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Kultur i förändring : en jämförelse av ordet kulturs efterled i SAOB och SAOL 1998Olsson, Dan January 2004 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete har varit att undersöka på vilket sätt ordet kultur förändrats i en jämförelse mellan Svenska akademiens ordbok och Svenska akademiens ordlista 1998. I undersökningen har det endast ägnats intresse åt efterleden i orden. Efterleden från SAOB har jämförts med efterleden i SAOL 98. Efter en sortering i semantiska fält har det i arbetet konstaterats att ordet kultur förändrats från betydelsen ’odling’ mot ’bildning’.
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The effect of iron and sulphur compounds on the propionate degradation rate in a biogas process with high ammoniaDalén, Therese January 2024 (has links)
Biogas is produced during anaerobic degradation of organic material and mainly consist of methane and carbon dioxide. During the anaerobic degradation, the products are fatty acids such as propionate, butyrate and acetate. In the biogas process a syntrophic cooperation between different microorganisms are important, this involves syntrophic acetate oxidizing bacteria (SAOB) which degrade acetate, syntrophic propionate oxidizing bacteria (SPOB) which degrade propionate and methanogens which produces methane. The propionate degradation is often the slowest step in the biogas process since the microorganism involved do not get much energy from it. It has been observed that FeSO4 and FeCl2 improved the propionate degradation rate in thermophilic SPOB enrichment cultures but no impact on mesophilic enrichment cultures was observed. The aim of this study was to determine the impact by Fe/S-addition on the key species (SAOB, SPOB and methanogens) involved in the propionate degradation in mesophilic enrichment cultures and cultures with sludge with high ammonia concentration. Furthermore, cultivation studies are performed to reveal the optimal concentrations of iron (FeCl2), which boost the propionate degradation rate in mesophilic SPOB-cultures. The cultivation study was performed in batches (<500 mL) with 50 mM propionate, 0.3 mM ammonium and different FeCl2 concentrations between 0 to 20 mM. To determine the optimal FeCl2 concentration, the cultures were analysed by measuring the propionate, methane and acetate concentration using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The mesophilic enrichment cultures were treated with FeSO4, FeCl2, NaSO4, FeS, FeCl3, Fe2(SO4)3 and Na2S. The mesophilic cultures with sludge were treated with FeSO4, FeCl2, FeCl3, and a combination of all three compounds. The impact of Fe/S compounds on SAOB, SPOB and methanogens were analysed on the mesophilic enrichment cultures and cultures with sludge by measuring the copies of 16S rRNA gene using quantitative PCR (qPCR). It could be concluded that in the mesophilic enrichment culture none of the Fe/S compounds affected the SPOB or methanogens, but FeS increased the concentration of SAOB. In the mesophilic culture with sludge, FeCl2 and FeCl3 increased the SPOB level, however, FeSO4 decreased the SPOB level. Moreover, the SAOB levels decreased for FeCl3 and when all three compounds were combined. The methanogen level decreased over time by the compounds FeCl2 and FeSO4. From the cultivation study, the optimal FeCl2 concentration was 20 mM.
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Modeliranje uticaja režima saobraćajnog toka na elemente rada vozila javnog prevoza / Modeling the influence of traffic flow regime on the operation elements of public transport vehiclesSimeunović Milja 14 March 2016 (has links)
<p>Promena parametara saobraćajnog toka utiče na promenu elemenata rada vozila JGPP-a, kada ona saobraćaju u mešovitom saobraćajnom toku. Elementi rada vozila JGPP-a su definisani redom vožnje pa svako odstupanje od planiranih elemenata rada izaziva određene poremećaje u radu vozila na linijama kao i u celokupnom sistemu JGPP-a. Po pravilu, svaki poremećaj u radu vozila JGPP-a negativno se odražava na kvalitet usluga koje se pružaju korisnicima. U okviru ovog rada, izvršena je analiza uticaja karakteristika saobraćajnog toka na elemente rada vozila JGPP-a. Na osnovu analitičko–istraživačkog postupka razvijen je model zavisnosti vremena putovanja vozila JGPP-a od saobraćajnog opterećenja, na gradskoj uličnoj mreži. Razvijeni model testiran je na realnim podacima dobijenim istraživanjima na području Novog Sada. Utvrđene su međusobne zavisnosti veličine saobraćajnog toka i vremena putovanja, a indirektno, preko vremena putovanja određene su i zavisnosti ostalih elemenata rada vozila JGPP-a od promene veličine saobraćajnog toka. Poznavanjem zakonitosti promene ispitivanih parametara, moguće je projektovati elemente rada vozila JGPP-a u skladu sa realnim stanjem saobraćajnog toka i na taj način uticati na poboljšanje funkcionisanja sistema JGPP-a, a samim tim i na povećanje kvaliteta usluge koji se pruža korisnicima.</p> / <p>Change of the traffic flow parameters cause the change of the function elements of public transport vehicles, when it operate in mixed traffic flow. Function elements of the public transport vehicles are defined by schedule, so that any deviation from the planned function elements cause some disorder in the entire public transport system. As a rule, any disorder in operation of public transport vehicles has negative impact on the quality of service provided to users. In this paper, the influence of traffic flow characteristics on the function elements of public transport vehicles has been analysed. The model depending travel time of public transport vehicles from traffic volume on the city’s street network, based on the analytical research process, has been developed. The developed model was tested on real data obtained by research in the area of Novi Sad. Interaction of the volume and travel time has been determined and indirectly, through the travel time to the dependence of other function elements of public transport vehicles of traffic flow has been determined. Through knowledge of regularity of change of the parameters, it is possible to design function elements of the public transport vehicles in accordance with the real situation of the traffic flow and thus affect the improvement of operating of public transport system with increase the quality of service for users.</p>
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