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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Press treatment of Korean chaebols 1989-1993

Kim, Inho, n/a January 1995 (has links)
This study analyses press treatment of the Korean chaebols from 1989 to 1993. A review of the scholarly literature found that the chaebols were very powerful, but were widely disliked and distrusted by members of the Korean public. As well as controlling many Korean businesses, the chaebols influence the media industries through direct and indirect control. With such influence, and their effort to improve their image after the Seoul Olympics, the researcher expected rather favourable images to be reported in the selected press. A total of seven foreign and domestic newspapers and magazines were selected for the study, which represented various ownership and readership characteristics. Hypotheses were established on the basis of the evidence in Chapters 1 and 2 of the power of the chaebols, and of their recent concern to improve their public images. Quantitative content analysis was then used to investigate significant differences in each selected source in relation to the resource dependencies of the selected newspapers and magazines. Each source was compared and analysed to investigate its distinctiveness and their dependencies due to limited resources. Also, some qualitative content analysis was incorporated to further investigate the ways the Korean chaebols were reported. The research found that rather unfavourable images of the chaebols were often reported in the press, both Korean and overseas. They were favourably described as a contributor in developing in the Korean economy, but were unfavourably described as socially destructive. Our results often contradicted our hypotheses. Also, some significant difference and similarities of reports about chaebols were found especially between the Korean and non-Korean press. The more complex situation revealed by our results was addressed using Turow's(1984) Resource Dependency Theory. Overall, the study supported the more complex picture put forward by the Resource Dependency Theory rather than the somewhat simplistic view that sees ownership as the main influence on media outlets.

Board of directors in small firms : An exploratory study on small business owners in Västerbotten’sperception of the role of the board, board composition and its impact onfirm performance

Norgren, Hanna, Viklund, Emmelie January 2015 (has links)
This study examines small business owners at small firms in Västerbotten’s perception on board composition, board diversity and the role of the board together with its impact on firm performance. We were interested in knowing what kind of characteristics these firms are looking for in their board composition and explore their attitudes towards their choice ofinside or outside directors, and also the impact of homogeneity and heterogeneity in theboard. Further, we wanted to examine the general role of the board in small firms and get insight on whether the small business owners believe this had any impact on firm performance or not. The subject of board of directors can be found within the field of corporate governance, in which it has a central role. Existing literature on the subject left a gap of knowledge on board of directors in small firms, from which the opportunity of research was found. Since a vast amount of firms on the Swedish market are small firms, this subject is of significant meaning for understanding and gaining insight into how small business owners in these firms view the board of directors. To get a deeper view into the subject we explored if any differences were detectable between three different industries, and the selected industries were; IT, transportation and construction. This qualitative study was conducted by using a semi-structured interview technique. The objectives of having a qualitative study was to obtain in-depth understandings and perceptions from the participants in order to answer our research questions; What kind of characteristics are small business owners looking for when selecting new board members, what type of different resources can different types of directors bring, and what impact do small business owners believe this has on firms’ performance? The findings from this study revealed that small business owners at small firms in Västerbotten did not value and use the board in the same extent as larger firms had been found to do in other empirical studies. However, indications were found among our sample that small firms in the IT industry uses their boards in another way than other firms do. Moreover, it was of common occurrence that small firms only have one singe director on their boards both due to that they have a board solely due to legal reasons and also due to that the owners, which is also the directors in these firms, does not want to reduce their level of control over the firm. Overall, the impression from the participants’ perceptions and views were that the board was not used in the way it could be and that for many small firms the costof recruiting more directors is too high.

