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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigations into soil nutrient and change in soil physical characteristics under complementary forage rotation in comparison to pasture systems for dairy cows

Kabore, Bertin January 2009 (has links)
Master of Science in Veterinary Science / A investigation into soil nutrient and the change soil physical properties was carried out for three pasture systems for dairy cows; the complementary forage rotation (CFR) which comprised of brassica (Brassica napus )/clover (Trifolium resupinatum ) and maize (Zea mays) capable of achieving more than 40 t/ha, the typical intensive pasture (PI) with kikuyu grass (Penisetum clandestinum) over-sown with ryegrass ( Lolium multiflorum ) and the extensive system (PE); on two soil types (brown chromosol and black vertisol) . The study demonstrated that the CFR system was capable of doubling its yield by using similar fertilizers (N, P and K) and water inputs compared to these of the PI system resulting of greater nutrients (N and K) and water use efficiencies. Overall, the nutrient lost through runoff water was very limited for two intensive systems and nearly nil for PE system. Also similar trends were observed for soil physical properties in the intensive systems except for the topsoil (0-10 cm) where light acidification (P= 0.04) was recorded in the CFR probably due to the soil works before the maize sowing.

Investigations into soil nutrient and change in soil physical characteristics under complementary forage rotation in comparison to pasture systems for dairy cows

Kabore, Bertin January 2009 (has links)
Master of Science in Veterinary Science / A investigation into soil nutrient and the change soil physical properties was carried out for three pasture systems for dairy cows; the complementary forage rotation (CFR) which comprised of brassica (Brassica napus )/clover (Trifolium resupinatum ) and maize (Zea mays) capable of achieving more than 40 t/ha, the typical intensive pasture (PI) with kikuyu grass (Penisetum clandestinum) over-sown with ryegrass ( Lolium multiflorum ) and the extensive system (PE); on two soil types (brown chromosol and black vertisol) . The study demonstrated that the CFR system was capable of doubling its yield by using similar fertilizers (N, P and K) and water inputs compared to these of the PI system resulting of greater nutrients (N and K) and water use efficiencies. Overall, the nutrient lost through runoff water was very limited for two intensive systems and nearly nil for PE system. Also similar trends were observed for soil physical properties in the intensive systems except for the topsoil (0-10 cm) where light acidification (P= 0.04) was recorded in the CFR probably due to the soil works before the maize sowing.

