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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Settlement, landscape and identity in medieval royal forests : the impact of forest law on Sherwood and the Peak, c. AD 650 to 1348

Dicken, Craig Arthur January 2018 (has links)
This research looks to present a reinterpretation of medieval forests, the least well understood landscapes of medieval Western Europe. The thesis focuses on the Forest of High Peak and Sherwood Forest and seeks to address several key themes, including the diversity of forest landscapes, the long-term impact of Forest Law, and evidence for power-relations and social dynamics within the forests. A wide variety of sources are utilised within this research, including map analysis and regression techniques, analysis of material culture, documentary sources, place names, church architecture, and funerary monuments. Evidence is found for forests having had a dynamic landscape character, including not only woodland, but also moorland, farmland, industrial areas, and urban areas, as well as a range of human activities that included mining, glass and charcoal manufacture, ironworking, leatherworking, carpentry, construction, and intensive arable and pastoral farming. Far from being universally oppressive, it emerges that through its protection of woodland Forest Law also preserved common rights and areas of royal demesne, the impact of which was a high degree of peasant agency during the medieval period.

Model forest system : even-aged Douglas fir plantation with invasive Rhododendron

Haffenden, Austin January 2015 (has links)
This thesis investigated the ecology and dynamics of Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii) dominated plantations at Coed-y-Brenin, Wales, whose transformation to continuous cover forestry has been delayed due to the presence of non-native invasive rhododendron (Rhododendron ponticum L). The literature review highlighted the complementary evolution of silviculture and modelling concepts to meet societal expectations and advance knowledge and understanding. It highlighted the development of hybrid, individual-based models, facilitated by advances in technology and complex systems theory to address contemporary pressures on forests. Three permanent sample plots of different ages, collectively covering 1.6ha of forest, were resurveyed in 2011, producing a 5-year growth series of mensuration data to parameterise an individual-based spatially-explicit forest growth model, SORTIE-ND. Vegetation, soil and light were surveyed to construct a statistical model of rhododendron seedling establishment and determine Ecological Site Classification. The limiting factors identified by the ecological site classification were a slightly dry Soil Moisture Regime and a poor Soil Nutrient Regime with moderate to high phosphorus and low nitrogen availability. SORTIE-ND was successfully parameterised using a maximum likelihood technique and simulated annealing. Parameterised relationships achieved an excellent level of fit to the data (R2 of 0.785 to 0.971), and the stand simulations produced DBH density plots comparable to observed size distributions. A Bayesian statistical model of rhododendron seedling establishment was produced. The cross-validated model predicted 81.3% of 24 survey stations with rhododendron seedlings, and 75% of 16 stations without seedlings, with an overall accuracy of 77.5%. Seedling establishment probability increased with soil O layer depth and decreased with increasing summed tree height in a 12x12 m neighbourhood. SORTIE-ND was then parameterised, using published literature, for the rhododendron lifecycle, to highlight knowledge gaps and as the novel first step towards full parameterisation from field data and the creation of decision support systems enabling foresters to interrogate the impact of different harvest regime scenarios on rhododendron invasion vulnerability.

Effects of cyclones on tropical rain forest structure and dynamics

Wan Mohammad, Syarifah Kamariah January 2015 (has links)
Spatial patterns of forest trees, stand level effects of cyclones, and factors affecting mortality and growth of individual trees were investigated in 20 experimental plots (0.5 ha) in North Queensland tropical rain forests, Australia. Cyclone disturbance has been recorded in individual plots for 20 times since establishment in 1971. Spatial point patterns of trees were mapped, and pair correlation and mark correlation function were used to investigate relationships between the trees. Effects of cyclones on stand level properties of the forests (total basal area, stem densities, stem size inequality, species diversity, recruitment, mortality) were estimated using generalised additive modelling. Factors affecting individual tree mortality and growth were analysed in generalised mixed effects modelling. The spatial pattern analysis showed minor changes of tree density and tree death in the forest spatial patterns following cyclones. The models revealed that the forest properties were changed significantly. Cyclones decreasing total basal area and increased tree mortality rates and number of abundant species. Higher mortality rates are likely influenced by individual tree characteristics of low wood density, negative growth rates and belonging to particular sets of families. Factors that increase growth rates are include higher crowding effects of tree density, cyclone occurrence, crowding effects by smaller trees, and trees of some families. Slower growth rates are likely influenced by higher wood density, higher surrounding basal area of competing trees and in certain families. From this research, evidence has found for cyclones to be a factor increasing stand level mortality rates but not individual tree mortality. The dynamics from individual trees in mortality and growth, forest spatial patterns and stand level properties has characterised the tropical rain forests of North Queensland in facing frequent cyclone disturbances.

