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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Broad line NMR imaging : applications to porous building materials and new developments in stray field imaging

Bohris, Alexander J. January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Estudos físicos e mecânicos de telhas de cimento de escória de alto-forno reforçado com fibras celulósicas residuais / Physical and mechanical studies of roofing tiles made of blast furnace slag cement reinforced with residual cellulose fibers

Devito, Reginaldo Araujo 07 July 2003 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo desenvolver um novo elemento de cobertura, compatível com o meio ambiente: telhas de cimento alternativo reforçado com fibras celulósicas. Para tanto, foram utilizadas matérias-primas consideradas resíduos industriais (cimento de escória de alto-forno e rejeito de polpa de celulose de eucalipto) para obtenção de pastas cimentícias reforçadas. Os compósitos foram produzidos por dispersão prévia das fibras em água, mistura do compósito em argamassadeira convencional, adensamento por vibração, moldagem em fôrmas, seguida de cura úmida. Foram moldadas placas planas de diferentes formulações de matrizes cimentícias, com as matérias-primas alternativas disponíveis. Com base nos melhores resultados dessa fase preliminar, foram produzidas duas séries de telhas tipo romana \"capa canal\". Foram avaliados o desempenho físico-mecânico, os custos de produção e o comportamento térmico das telhas. Os resultados revelaram a potencialidade dos compósitos obtidos na produção de fibrocimentos alternativos, por meio de técnicas simples e de baixo consumo de energia, direcionados à autoconstrução urbana e rural de baixo custo. / The objective of this study was to develop a new roofing material that would be compatible with the environment: roofing tiles made of alternative cement reinforced with cellulose fibers. Industrial waste materials were used as raw materials (blast furnace slag cement and waste eucalyptus cellulose pulp) to obtain reinforced cement pastes. The composites were produced by previously dispersing the fibers in water, mixing the composite in a conventional cement-mixer, compaction by vibration, shaping them in molds, followed by moist curing. Flat sheets were molded using different formulations of cement matrixes with the alternative raw materials avaiable. Based on the best results from this preliminary phase, two series of Roman tiles for roofing were produced. The physical and mechanical performance, the cost of production, and the thermal behavior of the tiles were evaluated. The results revealed the potential of composites made of alternative fiber-cements, using simple techniques and with low energy consumption, in urban and rural areas for low-cost self-construction.

Avaliação da influência do sombreamento artificial no desenvolvimento de novilhas leiteiras em pastagens / Evaluation of the influence of artificial shade on dairy heifer development in pasture

