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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ben Sira's teaching on social justice /

Jensen, Joseph E. January 1996 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.--Biblical Studies)--Catholic University of America, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 203-228). Also available on the Internet.

Attitudes toward Sexuality in the Book of Ben Sira

karib34@hotmail.com, Ibolya Balla January 2008 (has links)
The fact that Ben Sira seemingly has a negative attitude towards women or femininity can easily lead to the assumption that the work has a negative attitude toward sexuality. However, this thesis will seek to demonstrate that the author's view on sexuality is complex, subtle, and depends on the context of the individual sayings. First of all we have to make a distinction between the attitudes of the writer of the original Hebrew text of the book and that of the Greek translator. The two texts, produced in different social settings, circumstances, times and places, differ substantially at times in regard to sexuality. Therefore it is essential to treat them separately and to compare them. In addition, the Book of Ben Sira, the longest Jewish wisdom book, is a complex combination of carefully composed wisdom poems that structure the whole work, and of teachings on everyday issues including marriage, family life, self-control, desires and passions, and sexual promiscuity. The openness about issues of eroticism that characterizes some of the poems concerning personified female wisdom is unprecedented in the wisdom writings of Second Temple Judaism. Similarly, the sage dedicates a greater number of passages than other wisdom books, to the discussion of social relations especially in regard to family. In so doing his regular point of departure seems to be what benefits or damages these relations mean, and whether they bring disgrace to a person, especially through sexuality. These all have bearings on the author’s and translator’s views of sexuality, including the position a person or situation under discussion might have in the sage’s social value system. Therefore the thesis examines the wisdom poems, and all sayings that concern sexuality found in discussions of passions, relations with parents, daughters and sons, wives and husbands, and warnings against sexual wrongdoing, including prostitution and adultery. All this is done with a special regard to the differences between the Hebrew original text and the Greek translation.

Modelo dinâmico de propagação de ví­rus em redes de computadores. / Dynamic model of virus propagation in computer networks.

Batistela, Cristiane Mileo 16 May 2018 (has links)
Desde que os vírus de computadores tornaram-se um grave problema para sistemas individuais e corporativos, diversos modelos de disseminação de vírus têm sido usados para explicar o comportamento dinâmico da propagação desse agente infeccioso. Como estratégias de prevenção de proliferação de vírus, o uso de antivírus e sistema de vacinação, têm contribuído para a contenção da proliferação da infecção. Outra forma de combater os vírus é estabelecer políticas de prevenção baseadas nas operações dos sistemas, que podem ser propostas com o uso de modelos populacionais, como os usados em estudos epidemiológicos. Entre os diversos trabalhos, que consideram o clássico modelo epidemiológico de Kermack e Mckendrick, SIR (suscetível - infectado - removido), aplicado ao contexto de propagação de vírus, a introdução de computadores antidotais, como programa antivírus, fornece muitos resultados operacionais satisfatórios. Neste trabalho, o modelo SIRA (suscetível - infectado - removido - antidotal) é estudado considerando a taxa de mortalidade como parâmetro e associado a isso, o parâmetro que recupera os nós infectados é variado de acordo com a alteração da taxa de mortalidade. Nessas condições, a existência dos pontos de equilíbrio livre de infecção são encontrados, mostrando que o modelo é robusto. / Since computer viruses have become a serious problem for individual and corporate systems, several models of virus dissemination have been used to explain the dynamic behavior of the spread of this infectious agent. As prevention strategies for virus proliferation, the use of antivirus and vaccination system, have contributed to contain the proliferation of the infection. Another way to combat viruses is to establish prevention policies based on the operations of the systems, which can be proposed with the use of population models, such as those used in epidemiological studies. Among the several papers, which consider the classic epidemiological model of Kermack and Mckendrick, SIR (susceptible - infected - removed), applied to the context of virus propagation, the introduction of antidotal computers, such as antivirus program, provides many satisfactory operational results. In this work, the SIRA (susceptible - infected - removed - antidotal) model is studied considering the mortality rate as a parameter and associated with this, the parameter that recovers infected nodes is varied according to the change in mortality rate. Under these conditions, the existence of infection free equilibrium points are found, showing that the model is robust.