Évaluation du potentiel de l'infrarouge spectral pour la détection hâtive du stress nutritif chez les végétaux de grandes cultures. Application à la culture de la pomme de terre

Guénette, Caroline 11 April 2018 (has links)
À l’heure actuelle, la gestion des fertilisants dans les productions agricoles est un sujet auquel les producteurs et les gestionnaires accordent beaucoup d’attention. La sur-utilisation des fertilisants engendre des coûts environnementaux et financiers importants qui ont récemment mené à une législation, aussi fédérale que provinciale, dans ce domaine. Pour en arriver à l’utilisation optimale des fertilisants azotés, ce sont les carences des végétaux qui doivent être évaluées correctement. Ce projet de recherche vise à évaluer le potentiel de détection des carences nutritives en azote chez la pomme de terre par la télédétection spectrale infrarouge. Pour atteindre notre objectif, nous avons effectué une campagne de mesure en serre où le plan expérimental était sous forme de mesures répétées. Quatre niveaux de carences nutritives en azote ont été induits chez des plants de pomme de terre. Le stress causé par la carence nutritive chez les plants a été mesuré selon des techniques agronomiques et des techniques de télédétection, incluant la spectroscopie infrarouge. Une fois le potentiel de détection des carences évalué pour chaque technique, c’est la comparaison entres elles qui permet de déterminer lesquelles mèneront à la discrimination la plus hâtive dans la saison de croissance. Une combinaison optimale d’indice est identifiée et sa capacité de discrimination est quantifiée par une analyse discriminante. La recherche conclut à une amélioration notable du potentiel de discrimination du stress causé par une carence nutritive en azote en combinant 3 indices de télédétection spectrale. / At the present time, the management of fertilizers in the agricultural productions is a subject on which producers and administrators grant much attention. The overuse of fertilizers generates important environmental and financial costs which recently lead to both federal and provincial legislations in this field. To gain optimal use of nitrogenized fertilizers, one must evaluate correctly the plant‘s deficiencies. This research project aims at evaluating the potential of detection of the nutritive nitrogen deficiency on potato plants by the use of infra-red spectral remote sensing. To achieve our goal, we performed repeated measurements in a greenhouse experimental setup. Four levels of nitrogen deficiencies were induced on potato plants. The stress caused by the nutritive deficiency was measured according to agronomic techniques and remote sensing techniques, including the infra-red spectroscopy. Once the potential of detection evaluated for each technique, the comparison among them made it possible to determine which technique(s) allowed the hastiest discrimination during the growing season. An optimal combination of index has been identified. Its capacity of discrimination between levels of nitrogen deficiency has been quantified by a discriminant analysis. Research concludes with a notable improvement of discrimination potential by combining three remote sensing index.

Uppmärksamhet och lögner : - En kvalitativ studie i Sverigedemokraternas kommunikativa arbete.