Chlorine Transport in a Small Catchment

Svensson, Teresia January 2006 (has links)
De senaste decenniernas forskning har påvisat att en omfattande bildning och nedbrytning av klororganiska föreningar sker i mark. Bildning av sådana föreningar sker genom att klorid binds in i organiskt material. Denna naturliga bildning har rönt uppmärksamhet dels för att många klorerade ämnen är giftiga och dels för man tidigare trott att alla klororganiska ämnen uteslutande kommer från mänsklig verksamhet. Huvudmålet för föreliggande avhandling var att (i) uppskatta transporten av klorerade föreningar i nederbörd och avrinningsvatten, (ii) diskutera de klorerade föreningarnas ursprung med utgångspunkt från hur deras förekomst varierar i avrinningsvatten, (iii) undersöka hur transporten av klorid (salt) påverkas av olika faktorer och (iv) studera hur frisättningen av flyktiga klorerade föreningar från mark påverkas av kväve. Avhandlingen bygger på en klorbudget som konstruerats utifrån fältstudier som genomförts i ett litet skogsbeklätt avrinningsområde i sydöstra Sverige. Dessutom har laboratoriestudier genomförts med jord som inhämtats från samma område. Resultaten visar att lagret av klor i marken är betydligt större än flödena och att det främst består av organiska ämnen medan flödet domineras av klorid (salt). Detta tyder på att en stor del av kloriden deltar i en biogeokemisk cykel vilket strider mot gängse uppfattning att klorid rör sig opåverkat genom mark. Hypotesen är att de översta marklagren fungerar som en sänka för klorid genom att omvandlas till organiskt bundet klor. De djupare jordlagren fungerar däremot som en kloridkälla genom att det klorerade organiska materialet transporterats med regnvatten från de ytligare till de djupare liggande lagren för att så småningom brytas ner, varvid klorid frisätts. Ovan beskrivna hypotes stöds av laboratoriestudierna där man kunnat notera att det sker såväl en fastläggning som en frisättning av klorid i mark. Resultaten från avhandlingen tillsammans med resultat från tidigare studier tyder på att en stor del av den klorid som finns i avrinningsvatten kommer från förmultnande organiskt material och att klorid med andra ord inte följer regnvattnets väg genom marken, vilket man tidigare trott. Studierna tyder alltså på att klorid till viss del ”gör en omväg” med en tidsfördröjning på troligen åtskilliga upp till hundratals år. Vidare tyder studierna på att flyktiga klorerade föreningar som kloroform och tetraklormetan bildas i mark och att tillsats av kväve orsakar en minskning av kloroform och en ökning av tetraklormetan. Avhandlingen visar tydligt att det är nödvändigt att rikta uppmärksamhet mot klors biogeokemi i mark och då inte minst mot de processer som påverkar transporten av klor från de övre marklagren till grundvatten och ytvatten om vi ska öka förståelsen av hur klorerade ämnen som tillförts naturen genom mänskliga aktiviteter beter sig. / It is generally known that chlorine compounds are ubiquitous in the environment. In recent years, researchers have concluded that chlorine is part of a biogeochemical cycle in soil involving an interaction between chloride (Clin) and organic-matter-bound chlorine (Clorg). Even though there is indisputable evidence that Clorg is formed naturally, there are actually few simultaneous field measurements of Clorg and Clin. Previously stipulated conclusions with respect to underlying processes and transport estimates have thus been deduced from rather few concentration measurements. It is well known that the chemical composition in soil and runoff water varies widely over time and in space. The main objective of the thesis is to investigate the on-site variation of Clin, Clorg and VOCls in runoff water in order to (i) construct a chlorine budget on a catchment scale to visualize the relative contribution of Clin, Clorg, and VOCls; (ii) more reliably estimate how and why the concentrations of Clin, Clorg, and VOCls in runoff water vary; and (iii) analyze the influence of various environmental variables on the transport. The present thesis highlights the on-site variation and fluxes of Clin, Clorg, and VOCls in a small forested catchment in southeast Sweden. Field flux data collected during a twoyear period and a constructed overall chlorine budget were evaluated. The results show that the storage is dominated by Clorg whereas the transport is dominated by Clin and that the storage is far much larger than the transport. Still, input and output is nearly in balance for all investigated chlorine species. It is interesting to note that these observations resemble observations made for carbon, nitrogen and sulphur; i.e. a large storage, small transport, complex biogeochemical cycling processes at hand but still close to steady state conditions with respect to output-input balances. It appears as if topsoil acts as a sink for Clin, while deeper soil acts as a source of Clin. In addition, the results of the thesis suggest that on-site variation depend on seasonal variations. These variations are to some extent caused by water discharge, but also by water residence time, internal chlorination/dechlorination of organic matter, and different soil water origins. Furthermore, both a net retention and a net release of Clin were observed in laboratory studies. The study indicates that simultaneous retention and release of Clin takes place in soil, which probably has an impact on the Clin import and export fluxes. Finally, the results show for the first time that tetrachloromethane can be emitted from laboratory incubated soil, and that soil nitrogen concentrations has quite different effects on the emission rates of chloroform and tetrachloromethane. The results of the thesis, considered together with results of previous research, suggest that the turnover of chlorine in soils is extensive and potentially important for chlorine cycling in general, which must be taken into account if one wishes to increase the understanding of the cycling of anthropogenic chlorine compounds in the environment. / <p>On the day of the public defence the status of article IV was: Accepted.</p>

Pesticides in the environment : atmospheric deposition and transport to surface waters /

Kreuger, Jenny, January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Dynamique des flux de fondants routiers et influence sur la pollution routière au sein d’un bassin de rétention-décantation / Dynamics of deicer salt flows and influence on the road pollution into retention pond

