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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effect of liner thickness on acoustic wave propagation in ducts

Shaker, B. S. January 1974 (has links)
The acoustic characteristics of a point-reacting duct liner that consists of a porous facing sheet backed by cellular cavities are derived by examining the wave propagation within the liner. The relation between the derived expression for the liner acoustic admittance and a semi-empirical formula that is widely used in the literature is discussed. The influence of the liner on acoustic propagation in a duct is examined for the case of a plane duct that carries a uniform mean flow. Numerical results for the attenuation rates vs. frequency are presented. These results. are of three types: (1) comparisons with previously published results for no backing cavity and no mean flow are made, and these results are extended to include the effects of the mean flow; (2) results of parametric variations of the liner dimensions are presented to assess the relative influence of the facing-sheet thickness and the cavity depth; (3) results from the derived expression for liner specific admittance and from the semi-empirical formula are compared in order to determine the significance of the wave propagation within the porous material and to determine the range of validity of the semi-empirical formula. / Master of Science

An investigation of molecular opacities for late-type stars

Sharp, Christopher Martin January 1981 (has links)
This work investigates molecular opacities under conditions appropriate to the atmospheres of late-type stars. Given a specified initial abundance of the chemical elements, the equations of atomic ionization and molecular dissociation are solved by iteration for various temperatures and densities. With the abundances of the atomic and molecular species so determined at a particular temperature and density, the continuous absorption coefficient due to a number of processes is first computed, then the molecular band absorption coefficient is computed line-by-line superimposed for diatomic and triatomic molecules considered separately. The band calculations for the diatomic molecules include all possible isotopic variants, but computing resources did not permit this degree of detail for triatomic molecules, nor diatomic and triatomic molecules to be considered together. These calculations are performed for a number of different temperatures and densities. The theory for calculating the spectral lines due to molecules is discussed in some detail, with various methods being investigated for computing opacities including the contributions from these spectral lines. With the computing resources available, the best method for the calculation of the opacity due to the molecular absorption is found to be that of opacity sampling, sampling is adequate, provided the frequency of sampling is adequate. From the results presented in this thesis, a number of important conclusions can be drawn. At low temperatures and high densities, pressure-induced absorption due to molecular hydrogen is an important source of continuous opacity. Isotopic variants of at least diatomic molecules pave to be considered in any calculations, as they can significantly affect the contribution that diatomic molecules make to the Rosseland mean opacities. Also at low temperatures, water is a major source of absorption. Finally, tables of some thermodynamic quantities for the molecular gas are given for a number of temperatures and densities.

A description of 'aspectual' phenomena in Arabic

Sitrak, Sami J. January 1986 (has links)
The present work is mainly concerned with a description of the morphological and syntactic analyses of the predicative aspectual phenomena in Modern Standard Arabic using Axiomatic Functionalism as its theoretical framework. The thesis consists of an introduction, three major parts, and a conclusion. The introduction deals with a brief overview of the Axiomatic Functionalist theory. Part one, which comprises four chapters, offers a brief account of the theoretical background of this work as well as presenting the predicative (verbal and non-verbal) aspectual phenomena in MSA. Chapter I discusses the term 'aspect', and the relation between lexical and grammatical aspect. Chapter II discusses the Arabic language, particularly the category of 'aspect'. Chapter III discusses the interaction between punctuality and aspect. Chapter IV is exclusively devoted to methodology; it explains an explanation of the essential and relevant theoretical notions in grammar, uniting the description to the theory. It also provides a step-by-step application of successive criteria for discriminating between morphological complexes and syntactic complexes. The second part (Chaps. V & VI), deals with morphological analysis. Chapter V analyses the category of verb in Arabic. For this purpose the following paradigms are set up: Verb-root, Aspect, Voice, Person, Gender, and Number. Each of these contains monemes which which are constituents of the verbal entity. These monemes commute with each other yielding a difference in the message conveyed. The chapter concludes that entities of the verb category in Arabic may contain the constituent monemes verb-root, perfective, imperfective, active, passive, first person, second person, third person, masculine, feminine, singular, dual, and plural. Chapter VI deals with the realisational as pect of the constituent monemes of the complex pleremes in chapter V. It also deals with the distribution of the allomorphs of the constituent monemes in question. Part three (Chaps. VII - IX), deals with the syntactic description of the aspectual phenomena in MSA. Chapter VII sets up the distributional unit (model) which accounts for the relations within the VPB syntagm. This chapter tests the adequacy of the model by establishing all the VPB syntagms which map onto it. These syntagms vary according to the type of the verbal nucleus in each of them, (transitive or intransitive and of what kind). It further deals with types of non-verbal nucleus I and the realisations of the predicative based syntagms (verbal and non-verbal). Chapter VIII deals in detail with the syntactic relations within the predicative syntagms. It also deals with the syntactic structures of various as pectual phenomena in MSA. Chapter IX discusses the syntactic relation within the functional syntagm in MSA which may form an immediate constituent in a predicative based syntagm. A final brief 'Conclusion' points out the need for further research and development in Axiomatic Functionalism in the field of "semantic syntagm-analysis".

