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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of social work in the socio-economic development of Rwanda : a comparative sociological analysis of South Africa and Rwanda

Kalinganire, Charles 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Nowadays, members of the global community from various arenas are committed to promoting social development and removing the obstacles of all kinds of social ills that have been undermining the quality of people's lives, such as: poverty, social conflicts, HIV/AIDS, injustice and violence. Is this feasible? If yes, how can we proceed to the full realisation of human development? This study made a close examination of the case of Rwanda, and compared it with that of South Africa, with which Rwanda shares various historical and psychosocial realities such as colonisation, and the need for reconciliation and reinforcement of communal solidarity in order to proceed with and hasten the development process. The orientation of the study is centred on the hypothetical question: "Why and how can social work be used as a means of addressing social problems and promoting social development in Rwanda?" The study, basically of a qualitative nature, constitutes both library and field-based research. Accordingly, the literature and the empirical investigation were used as key methods to realise the goals and objectives stated. In the empirical study, a triangulation of data gathering techniques, namely interviews, focus group discussions and direct observations, was given the primary emphasis. By this means, enriched information from both South Africa and Rwanda permitted various insights into crucial socio-economic challenges, social development agents, the preferred approaches for social development and the working conditions of social workers. The latter conditions were usually described as being very difficult and trying. Overall, the research findings show that: + There is a serious need for social development both in South Africa and Rwanda in order to respond to the legacies of their pasts - especially to the upheavals of apartheid and the genocide respectively (i.e. poverty, mistrust, social disintegration) - as well as to a range of other social ills such as HIV/AIDS, violence and unforeseen factors; + The developmental approach, well espoused by the South African government which chose to incorporate it in national policies, particularly in the White Paper for Social Welfare (1997), is the most suited to foster the attainment of social development; • Social work, using community work as the preferred method, is amongst the key professions at the forefront of the operationalisation of social development and hence, of the promotion of improved social welfare conditions; • Empowerment, particularly of vulnerable people, is a key to social change; • Social work, while moving towards a developmental approach - as developmental social work - needs to consolidate its position by contributing effectively to development instead of continuing to focus on individual cases Itherapies. • Introduction of social work training at the National University of Rwanda (NUR) is a positive omen for the stimulation of social development in the country; • There is a particular need to update the social work curriculum in Rwanda. Lastly, specific recommendations are given. The main recommendation is that efforts to conduct a comprehensive war against social problems be unified. In terms of social work, it is important that social work professionals be given more consideration and more stimulation. Conducive working conditions must be also created for them, especially at local level. Social workers, in tum, have to stand their ground, and work in good partnership with other professionals and social development agents for the good of all people, with special focus on the disadvantaged. For Rwanda in particular, it is recommended that a national welfare policy be set up urgently to strengthen social work education at university, and that, in the process, reference be made to experienced countries such as South Africa. In this regard, educators must ensure that new graduates will effectively become catalysts for social development. This requires a good fit of theory and practice during the training process. Above all, it is advisable for Rwanda to promote community work practice through the community development model. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sosiale ontwikkeling is 'n hedendaagse prioriteit by lede van die globale gemeenskap uit verskeie gebiede. Hulle streef daarna om die struikelblokke van verskeie sosiale wantoestande wat mense se lewensgehalte ondergrawe - bv. armoede, sosiale konflik, MIVNIGS, ongeregtigheid en geweld - te verwyder. Is so-iets haalbaar? Indien ja, hoe kan ons voortbeweeg na die volle verwesenlikking van menslike ontwikkeling? Rwanda en Suid-Afrika het albei te kampe met historiese en sosiaal-psigiese realiteite soos kolonialisme, 'n behoefte aan sosiale versoening en aan die versterking van gemeenskapsolidariteit ten einde sosiale ontwikkeling te bevorder en versnel. Hierdie studie sentreer om die vraag: "waarom en hoe kan sosiale probleme in Rwanda aangepak en sosiale ontwikkeling bevorder word deur middel van maatskaplike werk?" Hierdie basies kwalitatiewe studie is op beide bronnestudie en veldwerk gegrond. Gevolglik was die gebruik van beskikbare literatuur en empiriese navorsing die sleutelmetodes om bg. doelwitte te bereik. Wat betref die empiriese studie is 'n drievoudige tegniek gebruik, nl. onderhoude, fokusgroep-besprekings en direkte waarnemmg. Verrykte inligting uit beide Suid-Afrika en Rwanda het dit dus moontlik gemaak om verskeie insigte m.b.t. kemvraagstukke betreffende sosio-ekonomiese uitdagings, sosiale ontwikkelingsagente, gewenste benaderings tot sosiale ontwikkeling en die werksomstandighede van maatskaplike werkers - wat gewoonlik as erg moeilik en uitputtend beskryf word - te bereik. Oor die algemeen bewys die navorsingsresultate die volgende: • Beide Suid-Afrika en Rwanda ondervind 'n ernstige behoefte aan sosiale ontwikkeling om op die erfenis van hul verlede te reageer (veral die omwentelings van apartheid en volksmoord, respektiewelik) - d.w.s. armoede, wantroue en sosiale verbrokkeling, en daarby nog MIVNIGS, geweld en ander onvoorsiene faktore. • Die ontwikkelingsentriese benadering word duidelik geïllustreer deur die Suid- Afrikaanse regering, wat 'n nasionale beleid vanuit hierdie oogpunt aangepak het - soos veral spreek uit die Witskrif vir Sosiale Ontwikkeling ["White Paper for Social Development"] (1997). Hierdie is die mees gepaste benadering tot sosiale ontwikkeling. • Maatskaplike werk (veral d.m.v. gemeenskapsinisiatiewe) is een van die sleutelberoepe m.b.t. die operasionalisering van sosiale ontwikkeling en die gevolglike verbetering van sosiale welsynstoestande; • Bemagtiging, veral van kwesbare persone, is die sleutel tot sosiale transformasie; • Maatskaplike werk behoort, terwyl dit na 'n ontwikkelingsentriese benadering (d.m.v. maatskaplike ontwikkelingswerk) beweeg, breedweg tot sosiale ontwikkeling by te dra, eerder as om op individuele gevalle ofterapieë te fokus; • Die instelling van opleiding in maatskaplike werk by die Nasionale Universiteit van Rwanda (NUR) is 'n goeie teken wat dui op sosiale ontwikkeling van hierdie land; • Daar is veral 'n behoefte daaraan om die Rwandese kurrikulum vir maatskaplike werk te moderniseer. Laastens word spesifieke aanbevelings gemaak. Dit word veral aanbeveel dat verskillende pogings om sosiale wantoestande aan te pak, saamgesnoer moet word. In terme van maatskaplike werk is dit belangrik dat professionele maatskaplike werkers meer aandag en aanmoediging behoort te kry. Daar moet ook aandag gegee word aan hul werksomstandighede, veralop plaaslike vlak. Op hul beurt moet maatskaplike werkers hulleself laat geld, in samewerking met ander beroepslui en bydraers tot sosiale ontwikkeling - tot voordeel van alle burgers, en met 'n fokus op sosiaal-benadeelde persone. Vir Rwanda in die besonder word aanbeveel dat 'n nasionale welsynsbeleid dringend in werking gestel word om universiteitsopleiding in maatskaplike werk te verstewig, na die voorbeeld van lande soos Suid-Afrika wat ondervinding van so 'n proses het. In hierdie verband moet opvoeders verseker dat nuwe graduandi effektiewe katalisators van sosiale ontwikkeling sal wees. Om dit te bewerkstellig word goeie passing tussen teorie en praktyk benodig. Dit is veral raadsaam dat maatskaplike werk in die praktyk deur die gemeenskapsontwikkelingsmodel gerugsteun sal word.