Barbier, Lucie 05 February 2019 (has links)
En conditions hivernales rigoureuses, l'application des fondants routiers (principalement du chlorure de sodium - NaCl) permet d'assurer la sécurité des usagers de réseaux. Toutefois, son utilisation généralisée entraîne des risques de contamination des écosystèmes aquatiques et terrestres. En milieu routier, le Na+ et Cl- sont transportés par les eaux de ruissellement vers des ouvrages de traitement tels que les bassins de rétention-décantation. Or, ces bassins n'ont pas la capacité de traiter efficacement cet apport de fondants sous forme dissoute. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier le transfert de ces fondants au sein du système routier et de déterminer leur rôle dans la libération des polluants en période hivernale. Les caractéristiques du bassin situé à Azerailles (Lorraine, France) sur une route nationale moyennement fréquentée ont été étudiées, ainsi que les conditions météorologiques, les salages, la composition des matières en suspension (MES) et la concentration en éléments traces métalliques (ETM). Les résultats ont permis de montrer que entre 50 et 90 % du Cl- ont été collectés par le bassin. Il joue un rôle de tampon qui permet une libération du Cl- dilué durant la période de ruissellement suivant la période de salage. La présence de NaCl dans les eaux a joué un rôle sur la diminution de la qualité des matières en suspension, en mettant en évidence la présence de polluants organiques en période de salage. Elle entraîne également une modification de la chimie des eaux et une augmentation des polluants métalliques (zinc). / In severe winter conditions, the application of deicer salts (mainly sodium chloride -NaCl) ensures the safety of network users. However, its spreading carries contamination risks of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. On the road, Na+ and Cl- are transported by runoff water to retention-decantation ponds. These ponds do not have the capacity to efficiently treat this flux of deicer salts in dissolved form. In addition, they allow the modification of water and soil chemistry, generating the mobility of metallic pollutants. The objective of this thesis is to study the deicer salt transfer and to determine its role in the release of pollutants during winter. The characteristics of the pond located in Azerailles (Lorraine, France) on a medium-frequented national road were studied, as well as the weather and salting conditions, the composition of the suspended matters and the concentration of traces metals. The results highlighted that between 50 and 90 % of Cl- was collected by the pond. The pond acts as a buffer which allows a release of the collected Cl- diluted during the runoff period following the salting period. The presence of NaCl in runoff water reduced the quality of suspended solids with the presence of organic markers of road pollution and the increase of zinc. It also influenced the increase of zinc in water, the chemical composition and the speciation of elements.

Regnvatteninsamling för toalettspolning : Effektivitet, lämplig magasinstorlek och rekommenderade vattenreningsmetoder i Celsiushusets system