Encouraging the Arts through Higher Education Institutions: Arts Policy Implementation in Virginia

Keeney, Katherine Preston 27 May 2014 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the role of public higher education institutions in state-level arts policy in the state of Virginia. The strength of public support for the arts historically has been measured by per capita arts spending, as determined by appropriations to state arts agencies. However, this is a very thin measure that misses an increasingly important contributor to the arts policy landscape - higher education institutions. As direct sources of funding for the arts decline, universities increasingly are contributing to the state arts landscape with the construction and operation of performing arts centers. Framed by resource dependency theory and rational choice institutionalism, this research sheds light on the motivations of actors contributing to the arts policy field in a resource-scarce environment. Evidence suggests that public higher education institutions invest in the co-curricular arts to capitalize on and acquire resources, including image and prestige, and to fulfill their public service missions. Although higher education institution performing arts centers are contributing to the state's arts landscape, they are only informally participating in arts policy formulation and implementation. These findings have financial and decision-making implications for arts policymakers, university administrators, and arts agencies as the inclusion of public higher education institutions in the arts policy field affords new opportunities and challenges for the state encouragement of the arts. / Ph. D.

Corporate governance and corporate failure : evidence from listed UK firms

Appiah, Kingsley O. January 2013 (has links)
This study is motivated by the numerous reforms to strengthen the efficacy of corporate boards and their oversight committees, in the wake of high profile corporate failures. The empirical question, however, is whether recent proposals would enhance board and their committee effectiveness and in this way, reduce the likelihood of firm`s failure. This study examines whether the composition, structure and functions of corporate boards and their interactions are related to the probability of corporate failure. Prior studies employ agency and resource dependency theories in isolation as theoretical lenses. This study, however, employs these aforementioned theories as theoretical lenses and argues that the board control and resource function affects the relationship between corporate board attributes and corporate failure. This study examines a sample of 358 UK listed firms, consisting of 95 failed firms and 263 non-failed firms during the period 1999-2011. This study also uses a unique hand-collected data set that measures the corporate governance attributes and functions of these 358 firms over a period of five years preceding failure or otherwise, resulting in 1748 firm-years observations. This study reveals that the probability of failure is lower in firms with large board size, former government officials, independent remuneration committee chairman and greater proportion of outside directors as well as effective audit and remuneration committees. This study also finds that the prospect of corporate failure is higher in firms with less than three independent NEDs on both the audit and nomination committees, without audit committee and where audit committee has no one with financial expertise. The results, however, suggest that the possibility of corporate failure is higher in firms whose boards have a female director and where the nomination committee meets often or where its membership is exclusively preserved for independent NEDs. On the interaction effects, the results show that frequency of board meetings as well as its interactions with presence of female directors, audit and remuneration committees effectiveness are positively related to the probability of corporate failure. The results also indicate that a number of interactions between corporate board attributes and functions are unrelated to the likelihood of corporate failure. These include the interactions between board composition measures (i.e. proportion of outside directors, presence of female directors and board size) and the board resource proxy (i.e. former government official). These associations, especially remuneration committee effectiveness, remuneration committee chairman independence, firm size and profitability, are not only statistically and economically significant but also robust to different specifications. Further, the Receiver Operating Curves indicate that the impact of corporate governance measures after controlling for firm size, liquidity, profitability, age, industry effects, and leverage is more profound in two years preceding failure. The implication of this is that corporate governance mechanisms alone are insufficient to rescue the firm on the verge of collapse. The findings are consistent with the idea that failing firms decline in size, managerial performance, corporate board attributes as well as their board`s ability to discharge it`s monitoring and resource roles. This study adds to the debate on the impact of corporate governance on corporate failure by developing, analysing and testing a robust UK corporate failure prediction model which is underpinned by a multi-theoretical framework: agency and resource dependency theories. This study also offers several recommendations for policy makers and firm-level corporate governance strategies in the mix of the numerous corporate governance reforms worldwide, this in particular makes this study unique.

