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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Évaluation de l'efficacité d'un nouvel ajout cimentaire alternatif (aluminosilicate) pour contrecarrer la réaction alcalis-silice dans le béton

Naranjo Salazar, Fabio Armando 02 February 2024 (has links)
La réaction alcali-silice (RAS) reste un problème majeur de durabilité du béton. Plusieurs chercheurs ont étudié l'utilisation d'ajouts cimentaires (AC) et de certains résidus industriels comme mesure fiable pour contrôler l'expansion associable à la RAS dans le béton. Les ajouts cimentaires ont également été utilisés comme outil pour réduire l'impact environnemental de la production du ciment. À cette fin, des granulats réactifs ont été sélectionnés et combinés à différentes proportions de résidus d'aluminosilicate (SiAl) produits lors d'un processus industriel visant l'extraction du lithium dans un cadre d'exploitation minière. Des éprouvettes de barres de mortier (AMBT) et de prismes miniatures du béton (MCPT) ont été préparées avec différentes proportions de SiAl (10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30% et 40% de remplacement massique du ciment - systèmes binaires), de même qu'en combinant des proportions de SiAl avec des ajouts cimentaires conventionnels comme des cendres volantes (CV), du laitier de haut fourneau (LHF) et de la fumée de silice (FS) dans des mélanges ternaires, et ce afin d'évaluer l'expansion de la RAS conformément aux essais accélérés CSA A23.2-25A/28A et AASHTO T 380-19. Les résultats d'essais réalisés sur éprouvettes de béton (essai MCPT) ont montré une diminution de 82 à 89% de l'expansion aux échéances critiques pour les spécimens incorporant 15 à 25% de SiAl (systèmes binaires incorporant les granulats réactifs Spratt et Sudbury). Dans les mélanges ternaires, la tendance bénéfique était similaire et, par exemple, l'incorporation d'un pourcentage de 10%SiAl+10CV à 10%SiAl+15%CV a réduit l'expansion de 83% et 91%, respectivement, par rapport au mélange de référence composé de ciment Portland seulement (mélanges incorporant le calcaire Spratt). Ces niveaux de réduction de l'expansion par rapport à celle obtenue pour les éprouvettes de référence permettent dans bon nombre de cas de rencontrer les limites d'acceptation pour les formulations (ternaires) efficaces contre la RAS, mais pas toujours. Les éprouvettes incorporant au moins de 20% de l'aluminosilicate (SiAl) à l'étude ont permis d'atténuer l'expansion de la RAS causée par l'utilisation de granulats réactifs (Spratt et Sudbury). Pour corréler les résultats obtenus lors des essais accélérés, ceux-ci ont été comparés à des essais réalisés sur des blocs de béton fabriqués avec la même proportion d'AC et exposés à des conditions naturelles pendant 20 ans. / The alkali-silica reaction (ASR) remains a major concrete durability problem around the world. Several researchers have studied the effectiveness of supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) and other industrial waste materials as a measure to control ASR expansion in concrete. SCMs have also been used as a tool to reduce the environmental impact of cement production. For this purpose, selected reactive aggregates were combined with an Aluminosilicate residue (SiAl) produced during lithium extraction from a mining operation. Accelerated Mortar bar (AMBT) and Miniature Concrete Prism (MCPT) tests were performed on specimens that were prepared with various SiAl proportions (10%, 15% 20%, 25%, 30% and 40% by cement mass - binary systems), as well as by combining various proportions of SiAl with conventional SCMs such as a fly ash (FA), slag (SL) and silica fume (SF) in ternary mixes. The objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of those SCMS in reducing ASR expansion in accordance with accelerated tests CSA A23.2-25A/28A and AASHTO T 380-19. MCPT test results showed expansion reduction of 82 to 89% at selected critical testing periods for specimens incorporating 15 to 25% of SiAl (binary mixtures with reactive Spratt and Sudbury aggregates). In the case of ternary blends, a similar beneficial trend was observed; for example, increasing the amount of FA from 10 to 15% in a mixture incorporating 10% SiAl resulted in expansion reductions improving from 83 to 91% compared to the control OPC concrete (mixtures with the Spratt reactive aggregate). Such levels of expansion reductions allowed for a large number of the ternary mixtures tested to meet the acceptance limit proposed for the MCPT, but not always. Specimens incorporating at least 20% of the aluminosilicate (SiAl) residues were useful to prevent ASR expansion caused by the use of reactive aggregates (Spratt and Sudbury). To correlate the results obtained from the accelerated tests, those were compared with expansion trends measured on concrete blocks built with the same amount of SCMs and exposed to natural conditions for a period of 20 years.