Conceição, Maristela Neves da 03 November 2008 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar e quantificar o efeito do sombreamento artificial proporcionado por diferentes tipos de materiais de cobertura sobre a fisiologia, o comportamento e o desenvolvimento de novilhas leiteiras, em ambiente de pastagens. A pesquisa foi realizada no período de 08/01/2007 à 30/04/2007. A área experimental foi dividida em 16 parcelas adjacentes e iguais com 84 m² cada. Foram comparados a testemunha (sem sombra) com três tipos de cobertura: telhas de fibrocimento sem cimento amianto, telhas galvanizadas e tela de polipropileno 80% As dimensões dos abrigos foram 2m x 4m e 4m de altura (4m² de sombra.animal-1), sem paredes laterais. Foram utilizadas 16 novilhas Holandesas e 16 Hol x Jersey com idade e peso iniciais de 17,2 ± 5,6 meses e 265,3 ± 66,9kg, respectivamente, pareadas em função da uniformidade de peso e idade. As novilhas permaneciam em piquetes de capim elefante (Penissetum purpureum) durante a noite e após as 9:00h eram conduzidas para as parcelas. A tgn foi registrada por minidatalogger conectado a globo negro para cálculo de CTR e ITGU em cada parcela. As variáveis meteorológicas foram obtidas no posto agrometeorológico da ESALQ/USP. Semanalmente foram registradas FR, TR e TP. As observações comportamentais foram realizadas em dias não consecutivos por 24 horas pelo método focal. As pesagens dos animais foram realizadas mensalmente. As condições ambientais durante o período da pesquisa foram caracterizadas como estressantes para novilhas. A análise física dos materiais (tgn, CTR e ITGU) indicou diferença entre os materiais de cobertura (P<0,05) sendo a telhas de fibrocimento sem amianto a mais confortável termicamente, seguida da telha galvanizada e da tela. Os valores de FR foram menores sob as telhas de fibrocimento (P<0,05) e semelhantes entre telha galvanizada e tela (P>0,05), os valores de TR não apresentaram diferença entre tratamentos somente entre horários e para a TP houve diferença (P<0,05) entre o tratamento fibrocimento e a testemunha, porém não houve entre os demais (P>0,05). A FR apresentou as respostas mais imediatas às alterações ambientais. Houve correlação da TR com a FR e a TP. Não foram observadas alterações comportamentais entre os tratamentos, os animais ficaram sob as sombras nas horas mais quentes do dia, preferencialmente em pé, o comportamento diário seguiu os padrões conhecidos para bovinos. O ganho de peso não foi alterado pelos tratamentos. A análise de custo indicou a cobertura de fibrocimento como a mais indicada para a construção de abrigos considerando-se os resultados encontrados. A pesquisa indicou haver melhora no bem estar térmico das novilhas, porém, não conseguiu determinar ganhos efetivos na utilização da sombra. / The objective of the present study was to evaluate and quantify the effect of artificial shade given by different types of roofing materials on the physiology, behavior and development of dairy heifers in a pasture environment. The present study took place from January 8, 2007 to April 30, 2007. The experimental area was divided into 16 equal, adjacent plots with 84 m2. Three roofing treatments (fiber-cement roofing tiles without amianthus, galvanized roofing tiles and 80% polypropylene screen) were compared to a control (no shade). Shelter structures had no lateral walls and measured 2m x 4m x 4m height (4m² shaded per animal). Animals consisted of 16 Holstein heifers and 16 Holstein x Jersey heifers with initial age and weight being 17.2 ± 5.6 months and 265.3 ± 66.9 kg, respectively. Animals were equally distributed among the treatments according to weight and age. At night, heifers were kept in fields with Pennisetum purpureum, also known as elephant grass. After 9:00 am, animals were taken to the experimental plots. Black globe thermometer temperature (tbg) was measured using a mini-datalogger connected to a black globe. Values were then used to calculate Radiant Thermic Load (RTL) and Black Globe Humidity Index (BGHI) of each plot. Meteorological variables were obtained from the agricultural-meteorological post at the ESALQ/USP. Respiration rate (RR), rectal temperature (RT) and skin temperature (ST) were registered weekly. Behavioral observations were recorded every other day using the focal method. Animals were weighed monthly. Environmental conditions during the research period were characterized as stressful for the heifers. Physical analysis of the material (tbg, RTL and BGHI) indicated the roofing treatments to be significantly different (P<0.05), with the fiber-cement roofing tiles without amianthus to be the most comfortable regarding temperature, followed by the galvanized roofing tiles and the 80% polypropylene screens. Respiration rate was lower under the fiber-cement roofing tiles (P<0.05) and similar under the galvanized tiles and polypropylene screen (P>0.05). RR values were lower under the fiber-cement tiles (P<0.05) and similar under the galvanized roofing tiles and polypropylene screen (P>0.05). There were no significant differences in RT values among treatments; however, a difference was found among data collection times. Concerning ST, fiber-cement tiles were significantly different from the control (P<0.05). On the other hand, there were no significant differences regarding ST among the other treatments (P>0.05). RR presented the most immediate response to environmental alterations. RT presented correlation with RR and ST. No behavioral alterations were observed among the treatments. Daily behavior followed known bovine patterns. Weight gain was not altered by the treatments. A cost analysis indicated fibercement roofing tiles to be better for shelter construction. The present study also indicated improved heifer thermal well-being; however, no effective gains could be determined from shade use.

Avaliação de resíduos da fabricação de telhas cerâmicas para seu emprego em camadas de pavimento de baixo custo. / Evaluation of the waste from ceramic roofing tiles manufacturing for its use in unbound pavement layers.

