentlicher Unternehmen im letzten Jahrzehnt, wobei ihre Leistungsfähigkeit in den Vordergrund gestellt wird. Die Leistungsfähigkeit öffentlicher Unternehmen nur über die betriebswirtschaftliche Effizienz zu messen, ist gewiss einseitig und nicht ausreichend. Diese ließ sich aber im Vergleich zur volkswirtschaftlichen oder sozialen Effizienz leichter operationalisieren: Die betriebswirtschaftlichen Effizienzkriterien können gut aus den Jahresabschlüssen abgeleitet werden. Dadurch wird auch ein Vergleich mit privaten Unternehmen in gewissen Grenzen möglich. Die Beschreibung der Wirtschaftslage öffentlicher Unternehmen wurde als Analyse ihrer einzelnen Teillagen (Vermögens-, Finanz- und Ertragslage) strukturiert. Insgesamt unterstreicht die Analyse der Teillagen die enge Verflechtung zwischen öffentlichen Unternehmen und öffentlichen Haushalten. Die vorliegende Untersuchung soll die Forschung auf dem Gebiet der datengetriebenen Statistik, die im Universitätsbereich in letzten Jahren im Vergleich zur modellgetriebenen Statistik oft vernachlässigt wurde, ausweiten. / This monograph deals with state-owned companies in Germany. The study focuses on a statistical analysis of all state-owned companies in Germany and their economic situation. Approximately 9,000 state-owned companies, with nearly 500 characteristical items surveyed for every company, comprise the database for this statistical analysis. The elements examined are firstly the entries of the annual balance sheets. In addition, there are the identifying characteristics, such as the type of industry, the legal form, or the operating location, in the databank. The analysis covers the period from 1998 to 2007. It’s very tantalizing for a statistician to work with the statistics of the annual balance sheets of the state-owned companies in Germany because of the large volumes of data. Both the methods of the descriptive statistics and the financial statement analysis with the balance sheet ratios were applied in this study. Especially over the last twenty years, the changes in the economic sector have led to discussions about the potential performance of the companies. The population dynamics of the state-owned enterprises are seen in the variety of the types of their activities and services and new legal forms. Therefore, the first goal of this analysis was to take an inventory of the German state-owned companies. The second goal of this work was to describe the economic situation of the state-owned companies in the last decade, with the emphasis on their performance. To measure the performance of the state-owned companies using only the economic efficiency as criterion is insufficient. However, the economic efficiency is easy to operationalise compared to, for example, social efficiency, because the ratios of the economic efficiency can be easily derived from the annual balance sheets of the companies. Besides that, using the ratios of the economic efficiency makes the comparison between the state-owned companies and the private ones easier. The description of the economic situation of the state-owned companies is based on the analysis of their assets, as well as their financial and earning positions. Altogether, the analysis of different positions emphasized the interdependence between the state-owned companies and their owners (regional authorities). From the methodological point of view, this study tried to extend research in the field of the data-driven statistics, which has been a neglected topic at universities in the last years when compared to model-driven statistics.