Söderqvist, Åsa January 2019 (has links)
Att samla in regnvatten för att använda till olika syften har under de senaste åren blivit allt vanligare i flera länder. Denna metod är fördelaktig ur flera miljömässiga och samhällsekonomiska aspekter då den bidrar till minskad dricksvattenförbrukning och förbättrad dagvattenhantering. I Sverige är tekniken relativt obeprövad men flera stora byggnader där det ska implementeras är nu under byggnation. En av dessa är Celsiushuset i Uppsala där regnvatten ska samlas in på taket för att användas till toalettspolning. I dagsläget finns bristfällig kunskap om sådana system inom sektorn för samhällsbyggnad. Syftet med examensarbetet var dels att undersöka effektiviteten (andelen av toalettspolningen som sker med regnvatten) hos Celsiushusets system och utifrån det föreslå en lämplig magasinstorlek, och dels att rekommendera vattenreningsmetoder för att inte mikrobiell tillväxt eller algtillväxt ska uppstå eller att regnvattnet ska bli missfärgat eller orsaka luktproblematik.  Effektiviteten undersöktes, tillsammans med relaterade parametrar såsom nederbörd, avrinning och insamlad nederbördsmängd, genom att utföra dagliga simuleringar för tre olika femårsperioder. Tidsperioderna motsvarade en nederbördsfattig period, en genomsnittsperiod och en nederbördsrik period mellan åren 1961-2017 och simuleringarna utgick från dygnsvärden för nederbörd och temperatur. Även förenklade kostnadsberäkningar utfördes för att undersöka kostnadens variation med varierande magasinstorlek. Reningsmetoderna rekommenderades utifrån en litteraturstudie samt beräkningar av takavrinningens föroreningsbelastning som utfördes med StormTac. För den planerade magasinstorleken på 50 m3 är systemets effektivitet störst under sommaren och hösten (60-100 % ett genomsnittsår) och lägst under årets första månader (30-40 % ett genomsnittsår). Den sammantagna effektiviteten för den planerade storleken är för den nederbördsfattiga perioden 40 %, för genomsnittsperioden 51 % och för den nederbördsrika perioden 56 %. En magasinstorlek på mellan 50 m3 och 75 m3 är lämplig för att uppnå relativt hög genomsnittlig effektivitet och årlig insamlad nederbördsmängd, utan att medföra alltför höga kostnader. Magasinet bör inte vara mindre än 50 m3 och en volym närmare 75 m3 vore fördelaktigt för den insamlade nederbördsmängden. Reningsmetoderna som rekommenderas för systemet är takbrunnar med kupolsil, avskiljning av det första flödet, sedimentering i sandfångsbrunnar och i magasinet samt ett snabbt sandfilter och UV-behandling. / In recent years, there has been an increased usage of rainwater harvesting globally. The technology reduces drinking water consumption and improves stormwater management. In Sweden, the implementation of rainwater harvesting is still at an early stage but several systems are now under construction. One of them is in Celsiushuset in Uppsala where rainwater will be used for toilet flushing. One aim of the project was to calculate the efficiency (the ratio between the volume of used rainwater and the water demand for toilet flushing) of the system. Based on the efficiency and economic calculations, an appropiate storage tank size was to be identified. An additional aim was to recommend water treatment methods that would prevent color or odour in water in the toilets and also prevent microbe and algae growth. The efficiency, along with other parameters, was examined with simulations for three periods between 1961-2017 with different precipitation amounts. Also, a simplified calculation of the systems' costs depending on tank size was carried out. The recommendation of treatment methods was made based on a literature review combined with a calculation of the roof runoff quality, which was performed in StormTac. For a tank size of 50 m3, the highest efficiency of the system is obtained during summer and autumn and varies between 60 % and 100 %. The mean efficiency for the different periods has a higher value with increased precipitation amount and the efficiency is 40 %, 51 % and 56 %, respectively. An appropiate size of the rainwater storage tank would be between 50 m3 and 75 m3. The recommended treatment methods include strainers on the roof, a first flush diverter, sedimentation, a rapid sand filter and UV treatment.

Study of environmental and energy performance of vegetative roofs and assessment of their impacts in terms of rainwater management / Étude des performances environnementales et énergétiques des toitures végétalisées et évaluation de leur impact en termes de gestion de l'eau de pluie

El Bachawati, Makram 11 July 2016 (has links)
Les toitures végétalisées (TTV) existent en deux types : extensive (EGR) et intensive (IGR). Ils diffèrent principalement par le type de végétation et la profondeur du substrat. Ces travaux de recherche visent à atteindre les objectifs suivants : 1. Déterminer et comparer les impacts environnementaux d’un toit de gravier ballasté traditionnel (TGBR), d’une toiture réfléchissante (WRR), EGR, et IGR ; 2. Quantifier la performance énergétique d’un TGBR et d’une EGR ; 3. Évaluer le potentiel de gestion d’eau et la dynamique de ruissellement d’un TGBR et d’une EGR. Le 1er objectif a été atteint suite à une Analyse comparative de Cycle de Vie (ACV) d’une EGR réelle de 834 m2 et de trois toits fictifs : TGBR, WRR, et IGR. Les résultats indiquent qu’une EGR présente les impacts environnementaux les plus bas pour les 15 catégories d'impacts considérées. Les aspects thermiques et hydriques des TTV ont été testés suite à l’installation d'une maquette TGBR et de deux maquettes EGR sur le toit du département de génie chimique à l'Université de Balamand, Liban. EGR8 et EGR16 sont des maquettes EGR qui diffèrent par la pente ainsi que la profondeur et la composition du substrat. Les profils de température indiquent la réduction des fluctuations de température, l'effet de stockage de chaleur, et l'effet de refroidissement passif. L'étude économique montre que EGR pourrait économiser jusqu'à 45USD/200m2/mois par rapport à TGBR. D’autre part, les profils de la teneur en eau ont démontré que la composition du sol d’EGR8 est plus efficace que celle d’EGR16. En revanche, EGR agit comme un système filtrant surtout pour le cadmium, le fer, le calcium et l'ammonium. / Vegetative roofs (VRs) can be classified into two types : Extensive (EGR) and Intensive (IGR). The main differences between the two are the type of vegetation, the depth of the substrate. This research aims to achieve the following objectives : 1. Determine and compare the potential environmental impacts of traditional gravel ballasted roofs (TGBRs), white reflective roofs (WRRs), EGRs, and IGRs ; 2. Evaluate and compare the energy performance and the heating/cooling demand of TGBRs and EGRs ; 3. Determine and compare the water management potential and the runoff dynamics of TGBRs and EGRs. The first objective was covered by performing a comparative Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) on a real EGR of 834m2 and on three fictitious roofs of the sane area : of TGBRs, WRRs, and IGRs. Results indicated that the EGR had the least potential environmental impacts for the 15 impact categories considered. The second and third objectives were achieved by first installing one TGBR mockup and two EGR mockups on the rooftop of the Chemical Engineering Department at the University of Balamand, Lebanon. EGR8 and EGR16 are EGR mockups differed in the roof slope, the depth and the composition of their substrate. Temperature profiles at different substrate depths clearly indicated the reduction of the temperature fluctuations under the substrate layer, the heat storage effect, and the passive cooling effect. The economic study showed that EGR could save up to 45USD/200m2/month compared to TGBR. The water management performance of EGRs illustrated that the soil composition of EGR8 was more efficient than that of EGR16. In contrast, EGR acted as a sink especially for cadmium, iron, calcium, and ammonium.