Modelo dinâmico de propagação de ví­rus em redes de computadores. / Dynamic model of virus propagation in computer networks.

Cristiane Mileo Batistela 16 May 2018 (has links)
Desde que os vírus de computadores tornaram-se um grave problema para sistemas individuais e corporativos, diversos modelos de disseminação de vírus têm sido usados para explicar o comportamento dinâmico da propagação desse agente infeccioso. Como estratégias de prevenção de proliferação de vírus, o uso de antivírus e sistema de vacinação, têm contribuído para a contenção da proliferação da infecção. Outra forma de combater os vírus é estabelecer políticas de prevenção baseadas nas operações dos sistemas, que podem ser propostas com o uso de modelos populacionais, como os usados em estudos epidemiológicos. Entre os diversos trabalhos, que consideram o clássico modelo epidemiológico de Kermack e Mckendrick, SIR (suscetível - infectado - removido), aplicado ao contexto de propagação de vírus, a introdução de computadores antidotais, como programa antivírus, fornece muitos resultados operacionais satisfatórios. Neste trabalho, o modelo SIRA (suscetível - infectado - removido - antidotal) é estudado considerando a taxa de mortalidade como parâmetro e associado a isso, o parâmetro que recupera os nós infectados é variado de acordo com a alteração da taxa de mortalidade. Nessas condições, a existência dos pontos de equilíbrio livre de infecção são encontrados, mostrando que o modelo é robusto. / Since computer viruses have become a serious problem for individual and corporate systems, several models of virus dissemination have been used to explain the dynamic behavior of the spread of this infectious agent. As prevention strategies for virus proliferation, the use of antivirus and vaccination system, have contributed to contain the proliferation of the infection. Another way to combat viruses is to establish prevention policies based on the operations of the systems, which can be proposed with the use of population models, such as those used in epidemiological studies. Among the several papers, which consider the classic epidemiological model of Kermack and Mckendrick, SIR (susceptible - infected - removed), applied to the context of virus propagation, the introduction of antidotal computers, such as antivirus program, provides many satisfactory operational results. In this work, the SIRA (susceptible - infected - removed - antidotal) model is studied considering the mortality rate as a parameter and associated with this, the parameter that recovers infected nodes is varied according to the change in mortality rate. Under these conditions, the existence of infection free equilibrium points are found, showing that the model is robust.

Примена маркетинг концепта у функцији унапређења производње и пласмана сира у Републици Србији / Primena marketing koncepta u funkciji unapređenja proizvodnje i plasmana sira u Republici Srbiji / Applying Marketing Concepts to Improve Cheese Production and Placing on the Market in the Republic of Serbia

