Spelling suggestions: "subject:"everse engineering"" "subject:"everse ingineering""
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Multiscale stochastic fracture mechanics of composites informed by in-situ X-ray CT testsSencu, Razvan January 2017 (has links)
This thesis presents the development of a new multiscale stochastic fracture mechanics modelling framework informed by in-situ X-ray Computed Tomography (X-ray CT) tests, which can be used to enhance the quality of new designs and prognosis practices for fibre reinforced composites. To reduce the empiricism and conservatism of existing methods, this PhD research systematically has tackled several challenging tasks including: (i) extension of the cohesive interface crack model to multi-phase composites in both 2D and 3D, (ii) development of a new in-house loading rig to support in-situ X-ray CT tests, (iii) reconstruction of low phase-contrast X-ray CT datasets of carbon fibre composites, (iv) integration of X-ray CT image-based models into detailed crack propagation FE modelling and (v) validation of a partially informed multiscale stochastic modelling method by direct comparison with in-situ X-ray CT tensile test results.
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Learning Finite State Machine Specifications from Test Cases / Lernen von Spezifikationen in Form von endlichen Zustandsmaschinen aus TestfällenWerner, Edith Benedicta Maria 01 June 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Analysing artefacts dependencies to evolving software systemsJaafar, Fehmi 08 1900 (has links)
Les logiciels sont en constante évolution, nécessitant une maintenance et un développement continus. Ils subissent des changements tout au long de leur vie, que ce soit pendant l'ajout de nouvelles fonctionnalités ou la correction de bogues.
Lorsque les logiciels évoluent, leurs architectures ont tendance à se dégrader et deviennent moins adaptables aux nouvelles spécifications des utilisateurs. En effet, les architectures de ces logiciels deviennent plus complexes et plus difficiles à maintenir à cause des nombreuses dépendances entre les artefacts.
Par conséquent, les développeurs doivent comprendre les dépendances entre les artefacts des logiciels
pour prendre des mesures proactives qui facilitent les futurs changements et ralentissent la dégradation des architectures des logiciels.
D'une part, le maintien d'un logiciel sans la compréhension des les dépendances entre ses artefacts peut conduire à l'introduction de défauts.
D'autre part, lorsque les développeurs manquent de connaissances sur l'impact de leurs activités de maintenance, ils peuvent introduire des défauts de conception, qui ont un impact négatif sur l'évolution du logiciel. Ainsi, les développeurs ont besoin de mécanismes pour comprendre comment le changement d'un artefact impacte le reste du logiciel.
Dans cette thèse, nous proposons trois contributions principales :
La spécification de deux nouveaux patrons de changement et leurs utilisations pour fournir aux développeurs des informations utiles concernant les dépendances de co-changement.
La spécification de la relation entre les patrons d'évolutions des artefacts et les fautes.
La découverte de la relation entre les dépendances des anti-patrons et la prédisposition des différentes composantes d'un logiciel aux fautes. / Program maintenance accounts for the largest part of the costs of any program.
During maintenance activities, developers implement changes (sometimes simultaneously) on artefacts to fix bugs and to implement new requirements.
Thus, developers need knowledge to identify hidden dependencies among programs artefacts and detect correlated artefacts.
As programs evolved, their designs become more complex over time and harder to
change. In the absence of the necessary knowledge on artefacts dependencies, developers could introduce design defects and faults that causes development and maintenance costs to rise.
Therefore, developers must understand the dependencies among program artefacts
and take proactive steps to facilitate future changes and minimize fault proneness.
On the one hand, maintaining a program without understanding the different
dependencies between their artefacts may lead to the introduction of faults. On the
other hand, when developers lack knowledge about the impact of their maintenance
activities, they may introduce design defects, which have a negative impact on program evolution. Thus, developers need mechanisms to understand how a change to an artefact will impact the rest of the programs artefacts and tools to detect design defects impact.
In this thesis, we propose three principal contributions. The first contribution is two novel change patterns to model new co-change and change propagation scenarios.
We introduce the Asynchrony change pattern, corresponding to macro co-changes, i.e., of files that co-change within a large time interval (change periods), and the Dephase change pattern, corresponding to dephase macro co-changes, i.e., macro co-changes that always happen with the same shifts in time. We present our approach, named Macocha, and we show that such new change patterns provide interesting
information to developers.
The second contribution is proposing a novel approach to analyse the evolution of different classes in object-oriented programs and to link different evolution behaviour
to faults. In particular, we define an evolution model for each class to study the evolution and the co-evolution dependencies among classes and to relate such dependencies with fault-proneness.
The third contribution concerns design defect dependencies impact. We propose
a study to mine the link between design defect dependencies, such as co-change
dependencies and static relationships, and fault proneness.