Dias, João Fernando 02 December 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta a análise de agregados reciclados de telhas de cerâmica vermelha, visando seu emprego em camadas de pavimentos de baixo custo, baseado em estudos de laboratório. A indústria de cerâmica vermelha gera refugos da queima que são tratados como resíduos, mas se constituem em materiais de alto conteúdo energético e matéria prima de qualidade. O quadro da geração desses resíduos foi diagnosticado nas cidades de Monte Carmelo e Ituiutaba, em Minas Gerais. Os dados quantitativos obtidos indicam que é justificável a sua reciclagem. Somente na cidade de Monte Carmelo, as quantidades geradas permitiriam executar 10,8 km de camada de base de pavimento, ao se misturar 40% de solo poderia atingir 32 km por ano. Aproximadamente 10 t destes resíduos foram britadas obtendo-se o agregado reciclado de telha (ART). Estes agregados foram caracterizados mediante os ensaios físicos e mecânicos, e submetidos aos ensaios empregados na pavimentação, como a metodologia tradicional, metodologia MCT, método da pastilha, resistência ao cisalhamento, outros ensaios denominados índices de qualidade, ensaio de módulo resiliente e deformação permanente. Apesar deste material atender aos principais requisitos da metodologia tradicional, identificou-se que ele quebra com a aplicação de energia de compactação e de tensões nos ensaios, e apresenta alta resiliência - grandes deformações resilientes-, o que levaria à perda da capacidade de suporte da estrutura do pavimento, por fadiga. Desenvolveu-se uma metodologia para a determinação da absorção no estado saturado superfície seca, de agregados porosos, com fração fina inclusive, pois os métodos conhecidos não são aplicáveis; esta metodologia pode ser aprimorada para se constituir em norma de ensaio. Estudou-se um método inédito para a otimização do volume compactado da mistura de agregado com solo, baseado na porosidade do material granular, como uma alternativa ao método da estabilização granulométrica que se mostrou inadequado, no caso. As misturas produzidas com solos lateríticos foram avaliadas após a compactação não apresentando mais a quebra dos grãos do agregado, e mostraram ganhos expressivos no valor do módulo de resiliência, chegando em um caso a atingir 288% acima do módulo do agregado. Os resultados dos ensaios de laboratório indicaram ser possível a aplicação deste material em misturas com solos lateríticos, em camadas de pavimentos de baixo custo. / The purpose of this work is to use recycled aggregate of ceramics roofing tiles for low cost pavement layers, based on laboratory studies. The heavy-clay ceramic industry generates wastes, originated from the calcination stage, that are considered as residues which demand resources for its deposition. However they are high energy content materials which can be useful. The generation of these residues in the cities of Monte Carmelo and Ituiutaba, in the State of Minas Gerais indicated that its recycling is valid. For instance, in the city of Monte Carmelo, it is generated such a large amount of residues that it should be enough to execute about 10,8 km of base course of pavement; moreover if 40% of soil is mixed 32 km pavement per year can be produced. For this study, approximately 10 metric tones of these residues had been crushed to produce the recycled aggregate from roofing tile. The aggregates produced had been characterized by physical and mechanical tests. They were also submitted to the tests used for aggregates for pavement, such as the traditional methodology, methodology MCT (tropical compacted miniature), shear strength, resilient module, permanent deformation, and other tests called quality rates. These residues comply with the main requirements of the traditional methodology, however it is necessary to point out that the material breaks with the application of energy for compaction and under the tensions during the mechanical tests, it also presents high resilience, or great resilient deformations, which will lead to the loss of the supporting capacity of the pavement due to fatigue. An appropriate methodology was developed for the porous aggregate absorption measurement, including its fraction, in the saturated dry surface state. As the known methods for absorption are not applicable, this methodology with improvements can be proposed as standard test. A new method to optimize the compacted volume of the mixture was studied, based on the porosity of the granular material, as an alternative to the traditional method of the grain sized stabilization, which is not adequate for this purpose. The mixtures produced with lateritics soils were evaluated after the compacting, they have not presented the broken grains. These mixtures performed very well with significant increase in the value of the resilience module, up to 288% above of the module of the aggregate. The results of the laboratory indicate that it is possible to use these residues in mixtures with laterític soil, for layers of low cost pavements.

Avaliação de resíduos da fabricação de telhas cerâmicas para seu emprego em camadas de pavimento de baixo custo. / Evaluation of the waste from ceramic roofing tiles manufacturing for its use in unbound pavement layers.

João Fernando Dias 02 December 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta a análise de agregados reciclados de telhas de cerâmica vermelha, visando seu emprego em camadas de pavimentos de baixo custo, baseado em estudos de laboratório. A indústria de cerâmica vermelha gera refugos da queima que são tratados como resíduos, mas se constituem em materiais de alto conteúdo energético e matéria prima de qualidade. O quadro da geração desses resíduos foi diagnosticado nas cidades de Monte Carmelo e Ituiutaba, em Minas Gerais. Os dados quantitativos obtidos indicam que é justificável a sua reciclagem. Somente na cidade de Monte Carmelo, as quantidades geradas permitiriam executar 10,8 km de camada de base de pavimento, ao se misturar 40% de solo poderia atingir 32 km por ano. Aproximadamente 10 t destes resíduos foram britadas obtendo-se o agregado reciclado de telha (ART). Estes agregados foram caracterizados mediante os ensaios físicos e mecânicos, e submetidos aos ensaios empregados na pavimentação, como a metodologia tradicional, metodologia MCT, método da pastilha, resistência ao cisalhamento, outros ensaios denominados índices de qualidade, ensaio de módulo resiliente e deformação permanente. Apesar deste material atender aos principais requisitos da metodologia tradicional, identificou-se que ele quebra com a aplicação de energia de compactação e de tensões nos ensaios, e apresenta alta resiliência - grandes deformações resilientes-, o que levaria à perda da capacidade de suporte da estrutura do pavimento, por fadiga. Desenvolveu-se uma metodologia para a determinação da absorção no estado saturado superfície seca, de agregados porosos, com fração fina inclusive, pois os métodos conhecidos não são aplicáveis; esta metodologia pode ser aprimorada para se constituir em norma de ensaio. Estudou-se um método inédito para a otimização do volume compactado da mistura de agregado com solo, baseado na porosidade do material granular, como uma alternativa ao método da estabilização granulométrica que se mostrou inadequado, no caso. As misturas produzidas com solos lateríticos foram avaliadas após a compactação não apresentando mais a quebra dos grãos do agregado, e mostraram ganhos expressivos no valor do módulo de resiliência, chegando em um caso a atingir 288% acima do módulo do agregado. Os resultados dos ensaios de laboratório indicaram ser possível a aplicação deste material em misturas com solos lateríticos, em camadas de pavimentos de baixo custo. / The purpose of this work is to use recycled aggregate of ceramics roofing tiles for low cost pavement layers, based on laboratory studies. The heavy-clay ceramic industry generates wastes, originated from the calcination stage, that are considered as residues which demand resources for its deposition. However they are high energy content materials which can be useful. The generation of these residues in the cities of Monte Carmelo and Ituiutaba, in the State of Minas Gerais indicated that its recycling is valid. For instance, in the city of Monte Carmelo, it is generated such a large amount of residues that it should be enough to execute about 10,8 km of base course of pavement; moreover if 40% of soil is mixed 32 km pavement per year can be produced. For this study, approximately 10 metric tones of these residues had been crushed to produce the recycled aggregate from roofing tile. The aggregates produced had been characterized by physical and mechanical tests. They were also submitted to the tests used for aggregates for pavement, such as the traditional methodology, methodology MCT (tropical compacted miniature), shear strength, resilient module, permanent deformation, and other tests called quality rates. These residues comply with the main requirements of the traditional methodology, however it is necessary to point out that the material breaks with the application of energy for compaction and under the tensions during the mechanical tests, it also presents high resilience, or great resilient deformations, which will lead to the loss of the supporting capacity of the pavement due to fatigue. An appropriate methodology was developed for the porous aggregate absorption measurement, including its fraction, in the saturated dry surface state. As the known methods for absorption are not applicable, this methodology with improvements can be proposed as standard test. A new method to optimize the compacted volume of the mixture was studied, based on the porosity of the granular material, as an alternative to the traditional method of the grain sized stabilization, which is not adequate for this purpose. The mixtures produced with lateritics soils were evaluated after the compacting, they have not presented the broken grains. These mixtures performed very well with significant increase in the value of the resilience module, up to 288% above of the module of the aggregate. The results of the laboratory indicate that it is possible to use these residues in mixtures with laterític soil, for layers of low cost pavements.