KIWUWA, ABRAHAM EDWARD. January 1984 (has links)
Every era confronts its distinctive social and political dramas. In the mid-twentieth century, center stage has frequently been dominated by the struggle of the so-called "Third World," first, for liberation from the colonial powers and then for development and entry into the modern world. The sixties were to be the "decade of development." Yet many of the emerging nations developed very little, if at all, and some slid backward. To this outcome, general political instability and specific tribal, religious, and ethnic conflicts made their contribution. The study analyzes the problem of whether traditional cultural values in African nations have hindered the needed steady progress which has occurred in the western counterpart in regards to political, social, and economic development. The methodological approach was done through a series of tests. The study was devised to demonstrate how a segment of a society can accelerate a need for a change to the advantage of the rest of the population. Questionnaires and interviews were developed and administered to 400 traditional Africans, predominantly Ugandans and 250 of a cross section of the American population. These were tested on members of the both societies with a career aspiration in leadership and administration. The study also looked at how people transmit their culture by reviewing and testing the written material about books on African and American culture. The study revealed that the traditional African people tested were in a transition from their historical static condition to the western culture of progress and that resistance to change was gradually on the verge of disappearing. The study also pointed out that there is a certain element in which the African nations aspiring to the goal of western development have tended to change within the context of African way of life development. The author reminds his readers that development is not abrupt process but demands careful attention to protect the future and that of the past and that the developing countries should not assimilate all the Western World offers them as an example.