We found that the negative impact of design defects propagate through their dependencies.
The three contributions are evaluated on open-source programs.
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Reverse engineering secure systems using physical attacks / Rétro-conception de systèmes sécurisés par attaques physiquesHeckmann, Thibaut 18 June 2018 (has links)
Avec l’arrivée des dernières générations de téléphones chiffrés (BlackBerry PGP, iPhone), l’extraction des données par les experts est une tâche de plus en plus complexe et devient un véritable défi notamment après une catastrophe aérienne ou une attaque terroriste. Dans cette thèse, nous avons développé des attaques physiques sur systèmes cryptographiques à des fins d’expertises judiciaires. Une nouvelle technique de re-brasage à basse température des composants électroniques endommagés, utilisant un mélange eutectique 42Sn/58Bi, a été développée. Nous avons exploité les propriétés physico-chimiques de colles polymères et les avons utilisées dans l’extraction de données chiffrées. Une nouvelle technique a été développée pour faciliter l’injection et la modification à haute-fréquence des données. Le prototype permet des analyses en temps réel des échanges processeur-mémoire en attaque par le milieu. Ces deux techniques sont maintenant utilisées dans des dispositifs d’attaques plus complexes de systèmes cryptographiques. Nos travaux nous ont mené à sensibiliser les colles polymères aux attaques laser par pigmentation. Ce processus permet des réparations complexes avec une précision laser de l’ordre de 15 micromètres. Cette technique est utilisable en réparations judiciaires avancées des crypto-processeurs et des mémoires. Ainsi, les techniques développées, mises bout à bout et couplées avec des dispositifs physiques (tomographie 3D aux rayons X, MEB, laser, acide fumant) ont permis de réussir des transplantations judiciaires de systèmes chiffrés en conditions dégradées et appliquées pour la première fois avec succès sur les téléphones BlackBerry chiffrés à l’aide de PGP. / When considering the latest generation of encrypted mobile devices (BlackBerry’s PGP, Apple’s iPhone), data extraction by experts is an increasingly complex task. Forensic analyses even become a real challenge following an air crash or a terrorist attack. In this thesis, we have developed physical attacks on encrypted systems for the purpose of forensic analysis. A new low-temperature re-soldering technique of damaged electronic components, using a 42Sn/58Bi eutectic mixture, has been developed. Then we have exploited the physico-chemical properties of polymer adhesives and have used them for the extraction of encrypted data. A new technique has been developed to facilitate injection and high-frequency data modification. By a man-in-the-middle attack, the prototype allows analysing, in real-time, the data exchanges between the processor and the memory. Both techniques are now used in more complex attacks of cryptographic systems. Our research has led us to successfully sensitise polymer adhesives to laser attacks by pigmentation. This process allowed complex repairs with a laser with 15 micrometres precision and has been used in advanced forensic repair of crypto-processors and memory chips. Finally, the techniques developed in this thesis, put end-to-end and coupled with physical devices (X-ray 3D tomography, laser, SEM, fuming acids), have made it possible to have successful forensic transplants of encrypted systems in degraded conditions. We have successfully applied them, for the first time, on PGP-encrypted BlackBerry mobile phone.
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Rekonfigurovatelná analýza strojového kódu / Retargetable Analysis of Machine CodeKřoustek, Jakub Unknown Date (has links)
Analýza softwaru je metodologie, jejímž účelem je analyzovat chování daného programu. Jednotlivé metody této analýzy je možné využít i v dalších oborech, jako je zpětné inženýrství, migrace kódu apod. V této práci se zaměříme na analýzu strojového kódu, na zjištění nedostatků existujících metod a na návrh metod nových, které umožní rychlou a přesnou rekonfigurovatelnou analýzu kódu (tj. budou nezávislé na konkrétní cílové platformě). Zkoumány budou dva typy analýz - dynamická (tj. analýza za běhu aplikace) a statická (tj. analýza aplikace bez jejího spuštění). Přínos této práce v rámci dynamické analýzy je realizován jako rekonfigurovatelný ladicí nástroj a dále jako dva typy tzv. rekonfigurovatelného translátovaného simulátoru. Přínos v rámci statické analýzy spočívá v navržení a implementování rekonfigurovatelného zpětného překladače, který slouží pro transformaci strojového kódu zpět do vysokoúrovňové reprezentace. Všechny tyto nástroje jsou založeny na nových metodách navržených autorem této práce. Na základě experimentálních výsledků a ohlasů od uživatelů je možné usuzovat, že tyto nástroje jsou plně srovnatelné s existujícími (komerčními) nástroji a nezřídka dosahují i lepších výsledků.