Publicações ampliadas : aspectos da integração de dados de pesquisa

Santos, Daiane Barrili dos January 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo principal propor um panorama de integração entre repositórios de dados de pesquisa e publicações científicas baseado no modelo de publicações ampliadas. Do ponto de vista de sua natureza, é básica. Segundo a abordagem é considerada qualitativa, e caracteriza-se por ser uma pesquisa exploratória e bibliográfica. O modelo de análise deste estudo foi composto por três fases. Na primeira fase de análise, foram coletadas literaturas específicas da área por meio da revisão sistemática e, a partir das literaturas, foram extraídos os requisitos indicados e sugeridos para um modelo de publicação ampliada. Na segunda fase de análise, foram selecionados os repositórios de dados de pesquisa através do diretório re3data.org e averiguadas as informações disponibilizadas por meio dos filtros que demonstrassem a utilização de ligações baseadas no modelo de publicação ampliada. Na terceira fase de análise, foi realizada a inspeção das interfaces e identificados os elementos que cada repositório contempla para posteriormente iniciar as análises, observações e comparações dos elementos utilizados nos repositórios com os requisitos estabelecidos por meio da revisão sistemática. Percebeu-se na literatura que há uma tentativa de adicionar uma estrutura utilizando-se requisitos relacionados a metadados, relacionamentos semânticos, entre outros. Verificou-se que parte dessa estrutura indicada na literatura já encontra-se nas interfaces de alguns repositórios identificados no diretório re3data.org. No entanto estes repositórios que contemplam parte da estrutura indicada foram caracterizados como uma minoria. Desta forma, verificou-se uma necessidade crescente, de uma infraestrutura compatível com as publicações ampliadas, tornando-se de extrema importância a utilização de requisitos para as interfaces dos repositórios de dados de pesquisa O cruzamento de informações realizado neste estudo permitiu um maior entendimento do quanto é importante o uso de cada um dos requisitos estipulados, como também foi possível compreender as consequências caso estes requisitos não estejam contemplados nas interfaces de repositórios. Os repositórios de dados de pesquisa deveriam fornecer em suas interfaces as ligações e o acesso às respectivas publicações científicas dos dados registrados para que fosse possível compreender os estudos realizados a partir destes dados. Foi comprovado que esse processo não ocorre na grande parte dos repositórios, o que dificulta a compreensão sobre a origem e o contexto em que foram utilizados esses dados. Percebe-se que os repositórios que não estavam de acordo com os principais requisitos estabelecidos apresentavam características de publicações convencionais como, por exemplo, documentos em PDF, textos em HTML e que não estavam de acordo com padrões da web semântica. Esta proposta de um panorama de integração de dados de pesquisa baseado em publicações ampliadas visa sugerir uma interface que contemple todos os requisitos especificados nesta pesquisa para que se tenha uma infraestrutura compatível com as publicações ampliadas. A partir da investigação e do aprofundamento sobre o tema, foi possível ampliar o conhecimento e detectar os elementos apropriados para propor um panorama de integração entre um repositório de dados de pesquisas e publicações científicas baseando-se em um modelo de publicação ampliada, como também destacar as vantagens da utilização deste modelo. Considera-se que um conjunto de dados disponíveis em um repositório digital, que contemple os requisitos, melhora a recuperação da informação e, consequentemente, aumenta a visibilidade da publicação e de autores. / This research had the main objective to propose an integration landscape between research data repositories and scientific publications based on the model for enhanced publications. From its nature`s point of view, it is basic. According to the approach it is considered a qualitative, is characterized as an exploratory, bibliographic research and a case study as well. The analysis model of this study was constituted of three phases. In first phase of the analyses, specific literatures were colected through the systematic review and from literatures, in addition the suggested requirements and indicated for a model for enhanced publications were extracted, in addition the suggested requirements and indicated for an enhanced publication model were extract. In second phase of the analyses, research data repositories were select through the re3data.org directory and were verified the information provided through the filters which demonstrated the application of links based on the model for enhanced publications. In the third and last phase of the analyses, an inspection of interfaces were realized, and also elements that each repository comprehend were identified to subsequently initiate the analyses, observations and comparisions of the elements used on repositories with the estabilished requirements through systematic review. It was perceived in the literature, that there are an attempt to add a structure by using related requirements to metadata, semantic relationship, among others. Also verified that part of this estructure indicated on literature is available on interfaces of some identified repositories on re3data.org. Although these repositories which comprehend part of the indicated structure were characterized as a minority.( Continue) Therefore, there has been a growing need for an infrastructure compatible with the enhanced publications, aware of the importance for the application of requirements to the interfaces of research data repositories. The crossover of informations realized in this study allowed a greater understanding about the importance to use each one of the stipulated requirements, as well as was possible to understand the consequences in case of these requirements are not be included in the repositories interfaces. Research data repositories should provide on their interfaces the links and access to their respective scientific publications of the recorded data in order to be able to understand the studies carried out from this data. It has been proven that this process does not occur in most repositories, which difficults to understand the origin and context in which these data were used. It was noticed that repositories not in agreement with the main presented established requirements characteristics of conventional publications, as for example PDF documents, HTML texts and which was not in accordance to patterns for semantic web. This proposal for a research data integration model based on enhanced publications aims to suggest an interface that that fulfills all the specified requirements in this research to obtain an infrastructure compatible to enhanced publications. From the investigation and deepening the theme, it was possible to increase the knowledge and to detect the appropriate elements to propose an integration model between a researches data repository and scientific publications based on a model for enhanced publication as well as highlighting the advantages of applying this model. Thus, it is concluded that a set of available data into a digital repository that comprehend the requirements improves the information recovery and, therefore, increases the visibility of publication and authors.

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