Avaliação da influência do sombreamento artificial no desenvolvimento de novilhas leiteiras em pastagens / Evaluation of the influence of artificial shade on dairy heifer development in pasture

Maristela Neves da Conceição 03 November 2008 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar e quantificar o efeito do sombreamento artificial proporcionado por diferentes tipos de materiais de cobertura sobre a fisiologia, o comportamento e o desenvolvimento de novilhas leiteiras, em ambiente de pastagens. A pesquisa foi realizada no período de 08/01/2007 à 30/04/2007. A área experimental foi dividida em 16 parcelas adjacentes e iguais com 84 m² cada. Foram comparados a testemunha (sem sombra) com três tipos de cobertura: telhas de fibrocimento sem cimento amianto, telhas galvanizadas e tela de polipropileno 80% As dimensões dos abrigos foram 2m x 4m e 4m de altura (4m² de sombra.animal-1), sem paredes laterais. Foram utilizadas 16 novilhas Holandesas e 16 Hol x Jersey com idade e peso iniciais de 17,2 ± 5,6 meses e 265,3 ± 66,9kg, respectivamente, pareadas em função da uniformidade de peso e idade. As novilhas permaneciam em piquetes de capim elefante (Penissetum purpureum) durante a noite e após as 9:00h eram conduzidas para as parcelas. A tgn foi registrada por minidatalogger conectado a globo negro para cálculo de CTR e ITGU em cada parcela. As variáveis meteorológicas foram obtidas no posto agrometeorológico da ESALQ/USP. Semanalmente foram registradas FR, TR e TP. As observações comportamentais foram realizadas em dias não consecutivos por 24 horas pelo método focal. As pesagens dos animais foram realizadas mensalmente. As condições ambientais durante o período da pesquisa foram caracterizadas como estressantes para novilhas. A análise física dos materiais (tgn, CTR e ITGU) indicou diferença entre os materiais de cobertura (P<0,05) sendo a telhas de fibrocimento sem amianto a mais confortável termicamente, seguida da telha galvanizada e da tela. Os valores de FR foram menores sob as telhas de fibrocimento (P<0,05) e semelhantes entre telha galvanizada e tela (P>0,05), os valores de TR não apresentaram diferença entre tratamentos somente entre horários e para a TP houve diferença (P<0,05) entre o tratamento fibrocimento e a testemunha, porém não houve entre os demais (P>0,05). A FR apresentou as respostas mais imediatas às alterações ambientais. Houve correlação da TR com a FR e a TP. Não foram observadas alterações comportamentais entre os tratamentos, os animais ficaram sob as sombras nas horas mais quentes do dia, preferencialmente em pé, o comportamento diário seguiu os padrões conhecidos para bovinos. O ganho de peso não foi alterado pelos tratamentos. A análise de custo indicou a cobertura de fibrocimento como a mais indicada para a construção de abrigos considerando-se os resultados encontrados. A pesquisa indicou haver melhora no bem estar térmico das novilhas, porém, não conseguiu determinar ganhos efetivos na utilização da sombra. / The objective of the present study was to evaluate and quantify the effect of artificial shade given by different types of roofing materials on the physiology, behavior and development of dairy heifers in a pasture environment. The present study took place from January 8, 2007 to April 30, 2007. The experimental area was divided into 16 equal, adjacent plots with 84 m2. Three roofing treatments (fiber-cement roofing tiles without amianthus, galvanized roofing tiles and 80% polypropylene screen) were compared to a control (no shade). Shelter structures had no lateral walls and measured 2m x 4m x 4m height (4m² shaded per animal). Animals consisted of 16 Holstein heifers and 16 Holstein x Jersey heifers with initial age and weight being 17.2 ± 5.6 months and 265.3 ± 66.9 kg, respectively. Animals were equally distributed among the treatments according to weight and age. At night, heifers were kept in fields with Pennisetum purpureum, also known as elephant grass. After 9:00 am, animals were taken to the experimental plots. Black globe thermometer temperature (tbg) was measured using a mini-datalogger connected to a black globe. Values were then used to calculate Radiant Thermic Load (RTL) and Black Globe Humidity Index (BGHI) of each plot. Meteorological variables were obtained from the agricultural-meteorological post at the ESALQ/USP. Respiration rate (RR), rectal temperature (RT) and skin temperature (ST) were registered weekly. Behavioral observations were recorded every other day using the focal method. Animals were weighed monthly. Environmental conditions during the research period were characterized as stressful for the heifers. Physical analysis of the material (tbg, RTL and BGHI) indicated the roofing treatments to be significantly different (P<0.05), with the fiber-cement roofing tiles without amianthus to be the most comfortable regarding temperature, followed by the galvanized roofing tiles and the 80% polypropylene screens. Respiration rate was lower under the fiber-cement roofing tiles (P<0.05) and similar under the galvanized tiles and polypropylene screen (P>0.05). RR values were lower under the fiber-cement tiles (P<0.05) and similar under the galvanized roofing tiles and polypropylene screen (P>0.05). There were no significant differences in RT values among treatments; however, a difference was found among data collection times. Concerning ST, fiber-cement tiles were significantly different from the control (P<0.05). On the other hand, there were no significant differences regarding ST among the other treatments (P>0.05). RR presented the most immediate response to environmental alterations. RT presented correlation with RR and ST. No behavioral alterations were observed among the treatments. Daily behavior followed known bovine patterns. Weight gain was not altered by the treatments. A cost analysis indicated fibercement roofing tiles to be better for shelter construction. The present study also indicated improved heifer thermal well-being; however, no effective gains could be determined from shade use.

