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The influence of entrepreneurial leadership on factors affecting SME growth in supply chains : the case of OmanAl-Matani, Khalid January 2018 (has links)
This thesis explores in depth the factors influencing growth in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) from a supply chain perspective and examines how entrepreneurship affects them in Omani SMEs. The study is undertaken in order to complement the scarce literature on SMEs related to supply chains and improve the understanding of what factors are crucial in determining growth in them. The research is focused on the role of entrepreneurial qualities and behaviours for the growth of SMEs in developing countries, as their economies are more dependent on smaller companies. The context of this research is within Oman, which represents a typical developing economy containing a large number of active SMEs. The main factors for SMEs growth are identified through a literature review of past and contemporary research studies on supply chain networks, SMEs, growth and entrepreneurship. The factors are divided into areas related to the positions of the company (market position of the firm, negotiating power, Supply chain relationships and firm's image), and to SMEs' value-adding capabilities (cost optimisation, and innovations). The review also reveals that the critical entrepreneurial traits are: managers' culture and motivations, strategic thinking, sense for opportunities, risk-taking, continuous learning, their leadership abilities and networking skills. Based on the literature review findings a conceptual framework is proposed. This research is exploratory and explanatory in nature and relies on a qualitative approach to find out how entrepreneurship relates to growth in SMEs. Primary data is collected from in-depth semi-structured interviews with managers in 25 Omani SMEs from various industrial and service sectors 10 representing different supply chain positions. The data is processed through content analysis using the factors identified from the literature review as initial themes. The findings affirm the importance of SMEs' supply chain positions and their value adding capabilities for growth. Furthermore, all elements of entrepreneurship are found to affect growth factors. Results show positive attitude and growth aspirations lead to more proactive market behaviour, while strategic thinking helps managers choose more sustainable market positions. Results indicate leadership improves company costs by increasing employees' motivation and productivity and also facilitates the implementation of innovations. Learning orientation is stated to be crucial for exploring new ideas for innovations, while a good sense for opportunity helps managers evaluate them and choose the right ones. Finally, risk-taking propensity emerges as instrumental in the actual undertaking of innovation projects as it is needed for initiating them.
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The adoption of eco-innovations : a study of SMEs in the Scottish food and drink sectorDakup, Karan January 2018 (has links)
The increasing government and consumer interest in, and growing concerns about environmental issues have pressured businesses to adopt eco-innovative measures and activities. These pressures have been felt particularly by the food and drink sector in Scotland, a sector that is of considerable importance to the Scottish economy. To date, few studies have considered the challenges businesses in this sector face with regard to the adoption of eco-innovations. In particular, there has been little research on the challenges faced by the SMEs in the sector and how they are adopting eco-innovations. This study seeks to address this research gap through utilization of the diffusion of innovation theory to explore the adoption of eco-innovations by the Scottish food and drink SMEs. A qualitative survey of the website of 52 businesses was used to collect data and analysed using content analysis to generate five categories of eco-innovations namely; Waste, Energy, GSCM, Carbon and Embedding. This data collected informed the next phase of the research where in-depth interviews was conducted with 18 businesses to understand their eco-innovation adoption processes. The findings revealed two groups of attitudes among the participants namely; the positive and the sceptics. The main motivators to adoption were found to be; moral principles and beliefs, eco-consumer drive, cost saving, legislation and the creation of jobs and new opportunities. The major barriers to eco-innovation were more profound and found to include; non-recyclable waste, non-compliance by suppliers, cost of adoption, lack of interest, the challenge of finding credible and reliable sources, attitudes and behaviours, and a general lack of education and awareness. Using the categorisation of eco-innovations that emerged from the website data analysis, the research developed a scale of greenness reflecting the adoption of eco-innovation along with a classification of adopter types namely; advanced, intermediate and basic adopters. The thesis contributes to the theory of diffusion by illustrating ways to capture and evidence innovation adoption without dependency on the time element and enabled a classification of eco- innovation adopters. The contribution to methodology is viewed from the application of a qualitative approach that enabled the categorisation of the forms of eco-innovation which resulted in the model depicting eco-innovation adoption and the profiling tool for innovation diffusion. Practical contributions are offered to enable businesses to understand their adoption of eco-innovation through the use of the model, adopter type classification and the application of a best practice guide to facilitate adoption. Recommendations for policy, practice and further areas for research are also proposed within the thesis.
