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Železobetonová konstrukce obytného domu / Reinforced concrete structure of an apartment blockČairović, Dorde January 2013 (has links)
The master thesis is aimed for design and assessment of main bearing segments of reinforced concrete structure of apartment block: monolithic reinforced concrete slab over the second floor, foundation slab, stairway slab, pillar and wall beam. Constituent part of the thesis is also drawing documentation of reinforcement of selected segments. Calculation of the internal forces is made at graphical software system Scia Engineer.
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Val av bjälklag : En jämförelse av massivt betongbjälklag, plattbärlag och samverkansbjälklag av trä och betong ur ekonomi och miljösynpunkt / A comparison of slabsLoneberg, Agnes, Kvarnvik, Linnea January 2020 (has links)
Purpose: In 2016, the construction industry produced 21% of Sweden's total carbon dioxide emissions. To reduce these emissions, an alternative is to choose building components from an environmental perspective. At the same time, the client of the building wants to keep the costs of production down. An multi criteria analysis is a tool for weighing different aspects against each other. In this report environmental aspects and the economic aspects of three different slabs will be compared and analyzed to facilitate the choice of slabs. The slabs that have been analyzed are solid concrete slabs, filigree floor slabs and composite slabs of wood and concrete. Method: The report is based on a reference project of an office building with a span of 6 m and an area of 1000 m2 located in Jönköping. This information is used for calculating requirements and transport. To obtain the desired results, an Life Cycle Assessment and a cost analysis have been performed along with a document analysis as well as contact with suppliers of the slabs. The results from the Life Cycle Assessment and the cost analysis were then used to perform an multi criteria analysis where the various aspects were weighed together. Interviews were conducted to strengthen the weighing in multi criteria analysis and to find out how the choice of beams currently applies to the company PEAB. Findings: The results from the document analysis show that filigree floor slabs are the most advantageous when it comes to finances and that wood and concrete slabs are most advantageous from an environmental point of view. In the analysis of the empirical data collected from the interviews, it is shown that the financial aspect is more important and should be weighted higher than the environmental aspect in the multicriteria analysis. Multi criteria analysis shows that filigree floor is the most advantageous in both economy and environment. During the planning and in the choice of flooring, finances are one of the most important aspects, but also the working environment and the ease of installation. Implications: The conclusion of this report is that the filigree floor slabs are the most advantageous choice of floor slabs in terms of both economic and environmental aspects. This flooring is also shown to be the flooring that is often chosen for buildings similar to the work's reference project. This result is considered to be general for similar constructions as the reference project. Limitations: The work only considers the Life Cycle Assessment category Climate impact and greenhouse gases and considers only the period of cradle to gate (A1-A4). The costs that are calculated are for the purchase of flooring and materials, installation and transport / Syfte: Byggbranschen producerade år 2016 21% av Sveriges totala koldioxidutsläpp. För att minska dessa utsläpp är ett alternativ att välja byggdelar utifrån miljöperspektiv. Samtidigt vill byggherren hålla ner kostnaderna för produktionen. En multikriterieanalys är ett verktyg för att väga olika aspekter mot varandra. I detta arbete kommer miljöaspekter och de ekonomiska aspekterna för tre olika bjälklag att jämföras och analyseras för att underlätta vid val av bjälklag. Bjälklagen som analyserats är massivt betongbjälklag, plattbärlag samt samverkansbjälklag utav trä och betong. Metod: Arbetet utgår ifrån ett referensprojekt om en kontorsbyggnad med en spännvidd på 6 m och en yta på 1000 m2 beläget i Jönköping. Dessa uppgifter används för beräkning av krav samt transport. För att få fram de resultat som önskas har en livscykelanalys och en kostnadsanalys utförts utefter en dokumentanalys samt kontakt med leverantörer av bjälklagen. Resultatet ifrån livscykelanalysen och kostnadsanalysen användes sedan för att utföra en multikriterieanalys där de olika aspekterna vägdes samman. Intervjuer utfördes för att stärka vägningen i multikriterieanalysen samt för att få reda på hur valet av bjälklag går till för nuvarande på företaget PEAB. Resultat: Resultatet från dokumentanalysen visar att plattbärlag är det mest fördelaktiga när det gäller ekonomi och att samverkansbjälklag av trä och betong är mest fördelaktigt ur miljösynpunkt. I analysen av den insamlade empirin från intervjuerna visas det att ekonomiaspekten är viktigare och borde viktas högre än miljöaspekten i multikriterieanalysen. Multikriterieanalysen visar på att plattbärlag är det bjälklag som är mest fördelaktigt inom både ekonomi och miljö. Under projekteringen och i valet av bjälklag är ekonomi en av de viktigaste aspekterna men även arbetsmiljön och lättheten att montera. Konsekvenser: Slutsatsen av detta arbete är att plattbärlaget är det mest fördelaktiga valet av bjälklag med tanke på både ekonomi- och miljöaspekter. Detta bjälklag visas också vara det bjälklag som ofta väljs för byggnader liknande arbetets referensprojekt. Detta resultat anses vara generellt för liknande konstruktion som referensprojektet. Begränsningar: Arbetet tar enbart hänsyn till livscykelanalyskategorin Klimatpåverkan och växthusgaser och avser enbart vagga till grind (A1-A4). De kostnader som beräknas är för inköp av bjälklag och material, montering samt transport.