Kuijl, Willem, Rydberg Ling, Alexander January 2016 (has links)
Detta arbete rör politisk kommunikation, med särskilt fokus på Sverigedemokraterna och deras kommunikativa processer. Vi har genom intervju, med Sverigedemokraternas kommunikationschef, samt retoriska analyser sett till hur Sverigedemokraterna arbetar när det kommer till kampanjplanering. Vi har dessutom använt oss av Sverigedemokraternas egna kommunikationsplan och genom denna dragit paralleller till hur arbetet med kommunikation går till hos ett parti som Sverigedemokraterna. Att skriva om ett parti som Sverigedemokraterna kan vara känsligt, och vi har varit noga med att enbart fokusera på de kommunikativa processerna. Vår intervju och analyser har vi gett stöd genom teorier inom bland annat PR, politisk kommunikation, medial spridning och sambandet mellan politiska partier och medier. Vad vi har sett är att de kommunikativa processerna inom Sverigedemokraterna, enligt Sverigedemokraterna själva är utformade på så sett att dessa ska skapa så stor uppmärksamhet som möjlighet, detta i ett försök att få de traditionella- och nya medierna att få upp ögonen för dessa. De två kampanjer vi har valt att analysera genom detta arbete är dels tunnelbanekampanjen i Östermalmstorg samt flygbladet som delades ut i de flyktingtäta områdena kring Medelhavet. Det vi har kommit fram till genom detta arbete är att de mål som Sverigedemokraterna har satt upp för dessa kampanjer har varit att skapa uppmärksamhet. Uppmärksamhet som de både skapat själva och fått via spridning i bland annat sociala medier.


Åkerblom, Jacob January 2016 (has links)
Denna jämförelsestudie ämnar att undersöka marknadens leverantörer av nätverksutrustning de- finierade som Software Defined Wide Area Networks(SD-WAN). SD-WAN är en innovativ teknik som applicerar virtualisering och Software defined networking koncept i Wide Area Networks (WAN) för att skapa kostnadseffektiva nätverk. Studien har utförts på företaget Curitiba som idag arbetar med konsulttjänster inom utvalda WAN-optimering och SD-WAN-produkter. Arbetets syfte är att utvärdera SD-WAN-lösningar och specificera i vilken typ av företagsnätverk lösningen bäst appliceras. Undersökningen börjar med en utredning av dagens organisationsnätverk för att kunna utföra en jämförelse mot SD-WAN. Därefter utvärderas fem leverantörer av nätverksutrustning definierade som SD-WAN, dessa är: Cisco IWAN, CloudGenix, Riverbed Steelconnect, Talari och Viptela. Produkter från Viptela utvärderas i ett test som undersöker komplexiteten i konfiguration av produkten. Utöver SD-WAN jämförelsen undersöks dagens state of practice och vilka fördelar samt nackdelar denna har över SD-WAN. Cisco IWAN är en sammanslagning av Ciscos tidigare funktioner som tillammans bildar en komplett SD-WAN-lösning, för att uppnå detta behöver produkterna kompletteras med programvarulicenser. CloudGenix är en nystartad nätverksleverantör som erbjuder en SD-WAN-produkt som liknar många andra aktörer men utmärker sig med avancerad applikationsidentifikation. Riverbed SteelConnect är intressant för organisationer som söker en simplifierad helhetslösning med ett centraliserat gränssnitt. Talari var en av de första SDWAN-leverantörerna och fokuserar på applikationsprestanda och pålitlighet men saknar några av funktionerna som de andra aktörerna erbjuder. Viptela erbjuder en simplifierad SD-WAN-lösning med hög skalbarhet. SD-WAN som teknik har många spännande funktioner, organisationer som planerar att investera i en uppgradering av WAN-infrastruktur bör undersöka SD-WAN alternativ. / Mälardalens Högskola Examensarbete Abstract This comparative study aims to investigate the markets vendors of networking equipment defined as Software Defined Wide Area Networks (SD-WAN). SD-WAN is an innovative technology that applies virtualization and software defined networking concepts in Wide Area Networks (WAN) to create cost-effective networks. The study has been done at Curitiba, a consulting firm in selected WAN-Optimization and SD-WAN products. The purpose is to evaluate SD-WAN solutions on today’s market and specify in what type of enterprise networks a solution should be applied. The investigation starts with examining todays enterprise networks to later compare them to SD-WAN. Five network vendors SD-WAN products will then be examined, these are Cisco IWAN, CloudGenix, Riverbed SteelConnect, Talari and Viptela. Products from Viptela is further examined in a test that investigates the complexity of configuring said product. Beyond the evaluation of SDWAN vendor’s, todays state of practice will be compared to SD-WAN. Cisco IWAN is a merge of Cisco’s previous features which together forms a complete SD-WAN solution, to achieve a complete solution the products must be complemented by software licenses. CloudGenix is a new networking vendor offering a SD-WAN solution similar to many other vendors but distinguish themselves with their advanced application identification. Riverbed SteelConnect is interesting for organizations looking for a complete and simplified solution with a centralized web interface. Talari was one of the first SD-WAN vendors and focuses on application performance and reliability but lacks some of the functionality other vendors offers. Viptela provides a simplified SD-WAN solution with high scalability. SD-WAN as a solution have many exiting features, organizations who plans to upgrade their current WAN-infrastructure should examine SD-WAN options