Change in religion, economics, and boundary conditions among Amish Mennonites in Southwestern Ontario

Laurence, Hugh January 1980 (has links)
Note: / In explaining modernization in an Ontario Amish Mennonite community, this thesis follows Kuhn's model of change in the sciences, detailing especially the interaction of internal religious ideology with outside events. An ambiguous traditional ideology promoted supportive interpersonal relations through objective rules, isolating the individual behind tight boundaries, subordinating him to community discipline. Revivalism, however, introduced an alternative early in the 1900's-salvation through individual piety, not community ru1es-and opened boundaries. By the 1950's, prosperity and farm mechanization led to increasingly modernized outside contact for individuals, through wage labour and consumer purchases. Anomalous under traditional ideology, these experiences supported the revivalist ideal, and led to its eventual domination. Kuhn explains transformation through the interaction of scientific theory and independent phenomena; we show how new individualized experiences arising when ideological debate opened boundaries resolved questions about the validity of competing ideologies. / S'inspirant du modèle des révolutions scientifiques développe par Kuhn, cette thèse explique la modernisation d'une communauté ontarienne Amish-Mennonite par l'étude de l'interaction de l'idéologie religieuse et d'événements externes. L'idéologie traditionnelle encourageait par des règles objectives les relations de soutien interpersonnel, isolait l'individu l'intérieur de frontières étanches et Ie soumettait la discipline communautaire. Vers 1900, un renouveau religieux vint affaiblir ces frontières en introduisant Ie choix d'un salut par dévotion personnelle plutôt que par obéissance règles communautaires. Des 1950, la mécanisation des fermes et leur richesse augmentèrent les contacts avec Ie monde extérieur, surtout par Ie travail salarie et la consommation. Ces nouveaux développements, anormaux pour l'idéologie traditionnelle, vinrent appuyer l'idéal du renouveau religieux et en assurer finalement la domination. Reprenant la these de Kuhn, cette étude montre comment des expériences individuelles nouvelles, la suite d'une ouverture des frontières de la communauté, ont résolu Ie débat entre idéologies concurrentielles.

Change in religion, economics, and boundary conditions among Amish Mennonites in Southwestern Ontario

Laurence, Hugh January 1980 (has links)

Creolised and colonised: the history and future of the Macanese and Mozambican Chinese

Da Costa Morais, Isabel Maria. January 2003 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Comparative Literature / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

The Mountain People of the South: A Sociological Study

Brown, F. F. (Frederick Fernando) January 1913 (has links)
No description available.

Seeking goals in the urban estuary : how a personal migrant subjectivity is reified into productive strategies and generative social effects.

O'Keefe, Peter 28 July 2014 (has links)
Using a micro-level frame of analysis, and working from in-depth interviews in Johannesburg's migrant-rich ‘urban estuaries,’ this research report considers participants’ personal, subjective, understanding of their own migrant-ness. The paper argues that theirs is a migrant subjectivity linked to the praxis of goal seeking, rather than the achievement of belonging. The goal seeking subjectivity is reified into pragmatic social strategies of network building, trust, and opportunity creation that undermine the concepts of generalized trust, communal social capital, and the host/migrant dichotomy. Personal subjectivies are rendered social. Denizens fill the social space with presentations and assessments of ‘mutual beneficence,’ and seek out demographically ambivalent networks of commonality.

九龍城寨的地理硏究. / Jiulongchengzhai de di li yan jiu.