Mugoša Izabela 19 January 2018 (has links)
<p>ИЗ<br />Производња и пласман сира заузимају једно од кључних места у стратегији развоја и раста агроиндустрије многих, економски најразвијенијих, земаља. Као финални производ сточарске производње, сир, као готов производ, резултат је ангажовања већег броја различитих привредних субјеката у ланцу стварања и испоруке вредности, због чега може бити значајан генератор прихода за&nbsp; све учеснике и фактор економског развоја Републике Србије.&nbsp; Основни циљ истраживања је да се на бази информација добијених обрадом података из&nbsp; примарних и секундарних извора, креира&nbsp; предлог функционалног маркетинг концепта, као услова за унапређење производње и пласмана сира из понуде произвођача Републике Србије, на домаћем и иностраним тржиштима. Резултати истраживања треба да укажу на факторе који су од значаја за повећање домаће производње, перспективе и могуће извозне дестинације, као и повећање извоза.</p><p><br /><br />Резултати истраживања указују на то да, у светским размерама, Република Србија није конкурент у сегменту индустријских сирева. Оно што, пре свега удружени, произвођачи сира Републике Србије могу да понуде све захтевнијим потрошачима на домаћем и међународном тржишту, јесу првенствено аутохтони сиреви који носе ознаку географског порекла, варијетети традиционалних, органских, као и сиреви са додатом вредношћу који могу да задовоље специфичне захтеве идентификоване тржишне тражње, како у погледу квалитета и осталих маркетинг обележја, тако и у погледу безбедности хране. Основни услов за креирање профитно оријентисаних пољопривредних газдинстава која се баве производњом сира, јесте континуирана аграрна политика којом се креирају услови извесности за привредне субјекте. Удруживање, успостављање акредитованих програма континуиране едукације из области маркетинга и производње сира, као и државни подстицаји у виду наменски опредељених финансијских средстава, представљају неке од примарних фактора развоја и јачања конкурентске позиције произвођача сира.<br /><br />Датум</p> / <p>IZ<br />Proizvodnja i plasman sira zauzimaju jedno od ključnih mesta u strategiji razvoja i rasta agroindustrije mnogih, ekonomski najrazvijenijih, zemalja. Kao finalni proizvod stočarske proizvodnje, sir, kao gotov proizvod, rezultat je angažovanja većeg broja različitih privrednih subjekata u lancu stvaranja i isporuke vrednosti, zbog čega može biti značajan generator prihoda za&nbsp; sve učesnike i faktor ekonomskog razvoja Republike Srbije.&nbsp; Osnovni cilj istraživanja je da se na bazi informacija dobijenih obradom podataka iz&nbsp; primarnih i sekundarnih izvora, kreira&nbsp; predlog funkcionalnog marketing koncepta, kao uslova za unapređenje proizvodnje i plasmana sira iz ponude proizvođača Republike Srbije, na domaćem i inostranim tržištima. Rezultati istraživanja treba da ukažu na faktore koji su od značaja za povećanje domaće proizvodnje, perspektive i moguće izvozne destinacije, kao i povećanje izvoza.</p><p><br /><br />Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na to da, u svetskim razmerama, Republika Srbija nije konkurent u segmentu industrijskih sireva. Ono što, pre svega udruženi, proizvođači sira Republike Srbije mogu da ponude sve zahtevnijim potrošačima na domaćem i međunarodnom tržištu, jesu prvenstveno autohtoni sirevi koji nose oznaku geografskog porekla, varijeteti tradicionalnih, organskih, kao i sirevi sa dodatom vrednošću koji mogu da zadovolje specifične zahteve identifikovane tržišne tražnje, kako u pogledu kvaliteta i ostalih marketing obeležja, tako i u pogledu bezbednosti hrane. Osnovni uslov za kreiranje profitno orijentisanih poljoprivrednih gazdinstava koja se bave proizvodnjom sira, jeste kontinuirana agrarna politika kojom se kreiraju uslovi izvesnosti za privredne subjekte. Udruživanje, uspostavljanje akreditovanih programa kontinuirane edukacije iz oblasti marketinga i proizvodnje sira, kao i državni podsticaji u vidu namenski opredeljenih finansijskih sredstava, predstavljaju neke od primarnih faktora razvoja i jačanja konkurentske pozicije proizvođača sira.<br /><br />Datum</p> / <p>AB&nbsp;<br />Cheese production and placing on the market hold some of key positions of growth and development strategies in agricultural industry of numerous highly developed countries. As the final product of livestock production &ndash; cheese, as the finished product is a result of several different business entities participating in the creation cycle and value delivery. Hence, it could be a significant revenue generator for all participants</p><p><br /><br />and a factor in the economic development of the Republic of Serbia. Primary aim of the research is to create a functional marketing concept proposal on the basis of information obtained from data analysis received from primary and secondary sources as a condition for enhanced cheese production and placing on the market by Serbian manufacturers, both on domestic and international markets. Research results should indicate significant factors in increased domestic production, prospects and potential export destinations as well as increased export. Research results reveal that the Republic of Serbia is not a competitor in the field of industrial cheese on a global scale. Something that, above all, associated cheese manufacturers from the Republic of Serbia can offer to progressively demanding consumers on both domestic and international market are original varieties of cheese with designation of origin, varieties of traditional and organic cheese, value-added cheese which can meet the specific requirements of identified market demand. This refers to quality and other marketing features, including food safety as well. Elementary condition for creating profitoriented agricultural holdings for cheese production is the continuous agricultural policy which creates conditions of certainty for business entities. Creating associations and founding accredited programs of continuing education in the field of marketing and cheese production as well as state incentives in the form of dedicated funds represent some of primary factors in development and strengthening the competitive position among cheese manufacturers.</p>

