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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Výpočet pokročilých difusních parametrů šedé hmoty mozku z DKI MRI obrazů / Calculation of advanced diffusion parameters in brain grey matter from DKI MRI images

Pánková, Olga January 2019 (has links)
Thesis named Calculation of advanced diffusion parameters in brain grey matter from DKI MRI images deals with processing of diffusion-weighted images from DKI. The thesis contains review of literature on principle of diffusion, influence of diffusion on MRI, calculation of DTI and DKI parameters and clinical application of diffusion-weighted maps with focus on grey matter. The thesis focuses on software tools for processing and pre-processing DTI and DKI. The practical part consisted of two sections. Two different softwares were used to calculate maps of diffusion parameters. Diffusion parameters from anatomical structure sunstantia nigra were compared between group of healthy controls and patients with Parkinson’s disease. This comparison did not show any statisticaly significant difference. In the second step, a script for creating diffusion maps in software Diffusinal Kurtosis Estimator was made.

Infračervená magneto-spektroskopie topologického izolátoru Bi2Te3 / Infrared magneto-spectroscopy of Bi2Te3 topological insulator

Mohelský, Ivan January 2020 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá charakterizací topologického izolátoru Bi2Te3, materiálu s nevodivými stavy v objemu, ale jedním vodivým pásem na povrchu. Tento materiál je zkoumán již přes 60 let, ale i přes to není jeho objemová pásová struktura úplně objasněna, obzvláště charakter zakázaného pásu je stále předmětem diskuze. V této práci jsou prezentovány výsledky infračervené spektroskopie na Landauových hladinách v magnetickém poli až do 34 T, doplněné elipsometrickým měřením mimo magnetické pole. Výsledky těchto měření by měli pomoci vyjasnit některé vlastnosti zakázaného pásu. Pozorovaná optická odezva odpovídá polovodiči s přímým zakázaným pásem, ve kterém se nosiče náboje chovají jako Diracovské hmotné fermiony. Šířka zakázaného pásu za nízkých teplot byla určena jako Eg = (175±5) meV a samotný zakázaný pás se nachází mimo trigonální osu, tím pádem se v první Brillouinově zoně vyskytuje 6 krát nebo 12 krát.

Filtrační metody pro zpracováni MR obrazů / Filtering methods for MR images processing

Pláněk, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with wavelet transformation and its signal and image noise reduction application method. Significant parameters problems as a wavelet type, a threshold technique selection, a threshold level and a level analysis selection for successful signal and noise image filtering are described. A relation between wavelet transformation and digital bank filter is used by anti-noise and sub-bandwidth filtration. A part of the master´s thesis is focused on nuclear magnetic resonation, where jaw-joint image is processed. Jaw joint image noise reduction filtration methods are used in experimental part of the master´s thesis. Consequently, filtration methods improve a jaw joint image quality, which helps a doctor with patient health state condition. Different types of wavelets were tested and in different application methods order. Filtration methods results were visually compared; therefore any conclusion comparison has subjective matter. Accordingly, only doctor is able to resolve which filtration method is convenient to use to determine patient health state.

Zpracování obrazů raných smrkových kultur snímaných MR technikou / Processing of images of early spruce needles scanned by MR technology

Raichl, Jaroslav January 2009 (has links)
This semester project deals with filtering of the images detected by use of NMR obtained by NMR application measurement of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). This thesis includes the theory of nuclear magnetic resonance, digital filters, basic digital filter banks structures, theory of Wavelet transformation and description of Signal to Noise Ratio calculation. Basic procedure of the MR signal denoising is summarized in the theoretical part of the thesis. The denoising of the images detected by nuclear magnetic resonance is described. In experimental part filtering methods for images denoising are described, which are implemented in program Matlab. These methods are based on Wavelet transformation, digital filter banks with proper thresholding. Effectiveness of filtering methods designed was verified on 2D NMR images. All of these 2D images were measure on MR tomography in the Institute of Scientific Instruments Academy of Science of the Czech Republic in Brno.