The encapsulation of nuclear waste in a magnesium aluminosilicate glass-ceramic

Luk, Kathryn Michelle January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Computer simulation study of apatite mineral surfaces and interfaces with silicates

Mkhonto, Donald January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D (Physics)) --University of Limpopo, 2005 / We have derived a potential model for °uorapatite Ca10(PO4)6F2, ¯tted to structure, elastic constants and vibrational frequencies of the phosphate groups, which is compatible with existing calcite and °uorite potential mod- els. We then modelled the structure and stabilities of the dry and hydrated f0 0 0 1g, f1 0 1 0g, f1 0 1 1g, f1 1 2 0g, f1 0 1 3g and f1 1 2 1g surfaces, which calculations con¯rmed the experimental dominance of the f0 0 0 1g surface, which is prominently expressed in the calculated thermodynamic morphologies. The dehydrated morphology further shows the experimental f1 1 2 1g twinning plane, while the f1 0 1 0g cleavage plane is expressed in the hydrated morphology. Molecular adsorption of water has a stabilising e®ect on all six surfaces, where the surfaces generally show Langmuir be- haviour and the calculated hydration energies indicate physisorption (73 - 88 kJ mol¡1). The chains of °uoride ions surrounded by hexagonal calcium channels can become distorted in two major ways during relaxation: either by a shortening/lengthening of the FF distances, when the channel is perpendicular to the surface, or by distortion of the CaF bonds when the channel is parallel to the surface. Both distortions occur when the channel runs at an angle to the surface. Other relaxations include compression of the calcium sub-lattice and rotation of surface phosphate groups. We have modelled adsorption of a range of organic molecules onto dif- ferent °uorapatite surfaces, due to the importance of organic/ inorganic in- teractions in biological situations. We have selected organic molecules that represent a model for the carboxylic acids, alkyl hydroxamates and those 3 that contain both the aldehyde and hydroxyl functional groups. Adhesion of these organic molecules on the surfaces has shown strong interaction between the surface's Ca ions and the molecule's oxygens, more especially the car- bonyl oxygens than any other interactions. It was found that the number of interactions between the ions of adsorbate molecule and the mineral surfaces thus contribute signi¯cantly to the exothemicity of adsorption. Further more, simulations of apatite thin ¯lms at a range of ®-quartz surfaces have shown how the strength of adhesion between thin ¯lms of ap- atite material and ceramic silica surfaces is crucially dependent upon both the orientation of the ¯lm relative to the substrate and the nature of the silica surfaces, a ¯nding that is important in a wide number of applications, from basic geological research on intergrowth of phosphate and silicate rock minerals to the search for more e®ective surgical implant materials. It was shown that although the unrelaxed quartz surface is more reactive toward the apatite ¯lm, the more regular thin ¯lm structures grown at the pre-relaxed quartz surfaces lead to more stable interfaces. Film growth at the unrelaxed quartz surface is energetically increasingly unfavorable, whereas growth at the pre-relaxed surface is calculated to continue beyond the ¯rst layer, where the adhesion energy is convergent with the layer growth of the thin ¯lm. Ad- hesion of apatite thin ¯lm on hydroxylated surfaces of ®-quartz has shown to be energetically less favourable than at dry surfaces. This was because the thin ¯lm interact mainly with the hydroxyl ions on the surface of quartz. However, the adhesion energy is still convergent with layer growth of the thin ¯lm on the hydroxylated surfaces. / National Research Foundation of South Africa (NRF), Council for Scientific and Industrial research (CSIR), and the University of the North

Modélisation des interactions ioniques à la surface des Silicates de Calcium Hydratés

Henocq, Pierre 11 April 2018 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse présente la modélisation des phénomènes interfaciaux des Silicates de Calcium Hydratés (C-S-H) en présence de diverses solutions salines. Les C-S-H sont synthétisés en laboratoire sous la forme de suspensions en solution. La caractérisation du solide par diffraction des rayons X et par résonnance magnétique nucléaire permet de valider le processus de synthèse. L'étude de particules colloïdales en solution, tels les C-S-H, requiert la caractérisation globale de l'interface, c'est-à-dire la surface du solide, la région interfaciale et la solution. Le modèle numérique développé dans le cadre de travail de recherche prend en compte les spécificités physiques de ces trois régions. La modélisation des intéractions ioniques s'articule expérimentalement sur les mesures de potentiel zêta et de rétention ionique. Le modèle considère les phénomènes de double couche et de complexation de surface pour interpréter les données de potentiel zêta. Une telle interprétation permet également de déterminer quantitativement la fixation des ions par les C-S-H, due à l'adsorption spécifique et à l'attraction électrostatique. La modélisation des interactions de surface est couplée chimiquement à un modèle de solubilité. Ce couplage physico-chimique fait intervenir la notion d'activité ionique. Le coefficient d'activité des ions en solution est calculé par la méthode MSA (Mean Spherical Approximation) qui est applicable à de fortes concentrations ioniques. Les C-S-H sont étudiés en présence de NaCl, Na2SO4, NaOH et CaCl2. Les résultats du modèle mettent en évidence la dépendance de la charge de surface en fonction de la composition de la solution, ainsi que la corrélation implicite entre les interactions interfaciales et la rétention ionique. Cette corrélation est vérifiée par l'application du modèle à des pâtes de C3S hydraté. L'un des objectifs majeurs de la thèse est l'étude du comportement des ions chlore. L'étude démontre leur très faible interactivité envers les C-S-H, ce qui constitue une information importante, car, dans le cas d'une pâte de ciment hydraté, les C-S-H sont généralement considérés comme étant les principaux responsables de la rétention du chlore. Par le développement d'un module d'interactions physiques, ce travail de recherche contribue significativement à l'étude du transport ionique dans les matériaux cimentaires.


