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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

New Public Management i svenska förskolor : En kvalitativ studie om hur förskollärare arbetar och därmed ser på arbetssituationen på kommunala förskolor jämfört med privata förskolor

Botrous, Delin January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate if preschool teachers work and experience the work situation in the same way in private preschools compared to municipal preschools in Stockholm County. A qualitative method was used to accomplish the study, where semistructured interviews were used to gather data, in the form of semi-structured interviews. The previous theories and previous research this study is based on has shown that the public sector has started to imitate the private sector, and the reforms that the school has undergone in recent decades are called New Public Management (NPM). The results of the study indicate that when it comes to administrative work and documentation, the difference between the way private and municipal preschools work is different. Municipal preschools works with documentation more thank private preschools does. The study also showed that preschool teachers at both private and municipal preschools work quite similarly when it comes to how resources are used. However, the municipal pre-schools worked more in a goal-oriented and result-oriented manner than the private preschools. The conclusion in the study pointed out that, despite some differences in how they work, all preschool teachers who were interviewed in this study experienced that their work situation was good in broad terms as it is today. No major changes were desired. / Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur förskollärare arbetar och därmed upplever arbetssituationen på privata förskolor jämfört med kommunala förskolor i Stockholms län. En kvalitativ metod användes för att genomföra studien i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Teorier och tidigare forskning som denna studie bygger på har visat att den offentliga sektorn efterliknar näringslivet alltmer, och de reformer som skolan genomgått under de senaste decennierna går under benämningen New Public Management (NPM). Studiens slutsatser är att när det kommer till det administrativa arbetet och dokumentation skiljer det sig stort i hur privata och kommunala förskolor arbetar då kommunala förskolor jobbar mycket mer med dokumentation. Studien visade även att förskollärare på både privata och kommunala förskolor jobbar ganska likt när det kommer till hur resurser används. Däremot jobbade de kommunala förskolorna betydligt mer på ett mål- och resultatstyrt sätt än vad de privata förskolorna gör. Trots en del skillnader i hur de arbetar upplevde alla förskollärare som blev intervjuade i denna studie att arbetssituationen var bra i stora drag som det är idag. Inga större ändringar önskades.

Gestão de resultados escolares: um estudo das escolas estaduais no município de Barcelos (AM)