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Bytový dům / Flat BuildingPodepřel, Petr January 2020 (has links)
The thesis deals with the design and calculation of selected parts of an apartment building in Brno. The apartment building is 6 floors (one underground floor and 5 above-ground floors), the underground floor is the entire reinforced concrete. The work focuses mainly on the static design and assessment of individual elements of reinforced concrete structures. The assessed load-bearing elements are the roof slab, ceiling slab 1.PP, prefabricated staircase, elevator shaft and so-called white bath (foundation slab, walls). All calculations are performed using SCIA Engineer. Individual ceiling slabs and staircases are solved by 2D models and the construction of the white bathtub is made in a 3D model. The design proceeded according to valid European standards ČSN EN 1992-1-1 and ČSN 73 1201. The result of this work is static design of reinforcement of all solved parts and drawing documentation.
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Minimiarmering i grundplattor : En studie om hur konstruktörsföretag väljer armering och hur valet påverkar den färdiga konstruktionen / Minimum reinforcement in ground slabs : A study of how structural engineering companies choose minimum reinforcement and how the choice affects the finished constructionNurro, Matti, Jönsson, Emanuel January 2019 (has links)
Purpose: Concrete is a widely used construction material for mainly buildingfoundations. In Sweden Eurocode is used to dimension the minimum reinforcement that is supposed to limit the cracking of the concrete after casting, but cracking is nevertheless a common problem. The aim of this paper is to investigate how structural engineers choose the reinforcement in slabs on ground and how the construction is affected by the choice of reinforcement. Method: In the study, a literature study is made with articles within minimum reinforcement and cracking problems. A document analysis is made of how the Eurocode should be interpreted and used to calculate the minimum reinforcement amounts and crack widths. There are structured interviews with five design companies to investigate how minimum reinforcement is chosen for three different types of slabon ground. Findings: The results of the study show that the final construction might be both physically and economically affected in a negative way due to the fact that the wanted minimum reinforcement levels and crack widths are not always reached. Implications: The findings implicate that the choice of minimum reinforcement is done in different ways among engineers, and a significant difference in the levels could be seen. The recommendations are that the formula for crack width limitation should be used first, lower rebar dimensions should be used and that the communication between building construction engineer and builder should beimproved. Limitations: The study was limited to five interviews with building construction engineers, only three different slab examples were given to the interviewees for calculation of crack limitation reinforcement. Hence the results are not generally useful for all types of slab on ground. Keywords: Crack width, eurocode, eurokod, minimum reinforcement, slab on ground
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Sobre o comportamento estrutural e o dimensionamento de lajes mistas de aço e concreto com armadura adicional / On the structural behavior and the design of composite slabs with additional reinforcementGrossi, Luiz Gustavo Fernandes 25 October 2016 (has links)
Usualmente, em situações práticas de projeto de lajes mistas, procura-se uniformizar ao máximo a espessura das fôrmas de aço, normalmente por razões econômicas (produção em larga escala). Entretanto, em alguns casos, há a necessidade de se especificarem algumas fôrmas com maior espessura, solução essa pouco competitiva no mercado brasileiro. Uma alternativa economicamente interessante em relação ao aumento de espessura é a inserção de armadura adicional, mantendo-se assim a espessura padrão (em geral 0,80 mm) e obtendo-se aumento da área de aço por meio de vergalhões. No entanto, por se tratar de uma solução inusual, o comportamento estrutural das lajes mistas com armadura adicional e seus critérios e diretrizes de dimensionamento não são previstos em normas e manuais técnicos: a ABNT NBR 8800 (2008, p. 226) e o Eurocode 4 (2004, p. 104) mencionam que, caso haja armadura para resistir ao momento fletor positivo, a formulação apresentada deverá ser adequadamente ajustada, mas não apresentam os respectivos critérios e equacionamentos. O ANSI/ASCE 3-91 (1992), o CSSBI S2-2008 (2008) e o ANSI/SDI C-2011 (2011) não mencionam a possibilidade de armadura adicional. Diante desse cenário, investigou-se o comportamento estrutural de lajes mistas com vergalhões e, por meio de uma extensão matemática das formulações já existentes para o caso sem armadura, foram propostos critérios de dimensionamento para os estados-limites últimos (momento