HOSTETLER, CHARLES JAMES. January 1982 (has links)
Equilibrium properties of the MgO-Al₂O₃-SiO₂ (MAS) system are modeled using techniques from statistical and quantum mechanics. The fundamental structural units in this model are the closed shell ions: Mg²⁺, Al³⁺, Si⁴⁺, and O²⁻. The equilibrium properties of the MAS system are determined by the interactions among these ions and by the environment (i.e. temperature and pressure). The interactions are modeled using coulombic, dispersion, and repulsive forces. Two parameters appearing in the repulsive terms for each cation-oxygen interaction are fitted from properties of quartz, corundum, and periclase crystals. The effects of the environment on the liquid and solid compositions found in this system are calculated using a Monte Carlo technique involving the generation of a Markov chain of configurations; each configuration being a "snapshot" of the particles in the liquid or solid material being studied. The properties of the material are derived from averaging appropriate quantities over all the configurations. Enthalpies of formation, heat capacities, and volumes of seven compositions in the MAS system have been calculated using this method. All are within three percent of the corresponding experimental values. Radial distribution functions for these runs show the competition among the cations for the common anion, oxygen, under charge and mass balance constraints. The electronic structure of several molecular clusters in the MAS system are examined using ab initio linear combinations of atomic orbitals (LCAO) techniques. The assumptions used in LCAO calculations are examined and a small, balanced basis set for the MAS system is presented. The Mg-, Al-, and Si-O interactions are all found to be highly ionic using this basic set. Using a first principles technique, the two body effective pair potentials assumed for the Monte Carlo calculations were shown to be physically reasonable.

Materials properties of hafnium and zirconium silicates: Metal interdiffusion and dopant penetration studies.

Quevedo-Lopez, Manuel Angel 08 1900 (has links)
Hafnium and Zirconium based gate dielectrics are considered potential candidates to replace SiO2 or SiON as the gate dielectric in CMOS processing. Furthermore, the addition of nitrogen into this pseudo-binary alloy has been shown to improve their thermal stability, electrical properties, and reduce dopant penetration. Because CMOS processing requires high temperature anneals (up to 1050 °C), it is important to understand the diffusion properties of any metal associated with the gate dielectric in silicon at these temperatures. In addition, dopant penetration from the doped polysilicon gate into the Si channel at these temperatures must also be studied. Impurity outdiffusion (Hf, Zr) from the dielectric, or dopant (B, As, P) penetration through the dielectric into the channel region would likely result in deleterious effects upon the carrier mobility. In this dissertation extensive thermal stability studies of alternate gate dielectric candidates ZrSixOy and HfSixOy are presented. Dopant penetration studies from doped-polysilicon through HfSixOy and HfSixOyNz are also presented. Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS), heavy ion RBS (HI-RBS), x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM), and time of flight and dynamic secondary ion mass spectroscopy (ToF-SIMS, D-SIMS) methods were used to characterize these materials. The dopant diffusivity is calculated by modeling of the dopant profiles in the Si substrate. In this disseration is reported that Hf silicate films are more stable than Zr silicate films, from the metal interdiffusion point of view. On the other hand, dopant (B, As, and P) penetration is observed for HfSixOy films. However, the addition of nitrogen to the Hf - Si - O systems improves the dopant penetration properties of the resulting HfSixOyNz films.