Shirts, Skirts and Financial Performance : A study of the business case for gender diversity in Swedish and Danish corporation boards / Skjortor, kjolar och finansiella prestationer

Johnsson, Victoria January 2016 (has links)
Problem:      Companies need to maintain a competitive position in the market to financially perform, and in order to do so, the companies need to have a good corporate governance structure. In the latter years, the ethical discussion about gender diversity has gained a lot of attention in society, which influence norms, standards and legislations, and also the business. Today, Swedish and Danish firms are obligated to strive for gender diversity in their corporate boards according to the corporate governance codes in the respective countries. However, the financial aspects should be taken into concern, since a company needs to financially perform to keep its operations. It is not established whether an increased gender diversity is related to financial performance, since studies on the field are contradictive. Due to the different results, it is interesting to see what the relationship looks like in the Nordic countries, especially in Sweden and Denmark where quota-based legislation has not yet been established. This thesis investigates the issue to provide evidence for the companies in similar countries if an increased gender diversity is financially supportable.   Purpose:      The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the gender diversity in the board of directors and its relationship with the financial performance of a corporation. Further, the study will investigate the financial performance dependency on the gender diversity in the board of directors.   Method:       A sample of 104 Swedish and Danish companies was chosen as observation objects. To investigate the relationship between the gender diversity and the financial performance, a Pearson correlation analysis was made. To identify the financial performance dependency on the gender diversity regression analyses were performed. Hypotheses that were built on agency theory, resource dependency theory, upper echelons theory and previous research were tested in the statistical analyses.   Results:        The statistical analyses show that there is no statistically significant relationship between gender diversity and financial performance, neither that the financial performance is dependent on the gender diversity. This evidence implies that increased gender diversity in board rooms should be motivated for other reasons than strictly financial success. Companies should consider these findings in the attaining process of directors and focus on other factors than financial progress in the proceeding involvement of women in the board. Thus, a company cannot increase its financial performance only by attaining more women to the board room. / Problem:      För att prestera finansiellt behöver företag bibehålla konkurrenskraft, och för att göra det är företagsledningen viktig. På senare tid, har den etiska diskussionen kring könsdiversitet fått stor uppmärksamhet i samhället, vilket påverkar normer, standarder och lagstiftning. Svenska och danska företag är förpliktigade att sträva efter könsdiversitet enligt den svenska och danska koden för bolagsstyrning, men även de finansiella aspekterna av könsmångfald bör tas i beaktning eftersom ett företag behöver prestera finansiellt för att kunna fortsätta sin verksamhet. Ännu är det inte fastslaget att en ökad könsdiversitet är relaterat till finansiella framsteg, då studier på området säger emot varandra. Därför är det intressant att se hur denna relation ser ut i de nordiska länderna, speciellt i Sverige och Danmark där kvoteringslagar ännu inte har införts. Denna uppsats undersöker frågan för att skapa bevis för företagen i länderna om en ökad könsdiversitet är finansiellt försvarbar.   Syfte:            Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka könsdiversitet i bolagsstyrelser och relationen till finansiella prestationer av företaget i fråga. Dessutom ämnar studien undersöka de finansiella prestationernas beroendeförhållande till könsdiversiteten i bolagsstyrelserna.     Metod:         Ett urval av 104 svenska och danska företag valdes som observationsobjekt. För att undersöka relationen mellan könsdiversitet och finansiella prestationer görs en Pearson korrelationsanalys. För att upptäcka om finansiella prestationer är har ett beroendeförhållande till könsdiversiteten i bolagsstyrelserna gjordes regressionsanalyser. Hypoteserna som testades baserades på agentteori, resursberoendeteori, och övernivåteori och tidigare empirisk forskning.   Resultat:      De statistiska analyserna visar att det inte finns något signifikant samband mellan könsdiversitet och finansiella prestationer, och inte heller att finansiell prestation har ett beroendeförhållande till könsdiversitet i bolagsstyrelsen. Dessa resultat indikerar att en ökad könsdiversitet i styrelserummen bör motiveras av andra faktorer än strikt finansiell framgång. Företag bör ta ställning till resultaten från denna forskning i tillsättandet av styrelseledamöter och inte förvänta sig en förbättrad finansiell ställning enbart genom att tillsätta fler kvinnor till styrelsen.