Sourcing of Marble Used in Mosaics at Antioch (Turkey)

Archambeault, Marie Jeanette 09 April 2004 (has links)
Artifacts made of durable materials, such as stone, can provide valuable clues to reconstruct the past. Marble sourcing, in particular,provides information about contact, trade, and other activities in the greater Mediterranean area. The Worcester Art Museum of Massachusetts (WAM) initiated a provenance study by requesting that an analysis of several marble artifacts occur at the University of South Florida's Archaeological Science Laboratory. The 55 marble samples used in this study are from the Worcester Art Museum's collection of Antioch mosaics. Positive results might reveal: 1) preferred sources of tesserae, 2) information about trade of specialized stone, 3) changes in preferred sources during different chronological periods, and 4) workshop preferences. The requested analysis had two objectives. First, once the provenance of the materials is determined, then the results could reveal meaning behind the images contained within the mosaic floor. Second, the results could reveal new trade routes in the Mediterranean. The first step in this analysis was X-ray diffraction (XRD),which differentiates dolomite and calcite marbles. The second step used stable isotope ratio analysis (SIRA), which measures carbon-13 and oxygen-18 isotopic ratios. These two steps have helped to identify Mediterranean marble sources in previous studies. Most of the ancient Mediterranean marble sources have been identified. They have different isotopic values and other characteristics that allow for differentiation. Only one source of dolomite marble exists, which is located in the eastern Mediterranean. It has been identified through XRD in previous studies. Many of the calcite marble sources have different carbon and oxygen isotopic values, which were provided from the SIRA. Those marble artifacts with overlapping carbon and oxygen values can be further analyzed using archaeological, historical, and other information and by using other scientific techniques including cathodoluminescence, electron paramagnetic resonance, and strontium isotope analysis. This thesis discusses the methods used to prepare the samples and analysis conduction; it also discusses the results of the analyses, and presents interpretations regarding the provenance and trade of the marble used for mosaics at Antioch. The results of the SIRA and XRD analysis showed that the materials used for mosaic tesserae come from a variety of sources. Although no definitive matches were found, the results provide the basis for the collection of a colored marble database of sources and artifacts.

Scribal culture in Ben Sira (Sir 38:1-15; 41:1-15; 43:11-19; 44-50)

Askin, Lindsey A. January 2016 (has links)
The Book of Ben Sira, written at some point between 198 and 175 BCE, is a Second Temple Jewish wisdom text which regularly echoes or quotes the Hebrew Bible. A recent area of study in biblical scholarship has been that of scribal culture, written sources and physical remains left behind by societies with manuscripts and a scribal profession. While scholarship on Ben Sira has centred on his use of texts and on his sociocultural background, these issues might be better understood by examining Ben Sira through the lens of scribal culture as understood in biblical scholarship. This thesis proposes first to study the primary data of Ben Sira closely in order to discern characteristics of Ben Sira's individual scribalism or personal compositional style. This can then be compared to other evidence of ancient scribal culture. The central argument of the thesis is that the lens of scribal culture tells us more about the complexity of this ancient composition. Chapter One introduces the thesis and covers scholarship on Ben Sira and on scribal culture. Chapter Two examines the portrayals of Noah (Sir 44:17-18) and Phineas (Sir 45:23-26), exploring how Ben Sira uses one major biblical source in each. Looking at the portrayals of Hezekiah-Isaiah (Sir 48:17-25) and Josiah (Sir 49:1-3), Chapter Three highlights the harmonization of multiple sources. Chapter Four examines Ben Sira's lines on weather (Sir 43:11-19) in order to evaluate the relationship between quotation and literary model. Chapter Five approaches the sociocultural and textual spheres on the subjects of death and the body (Sir 41:1-15). Chapter Six investigates Ben Sira's perspectives on physicians (Sir 38:1-15) in the light of ancient medicine. Each of the selected passages shed a slightly different light on the scribalism of Ben Sira.

Coordinated Regulation of Salmonella Virulence Genes by the BarA/SirA Two-Component System and the Csr Global Regulatory System

Lucas, Darren Edward 01 October 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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