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Online marketingová strategie vybrané společnosti / Online marketing strategy of particular companyStojaníková, Jana January 2012 (has links)
The goal of my Diploma Thesis was to show companies, they should focuse more on investing time and their money into SEO, PR articles as well as they should use social media to communication with their customers. This could be in a long run more efficient than spending money on PPC campaigns. The Diploma Thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is oriented on Online Marketing, it shows the basics of each online marketing strategy; SEO, PPC as well as new trends in this fast growing field. The practical part is focused on analyzing instruments of online marketing strategy of ESENNCE.CZ, which is a Czech provider of Experience Days.
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Možnosti využití sociálních sítí a internetového marketingu pro podporu konkurenceschopnosti webového portálu / Possibilities of using social networking sites and Internet marketing to promote competitiveness of web portalPryl, David January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with tools for social networks and internet marketing and their application to real case reviewing and news website Mobilenet.cz. The content of the document is divided into two separate parts. The goal of the first of them is to establish a theoretical framework for the second part. Theoretical part describes tools and options in general. There are listed both instruments that relate to internet marketing itself and instruments related directly to social networks. The second part includes theoretical knowledge applied to a specific case, web Mobilenet.cz and its defined competitors. First of all is analyzed Mobilenet.cz on its own, then it is compared to the competition. Analysis also includes websites check, from which are deduced imperfections in the quality of websites. The final part is created a practical demonstration, which aims to increase traffic on website Mobilenet.cz. At the very end of the document are applied results from the analysis of the second part to propose the strategy for web Mobilenet.cz. The main benefits of my work are analysis of Mobilenet.cz website and its competitors. As part of this work is also formed practical demonstration, which aims to increase traffic on this website. Another important contribution is the design solution for the future operations of the website Mobilenet.cz.
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Analýza WWW stránek na základě klíčových slov / Analysis of WWW pages on the basis of keywordsDoležal, Petr January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is about keyword research for optimization of web pages. The thesis is mainly focused on on-page factors which are connected with keywords and key phrases. The goal of the thesis is design of methodics for keyword research and its evaluation on the basis of practical usage. The design of methodics is based on theoretical and practical knowledge and experience and it is the main contribution of the thesis. Usage of the keyword research is very wide, it forms the basis of creation of a web and content of the web. Everybody should learn the methodics, who wants to promote his web in competitive area, who wants to get to know his customers better and to generate higher profit, because the methodics is beneficial for all these and other reasons. The first part is theoretical basis. It shows the position of keyword research in SEO and in web mining. Further the important terms connected with keywords are defined. Keyword properties and methods to gaining keywords for website optimization are described either. Further various targets and metrics for measuring these targets are introduced. Next the most important tools for keyword research and characteristics of the two most used search engines for the Czech Republic (Google and Seznam) are described. The second part includes the design of the methodics for keyword research which consists of data collection, website optimization and monitoring of changes. Individual processes of methodis are described in practical experiments for particular web pages. The effectiveness of the methodics is evaluated at the end.
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Návrh internetové propagace pro elektronický obchod / Proposal of Internet Promotion for E-commerce SolutionNěmec, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the issue of online promotion for a particular group of online shops. The first part deals with the clarification of concepts that are closely related to the given issue. The second part analyzes the current promotion of internet shops. In the design section there are several sub-proposals that lead to the improvement of e-shop promotion.
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Návrh zlepšení internetového marketingu pro vybranou B2B společnost / Internet Marketing Improvements Suggestion for Specific B2B CompanyRoshchina, Polina January 2020 (has links)
The focus of this thesis is the analysis and evaluation of the marketing tools that are currently being used by a specific international company and a proposal for improving the efficiency of their methods. The company has a few branches in Europe, Asia, North and South America and provides B2B services in the Language Service Provider (LSP) industry.
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Text im Hypertext.: Erarbeitung eines Textproduktionsmodells für OnlineumgebungKoßmann, Rose Sharon 01 November 2021 (has links)
Texte in hypertextuellen und -medialen Bereichen unterscheiden sich stark von Print-Äquivalenten, was nicht nur den veränderten Rezeptionsbedingungen geschuldet ist,
sondern auch dem Auftreten einer völlig neuen Rezipientengruppe: Suchmaschinen.
Die vorliegende Arbeit liefert ein Modell der Textproduktion, das die spezifischen Rahmenbedingungen des professionellen Schreibens im Internet berücksichtigt. Ausgangspunkt sind dabei zum einen das Textproduktionsmodell von Hayes und Flower (1980), andererseits aktuelle Ratgeber zur Onlinetextproduktion und Suchmaschinenoptimierung.:1. Einleitung 4
2. Von der Sonderstellung von Onlinetexten hin zur Fragestellung 5
3. Das Textproduktionsmodell von Hayes und Flower (1980) 8
4. Übertragung des Hayes-Flower-Modells auf den Onlineschreibprozess 11
4.1 Schreibumgebung 11
4.1.1 Interessen von Contentproduzenten 11
4.1.2 Intendierter Leser Mensch 13
4.1.3 Intendierter Leser Suchmaschine 18
4.1.4 Bereits produzierter Text 22
4.2 Planung mit neuen Informationsressourcen 23
4.3 Translation 25
4.3.1 Technische Seite der Translation 25
4.3.2 Sprachlich-stilistische Seite der Translation 27
4.4 Überarbeitung 30
4.5 Monitoring 31
5. Ableitung eines Textproduktionsmodells für Onlineumgebungen 33
6. Schluss 36
Anhang 38
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Podpora podnikání s využitím elektronického obchodu / The Business Support with the Utilization E-commerceJuřica, Lukáš January 2008 (has links)
This master’s thesis is aimed to solve the problems of a company running its own e-shop, that does not fulfill their original intentions. This master’s thesis covers the suggestions how to make the e-shop more visible and the proposal for new functions using additional modules. This also involves the basic design of the data structure.
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Optimalizace webových stránek a strategie prodeje / Optimalization of Web Pages and Strategy of SellingKosina, Pavel January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with websites optimizing for search engines. It describes the basic website optimalization practices in the source code as well as influencing the surrounding site in such a way that the web site finished best in the search results. It also describes illegal practices and support PPC systems. This work is also a practical example, which demonstrates the application of theoretical knowledge on specific websites.
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Analýza firmy a realizace změn / Company Analysis and Realization of ChangesStaněk, Miroslav January 2010 (has links)
The subject of this master thesis is the anlysis of the chosen company and realization of changes. The main change is the implementation of e-commmerce. On the basis of this thesis should be the firm able to realize its web e-commerce that will lead to a stable firm position on the market and to increase of the capital as well as the reputation of the company with potential customers.
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Firemní internetové stránky a elektronický obchod / Company Internet Sites and E-CommerceŠťastný, Jakub January 2010 (has links)
The master's thesis is focused on proposal and subsequent integration of e-shop into a web presentation and overall web optimalization. Furthermore the thesis includes characterization of many partial activities, which were necessary to perform during project realization. It records financial aspects of whole project and also presents suggestions on how to promote the web pages on the internet.
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