A Study of the Relationship Between Revenue Sources and Undergraduate Students' Graduation Rates at Public Research Universities

Lawson, Albertha H. 20 May 2011 (has links)
The public's demand for accountability will have a significant impact on research universities' revenue resources in the future. Driving the demand is a perceived lack of institutional productivity. Undergraduate students' graduation rates represent one product of public research universities. States have already latched onto these rates as a measure of institutional performance; and as a result, states have provided a basis for public research universities to use the relationship between dollars invested in the institution and undergraduate students' graduation rates to respond to accountability issues. Current research provides little insight into this relationship. Research in this study uses concepts from the higher education production function, the resource dependency theory, and the Principal-Agent Model to investigate undergraduate students' four-year and six-year graduation rates as an institutional product. The research provides a greater degree of transparency into the relationship between dollars invested in public research universities and undergraduate students' graduation rates than has previously been shown. As a result of this relationship analysis, the research enables the development of a model for predicting undergraduate student graduation rates relative to dollars invested in the institution from different sources.

Får vi lov? : IKEA:s etablering i Karlstad sett ur ett resursberoendeperspektiv

Andersson, Magnus January 2010 (has links)
<p>IKEA is probably one of the most well known Swedish companies in the world. During thepast decades millions of people all across the globe have decorated their homes according tothe style of IKEA. But just exactly how big and influential are they? Many, if not to say all,municipalities in Sweden wants IKEA to establish and build their famous stores in one oftheir towns. But at what cost? When deciding on a municipality to establish in, IKEAnormally tends to have an advantage when it comes to controlling the conditions and terms ofthe establishment.To undertake this dissertation I use a theory based upon the inter-organizational theoriescalled resource dependency theory. The theory stresses the importance of controlling andobtaining resources as an organization among other organizations in order to survive. Fromthe theory one can see a pattern that organizations with a lot of resources tend to have biggeradvantage when dealing with other organizations.The question I want to answer was if the municipality of Karlstad has eroded its dominantplane when dealing with strong financial actors like IKEA?This is a case study of IKEA and their establishment in Karlstad. Unfortunately IKEA choosenot to be a part of the thesis due to lack of time. The method used in the dissertation is basedupon interviews with high senior officials that were involved in the establishment in one wayor another. To supplement the interviews a document study was performed.The result of the study is surprising in two ways. First of all the fact that IKEA has been sucha strong actor during the negotiations which gave them nearly whatever they asked for. Thesecond reason is the fact that the municipality has eroded its dominant plane in such anobvious way. If IKEA did want to, they could have built a store where ever they wanted.IKEA is probably one of the most well known Swedish companies in the world. During thepast decades millions of people all across the globe have decorated their homes according tothe style of IKEA. But just exactly how big and influential are they? Many, if not to say all,municipalities in Sweden wants IKEA to establish and build their famous stores in one oftheir towns. But at what cost? When deciding on a municipality to establish in, IKEAnormally tends to have an advantage when it comes to controlling the conditions and terms ofthe establishment.To undertake this dissertation I use a theory based upon the inter-organizational theoriescalled resource dependency theory. The theory stresses the importance of controlling andobtaining resources as an organization among other organizations in order to survive. Fromthe theory one can see a pattern that organizations with a lot of resources tend to have biggeradvantage when dealing with other organizations.The question I want to answer was if the municipality of Karlstad has eroded its dominantplane when dealing with strong financial actors like IKEA?This is a case study of IKEA and their establishment in Karlstad. Unfortunately IKEA choosenot to be a part of the thesis due to lack of time. The method used in the dissertation is basedupon interviews with high senior officials that were involved in the establishment in one wayor another. To supplement the interviews a document study was performed.The result of the study is surprising in two ways. First of all the fact that IKEA has been sucha strong actor during the negotiations which gave them nearly whatever they asked for. Thesecond reason is the fact that the municipality has eroded its dominant plane in such anobvious way. If IKEA did want to, they could have built a store where ever they wanted.</p>

A ecologia industrial e as teorias de sistemas, institucional e da dependência de recursos a partir dos atores de um parque tecnológico