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The role of experiential foreign market knowledge and exporter-importer relationship quality on export performance satisfaction : empirical evidence from SMEs in ThailandJatuphatwarodom, Akarawat January 2017 (has links)
Export performance has an important role for firm survival, profitability and growth. Given these benefits and the challenges that firms may face when exporting, scholars have dedicated considerable efforts to understand the factors that enable export success. The current study investigates the role of experiential foreign market knowledge and exporter-importer (EI) relationship quality for export performance. A conceptual model involving the relationship between the role of experiential foreign market knowledge, E-I relationship quality and export performance satisfaction is developed and empirically tested using data from 264 Thai exporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Findings suggest SME managers' knowledge of foreign customers, culture and political environment have a positive influence on E-I relationship quality and satisfaction with export performance. Drawing upon the relational exchange theory, goodwill trust was found to be the most significant aspect that builds long-term E-I relationship quality. Secondly, the findings show that calculative approach (e.g. commitment based on cost and benefits) is a mainstream type of commitment between exporters and importers. However, a personalised tie between the exchange partners has a positive influence on commitment, resulting in the affective commitment to E-I relationship. Thirdly, in a collaborative business partnership, decision-makers emphasise information exchange and coordinating actions for taking strategic decisions, which are informed by the feedback recived in their collaboration. In addition, the study finds that political instability negatively moderates the link of competence trust and information exchange on export performance satisfaction. Theoretical, managerial and policy implications of these findings are discussed and areas for future research are proposed.
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Preduzetništvo kao faktor razvoja agroprivrede Republike Srpske / Entrepreneurship as a factor of development TI agrobusiness of the Republic of SrpskaRadosavac Adriana 25 March 2014 (has links)
<p>Predmet istraţivanja ove doktorske disertacije je odreĊivanje znaĉaja preduzetništva kao faktora razvoja agro(privrede) Republike Srpske. Preduzetništvo je vaţan element ekonomskog razvoja i konkurentnosti privrede, gde je Republika Srpska tipiĉan primer zemlje tranziciji. Stoga je aspekt preduzetništva posmatran na makro nivou, da bi se uspešno moglo sagledati i na jednom segmentu privrede – agroprivreda, a zatim i mikro nivou. U konkretnom primeru Republike Srpske, kao tranzicione zemlje, postoje još uvek odreĊena ograniĉenja da bi se uspešno sprovela reforma i agrarnog i prehrambenog sektora. Glavna ograniĉenja u daljem razvoju ova dva sektora su: nezadovoljavajuća agrarna struktura, nerešeno agrarno zakonodavstvo, nekonkurentnost proizvoda, slaba iskorišćenost proizvodnih kapaciteta i sl. U prelaznoj fazi kod transformisanja agrarnog i prehrambenog sektora u savremeniji trţišni model odluĉujuću ulogu ima agro(preduzetništvo). Rezultat ovog istraţivanja ukazuje da Republika Srpska ima znaĉajne potencijale za razvoj oba sektora, ali su nedovoljno razvijeni. Naime, sadašnji agrarni i prehrambeni sektor zadovoljava potrebe domaćeg stanovništva. Sa druge strane postoje znaĉajni potencijali za takav razvoj agroprivrede koji bi obezbedio plasman ovih proizvoda na inostranom trţištu. Rezultati istraţivanja ukazuju da je potrebno dinamiĉnije razviti sektor malih i srednjih preduzeća u agroprivredi Republike Srpske. U prilog tome govore rezultati sprovedene ankete za potrebu istraţivanja u disertaciji. Naime, rezultati ukazuju da znaĉajniji udeo u preduzetništvu agroprivrede Republike Srpske imaju mikro preduzeća u odnosu na mala i srednja preduzeća. U tom kontekstu je opravdanije formiranje malih i srednjih preduzeća u primarnoj proizvodnji, dok u prehrambenoj proizvodnji je opravdanije formiranje srednjih preduzeća. TakoĊe, za uspešno poslovanje MSP sektora u agroprivredi Republike Srpske potrebno je povoljno makroekonomsko okruţenje (bruto društveni proizvod, inflacija, trţište rada, spoljnotrgovinsko poslovanje i priliv stranih direktnih investicija). Odluĉujuću ulogu daljem razvoju agropreduzetništva Republike Srpske imaju institucionalni i pravni okviri razvoja preduzetništva, kroz razvoj ĉitavog niza zakona i strategija, kao i institucija koji su u funkciji razvoja agroprivrede. TakoĊe, razvoj preduzetniĉke infrastrukture je znaĉajan faktor unapreĊenja preduzetništva u agroprivredi Republike Srpske, ali i za ekonomski razvoj lokalne zajednice. Konaĉno, razvoj preduzetništva u Republici Srpskoj višestruko doprinosi razvoju agroprivrede preko: većeg stepena iskorišćavanja poljo(privrednih) potencijala, većeg stepena finalizacije poljoprivrednih proizvoda, revitalizaciji sela, smanjenja depopulacije seoskog stanovništva, rasta konkurentnosti, veće zaposlenosti radno sposobnog stanovništva, pa konaĉno i celokupnog ekonomskog razvoja Republike Srpske.