Sales, Marcia Cristina da Mota 14 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-06-14T14:44:33Z No. of bitstreams: 1 marciacristinadamotasales.pdf: 1409017 bytes, checksum: d5c507c9e275ae3405046f8da458d181 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-07-13T14:07:24Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 marciacristinadamotasales.pdf: 1409017 bytes, checksum: d5c507c9e275ae3405046f8da458d181 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-13T14:07:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 marciacristinadamotasales.pdf: 1409017 bytes, checksum: d5c507c9e275ae3405046f8da458d181 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-14 / A presente dissertação, desenvolvida no âmbito do Programa de Pós-graduação Profissional em Gestão e Avaliação da Educação Pública do Centro de Políticas Públicas e Avaliação da Educação da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, trata do caso da gestão de resultados nas escolas estaduais do município amazonense de Barcelos. A preocupação com a gestão de resultados passou a influenciar as políticas públicas educacionais do governo estadual a partir do início dos anos 2000 com as demandas representadas pelos resultados das avaliações externas. As três escolas estaduais de Barcelos, campo de atuação profissional da autora da pesquisa, assim como as demais escolas do estado, foram impactadas por essas políticas. Com base nesse aspecto, a questão de investigação que norteou a pesquisa buscou compreender como a gestão das três escolas tem se articulado para alcançar a eficácia escolar pretendida pelo estado. O objetivo geral foi analisar o movimento das equipes gestoras da rede estadual de Barcelos no contexto das políticas amazonenses relacionadas com a gestão de resultados. Para tal, realizamos a observação das escolas e analisamos os documentos escolares (dados referentes aos resultados de desempenho das escolas nas avaliações do SAEB e do SADEAM, e seus Projetos Políticos Pedagógicos; relatórios de fatores contextuais divulgados pelo Sistema de Avaliação de Desempenho Educacional do Amazonas, pelo Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira e pelo portal QEdu). Além disso, aplicamos um questionário aos membros das equipes gestoras e entrevistamos as Gestoras e os Pedagogos das três escolas. A realização deste trabalho foi fundamentada nas discussões de Franco e Bonamino (2005), Sammons (2008), Polon (2009) e Lück (2009), autores que tratam das características das escolas eficazes, dos fatores de eficácia ligados à gestão escolar e da dimensão da gestão escolar e suas competências. Também serviram como referencial teórico os estudos desenvolvidos por Mendonça (2001), Silva (2006) e Fonseca e Oliveira (2009), que abordam a gestão democrática do ensino público no Brasil, a eleição de gestores escolares como um dos constructos para o exercício da gestão democrática da educação e o fortalecimento de uma visão gerencial estratégica. Os resultados da pesquisa apontaram, principalmente, para três sentidos: (1) existência de dificuldades, por parte das equipes gestoras, de apropriação dos resultados das avaliações externas e de execução de ações com base nos resultados; (2) ausência de um planejamento pedagógico e de acompanhamento das atividades dos professores por parte dos gestores; (3) ausência de capacitação adequada para os gestores pela SEDUC/AM com ênfase na gestão de resultados. A partir dessas constatações, como proposição para o enfrentamento desses problemas, delineou-se a seguinte proposição de intervenção: criação de uma rede colaborativa entre os gestores das três escolas para discutirem sobre como se apropriar dos resultados das avaliações e para refletir sobre possibilidades de ações com base nos resultados das avaliações externas; definição de protocolos para a orientação desses gestores; e proposição de cursos de formação continuada para os gestores, coordenados pela Coordenadoria Regional de Barcelos. Essas propostas têm, como fim último, a melhoria da qualidade do ensino. / The present dissertation, developed at the Professional Graduate Program on Education Management and Assessment of the Centre for Public Policies and Assessment in Education at the Federal university of Juiz de Fora, approaches the study case of result management in the state schools of the municipality of Barcelos/AM. The concern with result management came to influence the educational public policies of the state government since the early 2000s, with demands from the results of external evaluations. The three state schools of Barcelos, work field of the author, as well as the other schools in the state, were affected by such policies. Based on that, the guiding question of this research aimed to comprehend how the school management of the three schools has been articulated to reach the school efficacy intended by the state. The main goal was to analyze the movement of the management teams of the state network of Barcelos in the context of the policies in the state of Amazonas related to result management. Therefore, we have conducted observation at the schools and have analyzed school documents (data referring to the achievement results of the schools in the external evaluations SAEB and SADEAM, and their Pedagogical Political Plans, reports on contextual factors divulged by the Educational Assessment System of Amazonas, by the National Institute of Educational Policies Anísio Teixeira and by the website QEdu). Moreover, we applied a survey to the management teams and interviewed the principals and pedagogical coordinators of the three schools. The research was based on the discussions by Franco e Bonamino (2005), Sammons (2008), Polon (2009) and Lück (2009), who deal with characteristics of efficient schools, efficacy factors linked to school management and school management dimensions and their competences. Also served as theoretical basis the studies developed by Mendonça (2001), Silva (2006), Fonseca and Oliveira (2009), who approach democratic management in public education in Brazil, the election of school managers as a means of building democratic educational management and the strengthening of a perspective on strategic management. The results of the research pointed out mainly to three directions: (1) the existence of difficulties, from the educational teams, in appropriating the results of external evaluations and of conducting actions based on the results; (2) the absence of pedagogical planning and of monitoring the teachers’ activities from by the managers; (3) absence of suitable training of the managers by the Education Secretariat of the state with emphasis on result management. Based on such conclusions, as a proposal to facing such issues, we outlined the following intervention proposal: creating a collaborative network among the managers of the three schools to discuss how to appropriate results from external evaluations and the reflect upon the possible actions based on such results; defining protocols to guide these managers and proposing continuing training courses to the managers, coordinated by the Regional Coordination of Barcelos. Such proposals have, as an ultimate goal, the improvement of the quality in education.

Podnikání a inovace v kongresové turistice / Entrepreneurship and innovation in congress tourism

KINDLOVÁ, Martina January 2016 (has links)
Diploma work "Entrepreneurship and innovation in congress tourism" is dedicated to analysis of today´s and future economic state of a tennis centre. The tennis centre is part of a capital business company owned by an Austrian having a majority share. Theoretical part defines the term of innovation, characterises tourism and describes its demands, offer and marketing. Practical part analyses concrete economic data of accounting statements by means of horizontal and vertical analyses. Based upon results of this analysis it suggests solution to improving economic prosperity. Investments into enlargement of a hotel part with creating new product packages in the sphere of congress tourism show a solution to this issue.

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