Zpracování MR obrazových dat při měření tkáňových kultur / MR image data processing in study of tissue cultures

Bidman, Petr January 2009 (has links)
Techniques based on principle of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) belong to the most modern methods for studying physical, chemical and biological properties of materials [1]. Their universality predestinates them for application in a wide range of scientific disciplines, e.g. in medicine to study properties of tissues. Advantages of techniques utilizing principle of NMR consist in their noninvasiveness and thoughtfulness to human health or studied material. In addition, no undesirable effects of magnetic force field have been so far proved by research. Objectives of this Diploma Thesis are evaluation of MR images of tissue cultures and determination of protons amount included in them. Theoretic part of the Thesis is devoted to the bases of NMR and provides basic overview of MR methods. The spin echo method (SE) is described in more details, including the process of assessment of technique’s parameters, e.g. general magnetization. Practical part of Diploma Thesis is focused on determination of integral of image intensity of clusters of early somatic embryos. Intensity integrals characterizing number of protons in growing cluster were calculated from MR images of spruce embryos contaminated by lead. The intensity of an image weighted by spin density is proportionate to the number of proton nuclei in the chosen slice. The Thesis describes further evaluation of relaxation time T2 from MR images weighted by spin density. Following part is dealing with determination of diffusion from MR images with application of compensation methods, three-measurement arrangement and presentation of obtained results. Images were processed by use of MATLAB and MAREVISI programs.

Zvýraznění biomedicinských obrazových signálů / Enhancement of bio-medical image signals

Gregor, Michal January 2010 (has links)
When scanning biomedical images by magnetic resonance or ultrasound, unwanted elements in the form of noise are entered to the image. With help of various methods it is possible the noise from the image partially remove. There are many methods for noise reduction and every one works on a different principle. As a result of this the results of these methods are different and is necessary for them to be objectively assessed. There is use for the adjustment of the images wavelet transformation and some treshold techniques in the work. The quality of the resulting pictures is tested by the methods for objective quallity tests. Testing was done in the MATLAB program environment on the pictures from magnetic resonance and pictures from ultrasound.

Neuroinformatika a sdílení dat z lékařských zobrazovacích systémů / Neuroinformatics and sharing data from medical imaging systems

Klimek, Martin January 2010 (has links)
The presented master's thesis deals with the issue of storing and sharing data from medical imaging systems. This thesis, inter alia, consists of organizational and informatics aspects of medical imaging systems data in multicentric studies containing MRI brain images. This thesis also includes technical design of a web-based application for image data sharing including a web interface suitable for manipulation with the image data stored in a database.

Sací měřič rezonance s větší měřicí cívkou / Grid dip meter with large-diameter measuring coil

Obr, Michal January 2011 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with grid dip meter, its operating principle, characteristics and with measuring procedure. The thesis contains basic division of oscilators, its characteristics and operating principal. The master`s thesis contains complete design of grid dip meter with large-diameter measuring coil which is placed outside the device. Grip dip meter is made of SMD components on a one-sided printed wiring. Grip dip meter consist of transformer itself, that has two secondary windings as a supply for resonance meters and internal digital frequency meter. The device has analog panel gauge and BNC input for extrenal counter.

NQR spektroskopie - návrh metod měření / NQR spectroscopy - design of measurement methods

Procházka, Michal January 2013 (has links)
Nuclear quadropole spectroscopy is a modern analytical method for detecting specific solid state materials, e.g. explosives, drugs etc. It uses phenomenon of atomic nucleus called nuclear quadrupole moment. NQR method is very similar to common nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) that is why major principles are explained using NMR. The thesis deals with basic principle of NQR, its usage for explosives detection and also detection of other chemical compounds and many other useful applications. The thesis deals with specific circuit design, techniques for sufficient sensitivity, impedance matching and circuit isolation. Practical part consists of simulations as well as designs of a few impedance transformers, pi-networks, and coils. Also experimental probe was created. In the last part, NQR workplace was assembled and a few chemical compounds were detected. These were KClO3, NaClO3 and NaNO2 . Finally minimum detectable amount of potassium chlorate as the strongest signal of these was determined.

Software pro automatickou extrakci dat k analýze mozkové konektivity / Software for automatic data extraction in analysis of brain connectivity

Bujnošková, Eva January 2013 (has links)
The brain; complex system people want to know about but still they are at the beginning of understanding it. There has been a lot of neuroimaging systems since developement of modern technologies and magnetic resonance imaging is one of them. In last days it isn't enough to examine only structural character of brain, the scientists are dealing with functional states more and more; the functional magnetic resonance imaging is perfectly good tool for this. There is a big amount of researches concerning individual brain regions but also a lot of them dealing with communication across the brain to clear up the causes of human behavior and functional failures. This thesis introduces the brain connectivity exploration, it uses the parcellation by anatomical atlases and it tries to use the knowledge of graph theory as one of the options to determine relations between brain centres and regions. The thesis introduces the software created for extraction of connectivity matrix resulting in graph processing and visualization.

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