Trevisan, Marcelo January 2013 (has links)
Simultaneamente, eleva-se o interesse pelo desenvolvimento sustentável e os inerentes desafios a ele vinculados. Por outro lado, como uma possibilidade de alcançá-lo entrou em evidência o conceito de Ecologia Industrial (EI). Sua perspectiva fundamental tem a natureza como modelo visando a integração entre os sistemas ecológico e industriais. Caracteriza-se por três escalas de atuação e a Simbiose Industrial (SI) é a mais difundida, envolvendo o intercâmbio de materiais, produtos, água, energia, resíduos, informações, experiências e conhecimentos entre organizações (POSCH, 2010; GIURCO et al., 2011). Entretanto, Deutz (2009) destaca que a EI possui questões emergentes e que necessitam de mais aprofundamentos com as ciências sociais. Em geral, suas pesquisas partem do campo técnico e encontram dificuldades de serem implementadas e aceitas porque não foram confrontadas com os sistemas sociais e de poder que envolvem as organizações. Existindo espaços para estudos que considerem aspectos como cultura, valores, elementos políticos e de poder nas relações interorganizacionais. Dedicando-se uma atenção mínima a esses aspectos reduz-se o potencial contributivo da EI. O desafio é aprofundar, ampliar e integrar as análises em uma concepção sistêmica e transdisciplinar orientada para o desenvolvimento sustentável. Resultados satisfatórios diante dessas imposições abrangem investimentos em P&D, em produtos ecoinovadores e alterações nas práticas de negócios (LOMBARDI; LAYBOURN, 2012). Assim, esta tese objetivou analisar as percepções dos atores de um parque tecnológico diante das interações da Ecologia Industrial com as convergências entre as teorias de Sistemas, Institucional e da Dependência de Recursos. A construção do referencial teórico pautado nas referidas teorias possibilitou estabelecer conexões com a EI e promover a elaboração das categorias de análise que serviram de base para a construção das proposições. A partir da abordagem qualitativa, de uma perspectiva multidisciplinar e do estudo de caso, definiu-se como objeto de estudo a Associação Parque Tecnológico de Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. Utilizou-se dados primários e secundários compostos por fontes como documentos, acompanhamento de reuniões e observações. Contudo, o principal instrumento de coleta foram entrevistas realizadas com 28 integrantes do parque tecnológico. Para a análise dos dados empregou-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo. Os resultados evidenciaram que os atores reconhecem a necessidade de ações integradas entre organizações, todavia ainda não consideram que a preservação ambiental seja um valor socialmente aceito e reconhecido com impactos significativos nos resultados empresariais que garantam a sobrevivência da organização. Em geral, as relações não são pautadas por um contexto institucional que incentiva objetivos compartilhados visando suprir recursos críticos. Decisões oriundas do hábito e a ausência de clareza sobre os pressupostos da EI dificultam a sua operacionalização. Embora seja afirmado que exista disposição para abdicar do controle de recursos para obtenção de melhores resultados coletivos, empiricamente a intenção foi pouco observada. Os atores percebem falta de discernimento quanto às responsabilidades das universidades e dos setores público e privado locais no desenvolvimento das interações. / At the same time the interest in sustainable development grows, so does the interest in the challenges it brings. As a possible tool to solve these challenges came the idea of Industrial Ecology (IE), which has as its main perspective nature as a model in the integration of the ecological and industrial systems. It is characterized by scales of action and the most well know of them is Industrial Symbioses (IS), which involves the exchange of materials, products, water, energy, residue, information, experiences and knowledge among organizations (POSCH, 2010; GIURCO et al., 2011). Deutz (2009), however, notes that IE brings about new questions in need of a bigger connection with social sciences. Usually researches start in a more technical field and face difficulties to be implemented and accepted because they weren‟t confronted beforehand with the social and power systems that organizations revolve around. Opening spaces for studies that take into consideration aspects such as culture, values, organizational politics and power structures and pays attention to these details can reduce the impacts of IE. The challenge is to examine carefully, broaden and integrate this analysis in a transdisciplinary and systemic view directed towards sustainable development. Satisfactory results in face of these impositions involve investments in R&D (research and development), in eco-innovative products and changes in business practices. (LOMBARDI; LAYBOURN, 2012). Thus, this thesis aimed to analyze the perception of subjects of a technological park on the interactions of Industrial Ecology with the coming together of the Systems, Institutional and Resource Dependency theories. The theoretical reference based on the aforementioned theories made it possible to establish connections with IE and create the categories of analysis that served as a basis to the prepositions. Based on the qualitative approach, on a multidisciplinary perspective and a case study, the Associação Parque Tecnológico of Santa Maria, RS, Brazil was chosen as study subject. Primary and secondary data from documents, meeting notes and observations were used. However, the main data were interviews of 28 members of the technological park. To analyze the data the method of content analysis was used. The results showed that the subjects recognize the need for integrated actions among organizations, yet do not consider that environmental conservation is a socially accepted and well know concept with high impact on business results that can guarantee a company‟s survival. Generally, relationships are not guided by an institutional context that motivates shared goals aiming to supply critical resources. Decisions made out of habit and in the absence of clarity surrounding the purpose of IE can hinder its performance. Although it is said that there is disposition to abdicate resource control to achieve better and shared results, in practice this was rarely observed. The subjects found that universities and the private and public sector lack insight regarding their responsibilities for developing interactions.