Estudos físicos e mecânicos de telhas de cimento de escória de alto-forno reforçado com fibras celulósicas residuais / Physical and mechanical studies of roofing tiles made of blast furnace slag cement reinforced with residual cellulose fibers

Reginaldo Araujo Devito 07 July 2003 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo desenvolver um novo elemento de cobertura, compatível com o meio ambiente: telhas de cimento alternativo reforçado com fibras celulósicas. Para tanto, foram utilizadas matérias-primas consideradas resíduos industriais (cimento de escória de alto-forno e rejeito de polpa de celulose de eucalipto) para obtenção de pastas cimentícias reforçadas. Os compósitos foram produzidos por dispersão prévia das fibras em água, mistura do compósito em argamassadeira convencional, adensamento por vibração, moldagem em fôrmas, seguida de cura úmida. Foram moldadas placas planas de diferentes formulações de matrizes cimentícias, com as matérias-primas alternativas disponíveis. Com base nos melhores resultados dessa fase preliminar, foram produzidas duas séries de telhas tipo romana \"capa canal\". Foram avaliados o desempenho físico-mecânico, os custos de produção e o comportamento térmico das telhas. Os resultados revelaram a potencialidade dos compósitos obtidos na produção de fibrocimentos alternativos, por meio de técnicas simples e de baixo consumo de energia, direcionados à autoconstrução urbana e rural de baixo custo. / The objective of this study was to develop a new roofing material that would be compatible with the environment: roofing tiles made of alternative cement reinforced with cellulose fibers. Industrial waste materials were used as raw materials (blast furnace slag cement and waste eucalyptus cellulose pulp) to obtain reinforced cement pastes. The composites were produced by previously dispersing the fibers in water, mixing the composite in a conventional cement-mixer, compaction by vibration, shaping them in molds, followed by moist curing. Flat sheets were molded using different formulations of cement matrixes with the alternative raw materials avaiable. Based on the best results from this preliminary phase, two series of Roman tiles for roofing were produced. The physical and mechanical performance, the cost of production, and the thermal behavior of the tiles were evaluated. The results revealed the potential of composites made of alternative fiber-cements, using simple techniques and with low energy consumption, in urban and rural areas for low-cost self-construction.