Sustainable landscape planting in the Negev Desert

Kotzen, Benz January 2007 (has links)
The research concerns the potential for using the native plants of the Negev Desert in southern Israel in the Negev, which will help to promote more sustainable landscape development in the region. The study combines the data collection in the field of 163 plant species located in the Negev desert and the literature review of these species. The plants’ key physical, visual and aesthetic characteristics as well as their natural growing conditions are analysed. The analysis leads to an evaluation of the Negev plants in terms of suitability for particular uses in the Negev landscape. The conclusion reached is that the main reason for the non-use of the native plants is that they are still considered a part of the hostile desert environment. They have not as yet been ‘culturalised’. The advantages/disadvantages of using the native plant species is considered for each plant using a natural/quasi-experimental method, where each of the 163 species located by the author is analysed in terms of its physical and aesthetic characteristic and potential use. Furthermore, the individual species are matched with an exotic species and evaluated according to their potential landscape and ecological effects, water use and their potentials for environmental use in natural areas, the middle landscape and garden locations. The analysis and evaluation of the native Negev species confirms that 95%-96% of the native Negev plants have the potential for environmental use in natural areas and the middle landscape and 69% have the potential for garden use. A scientific study of the shade characteristics of 6 native Negev trees confirms that these trees provide an equal, if not better shade, compared to two control species and thus their potential for use in creating shade and altering micro-climate has been proven. The research also proposes a series of micro-landscape solutions, which will help to promote plant establishment and growth in the Negev as well as other desert environments. These proposals are seen as part of the agenda for establishing more sustainable landscape development in the Negev.

Carbon storage and sequestration under different land uses with a focus on biomass crops

Prayogo, Cahyo January 2013 (has links)
Climate change is caused by rising quantities of greenhouse gases, particularly CO2, in the atmosphere, largely through consumption of fossil fuels. There is interest in sustainable energy generation from renewable resources, particularly biomass crops to reduce reliance on fossil fuels. A key advantage of such energy systems is that they assimilate atmospheric CO2 and thus help mitigate climate change. Soil represents one of the largest pools of C in the biosphere and there is potential to use soil as a sink to sequester C to mitigate climate change. The aim of this project was to investigate soil C storage and sequestration in short rotation coppice (SRC), which is one of the major biomass cropping systems in temperate climates. 14 year old plantations of willow and poplar established at Rothamsted Research in Harpenden were used to investigate how the quantity and quality of organic matter under the SRC compare to that under adjacent land uses, including arable cropping, set-aside grassland and natural woodland. It was shown that change in land use to SRC led to increased C storage in soil relative to alternative agricultural systems, while conversion to setaside had no effect on soil C stocks. There was no difference in C storage under different poplar or willow cultivars. Differences in C storage between arable, SRC and set-aside plots reflected changes in C stocks at 0-30 cm depth with no change occurring to C at 30-60 cm. The quality of C was investigated by analysis of the light fraction organic matter pool which acts as an early indicator of long term changes in total soil organic matter. The work showed that the free LFOM pool responded to land use change while the physically protected intra-aggregate LFOM pool did not. While changes to amounts of LFOM following land use change occurred in soil at 0-30 cm depth, there were no changes at 30-60 cm depth. Fourier Transform Infra Red spectroscopy showed that the chemical composition of free and intra aggregate LFOM was different, and that composition of both pools was affected by land use. Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass spectroscopy was shown to provide fine level resolution of the composition of soluble organic matter, and demonstrated that the aromaticity and chain length of C was higher in woodland than arable soil. The potential to sequester C in soil as biochar is a promising option to promote longterm sequestration of C in soil. The potential to use a fluidised bed reactor to produce biochar was investigated. Life Cycle Analysis showed that 4700C was the optimal temperature to promote retention of C in biochar during pyrolysis, while minimising losses of C as bio-oil and gases. Addition of steam during pyrolysis was shown to increase the surface area of the resulting biochar. Addition of biochar to soil reduced net C mineralisation of soil organic matter and litter at a rate of 2 % w/w, but not at 0.5 % w/w. However both concentrations of biochar affected net mineralisation of N. Phospholipid fatty acid analysis showed that both concentrations of biochar altered microbial community structure, with fungal biomass in particular promoted by the addition of biochar. Overall the work demonstrates that SRC promotes significant storage of C within soil organic matter, which has implications for the overall energy budget of SRC biomass. Furthermore, conversion of biomass to biochar for land application provides opportunities for sequestration of C within soil. Application of biochar to soil would provide further benefits to the overall energy balance of SRC by reducing mineralisation rates of native soil organic matter and litter.