</p> / <p>Subject of this dissertation is to determine the importance of entrepreneurship as a factor in the development of agro(business) of Republic of Srpska. Entrepreneurship is an important element of economic development and competitiveness of the economy, and Republic of Srpska is typical example of a country in transition. Therefore, the aspect of entrepreneurship monitored on a macro level, in order to successfully be seen in a segment of the economy - agrobusiness, and then the micro level. In the specific case of the Republic of Serbian, as well as a country in transition, there are still some limitations in order to successfully implement the reform of agricultural and food sector. The main limitations to the further development of these two sectors are unsatisfactory agrarian structure, unresolved agrarian legislation, deficiency of product competitiveness, low utilization of production capacity, etc. In the transitional phase of transformation the agricultural and food sector in the modern market model the crucial role is played by agro(entrepreneurship). The results of this study indicate that in Republic of Srpska has significant potential in both sectors, but they are under-developed. The current agricultural and food sector satisfies the nutritional needs of the local population. On the other hand, there is significant potential for development of agrobusiness which would be provided distribution of these products on the international market. The results indicate the need for more dynamic develop of sector of small and medium-sized enterprises in agrobusiness in Republic of Srpska This assertion confirmed by the results of the survey for the need of research in this dissertation. The results indicate that more signigicant share in agroentrepreneurship in Republic of Srspka have micro- enterprises than small and medium-sized enterprises. In this context, it is justifiable to formation of small and medium enterprises in primary production, while food production has more justified the formation medium-sized companies. Also, for successful management of SME sector in agrobusiness in Republic of Srpska is necessary to provide favorable macro-economic environment (GDP, inflation, labor market, foreign trade and foreign direct investment). Crucial role in further development of agroentrepreneurship in Republic of Srpska have institutional and legal framework for the development of entrepreneurship, through the development of a series of laws and policies, and institutions which are in in the function of development of agrobusiness. Also, the development of entrepreneurial infrastructure is an important factor in promoting entrepreneurship in agrobusiness of Republic of Srpska, but also for the economic development of local communities. Finally, the development of entrepreneurship in the Republic of Srpska have multiple contributions for the development agrobusiness through: a higher level of exploitation agricultural(economic) potential, the greater the level of finished agricultural products, the revitalization of the village, to reduce rural depopulation, increase competitiveness, increasing employment rate of working-age population, and finally and the overall economic development of the Republic of Srpska.</p>
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La problématique du financement des petites et moyennes entreprises au Sénégal / The problem of financing small and medium-sized enterprises in SenegalDiop, Sagaye 12 March 2019 (has links)
La question du financement des Petites et Moyennes entreprises est récurrente partout dans le monde. Elle est encore plus préoccupante en Afrique subsaharienne, alors même que les PME apparaissent comme des acteurs clés pour sortir du sous-développement. Au Sénégal les pouvoirs publics cherchent depuis plusieurs années des solutions pour améliorer l’accès des PME au financement bancaire. Cependant, le problème de financement bancaire demeure le principal obstacle au développement des PME. C’est dans ce sens que nous nous sommes demandé pourquoi les PME sénégalaises rencontrent autant de difficultés à accéder au financement bancaire. L’objectif de notre recherche est d’identifier les facteurs susceptibles d’influencer l’obtention de financement bancaire pour une PME sénégalaise. Notre première phase de recherche a été de faire