Observation of organic matters concentrations in agricultural runoff in the Red River Delta (Vietnam)

Le, Nhu Da, Le, Thi Phuong Quynh, Duong, Thi Thuy 13 May 2020 (has links)
Due to utilization increase of chemical fertilizers and manures and of a large water volume for irrigation, agricultural runoff has significantly accelerated water pollution. The Red River locates in Vietnam where agriculture plays an important role in the country’s economy. This paper presented the observation results of organic matters concentrations in agricultural runoff from different plant fields (vegetable, flower and rice) in the Red River Delta in 2013 -2014. The results showed that DOC concentrations varied in a high range from 1.0 mg.L-1 to 37.1 mg.L-1, averaging 10.2 ± 6.2 mg.L-1 whereas POC concentrations varied from 0.5 to 4.5 mg.L-1, averaging 1.7 ± 0.7 mg.L-1 for a total 104 samples observed. TOC concentrations in water from the vegetable and flower fields (11.7 ± 7.3 mg.L-1 and 12.6 ± 6.0 mg.L-1 respectively) were higher than the one from the rice field (8.5 ± 6.6 mg.L-1). Lower organic matters concentrations were found in the rainy season than in the dry season due to dilution process. The results suggest the needs for regularly monitoring and efforts to control organic matter pollution from agricultural runoff in the Red River basin or other river basins in developing countries. / Do sử dụng phân bón và thể tích nước tưới lớn, canh tác nông nghiệp đã và đang góp phần đáng kể gây ô nhiễm nguồn nước. Sông Hồng nằm ở Việt Nam, nơi ngành nông nghiệp đóng vai trò quan trọng trong nền kinh tế. Bài báo trình bày kết quả quan trắc hàm lượng cacbon hữu cơ (TOC) bao gồm dạng hòa tan (DOC) và không tan (POC), trong nước chảy tràn từ đất canh tác (rau, hoa, lúa) ở đồng bằng sông Hồng năm 2013 -2014. Kết quả cho thấy DOC thay đổi rất rộng từ 1,0 mg.L-1 đến 37,1 mg.L-1, trung bình đạt 10,2 ± 6,2 mg.L-1 trong khi POC thay đổi từ 0,5 mg. L-1 đến 4,5 mg.L-1, trung bình đạt 1,7 ± 0,7 mg.L-1 đối với 104 mẫu nước. TOC từ trồng rau và hoa (11,7 ± 7,3 mg. L-1 và 12,6 ± 6,0 mg.L-1) cao hơn so với trồng lúa (8,5 ± 6,6 mg. L-1). TOC trong mùa mưa thấp hơn so với mùa khô. Cần thường xuyên giám sát và nỗ lực kiểm soát ô nhiễm chất hữu cơ do nước chảy tràn từ đất canh tác ở lưu vực sông Hồng.

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