Durabilidade de união e carga cíclica para falha do silicato de litío reforçado por zircônia após cimentação adesiva /

Diniz, Vandeberg. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Renata Marques de Melo Marinho / Banca: Tarcísio José Arruda Paes Júnior / Banca: Laís Regiane da Silva Concílio / Resumo: No presente trabalho, avaliou-se o efeito de diferentes concentrações de ácido fluorídrico (5% e 10%), na resistência de união entre uma cerâmica de silicato de lítio reforçado por zircônia (sem cristalização adicional, com queima de glaze e com queima adicional de cristalização) e um cimento resinoso, com e sem envelhecimento. Avaliou-se também o comportamento em fadiga de uma cerâmica à base de silicato de lítio reforçado por zircônia (sem cristalização adicional, com de queima de glaze e com queima adicional de cristalização) cimentada adesivamente a um material análogo a dentina (NEMA G10), na ausência ou presença de envelhecimento. Para o teste de microtração os blocos cerâmicos de silicato de lítio reforçado por zircônia foram cortados em blocos menores e divididos aleatoriamente em 12 grupos (N = 72; n = 6). No teste de fadiga os espécimes foram em formato de discos (diâmetro de 12 mm e espessura de 1,2 mm) cimentados a discos de resina epoxi Nema G10 (diâmetro de 12mm e espessura de 2,3mm), divididos em 6 grupos (N = 120; n = 20) e submetidos a ensaio de fadiga pelo método da escada (100.000 ciclos, 20 Hertz de frequência). Os dados resistência de união (MPa) e fadiga (N) foram submetidos à ANOVA 2-fatores, e respectivamente submetidos aos testes de Tukey e Bonferroni (p<0,05). Os resultados mostraram diferença estatisticamente significante para o fator "termociclagem" (ANOVA 2 fatores, p<0,05) sendo os grupos sem termociclagem superiores aos grupos com envelhecimento... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract : This study evaluated the effect of different hydrofluoric acid concentrations (5% and 10%) on the bond strength between a zirconium-reinforced lithium silicate ceramic (without additional crystallization, glaze firing and additional crystallization firing) and a resinous cement, with and without aging. The fatigue behavior of a zirconium-reinforced lithium silicate-based ceramic (without additional crystallization, glaze firing and additional crystallization firing) adhesively cemented to a material like dentin (NEMA G10) was also evaluated with or without thermal aging. For the microtensile test, the zirconia reinforced lithium silicate ceramic blocks were cut into smaller blocks and randomly divided into 12 groups (N=72; n=6). In the fatigue test, discs (diameter 12 mm and thickness 1.2 mm) were cut, cemented to NEMA G10 epoxy resin discs (diameter 12 mm and thickness 2.3 mm), assigned into 6 groups (N=120, n=20) and subjected to the fatigue test by the ladder method (100,000 cycles, 20 Hertz frequency). The bond strength (MPa) and fatigue (N) data were submitted to 2-Way ANOVA, and respectively submitted to Tukey and Bonferroni tests (p <0.05). The results showed a statistically significant difference for the "thermocycling" factor (2-Way ANOVA, p <0.05), with the groups without thermocycling been superior to the aged groups (Tukey). The Bonferroni test indicated that within the same condition (with or without thermocycling), the groups with additional crystallization or glaze firing showed higher results than the groups without additional firing. Thus, the bond between ZLS and the resin cement was negatively affected by thermal aging in water. On the other hand, the fatigue behavior of ZLS discs cemented on NEMA G10 was higher in the groups that received glaze or crystallization firing and lower in the aged groups...(Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Electrical conductivity in the FeO·Fe2O3-Al2O3-SiO2 system.

Yen, Chung-An Felix January 1977 (has links)
Thesis. 1977. Ph.D.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND SCIENCE. / Vita. / Includes bibliographical references. / Ph.D.

Analysis of heat transfer in silicate slags.

Nauman, John Dana January 1976 (has links)
Thesis. 1976. Sc.D.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering. / Microfiche copy available in Archives and Science. / Vita. / Includes bibliographical references. / Sc.D.

Geochemical studies of selected base metal minerals from the supergene zone

Crane, Martin John, University of Western Sydney, College of Science, Technology and Environment, School of Science, Food and Horticulture January 2001 (has links)
Acid leaching of different natural chrysocolla samples under ambient conditions demonstrated that the chemical and chrystallographic inhomogenity significantly affects the rate and that it is virtually impossible to use the mineral as a model for the kinetics of hydrometallurgical processing of copper ores.Dissolution experiments, stability diagrams,and X-ray powder diffraction studies are undertaken and studied in this research and results are given.It is found that a complete solid solution series exists in Nature with most tungstenian wulfenites and molybdenum stolzites containing a range of compositions. The first occurrence of a molybdenum stolzite from Broken Hill, Australia, which also contains small amounts of chromium is noted.Raman microprobe spectroscopy has proven to be a very quick and effective non-destructive method for semi-quantitative analysis of the wulfenite-stolzite and powellite-scheelite solid-solution series and in detecting very small amounts of substituted chromate in wulfenite, stolzite and anglesite / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

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