A ecologia industrial e as teorias de sistemas, institucional e da dependência de recursos a partir dos atores de um parque tecnológico

Trevisan, Marcelo January 2013 (has links)
Simultaneamente, eleva-se o interesse pelo desenvolvimento sustentável e os inerentes desafios a ele vinculados. Por outro lado, como uma possibilidade de alcançá-lo entrou em evidência o conceito de Ecologia Industrial (EI). Sua perspectiva fundamental tem a natureza como modelo visando a integração entre os sistemas ecológico e industriais. Caracteriza-se por três escalas de atuação e a Simbiose Industrial (SI) é a mais difundida, envolvendo o intercâmbio de materiais, produtos, água, energia, resíduos, informações, experiências e conhecimentos entre organizações (POSCH, 2010; GIURCO et al., 2011). Entretanto, Deutz (2009) destaca que a EI possui questões emergentes e que necessitam de mais aprofundamentos com as ciências sociais. Em geral, suas pesquisas partem do campo técnico e encontram dificuldades de serem implementadas e aceitas porque não foram confrontadas com os sistemas sociais e de poder que envolvem as organizações. Existindo espaços para estudos que considerem aspectos como cultura, valores, elementos políticos e de poder nas relações interorganizacionais. Dedicando-se uma atenção mínima a esses aspectos reduz-se o potencial contributivo da EI. O desafio é aprofundar, ampliar e integrar as análises em uma concepção sistêmica e transdisciplinar orientada para o desenvolvimento sustentável. Resultados satisfatórios diante dessas imposições abrangem investimentos em P&D, em produtos ecoinovadores e alterações nas práticas de negócios (LOMBARDI; LAYBOURN, 2012). Assim, esta tese objetivou analisar as percepções dos atores de um parque tecnológico diante das interações da Ecologia Industrial com as convergências entre as teorias de Sistemas, Institucional e da Dependência de Recursos. A construção do referencial teórico pautado nas referidas teorias possibilitou estabelecer conexões com a EI e promover a elaboração das categorias de análise que serviram de base para a construção das proposições. A partir da abordagem qualitativa, de uma perspectiva multidisciplinar e do estudo de caso, definiu-se como objeto de estudo a Associação Parque Tecnológico de Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. Utilizou-se dados primários e secundários compostos por fontes como documentos, acompanhamento de reuniões e observações. Contudo, o principal instrumento de coleta foram entrevistas realizadas com 28 integrantes do parque tecnológico. Para a análise dos dados empregou-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo. Os resultados evidenciaram que os atores reconhecem a necessidade de ações integradas entre organizações, todavia ainda não consideram que a preservação ambiental seja um valor socialmente aceito e reconhecido com impactos significativos nos resultados empresariais que garantam a sobrevivência da organização. Em geral, as relações não são pautadas por um contexto institucional que incentiva objetivos compartilhados visando suprir recursos críticos. Decisões oriundas do hábito e a ausência de clareza sobre os pressupostos da EI dificultam a sua operacionalização. Embora seja afirmado que exista disposição para abdicar do controle de recursos para obtenção de melhores resultados coletivos, empiricamente a intenção foi pouco observada. Os atores percebem falta de discernimento quanto às responsabilidades das universidades e dos setores público e privado locais no desenvolvimento das interações. / At the same time the interest in sustainable development grows, so does the interest in the challenges it brings. As a possible tool to solve these challenges came the idea of Industrial Ecology (IE), which has as its main perspective nature as a model in the integration of the ecological and industrial systems. It is characterized by scales of action and the most well know of them is Industrial Symbioses (IS), which involves the exchange of materials, products, water, energy, residue, information, experiences and knowledge among organizations (POSCH, 2010; GIURCO et al., 2011). Deutz (2009), however, notes that IE brings about new questions in need of a bigger connection with social sciences. Usually researches start in a more technical field and face difficulties to be implemented and accepted because they weren‟t confronted beforehand with the social and power systems that organizations revolve around. Opening spaces for studies that take into consideration aspects such as culture, values, organizational politics and power structures and pays attention to these details can reduce the impacts of IE. The challenge is to examine carefully, broaden and integrate this analysis in a transdisciplinary and systemic view directed towards sustainable development. Satisfactory results in face of these impositions involve investments in R&D (research and development), in eco-innovative products and changes in business practices. (LOMBARDI; LAYBOURN, 2012). Thus, this thesis aimed to analyze the perception of subjects of a technological park on the interactions of Industrial Ecology with the coming together of the Systems, Institutional and Resource Dependency theories. The theoretical reference based on the aforementioned theories made it possible to establish connections with IE and create the categories of analysis that served as a basis to the prepositions. Based on the qualitative approach, on a multidisciplinary perspective and a case study, the Associação Parque Tecnológico of Santa Maria, RS, Brazil was chosen as study subject. Primary and secondary data from documents, meeting notes and observations were used. However, the main data were interviews of 28 members of the technological park. To analyze the data the method of content analysis was used. The results showed that the subjects recognize the need for integrated actions among organizations, yet do not consider that environmental conservation is a socially accepted and well know concept with high impact on business results that can guarantee a company‟s survival. Generally, relationships are not guided by an institutional context that motivates shared goals aiming to supply critical resources. Decisions made out of habit and in the absence of clarity surrounding the purpose of IE can hinder its performance. Although it is said that there is disposition to abdicate resource control to achieve better and shared results, in practice this was rarely observed. The subjects found that universities and the private and public sector lack insight regarding their responsibilities for developing interactions.