un état des lieux de la littérature et des études empiriques sur le financement des PME. Sur cette base, nous avons élaboré nos hypothèses de recherche que nous avons testées selon une méthode de recherche mixte. D’une part nous avons adopté une démarche quantitative en élaborant un questionnaire soumis à des dirigeants de PME ; d’autre part nous avons adopté une démarche qualitative en menant des entretiens avec 10 agents de banque et 10 dirigeants de PME. L’analyse de nos hypothèses donne les résultats principaux suivants : l’existence de liens forts positifs entre la disponibilité de garantie, la qualité des documents comptables, la taille de la PME d’une part, et l’obtention de financement bancaire d’autre part ; l’adoption du financement relationnel ainsi que l’existence de relations interpersonnelles favorisent l’accès au financement bancaire. Nos résultats confortent des études antérieures effectuées dans d’autres contextes et peuvent faire l’objet de recommandations aux dirigeants de PME, aux banques et aux pouvoirs publics. / The issue of financing small and medium-sized enterprises is recurrent all over the world. It is even more worrying in sub-Saharan Africa where the SME sector is the chance to get out of underdevelopment. In Senegal, public authorities have been seeking solutions for several years to improve SMEs' access to bank financing. However, the problem of bank financing remains the main obstacle to the development of SMEs. So, we wondered why Senegalese SMEs encounter so many difficulties in accessing bank financing. The objective of our research is to identify the factors likely to influence the obtaining of bank financing for a Senegalese SME. On the basis of a review the literature, we developed our research hypotheses that we tested using a mixed search method. On the one hand we adopted a quantitative approach by developing a questionnaire submitted to SME managers; on the other hand, we have adopted a qualitative approach by conducting interviews with 10 bank agents and 10 SME managers. The analysis of our assumptions shows the following main results: the existence of strong positive links between the availability of guarantee, the quality of the book-keeping, the size of the SME on the one hand, and the obtaining of bank financing; the adoption of relational financing and the existence of interpersonal relationships favor access to bank financing. Our results support previous studies in other contexts and can be the subject of recommendations to SME managers, banks and the public authorities.
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影响融资租赁公司与承租中小企业的双向匹配的因素January 2019 (has links)
abstract: 本研究旨在讨论融资租赁公司与承租的中小企之间的匹配因素。研究从融资租赁的实际业务流程切入,研究1对H公司进行了案例分析,得到基本的影响因素结果,继而研究2和研究3分别在中小企客户和融资租赁公司两类资料中独立展开分析,并比较这些因素的影响程度。研究结果发现了影响双向匹配的四个维度,以及在各自影响力的不同。研究最后分别对融资租赁公司和承租中小企提出了建议,以期提高双方匹配并达成业务的概率。 / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Business Administration 2019
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Implementation Variables of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Financial Services IndustryKokomo, Gregoire 01 January 2017 (has links)
Seventy percent of small and medium-sized U.S. companies experience negative performance because of leaders' lack of knowledge of corporate social responsibility (CSR) program implementation. CSR implementation is complex and requires organizational resources such as expertise, personnel, time, and money. Implementing CSR programs is challenging for many leaders. Research on CSR implementation in the U.S. financial services industry is scarce, and leaders of financial services firms do not have a clear understanding of how to make CSR implementation successful. The purpose of this study was to explore optimal strategies for making corporate social responsibility program implementation effective. The central research question that drove this study was determining how leaders can make CSR program implementation effective. Data collected from a purposeful sample of 10 face-to-face interviews, direct observations, and document review were coded and analyzed. One of the emergent themes suggests that leaders lack the knowledge to understand how CSR activities contribute to a better world. The lack of knowledge for successful CSR implementation causes 60% of leaders to treat CSR programs as side projects. Another theme for successful CSR programs was the leaders' commitment to transparency. Without trust, leaders cannot align stakeholders' interests with CSR activities. Implications for positive social change included opportunities for leaders to define key CSR stakeholders, establish CSR goals, and select CSR activities to meet the CSR goals. This could lead some leaders to gain the knowledge of how to integrate CSR into their firms' daily operations.