Sedimentology, stratigraphy and diagenetic history of the Taglu member and equivalents, MacKenzie delta area, Canada

Shawa, Monzer S. January 1978 (has links)
The Taglu is introduced as a new member of the Reindeer Formation. Its type section is in the Taglu G-33 well and its age is Eocene. This member conformably overlies the Aklak Member and underlies the "Un-named shale" or the "Kugmallit" member. The thickness of the Taglu varies from well to well but in the type section it is 800 ft. (268 m). Correlation of the Taglu Member is difficult due to facies changes, similarity in composition of successive facies, faulting, and the absence of marker beds or diagnostic fauna. Correlation, however, was accomplished through seismic interpretation, sedimentary megacycles, trace elements, biology, gamma-ray logs and logic. The Taglu Member was deposited under cool but occasionally warm temperate climatic conditions and is composed of two main deltaic sequences, each represented by a regressive phase overlain by a transgressive phase. Each sequence includes environments such as prodelta, delta front, distributary mouth bars, marshes and swamps, and finally distributary channels on top. The depositional basin during accumulation was undergoing moderate subsidence and receiving a high influx of sediments. Both the Richardson Mountains and the Eskimo Lakes Arch supplied, at least in part, the Taglu sediments. Occasional presence of volcanic rock fragments may indicate a third source, possibly well to the south. Based on its composition, the Taglu sandstone can be classified as quartz arenite and sublitharenite. It consists of quartz, chert, feldspar, mica, rock fragments, woody herbaceous matter, and cementing material. The cementing material includes non-ferroan calcite, ferroan and non-ferroan dolomite, siderite, silica and authigenic clay minerals. The cement, which is mainly controlled by the environment of deposition, is eodiagenetic and in places mesodiagenetic.

Aspectos da teoria de funções modais / Aspects of the theory of modal functions

Falcão, Pedro Alonso Amaral 10 December 2012 (has links)
Apresentamos alguns aspectos da teoria de funções modais, que é o correlato modal da teoria de funções de verdade. Enquanto as fórmulas da lógica proposicional clássica expressam funções de verdade, as fórmulas da lógica proposicional modal (S5) expressam funções modais. Generalizamos alguns dos teoremas da teoria de funções de verdade para o caso modal; em particular, exibimos provas da completude funcional de alguns conjuntos de funções modais e definimos uma (nova) noção de reduto vero-funcional de funções modais, bem como a composição de funções modais em termos destes redutos. / We present some aspects of the theory of modal functions, which is the modal correlate of the theory of truth-functions. While the formulas of classical propositional logic express truth-functions, the formulas of modal propositional logic (S5) express modal functions. We generalize some theorems of the theory of truth-functions to the modal case; in particular, we show the functional completeness of some sets of modal functions and define a (new) notion of truth-functional reduct of modal functions, as well as the composition of modal functions in terms of such reducts.