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Deriving Operational Principles for the Design of Engaging Learning ExperiencesSwan, Richard Heywood 18 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The issue of learner engagement is an important question for education and for instructional design. It is acknowledged that computer games in general are engaging. Thus, one possible solution to learner engagement is to integrate computer games into education; however, the literature indicates that pedagogical, logistical and political barriers remain. Another possible solution is to derive principles for the design of engaging experiences from a critical examination of computer game design. One possible application of the derived design principles is that instruction may be designed to be inherently more engaging. The purpose of this dissertation was to look for operational principles underlying the design of computer games in order to better understand the design of engaging experiences. Core design components and associated operational principles for the design of engaging experiences were identified. Selected computer games were analyzed to demonstrate that these components and principles were present in the design of successful computer games. Selected instructional units were analyzed to show evidence that these operational principles could be applied to the design of instruction. An instructional design theory—called Challenge-driven Instructional Design—and design considerations for the theory were proposed. Finally, suggestions were made for continued development and research of the instructional design theory.
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Reducing uncertainty in new product developmentHiggins, Paul Anthony January 2008 (has links)
Research and Development engineering is at the corner stone of humanity’s evolution. It is perceived to be a systematic creative process which ultimately improves the living standard of a society through the creation of new applications and products. The commercial paradigm that governs project selection, resource allocation and market penetration prevails when the focus shifts from pure research to applied research. Furthermore, the road to success through commercialisation is difficult for most inventors, especially in a vast and isolated country such as Australia which is located a long way from wealthy and developed economies.
While market leading products are considered unique, the actual process to achieve these products is essentially the same; progressing from an idea, through development to an outcome (if successful). Unfortunately, statistics indicate that only 3% of ‘ideas’ are significantly successful, 4% are moderately successful, and the remainder ‘evaporate’ in that form (Michael Quinn, Chairman, Innovation Capital Associates Pty Ltd).
This study demonstrates and analyses two techniques developed by the author which reduce uncertainty in the engineering design and development phase of new product development and therefore increase the probability of a successful outcome. This study expands the existing knowledge of the engineering design and development stage in the new product development process and is couched in the identification of practical methods, which have been successfully used to develop new products by Australian Small Medium Enterprise (SME) Excel Technology Group Pty Ltd (ETG).
Process theory is the term most commonly used to describe scientific study that identifies occurrences that result from a specified input state to an output state, thus detailing the process used to achieve an outcome. The thesis identifies relevant material and analyses recognised and established engineering processes utilised in developing new products. The literature identified that case studies are a particularly useful method for supporting problem-solving processes in settings where there are no clear answers or where problems are unstructured, as in New Product Development (NPD).
This study describes, defines, and demonstrates the process of new product development within the context of historical product development and a ‘live’ case study associated with an Australian Government START grant awarded to Excel Technology Group in 2004 to assist in the development of an image-based vehicle detection product. This study proposes two techniques which reduce uncertainty and thereby improve the probability of a successful outcome.
The first technique provides a predicted project development path or forward engineering plan which transforms the initial ‘fuzzy idea’ into a potential and achievable outcome. This process qualifies the ‘fuzzy idea’ as a potential, rationale or tangible outcome which is within the capability of the organisation. Additionally, this process proposes that a tangible or rationale idea can be deconstructed in reverse engineering process in order to create a forward engineering development plan. A detailed structured forward engineering plan reduces the uncertainty associated with new product development unknowns and therefore contributes to a successful outcome. This is described as the RETRO technique. The study recognises however that this claim requires qualification and proposes a second technique.
The second technique proposes that a two dimensional spatial representation which has productivity and consumed resources as its axes, provides an effective means to qualify progress and expediently identify variation from the predicted plan. This spatial representation technique allows a quick response which in itself has a prediction attribute associated with directing the project back onto its predicted path. This process involves a coterminous comparison between the predicted development path and the evolving actual project development path. A consequence of this process is verification of progress or the application of informed, timely and quantified corrective action. This process also identifies the degree of success achieved in the engineering design and development phase of new product development where success is defined as achieving a predicted outcome. This spatial representation technique is referred to as NPD Mapping. The study demonstrates that these are useful techniques which aid SMEs in achieving successful new product outcomes because the technique are easily administered, measure and represent relevant development process related elements and functions, and enable expedient quantified responsive action when the evolving path varies from the predicted path. These techniques go beyond time line representations as represented in GANTT charts and PERT analysis, and represent the base variables of consumed resource and productivity/technical achievement in a manner that facilitates higher level interpretation of time, effort, degree of difficulty, and product complexity in order to facilitate informed decision making. This study presents, describes, analyses and demonstrates an SME focused engineering development technique, developed by the author, that produces a successful new product outcome which begins with a ‘fuzzy idea’ in the mind of the inventor and concludes with a successful new product outcome that is delivered on time and within budget. Further research on a wider range of SME organisations undertaking new product development is recommended.
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