January 1990 (has links)
陳津華. / 稿本 (電脑打印本) / Thesis (M.A.)--香港中文大學, 1990. / Gao ben (Dian nao da yuin ben) / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 176-183). / Copy 4: 33 cm. / Chen Jinhua. / Thesis (M.A.)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 1990. / 論文摘要 / 鳴 謝 / Chapter 第一章 --- 前言 --- p.1 / Chapter 甲 --- 本研究的意義 --- p.1 / Chapter 乙 --- 本硏究之目的 --- p.3 / Chapter 丙 --- 本研究的理論基礎 --- p.4 / Chapter 丁 --- 本研究的組織 --- p.10 / Chapter 戊 --- 本研究的方法 --- p.12 / Chapter (一) --- 九龍城寨範圍的界定 --- p.12 / Chapter (二) --- 資料來源 --- p.12 / Chapter (三) --- 抽樣的設計 --- p.14 / Chapter (四) --- 資料的捜集 --- p.16 / Chapter (五) --- 資料的分析 --- p.16 / Chapter 己 --- 小 結 --- p.17 / Chapter 第二章 --- 九龍城寨建立的回顧 --- p.19 / Chapter 甲 --- 九龍城寨的演變 --- p.19 / Chapter (一) --- 九龍城寨的建立 --- p.19 / Chapter (二) --- 1899至 1971年的九龍城寨 --- p.20 / Chapter (三) --- 新構思下的九龍城寨 --- p.25 / Chapter 乙 --- 九龍城寨之特殊環境情況 --- p.26 / Chapter (一) --- 九龍城寨的人口組合,具備三大特 別情況 --- p.26 / Chapter (二) --- 缺乏中産階級及認可的專業資格人 士 --- p.28 / Chapter (三) --- 九龍城寨政治環境的恃殊情況 --- p.28 / Chapter (四) --- 九龍城寨土地利用的特殊情況 --- p.29 / Chapter 丙 --- 文獻記載與前人研究的結果 --- p.29 / Chapter 丁 --- 小結 --- p.34 / Chapter 第三章 --- 九龍城寨人口結構的特徵 --- p.36 / Chapter 甲 --- 九龍城寨人口高度密集 --- p.36 / Chapter 乙 --- 九龍城寨缺乏中産階級和香港政府認可資 格的人力資源 --- p.38 / Chapter 丙 --- 非香港政府註冊之醫務人員和牙科護理員 數目特多 --- p.41 / Chapter 丁 --- 九龍城寨居民的職業結構 --- p.42 / Chapter 戊 --- 九龍城寨居民的學歷結構 --- p.44 / Chapter 己 --- 九龍城寨居民的年齡結構 --- p.46 / Chapter (一) --- 各年齡組別呈不規則分佈 --- p.46 / Chapter (二) --- 人口年齡組別,偏重於勞動力人口 組別中 --- p.47 / Chapter (三) --- 勞動力人口佔比重較高 --- p.47 / Chapter (四) --- 青少年人口維持穩定 --- p.47 / Chapter (五) --- 老年人口,比較香港地區少 --- p.48 / Chapter 庚 --- 小 結 --- p.48 / Chapter 第四章 --- 九龍城寨土地利用的特徵 --- p.49 / Chapter 甲 --- 住宅土地利用的特徵 --- p.50 / Chapter (一) --- 一個樓宇密度高,閉塞的社區 --- p.50 / Chapter (二) --- 内部不合標準的樓宇,以住宅為主 --- p.52 / Chapter (三) --- 外圍樓宇,主要以商業活動為主 --- p.53 / Chapter 乙 --- 服務性行業土地利用的特徵 --- p.54 / Chapter 丙 --- 生産性行業土地利用的特徵 --- p.56 / Chapter 丁 --- 九龍城寨地區差異的研究 --- p.58 / Chapter (一) --- 視野方面 --- p.59 / Chapter (二) --- 空氣流通和採光方面 --- p.59 / Chapter (三) --- 流通和購物方面 --- p.60 / Chapter (四) --- 食水供應方面 --- p.61 / Chapter (五) --- 排水系統方面 --- p.62 / Chapter 戊 --- 人地分佈差異的硏究 --- p.63 / Chapter 己 --- 九龍城寨家居人數的分析 --- p.65 / Chapter 庚 --- 小結 --- p.67 / Chapter 第五章 --- 九龍城寨和香港大都會的聯繫 --- p.69 / Chapter 甲 --- 工作地區的聯繫性 --- p.70 / Chapter 乙 --- 九龍城寨對外通勤的聯繫 --- p.73 / Chapter 丙 --- 九龍城寨居民日常生活活動及購物活動等 對外聯繫情況的分析 --- p.75 / Chapter (一) --- 日常生活活動 --- p.75 / Chapter (二) --- 購物及探親活動 --- p.76 / Chapter (三) --- 電話通訊 --- p.78 / Chapter 丁 --- 小 結 --- p.79 / Chapter 第六章 --- 九龍城寨環境的評估 --- p.80 / Chapter 甲 --- 九龍城寨内部環境問題方面 --- p.80 / Chapter 乙 --- 九龍城寨内部居民的衛生健康方面 --- p.84 / Chapter 丙 --- 九龍城寨内部公眾治安方面 --- p.85 / Chapter (一) --- 比較香港地區和九龍城寨兩地,各 類罪案的比率和意義 --- p.86 / Chapter (二) --- 九龍城寨與香港地區兩地不同性質 案件中,比率比較的含意 --- p.88 / Chapter (三) --- 評估城寨治安的情況 --- p.90 / Chapter 丁 --- 小結 --- p.91 / Chapter 第七章 --- 總結 --- p.93 / Chapter 甲 --- 九龍城寨和美國民族社區(Ghetto )的特 徵比較 --- p.93 / Chapter 乙 --- 九龍城寨和民族社區在發展上,並非完全 相似 --- p.95 / Chapter (一) --- 種族問題 --- p.96 / Chapter (二) --- 與社群協調的問題 --- p.96 / Chapter 丙 --- 在九龍城寨地理研究中的發現及本研究寫 作意義撿討 --- p.97 / Chapter 丁 --- 對九龍城寨研究的探討與解釋 --- p.102 / 附 : 九龍城寨的人口、經濟活動及土地利用調 / 查問卷

