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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Prekybinio portfelio rizikos valdybas banke / Trading portfolio risk management in banking

Dzikevičius, Audrius 04 April 2006 (has links)
Sparčiai kintant finansinių institucijų veiklos sąlygoms, didėjant finansinių rinkų nepastovumui bei veiklos mastams, atsirandant vis naujoms finansinėms priemonėms, o kartu su jomis ir naujoms finansinių institucijų rizikos rūšims, ypač išaugo prekybinio portfelio rizikos valdymo poreikis. Tą įrodo ir tai, kad po eilės solidžių ir pakankamai konservatyvių finansinių institucijų, tokių kaip Baring, Daiwa, Sumitomo, Metallgesellschaft, Orange County, Long Term Capital Management, bankrotų ar milžiniškų nuostolių patyrimo praeito amžiaus paskutiniame dešimtmetyje didžiosios pasaulio finansinės institucijos bei šalių centriniai bankai ėmė iš esmės griežtinti rinkos rizikos valdymo procedūras. Kaip parodė vėlesnė minėtų kompanijų istorijos analiz�����, pagrindinė jų nuostolių ar bankrotų priežastis buvo nesugebėjimas tinkamai valdyti prekybinį portfelį įtakojančios rinkos rizikos. Prekybinio portfelio rizikos valdymas tampa vis aktualesnis ir Lietuvos finansinėms institucijoms, ypač investicinių bei pensijų fondų valdytojams, investuojantiems į užsienio vertybinius popierius, denominuotus kitomis valiutomis nei litas ar euras. / The scientific problem of the dissertation is search of adequacy of the trading portfolio risk management methods and models to the current economic, technological, and informational circumstances of financial institutions. The main features of science novelty characteristic to this research are the following: (i)the comparative study on Value at Risk estimation methods allowed to make important theoretic conclusion that selection of Value at Risk estimation methods depends mostly on characteristics of the portfolio under investigation; theoretic recommendations regarding selection of Value at Risk estimation methods were suggested as well; (ii)the comparative study on performance of volatility forecasting models allowed to make important theoretic conclusion that selection of Value at Risk estimation methods depends on characteristics of the data under investigation and selected criteria for assessment of forecasting accuracy; in the context of risk management, the priority was given to operational rather than statistical accuracy assessment techniques in the context of risk management; (iii)the comparative study on risk adjustment measures allowed making important theoretic conclusion that selection of risk adjustment measures depends mostly on characteristics of the portfolio under investigation; theoretic recommendations regarding selection of risk adjustment measures were suggested as well.

Trading portfolio risk management in banking / Prekybinio portfelio rizikos valdymas banke

Dzikevičius, Audrius 04 April 2006 (has links)
The scientific problem of the dissertation is search of adequacy of the trading portfolio risk management methods and models to the current economic, technological, and informational circumstances of financial institutions. The main features of science novelty characteristic to this research are the following: (i)the comparative study on Value at Risk estimation methods allowed to make important theoretic conclusion that selection of Value at Risk estimation methods depends mostly on characteristics of the portfolio under investigation; theoretic recommendations regarding selection of Value at Risk estimation methods were suggested as well; (ii) the comparative study on performance of volatility forecasting models allowed to make important theoretic conclusion that selection of Value at Risk estimation methods depends on characteristics of the data under investigation and selected criteria for assessment of forecasting accuracy; in the context of risk management, the priority was given to operational rather than statistical accuracy assessment techniques in the context of risk management; (iii)the comparative study on risk adjustment measures allowed making important theoretic conclusion that selection of risk adjustment measures depends mostly on characteristics of the portfolio under investigation; theoretic recommendations regarding selection of risk adjustment measures were suggested as well. / Sparčiai kintant finansinių institucijų veiklos sąlygoms, didėjant finansinių rinkų nepastovumui bei apimčiai, atsirandant vis naujoms finansinėms priemonėms, o kartu su jomis ir naujoms finansinių institucijų rizikos rūšims, ypač išaugo prekybinio portfelio rizikos valdymo poreikis. Prekybinio portfelio rizikos valdymas tampa vis aktualesnis ir Lietuvos finansinėms institucijoms, ypač investicinių bei pensijų fondų valdytojams, investuojantiems į užsienio vertybinius popierius, denominuotus kitomis valiutomis nei litai ar eurai. Prekybinio portfelio rizikos valdymas yra labai aktuali tema ir atskirų šalių centriniams bankams bei tarptautinėms finansų sistemos priežiūros institucijoms.

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