Aspectos da teoria de funções modais / Aspects of the theory of modal functions

Pedro Alonso Amaral Falcão 10 December 2012 (has links)
Apresentamos alguns aspectos da teoria de funções modais, que é o correlato modal da teoria de funções de verdade. Enquanto as fórmulas da lógica proposicional clássica expressam funções de verdade, as fórmulas da lógica proposicional modal (S5) expressam funções modais. Generalizamos alguns dos teoremas da teoria de funções de verdade para o caso modal; em particular, exibimos provas da completude funcional de alguns conjuntos de funções modais e definimos uma (nova) noção de reduto vero-funcional de funções modais, bem como a composição de funções modais em termos destes redutos. / We present some aspects of the theory of modal functions, which is the modal correlate of the theory of truth-functions. While the formulas of classical propositional logic express truth-functions, the formulas of modal propositional logic (S5) express modal functions. We generalize some theorems of the theory of truth-functions to the modal case; in particular, we show the functional completeness of some sets of modal functions and define a (new) notion of truth-functional reduct of modal functions, as well as the composition of modal functions in terms of such reducts.

Balance, gravity waves and jets in turbulent shallow water flows

Shipton, Jemma January 2009 (has links)
This thesis contains a thorough investigation of the properties of freely decaying turbulence in a rotating shallow water layer on a sphere. A large number of simulations, covering an extensive range of Froude and Rossby numbers, have been carried out using a novel numerical algorithm that exploits the underly- ing properties of the flow. In general these flows develop coherent structures; vortices interact, merge and migrate polewards or equatorwards depending or their sign, leaving behind regions of homogenized potential vorticity separated by sharp zonal jets. In the first half of the thesis we investigate new ways of looking at these structures. In the second half of the thesis we examine the properties of the potential vorticity (PV) induced, balanced component and the residual, unbalanced component of the flows. Cyclone-anticyclone asymmetry has long been observed in atmospheric and oceanic data, laboratory experiments and numerical simulations. This asymmetry is usually seen to favour anticyclonic vorticity with the asymmetry becoming more pronounced at higher Froude numbers (e.g. Polvani et al. [1994a]). We find a similar result but note that the cyclones, although fewer, are significantly more intense and coherent. We present several ways of quantifying this across the parameter space. Potential vorticity homogenization is an important geophysical mechanism responsible for sharpening jets through the expulsion of PV gradients to the edge of flow structures or domains. Sharp gradients of PV are obvious in contour plots of this field as areas where the contours are bunched together. This suggests that we can estimate the number of zonal jets by performing a cluster analysis on the mean latitude of PV contours (this diagnostic is also examined by Dritschel and McIntyre [2007]). This provides an estimate rather than an exact count of the number of jets because the jets meander signficantly. We investigate the accuracy of the estimates provided by different clustering techniques. We find that the properties of the jets defy such simple classification and instead demand a more local examination. We achieve this by examining the palinstrophy field. This field, calculated by taking the gradient of the PV, highlights the regions where PV contours come closer together, exactly what we would expect in regions of strong jets. Plots of the palinstrophy field reveal the complex structure of these features. The potential vorticity field is even more central to the flow evolution than the strong link with jets suggests. From a knowledge of the spatial distribution of PV, it is possible to diagnose the balanced components of all other fields. These components will not contain inertia-gravity waves but will contain the dominant, large scale features of the flow. This inversion, or decomposition into balanced (vortical) and unbalanced (wave) components, is not unique and can be defined to varying orders of accuracy. We examine the results of four dfferent definitions of this decomposition, two based on truncations of the full equations and two based on an iterative procedure applied to the full equations. We find the iterative procedure to be more accurate in that it attributes more of the flow to the PV controlled, balanced motion. However, the truncated equations perform surprisingly well and do not appear to suffer in accuracy at the equator, despite the fact that the scaling on which they are based has been thought to break down there. We round off this study by considering the impact of the unbalanced motion on the flow. This is accomplished by splitting the integration time of the model into intervals τ < t < τ+dτ and comparing, at the end of each interval, the balanced components of the flow obtained by a) integrating the model from t = 0 and b) integrating the full equations, initialised at t = τ with the balanced components from a) at t = τ. We find that any impact of the unbalanced component of the flow is less than the numerical noise of the model.