關係: 當代中國的社會組織形態. / Guan xi: dang dai Zhongguo de she hui zu zhi xing tai.

January 1988 (has links)
陸德泉. / Thesis (M.A.)--香港中文大學, 1988. / Reprint of manuscript. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 196-206). / Lu Dequan. / Thesis (M.A.)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 1988. / 前言 --- p.1-3 / Chapter 第一部份 --- 「關係」的概念,研究方法與分析基礎 --- p.4 / Chapter 第一章 --- 「關係」的基本概念和研究方法 --- p.5-25 / Chapter 第二章 --- 單位制度與國家之組織 --- p.26-46 / Chapter 第二部份 --- 「關係」在單位間聯繫表現的形態 --- p.47 / Chapter 第三章 --- 「關係」在黨政單位與經濟單位的形態 --- p.48-61 / Chapter 第四章 --- 「關係」在經濟單位間聯繫的表現 --- p.62-70 / Chapter 第五章 --- 「關係」在黨政單位間聯繫表現的形態 --- p.71-81 / Chapter 第六章 --- 「關係」在沒有聯繫的單位間私人聯繫的表現 --- p.82-93 / Chapter 第三部份 --- 「關係」在單位內部組織顯現的形態 --- p.94 / Chapter 第七章 --- 「關係」在經濟單位內部的表現 --- p.95-112 / Chapter 第八章 --- 「關係」在黨政單位內部組織表現的形態與單位主義 --- p.113-125 / Chapter 第四部份 --- 「關係」現象的文化含義 --- p.126 / Chapter 第九章 --- 中國社會主義下的家庭主義與單位主義 --- p.127-147 / Chapter 第十章 --- 社會主義制度、交換與文化規則 --- p.148-159 / Chapter 第十一章 --- 社會主義社會的特殊主義行為 --- p.160-173 / Chapter 第五部份 --- 結論 --- p.174 / Chapter 第十二章 --- 社會組織形態的變化──國家與社會關係的演變 --- p.175-194 / 附註一 --- p.195 / 參考書目:中文 --- p.196-200 / 英文 --- p.201-206

From sati to separation, changing attitudes of Indian women on divorce

Kumar, Rajini January 2010 (has links)
Typescript (photocopy). / Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries

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