Impact of land-use changes on the methanotrophic community structure

Nazaries, Loïc January 2011 (has links)
Methane (CH4) is one of the most potent greenhouse gases and its increasing concentration in the Earth’s atmosphere is linked to today’s global warming. The types of land and land-use have an impact on net CH4 fluxes, e.g. wetlands are generally net CH4 emitters while upland forest soils are a sink for CH4. This project aimed to elucidate the effect of afforestation and reforestation on net CH4 fluxes and to determine the control of the CH4-oxidising bacteria (methanotrophs) on net CH4 flux rate. This was investigated using a combination of molecular (T-RFLP, cloning/sequencing, microarray) and activity-specific (PLFA-SIP) approaches. Several sites were selected to analyse soil methanotrophs under shrubs regenerating after a fire compared to a native mature forest (in New Zealand), and under bog, grass, heath, pine and birch vegetation (in Scotland). Furthermore, a simple bottom-up approach was applied to seasonal measurements of local net CH4 fluxes in Scotland. These were upscaled to annual values in order to estimate the contribution to the national CH4 budget for each habitat investigated. The effect on CH4 mitigation of the conversion of different types of non-forested habitat to forests was then estimated. Afforestation/reforestation was always found to induce net CH4 oxidation at rates much faster than previously estimated. This preliminary analysis suggests that heathland conversion to birch forest was beneficial in term of CH4 sinks but it also induced large and permanent losses of soil C. However, bog afforestation with pine trees can potentially neutralise the national CH4 emissions from non-forested areas, while preserving soil C stocks. This project also revealed that changes in net CH4 flux due to land-use changes were closely related to shifts in the structure of the methanotrophic community. The relative abundance of members of the USCα cluster (high-affinity methanotrophs) was a strong predictor of net CH4 fluxes. Finally, the sole presence of trees suggested a niche-specific adaptation of the methanotrophs, which may have been correlated to some of the soil characteristics.

In situ conservation of wild cherry (Prunus avium L.) in Europe

Teeling, Claire January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this project was to combine species distribution modelling (SDM) with the results of a molecular genetic diversity study to make suggestions for sites on which to locate genetic reserves. This work was complemented by a molecular genetic diversity and a forest management policy study, to examine the potential for in situ conservation of the crop wild relative species, Prunus avium. In order to identify the species distribution, the most widely available occurrence data were in the form of historical records, gathered from online repositories and herbaria. A selection of environmental variables were incorporated with occurrence records in the SDM software, MaxEnt, to estimate the existing and possible future distribution of this species. Different sampling methods and combinations of accessions were used to evaluate model performance. This work was supplemented by the use of microsatellite marker analysis, to identify genetic distance among samples collected, covering the species‘ range. Clear separation was found between the individuals from the south-eastern edge of the range, and all other European samples. The effect of management practices on the persistence of wild cherry in managed forests and the impact of conservation policy was also considered, using case studies from the UK and Belgium, interviews and grey literature. Results showed that the difficulties of obtaining reliable, unbiased data can be overcome, as long as these factors are considered in conservation planning. Suggestions are made for several potential reserve sites across Europe, in a variety of forested environments, with differing management priorities.

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