Förberedelse till modernisering av styrsystem för produktion av processvatten / Preparing for the modernization of a control system for process water production

Altergren, Andreé January 2012 (has links)
På kraftvärmeverket Allöverket I Kristianstad produceras processvattnet i en anläggning som heter totalavsaltningen. I denna anläggning som består ut av två identiska linjer låter man det inkommande vattnet passera genom jonbytare för att byta ut de oönskade jonerna i vattnet emot mer önskade. Anledningen till att man gör detta är att de oönskade jonerna i vattnet ger beläggningar på turbinen. När jonbytarna blivit mättade så måste de återställas till sin ursprungliga form. Detta sker genom att det startas ett regenereringsprogram, som består av ett antal steg så som backspolning, kemikalieintag och fyra olika spolningar. Det finns gränsvärden för vilken ledningsförmåga samt vilken halt av kisel vattnet skall ha för att få levereras men det finns endast mätning av ledningsförmåga kopplat till styrsystemet vilket gör att man får styra anläggningen efter olika tider. Till styrsystemet är det kopplat ett antal centrifugalpumpar och magnetventiler samt mätutrustning för mätning av ledningsförmåga. I totalavsaltningen sitter det ett Siemens S5 styrsystem som styr anläggningen efter vattenmängd, ledningsförmåga och olika tider för sekvenserna. Alla de styrande funktionerna sitter på ett styrskåp ute i fabriken. Siemens systemet är gammalt och omodernt och skall därför bytas ut emot ett ABB 800xA system. Detta system används redan på operatörsstationerna i manöverrummet för att styra andra delar av fabriken. Med denna studie så har jag tagit fram en ny funktionsbeskrivning av totalavsaltningen. Funktionsbeskrivningen består ut av funktionsdiagram som beskriver hur programmet styr anläggningen idag. Till funktionsbeskrivningen har jag också gjort en ny teknisk beskrivning samt reviderat det processchema som finns över anläggningen för att all dokumentation skall hänga samman. / The heat and power station Allöverket in Kristianstad produced the process water in a plant called the total desalination. In this plant which consists out of two identical lines, they let the incoming water passing through ion exchangers to replace the undesired ions in the water to more desired ions. The reason for doing this is that the undesired ions in the water give coatings on the turbine. When the ion exchangers have been saturated, they must be restored to the original condition. This is done by starting a regeneration program, which consists of a number of steps such as back flushing, intake of chemicals and four different flushes. There are limits on the conductivity and the content of silicon in the water that will be delivered. But there is only measurement of the conductivity connected to the control system, and because of this they control the plant with different timers. To the control system there is connected a number of centrifugal pumps, solenoid valves and instrumentation for measurement of conductivity. In the total desalination sits a Siemens S5 control system that controls the plant after amount of water, conductivity and different times of the sequences. The control functions are now located on a control cabinet out of the factory. The Siemens S5 control system is old and outdated and will be changed to an ABB 800xA control system. This control system they already use to control other parts of the factory from the control room. With this study I have developed a new functional description of the plant and it consists of function diagrams which describes how the software controls the plant today. To the function description, I have also made a new technical description and revised the process scheme so that all documentation of the plant says the same thing.

Ethical realism in British and American Protestantism from 1920 to 1950

Shoop, William George January 1966 (has links)
No description available.

Jesus and Paul : the realization of the grace of God in the lives of outcasts and sinners

Simmons, William A. January 1990 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to advance the question of Paul's relationship to the historical Jesus by going beyond a mere paralleling of texts and by concentrating on the genuinely theological themes that join them. In contrast to the "new hermeneutic", and Eberhard Jungel in particular, the method of enquiry will emphasize events that speak rather than "speech-events" (Sprachereignisse) . The central thesis suggests that Jesus and Paul are related on an essentially theo-logical level. That is, they realized God, both in their perception and experience, as one who offered grace and reconciliation to the outcasts and sinners of their day. It is proposed that Jesus' deliberate table-fellowship with toll collectors and sinners revealed such a theology. It is further suggested that this fresh vision of God emboldened the Hellenists, and eventually the Apostle Paul, to welcome uncircumcised Gentiles as equal members of the people of God. Paul's violent persecution of the Hellenists was short-lived, for on the Damascus road he too experienced the God who justifies the ungodly. And finally it was postulated that the experience of the Spirit among the Gentiles served as evidentiary proof that God was indeed open to outsiders. Egalitarianism and mutual acceptance was to be the norm for the church. Thus the goal of the dissertation is to argue that the theological continuity expressed above is not due to mere coincidence, but is traceable to the deeds and words of the historical Jesus.

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