fletor e cisalhamento longitudinal) e de serviço (deslocamento vertical). Foram realizados ensaios de flexão em doze protótipos de lajes mistas de dimensões usuais, sendo oito sem barras adicionais e quatro com, variando-se as dimensões (altura e vão, conforme Eurocode 4 (2004)) e com quatro taxas de armadura. A partir desses resultados, pôde-se analisar o comportamento estrutural dos protótipos com armadura adicional, os quais apresentaram ductilidade e capacidade consideravelmente maiores que as correspondentes lajes sem as barras. Por fim, também foram validadas as formulações referentes ao cisalhamento longitudinal (extensões do Método m-k e do Método da Interação Parcial) e ao deslocamento vertical, para os casos mais usuais. / Usually, on the design of composite slabs with profiled steel decking, it is tended to standardize as much as possible the thickness of the steel decking, generally because of economic reasons (large-scale production). Nevertheless, in a few cases it must be necessary to specify thicker steel decking, which is not a competitive solution in the Brazilian market. An economic alternative regarding the increase of thickness is the insertion of additional bottom reinforcement, thus, keeping the standard thickness (in general 0.80 mm) and obtaining the steel area increment through rebars. Notwithstanding, since that is an unusual solution, the structural behavior of composite slabs with additional reinforcement, their criteria and design guidelines are not provided in standards and technical manuals: ABNT NBR 8800 (2008) and Eurocode 4 (2004) state that, if there are additional bars to resist positive bending moment, the formulation should be adapted, however they do not present the respective criteria and equating. CSSBI S2-2008 (2008), ANSI/ASCE 3-91 (1992) and ANSI/SDI C-2011 (2011) do not mention the possibility of using additional reinforcement. In this scenario, the structural behavior of composite slabs with rebars was investigated and, through a mathematic extension of the formulation already used to the unreinforced situation, design criteria were proposed for the ultimate (flexure and longitudinal shear) and serviceability (deflection) limit states. In addition, flexure tests were carried out in twelve composite slabs with usual dimensions, eight of those without additional bars and four with, following the recommendations by Eurocode 4 (2004) about the variation of the dimensions (height and span), with the latter having four reinforcement rates. With the results of those tests, the structural behavior of the reinforced prototypes was analysed, which have showed considerably higher ductility and resistance when compared to those with the unreinforced ones. Finally, the formulations for the usual cases related to longitudinal shear (extensions of the m-k Method and the Partial Interaction Method) and deflection were validated.
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Behaviour of Post-Tensioned Slab Bridges with FRP Reinforcement under Monotonic and Fatigue LoadingNoel, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The introduction of fibre-reinforced polymers (FRPs) to the field of civil engineering has led to numerous research efforts focusing on a wide range of applications where properties such as high strength, light weight or corrosion resistance are desirable. In particular, FRP materials have been especially attractive for use as internal reinforcement in reinforced concrete (RC) structures exposed to aggressive environments due to the rapidly deteriorating infrastructure resulting from corrosion of conventional steel reinforcement. While FRPs have been successfully implemented in a variety of structural applications, little research has been conducted on the use of FRP reinforcement for short span slab bridges. Furthermore, the behaviour of FRP-RC flexural members cast with self-consolidating concrete (SCC) is largely absent from the literature.
The present study investigates the behaviour of an all-FRP reinforcement system for slab bridges which combines lower cost glass FRP (GFRP) reinforcing bars with high performance carbon FRP (CFRP) prestressed tendons in SCC to produce a structure which is both cost-efficient and characterized by excellent structural performance at the serviceability, ultimate and fatigue limit states. An extensive experimental program comprised of 57 large or full-scale slab strips was conducted to investigate the effects of reinforcement type, reinforcement ratio, prestressing level and shear reinforcement type on the flexural performance of slab bridges under both monotonic and fatigue loading. The proposed reinforcement system was found to display excellent serviceability characteristics and high load capacities as well as significant deformability to allow for sufficient warning prior to failure. Lastly, the use of post-tensioned CFRP tendons limited the stresses in the GFRP reinforcing bars leading to significantly longer fatigue lives and higher fatigue strengths compared to non-prestressed slabs.