A ecologia industrial e as teorias de sistemas, institucional e da dependência de recursos a partir dos atores de um parque tecnológico

Trevisan, Marcelo January 2013 (has links)
Simultaneamente, eleva-se o interesse pelo desenvolvimento sustentável e os inerentes desafios a ele vinculados. Por outro lado, como uma possibilidade de alcançá-lo entrou em evidência o conceito de Ecologia Industrial (EI). Sua perspectiva fundamental tem a natureza como modelo visando a integração entre os sistemas ecológico e industriais. Caracteriza-se por três escalas de atuação e a Simbiose Industrial (SI) é a mais difundida, envolvendo o intercâmbio de materiais, produtos, água, energia, resíduos, informações, experiências e conhecimentos entre organizações (POSCH, 2010; GIURCO et al., 2011). Entretanto, Deutz (2009) destaca que a EI possui questões emergentes e que necessitam de mais aprofundamentos com as ciências sociais. Em geral, suas pesquisas partem do campo técnico e encontram dificuldades de serem implementadas e aceitas porque não foram confrontadas com os sistemas sociais e de poder que envolvem as organizações. Existindo espaços para estudos que considerem aspectos como cultura, valores, elementos políticos e de poder nas relações interorganizacionais. Dedicando-se uma atenção mínima a esses aspectos reduz-se o potencial contributivo da EI. O desafio é aprofundar, ampliar e integrar as análises em uma concepção sistêmica e transdisciplinar orientada para o desenvolvimento sustentável. Resultados satisfatórios diante dessas imposições abrangem investimentos em P&D, em produtos ecoinovadores e alterações nas práticas de negócios (LOMBARDI; LAYBOURN, 2012). Assim, esta tese objetivou analisar as percepções dos atores de um parque tecnológico diante das interações da Ecologia Industrial com as convergências entre as teorias de Sistemas, Institucional e da Dependência de Recursos. A construção do referencial teórico pautado nas referidas teorias possibilitou estabelecer conexões com a EI e promover a elaboração das categorias de análise que serviram de base para a construção das proposições. A partir da abordagem qualitativa, de uma perspectiva multidisciplinar e do estudo de caso, definiu-se como objeto de estudo a Associação Parque Tecnológico de Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. Utilizou-se dados primários e secundários compostos por fontes como documentos, acompanhamento de reuniões e observações. Contudo, o principal instrumento de coleta foram entrevistas realizadas com 28 integrantes do parque tecnológico. Para a análise dos dados empregou-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo. Os resultados evidenciaram que os atores reconhecem a necessidade de ações integradas entre organizações, todavia ainda não consideram que a preservação ambiental seja um valor socialmente aceito e reconhecido com impactos significativos nos resultados empresariais que garantam a sobrevivência da organização. Em geral, as relações não são pautadas por um contexto institucional que incentiva objetivos compartilhados visando suprir recursos críticos. Decisões oriundas do hábito e a ausência de clareza sobre os pressupostos da EI dificultam a sua operacionalização. Embora seja afirmado que exista disposição para abdicar do controle de recursos para obtenção de melhores resultados coletivos, empiricamente