Αξιοποίηση της Ερυθράς Ιλύος στη βιομηχανία παραδοσιακών κεραμικών / Utilisation of Red Mud in the heavy clay industry

Ποντίκης, Ιωάννης 05 November 2007 (has links)
Στην παρούσα Διατριβή παρουσιάζεται η μελέτη της δυνατότητας αξιοποίησης της ερυθράς ιλύος, ΕΙ, η οποία παράγεται κατά τη διαδικασία παραγωγής της αλουμίνας με τη διεργασία Bayer, για την παραγωγή δομικών παραδοσιακών κεραμικών, κύρια τούβλων και κεραμιδιών. Μελετήθηκαν αργιλούχα μίγματα με ΕΙ για ποσοστά ΕΙ από 10%κβ έως και 100%κβ.Επιγραμματικά, για την ΕΙ, πραγματοποιήθηκε χαρακτηρισμός και μελέτη της θερμικής συμπεριφοράς της. Για τα μίγματα της ΕΙ με αργιλούχες Α' ύλες, πραγματοποιήθηκε θεωρητικός σχεδιασμός τους, ενώ μελετήθηκε η επίδραση των σταδίων ανάμιξης και λειοτρίβησης, η επίδραση της ΕΙ στην πλαστικότητα, η θερμική συμπεριφορά, οι φυσικομηχανικές ιδιότητες των τελικών κεραμικών, η επίδραση της θερμοκρασίας και ατμόσφαιρας όπτησης καθώς και η περιβαλλοντική τους συμπεριφορά. Πραγματοποιήθηκαν επιπρόσθετα πιλοτικές δοκιμές παραγωγής τούβλων και κεραμιδιών. Τα αποτελέσματα της διατριβής, οδήγησαν στην ανάπτυξη μιας βέλτιστης διεργασίας παραγωγής κεραμικών με ΕΙ, η οποία αφορά στο σχεδιασμό του μίγματος με ΕΙ και την όπτησή του σε αναγωγικές συνθήκες. / In the present thesis, Bayer's process red mud, RM, is being studied as an additive and raw material for the production of heavy clay ceramics, mainly bricks and roofing tiles. A number of clay mixtures with RM were studied, for a RM content ranging from 10wt% to 100wt%. In summary, RM was characterised and studied for its thermal behaviour whereas, for the clay mixtures with RM, their design is provided, and the effect of comminution steps, the effect of RM on plasticity, their thermal behaviour, the influence of firing temperature and atmosphere, the physicomechanical properties of the end bodies, as well as their environmental behaviour are studied. In addition, pilot plan scale experiments were performed for the production of bricks and roofing tiles. The results of this thesis, led to the development of an optimised process for the production of ceramics with RM, which emphasises on the design of the body mixture as well as on the firing in reducing conditions.

Aktivacija procesa sinterovanja kod silikatnih sistema promenom atmosfere pečenja / Activation of the sintering processes in silicate systems by changing the firing atmosphere