Analytical models were used to predict the behaviour of the slab bridge strips at service and at ultimate. Where these models failed to accurately represent the experimental findings, simple modifications were proposed. The results from ancillary tests were also used to modify existing analytical models to predict the effects of fatigue loading on the deflection, crack width, shear resistance and flexural capacity of each of the tested slabs.
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Behaviour of Post-Tensioned Slab Bridges with FRP Reinforcement under Monotonic and Fatigue LoadingNoel, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The introduction of fibre-reinforced polymers (FRPs) to the field of civil engineering has led to numerous research efforts focusing on a wide range of applications where properties such as high strength, light weight or corrosion resistance are desirable. In particular, FRP materials have been especially attractive for use as internal reinforcement in reinforced concrete (RC) structures exposed to aggressive environments due to the rapidly deteriorating infrastructure resulting from corrosion of conventional steel reinforcement. While FRPs have been successfully implemented in a variety of structural applications, little research has been conducted on the use of FRP reinforcement for short span slab bridges. Furthermore, the behaviour of FRP-RC flexural members cast with self-consolidating concrete (SCC) is largely absent from the literature.
The present study investigates the behaviour of an all-FRP reinforcement system for slab bridges which combines lower cost glass FRP (GFRP) reinforcing bars with high performance carbon FRP (CFRP) prestressed tendons in SCC to produce a structure which is both cost-efficient and characterized by excellent structural performance at the serviceability, ultimate and fatigue limit states. An extensive experimental program comprised of 57 large or full-scale slab strips was conducted to investigate the effects of reinforcement type, reinforcement ratio, prestressing level and shear reinforcement type on the flexural performance of slab bridges under both monotonic and fatigue loading. The proposed reinforcement system was found to display excellent serviceability characteristics and high load capacities as well as significant deformability to allow for sufficient warning prior to failure. Lastly, the use of post-tensioned CFRP tendons limited the stresses in the GFRP reinforcing bars leading to significantly longer fatigue lives and higher fatigue strengths compared to non-prestressed slabs.
Analytical models were used to predict the behaviour of the slab bridge strips at service and at ultimate. Where these models failed to accurately represent the experimental findings, simple modifications were proposed. The results from ancillary tests were also used to modify existing analytical models to predict the effects of fatigue loading on the deflection, crack width, shear resistance and flexural capacity of each of the tested slabs.
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Alternativa de sistemas de lajes para edifício em aço : um estudo comparativoLima, Ygor Dias da Costa 28 August 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-08-28 / This work is aimed at studying slab systems for steel structures by assessing massive conventional slab, framed slab, pre-cast slabs, compsite slab systems and other systems of steel and concrete. Characteristics as well as structural and building advantages and disadvantages of each slab system for steel structures usage are addressed. Based on a defined architecture, a structural project will be developed in which the main structure (columns and beams) is supported by steel structure, and several solutions using different slab systems will be technically presented according to the methodology for mounting them, execution, and cost comparisons. A more realistic evaluation of each slab system studied was sought by comparing them to each other in terms of structural behaviour, building techniques, and cost. / Este trabalho tem como proposta estudar os sistemas de lajes para estruturas metálicas, avaliando as lajes convencionais maciças, as lajes treliçadas e pré-moldadas, a laje mista com forma de aço e outros sistemas de laje mista de aço e concreto (pavimento misto). Apresentam-se e discutem-se características, vantagens e desvantagens estruturais e construtivas de cada sistema de laje, quando usado em estruturas metálicas. Baseado numa arquitetura definida, será desenvolvido o projeto estrutural, com a estrutura principal (pilares e vigas) em estrutura metálica e com as diversas soluções em laje, avaliando tecnicamente a metodologia de montagem e execução e comparando custos envolvidos. Busca-se uma avaliação mais realista, para cada sistema de laje estudado, comparando as lajes entre si, no que diz respeito ao comportamento estrutural, às técnicas construtivas e ao custo.