a intenção foi pouco observada. Os atores percebem falta de discernimento quanto às responsabilidades das universidades e dos setores público e privado locais no desenvolvimento das interações. / At the same time the interest in sustainable development grows, so does the interest in the challenges it brings. As a possible tool to solve these challenges came the idea of Industrial Ecology (IE), which has as its main perspective nature as a model in the integration of the ecological and industrial systems. It is characterized by scales of action and the most well know of them is Industrial Symbioses (IS), which involves the exchange of materials, products, water, energy, residue, information, experiences and knowledge among organizations (POSCH, 2010; GIURCO et al., 2011). Deutz (2009), however, notes that IE brings about new questions in need of a bigger connection with social sciences. Usually researches start in a more technical field and face difficulties to be implemented and accepted because they weren‟t confronted beforehand with the social and power systems that organizations revolve around. Opening spaces for studies that take into consideration aspects such as culture, values, organizational politics and power structures and pays attention to these details can reduce the impacts of IE. The challenge is to examine carefully, broaden and integrate this analysis in a transdisciplinary and systemic view directed towards sustainable development. Satisfactory results in face of these impositions involve investments in R&D (research and development), in eco-innovative products and changes in business practices. (LOMBARDI; LAYBOURN, 2012). Thus, this thesis aimed to analyze the perception of subjects of a technological park on the interactions of Industrial Ecology with the coming together of the Systems, Institutional and Resource Dependency theories. The theoretical reference based on the aforementioned theories made it possible to establish connections with IE and create the categories of analysis that served as a basis to the prepositions. Based on the qualitative approach, on a multidisciplinary perspective and a case study, the Associação Parque Tecnológico of Santa Maria, RS, Brazil was chosen as study subject. Primary and secondary data from documents, meeting notes and observations were used. However, the main data were interviews of 28 members of the technological park. To analyze the data the method of content analysis was used. The results showed that the subjects recognize the need for integrated actions among organizations, yet do not consider that environmental conservation is a socially accepted and well know concept with high impact on business results that can guarantee a company‟s survival. Generally, relationships are not guided by an institutional context that motivates shared goals aiming to supply critical resources. Decisions made out of habit and in the absence of clarity surrounding the purpose of IE can hinder its performance. Although it is said that there is disposition to abdicate resource control to achieve better and shared results, in practice this was rarely observed. The subjects found that universities and the private and public sector lack insight regarding their responsibilities for developing interactions.

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