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Successful Strategies for Using Knowledge Management in Small and Medium-Sized EnterprisesNsubuga-Mugoa, Josephine Kayaga 01 January 2019 (has links)
Knowledge management (KM) is vital for an organization to succeed in a highly dynamic and competitive world. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore strategies that managers of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) use to effectively integrate KM into business practices. The study population comprised 5 managers from 2 SMEs operating in Uganda. The eligibility criteria for this study were that participants had to be from Ugandan SMEs with a knowledge-intensive environment, managers with some responsibility of KM in the organization, and experienced with at least 1 year of successful KM practices. The conceptual framework for this study was theory z. Data were collected through face-to-face, semistructured interviews and reviews of company documents. Member checking was completed to strengthen credibility and trustworthiness. After methodological triangulation of the data sources collected and completion of Yin's 5-step process of data analysis, 5 themes emerged: having supportive leadership, ensuring sustainability, embedding KM practices in the organization culture, socialization, and embracing modern technology. The findings of this study might promote social change by supporting SME managers' use of KM to expand opportunities for employees to learn new skills and knowledge leading to the expansion of employment opportunities.
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Diffusion of Technology in Small to Medium Medical Providers in Saudi ArabiaArnaout, Ziad Hisham 01 January 2015 (has links)
The Saudi ministry of health reported that government health care spending doubled from 2008 to 2011. To address increased demand, the government encouraged small to medium enterprise (SME) growth. However, SME leaders could not leverage technology as a growth enabler because they lacked strategies to address operating inefficiencies associated with technology. Only 50% of hospitals fully implemented information technology. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore lived experiences of SME leaders on strategies needed to accelerate technology implementation. This exploration drew on a conceptual framework developed from Wainwright and Waring's framework addressing issues of technology adoption. Data were collected from semistructured interviews of 20 SME leaders in Saudi Arabia. A modified van Kaam method was used to analyze participants' interview transcripts in search of common themes. The main themes were strategies to address human resources, clinical teams, funding, and organizational and leadership alignment to accelerate the diffusion of technology. Findings indicated that insurance companies influence SME operations, growth, and survival. Analysis of findings revealed the need for change in management, training, implementation follow up, and staff retention to accelerate technology implementation. Application of findings has the potential to promote positive social change in guiding SME leaders to be change agents and enabling them to create a reliable, sustainable health care delivery system.
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Who Needs Innovation : Do SMEs really give up on innovation ventures?Kljako, Azra, Olsson, Christoffer January 2019 (has links)
Background: Small and Medium enterprises (SMEs) are the main contributors of innovation. However, there are challenges that organizations face even if they foster innovation. These constraints are often external or internal and dependent on organizations resources and capabilities. It is often based on financial limits, the market, technology, human resources, skilled labor and information being limited. Even though there is research available about these factors separately, there is limited understanding of their influences on innovation ventures. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to understand what hinders companies in their innovation processes and if there are influencing reasons that forces Small and Medium Enterprises to give up on their innovation ventures. Methodology: This study is qualitative and took an inductive exploratory approach where the data was collected through in-depth semi-structured interviews. Six SMEs were interviewed based on a convenience judgmental sample and analyzed through the use of content analysis. Conclusion: This study concludes that, management, finance, marketing and shortcomings are the main influences that can hinder innovation processes but also lead SMEs to give up on innovation ventures as well.
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