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Sobre o comportamento estrutural e o dimensionamento de lajes mistas de aço e concreto com armadura adicional / On the structural behavior and the design of composite slabs with additional reinforcementLuiz Gustavo Fernandes Grossi 25 October 2016 (has links)
Usualmente, em situações práticas de projeto de lajes mistas, procura-se uniformizar ao máximo a espessura das fôrmas de aço, normalmente por razões econômicas (produção em larga escala). Entretanto, em alguns casos, há a necessidade de se especificarem algumas fôrmas com maior espessura, solução essa pouco competitiva no mercado brasileiro. Uma alternativa economicamente interessante em relação ao aumento de espessura é a inserção de armadura adicional, mantendo-se assim a espessura padrão (em geral 0,80 mm) e obtendo-se aumento da área de aço por meio de vergalhões. No entanto, por se tratar de uma solução inusual, o comportamento estrutural das lajes mistas com armadura adicional e seus critérios e diretrizes de dimensionamento não são previstos em normas e manuais técnicos: a ABNT NBR 8800 (2008, p. 226) e o Eurocode 4 (2004, p. 104) mencionam que, caso haja armadura para resistir ao momento fletor positivo, a formulação apresentada deverá ser adequadamente ajustada, mas não apresentam os respectivos critérios e equacionamentos. O ANSI/ASCE 3-91 (1992), o CSSBI S2-2008 (2008) e o ANSI/SDI C-2011 (2011) não mencionam a possibilidade de armadura adicional. Diante desse cenário, investigou-se o comportamento estrutural de lajes mistas com vergalhões e, por meio de uma extensão matemática das formulações já existentes para o caso sem armadura, foram propostos critérios de dimensionamento para os estados-limites últimos (momento fletor e cisalhamento longitudinal) e de serviço (deslocamento vertical). Foram realizados ensaios de flexão em doze protótipos de lajes mistas de dimensões usuais, sendo oito sem barras adicionais e quatro com, variando-se as dimensões (altura e vão, conforme Eurocode 4 (2004)) e com quatro taxas de armadura. A partir desses resultados, pôde-se analisar o comportamento estrutural dos protótipos com armadura adicional, os quais apresentaram ductilidade e capacidade consideravelmente maiores que as correspondentes lajes sem as barras. Por fim, também foram validadas as formulações referentes ao cisalhamento longitudinal (extensões do Método m-k e do Método da Interação Parcial) e ao deslocamento vertical, para os casos mais usuais. / Usually, on the design of composite slabs with profiled steel decking, it is tended to standardize as much as possible the thickness of the steel decking, generally because of economic reasons (large-scale production). Nevertheless, in a few cases it must be necessary to specify thicker steel decking, which is not a competitive solution in the Brazilian market. An economic alternative regarding the increase of thickness is the insertion of additional bottom reinforcement, thus, keeping the standard thickness (in general 0.80 mm) and obtaining the steel area increment through rebars. Notwithstanding, since that is an unusual solution, the structural behavior of composite slabs with additional reinforcement, their criteria and design guidelines are not provided in standards and technical manuals: ABNT NBR 8800 (2008) and Eurocode 4 (2004) state that, if there are additional bars to resist positive bending moment, the formulation should be adapted, however they do not present the respective criteria and equating. CSSBI S2-2008 (2008), ANSI/ASCE 3-91 (1992) and ANSI/SDI C-2011 (2011) do not mention the possibility of using additional reinforcement. In this scenario, the structural behavior of composite slabs with rebars was investigated and, through a mathematic extension of the formulation already used to the unreinforced situation, design criteria were proposed for the ultimate (flexure and longitudinal shear) and serviceability (deflection) limit states. In addition, flexure tests were carried out in twelve composite slabs with usual dimensions, eight of those without additional bars and four with, following the recommendations by Eurocode 4 (2004) about the variation of the dimensions (height and span), with the latter having four reinforcement rates. With the results of those tests, the structural behavior of the reinforced prototypes was analysed, which have showed considerably higher ductility and resistance when compared to those with the unreinforced ones. Finally, the formulations for the usual cases related to longitudinal shear (extensions of the m-k Method and the Partial Interaction Method) and deflection were validated.
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Statické řešení založení novostavby horského hotelu / Static solution of new mountain hotel building foundationsVelecká, Renata January 2014 (has links)
Master's thesis deals with design and static solution of foundation slab of mountain hotel. Two calculation versions are made – simplified („inverse ceiling“) and calculation using software RF-SOILIN. This thesis also includes a comparison of both results. Reinforcement is designed for more accurate internal forces and the assessment of structure is performed according to the 1st limit state of capacity.
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