Rekecki Robert 27 January 2015 (has links)
<p>Proces pečenja u proizvodnji keramičkog crepa u većini slučajeva se izvodi u<br />oksidavionoj atmosferi. Dobijena mikrostruktura koja obezbeđuje najvažnije osobine<br />primene zavisi od mineralo&scaron;kog sastava polaznog materijala i temperature termičkog<br />tretmana.<br />Sa stanovi&scaron;ta proizvodnje glinenog crepa, sirovina sa značajnim sadržajem karbonata kao &scaron;to je kop gline u Kanjiži, predstavlja problem te se ne može koristiti u njenom prirodnom sastavu. U oksidacionom termičkom tretmanu, staklasta faza koja se formira razgradnjom lakotopivih glinenih minerala ne kvasi u dovoljnoj meri zemnoalkalne okside nastale razgradnjom karbonata. Očekivane nove kristalne faze, kao &scaron;to su gelenit i anortit, koje predstavljaju osnovu dobrih tehničkih osobina crepa, ne mogu nastati u potrebnoj količini. Jedno od re&scaron;enja ovog problema je pobolj&scaron;anje interakcije između silikata i CaO/MgO promenom kvaliteta atmosfere pečenja.<br />Cilj je bio da se dobije odgovor na pitanje, da li se mogu promenom tehnolo&scaron;kih<br />parametara pečenja pobolj&scaron;ati karakteristike finalnog proizvoda dobijenog od sirovinske sme&scaron;e sa visokim masenim udelom karbonata.<br />Dati su rezultati pečenja u oksidacionoj i redukcionoj atmosferi u pogledu fizičkomehaničkih karakteristika i nastanka novih kristalnih faza. U radu su primenjene metode 57Fe M&ouml;ssbauer spektroskopije, difrakcija X zraka i dilatometrijska analiza za<br />identifikaciju promena faza tokom pečenja u oksidacionoj i redukcionoj atmosferi<br />(CO/N2 atmosfera) na temperaturama od 700-1060&deg;C. Ove promene reflektuju<br />dehidroksilaciju glinenih minerala, dekompoziciju karbonata, denzifikaciju i formiranje<br />novih kristalnih faza (plagioklasi). U cilju analize industrijskih uzoraka, pored 57Fe<br />M&ouml;ssbauer spektroskopije, primenjene su i sledeće metode: skenirajuća elektronska<br />mikroskopija (SEM) sa EDS analizom, živina porozimetrija, fotoelektronska spektroskopija (XPS) i karakterizacija apsorbcije vode, otpornosti na mraz i nosivosti.<br />Primena redukujuće atmosfere pokazala se kao opravdana, dobijen je glineni crep<br />pobolj&scaron;anih karakteristika u odnosu na standardni proizvod pečen u oksidacionoj<br />atmosferi.</p> / <p>The firing process in clay roofing tile production is normally carried out in oxidizing<br />firing atmosphere. The obtained microstructure which provides the most important<br />properties of the application depends on the mineralogical composition of the starting raw material and the firing temperature.<br />Concerning the production of roofing tiles, clay raw materials with a high content of<br />carbonates such as the Kanjiza clay material, possess an inappropriate composition. The melt phase is formed after the decomposition of clay minerals during the common firing process. This liquid phase, due to its extent wetting characteristics, is not able to wet properly the earth alkali oxides obtained after the decomposition of the carbonates. The expected new crystalline phases, like gehlenite and anorthite, which are needed for the favorable technical properties of the roofing tiles, can not be formed in the required quality and quantity. One solution to this problem is the limebonding improvement by changing the conditions of the firing atmosphere.<br />The main aim of this work is to examine the effects of firing conditions on the<br />properties of clay roofing tiles with high carbonate content. The obtained physical and<br />mechanical properties and the obtained new crystalline phases are described in detail.<br />The experiment used dilatometry, X-ray diffractometry, 57Fe M&ouml;ssbauer<br />spectroscopy to identify the changes during the firing process in oxidizing and<br />reducing atmosphere (CO/N2 atmosphere) at temperatures between 700 and 1060&deg;C.<br />Furthermore, for industrial sample analysis, scanning electronmicroscopy with EDS,<br />XPS, Hg porosimetry, water absorption procedure, frost resistance and bending<br />measurements were applied.<br />The application of reducing atmosphere was proved to be valid. The obtained<br />roofing tiles had improved properties compared to the standard production which uses<br />oxidizing firing atmosphere.</p>

Αξιοποίηση μεταλλευτικών, βιομηχανικών παραπροϊόντων στην παραγωγή δομικών κεραμικών υλικών

Χριστογέρου, Αγγελική 14 February 2012 (has links)
Στην παρούσα διατριβή ερευνήθηκε η αξιοποίηση μεταλλευτικών, βιομηχανικών παραπροϊόντων, των στερεών Υπολειμμάτων Βορίου (ΥΒ), που δημιουργούνται σε διάφορα στάδια κατά την παραγωγική διαδικασία προϊόντων βορίου. Τα εν λόγω παραπροϊόντα, που κατηγοριοποιούνται σε πέντε ποιότητες, SBW, DBW, SSBW, TBW και MBW, χρησιμοποιήθηκαν ως πρόσθετο Α’ υλών για την παραγωγή τούβλων και κεραμιδιών, και ως Α΄ ύλη για την παρασκευή τεχνητών ελαφροαδρανών. Πραγματοποιήθηκε φυσικοχημικός χαρακτηρισμός και θερμική ανάλυση όλων των ΥΒ. Στη συνέχεια μελετήθηκε η επίδραση προσθήκης διαφορετικών συγκεντρώσεων ΥΒ (SBW και SSBW) σε αργιλούχες Α΄ ύλες. Έγινε μια πρώτη προσέγγιση παρασκευής και ελέγχου κεραμικών δοκιμίων με τη μέθοδο της ξηρής ανάμιξης και αξονικής συμπίεσης, προκειμένου να περιοριστεί το φαινόμενο διάχυσης υδατοδιαλυτών ενώσεων βορίου που περιέχονται στα ΥΒ. Η προσθήκη 5%κβ SSBW και θερμοκρασία όπτησης 900-950°C οδήγησε σε κεραμικά με παραπλήσιες ή ακόμα και βελτιωμένες ιδιότητες (αυξημένες μηχανικές αντοχές) συγκριτικά με τα κεραμικά αναφοράς. Επιπλέον εξετάστηκε η παραγωγή δειγμάτων με ΥΒ (SBW) και διάλυμα εμπορίου με βορικό (Evansite®) ακολουθώντας διαδικασία παραπλήσια της βιομηχανικής πρακτικής. Στους 1000°C, παρατηρήθηκε μείωση της απορρόφησης νερού και αύξηση της αντοχής σε κάμψη για τα δείγματα με βορικά, σε σύγκριση με τα δείγματα αναφοράς. Η προσθήκη βορικών ευνόησε τη δημιουργία νέων κρυσταλλικών κατά την όπτηση. Δεδομένης της χημικής και ορυκτολογικής σύνθεσης των ΥΒ (πλούσια σε συλλιπάσματα και υψηλές απώλειες πύρωσης), πραγματοποιήθηκε επιπρόσθετα μελέτη των φυσικοχημικών μηχανισμών θερμικής διάσπασής τους. Σε θερμαινόμενη τράπεζα παρατηρήθηκε η ικανότητα διόγκωσης και ανάπτυξης ρευστής φάσης των ΥΒ, καθώς και μιγμάτων αυτών με άλλα υλικά, με σκοπό την εργαστηριακή παραγωγή ελαφροαδρανών. Βάσει των αποτελεσμάτων προτάθηκε ένα μίγμα αποτελούμενο από 70%κβ ΥΒ, 20%κβ αργιλούχο μίγμα και 10%κβ χαλαζιακή άμμο, για τη μορφοποίηση ξηρών σφαιριδίων. Απότομη θέρμανσή τους στους 760°C οδήγησε σε πορώδη υαλοποιημένα αδρανή με φαινόμενη πυκνότητα <1g/cm3. Το ενεργειακό κόστος παραγωγής των συγκεκριμένων αδρανών είναι χαμηλότερο, καθώς παρατηρήθηκε μείωση στη θερμοκρασία σε σχέση με άλλα τεχνητά ελαφροαδρανή, που παρασκευάζονται στους 1100°C. Για την αντιμετώπιση της διάχυσης ενώσεων βορίου προς την επιφάνεια των ξηρών σφαιριδίων, που οδήγησε σε προβλήματα κατά την πειραματική διαδικασία και σε υποβάθμιση της ποιότητας των τελικών προϊόντων, εξετάστηκε η προσθήκη φρουκτόζης ως παρεμποδιστή στο μίγμα Α’ υλών, με στόχο την βελτιστοποίηση της διαδικασίας παραγωγής ελαφροαδρανών από ΥΒ. Προσθήκη έστω και 0.5%κβ φρουκτόζης οδήγησε σε ικανοποιητικό έλεγχο, ενώ οι φυσικές ιδιότητες των παραχθέντων αδρανών τα κατατάσσουν στην κατηγορία των ελαφροαδρανών, σύμφωνα με το πρότυπο ASTM 330-97. Τα αποτελέσματα οδήγησαν στην κατανόηση βασικών φαινομένων θερμικής διάσπασης και στην ανάπτυξη μιας βέλτιστης διεργασίας παραγωγής τεχνητών ελαφροαδρανών χρησιμοποιώντας ΥΒ ως εναλλακτικές Α’ ύλες, με προφανές ενεργειακό και περιβαλλοντικό όφελος. / In the present thesis, the valorisation of mining and industrial by-products, the solid boron-containing Wastes (ΒW), which are created at various stages during the production process of concentrated and refined boron products, were investigated. The by-products under consideration, existing in five types SBW, DBW, SSBW, TBW and MBW, were used as additives and raw materials in clay mixes for the production of heavy clay ceramics (bricks, tiles and artificial lightweight aggregates). The BW were characterised in means of chemical and mineralogical composition and studied for their thermal behaviour. In addition, clay mixes with different amounts of BW (SBW and SSBW) were studied. A first approach was made on the formation of ceramic samples by dry pressing in order to minimize the borate migration towards the surface. The physical and mechanical properties, as well as the microstructure of the final products were studied. For 5 wt% SSBW addition and firing at 900-950°C, the sintered bodies presented comparable or improved physical and mechanical properties with respect to the reference formulation. Moreover, SBW or a commercial available borate solution (Evansite®) were introduced in a clay-based mix aiming to investigate their behaviour during a processing cycle comparable with that followed in the heavy clay industry. For firing at 1000°C, water absorption was reduced and bending strength increased for the samples with borates, compared to the reference samples. The addition of borates resulted in the formation of new crystalline phases during firing at high temperatures. BW consist of important fluxing oxides as well as of gas producing minerals during firing. Tests were performed on the bloating behavior of BW and mixes of them with other materials, by means of heating microscopy, aiming at the laboratorial production of lightweight aggregates (LWA). A new mix was proposed, according to the obtained results, consisting of 70wt% BW, 20wt% clay mixture and 10wt% quartz sand, for the formation of pellets. Abrupt heating of the dry pellets at 760°C, for 5min, resulted in porous LWA with bulk density <1g/cm3. The process was less energy demanding as the temperature was reduced compared to the one of the synthetic aggregates produced, where the firing temperature is 1100°C. During drying a white layer of boron salts was formed on the surface of the green pellets, which result on firing of a glassy layer causing alterations of their surface and experimental difficulties. In order to address this problem, fructose was added in the raw mix as a migration inhibitor. Addition of even 0.5wt% fructose inhibited the salt formation and a glassy impervious layer was formed after firing. The physical properties of the final samples meet the requirements of LWA according to the standard ASTM 330-97. The results of this thesis, led to the development of an optimised process for the production of artificial LWA with BW, as an alternative raw material.

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